Jelly is a classic recipe made from beef. Jellied meat The most delicious jellied meat step by step recipe


Beef jelly, or simply jellied meat, which we will prepare today, is one of the most common holiday dishes. It is rarely prepared in portions. Most likely, these will be refrigerator shelves lined with endless iron molds. It is simply irrational to cook little jellied meat. It takes quite a long time to prepare; again, a lot of meat goes into the broth. That's why enterprising housewives stock up on this delicious dish a week in advance.

If you don't know and have never tried cooking beef jelly, don't despair. Our step by step recipe with a photo will help you quickly learn everything. We will share with you the intricacies of making broth. He plays one of the most important roles in the future taste of jellied meat. The filling should be both meat and vegetable; neither element should clearly predominate. Only then will the jelly harden correctly and meet all the characteristics classic recipe. Are you ready to try making beef jelly with us? Then go get some groceries.


  • (1.5 kg)

  • (1 kg)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (10 pieces.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (8 cloves)

  • (140 g)

  • (10 pieces.)

  • (1 tsp)

Cooking steps

    You need to be extremely careful when choosing meat for jellied meat. To make the broth rich and satisfying, and then freeze well, we will use beef on the bone. Let's prepare the shank.

    Beef ribs will also work, so we'll prepare those too.

    Let's select a large, capacious pan and fill it with meat and water. 3 liters of cold water will be enough. Make sure the pot is big enough and the water completely covers the meat. Bring our future broth to a boil. And then reduce the gas to a minimum and cook for 6 hours. The meat will produce foam, which must be removed from the surface of the water each time. You need to cook the broth without a lid.

    While the meat is cooking, prepare the vegetables. We wash and peel the carrots, and do the same with the onions.

    When there is 1 hour left until the broth is ready, add carrots, onions, peppers and bay leaves to the pan. Salt the broth to taste.

    Remove the meat and carrots from the finished broth and strain it through a sieve.

    Remove the meat from the bone and tear it into small fibers. Place them in a wide suitable form. Its sides should be low.

    Peel and finely chop the garlic cloves. Sprinkle them over the meat in the pan.

    Fill the mold with the cooled, strained broth.

    Cut the carrots into small rings, cut them into molds or add them whole to the jellied meat.

    When the broth has cooled completely, place the pan in the refrigerator until completely set and ready. It will take 2 to 3 hours. Serve the dish and serve. Beef jelly is ready.

    Bon appetit!

Basic rules for preparing good jellied meat

In order to prepare clear jellied meat, you must remember
some simple rules, following which you can easily
create this culinary masterpiece.

Rule 1. Select the main ingredient - meat.

You can make jellied meat from any meat (chicken, pork,
beef, pork feet, etc.), the most important thing is to choose the right one
main product.

It is best to buy such an important component in jellied meat as meat at
market, because there it is guaranteed not to be frozen.
Pork legs, which are the key to the solidification of the dish, must
clean the bristles well, and, if necessary, burn them on fire, then
Rinse. You can add any meat you like. Will it be
chicken, beef or the same pork jellied meat - the hostess decides, but
pork legs (to be more specific - the part that ends
hooves) are absolutely necessary, then no gelatin will be needed.
If the meat comes with skin, then this will also play a good role in
hardening of the jelly. The size of the pieces of meat for jellied meat does not matter much
roles. The brisket and drumstick can be cut into several parts, and large and
Leave the central bone entirely. In order to avoid small
bones, pork legs need to be cut in half lengthwise, and then again
in half along the joint.

But, oddly enough, you can’t overdo it with meat. Necessary
maintain certain proportions, in otherwise there is a risk that
the dish still won’t harden: several pig’s feet weigh
approximately 700 grams can be taken no more than one and a half kilos
other meat components.

Rule 2. Meat must be soaked before cooking.

This procedure is needed for
in order to remove any remaining coagulated blood from the meat. Besides
The skin will be much softer and more tender after soaking.
Taking a pan and placing the meat ingredients in it, you need to completely
soak them in cold water and leave for several hours (or better yet,
all night long). In the morning, you can rinse the meat again and scrape it thoroughly.
pork legs to remove sooty areas. Also clean the skin
other meat components. A small paring knife is suitable for this
challenges like nothing else. Then you can place the meat in the cauldron and
start cooking.

Rule 3. The first water must be drained!

The conviction of some housewives that
that removing scale with a slotted spoon will completely solve all problems - not quite
It is better to drain the first water after cooking meat, because along with it
All excess fat and other unwanted components will be removed.
Moreover, the appearance of such jellied meat will be much more attractive, noticeably
its calorie content will decrease, and the smell will become much more pleasant. IN
Ideally, you can drain the second water, then the jelly will be clean and transparent,
like a baby's tear.
After draining the broth, you need to rinse the contents of the cauldron under running water,
which will remove the small stuck-on bits of coagulated protein. After that
You can put the meat back for final cooking. Amount of water
should be about 2 centimeters above the meat level. If quantity
If there is more water, it will not boil away as expected. Hence,
the jelly may not freeze. If there is less water, then during the cooking process
it will be necessary to add it from the kettle, which is also not very favorable
will affect the final result.

It is also necessary to take into account that in order for the jellied meat to turn out transparent,
Do not allow the contents of the cauldron to boil. Cook the jelly
need to be on low heat, about 6 hours, and then the result will exceed
all expectations.

Rule 4. Spices and seasonings also have their turn

After 5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, you can add
whole onion and carrot. If you do this earlier, then all the “delights” will come from
adding these ingredients will evaporate along with the boiled water.

Salt should also be added to the jellied meat after 4-5 hours, because in the process
boiling water, the broth becomes more concentrated, and there is
there is a possibility of simply over-salting the dish.

It is better to add allspice, bay leaf and other spices to taste minutes
thirty before the end of cooking, then the bouquet of aromas will win the hearts of even
the most scrupulous critics.

Rule 5. How long to cook jellied meat.

Jellied pork (pork legs, knuckles) 5-6 hours;
- chicken jellied meat 3-4 hours;
- beef jellied meat 7-8 hours.

But it’s best to cook jellied meat from assorted meats, then it will turn out
more tasty and rich.

Rule 6. Bones are removed by hand, not with a meat grinder.

After the jelly has finished cooking, it is necessary to remove the meat from
pots. The easiest way to do this is with a slotted spoon. The broth needs to be strained
through a colander, or better yet through a clean cloth, removing the onion, carrot,
peppercorns and bay leaf.

The slightly cooled meat must be carefully sorted with your hands, separating it
from the bones (you can help yourself with a small knife).
It is better to cut meat by hand rather than using a meat grinder, as this will
guarantee that even the smallest bones, which are very easy to
break teeth, will not end up on the plate of any of the guests.
It is better not to throw away the skins and cartilage, because they will give the jellied meat strength.
You can put greens on the bottom of the plate in which the jellied meat will freeze.
or cut out various figures from carrots - it will be wonderful
decoration for such an interesting dish. After this, spreading the meat mass into
prepared container, you can fill it with broth.

Rule 7. The right temperature is the key to success.

The best place for freezing jellied meat is not a window sill or even a cold balcony.
The most “correct” temperature for jelly is on the middle shelf
After all, if the jellied meat is not cold enough, it will not harden, but if,
on the contrary, if it freezes, it will lose all its wonderful taste
quality. This culinary masterpiece will harden within 5-6 hours.

Rule 8. If the jelly is not frozen (Jellied meat with gelatin)

If the jellied meat has not frozen, there is no need to worry. The dish can be easily saved
pouring it back into a clean pan and boiling for a few minutes. Further
It is necessary to dilute gelatin in a separate container according to the instructions on
packaging (dosage should be seen there). Pour the gelatin into the jellied meat and
mix well and pour into plates. After this procedure the jelly
It will harden for sure, there is no doubt about it.

Jellied meat recipe

To prepare delicious jellied meat you will need the following products:
pork knuckle weighing about a kilogram;
0.5 kg pork;
one onion;
2-3 bay leaves;
5-6 peas of allspice;
2-4 cloves of garlic;
2.5 liters of water;

Preparation of jellied meat:

1. Prepare the meat: rinse and add water, soak for a couple of hours.
After this, clean the shank well and cut it into two parts.
2. Pour cold water into the pan and place all the meat in it.
3. After boiling, drain the first broth and add 2.5 liters to the meat
cold water.
4. Bring to a boil and reduce heat as much as possible (so that the broth is barely
was boiling). Cook the jellied meat for 5 hours.
5. Next, add onion, pepper, salt and bay to the broth
sheet. Let simmer for another hour.
6. Remove the meat from the pan, and put it into the broth, crushed with a knife blade.
7. Divide the meat into small pieces. Strain the broth through a fine sieve
or a clean cloth.
8. Place meat in jellied meat molds and fill with broth. Let it harden
(preferably in the refrigerator on the middle shelf).
9. Serve the jelly, first garnished with herbs, with mustard or

Quick tips for preparing jellied meat

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate several main
tips that will help you cook correctly, and most importantly deliciously
1. The meat must be fresh.
2. To make the jellied meat freeze better, it is better to use pork knuckle or
animal legs.
3. In order for the jelly to taste good, the meat must first be
soak in cold water.
4. It is better to drain the first broth.
5. Spices and seasonings should be added shortly before the end of cooking.
jellied meat to preserve their flavor.
6. Meat bones must be carefully selected by hand.
7. Jellied meat should freeze at the right temperature - medium
refrigerator shelf.
8. If the jellied meat has not frozen, you can simply add gelatin, first
boiling the jelly.
9. Do not add too much water, as the jellied meat may not
freeze. Too little water is also not a good option.
10. You need to salt the jellied meat at the end of cooking so as not to oversalt the dish.

That's all, the jelly is ready, and there is nothing super complicated. All you need is
carefully select the meat, and pay careful attention to its cooking, and then
jellied meat is doomed to success!

Almost all housewives have several of their own signature recipes, which come in handy on holidays and on some special days, when you really want to pamper your family with something tasty. And some versions of such dishes are passed down in the family from generation to generation, becoming a real tradition. This also applies to jellied meat - a truly folk dish that actually came to us from France. So, the topic of our conversation today will be the difference between jellied meat and jelly. Let's discuss their differences. We’ll also tell you how to prepare simple jellied meat, and we’ll give you a recipe for classic jelly.

What is the difference between jelly and jellied meat?

Many housewives believe that jellied meat and jelly are the same thing. But in fact, these are different dishes that have certain subtleties in preparation.

Classic jellied meat recipe

Jellied meat is meat dish. It is based on highly rich bone broth. This dish has a jelly-like consistency and easily retains its shape. Jellied meat has a pleasant and pronounced meaty taste and a wonderful aroma. Usually this dish is served cold. It is usually served with spicy additives, for example, horseradish or mustard. Also, this dish is served at the table at the same time as appetizers, immediately before the main course.

In terms of its structure, jellied meat is sixty to eighty percent meat. The remaining forty to twenty percent is a jelly-like broth.

To prepare truly authentic jellied meat, several types of meat are used, as well as semi-finished bone products. The basis for such a dish can be products such as pig ears, brain bones, pork shanks, beef on the bone and a whole carcass of domestic chicken. When cooking, these components are added in stages. First, boil the shanks, ears or bones, which make the broth viscous, and after an hour or two, add the remaining ingredients.

Cooking time can reach five to six hours. In this case, the broth should boil over low heat under a covered lid. It should not boil, but should only sway a little. About an hour before the end of cooking, the dish should be salted and spices added. Housewives also add carrots, bay leaves and roots (parsley and/or celery) to this dish.

After cooking is complete, remove the broth from the heat. First, you need to drain it through a colander, and then strain through cheesecloth to get a truly transparent jellied meat.

The meat must be separated from the bone, chopped, placed in appropriately sized molds and filled with broth. Further preparation of jellied meat is carried out in a cool place that is well ventilated. Many housewives simply leave the forms with jellied meat in the refrigerator overnight.

Cooking jelly - classic recipe

In principle, jelly is prepared according to the same principle as jellied meat. But the basis of this dish is not chicken or pork, but only beef. So, to prepare jelly, the housewife must stock up on beef legs, tails or heads. They need to be thoroughly cleaned and pre-soaked in salted water (at least three to four hours). Next, you need to drain the water and rinse the ingredients.

Meat and bones must be placed in the cooking container at the same time. Readers of “Popular about health” need to upload them cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Afterwards, the heat must be reduced to minimum, and the foam should be removed from the broth.

Jelly should be cooked longer than jellied meat - for seven to nine hours. During this time, the broth has time to be completely saturated with bone gelatin. But due to the long cooking period, the jelly appears darker. An hour before the end of the cooking process, you need to add salt to the broth.

Next, you need to strain the finished jelly - first drain through a colander, and then strain through cheesecloth. Also, when preparing such a dish, the broth must be clarified. Most often, egg white is used for this. The strained broth should be put on fire and the whites whipped into foam should be added to it, stirring constantly. Bring the liquid to a boil, then cool for ten minutes. The protein will coagulate and pick up tiny suspended particles, which make the broth cloudy. Add grated garlic to the liquid and leave until cool. After cooling, the protein will settle to the bottom. Remove debris from the surface of the broth using a slotted spoon. Next, strain the liquid through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

The meat must be disassembled and placed into molds. Pour the broth over it and leave until it cools.

So, jelly and jellied meat - what is the difference??

Thus, the difference between jelly and jellied meat is obvious.

Jellied meat is made from bone broth and cold cuts (mainly pork and poultry). Jelly is obtained from the bone part of beef: legs, head or tails, and only beef meat is used.

Jellied meat is prepared in several stages: first, one type of meat is boiled, then a second is added to it, and before the end of cooking, vegetables are added. The ingredients for the jelly are added in one step.

To lighten the jelly, whipped egg whites are used, and the jellied meat is initially transparent.

Jellied meat is cooked for about five to six hours, jelly – much longer.

Included classic jellied meat There may be roots and spices, and only crushed garlic is added to the jelly.

In fact, every housewife can prepare jellied meat or jelly with her own hands, following the instructions described above.