How to fold napkins on the New Year's table. How to fold napkins on the New Year's table

As the New Year holidays approach, we are devoting more and more time to preparing them, planning an entertainment program, and creating a New Year's menu. We often select the most interesting and unusual recipes, which are extremely rarely used in everyday cooking.

At the same time, you should not miss the opportunity to beautifully decorate the festive table with an unusual table setting. If you are the type of person who loves to take the time to create beauty in various aspects, decorating your table with napkins will not pass you by. With their help, you can add even more beauty and comfort to the New Year's table, and guests will appreciate the efforts of the hostess in creating a festive atmosphere.


Not everyone can create an interesting decorative element from an ordinary napkin. Most hosts simply fill the holiday table with a variety of delicious dishes. However, it is worth noting that creating a holiday is not limited to just an exquisite menu. Additional elements, which include dishes, tablecloths, and candles, are of great importance. Napkins are no exception.

First, you need to correctly place all the serving elements and arrange the cutlery correctly. Then you can begin to add additional decoration.

The choice of napkins should not only be based on personal taste. It is also worth considering the shade of the tablecloth and the general furnishings of the room.

Having decided on the color, presence or absence of a design of the products, it is worth considering how best to lay them out on the table.

An unusual design will not only help create a New Year's mood. The process of decorating can bring you joy and open up your creativity.

How to fold it beautifully with your own hands?

Beautifully decorated napkins are a great way to decorate the table for the New Year, making it brighter and more interesting. There are many methods and step-by-step diagrams that will help anyone create a real masterpiece.

Various ideas will tell you how to roll, fold or wrap napkins so that you can turn an ordinary part of the table setting into an interesting decorative element. Many ways of folding napkins allow you to decorate the table with interesting shapes (Christmas trees, snowflakes, stars, an image of Santa Claus, etc.).

Beautiful compositions made from napkins can even be simply placed next to plates or cutlery, emphasizing the rich decoration of the holiday table.


If you have paper and regular napkins, you can easily make interesting serving items with a New Year's theme. To do this, they are simply folded in a certain way.

In order to create a figure of Santa Claus from an ordinary napkin, it is enough to take a paper napkin consisting of two layers. The bottom layer should be light.

Use an iron to get rid of wrinkles. After this, the napkin should be folded into a triangle and then unfolded. The side edges should be folded to form two large triangles in the center. In this case, a small triangle should form on top. Next, the end of a large folded triangle is bent once and bent again, but in the other direction.

The last triangle is used to make the stripe. Then the edges are wrapped behind the base of the figure. After that, using a black pen, you need to draw the eyes. Such a miniature Santa Claus can become a worthy decoration for any table.

There is another interesting option for making Santa Claus from napkins. To do this, a head is cut out from the finished stencil and placed on the upper corner of a napkin folded into a triangle. You can glue a small circle of white paper to the corner, which will represent a pom-pom of the hat.

An unusual decoration that can be placed under cutlery is a snowflake-shaped napkin. This option looks perfect under transparent dishes of any color scheme. This design is one of the lightest. To do this, you just need to find the required template on the Internet, print it and cut it out.

Another simple, but no less creative idea for decorating a table for the New Year is a napkin rolled into a tube and decorated with ribbons or tinsel.

From fabric

Most people prefer paper napkins, but there are also those who, when setting the table, use not only a tablecloth, but also napkins made of fabric.

New Year has many symbols. However, the most important and traditional thing is the Christmas tree, without which this event will no longer be complete. Its shape can be given to a napkin in several ways.

The most a simple thing is to fold the napkin into a tube shape and secure it with a ring or ribbon, decorated with various decorative elements. These include balls, cones, flowers, small spruce branches. You can also make an image of a Christmas tree from colored paper or cardboard and secure it to a napkin using tape or “rain.”

Those who do not want to give their napkins a specific shape can simply fold each product 4 times, making it a square.

You can attach a small New Year's wish to the top. And for more creative and imaginative individuals, there are many other ideas for New Year's decor.

Below are several options for Christmas trees made from ordinary fabric napkins.

Jewelry and decor

The simplest but most unusual decoration for napkins are rings. They can be decorated with a wide variety of elements.

To make a napkin ring, you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard bases for paper or paper towels;
  • gouache (preferably acrylic) and brush;
  • multi-colored buttons;

  • PVA glue;
  • hot gun;
  • various sequins, beads.

  1. Cut the paper tube lengthwise, then paint the inside green.
  2. When the paint is completely absorbed, you should paint the outside as well. Then you need to cut each of the finished cardboard bases lengthwise into small strips measuring 5-8 mm.
  3. The next stage is making branches. To do this, prepare a certain number of strips, twisting the end of each of them around a brush to make a curl. The lower the branch is located, the less the strip curls.
  4. Then, using hot glue, all the branches are glued together and a few more branches are added on each side.
  5. The sides are smeared with PVA glue and sprinkled with glitter on top. Decorating branches with multi-colored buttons, beads and sequins looks interesting.
  6. At the end, you should make the bases on which the resulting Christmas trees will be glued. To do this, taking into account the number of napkins, cardboard tubes are cut in half. Each of them is painted red. After complete drying, a Christmas tree is glued to each half. This decoration will be a wonderful addition to the holiday table.

Another original option is napkin rings decorated with a felt bud. To create such a decorative element you will need:

  • felt leaves in pink and green colors;
  • small beads;
  • cardboard toilet paper bases;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue and hot gun.

  1. Cut the cardboard bases into an even number of pieces.
  2. Then you need to cut out an element from felt fabric equal to the diameter of the cardboard sleeve. Using glue, it is secured around the cardboard piece. For this you will need hot glue. The ring to which the flower is attached is ready.
  3. Petals of the future flower are cut out from pink felt (about 10 pieces per flower).
  4. To begin with, five petals are glued together, their ends overlapping each other.
  5. The remaining petals should be prepared first. To do this, one end of each petal is connected to form a corner. After this, the finished petals are glued to the base of the flower.
  6. Beads are glued on top of the core. Then the finished bud is attached to the mug with glue.

On the eve of the holiday, everyone is busy around the house, but a real needlewoman has twice as much to do: after all, she not only needs to come up with a holiday menu and carry out general cleaning, but also knit New Year's napkins or create a unique decorative element using the decoupage technique.

There are always a lot of ideas in your head, and in December, when the time comes to bring them to life, it turns out that there is too little time, so you can worry about New Year’s design “things” today. Especially if you love crocheting, then there are many ideas for you that take time to implement. A small crocheted napkin can be a unique gift for your best friend. In addition, once you knit one such round motif, you will probably want to try another pattern.

Decorating the New Year's table is one of the main moments of festive preparation. It is necessary not only to properly serve prepared salads, appetizers, and hot dishes, but also to take care of the correct table setting. In 2016, you need to choose dishes with a gold border, put glasses with gilding. The tablecloth can be white, but it is better to take red napkins. You can also decorate the table with gold candles.

New Year's napkins for decoupage

If you bought New Year's napkins for decoupage, that is, there are several original options for how to use them. Since the New Year is always associated with a big feast, decorated bottles of champagne will definitely come in handy; they will take a place in the center of the table, and if you are visiting friends, they will become a simple and original gift. To master the decoupage technique, you don’t need to take special courses or suffer for a long time, it is a very accessible and understandable technique, but if you have any difficulties, be sure to watch a photo lesson or video master class.

Decoupage is the transfer of finished drawings to the surface and additional coating of the base. Its history goes back hundreds of years, and was used in the Middle Ages, when there were no multi-colored paper napkins, which made the life of needlewomen much easier. In France, objects decorated in this way were used at court, but in Russia they started talking about it only in the 21st century, but the technique quickly spread throughout the country and “infected” millions of needlewomen. Today, decoupage is used to create real works of art and allows you to breathe new life into old things.

If you decide to take this technique seriously, you will need an extensive set of materials - all of them are sold at any office supply store. Be sure to purchase several types of scissors: manicure, large and medium, which will help you work with elements of different sizes: from tiny details to large designs. Brushes must be taken separately for glue, for paints, blotting and varnish. To apply glue and varnish, the brush must be thin. You may need sandpaper to smooth the surfaces of the bottle. By the way, you can buy a decoupage kit at a craft store.

First, you will need a bottle of champagne from which you need to remove the labels, this is very easy to do if you leave it in a container of cold water for a while. New Year's paper napkins you can buy on the market, but to find a truly bright large drawing, it is better to go to specialized stores “Everything for needlework”, where paper napkins are sold individually and you can choose the most beautiful winter landscape, an image of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

To work using the decoupage technique, PVA glue is used, and for work you need to allocate a space and cover the surfaces with a tablecloth so that there are no traces of glue left on them. Additional materials needed include nail glitter, white, blue and gold acrylic paints, crystal paste, silver or gold glitter, a foam sponge, and a brush.

A clean bottle must be degreased; to do this, it can be treated with a soap solution and then wiped with alcohol. The element that you will glue to the surface must be carefully cut out; you can make the edges a little torn, so the design will look more natural. The surface must be carefully painted with white paint (or another color that matches your image). When the surface is dry, treat the area with PVA glue. And lay out the napkin pattern on top; if a fold forms, you need to carefully smooth it out.

When the pictures are glued, you need to leave the bottle until the PVA dries completely. By the way, you can place the image on one or both sides. Next you need to do the decoration. Using semi-dry foam rubber and paint, you need to go around the edges of the picture so that it merges with the rest of the photo of the bottle and the borders are erased.

After this, decorate the bottle with glitter, for example, with silver glitter you can draw large and small snowflakes, and with silver glitter you can create a real snowstorm.

New Year's napkins on the table

But not only a bottle of champagne in the center of the table should become a decoration for your table setting, you need to prepare New Year's napkins on the table. Most likely, every year the table has the same decoration, festive plates, crystal glasses, polished forks and spoons are taken out of the sideboard, and to make the decoration unique, it is enough to add only a few details. Don’t worry, you won’t have to run to the market for new tablecloths and fabric napkins, because every housewife has her own tricks in her arsenal.

Some craftswomen prefer to sew several sets of napkins, for example, red, blue, yellow, in order to fit almost all color schemes, but the easiest option is to buy white napkins and decorate them. To decorate, you need to take a gold ribbon that is wide enough, which you need to cut into pieces and sew some kind of rings, this ring will be put on a folded fabric napkin. Next, you can use several techniques, for example, place a spruce sprig or a cinnamon stick with a pine branch under each golden ring, or place a pine cone on each plate.

New Year's napkins

The most original option, how it can be folded DIY New Year's napkin- This is the shape of a Christmas tree. Don’t worry, you don’t need to take special courses or train for a long time, everything will work out the first time. But it is advisable to take green fabric napkins so that the tree turns out realistic and very beautiful. Your guests will appreciate this serving option and will probably ask for a short master class.

For various holidays you can make this table setting special, for example, on March 8 you can have it, and on February 14 you can have a red heart, which will undoubtedly decorate your romantic dinner with your loved one.

Christmas tree napkin on video- this is a good master class on how beautifully you can fold a square piece of fabric so that it becomes the central element

There is also a photo tutorial that may help you:

1. Fold the square in half, and then in half again. Now you have the same square, only smaller.
2. The napkin must be turned over and the edges folded towards the center. Now you have a triangle formed. Place a small weight on top so that the triangle is secured and does not unfold.
3. After it is necessary to turn it over and one by one bend all the layers up, tucking them under the previous lapel.

When you're done, you'll see what an original Christmas tree you've got, you can decorate it with beads or a star.

Crochet New Year's napkins

The most original thing is crochet New Year's napkins. Patterns can be selected according to your skill level, because some people are fluent in crocheting and can make intricate patterns, while others are just learning, so they look for simple and understandable patterns.

It is best to use green threads for New Year's knitting; they can be with lurex; thanks to this thin shiny thread, your knitting will look bright and festive. The most affordable option is Iris threads from a Russian manufacturer; the store offers a wide selection of colors; you can also find cotton threads from a Turkish factory.

On the Internet you can find many options for knitting patterns for a round napkin, but the “Herringbone” pattern can be repeated using fillet knitting; this is a very simple and straightforward technique that allows you to knit New Year's tablecloths and napkins. You can make such a pattern yourself, but to do this you need to find a small Christmas tree on the Internet, embroidered, for example, with a cross. Now take each square as four double crochets, and knit the “voids” like this - a double crochet, two chain stitches and another double crochet.

Circular motifs are also varied: in some patterns, the Christmas tree can be repeated in a circle many times, when knitting such bright patterns, you can use beads that will look like multi-colored Christmas tree balls, or sew them onto the finished product.

New Year's tablecloths and napkins

They can also become a bright decoration for your home, and children's spontaneity always brings freshness to the interior. Remember that children are always interested in doing “adult” things, so if you create some crafts, the child will be happy to join the process.

You need to choose simple ideas for him so that he can cope and not face insurmountable difficulties, which may cause the child to reject any kind of creativity in the future.

For example, make it with threads or using the papier-mâché technique. Any children's crafts are a decoration for the holiday. Primary school girls can be taught crocheting or given easy steps in decoupage, for example, children can cut out large elements from a paper napkin.

You can prepare for the holiday all year and still in December you will have many unrealized ideas. It is imperative to involve all family members in creativity, and also tell children about the customs of celebrating the New Year in your family.

Celebrating the New Year in every family is a special holiday that everyone looks forward to. Preparations for its meeting begin long before its arrival. Every housewife certainly plans what dishes she will prepare and how she will decorate the festive table. One of the most interesting and varied elements of table setting is the design of napkins.

Features of design and serving

Napkins look very nice on the table, decorated in a certain way with different ideas for color and shape. They are a kind of table decoration for the New Year and add special charm and sophistication to the celebration. A huge number of different folding patterns allows you to choose the most attractive option.

Most housewives focus on dishes and their variety, forgetting that a beautifully decorated table is not only about festive salads and champagne. Not the least important role is played by such nuances as the tablecloth, the dishes on which the food is laid out, as well as napkins, cutlery and many other details.

Decorating with napkins is a creative process that requires attention and an appropriate mood, and cannot be rushed, so you need to start it in advance and always with love.

Folding methods

To beautifully fold paper napkins with your own hands and decorate the table with them, you need to imagine exactly what shape you need to get. There are many specific folding sequences that, when folded appropriately, will give the napkin its final shape.

When folding, please note that all actions must be done carefully, and folded napkins should not look wrinkled. For this purpose, when folding fabric products, an iron is used to smooth the surfaces. It is better to iron items that are still damp, after which they will look even and smooth.

Do not fold with wet or dirty hands.

Also, for a certain design option for the New Year's table, products are made from fabrics of various colors, taking into account the overall color scheme of the room and the holiday theme.

To get a napkin in the shape of a Christmas tree, you need to carefully fold the napkin in four, fold the free edge into a triangle, bend each corner and decorate the top with a bow.

To get a two-color Christmas tree, you just need to lay out a round two-color serving napkin with the colored side facing inward. In this case, it is necessary to leave a small protruding edge. After this, we turn the resulting shape over and fold the large tail along the side right line. It can then be placed under the appliances.

The folding in the form of the “French version” is very interesting. This method is very common in classic table setting. In this case, you need to fold a square paper napkin into a square in the usual way, after which the three upper corners are folded down at the same interval. Then the left side is folded and cutlery can be placed in the resulting pockets.

When using such an attribute of holiday table design as napkins for decoration, you should take into account that they must be harmoniously combined with decorative elements and match the main color scheme. They can be placed in different places on the table and in different designs, which will emphasize sophistication and create homeliness.

If table setting involves the use of portioned plates, then napkins are placed on them or between forks and knives.

Figuratively folded napkins can also be placed in a special glass or wine glass.

Successful examples and options

Beautifully folded napkins are an important element of table setting. Fold them in different ways and your table will look even more appetizing.


This fabric Christmas tree can be easily made in just one minute, and you won’t need any scissors or glue. We recommend taking only green napkins, like the original ones, but, of course, color options can be very diverse.

It is necessary to fold the fabric four times and turn the open corners towards you. Next, fold the edges overlapping one another and turn the napkin over. On the reverse side we connect the corners and turn them over again. Now we tuck both edges behind the previous one, bending them upward, and the wonderful Christmas tree is ready.

Christmas candle

Stand for name cards

If a large number of guests gather at the festive table, then this method is an ideal serving option.

First, fold the fabric lengthwise so that you get three identical parts. Next you need to turn it horizontally and fold the corners like an airplane. Now we turn the fabric over and roll the free edges, turn it over again and bend the edge. The resulting rollers will hold the name card securely.

Saint Nicholas hat

For this method it is better to use white fabric. We fold the napkin diagonally and make a rhombus, turning the extreme corners towards the top. Now we turn the napkin over and, to get the brim of the “hat,” bend the edge. We connect the ends on the reverse side, tucking them into each other.


The simplest and most effective way. We make a rectangle out of fabric, bend the edge and tie the middle with tape. We hide the edges of the ribbon under the bow.


If a linen napkin is folded in the shape of a cockscomb, it will look beautiful both on a plate and directly on the tablecloth. The fabric must be starched before folding, then the ends of the comb will not unfold.

Fold the napkin in four, and bend one end upward. We bend the right and left sides, aligning them in the center. Bend the two long ends of the resulting triangle back. This will be the base. Now we move the left and right halves of the new triangle back and finally form a ridge by pulling the triangles up.

Lily flower

Napkins folded this way are usually a great success. It is recommended to use white fabric for this method. The plates of all those present should be decorated with such a snow-white flower.

  • Fold the square napkin diagonally, then fold the two corners of the resulting triangle towards the top.
  • The napkin has again become a square, the bottom corner of which needs to be folded and the end bent down.
  • Now, holding it with both hands, carefully turn the napkin over to the back side.
  • We bend the side corners, tucking one into the other, and turn them again with the other side.
  • Now we move the corners to the side, forming petals.

Napkins folded in an unusual way can be decorated with various details - then the festive table will look even brighter and more original.

It is customary for us to set rich tables for the New Year holidays, but we often neglect festive decor - there is not enough time, sometimes imagination. But it is the decoration of the table for the New Year that creates a magical atmosphere, complemented by the smells of pine and citrus.

While you are cutting salads and pouring sauce over the roast, keep your family busy with the festive table setting. I found several master classes on decorating a table for the New Year: how to fold napkins, do-it-yourself napkin holders, decor of glasses, “Christmas tree” decor for a festive table.

How to fold napkins on the New Year's table

I remember that the responsible task of folding napkins on the holiday table as a child fell on me. But there was practically nowhere to get ideas from 20 years ago. Thanks to “Burda” - on the last pages of the magazine there were articles on home economics, which occasionally included diagrams. Now it’s even difficult to decide which decor option to choose!

Christmas tree napkin made of fabric

  • It is advisable to starch the napkins before work for better stabilization.
  • Lay the fabric out on a flat surface.
  • Fold the napkin in half from left to right, creating a rectangle with the fold on the left side.
  • Fold the top corners towards the center.
  • Repeat this step for the top corners of the rectangle, ironing.
  • Fold the top and bottom vertices of the resulting triangles towards the center of the napkin, you should get a square.
  • Carefully fold the square in half, the tops of the triangles pointing up.

paper version

Napkin tree

Another simple option for folding a napkin in the shape of a spruce tree. You can put a sprig of juniper or rosemary on it and some sweets for each guest.

A very simple idea for decorating the New Year's table. The highlight of the napkin is a bright bead or a miniature Christmas ball-pompom on the “cap”.

You can insert a sprig of rosemary, juniper, or a decorative sprig with berries from a craft store behind the “turn” of the cap.

Paper Christmas tree napkins

Even the smallest helpers will be able to fold napkins for the New Year's table using this MK. Such Christmas trees can also be made from starched fabric napkins. You can place a pin with a bead on the top of the napkin.

Other options for this master class:

How to fold a napkin into an elf boot

Both paper and fabric napkins are suitable for this variation. The boot can be filled with a couple of sweets for each guest. Christmas napkins with ornaments and motifs that don’t always fit well into the shape and design of the Christmas tree look good, but the pattern on the boot fits the theme. Cute and playful holiday table decor.

Christmas Napkin Candle

Folding a napkin into a candle shape is not difficult, but starched cotton, about 40 cm in size, holds its ideal shape better. Iron the resulting folds while folding.

Santa Claus from a napkin

Cones made of napkins, complemented by simple triangles-faces, can have an individual character and facial expressions; such Santa Clauses are made very quickly, and make an indelible impression.

DIY New Year's napkin rings and holders

You don't have to be fancy about folding napkins. Pay attention to New Year's style napkin rings and original holders that you can make yourself.

Napkin holder Shshka

An unusual and simple way to serve a holiday table. Given the variety of paper napkin designs and colors, this pine cone can be a work of art.

Felt napkin ring

Using felt or acrylic, you can create simple and effective themed napkin rings in a couple of minutes. Simply connect the rectangle with a stapler and attach the decor of your choice to it. The cost of such New Year's table decorations is pretty cheap.

Rings made from cardboard tubes

Cardboard sleeves can be tied with ribbon, yarn, felt, or any fabric. A satin bow may be enough for decoration.

The simplest New Year's table decoration that creates a magical atmosphere is paper snowflakes at the base of the glass or on the rim. Even a small satin bow gives the right mood. Some interesting ideas for decorating glasses for the New Year:

There is also an interesting idea for tea with friends, shown in the photo below. To this napkin you just need to add a sprig of juniper or ribbon.

The personalized cone, the petals of which are painted with acrylic, looks very cute and modest. you can use one of the methods that I wrote about in the previous article.

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What is the main thing about the New Year holidays? Not gifts and not a Christmas tree. And not even champagne. The main thing is the mood of miracle and magic. It is best “caught” in preparations, which in themselves are already part of the holiday and New Year’s magic.

We are in website We have collected simple and cute ideas for you that will help you create the mood and turn the New Year's Eve into a real holiday for your family and guests.

Christmas tree napkins

Delicate greenery and garlands of light bulbs

A gentle and romantic mood will be created by coniferous plants in small pots or sprigs of gypsophila (all can be bought inexpensively at a flower shop) and a garland of large light bulbs.

Serving in the form of snowmen

Using plates, cutlery, a piece of carrot, olives and colored napkins, you can build a cute snowman in front of each guest.

Fir branches

Spruce, fir or juniper branches placed in the center of the table and decorated with candles are stylish and fragrant. By the way, as an alternative to candles, you can intertwine spruce branches with a luminous Christmas tree garland.

Apple candles

Paper snowflakes and candles in the snow

Another great idea is to place paper snowflakes on the table, complementing them with candles and pine cones. Please note: candles and cones are in jars with coarse salt, as if in snow. By the way, you can go even further and make a tablecloth out of snowflakes, fastening them together with small pieces of tape. Not very practical, but for one evening, to create a snowy-magical mood, it’s just right.

Personalized glasses with New Year's balls

If you have guests coming to dinner, it will be great to make festive personalized glasses for them - it seems like a small thing, but it’s nice. To do this, you need to cut out multi-colored Christmas tree balls with a slot from cardboard and write the guest’s name on each one.

List of New Year's entertainment

In the photo there is an idea for a children's party, but it is quite possible to transfer it to an adult party by drawing a list in front of each of the guests: write a wish on a piece of paper and eat it while the chimes are striking, dance on the table or tell Santa Claus a joke from a stool.

Glasses and balls

Why not bring together the symbols of the New Year - candles, balls and glasses, of course - and make bright, sparkling and iridescent candlesticks? In addition, the work here is about 2 minutes. And how cozy it will be to sit in this circle of warm flickering if you dim the overhead light in the room.

Candles and candlesticks of all shapes and sizes

What better way to create a New Year's mood than making a candlestick for the holiday table with your own hands?

  • The “clothes” for the candles in the top left photo can be made from old sweaters (or specially knitted).
  • Floating candles look incredibly impressive in a dark room - frozen cranberries and sprigs from the flower shop will help you.
  • For the candle at the bottom left, I used a sheet from a music book, but you can take a beautiful magazine page or cardboard with a pattern and paste it over the jar.
  • Red and green are the colors of New Year and Christmas, and cranberries with fir branches will look very elegant.

Christmas trees

Multi-colored Christmas trees are a fun and elegant idea for table decoration. Such a grove can be made from cones of wrapping paper or assembled from truffle candies and toothpicks, to which triangles of cardboard or colored paper with a pattern (or just green ones) are attached with tape.


To decorate the table, you can put on each guest’s plate a personalized cookie in the shape of a heart, a Christmas tree and a Christmas ball with the initial letter of his name.

Cute little things

Sometimes a detail is enough to create a mood. For example, a paper snowflake on the edge of a glass or an ice fortress made from pieces of sugar.

Orange decorations

Oranges and cloves will fill your home with a fresh and spicy aroma, and this combination of orange and brown looks very beautiful. You can simply decorate the oranges with clove stars that can be easily stuck into the skin. Or you can make candlesticks, like in the bottom photo. They are not difficult to make - first you need to cut the orange peel in half and carefully remove both halves with a spoon. For a detailed guide with photos, see this