Types of additional vocational training. What is considered additional professional education? Consequences of incorrect interpretation

Interstate Association of Postgraduate Education

The president

What is considered additional professional education? Consequences of incorrect interpretation

What is additional professional education?

First, a few words about how this term appeared.

It was not included in the original version of the Education Law. Moreover, the preamble of the Law states:

“In this Law, education is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of an individual, society, and the state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.”

Our Association drew the attention of the developers to the fact that the Law completely lacks such areas of educational activity as advanced training and retraining. And then Article 26 appeared in the draft law - Additional education. However, the preamble has not changed. In accordance with it, “additional education” is not education at all, since it does not provide any level established by the state.

The name “additional education” is to some extent suitable for studies carried out in parallel with the main one, for example, for additional education of children. For subsequent studies, the term does not reflect the essence. Abroad the term " continuing education » - continuing education. It's more accurate. In addition, it allows you to separate training carried out in parallel with the main one from sequential ones.

To resolve many contradictions, one could use the term “training” along with education ( education and training ). But the Education Law unjustifiably narrowed it. In accordance with Article 21 of the Law, vocational training actually applies to workers who do not even have primary vocational education.

It’s not for nothing that they say, whatever you name a yacht, that’s how it will float. So our additional professional education turned out to be somehow third-rate. Not all benefits and privileges received by education were extended to him. It does not have a completed legislative and regulatory framework. Further education institutions do not participate in the Priority National Project “Education”. The list can be continued.

And all this despite the fact that further education is a key element of lifelong education, which is now talked about so much, including in Russia, and on which in developed countries money is spent even more than on basic education.

The standard Regulations on the educational institution of further professional education for specialists, approved by Government Decrees No. 000 of June 26, 1995 and No. 000 of March 10, 2000, include advanced training, internships, and professional retraining as additional professional education. At the same time, advanced training includes training with a classroom load of at least 72 hours. As a result, the most widespread and most popular studies of up to 72 hours have been excluded from additional vocational education.

For this reason, it turns out that in Russia annually, according to various sources, from 0.7% to 2.5% of the adult population undergo advanced training, while in European countries it is 10 times more. There, the average number of hours a student spends at a desk ranges from 6 to 30 hours per year, which is significantly less than 72 hours.

Limiting the duration of study from below affects not only statistics. For training of less than 72 hours, a license is not required; tax services are trying to force employers to pay the costs of such training out of profit, and the educational institutions conducting it to pay VAT. Although the tax authorities are wrong, this affects the actions of employers and educational institutions.

The incorrectness of the actions of the tax authorities has been repeatedly confirmed by decisions of arbitration courts (see, for example, decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated 01.01.2001 No. A/205 and the Volga District dated 01.01.2001 No. A/

05-6/826, dated 01.01.2001 No. A/06, dated 01.01.2001 No./2006-SA1-7).

Indeed, Article 149, paragraph 2 of the Tax Code states that the following are exempt from VAT:

“services in the field of education for non-profit educational organizations to carry out training and production (in the areas of basic and additional education specified in the license) and educational process.”

The license is issued for the right to carry out educational activities according to the educational programs specified in the annex to it.

For example, the application states that the educational institution has the right to carry out advanced training




term of assimilation

Personnel Management

Document management and office work



from 72 to 500 hours

from 72 to 500 hours

What is the "direction" specified in the license here? Obviously, “Human Resource Management” and “Document Management and Office Work”.

What is the course “Selected Issues of Personnel Management” of, for example, 16 hours (remember that a license is not required to conduct a course of less than 72 hours)? Obviously, this is a service in the field of education for conducting the educational and production process.

Therefore, according to the Tax Code, no VAT should be charged on this rate.

The collection of VAT increases the cost of study, primarily for citizens, small businesses using a simplified taxation system, non-profit and budget organizations. In fact, the state receives tax only from them, since the rest deduct VAT on short courses from the tax paid to the state.

Thus, the tax received by the state from short courses is not commensurate with the social consequences of its collection.

The actions of tax authorities force educational institutions to use various tricks so that the course volume is estimated at 72 hours, and the user of their services to choose courses of 72 hours or more, even if they contain a lot of unnecessary things.

The employee and the employer, with the exception of individual cases, must decide for themselves to what extent they need to improve their qualifications, all in one place or in parts in different places, at the workplace, independently or, for example, using the Internet.

In many countries, the idea of ​​crediting informal and non-formal learning even when obtaining higher education is being discussed. And in some countries this idea is already being implemented.

It was the desire to take into account all types of learning that put forward the concept of “learning outcomes”, according to which all that matters is what the student knows and can do upon completion of training - no more, no less. It doesn’t matter where, how and over what time the knowledge, skills and abilities were acquired. Moreover, this is so serious that the EU collects reports from member countries on the implementation of this concept.

For additional professional education, this is the only correct path. And if educational authorities in Russia are not yet ready for it, it is necessary to at least remove unnecessary restrictions on the methods of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, in particular, reduce or remove the lower limit of mandatory classroom hours. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 000 of May 6, 2008 “On approval of state requirements for professional retraining, advanced training and internship of state civil servants of the Russian Federation” introduced the concept of short-term advanced training in courses ranging from 18 to 72 hours of classroom hours, which should end with an exam in form of testing. At the same time, a state-issued certificate of short-term advanced training is even issued.

It is not clear why the state, as an employer, allows its employees to improve their skills through short courses, but prevents other employees from doing so.

The importance of additional professional education and the considerations expressed above should be taken into account in the draft federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” which is expected to be developed by 2010. In the meantime, it is necessary to rework the Model Regulations on the Additional Educational Institution and make appropriate amendments to the Education Law, already prepared by the working group.

The constantly changing conditions of the Russian labor market, technical improvements, and growing competition force us to prove our professional suitability again and again. That is why additional vocational education is becoming increasingly popular, allowing specialists to improve their qualifications or undergo professional training and obtain qualifications that give them the right to work in a new field of activity.

Short-term vocational training

This is an accelerated acquisition of skills needed in new working conditions. This includes thematic courses at the place of main work, seminars, trainings on specific problems of the enterprise and region. Training is often carried out by highly qualified employees of the enterprise. Upon completion, a Certificate is issued (certifying completion of courses, listening to seminars, etc.).


Training of specialists for in-depth study of current problems of science and technology in the profile of professional activity, training of specialists to perform new job functions. Such programs are designed for people who have experience in a certain field and lack practical skills and knowledge. Upon completion, a Certificate of Advanced Training is issued.

Professional retraining:

- Improving knowledge in your specialty

Expanding the qualifications of specialists in order to adapt them to new economic and social conditions. It is carried out on the basis of established qualification requirements for specific professions and positions, taking into account international requirements and standards. At the end of the program, a final state certification is carried out. A Diploma of Professional Retraining is issued, certifying the right to conduct professional activities in a certain field.

- Obtaining additional qualifications

Almost an analogue of a second higher education: obtaining a qualification on the basis of the higher education the student already has (disciplines studied while obtaining a higher education can be re-credited). Upon completion, a final certification is also carried out. It is possible to master the program in parallel with higher education. A Diploma of Professional Retraining is issued, certifying the receipt of additional qualifications (diploma of additional education).

Advanced training and professional retraining usually expand, complement or modernize the knowledge acquired at a university, that is, you are assumed to have a higher education. Therefore, additional education, as we know, is not free. However, you should know that a specialist has the right to improve his qualifications every five years at the expense of the employer.

But to go to courses, you don’t need to have any special knowledge - you can start mastering a profession from scratch. In other words, courses are intensive methods of mastering a practical specialty, acquiring certain skills, and developing abilities, and in a relatively short time. Typically, classes last no more than 6-9 months, although there are courses with shorter (1-2 months) or longer (up to 2 years) preparation. Thus, the purpose of the courses is to provide students with skills and abilities that can be immediately applied in practice.

Conventionally, the courses can be divided into three large groups:

Professional Activities through which you will quickly acquire the skills of a specific profession. These are courses in accounting, auditing or sales technology, or programs for mastering such<чисто практических>professions such as cook, bartender, makeup artist, pastry chef.
Educational They can be useful to anyone, regardless of what field they work in. In such courses you can learn a foreign language, gain skills in working with computer programs of various levels of complexity, and learn how to drive a car.
Developmental They will help develop certain abilities - fast reading, super memory, speed typing, etc. Teaching at these courses, as a rule, is conducted using proprietary methods of various types. They are not about your professional skills, but rather trying to develop your natural abilities. These are courses in speed reading, super memory, mnemonics, increasing intelligence, etc. One can argue about the usefulness and necessity of such courses: for some they really help improve, for example, memory, while others do not feel any improvement. Everything depends on you.

At the end of the course, a document is usually issued confirming completion of training and acquisition of certain knowledge and skills. And then everything depends on the owner of this document: how to use the knowledge, where to get a job, where to apply the acquired skills - these are all his problems.

1. Additional professional education is aimed at meeting educational and professional needs, professional development of a person, ensuring compliance of his qualifications with the changing conditions of professional activity and the social environment.

2. Additional professional education is carried out through the implementation of additional professional programs (programs for advanced training and professional retraining programs).

3. The following are allowed to master additional professional programs:

1) persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;

2) persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

4. The professional development program is aimed at improving and (or) obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activities, and (or) increasing the professional level within the framework of existing qualifications.

5. The professional retraining program is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity and acquiring new qualifications.

6. The content of the additional professional program is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, taking into account the needs of the person or organization on whose initiative additional professional education is carried out.

7. Standard additional professional programs are approved:

1) the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of transport - in the field of international road transport;

2) the federal executive body authorized to carry out the functions of legal regulation in the field of maintaining the state real estate cadastre, carrying out cadastral registration and cadastral activities - in the field of cadastral activities;

3) the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety in agreement with the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations - in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.

7.1. Typical additional professional programs in the field of assessing the compliance of cash register equipment and technical means of the fiscal data operator (applicant for permission to process fiscal data) with the requirements imposed on them are approved by the federal executive body authorized to control and supervise the use of cash register equipment.

8. The procedure for developing additional professional programs containing information constituting state secrets and additional professional programs in the field of information security is established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education, in agreement with the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education, the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information.

(see text in the previous edition)

9. The content of additional professional programs must take into account professional standards, qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books for relevant positions, professions and specialties, or qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform job duties, which are established in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on public service.

10. Professional retraining programs are developed on the basis of established qualification requirements, professional standards and the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education for the results of mastering educational programs.

11. Training in additional professional programs is carried out both simultaneously and continuously, and in stages (discretely), including through mastering individual academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), completing internships, using online forms, in the manner established by the educational program and (or) an education agreement.

16. When mastering an additional professional program in parallel with receiving secondary vocational education and (or) higher education, a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining are issued simultaneously with receipt of the corresponding document on education and qualifications.

17. Standard additional professional education programs for persons who are authorized to collect, transport, process, dispose of, neutralize, and dispose of waste of I-IV hazard classes are approved by the federal executive body that carries out state regulation in the field of environmental protection.


The article lists the basic concepts of the system of additional professional education, the tasks of this segment of the educational process, and also gives its main characteristics. The role of additional professional education as a factor contributing to the socio-economic development of the country and the growth of the intellectual potential of society is analyzed. A general analysis of new approaches to organizing the system of additional professional education itself is given. The main problems of the further education system are listed, and ways to solve them are presented, which include improving the regulatory framework, creating a system of public accreditation of educational programs and technologies of additional education, developing uniform professional standards for assessing the quality of education, constant monitoring of the needs of customers and consumers of educational services, intensification of scientific research in the field of prospects for the development of personnel policy. The results of an analysis of the state of the additional vocational training system in the Kaliningrad region are presented.

system of additional professional education (DPO)


highly qualified personnel

1. Brazhe T.G. Principles for assessing the activities of andragogist // Pedagogy. – 2000. – No. 6. – P. 18.

2. Butko E.Ya. Monitoring the economics of education. Educational and economic strategies of primary vocational education institutions in modern conditions: Newsletter; State University – Higher School of Economics, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – 2004. – 34 p.

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7. Kurbatova M.V. Problems of forming the institutional environment of the post-industrial economy in modern Russia // Journal of Institutional Studies. – 2010. – No. 1. – P. 54–66.

8. Magura M.I., Kurbatova M.B. Organization of training for company personnel. – M.: INTEL-SINTEZ Business School, 2003. – 296 p.

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10. Mosicheva I.A. Implementation of additional vocational training programs in the conditions of improving the regulatory framework of vocational education // Higher education in Russia. – 2011. – No. 8–9. – P. 3–6.

11. On education in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ.

12. On additional education: Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2002.

13. Union of heads of institutions and departments of additional professional education and employers [Electronic resource]: official website of the Union of Further Professional Education. – Access mode: http://www.dpo-edu.ru/DPO_union/zadachi.htm, free. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. rus.

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Social transformations of recent decades have made serious changes to the previously established system of vocational education. Some of the tasks of vocational training are still solved in traditional forms of higher and secondary vocational education, while others are assigned to regional employment services. Corporate training and short-term training and retraining courses have become of great importance in this regard. The very concept of vocational education is changing: “from education for life to education throughout life,” i.e. The leading idea is that of continuous education, which contributes to the development of a person as an individual throughout life, increasing the possibilities of his labor and social adaptation in a rapidly changing world.

The importance of continuing education has been confirmed internationally. The European Parliament considers lifelong education as the key to ensuring social inclusion and achieving equal opportunities. Representatives of G8 member states at summits have repeatedly emphasized the importance of lifelong learning in the “new economies” of the knowledge era [Cologne Charter - Goals and Objectives of Lifelong Learning, G8 Summit, Cologne, June 1999; World Education Forum, Dakkar, April 2000; Decisions of the G8 Summit, Okinawa, July 21-23, 2000].

A segment of the general system of continuing education is additional vocational education (hereinafter referred to as CPE), which is one of the most effective ways to implement the principle of continuity. This component of the educational institution is reflected in the works of such authors as E.Ya. Butko, M.V. Kurbatova, M.I. Magury, I.A. Mosicheva and others. The system of additional professional education has its own specific features, which are dealt with by andragogy - the science of the patterns of learning of an adult subject. T.G. has a significant number of publications on problems of adult education. Brazhe, S.I. Zmeeva, N.N. Vasyagina, V.P. Zinchenko and others.

When considering the system of additional professional education, it is necessary first of all to introduce its basic concepts. According to official documents, additional vocational education is “a purposeful process of education and training through the implementation of additional educational programs, the provision of additional educational services and the implementation of educational and information activities outside the main educational programs in the interests of the individual, society, and the state.”

Within each level of vocational training, the main task of additional education is the continuous improvement of the skills of workers in connection with the constant improvement of the conditions of professional activity and the social environment. .Regardless of the topic, additional professional education programs can be divided according to the volume of knowledge provided into advanced training and professional retraining programs. This division is dictated primarily by their tasks. Advanced training programs are divided into qualification programs, the purpose of which is to obtain the competencies necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, or to improve professional knowledge and skills within the framework of existing qualifications, and professional development programs aimed at qualitatively changing a person’s qualifications by improving professional competencies, taking into account new socio-economic, technological conditions and Russian and international requirements and standards. Professional retraining programs are aimed at acquiring new competencies necessary to perform completely new professional activities. The terms of study for further education programs are reflected in the educational program or education agreement.

The main priority for the development of the Russian system of additional professional education is its transformation into a powerful factor in accelerating the country’s socio-economic development and structural restructuring of production by training highly qualified personnel in accordance with the needs of the real sector of the economy, increasing the spiritual potential and education of society, and developing the creative abilities of the individual.

Additional vocational education is a factor that contributes to the socio-economic development of the country and the growth of the intellectual potential of society. Flexibility to changes in the technical, sociocultural spheres, mobility of educational structures in response to market demands, variety of training programs, focus on a specific customer contribute to the development of the further education system in the educational space of Russia.

In modern conditions, the further education system meets the educational interests of both the individual and society as a whole, both the requirements of employers and the needs of employees, and is a link that connects various segments of the educational process and sectors of the economy.

Today in Russia there are more than 500 educational institutions that implement continuing education programs in various areas of professional retraining and advanced training for workers in socio-economic sectors, as well as military personnel being transferred to the reserve. Modern conditions require new approaches to organizing the further education system itself. There is a tendency to get closer to the consumer by fulfilling the social order of the state as a whole and individual enterprises, working with territorial bodies of the Federal State Employment Service, participating in joint educational projects, including international ones, developing cooperation with other countries, conducting marketing research for the most complete satisfying the interests of employers and the needs of consumers of educational services.

A number of organizations are involved in creating a legislative and regulatory framework and improving the Russian system of additional professional education. The most significant is the Union of Heads of Institutions and Divisions of Further Professional Education and Employers, created in 2003, the main task of which is “to determine common approaches to policy issues of the system of additional professional education, aimed at further improving the educational and pedagogical process and ensuring the required quality of education.” , departments of institutions of additional and postgraduate professional education, Interstate Association of Postgraduate Education, European Association of Continuing Education Providers and others.

In general, modern Russian additional vocational education can be characterized as:

Clearly focused on a specific model of a highly qualified specialist;

Aimed at satisfying the professional and educational interests of participants in the educational process;

Close to the consumer;

A flexible, mobile and practically oriented system that uses modern information, communication and pedagogical technologies.

Changes in the Russian education system in general and in the system of additional vocational education in particular have led to the fact that a large number of contradictions have arisen in the additional vocational education system, which has entailed the need to adjust the regulatory and legislative framework regulating the activities of additional vocational education institutions.

All educational programs are subject to mandatory accreditation to confirm compliance of the content and quality of education with standards approved at the federal level, however, in 2010, amendments were made to the Federal Law “On Education”, according to which “state accreditation of educational activities is carried out for basic educational programs implemented in accordance with with federal state educational standards". Thus, in accordance with the new law, the vast majority of additional professional educational programs are no longer subject to accreditation examination. This, on the one hand, increases the flexibility of the further education system, creates competitive conditions for it, allows it to quickly adjust its programs to market requirements, and on the other hand, puts it in unequal conditions compared to higher education institutions, which, when accredited, automatically accredit programs professional retraining and advanced training in the profile of the main educational programs of the university, which allows them to issue a state-recognized diploma, including additional vocational training programs. Scientific and pedagogical workers of the system of additional professional education are also discriminated against in comparison with university employees in terms of social guarantees and wages.

When considering issues related to further education, one cannot fail to mention such an important factor as the regionalization of education. Territorially localized markets for educational services are being formed, large-scale networks of branches of the country's largest universities are being formed and developed, the influence of regional-industry factors on the education system is increasing, the relationship between the economic organization of the region and education is strengthening as a means of meeting the requirements of society and the state in the training of highly qualified personnel. To perform this function, the APE system must focus on the programs for the socio-economic development of a particular region in terms of personnel, on a long-term comprehensive forecast for the development of the region’s economy, as well as on an analysis of the current and future situation in the labor market. To date, there is no model of additional education that would satisfy the above requirements.

To solve this problem, the Government of the Kaliningrad Region approved the target program “Development of Vocational Education for 2012-2016”, which reflects the main personnel needs of the regional labor market for the coming years, which helps universities in the region adjust their educational policies in accordance with modern educational standards and requirements for innovative socially oriented development of the Kaliningrad region. Today, additional professional education programs are implemented in almost all universities in the region, for example, at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad State Technical University, Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet, Baltic Naval Institute, etc. The main areas of work are foreign languages , accounting, information technology, management, professional retraining of retired military personnel and advanced training of teachers are also carried out as a priority within the framework of the national educational initiative “Our New School”. The Institute for Educational Development, the Association of Additional Education of the Kaliningrad Region and a number of other organizations that implement professional retraining and advanced training programs also operate in the Kaliningrad region.

With the development of globalization processes and the introduction of new information technologies into the educational process, distance learning has received a significant impetus for development. By Order No. 4452 of December 18, 2002, the Ministry of Education and Science at the legislative level allowed the use of distance technologies in obtaining additional education in any specialization. Such an organization of training may be especially in demand when receiving additional professional education due to the opportunity to study on the job and independently choose an individual pace of training, accessibility regardless of geographic location, and financial attractiveness. Remote forms of additional vocational training have become extremely relevant due to the increased number of consumers of educational services (military personnel transferred to the reserve during the reform of the Armed Forces, migrants from the CIS countries, the unemployed). However, the level of information, technical, educational and methodological support possessed by the modern domestic further education system is insufficient to fully utilize the potential of distance learning.

Improving the regulatory framework of the further education system, creating a system of public accreditation of educational programs and technologies of additional education, developing uniform professional standards for assessing the quality of education, constant monitoring of the needs of customers and consumers of educational services, intensifying scientific research in the field of prospects for the development of personnel policy, as well as the economy region, improving the material, technical, educational and methodological base and, as a result, improving the quality of education will make it possible to solve the above problems and improve the business skills of citizens in the context of large-scale changes in the Russian economy.


Budarina A.O., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, IKBFU. I. Kanta, Kaliningrad;

Kondratenko A.B., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director for Educational and Scientific Work of the Kaliningrad Branch of the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Kaliningrad.

The work was received by the editor on April 11, 2013.

Bibliographic link

Parakhina O.V. MODERN TRENDS IN THE SYSTEM OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA // Fundamental Research. – 2013. – No. 6-2. – P. 445-448;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=31531 (access date: 08/16/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The constantly changing conditions of the Russian labor market, technical improvements, and growing competition force us to prove our professional suitability again and again. That is why additional vocational education is becoming increasingly popular, allowing specialists to improve their qualifications or undergo professional training and obtain qualifications that give them the right to work in a new field of activity.




Additional education- a purposeful process of education and training through the implementation of additional educational programs, the provision of additional educational services and the implementation of educational and information activities outside the main educational programs in the interests of the individual, society, and the state. Additional education includes general additional education and professional additional education;

The constantly changing conditions of the Russian labor market, technical improvements, and growing competition force us to prove our professional suitability again and again. That is why additional vocational education is becoming increasingly popular, allowing specialists to improve their qualifications or undergo professional training and obtain qualifications that give them the right to work in a new field of activity.

Professional additional education- additional education aimed at continuous improvement of qualifications and professional retraining of persons with vocational education, in accordance with additional professional educational programs, qualification requirements for professions and positions and promoting the development of business and creative abilities of these persons, increasing their cultural level. Professional additional education includes advanced training and professional retraining;

The list of additional professional educational programs, training in which is carried out in accordance with state educational standards of additional education, the procedure for the development, approval and introduction of general principles and federal components of state educational standards of professional additional education are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Additional vocational education is a purposeful process of training citizens through the implementation of additional educational programs, the provision of additional educational services and information and educational activities outside the main educational programs in the interests of the individual, society and the state. In the Russian Federation, a number of types of additional professional training have been adopted at the government level, the most common of which include advanced training, internship and retraining.

Additional professional education is aimed at meeting educational and professional needs, professional development of a person, ensuring compliance of his qualifications with the changing conditions of professional activity and the social environment.

Additional professional education is carried out through the implementation of additional professional programs (programs for advanced training and professional retraining programs).

Training- a type of additional professional training aimed at ensuring a new quality in the employee’s performance of professional functions and does not end with an increase in the level (stage) of education.

Training of specialists for in-depth study of current problems of science and technology in the profile of professional activity, training of specialists to perform new job functions. Such programs are designed for people who have experience in a certain field and lack practical skills and knowledge. Upon completion, a Certificate of Advanced Training is issued.

Professional retraining(hereinafter referred to as retraining) is a type of additional vocational training aimed at students mastering educational programs to perform a new type of work or group of work. Retraining does not ensure that students receive a new level of education in accordance with state educational standards, but it makes it possible to change the direction of professional activity at the existing level of education.

Professional retraining --With improving knowledge in your specialty.

Professional retraining programs are developed on the basis of established qualification requirements, professional standards and the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education for the results of mastering educational programs.

Professional retraining programs are aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity and acquiring new qualifications.

The content of the additional professional program is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, taking into account the needs of the person or organization on whose initiative additional professional education is carried out.

The content of additional professional programs must take into account professional standards, qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books for relevant positions, professions and specialties, or qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform job duties, which are established in accordance with federal laws and other legal regulations acts of the Russian Federation on public service.

Expanding the qualifications of specialists in order to adapt them to new economic and social conditions. It is carried out on the basis of established qualification requirements for specific professions and positions, taking into account international requirements and standards. At the end of the program, a final state certification is carried out. A Diploma of Professional Retraining is issued, certifying the right to conduct professional activities in a certain field.Currently, obtaining additional education is becoming a fashionable phenomenon.Currently, many specialists want to improve their skills or even change their field of activity, so they attend numerous courses, trainings and seminars. For many, this is a professional necessity.

Those wishing to improve their professional and educational level are offered many courses, trainings and seminars, which cover quite a lot of specializations in various fields. When choosing one or another advanced training program, some try to make up for “lost” opportunities during their student years, some want to consolidate acquired academic knowledge through practical training, others thus try to look at the accumulated skills and competencies from a slightly different angle. Each profession has its own certificates and attestations, the presence of which makes a specialist not only more qualified, but also more “expensive”. In addition, diplomas from different but complementary courses (and at the same time related to the main profession) characterize candidates as versatile individuals striving for professional and personal development.”

Many specialists, for one reason or another, decide radicallychange field of activity . To master a new profession, they need to gain some theoretical knowledge and practice it in practice. This can be achieved through various courses and seminars.

Currently, the legislative framework on additional education in the Russian Federation is based on a number of important documents, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" as amended by the Federal Law of January 13, 1996 No. 12-FZ, the Federal Law "On Higher and postgraduate professional education", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 No. 610, other federal laws, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of additional education. As for the Federal Law on Additional Education, it is at the stage of coordination and approval.

The Russian system of additional education has largely already been formed. It is part of the general education system and is a set of additional educational programs, state educational standards, educational institutions and other organizations implementing additional educational programs, public organizations whose main statutory purpose is educational activities in the field of additional education, associations (associations and unions) educational institutions of further education, public and state-public associations, scientific and methodological councils, governing bodies of additional education, enterprises, institutions, organizations subordinate to them, etc.

Additional educational programs determine the content of additional education. Additional professional educational programs are developed based on the requirements for the level of basic education of students and on the basis of state educational standards. This mechanism has been successfully used by almost all developed European countries for many years.

Additional educational programs of higher professional education include additional professional educational programs, for training in which a higher professional (completed or incomplete) education is required. Additional educational programs include educational programs of various directions, implemented: in general educational institutions and educational institutions of vocational education outside the main educational programs that determine their status;

Additional education of children and adults is aimed at the formation and development of the creative abilities of children and adults, satisfying their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement, creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle, promoting health, as well as organizing their free time. Additional education for children ensures their adaptation to life in society, professional guidance, as well as the identification and support of children who have demonstrated outstanding abilities. Additional general education programs for children should take into account age andindividual characteristics of children.

Our college provides additional professional education in the following licensed programs:

  1. "Computer's operator";
  2. “1C:Enterprise 8.3 (Enterprise Accounting)”;
  3. “1C: Salaries and personnel management 8.3”;
  4. "1C: Trade Management 8.3";
  5. "Waiter";
  6. “Draftsman (Compass program)”;
  7. "Clerk";
  8. "Accountant";

Many college students take not just one, but several continuing education programs because they want to be competitive professionals in our time. After completing the courses for the selected DPO program, students receive a “Certificate” document.

The presence of completed trainings, seminars and courses in the resume certainly adds extra points to candidates when being considered for a vacant position. People who are ready to invest their own money in further education are united by the desire to improve their qualifications and, accordingly, increase the value of their candidacy. In addition, diplomas from different but complementary courses (and at the same time related to the main profession) characterize candidates as versatile individuals striving for professional and personal development.”

Our college also provides professional retraining for unemployed citizens, i.e. We work with employment centers that refer their unemployed citizens to us. After completing additional vocational training programs for professional retraining, students receive a state document confirming completion of the program

Additional educational programs and additional educational services are implemented in order to fully meet the educational needs of citizens, society, and the state.

Within each level of vocational education, the main task of additional education is the continuous improvement of the qualifications of workers, employees, and specialists in connection with the constant improvement of federal state educational standards.

Used Books:

1.Federal Law on Additional Education.

2. Kashtanova E.V. “Organization of training and additional professional education of personnel” 2015.

3. Ishkov A. “Features of the implementation of additional professional education” 2011.

4.Federal Law “On Education” No. 3266-1 of July 10, 1992.

5. Semenov A.L. “Additional professional and pedagogical education: practice, innovation” 2013.