How to quickly peel garlic for cooking and before planting. How to quickly peel garlic in two ways How to quickly peel garlic at home

Peeling vegetables has always been considered a tedious task. Especially when it comes to onions or aromatic garlic. Small cloves are quite difficult to clean without skill, and getting rid of the pungent odor on the skin is very difficult. When cleaning a large amount of aromatic spice, your hands may experience unpleasant itching and tingling.

To make cooking easier, homely women have long been using secret methods of “stripping” garlic cloves.

Cleaning methods are varied, but their applicability depends on the degree of drying of the cloves. Before you begin the quick cleaning process, you need to separate the head into cloves. Place the garlic in a bowl so that the sharp tips of the cloves stick out upward. Take another bowl of the same size and press it onto the contents. The cloves will scatter to the sides, and all that remains is to collect them.

Is it possible to peel garlic in a second?

A well-dried root vegetable is easy to peel, but removing the husks from a large number of cloves takes a long time. To reduce wastage in prep work before cooking, you should use effective methods for cleaning aromatic dried garlic.

If there is no need to preserve the integrity of the clove, you can peel the spice with a knife, but not in the usual sense of the process. The garlic clove is placed on a cutting board and pressed on top with the flat surface of a wide knife. Press until a specific click appears.

Do not overdo it with the force applied. Otherwise, you may end up with porridge instead of a beautiful slice. All that remains is to remove the tough skin from the aromatic clove.

For this method you need to take two metal plates of the same size. Well-dried garlic cloves are poured into one plate. The more garlic there is in the container, the better the result. The filled plate is covered with similar utensils on top. This “device” is shaken for about 20 seconds, after which the peeled cloves are removed from the husk.

It is necessary to ensure that there is no gap between the plates. Otherwise, the dry peel will fly all over the kitchen.

  1. Clean with your palm.

When you don’t have metal plates and a wide knife at hand, dry garlic can be easily peeled with your palm. To do this, place the clove on the kitchen counter and roll it with your hand several times, pressing lightly. The husk will be easily removed from the slice, but the smell of spice may remain on your hands.

Easy peeling of insufficiently dry garlic

In the summer, housewives actively use fresh garlic for preparation and preservation. For these purposes, they use a fairly impressive amount of garlic, which leads to an inevitable waste of precious time.

In other cases, poorly dried slices cause only pain in cleaning them.

This type of garlic has its own methods for removing the husks.

  1. Cold water.

The essence of the method is to soak the garlic peel in water. The slices are poured into a deep bowl and filled with cold water for 20 minutes. After “bathing” the garlic, the peel will come off very easily. The only drawback is that you will have to work a little to peel off the thin films from the cloves.

  1. Hot water.

The method is suitable if the garlic is subsequently subjected to heat treatment. Pour boiling water over the cloves for 30 seconds, and after draining, separate the slices from the skins. The method shows the best results, especially when purifying large quantities of spices.

A device, or peeler, allows you to peel garlic cloves without direct contact with them. Garlic is placed in a special silicone tube. The piller is pressed from above with the palm of your hand and rolled over the table several times. The clove comes out of the silicone “cleaner” cleaned.

If there is no such gadget in the kitchen, then it will be replaced by a regular silicone mat, which must first be rolled into a tube. The method is good when cleaning several cloves; if you have a large number of them, you will have to suffer a little.

  1. Microwave.

Kitchen appliances provide invaluable assistance in preparing food. Housewives began to use the microwave oven to peel garlic. To do this, place the cloves on the device plate, and turn on the device for 15 seconds. During this time, the husk will separate from the slice. In this way you can peel a whole head of garlic, which makes the work much easier. The disadvantage of this method is the possible loss of flavor and aromatic properties of the spice due to exposure to microwaves.

other methods

Among the known methods for peeling garlic, there are others, but no less effective.

This method is similar to peeling the garlic cloves by shaking them in the cavity between bowls. In a jar, the result is just as effective. The main thing is to close the jar with a lid and shake vigorously. The advantage of cleaning in a glass container is the visibility of the entire cleaning process and control of its duration.

Alternatively, a food storage container works great for peeling dry garlic.

  1. Cleaning in a pan.

The principle of operation is based on shaking the garlic cloves in a saucepan covered with a lid. The method is similar to peeling the slices using metal plates. Peeled spices should not be stored due to possible bruising of the garlic. The best option would be to use it in pickles or preserves.

This video clearly shows how you can peel garlic without much effort.

Garlic has been used by humans in cooking for quite some time. It helps fight various ailments and colds. Giving the dish an appetizing aroma, the spice has become indispensable for meat, marinades and appetizers. Using unusual methods to peel garlic cloves will make this tedious process interesting. Minimizing efforts will solve the problem of housewives who urgently need a large amount of garlic for home preparations.

– one of the most popular and most ancient seasonings in the world. The history of its cultivation goes back more than five thousand years - and once, during the construction of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt, a riot even broke out when workers were no longer given this vegetable.

However, over centuries and millennia, cooks have always had one question: how to get rid of the husks and scales covering the cloves - especially if the recipe calls for garlic to be used in large quantities. Let's figure out how to easily and quickly peel garlic.

Peeling young garlic

Methods for cleaning cloves vary depending on what kind of garlic is used - dry from last year's harvest or freshly picked from the garden. There are several ways that are more convenient with fresh slices:

Method 1

Divide the onion into cloves, cut off the tip and base of each, then place them on a cutting board and gently press with the flat side of a wide kitchen knife. If necessary, the knife can be slightly rocked or pressed on top with the palm of the other hand. If everything is done correctly, a characteristic crack will be heard and the scales will slide off the slice. This method is good if the recipe calls for crushed or finely chopped garlic, but it is not suitable for pickles or marinades, where beautiful whole cloves are needed;

Method 2

Throw the cut head into a bowl of cold water and leave for 10-20 minutes, depending on the variety and density of the scales. During this time, you can do other things. In water, the scales will swell and peel off, and it will be easy to remove them simply with your fingers. This method is good if you are deciding how to peel a lot of garlic quickly;

Method 3

Scald the slices in a colander with a stream of boiling water from a kettle. As in the previous case, the husk will fall off and will be easy to remove. The advantage of this method is that it is quick, but garlic peeled in this way loses most of its flavor and can only be used in hot sauces or soups.

Cleaning with special tools – and with bare hands

Recently, devices have appeared in stores with which you can quickly peel garlic at home. Such devices include a specially shaped silicone mat called a piller. Its use is very simple: you just need to wrap one or several cloves in it, roll the mat into a tube and roll the roll several times on the table. As a result, the husk flies off, and a clean slice can be taken out of the mat.

In addition, there is such a quick way to peel garlic as using the microwave. You need to place a chopped head of garlic there (of course, in a glass or ceramic container without metal parts or gilding!) and turn on full power for a few seconds. But, as with using boiling water, this method does not preserve the taste and smell of the seasoning.

Finally, how can you quickly peel garlic if you don’t have anything at hand? In this case, it is enough to place the slice on a flat surface (even just on the kitchen table), press it with your palm and roll it back and forth several times. Another option is to simply rub the unpeeled clove between your palms. If the garlic is dry enough, the husk will come off on its own. This method has only one drawback: it is not very neat, and loose scales and films can scatter throughout the kitchen.

How to quickly peel small garlic?

If a dish requires peeling a lot of small cloves of dry garlic, the following method works:

  1. Take a jar with a tight-fitting lid. You can use any type of container - glass for canning, old coffee or factory-made pickles (but these must be thoroughly washed and dried first!), plastic containers, etc. As a last resort, you can use two ordinary plates of a suitable size - deep as container and small as a lid;
  2. The head, cut into cloves, is placed inside;
  3. The container is shaken vigorously for about half a minute so that the garlic cloves can be heard hitting the walls;
  4. The contents are poured onto a plate, and clean slices are selected from the pile of dry skins. If they are not completely cleaned, the procedure can be repeated.

This method also works with large slices, but then you will need a container of the appropriate size. In addition, large garlic cloves are usually more convenient to peel using other methods described above.
Now you have several methods at your disposal to quickly peel garlic. Use the one that suits you best!

Garlic peeling video

The tantalizing aroma of your favorite dishes, generously seasoned with garlic, leaves no one indifferent. When preparing dinner, peeling one or two garlic cloves is not at all difficult, but if we are talking about large volumes, then information on how to quickly peel garlic will come in handy.

Blade of knife

Experienced chefs know several ways to quickly and accurately peel garlic. Let's start with the simplest and most common: you will need a wide kitchen knife. All you need to do is place the clove on the cutting board and, holding the knife flat, press down on it. After such a simple manipulation, the cloves will be cleaned. However, as a result, the spice cloves are slightly flattened, so if you need whole cloves, give preference to a different method.


Another way to quickly peel garlic is the so-called shaking method. Place the garlic heads, disassembled into slices, into a metal bowl, cover with another bowl, then shake the entire structure thoroughly for 30 seconds.

We remove the improvised lid and, lo and behold, all the cloves are clean! All that remains is to pick them out of the husks and trim the ends. The negative aspects of the method include the fact that the slices may become slightly wrinkled as a result of such cleaning; moreover, insufficiently dried heads are not cleaned in this way.

Cold water

But this method is just right for extracting undried spice slices from the husk. It consists of placing the cloves in cold water for about 20 minutes - during this time the husk will get wet and come off easily. True, only the upper scales are separated, and thin films still have to be removed with a knife.

Garlic "device"

Have you noticed bright silicone tubes of unknown purpose on the shelves of hardware stores? It turns out to be a useful thing. This is nothing more than a special peeler for cleaning garlic cloves.

How to quickly peel garlic with it? It’s very simple: you put a few cloves inside and roll the device on the table in the same way as is usually done with a rolling pin. As a result, we get clean slices and separate flakes. For many housewives, such a peeler has become simply irreplaceable, because thanks to it, there is no specific garlic aroma left on the hands.


And another surefire way to help with the difficult task of peeling garlic cloves is the good old microwave. We send the required number of heads to the oven and set the timer for about 15 minutes. After this, you can peel the garlic directly with your hands, without any additional equipment. It is noteworthy that for this method the heads do not even need to be disassembled into individual cloves; the only thing you have to tinker with is the thin films covering the pulp: they cannot be microwaved (the same as in the case of cold water).

That's all the ways to peel garlic heads with a minimum of effort. Try it and choose yours!

Video “Cleaning a head of garlic in 10 seconds”

In this video you will learn how to peel a head of garlic in just 10 seconds.

Garlic has a bright taste and the smell alone causes appetite. Its spicy spiciness makes it an indispensable component of various snacks and salads. The hard shell hiding the delicate white teeth is difficult to remove. However, you can peel garlic fairly quickly using proven methods.

The unique aroma and unusual taste of garlic have long attracted the attention of chefs who use it in preparing gourmet dishes. Each slice of this healthy plant contains quite a lot of vitamins. Regular consumption of garlic significantly increases immunity and resistance to various types of viruses. Acting as a natural antibiotic, it is able to protect the body from a number of pathogenic microorganisms. Currently, there are many varieties of garlic, differing in appearance, aroma and degree of pungency. In markets and store shelves you can most often find the following varieties:

  • Komsomolets;
  • Gribovsky 60;
  • Gribovsky Yubileiny;
  • Petrovsky;
  • Degtyarsky;
  • Gulliver;
  • Elenovsky.
  • Regardless of the type of garlic, peeling the bulbs will be the same in difficulty. As practice shows, it is more difficult to peel undried garlic, the protective shells of which adhere too tightly to the tender pulp. But even in this case, there are methods that allow you to carry out the procedure as quickly and easily as possible.

    Garlic varieties - photo gallery

    Garlic of the Komsomolets variety is very spicy and stores well Elenovsky garlic - medium hot variety One of the hottest varieties of garlic, Gribovsky Yubileiny, is ideal for preparing salads and cold appetizers.
    Gulliver garlic lasts the longest Degtyarsky garlic has a semi-sharp taste, so it is often used in its pure form. Variety Gribovsky 60 has 7–11 cloves
    The peculiarity of the Petrovsky variety is its rich yield

    Professional cleaning with a knife in a few seconds

    The professional method of peeling garlic involves using a knife. Before using it, you should know: peeled cloves will lose their integrity. For this reason, the method is used when a finely chopped or pressed product is needed.

  • Take a garlic bulb and separate it into slices.
  • Cut off the top of the clove.
  • Place the wedge on a cutting board.
  • Place the knife on top of it with the tip facing away from you and press on the garlic as hard as possible or hit the knife sharply.
  • When you hear a characteristic crunch, remove the tool and perform the final cleaning of the cloves by hand. After these procedures, the protective layer of garlic can be removed without any extra effort.
  • Peeling dry garlic at home

    To peel a large amount of well-dried garlic, you can use a method that allows you to cope with this task in 10 seconds. It will require large jars or bowls. If you need a little garlic, then manual peeling will do.

    How to quickly peel a lot of garlic using a jar or two bowls

    You need to prepare two metal or plastic bowls of the same diameter. A glass jar with a lid will also work.

  • Separate the garlic heads into cloves.
  • Place them in one of the containers, covering the second one on top.
  • Shake the bowls for 15 seconds.
  • When you remove the top bowl, you will see completely peeled garlic cloves.
  • Take them out and use a knife to remove the top parts from the cloves.
  • Use the product as intended.
  • Manual cleaning

    A few cloves can be quickly peeled by hand.

  • Place a clove of garlic on a cutting board.
  • Press it with your palm and roll it over the wooden surface.
  • The dry peel will easily fall away from the garlic clove.
  • Life hack: how to quickly peel dry garlic using the express method and using a knife - video

    How to peel undried garlic

    Undried garlic can be peeled using cold or hot water, or in the microwave.

    Cleaning with cold water

  • Take a container of suitable size and place unpeeled garlic cloves in it.
  • Fill with cold water and leave for 30 minutes.
  • The husk will quickly soak in water and come off easily.
  • Cleaning with boiling water

    When peeling garlic, you can use boiling water.

  • Take the required amount of garlic, divide it into cloves, and place it in a suitable container.
  • Pour boiling water over for exactly 1 minute.
  • Drain the water and start peeling: the husk will easily separate from the cloves.
  • Using this method, you should remember that garlic peeled in this way loses some of its vitamins, as well as its pungency and aroma. For this reason, it is more appropriate to use it as a component added to sauces and marinades.

    Using a microwave

    To quickly and effectively peel garlic, some housewives successfully use a microwave oven. Under the influence of high temperatures, the husk will easily separate from the pulp, as when processing garlic with boiling water.

  • Take a microwave safe bowl and place the unpeeled garlic in it.
  • Set the microwave timer for 15-20 seconds.
  • After the specified time has passed, remove the garlic and peel it with your hands, cutting off the top of the cloves with a knife.
  • Cleaning with a peeler

    You can use a peeler to peel garlic. This household device is a silicone tube, open on both sides.

  • Place the unpeeled garlic cloves in the peeler.
  • Place the device on the kitchen table and, pressing it with your palm, roll it over the table surface like a rolling pin.
  • Shake the cleaned cloves out of the peeler onto the table.

    Using these simple methods, you can peel dry and fresh garlic while saving a lot of time. Thanks to simple operations, the husks will come off easily, and you can quickly begin the process of preparing a variety of dishes with a unique aroma and taste.

  • Garlic contains a large amount of vitamins, essential oils and biologically active substances. It has a pungent taste and has long been used as a seasoning. This vegetable crop is used in the preparation of marinades, salads and soups. The shell of the garlic cloves holds on tightly, but peeling the garlic quickly is quite easy. There are proven methods for this. Garlic that is young or damp in the refrigerator is more difficult to peel.

    Peeling dried garlic

    To peel garlic in 10 seconds, you can use large bowls or a regular glass jar with a lid. For this, two bowls of equal diameter made of metal or plastic are suitable. This method works well when you need to clean a large number of dried cloves:

    1. Separate the onions into teeth.
    2. Place them in one container and cover with another.
    3. Shake the bowls forcefully for 10-20 seconds, the husks will fall off.
    4. Cut off the tops of the teeth with a knife.

    A small amount of this seasoning can be peeled by hand:

    1. Place the prong on a table or cutting board.
    2. Press down firmly with your hand and roll over the surface to remove the husk.
    3. Cut off the tops of the slices.

    To quickly peel garlic, you can simply rub the cloves forcefully between your palms. The husk will separate.

    Peeling with a knife is considered a professional method and is used by chefs. It should be used if the garlic is subsequently cut or passed through a meat grinder (garlic press, press, grater), because the integrity of the cloves is compromised:

    1. Disassemble the onion into cloves.
    2. Cut off the tops of the slices.
    3. Place the prongs on a cutting board.
    4. Use a wide knife to press the cloves so that a characteristic crunch is heard.
    5. Remove the husks from the cloves with your hands.

    If the knife has a fairly wide blade, then you can press several slices.

    Removing husks with water

    Fresh garlic bulbs have a soft and dense shell. You won't be able to exfoliate it. For undried cloves, cleaning with water is suitable.

    Cleaning with cold water:

    1. Place the cloves in a convenient container.
    2. Cover them with water for 40 minutes.
    3. Remove the sodden shell.

    Cleaning with hot water:

    1. Divide the onion into cloves and place them in a bowl.
    2. Pour hot water for 2 minutes.
    3. Drain the water and remove the soggy casing.

    In this case, garlic is partially deprived of vitamins, its pungency decreases, so it is better to use this method only when preparing marinades or sauces.

    Using a microwave

    You can use the microwave and microwave the garlic bulbs for 15 seconds. This will help you quickly peel garlic at home. The husk will become dry, brittle, and can be easily removed by hand. This cleaning method is suitable for cases where garlic will be added to marinades and pickles. When processed in a microwave oven, all useful microelements, essential oils and vitamins are destroyed.

    Piller or silicone tube

    Pillers are devices for cleaning fruits, vegetables and fish. To clean garlic cloves, a peeler in the form of a silicone tube open on both sides is suitable. Algorithm of actions:

    These methods are quite simple, but they will help save time and quickly peel the garlic. After some simple manipulations, the shell is easily removed, and you can start cooking.

    Garlic has a very persistent, specific smell that lingers on your hands and dishes for a long time after working. Some useful tips:

    • Do not touch your eyes while peeling the garlic cloves.
    • After work, you need to wash your hands in a solution of table salt or coffee grounds.
    • Lemon juice and vegetable oil remove garlic odor from hands.
    • Household chemicals remove odors well. After using them, you need to lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.
    • You can eliminate the garlic aroma by washing dishes in a solution of salt or baking soda.
    • Only mature garlic is suitable for long-term storage. It should be placed in a well-ventilated and dry room with a temperature of about 10-15 degrees.
    • Sprouted garlic loses its beneficial qualities and acquires a bitter taste. To prevent this from happening, it must be stored correctly.
    • Peeled garlic cloves can be placed in a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator for several months.
    • Whole, unpeeled garlic bulbs sprinkled with coarse salt store well in glass jars. You can add salt and peeled garlic. Close the jars with lids and place in a cool place.

    Information for those who want to be literate and are wondering how to write correctly: “garlic” or “garlic”. That's right - garlic with an emphasis on the second letter "o". In a suffix that comes after a hissing consonant, you should write “o” under the stress.