Significant military dates of the year. Days of military glory

Days of military glory mean such memorable dates that are marked by the victory of our troops. But not a simple victory, but one that played an important role in the history of Russia. Memorial dates were first introduced in 2010 and since then they have been celebrated throughout the country. All these dates are worthy of being immortalized.

It is worth saying that the list of these events was established much earlier, in 1995 in February. That's why a law with the appropriate name was issued. These days, within the framework of the law, ceremonial events are organized, all of them are public and attract a lot of people. The Ministry of Defense is ordered to conduct festive fireworks twice a year: on February 23 and May 9. Each such event is financed by the federal budget.

There are other forms of how you can perpetuate the memory of soldiers killed in battles. Museums are created, monuments are erected, exhibitions are organized and large publications are made in magazines and newspapers. Some settlements, like streets, are named after the heroes of the country.

history of the holiday

All memorable dates occurred before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in the country, therefore, by modern standards, exactly thirteen days remain between the date when the event occurred and the date when it is celebrated according to the new style. This is exactly the difference between the calendars. In fact, the celebration takes place according to the old style, and not the new one.

Only one day on this list was an exception - the Battle of Chesme, which was introduced only in 2012. The difference was only 11 days and this is exactly the difference that exists between the modern calendar and the past. The situation is more complicated with the date of the Battle of the Ice and the Battle of Kulikovo. At that time there was no such thing as a new style or an old style, so their dates were not translated in the Gregorian calendar.

What are the traditions of Military Glory Day?

This is one of the best traditions that could ever be revived in the country. It is the Days of Military Glory that help us not to forget what role past battles and victories played for our future and present. Of course, not all dates could be indicated in the correct form, but this is not important, but what we remember and honor.

The main traditions include celebrations and fireworks on some days, noisy celebrations and patriotic events.

When is Military Glory Day celebrated in Russia in 2018?

The following days of military glory of Russia have been established in the Russian Federation (as amended as of December 1, 2014):

  • January 27 - Day of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade (1944);
  • February 2 - Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943);
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
  • April 18 - Victory Day of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice); the battle took place on April 5, 1242;
  • May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945);
  • July 7 - Day of the victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Chesma; the battle took place on June 24-26 (July 5-7), 1770;
  • July 10 - Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava; occurred on June 27 (July 8), 1709;
  • August 9 - Day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut; occurred on July 27 (August 7), 1714;
  • August 23 - Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943);
  • September 8 - Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army; occurred on August 26 (September 7), 1812;
  • September 11 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F. F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra; occurred on August 28-29 (September 8-9), 1790;
  • September 21 - Victory Day of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo; occurred September 8, 1380;
  • November 4 - National Unity Day;
  • November 7 is the day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941);
  • December 1 - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P. S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop; occurred on November 18 (30), 1853;
  • December 5 - The day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow in 1941;
  • December 24 - Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov; happened on December 11 (22), 1790.
  • January 25 - Day of Russian Students;
  • February 15 is the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland;
  • April 12 - Cosmonautics Day;
  • April 26 is the Day of Participants in the Elimination of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters and the Day of Memory of the Victims of These Accidents and Disasters;
  • April 27 - Day of Russian Parliamentarism;
  • June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War;
  • June 29 - Day of Partisans and Underground Workers;
  • July 28 - Day of the Baptism of Rus';
  • August 1 - Day of Remembrance of Russian Soldiers Who Died in the First World War;
  • September 2 - Day of the end of World War II;
  • September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism;
  • November 7 - October Revolution Day 1917;
  • December 3 - Day of the Unknown Soldier;
  • December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland;
  • December 12 is Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

How to congratulate each other on this day

On this day, people congratulate each other on great victories and engage in small talk on the topic of former battles. From time immemorial, it was the Russian army that was considered independent, loyal to its land. Today it is important to cultivate in children a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland.

2017 in Russia

2017 in Russia has been declared the Year of Ecology.

  • 1155th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood (862 - the calling of Rurik by the elders of the intertribal state of Northern Rus');

  • 1135th anniversary of the unification of Northern and Southern Rus' by Prince Oleg the Prophet into one state with the center in Kyiv (882);

  • 980 years ago, Yaroslav the Wise founded the first library of Ancient Rus' at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv (1037);

  • 775 years ago, Prince Alexander Nevsky defeated the crusaders on Lake Peipsi (April 5, 1242);

  • 870 years since the first chronicle mention of Moscow (1147);

  • 405 years of expulsion of Polish interventionists from Moscow by the militia under the leadership of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky (October 26, 1612);

  • 205 years since the Battle of Borodino in the Patriotic War of 1812;

  • 295 years ago, Peter 1 approved the Table of Ranks of all ranks of the Russian Empire (1722);

  • 295 years ago, Peter 1 issued a decree on the creation of the prosecutor's office (1722);

  • 260 years since the founding of the Russian Academy of Arts (1757);

  • 155 years since the founding of the St. Petersburg Conservatory (September 20, 1862);
Under the auspices of the UN

  • 2015-2024 - International Decade for People of African Descent;

  • 2014-2024 - Decade of sustainable energy for all;

  • 2013-2022 - International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures;

  • 2011-2020 - Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism;

  • 2011-2020 - United Nations Decade of Biodiversity;

  • 2011–2020 - Decade of Action for Road Safety;

  • 2010–2020 - United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification;

  • 2008–2017 - Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty;

  • 2017 - in Russia: the year of ecology and the year of specially protected natural areas;

  • The book capital of 2017 is the West African city of Conakry (the capital of Guinea).
Days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia in 2017

The list is given in accordance with Federal Law dated March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ with subsequent amendments. The dates of battles that took place before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar are obtained in the Law by adding 13 days to the “Old Calendar” date. However, the difference between the old and new styles of 13 days accumulated only in the 20th century. And, for example, in the 17th century the difference was 10 days. Therefore, in historical science, different dates are accepted than in this law.

The following days of military glory of Russia are established in the Russian Federation:

  • January 27, 2017- Day of the complete liberation of the city of Leningrad by Soviet troops from the blockade by Nazi troops (1944);

  • February 2, 2017- The day of the defeat of the Nazi-fascist troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943);

  • February 23, 2017- Defender of the Fatherland Day;

  • April 18, 2017- Day of the victory of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice, 1242, actually happened on April 12 according to the new style or April 5 according to the old one);

  • May 9, 2017- 71st anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 (1945);

  • July 7, 2017- Day of the victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Chesma (1770);

  • July 10, 2017- Victory Day of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709, actually happened on July 8 according to the new style or June 27 according to the old style);

  • August 9, 2017- The day of the first naval victory in Russian history of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714, actually happened on August 7);

  • August 23, 2017 - The day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943);

  • September 8, 2017- Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812, actually happened on September 7, new style, or August 26, old style);

  • September 11, 2017- Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (actually happened on September 8-9 according to the new style or on August 28-29 according to the old style);

  • September 21, 2017- Day of victory of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380, actually happened on September 16 according to the new style or September 8 but according to the old style);

  • November 4, 2017- National Unity Day.;

  • November 7, 2017- The day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941);

  • December 1, 2017- Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853, actually happened on November 30, new style, or November 18, old style);

  • December 5, 2017- The day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow (1941);

  • December 24, 2017- The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790, actually happened on December 22 according to the new style or December 11 according to the old style).
In the Russian Federation, the following memorable dates for Russia are established for 2017:

  • The 25th of January - Day of Russian Students;

  • February, 15 - Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland;

  • 12th of April - Cosmonautics Day;

  • 26 April - Day of participants in the liquidation of consequences of radiation accidents and disasters and the memory of the victims of these accidents and disasters;

  • April 27 - Day of Russian Parliamentarism;

  • 22nd of June - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941);

  • June 29 - Day of Partisans and Underground Workers:;

  • July 28th - Day of the Baptism of Rus';

  • August 1 - Day of Remembrance of Russian soldiers who died in the First World War of 1914-1918;

  • September 2 - Day of the end of World War II (1945);

  • September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism;

  • November 7 - October Revolution Day 1917;

  • 9th December - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland;

  • 12 December - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.
Memorable and significant dates in January 2017

  • 180 years ago, a duel took place between A.S. Pushkin with Dantes on the Black River (1837);

  • 170 years ago, the first issue of the Sovremennik magazine published an essay by I.S. Turgenev “Khor and Kalinich” (1847);

  • 145 years ago, the formation of a weather service in Russia began (1872);

  • 75 years ago, the Pravda newspaper published K. Simonov’s poem “Wait for Me” (1942);
January 1, 2017 - New Year's holiday; World Peace Day; Day of the epic hero Ilya Muromets; 90 years since the birth of Lev Ivanovich Davydychev, children's writer (1927-1988);

January 2, 2017 - 80 years since the birth of the Russian writer, literary critic and public figure Marietta Omarovna Chudakova (b. 1937); “The Cases and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina”, “Not for Adults: Time to Read!”

January 3, 2017 - 125 years since the birth of the English writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973);

January 3, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of the literary scholar and critic Benedict Mikhailovich Sarnov (1927-2014); Birthday cocktail straws. On January 3, 1888, Marvin Stone patented his invention, the straw. He received documents from the Washington Patent Office for the invention of a paper straw for drinking cocktails and other liquids.

January 6, 2017 - 185 years since the birth of the French graphic artist Gustave Doré (1832-1884); Illustrations for books: “The Bible”; Rabelais F. “Gargantua and Pantagruel” Raspe R. E. “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”; Perrault S. “Tales of Mother Goose”

January 6, 2017 - 145 years since the birth of Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin, composer, pianist (1872-1915);

January 6, 2017 - 195 years since the birth of Heinrich Schliemann, German archaeologist (1822-1890);

January 7, 2017 - 130 years since the birth of the Russian writer Pavel Andreevich Blyakhin (1886-1961); “Little Red Devils”, “Moscow on Fire”;

January 8, 2017 - Children's Cinema Day. Established by the Moscow government on the initiative of the Moscow Children's Fund in 1998 in connection with the centenary of the first screening of a film program for children in Moscow.

January 11, 2017 - World Thank You Day. It is believed that the Russian word “spasibo” was born in the 16th century from the often pronounced phrase “God save.” It is interesting that the roots of the English analogue - Thank you - also go much deeper than simple gratitude. This suggests that both the Russian “thank you” and “thank you,” pronounced in almost all languages ​​of the world, were and are extremely important for the culture of any people.

January 11, 2017 - Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks. Celebrated since 1997 on the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund in honor of the first Russian nature reserve - Barguzinsky, which opened in 1916

January 12, 2017 - Prosecutor's Day. On January 12, 1722, by decree of Peter the Great, the post of Prosecutor General was established for the first time in the Senate. The Decree literally stated: “There should be a Prosecutor General and Chief Prosecutor in the Senate, as well as in any Board of Prosecutors, who will have to report to the Prosecutor General.”

January 12, 2017 - 245 years since the birth of Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky, statesman (1772-1839);

January 12, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, designer (1907-1966);

January 13, 2017 - Russian Press Day; Celebrated since 1991 in honor of the publication of the first issue of the Russian printed newspaper Vedomosti by decree of Peter the Great in 1703.

January 13, 2017 is the 140th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Alekseevich Novikov, writer, poet (1877-1959).

January 14, 2017 - 190 years since the birth of Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov-Tyan-Shan geographer (1827-1914);

January 15, 2017 - World Religion Day. According to the UN initiative, this holiday is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of January.

January 15, 2017 - 395 years since the birth of the French comedian, actor, reformer of the performing arts Jean Baptiste Moliere (1622-1673);

January 16, 2017 is World Beatles Day, which is celebrated by UNESCO every year since 2001.

January 16, 2017 - 150 years since the birth of Vikenty Vikentyevich Veresaev, writer, translator, literary critic (1867-1945);

January 17, 2017 -170 years since the birth of Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky, mechanical scientist (1847-1921);

January 17, 2017 - Children's Invention Day. This day was chosen in honor of the birthday of the American statesman, diplomat, scientist, inventor and journalist Benjamin Franklin. He made his first invention at the age of 12.

January 18, 2017 -135 years since the birth of the English writer, poet, playwright Alan Milne (1882-1956);

January 21, 2017 - 95 years since the birth of the Russian poet Yuri Davidovich Levitansky (1922-1996);

January 22, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of Pavel Aleksandrovich Florensky, philosopher, theologian (1882-1937);

January 23, 2017 - Handwriting Day (Handwriting Day). The initiator of this holiday was the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association, choosing this date in honor of the birthday of the American statesman John Hancock (1737), who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence.

January 23, 2017 - 185 years since the birth of Edouard Manet, French artist (1832-1883);

January 24, 2017 - 285 years since the birth of the French playwright Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais (1732-1799);

January 25, 2017 - Tatiana's Day - the day of Russian students. (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Day of Russian Students” dated January 25, 2017 - 2005, No. 76). On the day of remembrance of the “Holy Martyr Tatiana the Virgin,” January 12 (old style), 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree “On the establishment of Moscow University.” January 25, 2017 - 185 years since the birth of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, artist (1832-1898);

January 27, 2017 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day(since 2005 by decision of the UN General Assembly)

January 27, 2017 - 85 years since the birth of the Russian poetess Rimma Fedorovna Kazakova (1932-2008);

January 27, 2017 - 185 years since the birth of the English writer Lewis Carroll (1832-1898);

January 28, 2017 - 120 years since the birth of the Russian writer Valentin Petrovich Kataev (1897-1986); “The Lonely Sail Is White,” “Son of the Regiment,” “The Seven-Flower Flower”;

January 29, 2017 - World Snow Day (initiated by the International Ski Federation). Celebrated annually on the penultimate Sunday of January.

January 30, 2017 - Father Frost and Snow Maiden Day. This is an ancient pagan holiday. These days they usually tell fairy tales and legends about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

January 31, 2017 - 220 years since the birth of Franz Schubert, Austrian composer (1797-1828);

January 31, 2017 - 65 years since the birth of Nadezhda Nikolaevna Rusheva, artist (1952-1969);

Memorable and significant dates in February 2017

  • 315 years since the founding of the Baltic Navy (1702);

  • 180 years ago M.Yu. Lermontov wrote the final 16 lines of the poem "The Death of a Poet" (1837);

  • 165 years ago the Hermitage Museum was opened in St. Petersburg (1852);

  • 140 years ago the premiere of P.I.’s ballet took place. Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake" (1877);

  • 100 years of the February Revolution in Russia (1917);
February 1, 2017 - 160 years since the birth of Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, psychiatrist (1857-1927);

February 3, 2017 - World Safer Internet Day (celebrated since 2004 on the first Tuesday of February);

February 7, 2017 - 205 years since the birth of the English writer Charles Dickens (1812-1870);

February 8, 2017 - Russian Science Day; 120 years since the birth of Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, biophysicist (1897-1964);

February 8, 2017 - Day of Remembrance of the Young Anti-Fascist Hero. Celebrated around the world since 1964, it was approved by the next UN Assembly in honor of the fallen participants in anti-fascist demonstrations - French schoolboy Daniel Fery (1962) and Iraqi boy Fadil Jamal (1963);

February 8, 2017 - Russian Science Day. On this day in 1724, Peter the Great signed a decree establishing the Academy of Sciences in Russia;

February 9, 2017 - 130 years since the birth of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, military leader (1887-1919);

February 15, 2017 - Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers (02/15/1989 - the last column of Soviet troops left the territory of Afghanistan).

February 17, 2017 - Spontaneous Kindness Day is one of the recent initiatives of international charitable organizations. This holiday has global significance and is celebrated regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs. In Russia this holiday is still little known. On this day, as the organizers urge, you should try to be kind to everyone. And not just kind, but kind infinitely and selflessly.

February 20, 2017 - World Day of Social Justice(since 2009 by decision of the UN General Assembly).

February 20, 2017 - 165 years since the birth of the Russian writer, publicist Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky (1852-1906);

February 21, 2017 - International Mother Language Day(proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999, celebrated every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity).

February 23, 2017 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Day of military glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser's troops in 1918.

February 24, 2017 - 125 years since the birth of the Russian writer Konstantin Aleksandrovich Fedin (1892-1977);

February 25, 2017 - 310 years since the birth of Carlo Goldoni, Italian playwright (1707-1793);

February 26, 2017 - 95 years since the birth of literary critic, cultural historian Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman (1922-1993);

February 26, 2017 - 215 years since the birth of the French writer Victor Hugo (1802-1885);

February 27, 2017 - 210 years since the birth of Henry Longfellow, American poet (1807-1882);

February 27, 2017 - 115 years since the birth of the American writer John Steinbeck (1902-1969);

February 28, 2017 - 225 years since the birth of Gioachino Antonio Rossini, Italian composer (1792-1868);

The calendar of Russian holidays in September is rich in various secular and religious, professional and regional holidays. Also this month, there are several days of military glory, which celebrate the most significant victories of Russian weapons in the entire history of our state, and sometimes even lost battles, which are still revered as landmark battles. Let's celebrate the most significant and most notable holidays that are celebrated in September 2017.

Religious holidays in September 2017

As usual, the calendar of religious holidays is most widely represented by Orthodox holidays. However, September begins with one of the central holidays among Muslims.

  • 01.09 – Kurban Bayram for Muslims.
  • 08.09 – Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • 10.09 – Discovery of the relics of St. Job of Pochaev.
  • 11.09 – Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (great holiday).
  • 11.09 – one day fast among the Orthodox in honor of the Beheading of John the Baptist.
  • 14.09 – Beginning of the indictment – ​​the church new year.
  • 18.09 – Day of the Prophet Zechariah and the Righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptist.
  • 21.09 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary .
  • 27.09 – Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (twelfth impermanent holiday).
  • 30.09 – Day of Remembrance of the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia.

Secular holidays and memorable days in September 2017

September is the beginning of the next academic year for schoolchildren and students in our country, therefore the 1st is a traditional holiday of knowledge. In addition to this day, there will be another secular holiday and one memorable day in September. The list of professional holidays in September is below.

  • 01.09 – Day of Knowledge.
  • 03.09 – Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism.
  • 30.09 – Internet Day.

Days of military glory in September 2017

Days of military glory in our country are special days that are marked in the history of the country by significant victories of Russian weapons. Those victories (or even lost battles, paradoxically) that at one time played a key role in the future fate of the Russian state.

  • 02.09 – End of World War II (1945).
  • 08.09 – Battle of Borodino between the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov and the French army (1812).
  • 11.09 – Victory of the Russian squadron under the command of F. F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790).
  • 21.09 – Victory of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke D. Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380).

Professional holidays in September 2017

As usual, the list of professional holidays for the month is the most extensive. The more complex the economy becomes, the more new professions appear. Therefore, to traditional professional holidays like Mechanical Engineer’s Day or Gunsmith’s Day, completely new ones are added, like Programmer’s Day or HR Manager’s Day.

Some of the professional holidays are celebrated on the same day year after year, some are timed to coincide with one or another weekend of the month. We have given the dates for celebrating professional holidays in September 2017.

  • 02.09 – Day of the patrol service of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  • 02.09 – Day of the Russian Guard.
  • 03.09 – .
  • 04.09 – Day of the Nuclear Support Specialist.
  • 08.09 – .
  • 09.09 – Tester's day.
  • 09.09 – Graphic Designer Day.
  • 10.09 – .
  • 11.09 – Day of the specialist of the educational bodies of the Russian Armed Forces.
  • 13.09 – .
  • 13.09 – Hairdresser's Day.
  • 15.09 – Secretary's Day.
  • 17.09 – .
  • 19.09 – Gunsmith's Day.
  • 20.09 – Recruiter's Day.
  • 20.09 – HR Manager Day.
  • 24.09 – .
  • 09/24 – System Analyst Day.
  • 27.09 – Day of the teacher and all preschool workers.
  • 28.09 – Nuclear Industry Worker's Day.
  • 28.09 – General Director’s Day.
  • 29.09 – Otolaryngologist Day.
  • 30.09 – Translator's Day.

Regional holidays in September 2017 in Russia

Finally, in addition to all-Russian holidays, there are also holidays in our country that are celebrated in individual regions. This September there will be five such days:

  • 01.09 – Statehood Day of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
  • 08.09 – Day of the Novorossiysk Naval Region.
  • 10.09 – Day of Lake Baikal.
  • 15.09 – Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan.
  • 24.09 – Tiger Day in the Far East.

In addition to the listed holidays, it is also worth paying attention to. This holiday in Moscow will take place on September 9.

How many weekends are there in September 2017 in Russia?

As for the production calendar for September approved by the government of the country, everything is quite simple with this month. None of the holidays listed above is a public holiday for which additional days off are declared.

Of the 30 days in September, nine will be weekends: these are five Saturdays (2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 September) and four Sundays (3, 10, 17 and 24 September) that fall in this month. The remaining 21 days of the month are regular working days.

Memorable and significant dates in October 2017

  • 525 years ago, the expedition of H. Columbus discovered the island of San Salvador (the official date of the discovery of America) (1492);

  • 145 years ago, Russian electrical engineer A.N. Lodygin filed an application for the invention of an electric incandescent lamp (1872);

  • 130 years ago the premiere of P.I.’s opera took place. Tchaikovsky's "The Enchantress" at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg (1887);

  • 120 years since the first football match was held in Russia (October 24, 1897);

  • 95 years ago, the book and magazine publishing house “Young Guard” was created in Moscow (1922);

  • 60 years ago, the film “The Cranes Are Flying” (1957) directed by M. Kalatozov was released on the screens of the country. At the Cannes Film Festival in 1958, the film was awarded the Palme d'Or;

  • 60 years ago, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in our country (October 4, 1957);
October 1, 2017 is International Music Day. Established in 1975 by decision of UNESCO. One of the initiators of the establishment of International Music Day is composer Dmitry Shostakovich.

October 1, 2017 - International Day of Older Persons. It was proclaimed at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990, celebrated since October 1, 1991.

October 1, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Gumilev (1912-1992), Russian historian-ethnologist, geographer, writer;

October 2, 2017 - International Day of Non-Violence. Established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly of June 15, 2007. The date was not chosen by chance: on October 2, 1869, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement and the founder of the philosophy of non-violence, was born. According to the UN resolution, the International Day serves as an additional occasion to “promote non-violence, including through educational and public awareness activities.”

October 2, 2017 - World Architecture Day (first Monday in October). This holiday was established by the International Union of Architects.

October 3-9, 2017 - International Writing Week. Held annually during the week on which World Post Day falls.

October 4, 2017 - 170 years since the birth of Louis Henri Boussenard (1847-1911), French writer;

October 4, 2017 - Day of the beginning of the space age of mankind (since 1967 by decision of the International Astronautical Federation).

October 7, 2017 - 65 years old Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (1952), President of the Russian Federation, statesman;

October 8, 2017 - Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers (second Sunday of October, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 1999 No. 679).

October 12, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Koshkin (1912-1992), Soviet engineer-inventor;

October 14, 2017 - 275 years since the birth of Ya.B. Knyazhnin (1742-1791), Russian playwright, poet;

October 14, 2017 - World Egg Day. In 1996, at a conference in Vienna, the International Egg Commission announced that the world egg holiday would be celebrated on the second Friday of October.

October 15, 2017 is World Handwashing Day. Celebrated at the initiative of the UN Children's Fund.

October 19, 2017 - Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. All-Russian Lyceum Student Day. This holiday owes its appearance to an educational institution - on October 19, 1811, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum opened, where Alexander Pushkin and many other people who glorified Russia were educated.

October 21, 2017 - Apple Day (or the weekend closest to this date). In the UK, this event was first organized in 1990, on the initiative of one of the charitable organizations. Although the holiday is called “Apple Day,” it is dedicated not only to apples, but to all orchards, as well as local island attractions.

October 22, 2017 - White Crane Festival. A holiday of poetry and memory of those who fell on the battlefields in all wars. Appeared on the initiative of the poet Rasul Gamzatov.

October 23, 2017 - International School Library Day (fourth Monday of October).

October 24, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), Dutch naturalist;

October 24, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of Imre Kalman (1882-1953), Hungarian composer;

October 25, 2017 - International Women's Day for Peace (since 1980 by decision of the International Democratic Federation of Women).

October 26, 2017 - 175 years since the birth of V.V. Vereshchagin (1842-1904), Russian painter, writer;

October 27, 2017 - 235 years since the birth of Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840), Italian composer, violinist;

October 28, 2017 is International Animation Day. Established on the initiative of the French branch of the International Animated Film Association in 2002 in honor of the 110th anniversary of the public presentation of the first animation technology.

October 31, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of John Vermeer (Vermeer) of Delphi (1632-1675), Dutch artist;

October 31, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890), French writer and traveler;

Memorable and significant dates in November 2017

  • 130 years ago, A.K.’s novel was published. Doyle's "Study in Scarlet" (1887);

  • 100 years ago the RSFSR was formed (1917), now the Russian Federation;

  • 55 years ago, a story by A.I. was published in Novy Mir. Solzhenitsyn’s “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” (1962);

  • 20 years ago, the all-Russian state channel “Culture” went on air (1997);
November 1, 2017 - Bailiff's Day.

November 3, 2017 - 220 years since the birth of A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (1797-1837), Russian writer, critic, Decembrist;

November 3, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of Y. Kolas (1882-1956), Belarusian writer, poet and translator;

November 3, 2017 - 130 years since the birth of S.Ya. Marshak (1887-1964), Russian poet, playwright and translator;

November 4, 2017 - National Unity Day. This holiday was established in honor of an important event in the history of Russia - the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders in 1612.

November 6, 2017 - 165 years since the birth of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912), Russian writer;

November 7, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of D.M. Balashov (1927-2000), Russian writer, folklorist, publicist;

November 7, 2017 - Day of Accord and Reconciliation. October Revolution Day. The day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941).

November 8, 2017 - International KVN Day (since 2001). The idea of ​​the holiday was proposed by the president of the international KVN club, Alexander Maslyakov. The date of the celebration was chosen to honor the anniversary of the first Merry and Resourceful Club game, which aired on November 8, 1961.

November 9, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of Emile Gaboriau (1832-1873), French writer;

November 11, 2017 - 95 years since the birth of Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), American novelist;

November 13, 2017 - International Day of the Blind. On November 13, 1745, Valentin Hauis was born in France, a famous teacher who founded several schools and enterprises for the blind in Paris and St. Petersburg. According to the decision of the World Health Organization, this date became the basis for the International Day of the Blind.

November 14, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002), Swedish writer;

November 15, 2017 - 155 years since the birth of Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946), German playwright and novelist;

November 16, 2017 - No Smoking Day (celebrated on the third Thursday of November). It was established by the American Cancer Society in 1977.

November 18, 2017 - 230 years since the birth of Louis Daguerre (1787-1851), French artist, inventor, one of the creators of photography;

November 18, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of E.A. Ryazanov (1927-2015), Russian director, screenwriter, poet;

November 20, 2017 - 80 years since the birth of V.S. Tokareva (1937), Russian prose writer, film playwright;

November 21, 2017 - World Welcome Day (since 1973). This holiday was invented by two brothers - Michael and Brion McCormack from the American state of Nebraska in 1973. The rules of this holiday-game are very simple: it is enough to say hello to ten strangers on this day.

November 24, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of B. Spinoza (1632-1677), Dutch rationalist philosopher;

November 25, 2017 - 455 years since the birth of Lope de Vega (1562-1635), Spanish playwright, poet;

November 25, 2017 - 300 years since the birth of A.P. Sumarokov (1717-1777), Russian playwright, poet;

November 26, 2017 - World Information Day. Celebrated annually since 1994 on the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization and the World Information Parliament. On this day in 1992, the first International Informatization Forum took place.

November 28, 2017 - 260 years since the birth of William Blake (1757-1827), English poet and engraver;

November 28, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Alberto Moravio (1907-1990), Italian writer, journalist;

November 29, 2017 - 215 years since the birth of Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827), German writer;

November 29, 2017 - Foundation Day of the World Conservation Society. On this day, in 1948, the World Conservation Union was founded, which is the largest international non-profit environmental organization. The Union unites 82 states (including the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) into a unique global partnership.

November 30, 2017 - 350 years since the birth of Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), English satirist and philosopher;

Memorable and significant dates in December 2017

  • 265 years ago, the Mopsky Cadet Corps was established in St. Petersburg (1752);

  • 205 years since the end of the Patriotic War of 1812;

  • 175 years ago the first production of N.V.’s comedy took place. Gogol's "Marriage" (1842);

  • 145 years ago, the Polytechnic Museum opened in Moscow (1872);

  • 115 years ago, the premiere of M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths” (1902) took place at the Moscow Art Theater;
December 1, 2017 - 225 years since the birth of N.I. Lobachevsky (1792-1856), Russian mathematician;

December 1, 2017 - 95 years since the birth of V.M. Bobrov (1922-1979), Soviet athlete;

December 5, 2017 - 145 years since the birth of Al. Altaeva (M.V. Yamshchikova, 1872-1959), Russian children's writer, publicist;

December 5, 2017 - 205 years since the birth of Ambrose Optinsky (A.M. Grenkov, 1812-1891), Russian religious figure;

December 6, 2017 - 205 years since the birth of N.S. Pimenov (1812-1864), Russian sculptor;

December 6, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of V.N. Naumov (1927), Russian film director, screenwriter, actor;

December 8, 2017 - 215 years since the birth of A.I. Odoevsky (1802-1839), Russian poet, Decembrist;

December 9, 2017 - 175 years since the birth of P.A. Kropotkin (1842-1921), Russian revolutionary anarchist, scientist;

December 10, 2017 - International Human Rights Day. The date was chosen to honor the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly in 1948.

December 13, 2017 - 220 years since the birth of Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German poet, prose writer and critic;

December 13, 2017 - 115 years since the birth of E.P. Petrov (E.P. Kataeva, 1902-1942), Russian writer, journalist;

December 14, 2017 - 95 years since the birth of N.G. Basov (1922-2001), Russian physicist, inventor of the laser;

December 15, 2017 is the Day of Remembrance for journalists who died in the performance of their professional duties.

December 15, 2017 - 185 years since the birth of A.G. Eiffel (1832-1923), French engineer;

December 16, 2017 - 145 years since the birth of A.I. Denikin (1872-1947), Russian military and political figure;

December 16, 2017 - 85 years since the birth of R.K. Shchedrin (1932), Russian composer and pianist;

December 18, 2017 - 70 years since the birth of Steven Spielberg (1947), American director, screenwriter and producer;

December 20, 2017 - 115 years since the birth of T.A. Mavrina (1902-1996), Russian illustrator and graphic artist;

December 21, 2017 - 100 years since the birth of Heinrich Böll (1917-1985), German short story writer, prose writer and translator;

December 22, 2017 - 80 years since the birth of Eduard Uspensky (1937), Russian writer, screenwriter, author of children's books;

December 23, 2017 - 240 years since the birth of Alexander I (1777-1825), Russian Emperor;

December 25, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of A.E. Rekemchuk (1927), Russian prose writer, film playwright, publicist;

December 26, 2017 - 155 years since the birth of A.V. Amphiteatrov (1862-1938), Russian writer, playwright and feuilletonist;

December 27, 2017 - 195 years since the birth of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French microbiologist and chemist;

December 27, 2017 - 185 years since the birth of P.M. Tretyakov (1832-1898), Russian merchant and philanthropist;

December 28, 2017 - International Cinema Day. On December 28, 1895, the first session of the Lumière brothers' cinematograph took place in the Grand Café on Boulevard des Capucines in Paris.

December 28, 2017 - 120 years since the birth of I.S. Konev (1897-1973), Russian military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union;

December 30, 2017 - 95 years since the formation of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (1922);