Hormones and their effect on weight. Prolactin and excess weight

Excess weight and hormones are directly related. Negative life circumstances, such as stress or depression, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, cause disruption to the endocrine system. Due to disruption of the functioning of which, kilograms are gained. This is why it is very important to first regulate your hormones to lose weight and restore their healthy balance.

Hormones are chemical elements that act as messengers to coordinate the vital processes of the body. The endocrine system, which produces hormones, is closely related to the nervous and immune systems. When one of them malfunctions, this inevitably leads to unfavorable changes in the other.

Hormones and obesity are closely related, as the former influence appetite, metabolic rate and fat distribution, leading to hormonal obesity. And this, in turn, can also cause an imbalance of biological substances of internal secretion.

Even with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, some women still find it difficult. One factor that many people don't always take into account when it comes to weight loss is how hormones affect a woman's weight.

The body is like a large clockwork mechanism, and they are just one of the “cogs” involved in helping all the parts function smoothly. And sometimes even compliance healthy eating and physical activity cannot protect against the appearance of imbalance and excess weight.

General symptoms:

  1. Violation menstrual cycle.
  2. Apathy and fatigue.
  3. Insomnia.
  4. Reproductive system disorders.
  5. Distracted attention.
  6. Decreased libido.
  7. Increased body hair growth.
  8. Blood pressure surges.

It is impossible to say with any certainty which hormone is responsible for weight. Because decrease or increase different indicators is immediately reflected in his jump. There are many factors that influence hormonal obesity:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Puberty period.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Menopause.
  6. Taking hormonal pharmaceutical drugs.
  7. Chronic exacerbations.
  8. Pathologies and neoplasms.

Very often, obesity is associated with chronic inflammation in adipose tissue. Excessive fat storage leads to stress reactions in fat cells, which in turn lead to the release of inflammatory factors from the fat cells themselves and the tissue's immune cells. Excess weight increases the risk of a number of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, stroke and several types of cancer, and reduces the length and quality of life.

Increased estrogen production in obese older women is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

To understand how to lose weight during and after hormonal imbalance, you need to undergo a medical examination, as well as consult a doctor for further treatment. Without this, getting rid of obesity due to hormonal imbalance will be a difficult task.

How to lose weight after hormonal imbalance

Many are convinced that the key to losing weight is consuming fewer calories per day. But this formula works ideally if the endocrine system is normal. Therefore, the question becomes relevant: is it possible to lose weight during hormonal imbalance? The answer to it is quite simple: of course, it is possible, because it is easily corrected by taking special medications, proper nutrition and eliminating negative situations.

How to lose weight after hormonal imbalance:

  1. The first step on the path to recovery is a visit to an endocrinologist. After consultation and testing, it will be possible to determine which hormones are responsible for weight gain in each individual case. For example, a lack of estrogen (the synthesis of which is also responsible for fat cells) provokes the body to redistribute calories into fat deposits. When progesterone levels are low, fluid retention occurs in the tissues, which inevitably leads to weight gain. And low levels of thyroid hormones, thyroid T3 and T4, cause your metabolism to slow down, where calories are stored as sides around the waist rather than burned for energy.
  2. The second step is a radical change in lifestyle. It is important to consider here that you should not limit yourself to taking pharmaceutical medications. If weight gain is influenced by the hormone cortisol, which is produced during a stressful period, then first of all it is necessary to exclude this situation. Or try to change your attitude towards her for the benefit of your health. Another point is to establish a proper diet. After all, consuming large quantities simple carbohydrates affects the production of insulin. A lack of vitamins and minerals disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Which hormone is responsible for weight

Hormones are involved in controlling how the body uses calories for energy. The body is designed to utilize energy from fat tissue instead of carbohydrates and muscle. In fact, burning fat provides 3 times more energy.

There are a number of hormones that are responsible for weight in women. They affect the speed of metabolic processes, performance, appetite regulation and fatness:

  • insulin;
  • prolactin;
  • cortisol;
  • adrenalin;
  • ghrelin, leptin;
  • melatonin, endorphin;
  • estrogen, progesterone;
  • thyroid group.

The influence of hormones on weight is very high. They can stimulate or inhibit body functions responsible for body weight. Therefore for effective weight loss it is necessary to balance their indicators.

A hormone that helps regulate weight is insulin.

Insulin is a protein hormone that stores fat. It is produced by the pancreas and is a hormonal signal to the body for weight gain.

The higher the insulin level, the more weight you will gain. Insulin causes obesity.

Its job is to control blood glucose levels. With excessive consumption of sugar and starch, the pancreas can no longer cope with the volume, and insulin production fails. The body begins to distribute glucose into reserve, rather than energy. Insulin can not only cause generalized obesity, but also diabetes. At high values, lipohypertrophy can be observed.

How does the hormone prolactin affect weight loss?

Prolactinoma or high prolactin levels are blood tests produced by the pituitary gland. Typically, prolactin levels are high during pregnancy and after childbirth. As a rule, they return to normal after stopping breastfeeding.

Prolactin is very important for production breast milk, and also affects adipose tissue and metabolic processes of the body. Research shows that elevated levels in women who are not pregnant or breastfeeding slow the rate at which fat is broken down, which can lead to weight gain. In addition, sometimes stress and certain medications can increase prolactin levels in the blood. It is also associated with menstrual problems and infertility.

Stress regulators cortisol and adrenaline

During times of emotional stress, the adrenal glands release more cortisol and adrenaline than usual. This helps the body cope with life's difficulties and endure them more easily. The problem is that many people are under constant, prolonged stress, which causes the adrenal glands to produce extra cortisol and adrenaline. This ultimately leads to hormonal imbalance.

Cortisol is not a good or bad hormone, it simply does what it is designed to do .

Cortisol and adrenaline cause the body to burn calories from carbohydrates and muscle mass(squirrel). This literally prevents the breakdown of fat. Their excess production interferes with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The body's response to high cortisol levels:

  • fatigue;
  • weight gain;
  • depression;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • joint pain;
  • migraine;
  • decreased libido;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • decreased immunity.

Excess or underproduction of both cortisol and adrenaline can negatively impact not only your weight, but also your energy levels.

Hunger regulators ghrelin and leptin

The body has hormonal mechanisms that regulate appetite and weight that attempt to maintain homeostasis over the long term: leptin and ghrelin. Both are peripheral signals with central effects. In other words, they are secreted in other parts of the body (peripheral) but affect the brain (central).

If you consistently consume less energy (in the form of food) than is expended through basal metabolism and activity (as in dieting), the body responds with hunger. These hormones activate the hypolamus.

Leptin relieves hunger, ghrelin enhances it.

Leptin is produced by adipose tissue and secreted into the circulatory system, where it then travels to the hypothalamus. Leptin tells him that there is enough fat in the body, so appetite and the amount of food consumed decreases.

Ghrelin, on the contrary, causes a feeling of hunger. Its elevated levels in the blood lead to constant overeating and excess body weight gain. To bring the levels of these hormones back to normal, you need to:

  • get enough sleep;
  • avoid fasting;
  • reduce or eliminate stress.

Hormones for weight loss during menopause

For the female body, menopause means the cessation of reproductive function and the restructuring of hormonal levels. During this period, the level of estrogen and estradiol rapidly decreases. Their production in the ovaries stops and actively begins in fat reserves.

In old age, this tendency leads to increased fat storage in the waist and abdomen.

One of the main functions of these hormones is participation in metabolic processes. Therefore, a decrease in their level disrupts the rhythm of absorption of nutrients from food. This is what leads to obesity in women during menopause, even in the absence of changes in diet.

Changes in the psycho-emotional sphere also affect the production of increased amounts of cortisol. The result is depression and a sedentary lifestyle. The stage of calorie accumulation and excess weight gain begins.

Postmenopausal women taking estrogen supplements are not likely to experience significant weight gain. Also, while maintaining a physically active life and proper nutrition, gaining kilograms can be easily prevented.

Metabolic regulators of thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones (thyroidoids T 1, T 2, T 3, T 4) can play important role in maintaining a healthy weight. They help regulate the rate at which food is converted into energy. When it slows down, problems with weight loss begin.

Hypothyroidism is a lack of thyroid hormones.

If the body produces too much thyroid hormone (called hyperthyroidism), the metabolic rate increases, making it difficult to gain weight.

With a lack of thyroid hormones, the body stops converting food into energy, sending it into fat reserves. To cope with this problem, you can include seafood rich in iodine and selenium in your diet. It is these microelements that are important for normal thyroid function.

Anti-stressors melatonin and endorphins

Melatonin has a natural calming effect. It is responsible for regulating circadian rhythms and improving performance. Healthy performance helps you cope with stressful situations. It also ensures productivity and activity of all body systems during the day.

Melatonin is produced only at night.

To regulate the levels of this hormone, you need to normalize your wakefulness and sleep patterns - go to bed at the same time and fall asleep in a dark room (without additional lighting in the form of nightlights).

Endorphins are peptides naturally produced in the brain. They are also called joy hormones, as they can influence psycho-emotional behavior. They reduce pain, similar to the effects of opium compounds. An increase in the synthesis of endorphins by cells leads a person to euphoria and a feeling of pleasure. This helps to avoid depressive and apathetic states that lead to weight gain.

The production of endorphins is influenced by prolonged physical activity and strong experiences (love, fame, creativity).

Muscle builders growth hormones

The pituitary gland in the brain produces growth hormone (somatropin), which affects human growth and helps build bones and muscles. It also affects metabolism. Researchers have found that its levels are lower in obese people than in people of normal weight. With age, the level of somatropin decreases, and by the age of 50 its production stops altogether.

To activate growth hormone for weight loss, you need to follow a sleep schedule. The peak of its production by the body occurs in the first hours of falling asleep. Taking amino acids, arginine and ornithine, also stabilizes the indicators. And in combination with vitamins C, group B, potassium, magnesium and calcium, their effectiveness only increases.

Female hormones

The female sex hormone, estrogen, plays an important role in maintaining weight balance. When its level is high, the legs are also noted. With age and with the onset of menopause, its levels decrease and fat begins to be deposited mainly on the arms, waist and abdomen. After age 40, the body produces estrogen from fat cells. Therefore, their supply becomes vital and losing weight is much more difficult than in younger years.

To normalize estrogen levels, you need to consume enough fiber-rich vegetables. They help remove not only toxins, but also excess hormones. To avoid severe gas formation, vegetables should be introduced gradually, bringing the norm to 45 grams of fiber per day.

How to lose weight by taking hormones

The use of hormonal drugs for weight loss is prescribed to correct the excess of female sex hormones and the lack of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland. It is important to understand how to properly lose weight while taking hormones. After all, these pills are not a means to lose extra pounds. Their goal is to restore balance in the body. Weight loss will be a consequence of these changes.

Taking hormonal medications should always be discussed with your doctor.

There is also a third group that can significantly help in weight loss. These are tablets containing somatropin - growth hormone. But taking them can have unfavorable changes in the appearance and health of older women. They are unsafe, since the body produces growth hormone only until full maturity, mainly during adolescence.

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    Weight loss according to the biocompensatory method of Doctor of Biological Sciences Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann is not just health-improving, but therapeutic and rejuvenating, without special diets, with the usual normal varied diet, without the use of drugs and preparations. From the first day of the weight loss course, fats begin to burn and flow out of the body naturally (with urine, sweat, breathing) at a rate of up to 15 kg in 4 weeks (men - up to 17 kg). The healing effects of Dr. G. N. Grossmann’s method are so effective that within the first 2-3 weeks, blood pressure and sugar levels return to normal, cholesterol decreases, diabetic signs disappear, and sleep normalizes. Returns appearance to the maximum, the face becomes younger and more beautiful, and the skin becomes smooth and even. This, naturally, is a miracle, and Dr. G. N. Grossmann has been doing this miracle for more than 20 years.
  • Recipes for weight loss
    Weight loss according to the biocompensatory method of Doctor of Biological Sciences Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann is not just health-improving, but therapeutic and rejuvenating, without special diets, with the usual normal varied diet, without the use of drugs and preparations. From the first day of the weight loss course, fats begin to burn and flow out of the body naturally (with urine, sweat, breathing) at a rate of up to 15 kg in 4 weeks (men - up to 17 kg). The healing effects of Dr. G. N. Grossmann’s method are so effective that within the first 2-3 weeks, blood pressure and sugar levels return to normal, cholesterol decreases, diabetic signs disappear, and sleep normalizes. The appearance returns to its maximum, the face becomes younger and more beautiful, and the skin becomes smooth and even. This, naturally, is a miracle, and Dr. G. N. Grossmann has been doing this miracle for more than 20 years.
  • Prolactin and excess weight. Features of women's health important stages life

    G.N. Grossmann talks about the characteristics of the female body. How to prevent discomfort during hot flashes or reduce their intensity.

    Every woman is very familiar with the famous premenstrual syndrome. It is observed about a week before the start of menstruation and occurs differently for everyone.

    Some people go through this process without much effort, but most women experience noticeable discomfort - their breasts swell and their weight increases, by several kilograms at once. The body loses elasticity, and nervous tension increases significantly. The woman becomes irritated and uncommunicative, constantly in a bad mood. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

    Facts about PMS. What causes it and how to deal with its consequences?

    This is all explained purely by our physiological characteristics, or more precisely, by female hormonal levels.

    Until this moment occurs, a woman’s body naturally strives for fertilization, which is accompanied by the production of the hormone ergosterone. It increases arousal and sex drive, making us actively seek a partner.

    At this time, we are active and cheerful, mobile and have a positive attitude towards everyone around us. We are in search!

    But now the egg has matured, and another hormone called prolactin comes into play. The hormone prolactin during pregnancy is designed to retain all substances to ensure the most complete development of the fetus.

    Along with nutrients, fluid retention is also observed - and this directly affects weight and swelling.

    That’s why they say that PMS causes leg swelling and bloating.

    And a woman’s isolation is also explained by this state - we withdraw into ourselves, since the body requires us to focus on the upcoming pregnancy, on protecting the embryo.

    Of course, during this period prolactin prevents you from losing weight; on the contrary, it prevents this in every possible way. This is how nature intended it to be, and it is difficult to change this course of things. It is impossible to completely get rid of this process, but you can learn to control it and reduce the consequences.

    To do this, you first need to accept the fact that the female body is most sensitive during the premenstrual period. This also applies physical condition, and, especially, the emotional background. Therefore, both the woman herself and everyone around her should be more lenient and understanding at this time.

    Nutrition during this period should be treated with the utmost care, because prolactin and excess weight are directly related. Therefore, try to control each of your meals - refuse high-calorie foods, reduce portions, and do not be led by your appetite.

    By the way, it increases significantly at this time, and we constantly want candy, then a cake, or a bun. And then we wonder where these sides came from and why the belly grew so much in a week.

    Fluid retention and our diet leads to weight gain in a week

    Then the liquid will go away, but the fat deposits will remain. And they were caused not by hormones, but by our weaknesses and love for tasty things.

    The volume of liquids you drink during this time is also important. Remembering that it is retained by all means in the body, try to reduce the number of glasses of tea and even water.

    Every extra piece of food, as well as a cup of coffee, is an additional burden on our body, on our legs and even on our heart. Please note that the production of prolactin and weight loss may well occur simultaneously, without any special obstacles.

    Correcting your mood is much more complicated. When we feel detached and want maximum privacy, few can help. And few dare, because during the premenstrual period ladies are capricious and hot-tempered, easily irritated and throw tantrums.

    This requires a lot of work from a woman on herself. It should be understood that this condition is caused by purely physiological factors - and it will definitely pass.

    Smile more often, look for positive moments in every day, don’t get hung up on seeming problems, because most of them turn out to be far-fetched.

    You can explain to your loved ones the reason for your behavior - those who truly value you will understand and will not be offended.

    An even better option is to find something that always inspires you and improves your mood. Let this activity be your priority during these difficult days.

    Each organism is a complex system of organs working individually.

    But the female body also has additional functions associated with pregnancy and childbearing.

    All this falls on our fragile shoulders and is accompanied by big amount changes - physiologically and spiritually. We find it difficult to cope with the hormonal surge, and this even affects our attitude. There is no need to be afraid of these processes - you should learn to manage them.

    You need to try to maintain your own desire to always remain attractive, regardless of your hormonal status. And on the eve of critical days, this is absolutely necessary, since it is during this period that we are most vulnerable and sensitive.

    And feeling still beautiful and slim helps us get through the sad days of our lives more easily. Therefore, try to monitor both your diet and your appearance.

    Not in the mood? Take care of your face and body, make a mask, relax.

    Change your hairstyle or go shopping. Instill positivity in yourself - after all, you know perfectly well what exactly you can do to cheer yourself up.

    Menopause and related problems. Should hormone therapy be used?

    With the onset of menopause, a woman experiences dramatic changes - both in her sex life and in her hormonal levels. This manifests itself in everything from health characteristics to excess weight:

    1. Firstly, from this time on, the size of the uterus decreases. Don’t let this scare you, since this process is absolutely normal and physiologically determined.
    2. Secondly, the protection of the vagina from the penetration of bacteria is significantly reduced. From now on, it becomes very easy to get any inflammatory process.

    Therefore, even while continuing to be sexually active, a woman should be more attentive to hygiene – both her own and her partner’s.

    – What is this mysterious prolactin and what is its role in the body?

    – Oh, this is a completely mysterious hormone. He is the only one who intervenes in all processes, but his role for our health, meanwhile, is not fully understood. Its absolute importance for the formation of lactation is known; without prolactin, a woman cannot produce milk. But what he does while participating in other “scenarios” of our lives is not yet clear to scientists. We know that prolactin can affect the reproductive system, the bone system, and metabolism; it is also one of the adaptogens - it is released into the blood in response to stress and helps the body withstand excess physical or mental stress. But what metabolic processes does it trigger? For now, we can only state that prolactin increases for some reasons known only to it. Although the regulators of prolactin levels in the brain are well known. This is dopamine, which controls (reduces) prolactin production. The second regulator is thyrotropin-releasing hormone, a hormone that increases the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and, for company, prolactin. That is why, with hypofunction of the thyroid gland, prolactin can increase simultaneously with TSH. Prolactin levels also increase during sex, which is why doctors always warn patients not to have sexual intercourse before taking tests. But what role does he play in this? No one has explored it yet...

    – Perhaps it, as an adaptogen, prevents us from dying of love...

    – Or helps to enjoy it... Everything is possible, but not proven. This is a hormone that, on the one hand, helps everyone everywhere and, on the other hand, is always on its own. Much more is known about other hormones. For example, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), like prolactin, is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex. Thyroid-stimulating hormone increases the function of the thyroid gland, follicle-stimulating hormone regulates the activity of the gonads, forms the function of the ovaries, etc. And only prolactin does not initiate or stimulate anything. He is probably the only one that acts on his own, and not through some “intermediaries”. And at the same time directly - on tissues, adrenal glands, ovaries, peripheral endocrine glands. Perhaps this is a wise quirk of nature. And she very wisely insured us for various occasions. If some hormone doesn’t cope, here’s prolactin to help you. He can work “on all fronts” and with very multidirectional effects. But at the same time unpredictable. It is never known, for example, if prolactin is high, there will be some kind of menstrual irregularity or not. With the same excess weight. Against this background, someone will gain weight, and someone will lose weight. The body's reaction to prolactin is very individual and depends on the characteristics of the hormonal background. Today, only one thing can be said with certainty: when we're talking about about prolactin, there is always an ellipsis.

    – If everything is so vague, why then are we women, as soon as the doctor notices some problems in the reproductive system, immediately forced to take tests for prolactin?

    – Although the mechanisms of action of many processes are still completely unknown, doctors know that hyperprolactinemia (a persistent increase in prolactin levels) is a signal of disorders, sometimes very serious, especially in a woman’s body. And the first target of a pathological increase in prolactin levels is precisely the reproductive system. First of all, this is infertility, amenorrhea (lack of menstruation). If a non-pregnant woman of fertile age does not have or has stopped menstruating, in 70% of cases we find elevated prolactin levels. Also, women and girls experience insufficiency of phase II of the menstrual cycle, delayed menstruation, ovulation disorders, and the release of colostrum or milk from the mammary glands in the absence of pregnancy and childbirth. With hypothyroidism and increased prolactin in girls, the mammary glands begin to develop prematurely. Fibrocystic mastopathy also often occurs against the background of an increase in the amount of this hormone. Another danger that high prolactin may signal is a disruption of the endocrine balance with the formation of hyperandrogenism (increased production of male sex hormones or increased sensitivity of tissues to them). For women, this is a visceral increase in fat and increased hair growth. But not only. These are also risks from the heart, blood vessels, and metabolic syndrome. The autonomic nervous system will also suffer, since prolactin is an adaptogen. Patients may feel hot flashes, palpitations, trembling hands, sweating, and dry skin. In the end, the process becomes somatized and results in a disease, sometimes cancer with the growth of tumors, and mental abnormalities may also appear.

    – Can a hormone cause cancer?

    – Let's try to explain everything from the point of view of physiology and pathophysiology. Stress is not just something we worry about. This is a whole chain of processes in the body. As we remember, the notorious adaptogen prolactin is released in response to stress. The more we experience, the higher its level. This is how the body reacts, mobilizing all its defenses. If stress is chronic, the body's reserves will gradually be depleted. The cell will suffer and will not have time to control what is happening in it. This would upset the balance of life and death in her life cycle. She will survive against all odds, but will start a pathological process. This is how cancer usually develops.

    - Let's go back to obesity. Why does modern medicine associate the appearance of excess weight with prolactin? And why do experts convince us that if you are overweight, you must lower your hormone levels and take hormonal medications?

    – Everything here is both complicated and simple. The fact is that with obesity it is never completely clear: excess weight forms hyperprolactenemia, or an increase in prolactin is formed as a result of dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system in response to increased weight. But, be that as it may, we cannot equate obesity and prolactin. 95% of obesity is still overeating, 5% is due to hormonal reasons. Among these 5% there is not only hyperprolactinemia. Obesity must be treated, first of all, with diet and lifestyle correction. Hormonal drugs in this case are in last place. But if during obesity we observe a persistent increase in prolactin levels, it needs to be reduced in any case, because we know how much trouble can happen if it goes off scale. This is where special medications are required. By the way, high levels of prolactin also interfere with the process of weight loss. Diet and exercise simply won't work and help you lose weight.

    – For what symptoms should you go and get tested for prolactin?

    – If your body mass index is 30 or more. For any menstrual irregularities. In the event that autonomic dysfunction syndrome reminds you of itself (we talked about the manifestations above). An analysis for prolactin is also necessary for osteoporosis if it is detected in a young woman. The reason to visit the laboratory should be any pathology of the mammary glands, infertility, increased hair growth, impaired visual fields and other neurological symptoms, psycho-emotional disorders, including premenstrual syndrome in women. In men, elevated prolactin levels often accompany infertility and decreased libido. In children and adolescents – delayed sexual development. And based on the test results, your endocrinologist will prescribe which medications to take and in what quantities.

    Which hormone is to blame for obesity? The role of prolactin in excess weight gain.

    Recently, doctors are increasingly talking about the relationship between obesity and increased levels of prolactin, a hormone produced by the cells of the anterior pituitary gland. We already know that all troubles come from the head. But how exactly do the features of the brain affect the increase in body size? Is it possible to somehow control these processes from the outside? With this and other questions, the magazine “Pro Health” turned to Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Irina KUZNETSOVA.

    – What is this mysterious prolactin and what is its role in the body?

    – Oh, this is a completely mysterious hormone. He is the only one who intervenes in all processes, but his role for our health, meanwhile, is not fully understood. Its absolute importance for the formation of lactation is known; without prolactin, a woman cannot produce milk. But what he does while participating in other “scenarios” of our lives is not yet clear to scientists. We know that prolactin can affect the reproductive system, the bone system, and metabolism; it is also one of the adaptogens - it is released into the blood in response to stress and helps the body withstand excess physical or mental stress. But what metabolic processes does it trigger? For now, we can only state that prolactin increases for some reasons known only to it. Although the regulators of prolactin levels in the brain are well known. This is dopamine, which controls (reduces) prolactin production. The second regulator is thyrotropin-releasing hormone, a hormone that increases the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and, for company, prolactin. That is why, with hypofunction of the thyroid gland, prolactin can increase simultaneously with TSH. Prolactin levels also increase during sex, which is why doctors always warn patients not to have sexual intercourse before taking tests. But what role does he play in this? No one has explored it yet...

    – Perhaps it, as an adaptogen, prevents us from dying of love...

    – Or helps to enjoy it... Everything is possible, but not proven. This is a hormone that, on the one hand, helps everyone everywhere and, on the other hand, is always on its own. Much more is known about other hormones. For example, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), like prolactin, is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex. Thyroid-stimulating hormone increases the function of the thyroid gland, follicle-stimulating hormone regulates the activity of the gonads, forms the function of the ovaries, etc. And only prolactin does not initiate or stimulate anything. He is probably the only one that acts on his own, and not through some “intermediaries”. And at the same time directly - on tissues, adrenal glands, ovaries, peripheral endocrine glands. Perhaps this is a wise quirk of nature. And she very wisely insured us for various occasions. If some hormone doesn’t cope, here’s prolactin to help you. He can work “on all fronts” and with very multidirectional effects. But at the same time unpredictable. It is never known, for example, if prolactin is high, there will be some kind of menstrual irregularity or not. With the same excess weight. Against this background, someone will gain weight, and someone will lose weight. The body's reaction to prolactin is very individual and depends on the characteristics of the hormonal background. Today, only one thing can be said with certainty: when it comes to prolactin, there is always an ellipsis.

    – If everything is so vague, why then are we women, as soon as the doctor notices some problems in the reproductive system, immediately forced to take tests for prolactin?

    – Although the mechanisms of action of many processes are still completely unknown, doctors know that hyperprolactinemia (a persistent increase in prolactin levels) is a signal of disorders, sometimes very serious, especially in a woman’s body. And the first target of a pathological increase in prolactin levels is precisely the reproductive system. First of all, this is infertility, amenorrhea (lack of menstruation). If a non-pregnant woman of fertile age does not have or has stopped menstruating, in 70% of cases we find elevated prolactin levels. Also, women and girls experience insufficiency of phase II of the menstrual cycle, delayed menstruation, ovulation disorders, and the release of colostrum or milk from the mammary glands in the absence of pregnancy and childbirth. With hypothyroidism and increased prolactin in girls, the mammary glands begin to develop prematurely. Fibrocystic mastopathy also often occurs against the background of an increase in the amount of this hormone. Another danger that high prolactin may signal is a disruption of the endocrine balance with the formation of hyperandrogenism (increased production of male sex hormones or increased sensitivity of tissues to them). For women, this is a visceral increase in fat and increased hair growth. But not only. These are also risks from the heart, blood vessels, and metabolic syndrome. The autonomic nervous system will also suffer, since prolactin is an adaptogen. Patients may feel hot flashes, palpitations, trembling hands, sweating, and dry skin. In the end, the process becomes somatized and results in a disease, sometimes cancer with the growth of tumors, and mental abnormalities may also appear.

    – Can a hormone cause cancer?

    – Let's try to explain everything from the point of view of physiology and pathophysiology. Stress is not just something we worry about. This is a whole chain of processes in the body. As we remember, the notorious adaptogen prolactin is released in response to stress. The more we experience, the higher its level. This is how the body reacts, mobilizing all its defenses. If stress is chronic, the body's reserves will gradually be depleted. The cell will suffer and will not have time to control what is happening in it. This would upset the balance of life and death in her life cycle. She will survive against all odds, but will start a pathological process. This is how cancer usually develops.

    - Let's go back to obesity. Why does modern medicine associate the appearance of excess weight with prolactin? And why do experts convince us that if you are overweight, you must lower your hormone levels and take hormonal medications?

    – Everything here is both complicated and simple. The fact is that with obesity it is never completely clear: excess weight forms hyperprolactenemia, or an increase in prolactin is formed as a result of dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system in response to increased weight. But, be that as it may, we cannot equate obesity and prolactin. 95% of obesity is still overeating, 5% is due to hormonal reasons. Among these 5% there is not only hyperprolactinemia. Obesity must be treated, first of all, with diet and lifestyle correction. Hormonal drugs in this case are in last place. But if during obesity we observe a persistent increase in prolactin levels, it needs to be reduced in any case, because we know how much trouble can happen if it goes off scale. This is where special medications are required. By the way, high levels of prolactin also interfere with the process of weight loss. Diet and exercise simply won't work and help you lose weight.

    – For what symptoms should you go and get tested for prolactin?

    The peptide hormone prolactin (mammotropin) was isolated in the human body almost a hundred years ago (in 1928). But during all this time, scientists have not been able to fully study the features of its functioning. They found out that the amount of milk during breastfeeding depends on it and that it is produced in the anterior part of the pituitary gland. But why it is found in the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, uterus, ovaries, muscles and what effect it has on them - no one can say for sure.

    Recently, doctors are increasingly saying that prolactin and excess weight are interconnected. If one rises, the second immediately creeps up and, accordingly, vice versa. How to use it for weight loss? Let's find out.

    About the hormone

    The main purpose of prolactin in the female body is to produce breast milk. Its norm in men is no higher than 7 ng/ml, in women - 12 ng/ml. However, during pregnancy this figure increases up to 300 ng/ml and remains at this level throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

    If a woman is not pregnant or breastfeeding, and mammotropin in her body exceeds 20 ng/ml, hyperprolactinemia is diagnosed. In men it is less common, but it also happens. For them, the risk point is considered to be 15 ng/ml. As practice shows and research confirms, the disease is always accompanied by an increase in body weight, which suggests a connection between this hormone and excess weight.

    If prolactin is normal, it has positive influence on the body:

    • reduces pain sensitivity;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • is an integral part of the nerve fiber sheath;
    • stimulates the growth of new blood vessels;
    • participates in achieving orgasm.

    The positive effect of mammotropin during breastfeeding is known to everyone: the body begins to produce milk in such quantities that the baby has enough. In addition, it prevents a new pregnancy during this period, as it inhibits the menstrual cycle.

    However, exceeding the norm of this hormone is fraught with serious consequences:

    • menstrual irregularities;
    • infertility;
    • heart diseases;
    • anorgasmia;
    • frigidity, lack of libido;
    • macromastia, cysts, adenomas, breast cancer;
    • galactorrhea;
    • diabetes mellitus (the fact has not yet been scientifically confirmed, so remains questionable);
    • atherosclerosis;
    • mental pathologies.

    True, the risk of developing such serious illnesses quite low. But excess weight is always observed in such situations. And equally in both men and women.

    This is interesting. Prolactin is considered one of the most poorly studied hormones in the human body.

    Link to excess weight

    Scientists express different opinions about how they influence each other increased prolactin and excess weight. These scientific debates are reminiscent of the age-old chicken and egg mystery. Some believe that the first is the cause of the second, others - the consequence.

    The exact mechanism of their interaction remains to be determined, but it can already be said unequivocally that they are closely related to each other. And if the BMI exceeds 30, and the analysis showed that the amount of LTG (lactotropic hormone) in the body is off the charts, one thing is clear - it must be urgently reduced. As practice shows, if certain conditions are met, this also entails a decrease in body weight.

    Some scientists believe that it is prolactin that prevents weight loss during breastfeeding. However, this point of view has yet to be proven, since only in 5% of cases the hormone prevents weight loss. Other women, following a certain diet and sufficient physical activity, manage to bring their figure back to normal during the first year after childbirth.

    Hyperprolactinemia slows down metabolism and increases appetite, which leads to excess weight gain. Negative changes occur in lipid metabolism, cholesterol and lipoprotein levels increase. This is how scientists explain obesity in 60% of patients with this diagnosis, and it is usually accompanied by insulin resistance. This is caused by prolactin stimulation of pancreatic cells. There is an opinion that this is related to increased risk development diabetes mellitus, but there is no exact data about this.

    Interesting fact. Prolactin consists of 199 amino acids.

    Causes of hyperprolactinemia

    If you have both excess weight and hyperprolactinemia, you should first find out the cause of the latter. Only after its elimination can you begin losing weight, otherwise it will be useless.

    Physiological reasons:

    • deep dream;
    • intensive physical exercise;
    • lactation;
    • pregnancy;
    • age-related changes in the body after 40 years;
    • menopause;
    • taking certain medications (hormonal, antipsychotic, antihistamine, antiemetic);
    • sexual intercourse

    Pathological reasons:

    • galactorrhea;
    • amenorrhea;
    • gynecological pathologies;
    • dysfunction of parts of the brain;
    • hypothyroidism;
    • renal failure;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • vitamin B6 deficiency;
    • stress;
    • mammary gland injuries;
    • frequent abortions, intrauterine device.

    Elevated prolactin levels due to physiology are temporary. In this case, there is no need to sound the alarm and immediately quit breast-feeding or denying your partner sex just to lose weight. You need to wait out these surges and everything will return to normal on its own.

    But for pathological reasons, you will have to go to the doctor and get treatment, otherwise nothing will help you lose weight, not even.

    Did you know that... Is increased mammotropin not only harmful, but also beneficial? For example, it can cure multiple sclerosis.


    Elevated prolactin levels are determined using a special hormone test. But how to detect the need to go and take it? The body itself will give signals in the form of certain symptoms.

    General symptoms:

    • overweight (BMI over 30);
    • osteoporosis diagnosed before age 35;
    • acquired vision problems;
    • headache;
    • autonomic dysfunction syndrome;
    • hair loss;
    • increased appetite;
    • psychoemotional disorders.

    For men:

    • decreased libido;
    • impotence;
    • infertility.

    Among women:

    • menstrual irregularities, galactorrhea, amenorrhea;
    • infertility;
    • diseases of the mammary glands.

    Adolescents experience delayed sexual development.

    In advanced cases, hyperprolactinemia is accompanied by a tumor of the pituitary gland, which is called prolactinoma. It is this that causes vision problems and headaches.

    You should know it. A test for prolactin levels is taken on an empty stomach a couple of hours after waking up. 3-4 days before it you will have to eliminate smoking, sweets and physical activity.


    If the patient’s examination confirms high prolactin, and the excess weight is dictated precisely by hormonal disorders, a course of treatment is selected. Prolactinoma is usually removed surgically. In its absence, drugs are prescribed that can reduce LTG levels. These include:

    • bromocriptine (begin treatment with 1.25 mg orally at bedtime with meals, gradually increasing the dosage);
    • pergolide (0.025 mg at bedtime);
    • cabergoline (0.25 mg twice a week);
    • quinagolide (0.5 mg once daily);
    • dostinex;
    • norprolac;
    • tergurid;
    • lisuride;
    • dihydroergocriptine;
    • metergoline.

    Dosages in most cases are determined by the doctor in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. Sometimes medication must be combined with radiation therapy. After a full course of treatment, both prolactin levels and weight decrease.

    The many faces of prolactin. It has many names: mammotropin, LTG, lacto-, luteotropic, lactogenic, mammotropic hormone.

    Despite all the mystery of this hormone, it is clear that prolactin and weight loss are closely related to each other. If it is elevated and you are overweight, you definitely need to reduce it by any available means.

    First, get tested for hormones and undergo the necessary studies. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe:

    • X-ray of the skull;
    • Ultrasound of the prostate gland in men and the uterus and ovaries in women;
    • fundus examination;
    • blood and urine tests.

    Secondly, follow all the doctor’s recommendations: take prescribed medications and improve your lifestyle. If your the main task- weight loss, know: without reducing prolactin, it is impossible to get rid of excess weight in such situations. Even if you sit on the strictest diet and spend several hours every day in the gym, nothing will change. On the contrary, it has been proven that increased physical activity increases LTG levels, and fasting further slows down the already disturbed metabolism. Therefore, do not become your own enemies - for successful treatment of hyperprolactinemia and weight loss:

    • lead healthy image life;
    • eat right;
    • exercise moderately (no more than 3 times a week and no more than 40 minutes a day);
    • avoid stress;
    • fully treat any emerging diseases;
    • Constantly monitor your doctors and undergo a general medical examination once a year.

    Prolactin is a mysterious hormone, and scientists have yet to make discoveries in this area. Although it is already clear today that it is directly related to excess weight. To lose weight, you will have to normalize its level in the body, otherwise you will not be able to escape from obesity.