How much iodomarin to drink for pregnant women. Iodomarin from conception to childbirth is the faithful companion of the expectant mother! Contraindications and side effects

Recently, more and more women are prescribed Iodomarin during pregnancy. The name speaks for itself - the drug contains iodine, which is so necessary for the formation of the unborn baby. However, not everyone knows how dangerous iodine deficiency is, whether its use is justified and whether there are alternative options.

Prescribed iodine in the body during pregnancy
The role of the drug in pregnant care
doctor's clothes charging

Why is this drug prescribed to pregnant women?

  1. During pregnancy, iodomarin is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones, which directly affect the proper development of the brain of a growing organism. Therefore, a deficiency of this element causes a risk of fetal mental retardation.
  2. Iodine deficiency can lead to an embryonic disease such as cretinism.
  3. The use of Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy helps to avoid miscarriage in the early stages.
  4. Iodine is necessary for strengthening cartilage and converting it into bones, as well as maintaining the elements calcium and phosphorus in bones, which play important role in the formation of the child’s skeleton.
  5. Lack of iodine leads to chronic hypoxia, as well as purulent-septic complications after birth (pneumonia, sepsis).

It is also worth noting that the need for additional iodine intake into the body of a woman expecting a child is also explained by the fact that the baby takes all the vitamins and resources from the mother. His thyroid gland produces hormones much later than the development of the nervous system, so he is much more sensitive to iodine deficiency than the woman herself.

The need for iodine increases, especially in winter

Even for carrying a baby, iodine deficiency poses some threat:

  • possible fading of pregnancy;
  • unexpected miscarriage;
  • various complications of labor;
  • a pregnant woman's immunity decreases;
  • swelling and fatigue appear;
  • the condition of nails, hair, skin worsens;
  • excess weight appears;
  • mammary glands do not develop;
  • Milk production decreases.

The role of Yodomarin in planning

To prevent all of the above consequences, it is recommended to take folic acid and Iodomarin when planning pregnancy, but only after consulting a doctor. It is advisable to start taking medications several months before conception:

  • This recommendation is most relevant for women living in areas where high risk development of diseases associated with iodine deficiency;
  • When planning pregnancy, iodomarin should be taken by women who have impaired thyroid function, and also have diseases associated with a deficiency of this component;
  • The dosage of Iodomarin when planning pregnancy can only be prescribed by a specialist. Typically, it is 100 mcg every day;
  • from the moment of conception, the dose is usually doubled, as the need for this element increases.

Consult your doctor before taking a course

Even knowing about the need to take this drug, the expectant mother should not take Iodomarin without permission when planning a pregnancy. It is imperative to consult a doctor who will conduct an examination of the body’s iodine tolerance and tell you whether you can drink Iodomarin during pregnancy.

Contraindications and risks

As a rule, for the purpose of prophylactic use, this drug does not cause side effects.

Endocrine system:

  • a dose of more than 150 mcg/day can cause latent hyperthyroidism;
  • a dose of more than 300 mcg/day can cause iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis.

Allergic reactions:

  • iodism, which is manifested by a metallic taste, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • iodine fever;
  • iodine acne;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • exfoliative dermatitis.

Some women just need

In case of overdose, the following symptoms are observed.

  1. The mucous membranes acquire a brown tint.
  2. Reflex vomiting occurs.
  3. Pain in the abdominal area.
  4. Loose stools.
  5. Esophageal stenosis.

Therapy methods:

  • in case of acute poisoning - discontinue the drug, gastric lavage until all traces of iodine are completely eliminated;
  • for chronic poisoning - drug withdrawal, symptomatic treatment of water balance disorders, anti-shock therapy;
  • for iodine-induced hypothyroidism - discontinuation of the drug, normalization of metabolism with the help of hormonal drugs;
  • for iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis - thyreostatic therapy.

Among the contraindications to taking the drug are:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • toxic thyroid adenoma;
  • individual iodine intolerance.

The drug should not be used if you are being treated with radioactive iodine or if you have thyroid cancer.

How to take Iodomarin during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the need for iodine increases, so it is very important to take Iodomarin during pregnancy in sufficient doses. This will ensure proper intake of this component into the body of the expectant mother.

As an element of the body

According to the instructions for use, Iodomarin during pregnancy can be taken only in doses recommended by the doctor, since the active substance penetrates the placenta and is released during lactation.

How to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy and until when to take it - the doctor prescribes it for each woman individually. Typically, the recommended dose is:

  • 2 tablets of 100 mcg once a day;
  • or 1 tablet of Iodomarin 200 mcg once a day.
Patients' opinions

To find out the opinion of those who have already taken Iodomarin during pregnancy, consider the reviews of women.

Alina Kobyakova:

I was prescribed iodomarin during pregnancy by my attending physician, who established the recommended dose and told me how much to take this drug. The indication for use was iodine deficiency. I started therapy immediately, as I was very worried about the baby. After just two days of use, I noticed that my hair became shiny, oiliness disappeared, and my skin took on a healthy, radiant appearance. She gave birth to a healthy baby and stopped taking the drug. Imagine my surprise when immediately after this my hair became brittle and greasy again. That is why, during breastfeeding, I resumed taking this drug again. Only now I was taking one tablet every day. A package of Iodomarin lasts a long time during pregnancy, and the price for this drug is quite affordable.

Elena Krasko:

The doctor told me that I need to take Iodomarin until 12 weeks of pregnancy along with folic acid. I took this drug for 2 weeks, after which I began to experience stomach pain. After 12 weeks, I was prescribed a vitamin complex that did not contain iodine, so I was again prescribed to drink Iodomarin 200. After 7 days, dark brown discharge appeared. I was very scared and went to my sister, who works in the maternity hospital. After a full examination they said that there was no threat to the child. The next day I continued taking vitamins and Iodomarin, after which a discharge interspersed with blood appeared! Another gynecologist advised me to immediately stop taking the drug, since the body was already oversaturated with iodine. And literally a day after stopping the drug, everything returned to normal. Everything is fine with the child, so this drug was the main reason for this reaction of the body. I believe that every healthy woman should not drink it without indications, much less arbitrarily prescribe iodine. I dread to think what would have happened if I had not stopped taking it.

Sofia Galyukova:

I have been taking Iodomarin 200 for almost my entire pregnancy. Initially, I read flattering reviews from other women about this drug, then my gynecologist said that I, too, could use an additional portion of iodine, which is necessary for the body growing inside me. I started drinking without hesitation, especially since it was very convenient: I took one tablet a day and was free. You don’t think that the baby is missing some elements. It is like folic acid or a complex of vitamins that are necessary for the normal development of a child. But my sister, at the same age as me, refused to take Iodomarin, citing the fact that any medicine is harmful to the child. Now the doctors gave her a not very good diagnosis and put her in storage.

If you are going to become a mother, but have not yet had time to visit an endocrinologist, then do so as soon as possible. It is he who will check the thyroid gland - the most important organ that affects the health and development of the baby. While carrying a baby, the production of thyroid hormones increases by an average of 40 percent, and therefore the daily requirement in iodine - their essential component. A lack of the mineral during pregnancy can lead to irreversible pathologies of the fetus and, according to doctors, directly affects the mental abilities of the child in the future. Therefore, many pregnant women are prescribed Iodomarin.

Iodomarin: composition, action and application

Iodomarin is a medicine produced in Germany. Its active ingredient is potassium iodide. The main purpose of the drug is to compensate for iodine deficiency, ensuring normal function of the thyroid gland and preventing its diseases. Thus, the use of tablets is possible for:

  • treatment and prevention of diseases caused by iodine deficiency in the body;
  • prevention of goiter recurrence after its surgical removal or successful treatment with hormonal drugs.

Need in useful substances increases in expectant mothers, so it is especially important that enough iodine enters their body. According to the instructions, Iodomarin is not only safe for pregnant women, but is recommended for use by them.

A gynecologist can prescribe Iodomarin to a woman, and at the very first appointment, that is, even in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the normal function of the thyroid gland is very important precisely at this stage, when the embryo does not yet have its own thyroid gland, and it receives the necessary hormones from the mother.

Gynecologists usually recommend taking iodine not only in the first, but also in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. There is usually no chance of overdose, given the upper safe limit of 500 mcg/day. And if in the region of your residence the content of the mineral element in the soil is considered insufficient, then prescribing tablets is especially important for the prevention of iodine deficiency.

But even if your gynecologist prescribed Iodomarin, you definitely need to go to an endocrinologist, get tested for hormones and have your thyroid examined. If, as a result of these actions, it is established that the organ is functioning normally, and the woman receives the required amount of iodine naturally through iodine-containing products, then there is no need to prescribe it additionally.

An endocrinologist's point of view on the importance of iodine for the body and explanations on the functioning of the thyroid gland - video

Iodomarin with what dosage to choose during pregnancy

The drug is available in two dosages:

  • 100 mcg of iodine in 1 tablet (Iodomarin 100);
  • 200 mcg of iodine in 1 tablet (Iodomarin 200).

According to WHO, the daily requirement for iodine in pregnant women is on average 250 mcg, and the safe upper limit of intake should not exceed 500 mcg. But these data are not the same for different countries peace. In the USA, the maximum amount of mineral entering the body per day should not exceed 1100 mcg, and in Australia - 2000 mcg. In our country, doctors usually prescribe Iodomarin 200 if the multivitamins that a woman takes do not contain iodine, and Iodomarin 100 when iodine is already present in their composition.

Contraindications and side effects specified by the manufacturer in the instructions

Contraindications, according to the instructions, are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or hyperthyroidism, in which excess amounts of hormones are produced;
  • toxic adenoma (benign neoplasm) of the thyroid gland;
  • nodular goiter when prescribing high doses of the drug (with the exception of preoperative iodine therapy);
  • Dühring's herpetiform (senile) dermatitis.

The annotation states that, as a rule, no side effects are observed with the prophylactic use of Iodomarin. However, in rare cases, continuous use of pills can lead to:

  • development of “iodism”, which is manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes (runny nose, conjunctivitis, bronchitis), “iodine fever”, “iodine acne”;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • exfoliative dermatitis (skin disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus);
  • transition of latent hyperthyroidism to a pronounced form;
  • the occurrence of thyrotoxicosis (intoxication with thyroid hormones), provoked by excess iodine.

Harm of iodine overdose

An overdose of iodine poses a threat to the expectant mother and her child, so you need to know the symptoms that signal danger:

  • staining of the mucous membranes brown;
  • reflex vomiting (if starch-containing components are present in food, the vomit becomes blue);
  • abdominal pain and diarrhea (possible black, loose stools);
  • esophageal stenosis;
  • the phenomenon of “iodism”;
  • dehydration;
  • state of shock.

In case of overdose, you must stop using Iodomarin and consult a doctor.

Excess iodine can lead to the development of hypothyroidism and goiter in a child.

Simultaneous use of Iodomarin with Eutirox and other drugs

When the function of the thyroid gland decreases (hypothyroidism), the drug Eutirox is often prescribed. It happens that the doctor also prescribes Iodomarin along with it. Is this justified?

Eutirox and Iodomarin are completely different medicines. The first is a synthetic thyroid hormone, thyroxine, and the second is iodine, which is part of the structure of the hormone when it is produced in the body. During treatment with Euthyrox, Iodomarin is unnecessary. However, there are cases when an endocrinologist can prescribe them simultaneously for complex treatment of thyroid diseases. If in doubt, you need to consult a specialist, and preferably not one, but several.

You need to be very careful with products containing iodine and it is better not to take them together with Iodomarin at all in order to avoid an overdose.

A lot of the mineral is found, for example, in Lugol; it is not recommended for pregnant women.

The official instructions on interactions with other drugs describe the possible strengthening or weakening of the effect, as well as the development of side effects when Iodomarin is used together with:

  • lithium salts;
  • potassium-sparing diuretics;
  • substances that inhibit the formation of thyroid hormones.

Analogs of Iodomarin on the market

Iodomarin analogues are drugs with the active ingredient potassium iodide. They all have similar indications, contraindications, and even identical release form and dosage. The only significant difference is in the manufacturer and price.

Very often, women in an “interesting situation” are prescribed a drug called Iodomarin. Already from the name it is clear that the drug contains iodine, which plays an important role in the formation of the baby’s future. However, not everyone knows how important iodine is for the body, both mother and baby, and what the risk of iodine deficiency is. That is why we decided to take a closer look at this drug in our article and tell expectant mothers whether it is justified to prescribe it or whether there are alternative options. In addition, we will consider the dosage of Iodomarin, its pharmacological action, as well as side effects and the risk of overdose.

How to use Iodomarin correctly during pregnancy?

So, the main role of iodine in the body is its participation in the formation of thyroid hormones, which, in turn, affect the proper development of the brain of the unborn baby. Thus, if a pregnant woman does not have enough iodine in her body, there is a risk of mental retardation of the fetus. The most terrible consequence of iodine deficiency is a disease called cretinism. In addition, iodine deficiency in the very early stages of pregnancy can cause miscarriage. To avoid all of the above unpleasant consequences, doctors strongly recommend taking the drug Iodomarin.

Accordingly, if you have been prescribed this drug, you should not refuse it. Moreover, we will be happy to tell you in detail about its features and explain how to take it correctly.

It is important to know that Iodomarin is prescribed not only during pregnancy. This drug is an excellent medicine for thyroid diseases. Iodine, which is part of it, is a vital element that maintains the thyroid gland in a normal state.

We have heard that the thyroid gland contains hormones. So, these hormones are called thyroid hormones and perform a number of vital functions. For example, with their help, the normal metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates occurs in the body of every person. In addition, they play an important role in brain activity, supporting cardiovascular system, regulate reproductive system and mammary glands, and, of course, affect the growth and intrauterine development of the fetus.

Thus, by taking the drug Iodomarin, you replenish iodine deficiency in the body, and also minimize the risk of developing iodine deficiency diseases.

Iodomarin during pregnancy: instructions and dosage

As for the dosage of the drug Iodomarin, ideally your individual dosage should be determined by your attending physician. However, very often there are cases when the doctor does not specify the dose, and the question arises: how much Iodomarin to take and how often? Experts have an answer to this question.

Since the need for iodine is increased during pregnancy and lactation, the dosage is 200 mcg/day. It is important to note that this drug is produced with different iodine contents - 100 and 200 mcg. Therefore, if you purchased Iodomarin 100, then your norm will be 2 tablets per day. It should be taken after meals with plenty of water.

Now let's talk about the features of side effects and drug overdose. Let us warn you in advance that side effects are extremely rare and only in case of individual intolerance to the drug. Therefore, the risk of falling into this group of patients is 1 in 100. In addition, Iodomarin in no way affects the ability to drive or other potential dangerous species activities.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms are observed:

  • staining of the mucous membranes brown;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

If you observe at least one of the symptoms, you should immediately stop taking the drug and immediately consult a doctor. However, we assure you that if you follow the recommended dose, namely 200 mcg/day, the risk of overdose is minimized.

Therefore, when taking this drug, first of all, follow the doctor’s instructions or carefully read the instructions, do not exceed the dose and be healthy!

Especially for- Ira Romaniy

From Guest

I also got brown discharge on the vaginal mucosa from iodomarin, I can feel it very well if it is from the inside, especially since I just left the hospital, where I was kept for two weeks, due to a small spotting, I know very well what it should be sensations if it is bloody discharge from the uterus. In the hospital, I was examined by an endocrinologist, everything was fine with the thyroid gland, but I was tormented by palpitations and shortness of breath, iodomarin was gone, and when she looked at my instructions for the vitamins (I have Femibion), she said that in addition to them I also needed Iodomarin 100, and I already I drank for a week at a dosage of 200. Literally the next day after this conversation, I noticed this brown discharge on the pad; at first, of course, I was in a panic, I didn’t know what to think, but my stomach didn’t hurt. After suffering for several hours, I re-read the instructions for iodomarin, and there I saw that in case of an overdose, the mucous membranes turn brown. Then I realized where my legs come from. THEN I started looking on the Internet, there was very little information, but I realized that iodine accumulates, and I also read this in one review. I am writing so that other pregnant women also know that this happens, because it is not always possible to get an answer from gynecologists, especially urgently.

From Guest

I drank iodomarin during my first and second pregnancies. the result was disastrous. Both pregnancies miscarried at 12 weeks. an increase in TVP was observed. And my condition was disgusting. After pregnancy I took tests. The thyroid gland is normal, no abnormalities. During subsequent pregnancies I did not take iodomarin and everything went well. Healthy children were born.

From Guest

I took iodomarin during pregnancy. On the advice of your doctor. To avoid a deficiency of much-needed iodine. Hair and skin have become noticeably better, the oiliness of the hair has disappeared. And as soon as I gave birth, I stopped taking it and immediately the condition of my hair noticeably worsened. Therefore, during breastfeeding, I returned to taking this iodine drug. I take one tablet daily. The packaging lasts me a long time.

From Guest

I take iodomarin without fail. I also drank during my first pregnancy, no negative effects were observed. I believe that it is necessary, just like vitamins, for the health of the mother and the proper development of the baby.

From Guest

From the first days of conception, dramatic changes begin to occur in a woman’s body, requiring regular replenishment of vitamin reserves. That is why pregnant women are prescribed vitamin supplements. However, recently, along with traditional vitamins, doctors have increasingly begun to prescribe iodine-containing medications to expectant mothers, for example, Iodomarin.

Why, you ask? Everything is very simple: without this element, the thyroid gland will not perform its functions normally. With its deficiency, the endocrine organ ceases to “understand” how many hormones are required from it, and begins to produce either less or more of them. In any case, hormonal imbalance negatively affects the overall functionality of the body. And, as you know, any failures and violations are dangerous for the health of the woman herself and the development of her future child.

Iodomarin when planning pregnancy

For the female body, pregnancy is stressful. That is why doctors advise preparing for a joyful event in advance. Every woman, wishing to give birth to a healthy baby, is obliged, even at the planning stage, to undergo a full medical examination and pass all the necessary tests, including thyroid hormones. If during the diagnostic process a lack of iodine is discovered, then doctors will definitely prescribe iodine therapy.

Why does it need it for those who are planning to expand their family? Reproductive health directly depends on the activity of the thyroid gland. This means that for the normal functioning of the endocrine organ, the body must receive iodine in sufficient quantities. If it is not enough, conceiving a baby will be problematic.

This is why doctors prescribe Iodomarin 100 to many women several months before conception. For prevention, 1 tablet once a day will be enough. However, if the patient lives in places where there is a deficiency of this element, or she has iodine deficiency diseases, then doctors can increase the dose of the drug.

Why is Yodomarin prescribed during pregnancy?

Iodotherapy is needed not only for early conception, but also for normal intrauterine development of the fetus, which is why many women are prescribed Iodomarin even during pregnancy. The activity of the endocrine system of the expectant mother, and therefore the health of her future offspring, especially intellectual, depends on the amount of iodine in the body. The fact is that iodine-containing hormones take an active part in the formation of the brain, as well as the development of the fetal nervous system. If their production is insufficient, the risk of giving birth to a baby with mental retardation or delayed psychomotor development increases.

But these are not the worst consequences that can happen due to iodine deficiency. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a miscarriage to occur or a stillborn child to be born due to iodine deficiency. The fact is that iodine deficiency leads to disruption of many processes in the body, and in this state it is quite difficult to bear a child.

In addition, if the mother’s body does not have enough of this component, then the endocrine organ (that is, the thyroid gland) of the fetus itself may suffer as a result. The formation of a child’s thyroid gland begins in the third month of intrauterine life, and in order for the gland to produce hormones, iodine is required. If during pregnancy the expectant mother does not have enough of it, the child may be born with congenital hypothyroidism. This disease is characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones, which is accompanied by a decrease in intelligence, impaired psychomotor skills, etc.

This is why the need for iodine increases significantly during pregnancy. If this need is not satisfied, the consequences can be dire. Among them:

  • development of gestosis or anemia in the mother;
  • hypothyroidism in a child;
  • the birth of a baby with mental retardation or psychomotor impairment;

How to take Iodomarin during pregnancy: how much to drink, dosage

According to reviews, this drug has helped many women give birth to healthy and strong babies, and also minimize the risk of developing iodine deficiency pathologies. But this does not mean that the treatment regimen and dosage of the drug can be determined independently.

Prescriptions should be made only by the attending physician and only based on the results of the examination. As for the dosage and duration of use, everything is individual. In each specific case, the doctor determines the treatment regimen and dose.

As a rule, during pregnancy, when the need for this element increases, the daily dosage should be 200 mcg. It is worth noting that the drug is available with different contents of the active component - 100 mcg and 200 mcg. Therefore, if you purchased Iodomarin 100, and you were prescribed a dose of 200 mcg, then you need to take two tablets once a day after meals, with a sufficient amount of water.

How long should I take Iodomarin?

The need for iodine does not disappear even after conception; on the contrary, during this period the expectant mother’s body needs it even more. Therefore, many women are often prescribed Iodomarin throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy. Meanwhile, each case is individual, so only a doctor can accurately determine how much and for how long you need to take an iodine-containing drug. This is influenced by the following circumstances:

  • gestational age;
  • results of laboratory tests for hormones and ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • the state of health of the pregnant woman herself.

Only with the results of all examinations in hand will the doctor be able to determine the duration of iodine therapy for the pregnant woman.

Folic acid and Iodomarin during pregnancy

Today, many experts agree that there is no need to additionally prescribe synthetic vitamins to women in an interesting situation. They believe that if the expectant mother follows a proper and balanced diet, her body will be able to fully ensure the normal development of the fetus.

And yet there is an exception. The fact is that there are vitamins, without which the normal course of pregnancy and the full development of the child in the mother’s womb is impossible, and not a single doctor will argue with this fact. This is the same iodine, as well as vitamin B9 (or folic acid).

As a rule, the daily dosage of the first substance for expectant mothers is 200 mcg, and the second - 400 mcg. As for the duration of treatment, there are differences. If Yodomarin can be taken for the entire nine months, then taking folic acid is recommended only until the 12th week of pregnancy. In any case, only a doctor can accurately determine the dosage and duration of vitamin therapy, so follow all his recommendations and strictly follow his instructions.

Especially for -Marina Amiran