White brick wall in the dance hall. White brick wall as a trend

Design projects are becoming bolder every year. The loft style is becoming increasingly popular and its main feature is the brick wall in the interior of all kinds of residential premises. The ability to transform into different directions, unrivaled compatibility with furniture, modern appliances, and exclusive decorative items allow you to transform ordinary design into a real masterpiece. The variety of variations, allowing you to create design projects with imitation, can inspire, find your way in changing the old or creating a new interior, just take into account some important points.


Sometimes it is impossible to use a natural finishing method when using a real, existing brick wall.

Modern materials will come to the rescue, allowing you to recreate a reliable imitation directly in the place provided for by the project:

  • Wallpaper - on a budget. Modern technologies provide the opportunity to imitate the appearance, texture, rhythm of masonry, but not the volume or uneven surface. The application is completely justified if the surface area has a semicircular shape (a design feature of the living space). For those in doubt: photo wallpaper can be easily replaced with others if you absolutely don’t like it, without damaging the repairs made.
  • Styrofoam. An excellent way out if it is technically impossible to use heavy clay bricks -.
  • Tile. The ceramics look very authentic. Easy, simple care is the main advantage of decorating a kitchen, hallway, or bathroom.
  • Fake diamond. Quite light, imitates a rough texture, durable. The most expensive is clinker made from baked clay.

In addition to visual aesthetics and clear joints, facing clinker has a number of advantages for human comfort:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • ease of care;
  • moisture resistance;
  • no dust;
  • immunity to ultraviolet radiation.

50 shades of “brick” (Color palette)

The brick in the interior of an apartment can be anything; after all, it can be painted, but then only the texture will remain.

Masters of the subtle art of “combining the incongruous” value natural, original options:

  • , minimalism. It is possible to dye for an ideal perception of pure color, giving additional volume.
  • Beige and gray are considered neutral and fully correspond to the classic style.
  • Red antique, made of unfired clay, typical of classics and Gothic.

Decorative brick for the living room

The most popular way to use brick in the interior of a living room is to decorate the only wall that most often comes into view, for example, the TV area. You can do the opposite - the area where the sofa is located, then the soft velor upholstery will contrast with the “brutal” finish. Paradox: luxurious crystal chandeliers and classic curtains look appropriate. Good zonal lighting will highlight the texture.

White brick in the interior of the living room is a phenomenon that is gaining polarity, as is eco style in general. Together they are able to give the room spaciousness and cleanliness. Current trends: loft, minimalism, hi-tech.
In the latter case, by supplementing the idea with plasterboard structures, a special place of power for high-tech office equipment is created.

Red brick walls are the most common design option for a living room. This modification goes well with white plaster. Please note: the furniture against their background should look quite bright and contrasting. The combination with wood is a natural combination for the living room, supported by glass and metal accessories.

Often the design features of a room involuntarily push towards more daring decisions. In houses of monolithic construction, the presence of load-bearing columns is a given, from which there is no escape and must be played up. Duplicate is just a way out of the situation, a bright accent. If the volume of the room allows (the living room of a country house), you can enhance the effect with a ceiling made in the same solution. Wooden beams and ceilings are a great addition to the Mediterranean style. Practical: when the need to separate adjacent interiors is a priority.

Hard and soft: decorating the bedroom

Over more than a century of existence of the loft style, brick in the bedroom has ceased to seem too defiant, brutal and “hard” design material. Designers offer this style of decoration mainly to young men. To avoid the battle of the sexes, married couples are ideally suited to designing one vertical plane, mainly located at the head of the bed. Possible styles: classic, minimalism, vintage.

Calmness and relaxation are best conveyed, then the dark brick will become a spot of color and add a textured feature. A white brick wall in a Scandinavian-style bedroom interior will add charm and sophistication. A soft reddish tint will highlight the natural pattern of wood flooring and furniture. Painting in the same tone as the rest of the vertical surfaces of the room will help eliminate unwanted dissonance. Painting will help from a practical point of view - lack of dust, ease of cleaning.

A large number of textiles typical of the bedroom: pillows, blankets, bedside rug, does not allow this corner of the house to look too rough, uncomfortable, even if the most textured type of bricks is chosen.

Kitchen ideas

The kitchen is a modern version of the home. The use of masonry is especially appropriate here. But designers warn: the selected furniture, equipment and decorative elements must become part of this style.

Benefits of use:

  • Clear zoning;
  • No need for additional finishing;
  • The most impressive appearance of kitchen equipment made of plastic, metal, glass.

Brick in the kitchen interior is easily combined with other materials: wooden panels, tiles of any style - classic, modern, country. The kitchen space allows you to highlight the window opening with an industrial motif, making an expressive accent. It is good to support the presence of a brick wall with a similar finish to the apron, kitchen island, etc. You can highlight the location of the dining table, and if space allows, an arched partition will divide the space into two zones, increasing the degree of uniqueness.

The brick surface closest to the working area must be protected from grease and dirt - treated with a special protective varnish.

A wide variety of colors are appropriate in the kitchen: awakens the appetite; The gray color fits perfectly into the high-tech style. White brick in the kitchen interior will make the space airier and add light, which is very important for small spaces. Even all-white furniture will not be visually lost due to the numerous fittings for drawers, various kitchen appliances, and grout the joints in a contrasting color.

Improving the hallway

For the hallway area, it is very logical to introduce a “street” accent. Functional solution: imitation tiles are chosen as the second material. Artificial stone is difficult to damage; the beauty of the hall will remain in its original form for a long time, even with active use.

To prevent the hall from looking too gloomy (most apartment hallways have no windows), use additional lighting or white color. As a budget option, use textured plaster instead of clinker: damage that is inevitable during heavy use can be easily eliminated.

Unusual: custom design options

Analyzing the latest design solutions, one cannot fail to note the wide scope of application of this type of surface decoration. A brick wall in the bathroom is a very bold, infrequently used move. More suitable for spacious rooms. This is quite an expensive step - you will have to spend money on moisture-resistant types of clinker.

Fireplace area

Fireplaces are associated with country holidays, and now they are boldly erected in city apartments, giving additional comfort. It doesn’t matter in which area the fireplace is located: bedroom, living room, kitchen-dining room, the brickwork will fit organically and enhance the local effect of the presence of the fireplace. Natural colors and textures will emphasize the brightness and naturalness of the flame if the fireplace is electric.

Combining a fireplace and a brick wall is acceptable within a single style, such as country. The decorative finishing of portals can be played out in contrast or done in the same color scheme, for example, against the background of light clinker, a hearth trimmed with black marble looks impressive. The central decoration of any room will be a fireplace portal, lined to the very ceiling, against the backdrop of a vertical plane of snow-white brick in the Provence style. Brickwork is ideally combined with forged products, which are used in abundance to decorate the fireplace area.


A drawing applied to the completed masonry will serve as an independent decor. Large graphic letters, contrasting stylized pictures - for the young and daring. It is possible to apply it yourself to express your creative impulse (you will need photo wallpaper, stencils, paint, imagination). Particular attention should be paid to the grout joints - they also carry a design message. The carrot color has amazing clarity when duplicated with white grout. Add posters or paintings - the museum of modern art is already at your home.

The technique of “destroyed edge” of masonry is widely used in zoning and is simply created for placing small decorative items, for example, candles, small unusual lamps, on protruding bricks. Any vintage, rarity items look harmonious against the backdrop of expressive rectangles. The characteristic shape and size will highlight any hanging decor or paintings, but don’t go overboard with the quantity.

Need to do

An interior item such as a brick wall will help move away from outdated patterns. Taking into account all the technical nuances, you can decide on the method of implementing this design, which can delight with its usual “unusuality”.

After all, brick, unlike any other material, is able to combine interior decoration and construction, even if it is just an imitation. Using loft style elements it is possible to create a cozy and kind atmosphere.

Brick walls have long been firmly established in modern interiors as a key element of the loft style and an indicator of the good taste of the owner of the house.

Why has ordinary brickwork become so popular and is most often used in the central room - the living room?

According to some designers, a beautiful brick wall adds texture and gives the living room unique character and charm. Others believe it is an expression of the building's rich historical past, a blend of past and present. For others, the presence of a brick wall in the living room is a manifestation of individuality and elegance as opposed to already boring interiors with a predominance of glass and stone finishing.

Whatever the motive, love for the loft style, a brick wall in the living room - this is serious and for a long time! An exposed brick wall in a living room can come in a wide range of shapes and shades depending on whether the interior style is industrial, shabby chic, modern or vintage.

Today you can see 60 stunning living rooms with brick walls that will captivate, inspire and get you creative.

Watch and enjoy!

1. Living rooms with brick walls in a modern style

Modern living rooms with a brick wall accent are trending right now. In this case, the brickwork can be exposed or carefully covered with a layer of paint on top. In the second case, the color and style of the bricks corresponds to the design of the living room. For example, white brickwork always looks advantageous and neutral.

A more dynamic option would be a brick wall in a deep gray shade or even black - which would be a frankly bold decision.

A wall made of classic red brick certainly looks aesthetically pleasing and takes its leading place in a modern living room, where the rest of the interior is neutral and, if possible, does not attract the main attention.

2. Decorating a brick wall with paintings/posters

An exposed brick wall can provide a wonderful, vibrant backdrop for displaying art collections or favorite family photos. Such a home gallery on a brick wall looks more expressive and attractive.

With the right lighting for decor and accessories, a living room with brick walls can become much more visually appealing, and furniture in neutral colors will stand out more.

However, decorating a room with brick walls requires thoughtfulness and following a clear design project, so that an interesting idea does not result in an incomprehensible eclectic mix or an awkward mess due to improper planning.

3. Industrial style

Brick walls look good in interiors of various styles. But there is a style with which they make a great pair - industrial.

In an industrial interior, brickwork goes well with exposed ventilation pipes, large windows with dark metal frames, exposed ceiling beams and bulky metal lamps. These components are the perfect set to create the perfect industrial-style living room.

Meanwhile, heavy wooden ceiling beams along with brick walls can be an excellent backdrop for a Mediterranean or rustic style interior.

4. Brick walls in small living rooms

Do you have a small living room? This is not a problem at all if you want to design a brick wall in it. The textural beauty of brick walls brings warmth to a small living space and makes it feel invitingly homely.

There are two different approaches to decorating your living room with brickwork, based on your personal taste and favorite style. The first approach is eclectic: a brick wall combined with a mixture of different shades, textures, contrasting styles and unique decor. This direction requires balance and a sense of proportion.

The second approach to decorating a small living room with a brick wall takes inspiration from modern Scandinavian style. Moderation, clean straight lines and neutral shades will allow you to make the main visual emphasis on a brick wall.

In addition to Scandinavian, you can decorate a small living room in a modern, industrial, or shabby chic style, the main thing is to follow one style so as not to overload the room.

5. Unusual brick wall

There are many ways to go outside the box when decorating your living room with brickwork. Moreover, this will not require huge financial costs.
A brick wall can be decorated with graffiti, which will add a bit of street-colored atmosphere to the room.

This article discusses such a design technique as a brick wall in the interior of a living space: features of surface decoration, common masonry methods, tips on choosing colors and materials to create the appropriate effect. The text contains recommendations that will help give the room a stylish look, taking into account its purpose, as well as create a beautiful imitation of brickwork with your own hands.

Brick walls are great for interior design in style

The design of an apartment in the interior of which there is a brick wall, despite its apparent roughness, is successfully used by decorators. Finishing in the form of natural or facing bricks allows you to create contrast in the room, give it an exclusive and natural look, and also attract attention. In addition, a wall made of decorative brick can be used as a basis for creating many modern styles.

To create the effect of a brick wall, various materials can be used:

  • facing brick;
  • glass brick;
  • imitation using wallpaper;
  • plastic panels;
  • clinker tiles;
  • plaster imitation, etc.

How to create a bare brick wall in the interior: photos of premises and recommendations

The most natural way to get a brick wall is to build one or expose an existing surface. This option is available to residents of private brick houses. It is enough just to leave one of the walls unfinished to get a unique design. If the house is new, then the alteration will be minimal. In this case, the walls can be left in their original form, while removing minor dirt that remained after construction. If the building is old, careful processing will be required.

You will definitely need to remove all layers:

  • whitewash;
  • primer;
  • plaster;
  • finishing material.

You also need to carefully remove traces of construction dust, cement and eliminate all stains. For this, special solutions are used. After this, the surface of the wall is sanded and all seams are rubbed. A picture in a frame made of a wide baguette, or a photo, is suitable as a decor for this background.

Helpful advice! Cleaned brickwork in the interior will look attractive if you open it with colorless varnish. To avoid the “wet stone” effect, it is advisable to use matte compounds.

Imitation of a brick wall: photos of interiors using wallpaper

Unlike private houses, apartments do not have suitable conditions for the construction of brick walls. There are restrictions on the weight acting on the floors, so an additional partition can cause overload, cracks and even collapse. It will also not be possible to expose the wall, since slabs and other monolithic materials are most often used for the construction of multi-story buildings.

Residents of city apartments can create an imitation of a brick wall using wallpaper. This method does not require significant modifications. The material conveys the features of the texture quite realistically. The wallpaper imitates all the abrasions, cracks and other relief features of natural brick. In this case, the buyer can choose the appropriate color and design in the store or paint the wallpaper themselves.

To create a brick wall, you can use plastic panels. This finishing material is decorated with a printed image of masonry that looks like the real thing. Unlike wallpaper, plastic panels are more practical, but you will have to tinker with their installation. In addition, this material cannot be called completely environmentally friendly.

Lightweight brickwork: photos of rooms with facing bricks

In modern interiors, facing bricks are often used to create beautiful walls. This material is called thin-walled. Cladding bricks are much thinner than those used for construction, making them ideal for residential use. As a result, it becomes possible to save useful centimeters of space, since the finishing takes up a minimum volume. Another advantage of facing bricks is its light weight. This material allows you to decorate thin walls without the risk of destruction.

There is a wide range of facing bricks on the market, so the consumer can choose the appropriate option. Buyers have access to any colors, textures and shapes, as well as materials with a matte or glossy surface. In addition, in stores you can find bricks that look like new or aged.

To create a decorative brick wall, glue is used, with which the elements are fixed to the surface. For these purposes, it is advisable to use compositions intended for laying natural or artificial stone.

Helpful advice! After the wall is completed, all seams between the bricks should be treated with tile grout.

Scope of application of facing bricks:

  • construction of columns and partitions;
  • performing full or partial finishing of walls for brickwork;
  • design of the area by the fireplace;
  • creation of niches and shelving.

This material is strong, durable and environmentally friendly, available in a wide range of colors. Therefore, it can be successfully used both to create a white brick wall in the kitchen and to finish surfaces in the living room, bedroom, hallway and corridor. The material has the correct shape, which greatly facilitates its installation.

Using tiles and glass bricks in the interior

Brick tiles will be an excellent finishing material. Its second name is “brick veneer”. Unlike the previous version, this tile is lighter and thinner. Most often you can see in the photo white brick walls in the kitchen or bathroom, decorated with this material, although other colors are also available.

Tiles can be clinker and ceramic. Installation of the finish is carried out in the same way as laying regular tiles. To do this, the surface is carefully prepared and leveled. The tiles are fixed to the wall with a special adhesive composition. To avoid skew, experts recommend using plastic crosses.

Glass brick is used in modern interiors. The material is presented in the form of matte or transparent blocks of several colors:

  • red;
  • gray;
  • green;
  • yellow.

The presence of decorative brick in the interior will fill the room with light and visually expand its space. The material is suitable for decorating walls in the hallway, living room or corridor. Glass brick can also be used for zoning a room. In apartments with limited space, it can act not only as a decorative finish, but also serve as a screen.

Varieties and properties. Possibility of using decorative bricks in the interior of apartments and houses.

Choosing colors for an interior with brick walls

The standard shade of brick walls is red-brown. But this does not mean that the interior of the room can be limited only to this color. When choosing a design, you should consider the style and purpose of the room.

The color of artificial brick in the interior can be any:

  • white;
  • black;
  • gray;
  • beige;
  • colorless, etc.

In addition, you can always paint the surface in any shade you like.

Helpful advice! A brown, dark blue or burgundy wall in the bedroom will give the atmosphere a romantic atmosphere, especially if you complement the interior with flickering candles.

Advantages of a white brick wall in the interior

White color is most often used in styles such as Scandinavian and minimalism. In both cases, the use of a light brick wall allows you to enrich the restrained design of the room using minimal means. In this case, it is advisable to deprive the decor of color so as not to overload the visual perception of the room.

Painting plain masonry is a great way to create a white brick wall in an interior. A light shade allows you to achieve the effect of visually enlarging the space, which is a definite advantage if the area of ​​the room is limited in size. In addition, white color will be an excellent background for demonstrating decorative interior details.

A combination of white brick in the interior with conventional masonry is allowed. This design is suitable for any room (bathroom, kitchen, living room or bedroom) provided it is placed correctly. White color allows you to emphasize the individuality of the room and create an exclusive interior. Even if all the walls in the room are made in white, brick of the same shade will still stand out against the general background, thanks to its pronounced texture. The atmosphere is weightless and airy.

Features of interiors with a brick wall in gray

Like white, gray is considered a neutral color. It is used by designers to create a calm background, thanks to which decorative interior elements and furniture will look as attractive as possible. Depending on the saturation, the gray wall will perform a certain function in the interior and create the desired effect.

Using a light gray color scheme you can expand the interior space of the room, as well as dim the brightness a little. This shade is ideal for rooms that are too brightly lit. Dark gray color creates an intimate and chamber atmosphere; it is calming, although it slightly hides the volume of the room. Gray color is an integral part of modern interiors in the loft or minimalist style, but it can also be used for classic interior design.

Using a red brick wall in the interior

“Red” is the name given to masonry made from ordinary clay-based bricks. However, nothing prevents the owner from repainting such a wall in any other shade over time. Red brick goes well with almost all existing styles. The classic and gothic direction is no exception.

The red brickwork immediately catches the eye and attracts attention. The wall itself can be used as the main decorative element in the interior of the room, so it does not need additional decorations.

Note! You should carefully select furniture for a room with a red brick wall. Some furnishings may fade or simply get lost against its background, so it is advisable to avoid simple shapes and shades that are close in tone.

How to beat a brick wall in the interior of a kitchen, bathroom, living room, hallway and bedroom

Facing bricks, like other types of materials used to create imitation, can be used to decorate walls in any room of the house, for example, in the bedroom, hallway, living room, kitchen, bathroom or hallway. The main thing is that the material and its color fit into the overall design of the room. When choosing a material, you need to take into account the purpose of the room. The operating conditions of the room affect the service life of the finish and other nuances. For example, the bathroom and kitchen are characterized by temperature changes and high air humidity. Ordinary brick, treated accordingly, will cope perfectly with these conditions, while imitation foam plastic or wallpaper are unlikely to withstand such exposure.

In the kitchen, the wall decoration is subject to contamination. For this reason, it is advisable to select a material that is not afraid of cleaning agents and frequent cleaning. In the hallway or corridor, the finishing is subject to mechanical stress, so the material must be resistant to abrasion.

How to use brick in the interior of the kitchen and bathroom

Kitchen design is practically unlimited. Brick in the interior of this room will originally highlight the appearance of the equipment present. Using decorative bricks, you can zone the space and highlight the area where the dining table will stand.

The use of different color combinations is allowed. A brick wall in the kitchen can consist of elements in black, gray and white. They are versatile and complement each other well. Other combinations are possible. An ideal option for the kitchen would be brick-like tiles.

With this material you can:

  • decorate a kitchen island or countertop;
  • finish the apron (the area between appliances, wall cabinets and work surface);
  • decorate the entire wall (in the absence of hanging furniture structures).

Moisture-resistant bricks are successfully used to decorate walls in the bathroom. It fits perfectly into the interior and withstands the operating conditions of the room. The brickwork can be real or present as an imitation. The use of glass blocks is allowed. They are durable, so they are suitable not only for finishing walls, but also for floors. This material allows you to install heating and even install spectacular lighting.

Note! Under the influence of unfavorable factors, bare brick will collapse. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the wall surface with a special protective agent before painting or opening varnish.

Decorating a brick wall in the interior of a living room, hallway and bedroom

In the living room, a brick wall can be used as a backdrop for furniture pieces, elegant appliances and decorative accessories. Many designers use a fireplace to create a cozy, comfortable and warm atmosphere in a room. In this case, the interior can be supplemented with a self-made brick wall made of plaster or decorative gypsum brick.

If the living room is made in the Greek style, it is advisable to use columns and gypsum bricks to create the appropriate decor. Partitions made of glass elements are suitable for dividing the space between the living room and kitchen if these rooms are combined.

Brick design would also be appropriate in the bedroom. White masonry will emphasize the modern style of the rest room, while adding charm and lightness to the room. A brick wall in the interior of a two-level apartment or studio will look especially impressive. This element can be designed in the form of an arch, which will be installed instead of the entrance door to the rest room. Brick walls are suitable for bedrooms decorated in Provence, loft, country, classic and Scandinavian styles.

The best option for the hallway would be brick-like tiles with a “destroyed edge” effect. This decoration can be used for zoning rooms if the hallway is adjacent to the living room or kitchen. To decorate a brick wall, you can use lamps that imitate candles. Since there are no windows in the hallway and the level of lighting is low, it is better to give preference to finishing in white or other light shades.

How to make a brick wall: manufacturing and painting technology

Before you start work, you should decide on the design. Finishing in the form of brickwork can be done in various ways:

  • fragment;
  • as an accent;
  • the whole wall;
  • in the form of a decorative element.

If partial finishing is required, a small area of ​​the surface is covered with brick. This method allows you to emphasize the solidity of the walls of a living space.

Helpful advice! It is advisable to use fragment design to create an interior in a Scandinavian style.

Wall with imitation brickwork as an accent

Using an accent, you can highlight a certain part of the wall that requires special attention. This method is most often used to advantageously play up the central objects of the interior:

  • area around the fireplace;
  • the wall located behind the head of the bed;
  • area where a TV is installed, etc.

To highlight a separate part of the room, which has the main semantic load, an entire wall is decorated. In the living room this method is used to highlight the sofa, in the kitchen - the dining area, in the bedroom - the bed.

Using bricks you can make individual architectural details. Such an element can be a section of a wall located separately, an arch or.

How to create an imitation brick wall with your own hands

Having determined the key points of the design, you can begin to create a finishing material to imitate masonry. To make bricks, you will need a special mold for pouring and a coloring composition. Experts advise using transparent varnish and brick plaster for this. A polyurethane mold for pouring can be purchased at a store or made independently from plastic. The main thing is that it has the appropriate size and shape. And the size of the bricks can be different, as long as they remain rectangular.

First, in accordance with the instructions, you need to prepare a gypsum mixture. It is then placed in a pouring mold and left to dry completely. After making sure that the bricks have frozen, you can take them out. The finished elements are fixed to the wall using glue intended for laying tile products. To get a more realistic effect, you can partially break the edges of some bricks. The thickness and size of the elements is selected at personal discretion.

How to paint a brick wall in the interior

You should not start painting immediately after the masonry is completed. The finish must dry to allow moisture levels to reach natural levels. This process may take several months, but during this time all active alkalis are completely neutralized.

Technology for painting a brick wall:

  1. The surface is cleaned of defects and solution residues using a grinding machine.
  2. A layer of primer with antiseptic additives is applied.
  3. The wall is painted lengthwise so that each subsequent strip overlaps the previous one by 2-3 cm.
  4. After the first layer has dried, apply the second in a vertical direction.

Anyone can make and paint a brick wall, the main thing is to choose suitable materials for this and adhere to the requirements of the technology. If the apartment does not allow you to use real brick as decoration, you can always make an imitation of it. To do this, just paint the wall in the desired color and apply decorative seams over it, or use a special roller and putty to get a more voluminous result.