With the transition to the Russian Guard, interaction with private security organizations did not stop. Police Colonel Vadim Medvedev Vadim Igorevich Medvedev, head of the Central Police Department, reported on the largest incomes for the year in the Russian Guard

Employees of the Russian Guard reported their income - police colonel Vadim Medvedev earned the most. In 2016, he received 26 million rubles, which is four times more than the income of the director of the department, Viktor Zolotov, reports RBC. Of the families of Russian Guard employees, the Dikevich spouses earned the most; together they received about 37 million rubles.

As follows from the declaration of the deputy head of the department's main department for Moscow, Vadim Medvedev, who also holds the position of head of the Center for Licensing and Permitting Work, he owns an apartment with an area of ​​143 square meters. m, two land plots with a total area of ​​about 2.5 thousand sq. m. m, dacha (152 sq. m), barn (21 sq. m), bathhouse (43 sq. m), gazebo (46 sq. m) and shed (39 sq. m). Medvedev also uses an apartment with an area of ​​41 square meters. m.

Medvedev’s immediate superior, Police Major General Andrei Grankin, earned 13 times less, about 2 million rubles. In second place in terms of annual income is the head of the Russian Guard department for the Republic of Mari El, Colonel Alexander Burdo: he declared 7.1 million rubles.

Director of the Russian Guard Viktor Zolotov earned 6.7 million rubles in 2016, which is almost half a million more than a year earlier. Zolotov owns the largest plot of land among all department employees. Its area is almost 11.9 thousand square meters. m. He also declared two more land plots: the first - with an area of ​​277 square meters. m, the second - about 5 thousand sq. m. m.

A plot of the same area, according to Rosreestr, is located in Valdai and belongs to the full namesake of Viktor Ivanovich Zolotov. Nearby, as RBC wrote, are the lands of people from Vladimir Putin’s entourage. Zolotov also owns two residential buildings (275 sq. m. and 1070 sq. m., respectively), two apartments (in one of them the former presidential security guard owns a third), a parking space, a cellar and two buildings with a total area of ​​164 sq. m. m. Zolotov also has a Mercedes-Benz 320 GE passenger car and a Yamaha all-terrain vehicle at his disposal.

In April 2016, the Anti-Corruption Foundation discovered the apartment of the daughter of the commander-in-chief of the Russian National Guard, Zhanna Zolotova. The cost of housing in FBK was estimated at 343 million rubles. Later, RBC found out that the list of property of Viktor Zolotov’s family, published by Alexei Navalny, did not include a plot in Barvikha and an apartment in Gelendzhik, which can be estimated at at least 277 million rubles.

The wife of police colonel Viktor Dikevich, who holds the position of deputy head of the main directorate of the Russian Guard for the Moscow territorial district, earned the most of the employees' wives. The income of Dikevich’s wife in 2016 turned out to be 17 times more than the colonel’s earnings and amounted to 34.7 million rubles. The colonel's wife owns a plot of land with an area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters. m, as well as one sixth share of an apartment with an area of ​​54 sq. m. m. Viktor Dikevich earned about 2 million rubles last year. The Dikevichs’ joint income for 2016 amounted to about 37 million rubles.

Second on the list of highest incomes was the wife of Deputy Director of the Russian Guard, Lieutenant General of Police Sergei Lebedev. She earned six times more than her husband - 15.8 million rubles. The general received 2.4 million rubles in 2016.

In third place is the wife of the head of the Russian Guard department for the Perm Territory, police colonel Boris Borodavin. Over the past year, she brought almost 12 million rubles to the family budget. Her husband earned only 1.3 million rubles.


Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for Moscow - Head of the Central Logistics and Reconstruction Center, Police Colonel Vadim Medvedev, held an extended meeting of the Coordination Council for interaction with non-state security structures at the Main Directorate of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation for Moscow. The event took place on April 20, 2018 at the press center of the Luzhniki BSA.

The meeting was also attended by:

Deputy Head of the TsLRR Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for Moscow, Police Lieutenant Colonel Ilya Eremeev

Secretary of the Coordination Council - Chairman of the Board of ROOR FCC "Moscow" Oleg Zavaluev

Deputy Head of the 1st RONPR Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow, Lieutenant Colonel of Internal Service Alexey Ilchenko

Chairman of the Board of TOOR FCC "Center" in Moscow Vladimir Kozhevnikov

Chairman of the Guild of Non-State Security Structures of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of the All-Russian Trade Union NSB Dmitry Galochkin (pictured on the right)

Vice President for Security of CITY PJSC Andrey Kozhevnikov

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the FCC ROS Yuri Pokidov

as well as representatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, the prefecture of the Central Administrative District, the security community, heads of licensing and permitting departments for administrative districts, heads of Moscow private organizations.

The event was constructive, meaningful and relevant and contributed to the development of a wide range of proactive measures on the issues discussed, namely:

  • Organization of interaction between the Russian National Guard and private security organizations in Moscow in strengthening law and order, anti-terrorism protection and comprehensive security of city facilities and territories during the May holidays, as well as during the preparation and holding of the 2018 FIFA World Cup;
  • organizing interaction between private security organizations when ensuring security at the Moscow City facility.

“Today we are holding the first ever extended meeting of the Coordination Council for interaction with non-state security structures at the Main Directorate of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation in Moscow, which is attended by about 250 people,” said Vadim Igorevich, “that is, exactly as much as this hall allowed us to accommodate. There were significantly more applicants, but the most significant representatives of the security community received the invitation. We will consider not so much organizational issues as the most relevant and important, in our opinion, issues of joint work and identifying ways to further improve the interaction of private security structures with the National Guard and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in ensuring public order.”

Chairman of the Coordination Council, Police Colonel Vadim Medvedev, expressed confidence in the effective interaction of private security organizations and the Russian Guard in ensuring security in Moscow

“Current legislation in the field of security pays serious attention to the issues of interaction between private security organizations and law enforcement agencies and the prevention of offenses in the field of law enforcement. The need to interact with private security organizations in modern conditions has acquired particular relevance. To date, 4,005 entities engaged in security and detective activities are registered in Moscow, which is one fourth of those registered in the Russian Federation. Of these, 3,876 are private detectives and 129 are private detectives. There are about 19,000 service weapons in service. About 74,000 objects of various forms of ownership are under the protection of private security organizations. Private security organizations employ about 144,000 security guards, of which about 35,000 people are involved in maintaining public order every day. From January 2017 to the present, employees of private security organizations have identified 7,482 offenders, of which 694 were on suspicion of committing a crime.”

“With regard to measures to prevent crime on the part of security organizations and improve the situation in the provision of security services in general, I report that in 2017 and in the first quarter of 2018, about 23,000 inspections of private security organizations and facilities protected by private security companies were carried out. Based on the results of the inspections, 2,934 violations were identified, about which administrative protocols were drawn up. At the same time, a significant increase in the number of inspections is predicted in 2018, which is due to the Order of the President of the Russian Federation received on November 5, 2017 on conducting inspections of security organizations and strengthening control over this area of ​​activity. In 2018, all security organizations that provide security for facilities with large numbers of people, those that guard facilities on the basis of government contracts financed from the budget, that have service weapons on their balance sheet, as well as private security organizations involved in ensuring the security of FIFA facilities will be inspected. Along with this, in connection with the tragic events that occurred as a result of the fire in the “Winter Cherry” shopping center in Kemerovo, on the initiative of the Prosecutor’s Office, with the involvement of employees of the National Guard and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, inspections of shopping and entertainment centers are being carried out. To date, inspections have been carried out in more than 100 shopping centers, as a result of which more than 70 violations of the legislation regulating private security activities were identified, and corresponding administrative protocols were drawn up.”

“Please note that in Moscow there continue to be cases of security guards being posted at posts without personal cards and identification. This type of violations has decreased slightly compared to previous periods, however, in 2017, more than 2,000 security guards and managers of private security organizations were brought to administrative responsibility. An inappropriate approach on the part of the heads of security organizations to the selection of personnel leads to the fact that as a result of an attack, criminals, at best, only manage to take possession of the customer’s property, and in the worst case, cause harm to the life and health of the security guards themselves. In 2017, the CLLR of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard in Moscow received 62 operational reports on incidents at objects under protection, of which only in 13 cases the objects were under the protection of a private security organization, in 12 cases there was theft of funds from the object of protection, in 10 cases, when a weapon was used in the commission of a criminal attack, and only in one case was the attack repelled by an employee of a private security organization. As for emergency situations, in 2017 and during the past period of 2018 there were no cases of loss of service weapons, while one case of theft and two cases of unlawful use of service weapons were registered. These figures are two times less compared to 2016.”

“By holding an extended meeting of the Coordination Council today, we hope to further reveal the qualitative potential of private security structures in ensuring public safety and law and order. It is necessary to strengthen control not only at the facilities, but also in the surrounding areas and pay special attention to places of celebration. In order to prevent emergencies, it is also necessary to ensure enhanced security of the CWC, check each facility for anti-terrorism protection, train personnel, check the uniforms and documents of persons taking over the protection of facilities on pre-holidays and public holidays, communicate to each security guard the procedure for communication and actions in the event of an emergency situations, ensure efficiency in receiving and transmitting information. Separately, I would like to draw the attention of the heads of private security organizations, whose security facilities are located in close proximity to the locations of monuments of military glory, monuments and burial places of WWII soldiers, to the need to increase attention to the territories adjacent to the facilities, as well as to the movement of patrol routes.”

“The next stage of our joint work will be to ensure the safety of residents and guests of the capital during the FIFA World Cup. Those private security organizations that are taking part in the protection of FIFA 2018 infrastructure facilities have already felt the full burden of the necessary checks. And I dare to assure you that every day it will only increase. We have done a tremendous amount of work—all of the above-mentioned facilities have now been inspected and a number of violations have been identified. "8,000 security guards who may be involved in service at these facilities have been thoroughly checked."

“I express confidence that if every head of a private security organization approaches the issue of ensuring security with understanding and personal responsibility, including at facilities under the protection of his organizations, emergency incidents during the period of festive events and the 2018 World Cup will not be allowed!”

The Chairman of the Board of the ROOR FCC "Moscow" Oleg Zavaluev briefed those present on the structure and composition of the Coordination Council for Interaction with Non-State Security Structures created on the basis of the Order of the Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for Moscow No. 189 dated November 14, 2017.

“In accordance with the Charter and Regulations on the Coordination Council, its main functions are: in fact, interaction with the regulator, legislative and executive authorities, analysis of law enforcement practice, consideration of proposals to improve the regulatory framework on issues of public-private partnership, as well as reflection of our activities in the media. In the near future, we will try to be in time for the 2018 World Cup, we will create a website that will display all stages of the work of the Coordination Council.”

“It’s no secret that Moscow spends huge amounts of money on ensuring the security of municipal facilities, but over the years the situation has not changed for the better. And I'm not talking about the price of these contracts. The important thing is that we cannot be satisfied with the quality of work for this money. And interaction with our regulator, on the one hand, and with the customer of these services, on the other, should be organized only through the Coordination Council.”

Oleg Nikolaevich also spoke about the work of the ROOR FCC “Moscow”, “a public-private interaction project that is not commercial, but organizational, to which we hope to attract at least 50-70 private organizations from each territorial district of Moscow.”

Deputy Head of the 1st RONPR Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Alexey Ilchenko, gave a brief briefing on the actions of security guards in the event of emergency circumstances, including the occurrence of a fire at the facility.

Deputy Chairman of the FCC ROS Yuriy Pokidov briefly highlighted the main conclusions of the I Congress of the FCC ROS and drew the attention of those present that one of the main tasks of the security community now is “to prevent the adoption of the professional standard “Specialist in the field of security activities”, developed by the Independent Scientific Foundation “Institute of Security Problems” and sustainable development”, on which the state regulator and the Federal CC ROS previously gave negative conclusions, due to the anti-industry orientation of this document, which could cause serious social tension in the security community.”

Yuri Vasilyevich also recalled that, on behalf of the First Congress of the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers in the Field of Safety and Security (FCC ROS), on April 16, 2018, the Chairman of the Board, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation A.M. Kozlov together with the Chairman of the All-Russian public organization “Trade Union of the Non-State Sphere of Security” D.E. Galochkin, an Open Letter “On protecting the interests of workers in the professional community in the field of security services” was compiled and sent to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation.

On March 20, 2017, a gala event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Law “On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation” was held at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia”.

The organizers were the Non-Profit Partnership “Guild of Heads of Security Structures “CENTER” and Private Security Company “STRONGo” LLC.

The Presidium included: Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for Moscow - Head of the Central Police Department, Police Colonel Vadim Medvedev; Deputy Head of the TsLRRR State Directorate of the Russian Guard for Moscow Vladimir Semyorkin; Chairman of the Board of the Association "CC ROSS", Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian Association of Employers FCC ROS Alexander Kozlov; Chairman of the Board of ROOR FCC "Moscow" Oleg Zavaluev, General Director of Private Security Company STRONGO LLC, general sponsor of the event Vladislav Troitsky, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NP "GROS "CENTER" Vladimir Kozhevnikov, Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Council of the NSS of Russia Dmitry Galochkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Security Group "DUBROVNIK" Igor Salnik, Chairman of the Board of the Global-Security Association Mikhail Korolev, President of the Bastion security holding Elena Andreeva.

The ceremony was attended by more than 200 people - employees of the Main Directorate of State Control and Licensing and Permitting of the Russian Guard, representatives of public organizations, managers and employees of private security organizations in the capital region, and the media.

The event opened with the National Anthem of the Russian Federation.

Then the host of the event, Oleg Zavaluev, gave the floor to the deputy head of the State Guard of the Russian Guard for Moscow - the head of the Central Laboratory for Reconstruction and Reconstruction, police colonel Vadim Medvedev.

In his welcoming speech, Vadim Igorevich noted the high importance of the event and emphasized that its main goal was to recognize the best and reward worthy representatives of the security community. “Over the long years of development of the private security industry, hundreds of professional teams have been formed, whose employees not only protected property, but also saved more than one thousand lives,” Medvedev said, “In the 90s, with the formation of entrepreneurial activity and the emergence of private owners, There was a need for non-state security of property and individuals. There were often cases when the desire to protect oneself and one’s property went beyond the law. Raiding flourished. Disparate and uncontrollable groups of citizens have become a real problem for the state. With the adoption of the Law “On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation,” the state identified objects of control and began the process of professional development of the security company; the Department for Licensing and Permitting Work and Control over Private Detective and Security Activities was created, and with it in all regions Departments for licensing and permitting work were formed in Moscow. And then the number of private security organizations and security services began to grow exponentially and, as a result, the number of jobs and those wishing to earn money officially increased.”

Vadim Medvedev also noted that today there are about 4,000 security organizations registered in Moscow. However, there are not many major players on the market, and those whose activities date back to the very beginnings of the security industry can confidently be called professionals.

“The state has strengthened measures to control the training of private security guards, established qualification categories, and the need to undergo periodic inspections. All this fits exactly within the framework of the Law “On Private Detective Activities,” which for a quarter of a century has not lost its relevance, and no fundamental changes have been made to it. This fact speaks of the high professionalism of the people involved in its development. But the Law would be dead if it weren’t for those people who fulfill and observe it with honor,” Medvedev said.

On behalf of the command of the Russian Guard and on his own behalf, Vadim Igorevich thanked the leaders and employees of private security organizations for the work being done.

“Risking their lives, your personnel fulfill their duties with honor. There are many examples of selfless resistance to injustice and the criminal actions of attackers that remain unpublicized. With the participation of your subordinates, hundreds of criminals and thousands of offenders have been detained. Together, you are a huge army that, regardless of the weather and the mood in society, helps the Moscow police maintain order on the streets of the city, including during public events.”

Chairman of the Board of the Association "KC ROSS" Alexander Kozlov noted that today's event is a continuation of the meeting held on March 11, 2017 in the Public Chamber, the main event of which was the awards ceremony for the best private security guards from more than 55 regions of Russia.

“I was looking forward to today’s meeting with particular excitement, because Moscow, of course, sets the tone for all regions,” said Kozlov, “And I am very pleased that today, like on March 11, there are a sufficient number of people in the hall who directly carry out their duties at their posts. The importance of encouraging private security officers who have distinguished themselves in ensuring the security of Moscow cannot be overestimated.”

Alexander Mikhailovich also emphasized that 25 years was the period that made it possible to create a professional security guard who came to private security after secondary school or the army, and is now climbing the internal career ladder, starting from a 4th category security guard at a construction site and ending with the general director of a private security company. These are people who have no other places of work in their work books, except for private security organizations.

“The past 25 years have allowed us to highlight the best security organizations, the “face” of the security industry, and representatives of these organizations are in the hall today,” Kozlov said.

Alexander Mikhailovich reminded those present about the All-Russian Industry Association of Employers, created in November last year, and emphasized that it had actually completed the formation of private security as an independent industry in Russia.

“The industry acquired all three marker Institutes: Self-regulatory organizations, Trade Unions and Associations of Employers,” said Alexander Mikhailovich.

In conclusion, A.M. Kozlov congratulated those present on the holiday and expressed confidence that in five years, celebrating the 30th anniversary, it will be possible to say that the industry continues to move forward, and this is “the merit, first of all, of those who are now sitting in this hall."

President of the Bastion security holding Elena Andreeva joined in the congratulations and noted that it was private security companies that managed to resist the criminal business, which flourished in the early 90s of the last century.

“As the “patriarch” of the industry, who has been in business since 1993, I can say with confidence that we managed to resist the era of raider takeovers and drive away unscrupulous businessmen trying to absorb unsettled or modest businesses. I am very fortunate to work in the non-state security sector, where there are so many noble, courageous and strong men. And, I would like that with the transition “under the wing” of the Russian Guard, this number of executives, top managers, specialists with legal skills, experience in law enforcement agencies and a sincere sense of true patriotism and intention to honestly protect business, safety and peace of mind of citizens, only grew. Our potential can and should be in greater demand. And I would like the public to know how much work we do worthily.”

Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Council of the NSB of Russia Dmitry Galochkin congratulated the participants and guests of the event on the holiday and read out the highest government notice from the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Anton Vaino and especially thanked the Chairman of the Board of the Association "KC ROSS" Alexander Kozlov, Chairman of the Union of OSO Sergei Saminsky and Chairman of the Board of Directors Security group "DUBROVNIK" for the brilliant organization of ceremonial events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the private security industry in Russia.

At the end of the official part of the event, Oleg Zavaluev announced an open ceremony for awarding letters of gratitude, certificates and Anniversary awards to the heads of private security companies, whose employees distinguished themselves in ensuring public order and public safety, and to the best private security guards of the capital.

In conclusion, Alexander Kozlov awarded the Jubilee medals “25 years of private security and detective work in Russia” signed by the Chairman of the Committee on Public Awards, Hero of the Soviet Union Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev, the deputy head of the State Guard of the Russian Guard in Moscow - the head of the CLRR, police colonel Vadim Medvedev and the official partner and the organizer of the event, General Director of Private Security Company STRONGO LLC Vladislav Troitsky.

On February 28, the Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for Moscow - Head of the TsLRR, Police Colonel Vadim Medvedev, held the first meeting of the Coordination Council on Private Security Activities at the Main Directorate of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

Also present at the meeting were: Deputy Head of the TsLRR of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for Moscow, Vladimir Semyorkin; Deputy Head of the Department of Operational Operations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - Head of the 2nd Department - Police Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Korolev; Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian Association of Employers FCC ROS Alexander Kozlov; Chairman of the Board of ROOR FCC "Moscow" Oleg Zavaluev.

SRO Association “School Without Danger” was represented at the meeting by executive director Maria Shapkina.

The event was organizational and, at the same time, constructive in nature, and was aimed, first of all, at the exchange of proposals on organizing the work of the Coordination Council and issues of interaction between the State Guard of the Russian Guard and private security organizations.

“This meeting is significant in that after a long break we have positively resolved the issue of forming a coordinating council and its functioning. During the year, the process of creating and structurally forming the service of the National Guard troops took place. A management apparatus and territorial bodies were created from scratch, and our own legal framework began to take shape,” Medvedev said. “Recently, the activities of our service have not undergone any significant changes, but at the same time, the process of transition from one department to another could not go unnoticed both for the security company and for the service personnel. It may seem that the created department does not have any regulatory framework regulating the activities of private security organizations, interaction with the security community has ceased, since meetings of the Coordination Council at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate have not been held for a long time, and we do not care about the security community. This is an illusion."

According to Medvedev, the licensing and permitting work of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow is a clearly organized structure, and practically no personnel were lost during the transition from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Russian Guard. Of the 470 people working in the service previously, only 25 people were not appointed to the service for various reasons.

“The professionalism of the service and the readiness of employees to carry out tasks have not decreased for a minute since the very first day of their appointment to the Russian Guard. Due to the fact that the management team of our service has extensive experience working in licensing and permitting departments, this made it possible not to break the interaction that has been established for years, not for a day,” Medvedev noted.

Vadim Igorevich also brought to the attention of those present that the Regulations on the Coordination Council have already been prepared, which, at this stage, is undergoing all the necessary approvals.

“It should be noted that the newly formed structure of the licensing division, of course, differs from the one that was in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. If previously each department of internal affairs had employees of the licensing and permitting service, now a single service has been created in the Main Directorate. A similar structure will be reflected in the Coordination Councils. There will be a Coordination Council under the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow, and coordination councils for districts will be abolished. Despite this, interaction with our security units will not stop,” Medvedev noted.

As Vadim Igorevich said, from each district the Corsovet will include representatives of the largest organizations and associations, as well as those private organizations that have shown themselves best in protecting public order during the period of socio-political and culturally significant events.

“Our interaction within the framework of the activities of the Coordination Council forces us all to be more collected in the face of the threat of street crime, and issues that are resolved favorably allow us to increase the level of anti-terrorism protection and comprehensive security of our city. This is not the first year we have been solving this problem, and there is a positive trend. Every year, employees of private security companies, together with law enforcement agencies, carry out hundreds of exits, thousands of suspects, and tens of thousands of troublemakers are detained. And, despite the fact that the Coordination Council for interaction with private security organizations and private detectives at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow no longer functions, we do not have any moral right to refuse interaction with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Ensuring public safety is our common goal. And we will continue the work that was done before,” Medvedev said.

At the end of his speech, Vadim Igorevich, on behalf of the head of the State Guard of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow, expressed gratitude and gratitude to the heads of private security organizations for the work done, expressed hope for further cooperation, and also especially emphasized that the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow will strongly support any initiatives , which can benefit Moscow residents and guests of the capital, and congratulated the participants on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Vladimir Semyorkin, Deputy Head of the Central Logistics and Reconstruction Center of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for Moscow, raised the issue of interaction between the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow and private security companies and law enforcement agencies.

“From the moment of the publication of Order No. 23 of January 30, 2017, “On the Coordination Council,” the first stage of interaction with the Russian Guard and the security community begins. The formation of Corsovets will take place systematically throughout Russia,” Semyorkin said, “The order will be signed in the coming days, and within a month, we will need to form a working body - the Presidium, which will include the heads of the Center for Licensing and Permitting Service, representatives of the regional department security and anti-corruption of the city of Moscow, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow, private organizations, non-state educational institutions and the head of the Secretariat.”

Vladimir Petrovich expressed confidence that the new Coordination Council will become a worthy public organization that will play an important role in improving the regulatory framework in the field of private security.

Deputy Head of the Department of Operational Operations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - Head of the 2nd Department - Police Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vladimirovich Korolev also noted that after the transition to the Russian Guard, the interaction of the Central Police Department with the ChOO will not only not stop, but will also reach a new level. “The sum does not change by rearranging the places of the terms. We will continue to work as we have done!”

It is important that the Coordination Council will not be a “closed body”, as it might seem, and each district will be represented in it. Semyorkin emphasized that due to the fact that the number of members will be limited, the significance and status of membership increases, as well as responsibility.

The same idea was supported by Alexander Kozlov, Chairman of the Board of the All-Russian Association of Employers FCC ROS.

“I consider this meeting to be very important, laying the foundation for the work of the future Coordination Council, membership in which imposes great responsibility,” Kozlov noted.

At the end of his speech, Alexander Mikhailovich presented the participants with the Anniversary Awards for the 25th anniversary of private security and detective activities in Russia.

In 2016, private security company employees detained 8,435 offenders, of which 1,212 people were detained on suspicion of committing a crime. About 200 employees of the private security company were awarded certificates of gratitude from the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow.

Police Colonel Vadim Medvedev became deputy head of the department's main department for Moscow. His income for 2016 amounted to 26 million rubles, as follows from the declaration published by the department. Medvedev also holds the position of head of the Center for Licensing and Permitting Work. He owns an apartment with an area of ​​143 square meters. m, two land plots with a total area of ​​about 2.5 thousand sq. m. m, dacha (152 sq. m), barn (21 sq. m), bathhouse (43 sq. m), gazebo (46 sq. m) and shed (39 sq. m). Medvedev also uses an apartment with an area of ​​41 square meters. m.

His immediate superior, Police Major General Andrei Grankin, earned 13 times less, about 2 million rubles. In second place in terms of annual income is the head of the Russian Guard department for the Republic of Mari El, Colonel Alexander Burdo: he declared 7.1 million rubles.

Next comes the director of the Russian Guard Victor Zolotov. In 2016, he earned 6.7 million rubles, which is almost half a million more than the year before. Zolotov has the largest plot of land among all employees of the department. Its area is almost 11.9 thousand square meters. m. He also declared two more land plots: the first - with an area of ​​277 square meters. m, the second - about 5 thousand sq. m. m. A plot of the same area, according to Rosreestr, is located in Valdai and belongs to the full namesake of Viktor Ivanovich Zolotov. Near lands are located people from Vladimir Putin's circle. Zolotov also owns two residential buildings (275 sq. m. and 1070 sq. m., respectively), two apartments (in one of them the former presidential security guard owns a third), a parking space, a cellar and two buildings with a total area of ​​164 sq. m. m. Zolotov also has a Mercedes-Benz​ 320 GE passenger car and a Yamaha all-terrain vehicle at his disposal.

In April 2016, the Anti-Corruption Foundation discovered the apartment of the daughter of the commander-in-chief of the Russian National Guard Zhanna Zolotova. The cost of housing in FBK was estimated at 343 million rubles. We later found out that the list of property of Viktor Zolotov’s family published by Alexei Navalny is incomplete. The objects not included in it, a plot in Barvikha and an apartment in Gelendzhik, can be valued at a minimum of 277 million rubles.


The richest wife turned out to be the wife of police colonel Viktor Dikevich, who holds the position of deputy head of the main directorate of the Russian Guard for the Moscow territorial district. The income of Dikevich’s wife in 2016 turned out to be 17 times more than the colonel’s earnings and amounted to 34.7 million rubles. Mrs. Dikevich also became the richest among all the persons indicated in the income statement. The colonel's wife owns a plot of land with an area of ​​1.5 thousand square meters. m, as well as one sixth share of an apartment with an area of ​​54 sq. m. m. Viktor Dikevich earned about 2 million rubles last year. The Dikevichs became the richest family, and their joint income in 2016 amounted to about 37 million rubles.

Second on the list of rich wives was the wife of Deputy Director of the Russian Guard, Lieutenant General of Police Sergei Lebedev. She earned six times more than her husband - 15.8 million rubles. The general received 2.4 million rubles in 2016.

In third place is the wife of the head of the Russian Guard department for the Perm Territory, police colonel Boris Borodavin. Over the past year, she brought almost 12 million rubles to the family (nine times more than her husband, who earned 1.3 million rubles).

Other declarations

Former State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, who now holds the position of adviser to Viktor Zolotov, earned 5.9 million rubles. Compared to the previous year, Khinshtein became poorer by almost 200 thousand rubles (as a deputy, he received 6.1 million rubles in 2015). Advisor Zolotov declared an apartment with an area of ​​122 square meters. m and a Lynx 49 Ranger 600 snowmobile.

Head of the Russian Guard Department for Chechnya, Police Colonel Sharip Delimkhanov declared income of 1.8 million rubles. Apart from the Nissan Patrol passenger car, Sharipov owns nothing else. But the colonel has a plot of land with an area of ​​9.4 thousand square meters. m, as well as a residential building with an area of ​​557 sq. m.

Declarations of the TFR - 2016

The head of the department, Alexander Bastrykin, earned 7.9 million rubles, his first deputy Alexander Sorochkin - 5.9 million

Declarations of the Investigative Committee for 2016. document in full size

The Investigative Committee reported on the income and property of its employees and their immediate relatives for 2016. The information is published on the official website of the department. It turned out that income of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin decreased last year. At the same time, his wife, on the contrary, earned more than in 2015.

As follows from the document on the department’s website, in 2016 Bastrykin’s income amounted to 7.955 million rubles. Compared to 2015, Bastrykin’s income decreased by 462 thousand rubles. In 2015, it was declared in the amount of 8.417 million rubles.

The income of Bastrykin’s wife last year amounted to 4 million rubles. For 2015 - 3.8 million rubles. Chairman of the Investigative Committee with his wife [Olga Alexandrova ] and two minor children own an apartment with an area of ​​224.4 square meters. m and two dachas with an area of ​​294.3 sq. m and 138.5 sq. m, the document says.

In 2014, Bastrykin declared only 7.5 million rubles. This amount turned out to be less than the earnings of a number of his deputies.

The income of the first deputy head of the Investigative Committee - head of the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee, Colonel General of Justice Alexander Sorochkin, amounted to 5.9 million rubles. He owns a Toyota Lexus QX 460.

In March of this year, Eduard Kaburneev, who headed the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (the central investigative department of the Investigative Committee, which investigates the most high-profile cases, including against governors and ministers), announced an income for 2016 of 3.6 million rubles.

Income of the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, Major General of Justice Alexandra Drymanova decreased by half - from 6.9 million rubles in 2015 to 3.01 million rubles in 2015. He owns a Mercedes-Benz ML 350, as well as a Commander 600 E-Tek snowmobile and a Can-Am Outlander Max-XT 6 all-terrain vehicle.