Decorating a small flower bed. Do-it-yourself flowerbed at the dacha (57 photos): plants for decorating the composition

Bright spots of flower beds and flower beds on the site are not only a way to decorate the site. They perfectly distract attention from some problem areas. By the way, this can also be used as a guide when choosing a location. We’ll talk further about how to make flower beds and flower beds with your own hands at the dacha, in the courtyard of a private house. This is not an easy task, of course, but it does not require knowledge of higher mathematics.

What are there

First of all, let's find out what the difference is between flower beds and flower beds. The flowerbed has clear boundaries and shape: circle, oval, square. Most often it is separated from the rest of the area and raised above it. We most often see this type of landscape design in parks and on the streets.

This is a flowerbed. It has a clear, strictly defined shape and geometrically correctly located plants

A flower garden is any place where plants of any shape are planted. Sometimes it comes with a fence, sometimes it doesn’t. Boxes with flowers hanging on a fence or wall are a flower garden, plants planted in old galoshes are also a flower spot on the lawn and a ribbon along the path are all flower beds.

Let's understand the terms a little. Now about what they are. They are distinguished primarily by flowering time:

Depending on the type of plants planted, there are annuals, perennials, and mixed ones. In some, only one type of plant is planted. They are called monoflowers or monoflowers.

They can be raised, they are also called high, and they can be multi-tiered. Their construction consists of several stages: first of all, a fence is built, then soil is poured into the finished form and plants are planted.

That's all with theory, let's move on to practice. Let's start with where you can make flower beds and flower beds with your own hands.

Where to do

When the yard is spacious it’s just great. Find the most visible place and plant a flower garden there. What to do if the entire territory has already been developed, but you want to plant flowers? You can always find a place. For example, near your house the area is concreted or lined with slabs, stone, etc. You can make an excellent raised or even multi-tiered flower bed with your own hands against the wall of your house. And there is no need to break the coating. A fence made of brick or stone is built right on it. It is advisable to lay them on the solution, and then cover the inside with waterproofing impregnation (bitumen mastic) so that when watering, water does not flow onto the path. Then you can fill in the soil and plant flowers.

They plant flower beds along the fences. This is a common way to decorate, for example, a long driveway to a house. But this can also be done in different ways. Here, as well as near, a high flower bed looks better.

A high flower bed made of boards. Construction will be inexpensive, and the appearance will be solid

You can plant a flowerbed in front of the gate. Outdoor flower beds must be durable. That’s why stone fences are usually used to implement them: just in case. If desired, you can make tiered flower beds. They are more difficult to build, but much more attractive than flat ones.

Outdoor multi-tiered (multi-level) flower bed of complex shape

Even if the yard is surrounded by walls on all sides, you can still find a place for flowers: Hang on the walls, in pots or in the form of a flowering wall, put up a stand, etc. You can make flower beds in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands from anything and anywhere. It is only important not to make a mistake with the style: it must coincide with the design of all buildings. Some ideas in the photo gallery.

You don't need a lot of space and can be moved. A portable flower garden is convenient

You can make a flower garden in your dacha near a tree. They already belong to the category of garden ones. Don't want it to be banal? Come up with an interesting fence.

What and how to make a fence from

The most common fencing for flower beds is brick, wild stone, boulders. You can make a structure out of brick in a strict “ceremonial” manner. Boulders and wild stone are more intimate, non-standard fences.

Since they have a decent weight, a foundation is often made for a brick or stone fence for a flower bed. Not if one or two rows are laid, but if there are four or more rows. If the device is being installed on a concreted area, you can do without a foundation at all, but if you are planting a flowerbed on a lawn or soil, then it is advisable to do so.

It is not even necessary to fasten two rows of stone or brick with mortar. They can simply be laid one on top of the other, covered from the inside and covered with earth. Brick flower beds made using this method will have to be adjusted frequently: the bricks can “move” out of place

First of all, remove the turf from the marked area. If you plan to make a high flower bed, dig a groove around the perimeter, about 20 cm deep, and 5-10 cm wider than the planned fence. This ditch is filled with crushed stone, compacted, and poured with liquid cement-sand mortar. For 1 part of M400 cement, take 4-5 parts of clean sand, mix and fill with water until it becomes sour cream. This semi-liquid solution is used to pour crushed stone. When the concrete has set - you need to wait a few days - you can lay out the border for the flower beds.

How to make a border from brick or stone

Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds made within a fence of stone and brick are the most expensive to build, but also the most durable. They will last for several years without any problems.

Stones or bricks are placed on a cement-sand mortar, similar to the one used to fill the crushed stone, but thicker. There should not be much mortar between the bricks - 5-8 mm. If you are laying cobblestones or natural stone, it is easier to first lay them “dry” by selecting the dimensions, and then relay them with mortar.

A few ideas on how to design stone borders for flower beds and flower beds in the photo gallery below.

This is a border for a cobblestone flower bed. A different technique was used - a roller is formed from a semi-dry solution, small stones are stuck into it

If you don’t need to raise the plantings that much, and you only want to mark the boundaries of the area planted with flowers, but you are afraid that if you just dig a brick in, it will fall, then you can dig a trench, fill it with crushed stone, and insert flagstone into the crushed stone (stone sawn into plates , it can be found in the section that sells materials for exterior decoration of the house) or standing to lay bricks. Spill liquid cement-sand mortar around the installed fence elements. After two or three days, when the concrete has set, you can continue working: fill in the fertile soil, but you can’t load the curb or step on it for about another month: that’s how long it takes for it to gain strength.

Using the same principle, you can frame a flowerbed with your own hands from slate or tiles cut into strips. A flower bed can be made from metal or asbestos slate. There are scraps left after installing the roof - use them. Here's what might happen.

Photo of a flower bed made of slate - such a fence looks good

Made of wood

It’s easier to make a fence for a flower bed out of wood: it doesn’t weigh that much. On the other hand, it is less durable. Flowerbeds and flower beds made with your own hands from wood can last for several seasons. Then you will have to restore or remodel them. It is used very rarely for ceremonial flower beds, but in a dacha or near a private house, a flower garden fenced with a wooden border is original and stylish. Especially if it resonates with the design style of buildings on the site.

Wood in any form can be used to decorate garden flower beds. Flowerbeds are made from boards, small-diameter round timber (small logs), blockhouse (boards convex on one side, similar to a log) and any other wooden remains. You can even cut a dead tree into logs, bury/hammer them into the ground, making such an unusual flower bed.

Birch logs - an excellent fence for a flower garden. An interesting idea for a high flower bed - a well is made from scraps of logs. Two pieces of a block house, installed one on top of the other - and in front of you is an excellent country flower bed.

How to make a wooden border? Find a log of small diameter, cut it into logs of different lengths and split them in half. You will get blanks like in the photo on the left. They are laid on a flat surface with the convex side down, one next to the other. Take a flexible thick wire and use staples from a construction stapler or bent nails to attach the wire to the flat side of the pieces of wood. One wire is nailed at the bottom, the second at the top. The result is a flexible wooden border that can be used to enclose a flower garden of any shape (pictured on the right).

To prevent the wood from losing its attractiveness and rotting, it is treated with protective impregnations. They can simultaneously give it color, or they can be colorless. From such pieces of wood collected into a ribbon, you can make flower beds of any shape with your own hands. You dig a shallow ditch, a little wider than your fence, insert a fence for a flower bed there and cover it with soil, compacting it.

From boards and timber

In our country, wood is one of the most inexpensive building materials. That’s why they build a lot and often from it. They also make a fence or fencing for flower beds from wood. The easiest way to fence a flower bed is with boards. For support you will need several bars - not very thick, but wide. Approximately 50*150 mm and edged board 20 mm thick. Choose its width yourself so that several pieces installed on the edge will give you the required height.

Impregnate the wood with protective impregnations, when it dries you can begin work. First, the support bars are installed. They can be sharpened at one end and carefully hammered in without damaging the upper surface (put a piece of a block and hit it), or you can dig a hole about 50 cm deep, install a block in it, bury it and compact the earth around it. The bars are installed in increments of 1-1.5 meters, depending on how wide the flower garden is. The wider and higher it is, the greater the mass will have to be supported, which is why supports are installed more often.

Boards are nailed to the exposed supports. They can be stuffed from the inside and then the support beams will be visible, or they can be filled from the outside. In the second option, only the wall of boards will be visible. The joints of the boards should be on the beams.

Flowerbeds from boards can be made in a variety of shapes. Even in the form of a pyramid. There are some interesting ideas below.

And this is how to make a flower bed in the form of a pyramid

Made of plastic

There are many types of ready-made fences for flower beds and flower beds made of plastic or resin. They have special legs that sink into the ground along the edge of the planted area.

But we are not talking about them, but about flower beds made from scrap materials. For example, you can make a decent fence for a flower bed from plastic bottles.

They are selected by volume and color. This will make the fence look better. Then they cut off the necks at the same level and stick them into the ground. This is one mounting option for creating a low curb. The second one will be much higher. It can be used when fondanting taller plants. In this case, they take a wooden beam and nail the caps to it at a certain distance, so that the bottles are close to each other. Bottles are screwed into the caps. To make such a plastic fence for a flower garden more stable, it is pierced through with wire closer to the bottoms and closer to the narrowing point at the neck. The finished fence section is installed and fixed on the ground.

Despite the fact that the material is waste, if everything is done carefully, such a fence looks decent, pleasant, and attractive. Photos of fences for flower beds and flower beds made of plastic bottles are in the photo below.

We couldn’t pass by... a fence made of old bicycle wheels. Original flower beds can be made from any junk. If you have talent, of course...

Old bicycle wheels can decorate your dacha. How? Make a fence out of them for a flower garden. A flower bed made of wheels is cool...

Original and unusual flower beds and flower beds

Sometimes you’ll be amazed at how people manage to make original, unusual, and, most importantly, beautiful things. The same applies to the design of flower beds. Well, I would never have guessed that an old chest or galoshes or a hat could be turned into a flower bed or plant pot. See for yourself - the photos don’t lie.

Tire flower beds

Completely unattractive car tires are turned into beautiful flower beds. The tires are cut, the edges are sanded using a grinder with an emery attachment. The resulting flowerpots are washed with soapy water and dried: the plants will not develop well if you do not wash out the engine oil, gasoline and other similar substances that get inside.

After drying, it is painted. You can paint a tire (tire) with regular oil paint, but the surface must be grease-free, dry and clean. It lasts for several years. There are special paints for tires. They cost much more - they are made for styling tires. After the paint has dried, you can install the finished tire flower bed, fill it with soil, and plant plants. How you can make a flower garden from tires with your own hands, or rather, how to design it, look below (the photo gallery scrolls automatically, if you need to stop, click on the picture).

Tiered flower bed made from tires - easy and cheap

From old things

Whether this will surprise you or not, I don’t know, but flowers are planted even in old things. Have children grown out of rubber boots? Why throw them away? Make a couple of holes in the sole for drainage, add soil, and plant a few flowers. The result is original flower beds for flowers and hanging plants.

Is there an old gas stove gathering dust in the shed? It can also be adapted for a flower garden. The same goes for an ancient chest of drawers - the drawers are pulled out to different levels, soil is poured into them and you get a tiered flowerbed. Do you have an old bathtub? Or an ancient car? Plant flowers in them flowers. The result is a stylish and original flower garden. In the photo gallery are some of my favorite unusual flower beds made from old things. They can be placed not only at the dacha, but also in the courtyard of a private house.

An old car does not necessarily need a place in a landfill... Flowers grew in the bathtub - it turned out to be a great flower bed. The bicycle cannot be repaired - paint it and plant flowers. Few people have a garden flowerbed like this (the main thing is that they don’t scrap it). A broken toaster, an old kettle and shoes - and this is also a flowerbed, only a mini one. Even barrels...

Now, you probably don’t have a question: “What can you make a flower bed from?” Now it’s difficult for you to decide what exactly you want to make it from...

To make the garden plot not only a place for harvesting, many gardeners improve the territory of their dacha with the help of flower beds. They will not only delight the eyes of owners and guests, but will also divide the garden into separate zones, thereby organizing the space of the site, and creating its own and original design.

What it is?

Behind the concept of a flower garden is a territory that has a visible or conceptual fence on which ornamental plants grow. Usually in a flowerbed you can find all sorts of variations of flowering plants, but sometimes flowering shrubs or ornamental tree species also fit harmoniously into the composition. The arrangement of plants in a flower garden is represented by a geometric symmetrical pattern; sometimes you can find asymmetrical compositions.

A good place for setting up a flower meadow, a simple pattern and respect for proportions will make the flower garden a real decoration. Using a decorative area, you can highlight a certain area and place accents.


To properly design a blooming corner, landscape design skills are required, because the decorative element must fit harmoniously into the overall appearance of the site. The flower garden should contain plants that harmonize well with each other. They usually require similar soil compositions, care procedures, and watering frequencies.

All design options for flower beds are conventionally divided into two large groups: classic or regular style flower beds and landscape style flower arrangements. The first group is characterized by the presence of clear shapes and geometry, which are often emphasized by the lawn. The second group does not have strict boundaries and forms, which creates the impression that man was not involved in their creation.

What types are there?

Modern designers more often give preference to varieties of flower beds, the compilation of which does not have strict canons. These include a naturalistic flowerbed. It is characterized by the use of more than a dozen species of perennial plants. All presented species are divided into 2-3 groups, which combine related plants. The third part of the plants forms the basis of the composition, and the rest complement it.

Other types include the following options:

  • Flowerbed in a classic style is most popular not only in the summer cottage, but also in city squares. The classic flowerbed has a geometric shape and is bordered by a border. For such a flower bed, annual flowers with low stems are good, sometimes perennials are found. Plants that hold their shape well will make the pattern on the flower bed more distinct.
  • Mixborder blooms beautifully all season long. This is a complex mixed composition in which some flowering plants are replaced by others. This species is characterized by multi-tiered nature and the use of species with different flowering periods, as well as ornamental shrubs and trees.

  • A flower garden that has an elongated shape is called a rabatka. and is located along other objects in the summer cottage - the wall of a house, path or fence. The ridge is located both asymmetrically on one side of the path and on both sides to outline its contour. Typically, the width of such a flowerbed does not exceed one and a half meters, and its length is divided into separate sections for ease of caring for plants.
  • To arrange a flower arrangement in the form of a group one or more varieties of flora can be used, which are planted so that it looks natural. Large groups are planted further away, and up close you can admire the low, bulbous ever-flowering plants.

Trees on the site are often decorated with this group. There are both small and quite impressive groups.

  • For summer residents whose areas are deprived of sun, organizing a shady flower garden is suitable. It is characterized by planting shade-tolerant plants. The beauty of a shady flower garden is not in the riot of colors, but in the unusualness of the foliage. The background of a shady flower bed is usually decorated with tall flowers with large leaves, medium-height perennials are placed in the middle, and creeping species of shade-loving plants can be planted in front.

The variety of flowers and plants that prefer twilight allows you to tastefully decorate a shady flowering corner.

  • Solitaire is considered a special type of flower bed, which fits perfectly into both the regular design of the garden plot and the natural composition. The first type of landscape is characterized by the presence of a single plant on the lawn or a flower that stands out noticeably for its height. For a natural flowering spot, tapeworm is presented as a single plant or shrub that blends harmoniously into its natural environment.

  • Modular flower garden got its name from the use of modules in its planning. The module can be round, square or rectangular. In the preliminary plan, the entire plot is divided into these modules, the size of which is 1 m². This approach to the design of flower beds and the entire landscape allows you to maintain harmonious proportions when landscaping the site.

  • Arabesque usually represents the most elegant place in the garden, located in the front part. The pattern of such a flower garden is quite complex and is made up of stones and other minerals in conjunction with plants. To make the design easy to read, plants with small stems are used for arabesques. These flower beds look especially fascinating next to the lawn, but require a lot of attention and care.


In the process of creating and erecting a flower garden, fencing the flower bed plays an important role. A lot depends on the correct choice of material: how strong the fence will be, how it will harmonize with the plants in the flowerbed and its shape. Since the primary purpose of the fence is to contain the soil, and the secondary purpose is its decorative function, it is logical that the shapes of the flower bed and the fence will completely match.

There are many options available for fencing materials, you just have to use your imagination:

  • To arrange a flower garden from annuals, you can build a fence made of plant-safe wooden pegs or rods. Classic low wooden fences will highlight the beauty of any type of flower garden.

If necessary, a wooden fence can be easily dismantled or moved to another location. In addition, the ease of working with the material allows you to easily change the shape of the wedges to your liking.

  • Look presentable and reliable flower garden fences made of stone. In addition to natural and artificial stones, you can also use brick or paving slabs. Such fences can be built either without the use of a binder mixture or with the use of a solution. Such a fence will serve the gardener for decades, but the material is not cheap.

  • With help metal fencing structures in the garden plot you can create a wide variety of flower arrangements - from classic to modern. Often, forged or welded, as well as monolithic structures made of iron or cast iron are used to delineate the boundaries of a landscape art object. Such products are made to order, but you will have to pay a lot for an exclusive item.
  • Lightweight and affordable modern plastic They are also often used to build fences. Due to its unique properties, a plastic fence can serve a gardener for more than one season. Plastic fences are usually presented in sections, borders in the form of a flexible tape, which often imitates masonry or imitation wood.

  • Concrete structures with high sides are ideal for high-filled flower beds. They are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes and will last for many years. Connoisseurs of beauty will appreciate finished products in the form of sectional fences or high borders. Practical gardeners can try making a fence themselves.
  • Often land owners are looking for budget options for arranging flower beds and use improvised means. There are no limits to the imagination of gardeners here - plastic bottles are used, flower beds are built from tires and tires, old wooden wheelbarrows or bicycles.


The scale of arrangement of the flower arrangement has no restrictions. But the decorative part should be proportional to the rest of the area - not to overload it and not get lost, and it’s easier to care for compact compositions.

In an area with a lot of paths and no extra space, it would be appropriate to plant a long flower border. A narrow strip of flowers around the perimeter can also enliven a boring country house.

If you plan to plant one flower garden at your dacha, then let it be of medium size and located in the area near the entrance or the central part of the site. For lovers of symmetry and beauty in detail, the idea of ​​arranging mini-compositions of flowers throughout the entire site will be suitable. This trick is suitable for a dacha with a large number of trees, the trunks of which can be decorated with flowers.


Choosing flowers is one of the most difficult stages of organizing a flower bed. Collecting unpretentious and beautiful flowers that match each other without getting lost in the variety of names is not an easy task.

Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the favorites of gardeners in advance:

  • For those who like to experiment, annual flowers are suitable, which will allow you to change the composition every year. You can decorate mixborders or modular flower beds with annual flowers; they also look good in pots. Popular plants in this group include marigolds with rich warm colors, heat-tolerant zinnia, sweet peas and petunias.

  • Often, experienced gardeners arrange a flower garden of perennials on their site. These bulbous plants begin to bloom with the first spring sun. The short ones are the first to peek through the snow. snowdrops and scylla, which do not like the sun and are unpretentious to the soil. Early flowers give way to popular ones in the garden crocuses and hyacinths with flowers of cool shades. After them, moisture-loving flowers bloom in the flowerbed daffodils and tulips early flowering plants that need fertilized soil and light.

Along with tulips, graceful and sophisticated irises and royally beautiful peonies bloom. An area decorated with peonies will not only look impressive, but also exude a delicate aroma.

  • In the summer months, perennial flower beds can be decorated with non-flowering plants - feather grass, hostas, sedum or herbs. However, some gardeners want flowers to please the eye all summer, and they plant a flower garden of roses.

Such compositions are called rosaries. To set up a rose garden you need warmth, but in mid-latitudes a combined rose garden is appropriate, in which roses are successfully combined with conifers and other deciduous shrubs with beautiful foliage, sometimes various grasses and wormwood.

  • Continuous flowering specimens are perfect for those who like to enjoy flowers throughout the summer season. These types include rich variety of asters to choose from, whose star-shaped inflorescences fade and are replaced by new ones. This type also includes dahlias, which will be an ideal decoration for any mixborder. A climbing clematis with large and bright flowers that stand out against the background of foliage, will refresh a fence or gazebo in the country.


The choice of the shape of a garden flowerbed directly depends on personal preferences and harmony with other objects on the site. Adherents of the classics tend to choose geometric shapes, while creative individuals tend to choose fantasy ones.

When creating a geometric flower garden, you can choose any shape. It can be rectangular or square, round or oval and even triangular. This group of flower beds is distinguished by ease of execution without the involvement of a designer and versatility. The straight lines of a geometric flower bed are most clearly visible in contrast with the lawn. Before installing a flower bed, you need to mark its boundaries so as not to break the symmetry.

In addition, you need to consider how closely the flowers will be located to each other. A monoflower bed is characterized by the most dense planting of flowers. In the case of several species, it is necessary to place taller flowers in the center, and emphasize the outline with the brightest specimens.

If you plan to create a multi-tiered flowerbed like a pyramid, then you should place the tallest flowers in the center and gradually move from them to the lowest specimens. Flowers of each level in this case must be the same length.

The abstract shape of the flower garden looks no less impressive and allows you to create an exclusive landscape design on the site. Such flower beds usually lack geometric proportions, but also require preliminary markings and plans. For a simple form, you can choose one type of flower, but a flowerbed of complex abstraction must have appropriate content.

Vertical flower beds look quite interesting on the site. The wire used to create the figure allows landscape designers to realize the most daring ideas. To create a floral outline, plants are carefully selected for height and splendor.

Another successful example of a vertical flower garden is a screen or wall of climbing plants or long-stemmed flowers.

Style and design

The choice of style for decorating a decorative corner with flowers depends on the overall design of the garden. Let's look at the most popular flower bed design styles.

Country style is one of the most suitable for decorating a vegetable garden. Flower beds in a rustic style can be placed on the border between planting areas or decorate the entrance with them.

The following items are typical for the rustic country style:

  • Various wooden attributes. These could be stumps of old trees, wooden barrels or rockers, baskets or fences woven from wooden rods.
  • Household and familiar things for rural residents - a cart and its individual parts, clay pots, garden scarecrows.
  • An imitation of a well or cellar, an abandoned gazebo are excellent attributes for creating a kind of legend for a site in country style.
  • As for the choice of flowers and plants, here you need to rely on the tastes of the villagers of the last century. Then in the garden or in the front garden under the window one could find bright sunflowers, romantic daisies, sunny calendula and marigolds, bells, mallow and other flowers.

Do not forget about the trees traditional for villages - apple, cherry, gooseberry, currant.

  • Geometric flower beds, modular flower beds and edgings belong to classic regular style. It is often used to decorate the area near the wall of a house or the front entrance to a site. A so-called flower border can be planted along a fence or path, as well as to give an outline to a flower bed or wide border, or to border a lawn. It is a strip no wider than half a meter; the color scheme of the border should contrast with the flowers in the main flower beds.

Excellent borders are made from low, well-shaped varieties of annuals - daisies and marigolds, pansies or balsams. The beauty of the site will be emphasized and separated by decorative shrubs that turn green all year round.

  • If there is a body of water on the site, this makes it possible to design Art Nouveau garden. Smooth lines, unusual contrasts, solo shrubs and climbing plants will allow you to create a unique design. Art Nouveau is characterized by a combination of landscape with the structure of the house; the garden seems to be its continuation. Evergreen trimmed plants, flowers with an expressive appearance will fit perfectly, and paths and flower beds can be arranged as an ornament.

Any object is suitable as a reservoir, but not too pretentious. A good solution would be a small fountain, pond or pool. You can plant a flower garden around the fountain and arrange a place to relax.

Required accessories

For gardeners who want to start setting up a flower garden on their own, you need to stock up on the following equipment:

  • At the stage of choosing a location and applying markings, you will need pegs with twine to mark the boundaries of the flowerbed, but you can draw a line on the ground.
  • Then, with a shovel, you need to remove a layer of soil of 20-30 cm, fill the bottom of the flowerbed with gravel, stones or fragments of brick and compact it well. Sometimes the bottom is pre-lined with film or roofing felt to protect it from groundwater.
  • The next step is to install the fence. Usually it is either buried a little in the ground or secured with cement mortar.
  • After this, all that remains is to fill the flower garden with black soil, and after a couple of weeks, add more if necessary. Then you can proceed directly to planting flowers.

Thus, you don’t need any special supplies or skills to set up a flowerbed yourself.

It is difficult to imagine a garden without flowers. Typically, flower beds are given pride of place on the site, as they decorate the landscape design, emphasize its main elements and hide shortcomings. To make the flower bed look as attractive as possible, you should take into account the illumination of the chosen place, the possibility of watering, the topography of the entire territory, and also select suitable plants based on color, shape and flowering time.

4 rules for creating a beautiful flower garden

  1. Tall plants are planted closer to the center.
  2. Choose harmonious color combinations.
  3. Plants are planted tightly along the edges, and rarely towards the center.
  4. Avoid complex patterns when designing.

Ideas for creating a flower bed

A flowerbed is a flower garden that rises slightly above the landscape and has a regular geometric shape. Most often, a flower bed can be found near the entrance to a house, on an alley or at the intersection of garden paths on a property.

Making a flower bed from natural stone is quite simple, because it does not require complex installation measures. Decide on the shape and size, and then make a small fence of stones around the perimeter. After this, fill the flowerbed with soil and plant the plants. In this way, you can embellish existing flower beds on the site, but if you want the flowerbed to be on a slight elevation, you will have to put in a little more effort.

How to make a flowerbed from natural stone. Photo ideas.

Large smooth cobblestones or stones of the most unusual shapes look original on the site. After you decide on the location of the future flower bed, you need to remove the top layer of soil, about 10-15 cm. Fill the resulting hole with crushed stone, sand or gravel. On the sides of the flower bed you need to pour a cement-sand mixture and lightly compact it.

Now start laying the walls of the flowerbed. The stones must be selected in such a way that they fit tightly to each other. It is recommended to unstitch the seams every 2 hours to compact the solution. When the wall reaches the required height, its upper part must be leveled with cement mortar, rubbed, or a decorative pattern made. The inside of the wall must be treated with waterproofing mastic to protect it from destruction. When the entire structure is dry, plants can be planted in the center.

Beautiful flower bed made of wooden boards

If your garden plot has a wooden house or gazebo, then it is best to make a flowerbed from boards. One of the simplest options is to use an old barrel or tub. Knock out the bottom, and then treat the inner surface with a special compound that protects against rotting. Decide on the place where your flowerbed will decorate the area. Remove the top layer of soil and fill it with crushed stone. After this, install a barrel or tub, fill it with soil and plant the plants.

A flower bed made of logs or planks will look original. Take boards up to 10 cm wide and 2-3 thick, sand the surface, cover with sealant and varnish. Separately make pegs, the ends of which are tarred. Drive the pegs into the ground, and then make the walls of the flower bed from planks and connect the structure. You can try making a flower bed out of pegs, driving them close together, and then tightening them with hoop or wire for strength.

If your house is made of timber with chopped walls, make a flower bed in the same style. Select logs of approximately the same diameter. The lower logs need to be cut lengthwise into ½ diameter. The logs that will be used to increase the height of the walls must be prepared as follows: on one side, make a groove along half the diameter. To connect logs into crowns, notches must be made on both sides.

A flower bed made of logs for a summer residence. Photo ideas.

Where there will be a flower bed, remove the top layer of soil and fill the hole with crushed stone. It is recommended to lay roofing felt around the perimeter of the flower bed to provide waterproofing and reduce the effect of soil on the tree. Don't forget to treat the logs themselves with a protective sealant. Now lay the logs of the bottom layer, and the logs with grooves across the top. To make the flowerbed strong, secure the logs with rope.

Brick buildings look good on any site. In addition, brick can be used to form a flowerbed of a perfectly flat or curved shape. The wall of the flower bed can also be adjacent to the house, but you will need to think about how to waterproof it so as not to damage the wall.

Before making a brick flowerbed, carefully prepare the base. To do this, level a small area and fill it with concrete. The thickness of the concrete base depends on the height of the walls; for example, for a flowerbed with 5 brick rows, it is enough to fill a hole 15 cm deep with concrete. It is recommended to reinforce a foundation longer than 2 m. The surface of the foundation should dry well, so it is best to start laying after 2 weeks.

Laying a flower bed occurs in the same way as laying a house. Initially, the corners are lined up, their alignment is checked using a level, and then the walls are laid out. In the bottom row, some seams do not need to be filled with mortar, since there should be drainage holes in the flowerbed.

Constantly check how smooth the walls are using a level so that the finished structure decorates your garden plot and blends harmoniously into the design. After the walls of the flower garden are of a suitable height, you need to complete the last decorative layer of brickwork. At the same time, try to ensure that all seams are the same. All that remains is to undo the seams until the mortar hardens and the flowerbed is ready.

Flower beds for the garden

Flowers do not have to be planted in specially equipped flower beds. Flower beds, which can be pots, tubs, barrels or flowerpots, will look original on the site. These mini-flower beds can be moved indoors or into a greenhouse in the winter, and they can also create a creative composition in the garden.

Before choosing which flower garden to make, decide on the type of plants to be planted and their characteristics.

If the area near the house is concreted, then a flower girl with a trellis will help give it a beautiful appearance. This design has undeniable advantages: it is simple to make, suitable for different plants and can be moved from place to place.

The flower box is made from 3 cm thick boards, and its dimensions depend on where you want to place it. The shape of the box should resemble a trapezoid. The walls and bottom are assembled separately, and then the structure is knocked together into a single whole. We recommend installing a divider in the center of the drawer to make it strong and rigid. In order to remove excess moisture, special holes are made in the bottom of the box.

Once the box is ready, start assembling the lattice. On a flat surface, begin laying out the slats so that the intersections create 10x10 squares. The slats are glued with glue at the intersection points. The finished grille can be nailed to the box or made free-standing. You can use two bars 2 m long and 5 cm in diameter to make posts for the grill.

A flowerpot with a lattice will help not only decorate the area near the house, but also the facade of the house itself. Secure the grille to the wall of the house using self-tapping screws and dowels. If you want the plants to entwine the trellis beautifully, do not fix it close to the wall. The flower pot can also be mounted on the wall using brackets or installed under a grille. To prevent rotting of the wood, the box and the grate itself are treated with antiseptics, and a layer of waterproofing is placed under the box.

A lattice made of bamboo stems or reeds will look original. Thick stems are installed directly into a pot, which is filled with soil, and then the thin stems are sheathed. A wicker lattice will also look beautiful.

Concrete flower girls

Cement is widely used in the arrangement of garden paths and staircases, but it can also be used to make decorative flower beds that will be in harmony with the overall design of the site. The cost of cement is quite reasonable, and working with it is very convenient. Therefore, if you want to make a beautiful DIY flower girl made of inexpensive material, concrete is the optimal solution.

Mix cement, water and aggregate in a ratio of 2:1:6 to form a concrete mortar. If you want the finished product not to be too heavy, you can use sawdust or peat as a filler. If the flower bed is not portable, but stationary, then you can take sand or crushed stone.

The main advantage of concrete is that it can be used to make products of any shape, size and color. The finished flower beds will be quite stable, so they are not afraid of hurricanes and strong winds. In addition, concrete flower beds have good breathability, so plants grow well in them. Concrete flowerpots can be tinted or painted both during the manufacturing process and over time.

The appearance of the external outer surface of a concrete flower pot depends on the size of the filler used in the mixture. A smoother and shiny shape is obtained if you use fine-grained sand, and a rougher shape if you use coarse-grained sand. Some experts recommend using a mixture of cement, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:4:3. Although the outer surface of the product will be rough and a little rough, the flowerpot itself will be lighter than if using clean sand or gravel.

A container for plants made of concrete can be colored. To do this, use special color pigments, which you dilute in water and pour in instead of clean water while preparing the concrete mixture. Please note that after the product has completely dried, its color will become lighter than the color of the liquid solution. If you doubt whether you have chosen the right concentration of color pigments, make test products in the form of stones. Remember that the finished cement structure, after drying, can be painted with special paints for exterior use.

Is this your first time working with cement mortar? It is best to choose a simple container design, and after developing certain construction skills, proceed to the complex design of flowerpots. The formwork is made of wooden boards, and for external formwork they need to be connected with screws so that after the product has dried, the boards can be easily removed. If plates with a relief pattern are attached to the formwork from the inside, then the outer side of the flowerpot will have an original structure. To make drainage holes, insert a piece of pipe or a thick stick into the formwork before pouring the concrete mixture. Drainage holes should be in the center if the flower box is round and in a row around the perimeter if the product is rectangular. Holes can also be made on the side walls, closer to the bottom. Reinforcement (you can use wire or mesh) will help give the concrete structure strength. The reinforcement is laid so that it is in the center of the concrete walls.

When the formwork is ready, a layer of up to 10 cm of concrete mixture is laid in its center. Then the internal formwork is installed at the same distance from each wall. To make the formwork stable, heavy stones are placed on its bottom. Fill the cavity between the two forms around the entire perimeter with concrete mixture. Be sure to stir the concrete mixture to release air bubbles.

The concrete structure must dry for a week, and then the formwork can be removed. You can use a wire brush to brush the corners of the flower bed and give the wall a rough structure. Using a stencil, you can apply various designs and designs to the walls.

To cast the shape of a flowerpot, it is permissible to use basins, bathtubs, plastic buckets and other utensils. To make it easier to remove the inner formwork, wrap it with film.

Wooden tubs are ideal not only for garden plants, but also for trees. You can make such a tub yourself without having any professional skills or knowledge. Keep in mind that the larger the shape, the heavier it is. Therefore, if you plan to move plants into the greenhouse in winter, make a tub with wheels. Most often, wooden flower stands are made from coniferous boards, which are impregnated with special compounds.

Materials for making a wooden tub:
- polyethylene film;
- boards;
- corner posts;
- waterproof glue;
- nails.

Lay out the side stands for the bottom on a flat surface. Then make corners to connect the top and bottom side posts. After this, assemble the bottom and walls from the boards. All boards are glued together and secured with nails. You need to nail support boards to the bottom, which will raise the tub a short distance from the ground. To reduce the contact of the flowerpot with the ground, cover it from the inside with plastic film. The finished tub is coated with varnish or paint.

Wooden flower stands for the garden

Quite often, gardeners make flowerpots from scrap materials. For example, you can cut a beautiful flowerpot from a stump or make a flower pot from oak barrels, old dishes or plastic bottles. There is one drawback to this approach: flower girls are very different from each other and disrupt the harmony in the design of the site.

To hide the shortcomings of multi-colored flowerpots made of different materials, we suggest hiding them behind a wooden decorative fence. For this you can use old boards or pieces of plywood. The main thing is to select blanks that are approximately the same in width and thickness (their height can be up to 50 cm and width about 70 cm). All planks must first be assembled into panels using nails and screws, and then attached to posts or metal corners. The bottom can be made removable or made of bars. The main thing is to leave gaps to remove excess moisture.

Flowers in wooden tubs will need to be watered more often than in the ground, so take care in advance about processing the wooden product and protect it from rotting. The tub can be painted both outside and inside in several layers, then it will not lose its attractive appearance even over time.

Flower trees look interesting on the site, which will laconically blend into the exterior between the many pots of flowers. The height of such a tree can be any, the main thing is to keep in mind that the flowers will need to be watered, and constantly taking a stepladder for this is quite inconvenient.

The trunk of the tree itself is made of timber, to which shelves for pots are then nailed. The beam is installed in a special sleeve and dug into the ground. Shelf-floors are made quite simply from boards 20 cm and 54 cm long. On the shelves, first mark the places for the screws and drill holes. This is done so that it is convenient to attach the shelves to the slats. All elements of the flower tree are coated with paint to create an attractive appearance. Give the top of the post a cone shape and cover it with a cap to protect the tree from moisture penetration.

Now place the pots with plants on the shelves and form a flower arrangement. If you're worried about the flowers turning over, secure the pots with fishing line or nylon tape.

Flower shops today sell original vertical flower stands with special holes for plants. In appearance they resemble a pipe with holes. Such designs will appeal to lovers of climbing plants, as well as those who have a small garden plot and need compact flower beds. You can try to make this type of construction yourself.

Tire flower girls

The desire to improve the site in the best possible way arises in every summer resident-gardener. Of course, you can buy ready-made garden crafts or flowerpots in the store, but if you want to save money and give the area an exclusive appearance, make flowerpots from tires from old wheels.

How to make a flower girl from a tire

Most often, tires are used in the form in which they are to create a flower bed or decorate a flower garden. They can be painted any color and beautifully laid out on a hill. But from tires, you can also make an original flower girl, in which the embossed worn surface of the tire will be hidden inside. This design will look interesting in a dacha or near the house, but not everyone can understand from the first time what the flowerbed is made of.

DIY flower garden from tires

On the sides of the tire you need to draw a relief design with chalk. After this, using a sharp knife, they begin to cut out a part of the tire to the metal cord. A knife is convenient for cutting straight-line designs, so if you have more complex shapes, use a jigsaw. It is recommended to moisten the cut line with a soap solution. After this, start turning the tire inside out. Start turning in one place first and then move to another part of the tire. After the tire is turned out, sand the shaped edges using a sander. If you want the flower girl to have a stand, take a tire that is not removed from the rim. You can also make an original stand for a flowerpot yourself if you don’t have a wheel.

DIY flower garden made from tires photo

Do you think that such a flower girl still resembles a car tire? Cover its parts with primer and paint, then any resemblance will disappear. The advantage of this type of flower bed is that they are not subject to rotting even over time. In addition, you will find a use for old wheels that are lying around in the garage.

There are a lot of ideas for decorating flower beds and flower beds in a garden or on a personal plot. The main thing is to choose the right materials, colors and plants themselves, then your product will be no worse than a store-bought one.

A dacha is not only about working in the garden, but also about relaxing in a picturesque garden. Any novice gardener can create a flower garden, but it is important that the flowers really decorated the area, and did not make it overly motley and tasteless. Flowers not only need to be planted, but they also need to be cared for throughout the entire summer season. We choose the most successful types of plants and learn how to create flower arrangements at the dacha.

Designing a flower garden

Before planting plants, you need to decide on the features landscape design of the site, choose a place for flower beds, select flower garden components that are in harmony with each other.

Lawn-type flower garden. Create a flowering carpet on your site - sow a certain section of the lawn with wildflowers. In such a clearing you can have wonderful picnics, and besides, such a flower garden does not even need to be watered. Suitable flowers include daisies, cornflowers, clover, poppies and others.

Flower garden discount. This is a narrow (0.2-1.5 m) strip of flowers that looks great if placed along garden path or around terraces. Several types of low-growing annual flowers are planted in horizontal stripes, alternating colors. You can make a simple ornament or add medium-sized plants.


Flowerbeds can be of various shapes - traditional round, solid square, elegant diamond-shaped or even complex figured. In addition to standard low flower beds, you can make raised ones - 10-15 cm, decorating them around the perimeter with a plastic border, wood, brick, stone.


An ordinary wooden arch or a modest gazebo can be decorated and enlivened with the help of vines. Choose maiden grapes, clematis, tree campsis, climbing roses or climbing annuals - decorative beans or peas.


This is a wide (up to 4 m) strip of flowers, where plants of different heights are used. For such a flower garden you need a background, it will look good mixborder near a brick wall or plank fence. The appearance of such a flower garden changes throughout the season - first some plants bloom, then they fade and are replaced by others. Such a flower garden can consist of perennials, annuals, or a combination of both.

Perennial flowers for the garden

Advice! Creating a balanced and thoughtful mixborder takes a lot of time, so the use of perennial flowers in this case is quite rational. Perennials can also be successfully chosen as filling flower beds or garden beds.

Tall. Pay attention to the stock rose - this is a plant about 1.5 meters tall with inflorescences resembling peonies. Their color ranges from soft pink to deep burgundy. Tricyrtis Purpul Beauty is similar to a lily or orchid and blooms from early July to mid-autumn. The spotted sapling is interesting in that it changes the shade of its purple flowers throughout the season. No less spectacular can be basilisk, willow sunflower, hybrid helenium, and longleaf speedwell.

Medium height. These are plants with a height of 30-80 cm, which are suitable for many types of flower beds. Daylily varieties are easy to care for and incredibly tender, and yarrow will delight you with lush blooms throughout the entire summer season. Rhodiola rosea is an original plant with succulent leaves that will become the highlight of your garden. Use late-flowering varieties of peony, paniculata phlox, astilbe, cornflower, double monarda.

short. Pansies, an unpretentious, charming plant, can complement a mixborder or create an elegant flowerbed. Dwarf forms of phlox, gentian, soft mantle, large-flowered flax, gypsophila paniculata, oak sage, geranium, bloodroot are bright and beautiful perennial flowers that can be safely planted in the country.

Caring for garden flowers

Growing garden flowers is not a difficult task, but it is still worth reading a few basic tips.

  • Remove wilted plants and plant parts regularly. When watering or weeding a flower bed, pull out and cut off everything that has already faded. Wilted flowers turn into buds or fruits that require strength to ripen, which slows down the appearance of other flowers on the plant. And externally, your flower garden will look more aesthetically pleasing without “dead” flowers.

It’s rare that a summer cottage, and even more so a garden, does without flower beds. Flowers give us considerable aesthetic pleasure; they delight us with their presence and, attracting our eyes, make us admire them. That is why flowers are permanent residents of garden plots. And they are grown, as a rule, not chaotically, but in flower beds, in beautifully decorated flower beds. At the same time, they are selected according to color, crop varieties and many other factors. And to make flower beds from annuals, the diagrams of which you will find in the article, yourself, you do not need to have the skills of a landscape designer. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly before starting work and become familiar with the basic rules for creating flower beds.

Flowerbeds of annuals - diagrams

Before you start creating a flower garden on your site, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for carrying out the work. They will make it easier to understand the process of arranging flower beds and will allow you to do them not only quickly, but also in the best possible way.

  1. Never rush. This rule is especially relevant for newcomers to the world of gardening who recently bought a cottage or garden. The fact is that in one season you are unlikely to have time to qualitatively and beautifully arrange all the planned territories. It is best to tackle the most important problems at the beginning of developing a dacha plot and at the same time equip a small, modest flowerbed. Over time, you will be able to cover other areas and plant them with flowers selected according to the color scheme and characteristics of the growing season.

  • Before you go to the store for seeds, think about what you want your flower garden to look like. Remember that only a flowerbed that meets all your wishes can become a source of pride, which should first be reflected on paper in the form of a diagram.
  • In accordance with the scheme and climatic conditions, select annual flowers that will perfectly match in color and requirements for growing conditions. But beginners should not immediately get involved with capricious cultures. It’s better to start by practicing creating flower beds from unpretentious varieties.
  • Remember that the foundation of a flower bed is the plants that cover the soil. They will cover not only the brown soil, but also the stems of taller flowers. In addition, they are excellent soil protectors from moisture evaporation and growing weeds.
  • You shouldn’t plant plants one at a time – they always look much better in groups. But too many crops are bad, as it will be inconvenient for them to grow.
  • When drawing up a diagram, remember that any flower garden should have its own zest. This could be some kind of central decorative bush, beautifully arranged perennials, annuals that are somehow different from the bulk of the flowers surrounding them and stand out against their background.
  • On a note! Despite the fact that many gardeners choose perennial crops to create flower beds, annuals also do not go out of fashion. They are often unpretentious, easy to grow, and allow you to create completely new and unique compositions every year. In addition, they are very beautiful and bloom with rich, bright flowers, which is their main advantage.

    Rules for choosing planting material and location

    One of the first tasks of a gardener when arranging a flower bed is choosing its location. The flowering period will largely depend on this. The place where the flower bed is located should be well lit. It is also worth thinking about the convenience of watering - flowers need regular supplies of water. You should not place the flowerbed behind the house away from a barrel of water or an irrigation system. It makes no sense to plant a flowerbed where no one will see it - flowers were created by nature in order to admire them. So let the flowerbed be in a visible place - at the exit from the house or outside the window, at the entrance to the house.

    A few more words about the choice of planting material. Be sure to consider color, flowering period, and height. Any flower bed should bloom for as long as possible, and the correct selection of flowers according to their flowering time will help prolong the flower beauty - that is, when the flowering period of some ends, others will replace them.

    Flower beds can be different in shape and height. And each type has its own unwritten design rules. For example, when creating three-tiered flower beds, the tallest plants should be located in the center or in the background. Along the edges there will be lower crops, which will act as a kind of frame. Between these two tiers there will be a second one, which sets the main background for the flower garden.

    The number of flowers is calculated approximately like this: central flowers - several pieces or a small patch of fairly tall plants. Crops with an average height are planted in quantities twice as large as the main ones. And the shortest ones will have a population three times greater than that of the main flowers.

    The main function of such a structure is, of course, decorative - a mill on the site pleases the eye and creates an atmosphere of comfort. It is also used to decorate gardens and flower beds in the Old Russian or European style (depending on the appearance of the object itself). Read more in .

    It is best not to take more than 3 types of flowers and not create complex compositions when arranging your first flowerbed. In this case, care will be simple and pleasant.

    Types of flower beds

    Flowerbeds can have completely different shapes and sizes - it all depends on your wishes and capabilities. They are round and square, figured, triangular.

    There are three main ways to form flower beds.

    1. Uniform carpet. Typically, this type uses plants of only one species or similar in size but with different petal colors. Such a flowerbed is easy to care for, and it looks very impressive.
    2. Multi-tiered flower bed. It is created by combining flowers of different heights, but the lowest crops will always be in front. It can be round, corner, wall. Such plantings are more difficult to maintain.
    3. Flower borders. These are flower beds created along garden paths. They are unpretentious and are usually created from one or two types of plants.

    There are also very unusual flower beds that can complement any elements of a summer cottage - for example, decorate the area around a pond, or have the shape of an animal.

    Choosing colors

    An important aspect when drawing up a flower bed scheme is the color of plant buds. At the initial stage, it is better to use only 2-3 contrasting shades, and later move on to more complex color transitions and combinations. But even a beginner should understand that color has a significant impact on a person’s psycho-emotional state, so you should choose plants that produce flowers with the shade of petals that you like.

    Table. Colors and their influence on humans.

    YellowIt is usually preferred by joyful and active people; it is the color of a good mood. And it will give confidence to a shy person. In the garden, this color will be given by lilies, marigolds, calendula, snapdragons, daylilies, cinquefoil, and rudebeckia.
    PinkImproves mood, relieves sad thoughts. Meadowsweet, cosmos, carnation, daisy will give this color in the flowerbed.
    BlueCalms, comforts, relieves stress. Iris, lavender, forget-me-not, delphinium - flowers with blue petals.
    RedThe color of energy, strength, optimism, passion. Carnation, primrose, rhododendron will give it to you.
    VioletA color that improves your emotional state and has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. These are lilacs, violets, speedwell, pansies, and aster.
    OrangeA color that gives self-confidence and lifts your spirits. These are chrysanthemum, marigolds, cinquefoil, and gravilate.

    On a note! Variegated flower beds can always be slightly diluted with white flowers. They will add zest to the plantings. And in order to choose colors that combine with each other, use the color wheel.

    Selection of types of flowers

    Creating a beautiful flower bed is a creative process that can completely absorb any gardener. This is a great way to realize your potential as a creator. By choosing the right plants for your flower beds, you can create a real living work of art on your site.

    A huge number of seeds of all kinds of flowering plants are now sold on store shelves. Which ones are best suited for creating flower beds? First of all, focus on the growth and flowering period of plants, as well as the color of their petals.

    Table. The most popular types of flower plants for flower beds.

    NameFlowering periodHeight, cm
    LobeliaJune-SeptemberAbout 15
    IberisJune-OctoberUp to 40
    NasturtiumJune-OctoberCreeping up to 400, bush 50
    PetuniaJune-mid October15-80

    Also, low-growing annuals include: dwarf begonia, viola, lobularia, dwarf aster; for tall ones: lupine, peony, astilbe.

    Prices for annual seeds

    annual seeds

    Flower schemes

    To make it easier to navigate when creating your own scheme, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several simple but beautiful ready-made options.

    Table. Flower bed schemes.

    Scheme, photoDescription

    1 – annual stock roses of three colors (white, red, yellow); 2 – decorative sunflower; 3 – Spanish poppy; 5 – cardinal lobelia; 6, 7, 8 – bell, catnip; 10 – sedum. The remaining flowers can be selected in accordance with the color indicated in the diagram.

    Flowerbed cake: 1 – low red flowers; 2 – white or silver flowers; 3 – medium-sized plants with red flowers; 4 and 5 – high background crops.

    Round flowerbed: 1 – cannas; 2 – begonia; 3 – petunia; 4 – snapdragon; 5 – marigolds; 6 – alyssum; 7 – ageratum; 8 – pyrethrum.

    1 – amaranth; 2 – zinnia; 3 – garden quinoa; 4 – chard; 5 – basil; 6 – nasturtium.

    Flowerbed of bulbous plants - diagram

    We create a flower garden with our own hands

    Let's look at the creation of a flower bed step by step using the example of such a wonderful flowering corner.

    Step 1. Create an exact diagram of the future flower garden in accordance with your capabilities and wishes. Don’t just try to design large flower beds - it’s better to make one small and neat than a large one that you won’t have enough strength for. The best option to start with is a flower bed with 25-30 plants.

    Step 2. Choose a sunny place on your summer cottage. Step back about 1 m from the fence. To prevent the sun from damaging the plants, place the flower bed on the eastern side of the fence or buildings. Mark the border of the flower bed.

    Step 3. Remove all debris from the site, dig up the soil, and apply fertilizer if necessary. Weed out all the weeds.

    Step 4. Level the surface of the soil, break up the earthen clods.

    Step 5. Buy or use your own grown ones. Plant tall crops in the far corner, then medium-sized crops, and place low-growing crops along the edge of the flowerbed. In this case, holes for all flowers can be dug in advance.

    On a note! Be sure to consider the size of an adult plant when planting. It is important that over time the flowers do not press on each other, but there are no large gaps between them.

    Step 6. Take good care of the flowerbed - regularly water the flowers, remove wilted ones, and fertilize them.

    This way you can arrange a corner flowerbed on your site. With a round one you will have to work harder. The fact is that its edges must form a perfectly smooth circle, otherwise it will appear crooked. But achieving an excellent result is quite simple: a stick is dug into the center of the flower bed, and a rope equal to the radius of the flower bed is tied to it. Moving the rope in a circle, outline the boundaries of the flowerbed with sand. And so that the plants “fall” into place, you can make a preliminary sketch inside the circle with sand, outlining where the holes for each flower will be marked.

    Gardeners whose plots do not allow them to set up a whole garden can get out of the situation by creating flower borders along the edges of the paths. They look very beautiful, especially if they are made from flowers of the same type.