How to arrange a bouquet of roses with your own hands. Making bouquets using modern materials with your own hands How to decorate a bouquet of 5 roses with ribbon

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Fresh flowers have long entered our lives as a way to express our feelings or decorate our lives. Agree that it is pleasant to receive a chicly designed composition not only for a woman, but also for a man. To understand how to beautifully pack a bouquet of flowers, you need to remember some decorating rules.

Arranging bouquets of fresh flowers

If you are going to a friend's birthday or other celebration, then an unusual floral arrangement will be an excellent addition to the gift. Before packing flowers, it is better to check with the hero of the occasion which ones he likes. With this approach, receiving a sign of attention will be even more pleasant. Individual design will emphasize that you tried to please and will delight the person even more. Before you pack a bouquet of flowers, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • The wrapper should be in harmony with its contents. Make sure that the design emphasizes all the advantages and hides the shortcomings of the composition.
  • To highlight the beauty of flowers and the purity of your intentions, use soft, natural tones. They go well with any flowers, adding chic, nobility and richness to them. If you pack it too brightly, it will look stupid and distract the attention of others from the main part of the bouquet.
  • Foil packaging and polyester tapes are out of fashion. In the modern world, presenting such things would be considered the highest degree of bad taste.
  • Nowadays, materials such as mesh, felt, and corrugated paper are at the peak of popularity. For fastening, you can use ropes, cords, and unusual tapes.
  • If you are giving a small floral arrangement, then you should not decorate it with large decorative elements. A small bow is enough.
  • Dried flowers and green plants will help diversify the composition. However, you should be careful: not all flowers can stand being close to each other. For some, the combination can be disastrous and the bouquet will quickly wither.
  • To add volume to the composition, the stems at the very base are tightly tied with tape and only then begin to decorate.

There are many different techniques and ways to create bouquets. Some of them are so complex that only an experienced florist can handle them. And yet, you can pack flowers in an original way at home without outside help. To do this you will need the following:

  • flowers;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • stapler;
  • decorative elements;
  • burlap, floral mesh or other wrapping materials.

Packaging for bouquets

Various materials can be used to decorate flowers. Now it has become fashionable to give bouquets in bright boxes made of cardboard or plastic. Just a few years ago, baskets remained at the peak of popularity. The classic design option is a colored wrapper, which adds festive flair, brightness and chic to the composition. The most popular materials for decoration are:

  • kraft paper;
  • net;
  • sackcloth;
  • felt.

Kraft paper for flowers

This wrapping material is at the peak of popularity. It was once used to pack dishes and store purchases. Due to its environmental friendliness, lightness and ability to allow air to pass through, it is perfect for decorating flowers. Kraft holds its shape well, so it is suitable for the craziest compositions. Flowers in paper packaging look very stylish and elegant. The natural color of the wrapping material is brown. A newspaper print is often applied to it, which adds its own flavor.

Packing bouquets with mesh

If you don’t know how to pack flowers, then pay attention to the floral mesh. It goes well with any plants, adding festiveness and volume to the composition. To make the design successful, it is best to choose contrasting colors: gold or green mesh is suitable for red roses, purple or yellow for white roses. Wrap the contents in the form of an open bag, tie it with a silk ribbon, and a chic addition to the main gift is ready.

How to beautifully pack flowers with your own hands

If you have wrapping material, a stapler and scissors at home, you can assemble and pack the bouquet yourself. There are many techniques for decorating a live composition. For some, it will be beautiful to tie the stems in three circles with a bright ribbon, while others prefer original options. Open and closed bags and a combination of several materials look good. We invite you to learn step by step how to pack flowers.

How to wrap a bouquet in paper

To make a beautiful design from craft or rice paper, you need to cut a neat sheet that is slightly longer than the stems. We place the flowers in the middle and wrap them in the form of an open bag. The lower part can be hidden inside. To add brightness, you can tie a ribbon in the middle of the bag. If you want to add tenderness, you need to cut out a small lace and glue it to the top of the bag. In addition, craft is combined with sparkles, rhinestones, twine and other elements used for decoration.

DIY flower packaging in a net

To decorate, cut a piece of mesh that is enough to cover one and a half times the circumference of the flowers. After this, wrap them and carefully secure the joint with a stapler. Having retreated 10 cm at the bottom, tie it with ribbon or rope. If the set is voluminous, then it can be decorated with a bow or appliqué on a mesh. If you are giving 7-11 roses, the question of how to pack the bouquet in a net is different. Cut a piece of wrapper that is large enough to cover just the stems, and fasten tightly. A bright ribbon would be appropriate here. The most picky hero of the occasion will appreciate the original version.

Making bouquets of fresh flowers in film

The simplest and most common design option. In order to decorate flowers with film, you need to take a transparent material. It goes well with any shades. In addition, you will need a decorative bow or ribbon. which will add brightness to the bouquet. We cut a piece of film so that it is slightly larger than one turn. After this, we fix it completely or in the form of an open pocket. At the bottom near the stems we attach a decorative packaging element.

Video: packing bouquets of fresh flowers for beginners

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The first of September is approaching, and with it frantic thoughts about what bouquet to buy for your child for school. At the same time, many of us have a dacha or even one, which is probably full of beautiful flowers. However, simply cutting a few roses or chrysanthemums is not enough. - the bouquet should have a spectacular appearance, which is most often achieved through festive packaging.

If after these thoughts you want to sigh sadly and go to a flower shop, where they will pack everything beautifully for you for your money, then we recommend that you take your time and read our article today, where we will tell you in detail how you can skillfully pack the most ordinary flowers in a way that will make you envious any florist!

Kraft paper

Unsightly in the past, kraft paper sheets have become extremely popular these days. Nowadays they pack everything from groceries to birthday gifts. It turns out that they can become a very stylish wrapper for a bouquet! All you need is a suitable sized piece of paper and a cute ribbon for decoration.

The very principle of wrapping flowers can be different, for example, the photo below shows the packaging of a bouquet in the “tie loop” style.

Kraft sheets can also be successfully combined with other paper, for example, with rustling leaves or bright magazine clippings. And if you are a musician, then old sheet music will suddenly come in handy!

Ropes and tapes

If the flowers in your bouquet have long stems or the bouquet itself is too small for a large package, then you can use regular threads. First, securely secure the stems with a regular elastic band so that they do not unravel during the process. Then wrap the flower stems very tightly with contrasting threads - there should be no gaps left! Finish by tying a flirty bow.

If the stems of the flowers are too thick and the bouquet is as wide as your hand, you can, on the contrary, tie the stems in a spiral. True, in this case you will have to cut them, making them much shorter. But the bouquet itself will take on an original look!


Of course, not every home has burlap, so it can hardly be called “what’s on hand” packaging with complete confidence. However, if you unexpectedly find pieces of such material, then it can be an excellent decoration for flowers! Burlap is especially suitable for a bouquet of wild plants.

The principle of operation couldn’t be simpler: we wrap the flowers with a piece of burlap (the edges don’t even need to be processed, leave them carelessly shaggy) and secure with any ribbon or rope. The rustic chic bouquet is ready!

Fabric + fun cards

If you have always liked to leave funny messages to your loved ones or give funny cards, then you can easily do the same with the packaging for the bouquet. Write (or print) fun messages on construction paper, then cut a piece of brightly colored fabric and make ribbons in a matching shade.

Secure the stems of the bouquet securely with ribbon, and then arrange the square of fabric in a diamond shape. Place the bouquet on it so that the top corner is slightly higher than the flowers. Then wrap the other corners around the flowers and fasten securely. Finally, use ribbon to attach a card with a message.


If you once bought an eco-bag for rational grocery shopping, but you never found it useful, then it’s time to put it to use. This packaging option is suitable for those cases when the bouquet needs to be carried far.

Cut off the bottom of the bag and make several symmetrical holes through which you will thread a rope or ribbon. Next, you only need to place the bouquet in the bag and tighten the lace - and go ahead, deliver flowers to the person for whom they are intended.

Decorate the bouquet in an original way - this is, of course, very interesting, but there are times when there is absolutely no time, and your flowers need to quickly make them more presentable. For such cases, we have prepared for you several express packaging options, when creating which you will not need to do anything at all! So, just take a look around to see what kind of splendor you have in your home:

Photo:,,,,,,,,,, wallbox. ru,,,,,

Nowadays, flowers have become a part of our lives. They can be given as a gift for almost any occasion. Once you have decided which flowers to give, it is important to arrange them correctly. This can be done not only in the salon, but also with your own hands. The hero of the occasion will be pleased to receive flowers decorated by hand.

Design rules

Here are a few secrets that florists use:

Bridal bouquet

Flowers for the bride are an important component of the celebration. They represent purity, beauty and inner peace. When choosing flowers, you should take into account the age of the bride, the style and color of the dress. Of course, you can order decorated flowers from a store, but this is too simple. It will be much more pleasant for the bride if the groom decorates the bouquet with his own hands.

For a wedding bouquet it is best to purchase one of these options: roses, peonies, Italian ruscus, shepherd's purse greens.

The round shape of the bouquet is considered classic . To work on such a bouquet You should purchase pruning shears, glue gun, oasis, scissors, porta bouquet, wire, twisted cord, double-sided tape, decorative pins.

The first thing you will need to do is decorate the handle of the portaquet holder. This can be done in various ways, it all depends on your imagination. In this particular case, we will decorate the handle with aspidastra leaves and a screw cord. Before starting work, you need to remove the grille from the portaquet holder and fill the handle with absorbent materials. This will prevent excess moisture when the flowers are inserted into the oasis. Under such circumstances, the handle will not get wet. The next step is to put the oasis in a container of water and leave it there for a while. The “readiness” of the oasis can be determined by a change in color.

The prepared oasis must be placed in a portaquet holder and secured with a lattice. With the help of technical wire it can be securely fixed. Excess pieces of wire must be carefully removed.

Flowers can be placed in a bouquet holder decorated in this way. The first step is to cut the aspidastra leaf into several parts and place it on the base of the bouquet. Then secure it all with double-sided tape. The leaves are not laid overlapping, but one to one. Using a gun, decorate the handle of the bouquet holder.

Now you can proceed directly to arranging the flowers. Their stems should not exceed 5-7 centimeters. They must be laid in orderly rows in a circle. Once they're in place, it's time for the greens. You should not fill the bouquet with twigs and leaves - the flowers will simply get lost among them.

Original bouquet of roses

Let's look at how to arrange a bouquet of roses with your own hands. Organza will help create a beautiful and elegant composition.

Fresh flowers are taken, whose buds are already slightly open. For such a bouquet you need to take at least 15 roses, otherwise the image will not be revealed. First you need to trim off all the thorns and excess leaves. Then place the flowers tightly to each other: the buds should be at the same level. The next step is to secure it with wire in two places. The stems are trimmed using pruning shears.

Next, it’s time to decorate the structure with organza. Approximately 1.5 meters of organza is taken and used to wrap the base of the bouquet. The fabric must be laid evenly, wrapping the stems to the leaf line. You can secure all the material with a pin.

One flower can also be decorated in such a way that it looks chic. Typically, the design of one flower is a complex composition that consists of several materials. There are many options for how to decorate a flower - dried flowers, grass, artificial materials. It all depends only on your imagination.

Asters: how to decorate quickly and beautifully

Asters are beautiful flowers that look great in burlap and netting.

To decorate a bouquet of asters, you need to take such a piece of mesh so that you can encircle the flowers about one and a half times. Then carefully wrap the bouquet with it, fasten it with a stapler and add a small bow.

Asters can also be wrapped in craft paper and decorated with sheets of cardboard. A checkered pattern will perfectly complement the bouquet. You can also decorate the composition with rhinestones and ribbons, but don’t get carried away.

Composition of roses and chrysanthemums

These flowers go well with each other, so creating a bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums with your own hands should not be difficult. You can decorate flowers using felt and film.

The combination of these materials is quite unusual. Previously, felt was not particularly popular among florists, but now it is in fashion. But the mesh is an indispensable component in modern flower design. To combine them, make the inner layer felt, and the second mesh, placing the mesh below the felt. Secure the flowers with a stapler, bending the mesh outward. Additionally, you can tie the stem of the bouquet with a ribbon - it will look even more impressive.

Peony - the king of all flowers

Peony is an ancient flower, worthy of artist’s paintings and palace rooms. In its splendor and beauty it has always competed with the rose. It is often used for holiday and wedding bouquets. It is not necessary to have special skills - decorating a bouquet of peonies beautifully will not be a difficult task.

You need to choose buds that are not fully bloomed. You can use either single-color flowers or a combination of several shades.

Take 5-7 flowers that you like. When forming a composition, apply the buds tightly to each other. The stems must be trimmed and excess leaves removed. You can insert greenery into flowers; almost any will go well with peonies.

Keeping it fresh

Flowers intended for a celebration must be made in such a way that they retain their freshness throughout the holiday. A small master class on preserving the original appearance:

Flowers are always wonderful. A bouquet decorated with your own hands will pleasantly surprise the hero of the occasion and help lift his spirits.

Attention, TODAY only!

How to beautifully arrange a bouquet of flowers

Using the example of tulip bouquets, we will show you several options. decorating stems with ribbon. At first glance, it may seem difficult to you, but our step-by-step instructions will help you. Everyone, of course, knows that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so you can use photo tips, which will greatly facilitate your understanding of the process of decorating a bouquet. Naturally, you can choose ribbons and pins to suit your taste! It will be interesting and beautiful!

Take 1.5cm wide tape and start wrapping the stems just below the foliage, working your way down. Before reaching the end of the stems, continue winding the tape, but now from the bottom up along the stems. This double wrap will hold the stems tightly together and maintain the graceful appearance of the bouquet. When working with the tape, try to wrap it around the stems with the straight, flat side.

This French weaving is done with a 9.5 mm wide decorative ribbon on top of the main ribbon with which you just tightly wrapped the bouquet. At the crossing point, secure the tape with a pin.Check carefully that the ends of the pins do not protrude through the stems. If necessary, use wire cutters.

Let's now consider howarrange the base of the bouquetin country style. You will need matching tape (you can cut a strip of fabric) 2.2cm wide, waterproof adhesive tape, decorative floral tape and pins. Secure the beginning of the tape with which you will wrap the stems with waterproof adhesive tape. Then, wrap the stems tightly, first from top to bottom and then back to the top. Make sure the tape remains taut and smooth. Secure the ribbon at the top with pins. Take the decorative floral tape (1.5 cm), place it evenly along the stems on top of the main tape, and secure with pins in the center of each flower.Each time, make sure that the ends of the pins are hidden and do not protrude through the stems.

Now you can make an original bouquet with your own hands not only for a wedding, but also for another occasion, for example, the birthday of a friend, mother or daughter! We hope that our master classes inspire you to decorate the world around you!

A few rules that all florists use:

  • the packaging of the bouquet should emphasize all the advantages of the flowers and hide their shortcomings; it must be combined with the flowers (shade or contrast);
  • flowers entirely wrapped in cellophane or foil will not make a pleasant gift. Moreover, giving such bouquets is bad form;
  • Crepe paper and polyester ribbons have long gone out of fashion. Do not decorate fresh flowers with these materials;
  • Naturalness and naturalness are in fashion; use sisal, corrugated paper, felt and mesh. You can tie the bouquet with jute rope;
  • packaging should reveal the beauty of flowers, but in no case distract from them;
  • the same can be said about various decorative elements. A small bow will perfectly complement the composition, but large details should be avoided;
  • In order for the bouquet to look good and last a long time, flowers for it are cut early in the morning and stored at low temperatures;
  • When adding decorative plants or dried flowers to a bouquet, be careful. Not all flowers combine harmoniously and tolerate their proximity well.

Many people believe that making a flower bouquet with your own hands is not too difficult. However, there are certain rules that must be followed.

The fact is that the style of the bouquet must be in accordance with the celebration for which it is intended, depending on the age, gender and other characteristics of the person to whom it is planned to be presented.

Conventionally, you can divide all the bouquets and two main groups– this will make it much more convenient to work with them:

  • round;
  • unilateral.

The fact is that these are two typical forms in which bouquets are made, therefore, having mastered them, you can easily use different styles and methods of floristry.

In most cases, round bouquets of flowers are intended for various celebrations (a wedding bouquet or a bouquet for an anniversary or birthday), but they are also quite suitable for not too cheerful, but rather even sad events.

Such bouquets are also presented to educators and teachers. Flowers are usually placed in a vase and placed in the central part of the room. A bouquet like this should look beautiful everywhere, so it has a circular arrangement of flowers.

A round bouquet should be made with your own hands according to certain rules.

  1. In its central part there should be plants with the longest and straightest stems. Flowers with shorter stems and smaller flowers should be located at the edges.
  2. The arrangement of flowers in a bouquet is based on a simple rule - the stems should not cross each other.
  3. It is necessary to make sure that all the flowers look outward, as if looking out from the bouquet.
  4. Decorating a bouquet with greenery (this is done with the help of fern, asparagus, and so on) is done not only inside the bouquet itself, but also outside, edging it around the perimeter. However, you should first see if it will look good.

This flower arrangement is needed to decorate the premises. It is not always made from roses; it can be made from exotic indoor plants or flowers.

These bouquets are placed in the foreground of the room, but are quite suitable for installation in the far corners. If necessary, they can be mounted on the wall. Such bouquets are called interior bouquets.

There won’t be too many rules for using different colors here, since in itself The design of the bouquet is quite simple.

  1. Ideally, it will be made from roses or other flowers that will be of different lengths.
  2. According to the rules for arranging flowers in such a bouquet, the longest specimens are placed in the background, those with shorter stems are in the middle of the bouquet, and flowers with the shortest stems are brought to the foreground.
  3. In the center of a one-sided bouquet, you can highlight the central element, filling it with the brightest and most beautiful specimens. Instead of short-stemmed flowers, you can add a small amount of greenery to the front of the bouquet for decoration.

A bouquet intended for a celebration, for example a wedding bouquet, must be made in such a way that it can be kept out of water throughout the day and at the same time be able to maintain its original freshness.

It’s worth mentioning right away that wedding bouquets of roses have been ordered less and less lately, giving preference to other equally beautiful types of flowers. To maintain its original appearance, you must adhere to some recommendations.

  1. The wedding bouquet should be composed exclusively of flowers that have just been cut. It needs to be cut at a slight angle, and then immediately placed in water. If this is not done, you will end up with an air lock and the water will not reach the flower.
  2. It is advisable to place flowers in water without impurities - rain or better distilled. As a last resort, settled tap water will do, but it can only be used for a bouquet of roses.
  3. To keep plants fresh for as long as possible, you can split their stems. This is true for roses, chrysanthemums, hydrangea, jasmine and so on.
  4. Before placing in ordinary cool water, the cutting areas of flowers such as peonies, poppies and dahlias must be treated with boiling water.

To make the bouquet beautiful and not seem too tasteless, you need to use simple rules for compatibility of different colors.

  • You can make a stylish and modern bouquet from a maximum of three types of plants.
  • There is no need to mix exotic and rare flowers with wildflowers and quite common ones.
  • A bouquet of roses should contain only roses without adding other types of flowers, as they look beautiful on their own.
  • If there are other flowers in the bouquet along with the roses, then it is better to separate them - the stem juice of the roses kills all the other flowers.
  • Carnations and daffodils have it even worse - if there are other flowers next to them in a neighboring vase, they will certainly die.
  • A beautiful and bright bouquet should be given to older or even older women. For girls, soft and light colors will be more suitable.

To make a beautiful wedding bouquet, combine several primary colors and their shades - red, blue and yellow. For example, the color purple (which is a mixture of red and blue) will go well with yellow. In turn, orange (a mixture of yellow and red) will match almost perfectly with blue.

A beautiful bouquet must be decorated with various green branches. A wedding bouquet can be decorated with organza, but this is not always attractive and advantageous.

Not every person will like the saturation of these artificial details, which will distract attention from roses or other flowers.

The main rule of a florist is that the bouquet should look as natural as possible. It is not worth making too bulky designs. By the way, even loose bouquets can look much more attractive compared to too dense ones.

A wedding bouquet is collected, in principle, like any other, so that you can see any flower at first glance. Only well-known florists with extensive experience allow themselves to deviate from these rules.

In general, it is worth saying that professional florists have quite strict requirements for their work. In particular, this applies to three varieties of colors and a competent color combination. However, you can find huge bouquets that look more like a lush flower garden, but creating a similar bouquet correctly is a very difficult task.

It often makes sense to use the rule of monochromatic harmony, when flowers of different species are selected, the same color, but in different shades. For example, shades of red combine perfectly.

Doing the same thing with green and blue colors is not too difficult, since you will probably have to use intermediate elements. It is worth noting that white, as well as its shades, is universal - it is well suited for many combinations.

Colors and shades of colors located next to each other in terms of the spectrum combine perfectly with each other - for example, a combination of orange and red colors would be almost ideal. Competent florists can create a contrasting combination.

When the bouquet is already in a vase, you should select a vessel so that it does not distract attention from the flowers. Much more important are indicators such as size and stability of the structure.

It is worth noting that not every vase is well suited for placing a bouquet. Vases of the same color or completely transparent are universal. A bouquet of roses, for example, will look great in a crystal vase. A wedding bouquet is usually not too tall, but quite heavy. In this regard, a tall vase is not suitable for it.

When packing a bouquet, it is necessary to analyze whether this packaging will emphasize all the positive qualities of each flower in the bouquet. At the same time, it must additionally hide their negative aspects and somehow combine - contrast or set off.

You should not completely place the bouquet in cellophane or foil - they will only hide the natural beauty of the flowers. It is not advisable to decorate flowers with crepe paper or polyester, as this has long been unfashionable.

Today it is much better and more modern to use natural and natural materials for decoration. Of the artificial ones, felt, mesh, corrugated paper, and so on would be quite suitable.

Decorative elements are added to the bouquet with great care. For example, a small bow can fit quite well into the composition, but if you make it too large, it will distract all attention to itself, thereby hiding the natural beauty.

If the bouquet is made only from lilies, then they must be cut in the early morning hours and stored at low temperatures. In addition, the stamens, which contain a large amount of pollen, are removed from them - this will allow them not to get dirty for a long time.

They go well with flowers of other breeds, but their size should not be larger than a lily bud. Otherwise, they will distract attention to themselves.

It is not advisable to leave the finished bouquet in the sun. In general, florists recommend storing it only in a cool place. Only in this case will it retain its freshness for a long period of time. Lilies have a strong smell, so you need to be careful with them to avoid allergies.

How to make a floral bouquet in a spiral?

The basis of this bouquet will be a rather large and beautiful flower. It is installed in the central part, and all other flowers included in this bouquet will be at an angle in relation to it. In principle, you can make this bouquet from only one type of flower, for example, roses.

The main thing is that the central flower has a strong stem, since the entire structure will be supported on it. You will also need to take floral tape, scissors and rope to tie the bouquet.

To get a beautiful bouquet, you must follow the following sequencing.

  1. All stems of roses or other flowers are trimmed so that their height is approximately the same.
  2. The central flower is taken in the right hand, the auxiliary plant is taken in the left and placed next to the first, but at a slight angle.
  3. Now you need to do this: the next flower needs to be placed at a similar angle of inclination, but behind the second one.
  4. All flowers, gradually introduced into the design, will go around the central flower and carefully go into a spiral.
  5. You can add plants such as alstroemeria or gypsophila to this bouquet.
  6. To make the design even more voluminous, it can be supplemented with greenery.
  7. At the last stage, the flower stems are tied with rope, and if necessary, floral tape is added.


Despite its apparent simplicity, putting together a beautiful bouquet is not an easy task. Here you need to take into account a large number of important points, without which the result will be complete bad taste. Therefore, such a task must be approached as responsibly as possible.