Dream interpretation: I dreamed about an ex-boyfriend. Interpretation of the dream ex-boyfriend, husband, beloved in Miller's dream book


Sleep is a truly unique and magical phenomenon. Many people do not take dreams seriously, but in vain: dreams are signs, symbols with the help of which our subconscious communicates with us.

Dreams are not always pleasant, but very often unexpected. A dream in which you saw your ex-boyfriend can cause excitement and many questions. Let's try to figure out why the ex-boyfriend is dreaming and whether you should worry.

Thoughts about the past?

A dream in which your ex-boyfriend visited you can help you understand yourself. It is quite possible that you have already cooled off towards your once loved one and do not want to renew your relationship with him, but your thoughts are still turned to the past. In this case, the dream suggests that it is time to reconsider your views on life and look to the future.

If in a dream you saw your ex with another girl, then this suggests that you cannot forget old grievances, and the ghosts of the past are still haunting you.

If you dreamed of a drunk ex-boyfriend, then you should think about it: the young man is going through a strong emotional shock, and if you still maintain a relationship with him, it is quite possible that he needs your moral support.

The ex-boyfriend dreams when the girl ended the relationship with him on a negative note. Perhaps there are some unresolved questions or guesses that require discussion. Think about whether there are any misunderstandings between you and your ex. Maybe you both want to get back together or at least reconnect.

Women's dream book

So, you can dream about your ex-boyfriend when thoughts about him and your shared past haunt you. But what if your ex fell into a dream with a girl who doesn’t remember him in reality? A woman’s dream book speaks of a girl’s desire to return the relationship, but this thought lives in the subconscious, and therefore in reality seems absurd.

If in a dream you are in a relationship with (kiss him, hug him), then this speaks of doubts. Such dreams often come to girls who have broken off a relationship with a guy of their own free will and are now not sure that it was the right decision.

If the reason for the breakup was betrayal or the guy’s personal desire, the dream may indicate duality of feelings: on the one hand, the girl understands that the separation was a necessary measure, but on the other hand, pleasant memories of the best moments awaken a desire to renew the relationship. What to do in such a situation? You need to pay attention to your current personal life, make a couple of new acquaintances, meet friends. The most important thing is not to be alone. Otherwise, this will lead to the girl becoming fixated on old relationships and withdrawing into herself.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book gives good advice: what cannot be returned is not necessary to return. The past is a burden. You don't need to take it with you to a happy life.

Vanga's dream book interprets a dream in which an ex-boyfriend dreamed, similar to what was written above: the dream prophesies longing for a lost relationship, a desire to return love.

Often, pictures seen in a dream should be interpreted exactly the opposite. So Vanga’s dream book says: if a girl dreamed that she was happy with her ex-boyfriend, then this indicates that in real life she has already forgotten this young man and is ready for a new relationship, which in the future can transform into marriage.

Let's turn to Sigmund Freud's dream book

Z. Freud is a psychoanalyst who tried to understand and study the human subconscious. He has advanced far in his research, which is why S. Freud’s dream book is considered one of the most authoritative.

If in a dream a girl met an ex-boyfriend, then the dream warns of discord in her current relationship with her lover. Moreover, a quarrel can happen precisely because of a dream, so it is better for a girl not to tell her boyfriend that she dreamed about her ex.

If in a dream a girl has sex with her ex-boyfriend, then this indicates sexual dissatisfaction in real life.

If a girl broke up with her boyfriend a long time ago, but saw him in a dream, then this may symbolize the beginning of a new stage in her relationship with her current real young man. It is quite possible that a marriage proposal and early marriage await her.

Modern dream books

Sometimes in a dream you can see truly unimaginable and even terrible pictures. But you shouldn't take everything literally. For example, death in a dream is a good sign: if an ex-boyfriend died in a dream, it means that the girl will soon get married or give birth to a child. If a girl kills her once-beloved boyfriend in a dream, then this symbolizes great luck.

But be careful: seeing your ex-boyfriend exhausted and tired means that one of the family members is seriously ill.

If you talk to your ex-boyfriend on the phone, it means he still has feelings for you and would like to talk to you in real life.

When in a dream a former boyfriend gave a girl a gift, you need to be careful: this may indicate an impending betrayal in real life, betrayal on the part of the current partner.

A dream in which an ex-boyfriend is present can warn of an upcoming meeting with him. If in a dream you did not recognize a loved one once, then big changes are coming in life.

Of course, you cannot rely on dreams for everything, but if you remember a dream down to the last detail, and thoughts about it haunt you, then you should definitely turn to dream books and try to look for answers there.

If in your dream you saw a person with whom you had previously met or even lived, you will probably think about it and decide to find out what it was for. Find out why your ex-boyfriend is dreaming, clarify the situation and your thoughts.

What does it mean?

The simplest explanation lies in your own thoughts and subconscious (or even unconscious) experiences. If you want to find out why you dream about your ex-boyfriend, then find out for yourself how you feel about this young man. Has everything been decided between you, has everything been forgotten? There are probably some feelings or questions left. Or maybe something constantly reminds you of your ex-lover (for example, his gift sitting on a shelf in your room).

Why do I constantly dream about my ex-boyfriend and what to do in this case? It makes sense to meet and talk with him in order to finally resolve everything and put an end to it. If you understand that everything is definitely over, you will stop thinking about the young man, and the dreams will stop.

Signs and superstitions

Why do I often dream about my ex-boyfriend? If we consider this issue from the point of view of dream interpretation, then there are a great many options. For example, an old love may appear in a dream if you are thinking about something that happened in the past. If you have not communicated with this person for a long time, then you will probably soon have to pay for the mistakes made a long time ago, since their consequences will appear very soon. If in a dream you and a young man are arguing about something or sorting things out, then in reality expect something bad from your enemies and ill-wishers, perhaps they will become more active.

If you want to know why your ex-boyfriend dreams, then remember the details of the dream. So, if you and a young man kissed or made love, then you should expect some unexpected news that will greatly surprise you. If a lonely girl saw such a dream, then she will probably soon start a new relationship. If in a dream a couple is reunited, then this is a pretty good sign, and it means that old love will no longer make itself felt or interfere with life.

There are other interpretations. For example, it is believed that a dream about a former boyfriend is a warning. The girl must be more careful and think through her actions and steps in advance, otherwise sad consequences cannot be avoided. If the guy is healthy and cheerful, then something good awaits you. If a young man gave you some thing, then you should be wary of the betrayal of friends or the betrayal of your current partner. If you dreamed of a scandal with your ex-lover, then some changes are coming in your personal life or career. But if a guy in a dream was with a girl or with his family, then you will probably also get married in the near future. And some believe that if a girl in a dream heard the call of a young man whom she had previously met, then in reality he is waiting for help from her or wants to talk to her about something.

Now you know why your ex-boyfriend dreams, so you can explain such a dream. Correct understanding will allow you to make a choice and make the right decision.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Probably every representative of the fair sex has had a dream at least once in her life in which her ex-boyfriend appeared. Such dreams after a breakup are quite normal, as they reflect internal experiences. But what if the dream appears after a long period of time, when there are already other relationships. We will try to understand this situation.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Many girls are sure that the reason is that the guy still loves and is constantly thinking. In fact, this is a beautiful excuse that strokes the ego, but how is this possible? The only option is that he has magical abilities, which is practically unrealistic. In general, dreams are a reflection of your subconscious fears and experiences, so you should look within yourself for the reason why you often dream about your ex-boyfriend.

Possible reasons:

What does it mean if you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Every woman or girl (unless she lives in a monastery or on a desert island) has met many guys and men in her life. And she had close, trusting relationships with more than one. Not necessarily intimate, because there are also simply romantic feelings, spiritual affection and kinship, when nothing more is needed, especially at a young age. But it so often happens that today the current guy becomes the ex the next day. Well, they didn’t get along, they quarreled, but they just met someone else, and he seemed better - anything can happen in this life. And it happens, it happens, that girls begin to dream about their ex-boyfriends, with whom they once had a relationship. What does it mean if you dream about your ex-boyfriend? Why exactly do you dream about him, what does this mean? Many questions arise...

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend, it always means that you still haven’t completely let him go, and there is still a place for him in your heart. After all, a lot connected you, and on a subconscious level you have not yet let go of the person, and your feelings have not completely faded away; there is still hope in your heart for the resumption of the relationship. That's why the guy appears in your dreams. You remember him, something doesn’t let you forget this person. If you dream of an ex-boyfriend, and you are together with him, and you feel good, as if nothing had happened, this means that in real life you can live without him, you have let this person go, and your heart is open to new relationships. The pain of separation no longer causes you suffering. If in a dream you meet with former colleagues and classmates, it means that very soon you will receive news from a friend who is now far away from you.

If you dream of a former boyfriend who was once a very important person for you, this means that there is a high probability of having a serious quarrel and breaking up with your current lover. You need to calm down and stop comparing your new boyfriend with your ex-boyfriend, and especially not talk about it out loud. In your dream, is your ex watching you closely or following you? This means that in fact his feelings for you have not faded away, although you have not cared for a long time. If you dream about your ex-boyfriend and you kiss him, get ready for parties and meeting your old friends at them. Fighting with your ex in a dream means pleasant and unexpected events in life.

Divorced women may dream about their ex-husband. If in a dream you renew your relationship with your ex-husband and at the same time feel happiness and joy, then in reality you live calmly and well, but in fact you no longer think about him at all, everything from the past has been forgotten and mental wounds have healed. You want to be with your husband again if your dream reminds you of tenderness and kisses with him. An ex-husband dressed and looking poorly, almost like a homeless person, despite your external beauty and elegant style, as well as high social status - such a dream means your hidden thirst for revenge. If, on the contrary, you dream that you are poorly dressed and invisible compared to your ex-husband, such a dream means that you feel very sorry for yourself after the divorce.

Very often dreams reflect the internal state of a person. And if you dream about a particular person very often, it always means that you still cannot let him go from your life and establish your inner balance. Living like this is quite difficult. Therefore, try to distract yourself, take care of yourself, find interesting activities and hobbies. Finally, just go in for sports, and then you will definitely have less time left for sad thoughts, despondency, painful memories and other nonsense. Your day will be busy with important things, and you will begin to sleep so soundly that in the morning you will not remember anything, because your body will fully rest in your sleep, and not reproduce everything experienced during the day.

I keep dreaming about my ex-boyfriend... (vn)

What is it for? I don’t know... I don’t think about him, I have enough other worries, but I dream almost every day... And the dreams are such that he seems to ask me “well, tell me, just be honest, do you have something else to for me or not? "...he has a girlfriend... I have a boyfriend... and I’m very susceptible to dreams... then I walk around for half a day and I’m not myself.... well, how can I explain this?...

Lilac fairy

I explain to everyone.
The brain works on its own and can show us such a “movie” when activity is low.
You upload information to your computer's memory and it is stored there. The brain works even more complexly and not at the click of a mouse. While you were dating (living) with a person, you uploaded his image into your brain’s memory and now you are watching this video, and not reliably, but as your imagination tells you, imaginative thinking, that’s what science calls it.
You may not remember it for at least 10 years, but the downloaded image is stored in the brain’s memory and has no statute of limitations. Thoughts do not enter our heads; we would all go crazy if that were the case.
Science has proven that at that time the person had a completely different dream and not about you, because he already has his own life, and you have yours.
I hope that you understand all the perspectives of the brain, and that you did not see all this with your eyes and did not hear the dialogues with your ears. Is it true?
Look and forget, everything has its time.
The higher powers do not show us any prophecies, they have nothing else to do, they gave us a very complex brain, understand, use and BE SURPRISED at all its complexity.
Will dream about it more than once. Here every second dream is about exes and you also have post-stress syndrome, the more you remember and replay the dream in your memory, the more often it will appear in different scenes, brush off these dreams like an annoying fly and do not look for prophecies where they cannot be .

Dreams with ex-lovers are considered one of the most vivid and memorable. A person who has recently been an important part of our lives is not so easy to throw out of our hearts. Former passions appear in dreams for a long time, reminding us of past happy times. Sometimes we dream about them more often than we would like. How can one explain the frequent “visits” of an ex-boyfriend in a dream, and what is the reason for such persistence? In order to “decipher” such a dream as thoroughly as possible, let’s turn to dream books for help.

The meaning of dreams in dream books

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend very often, this may be evidence that you want to return your past love, although you do not admit it even to yourself. But not everything is so simple. Be sure to pay attention to the details of the dream.


Dreams involving an ex-lover do not always reflect events associated with this person. Perhaps such night visions refer to the man who is currently not indifferent to you. For some reason, you are the first to not dare to tell him about it, and the dream with your former partner seems to “project” your past relationship onto your new lover. In addition, you need to try to remember your emotional state after waking up. If the dream left an unpleasant aftertaste, most likely the relationship with your previous partner could not be called exemplary, and your subconscious in this way reveals your fears about new love.

What else could such a dream mean? According to the dream book, if your ex-boyfriend has returned and you are happy with him again, expect an event that will greatly surprise you. Breaking up with an ex-boyfriend in a dream promises a meeting with him in reality, but you should not expect anything good from this “excursion into the past.”


In the interpreter of the Bulgarian seer former lovers represent an obstacle, “pulling” you back. You need to leave the past in the past and never return to it again, so as not to complicate your life.

A man with whom you were once happy dreams of problems in your current relationship or disagreements with family and friends. There is a possibility that you want to return your former passion, but do not consider it possible to do this due to moral principles. If you dream that you are very happy with your ex-boyfriend, this may be evidence of your readiness to enter into a new relationship.


An Austrian psychoanalyst believed that dreams with former lovers foreshadow problems in personal life. If such dreams occur, it means that you have not yet completely “let go” of your former love. Naturally, longing for the past is reflected in your words and actions, and your loved one may not like this very much.

Intimate relationships in night dreams with a person you once loved indicate your hidden sexual fantasies. A quarrel with a former lover in a dream speaks of your dissatisfaction with your current situation. Perhaps your man is very jealous of your predecessor, thereby causing justifiable anger towards him.

Women's dream book

Seeing your ex-boyfriend in a dream- try to restore the relationship. If you broke up on your initiative, such dreams may be the result of worries about the correctness of your action. If your boyfriend was the initiator of the breakup, your subconscious will probably compensate for the lack of real contact with your lover through such a dream. In this case, the dream book advises starting a new relationship as soon as possible, so as not to become a “hostage” of your feelings for a person who is indifferent to you.

Thus, the dream books are almost unanimous in their opinion: the old young man appears in a dream if you have not yet fully realized the fact that your connection has been broken or you want to return the relationship. Only your heart knows what you should do, but don’t humiliate yourself and don’t beg the guy to come back. If he doesn’t want this, then the past should be left in the past in order to start moving forward. Don't forget about it!

Actions in a dream

If in a dream you not only see the object of your former passion, but also observe his actions or come into contact with him, try to remember the details for a more correct interpretation. So, How did your relationship manifest itself?

And finally, if your former boyfriend appears to you in your dreams every night, you should not ignore this dream. Recurring dreams can be prophetic! Perhaps your ex-boyfriend is in a bad situation, or he is in danger, and thus he asks you for help. Contact him to clarify the circumstances in any convenient way. If the “alarm” turns out to be false, simply politely apologize. This is better than remaining indifferent to other people's problems.

Usually a lover from the past appears in a woman’s night dreams if she wants to get back into a relationship with him. In this case, no special interpretation of the dream will be required. And why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

If in reality a girl hasn’t thought about her ex-man for a long time and certainly doesn’t want to get back into a relationship with him, you should turn to dream books for help in interpretation. Thus, in Tsvetkov’s work it is noted that the plot under discussion warns the sleeping woman about a possible frivolous act in the very near future, which will lead her to sad consequences.

Freud notes that in this way, in a dream, a comparison of a former lover with a current partner occurs. As a rule, this does not happen in favor of the latter. Perhaps the new man makes too many mistakes that hurt and offend the girl.

Sigmund Freud also notes that the ex-boyfriend from a dream symbolizes a woman’s fears of possible betrayal in reality. She is subconsciously very afraid of betrayal and constantly thinks about it. To regain your peace of mind, you need to let go of your fears.

In Miller’s dream book, the ex-boyfriend turns out to be a harbinger of illness. This concerns a plot in which a young man looks very bad. Most likely, one of your dear people will get sick.

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend

A passionate kiss with an ex-boyfriend promises the fair sex a quick shock. A woman will receive some shocking news that will radically change her whole life.

If in a dream there was not only a kiss, but also sexual contact, then such a plot promises the fair sex an exacerbation of old conflicts. These are not necessarily contradictions with a lover from the past. Any close acquaintances of the dreamer can become their participants.

Seeing your ex's death in a dream

It happens that in her dream a woman attends the funeral of her ex-man. This is a good sign for her. There is a high probability that the girl will soon get married or become a mother. This version of interpretation is especially relevant if the girl did not feel sadness or sadness in her night dreams.

If the girl herself watches the death of her former lover, but does not try to help him in any way, she will probably finally be able to part with the past forever, which pulls her back and does not allow her to fully develop. This will be facilitated by some unexpected events that will change the girl’s thoughts and her outlook on life.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend whom you still love?

There is a belief that a person who appears uninvited in a dream continues to think about the woman. There is a possibility that he, too, still cannot forget his beloved and has feelings for her.

If you dream of a repeat of a couple's separation, you should expect an unexpected meeting or even an invitation to a date. And the wedding of former lovers in a dream foreshadows serious problems in reality. They can relate to personal life and any other areas of it.

Did you dream about an ex-man as the husband of another girl? This plot can have several meanings at once, depending on the mood of the sleeping woman. If such a picture gives her emotional pain and grief, most likely, the fair sex is simply very jealous of the man and worries that he will soon find himself a new girl. If the dreamer rejoices for the happiness of her ex-partner, the plot under discussion promises her forgiveness of an old offense.

Reconciliation with an ex in a dream

Most dream books suggest that a dream about the reconciliation of former lovers is an important sign. He says that the man still has strong feelings for the girl. He greatly regrets the breakup and wants to get back into the relationship. If a woman experiences similar emotions, you can try to start a romantic relationship again.

It happens that in a dream, reconciliation happens with a man whom the girl has already forgotten for a long time and does not want to renew her relationship with him at all. In this case, the plot of the dream promises her a new joyful turn of fate. If she had long wanted to deal with the burden of problems and start living again, the perfect time had come for this.

Sometimes a woman in a dream sees herself again in a relationship with her former lover and at the same time quarreling strongly with him. A fight with a man from the past promises her serious conflicts or even separation from her current gentleman. If during the process a girl feels the desire to kill a young man, it means that she is completely ready for a new relationship and for positive changes in real life.

A very happy relationship after reconciliation with a former partner in a dream foreshadows surprise in reality. It may also turn out to be unpleasant. For example, concerning the true character traits of a new lover, which will suddenly open up in an unusual situation.

Value depending on the day of the week

The meaning of a dream can be influenced even by the day of the week on which the plot was seen:

  • The night from Saturday to Sunday sends important signals to the sleeper. The dream may well turn out to be prophetic, so you need to try to recall it in memory in the smallest detail and analyze it. The revealed meaning and details of the vision must be kept in the strictest confidence from others until the prediction comes true.
  • Dreams from Sunday to Monday come true extremely rarely. Therefore, you should pay attention to their plot only if it is strongly etched in your memory and is not forgotten for several days.
  • A dream from Monday to Tuesday, where the man again leaves the sleeping woman, suggests that she experiences a subconscious fear of losing loved ones and relatives who remained close.
  • If you dream about your ex from Tuesday to Wednesday and the plot of your night dreams evokes pleasant emotions in a woman, most likely she lacks romance and passion in her current relationship.
  • A dead former lover in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday warns of danger.
  • If a man from the past hugs a girl in a vision from Thursday to Friday, it means that the sleeping woman will be able to easily defeat her enemies.
  • The voice of a former lover in a dream from Friday to Saturday is a clear sign that the young man wants to talk to a woman in reality.

It happens when a girl dreams about her ex-boyfriend. Maybe you dated him for a long time, then broke up, but the connection in the dream remained due to certain reasons. In many cases, if a girl dreams of her ex-boyfriend, this may mean that you are worried about him, thinking about him, and hoping for a resumption of a past relationship.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend, whom you broke up with long ago?

The presence in dreams of a person from a past relationship may tell us that from the moment of separation there has been some incompleteness of the relationship; in other words, you are still connected by a strong energetic connection. Many modern dream books claim that this person constantly thinks about you and cannot forget. Most likely, the guy really regrets that your relationship ended and hopes for a new chance. The exact plot of the dream, the setting, your dialogue with him, time, etc. are of great importance.

What do dreams about ex-boyfriends mean?

If you are already in a relationship, but you still dream about your ex-boyfriend, then perhaps your current relationship lacks romance and passion, you need to somehow refresh your feelings with your current boyfriend.

Dreaming about an ex who is married to another girl means that you will soon forgive your loved one for past grievances.

Kissing your ex in a dream is a symbol that your feelings have not yet faded away. There is still love, passion and romance in your hearts that does not allow you to forget about each other.

A dream in which your communication ended unsuccessfully is a sign that in real life you will have to meet this person and talk about your personal life.

Why dream about an ex-boyfriend who married you - it can be the cause of troubles, stress and anxiety.

If in a dream your ex-boyfriend gave you a gift, then perhaps you should prepare for future betrayal.

If in a dream you talk to your ex-boyfriend or hear his voice, then perhaps the guy’s feelings for you have not cooled. Most likely, he wants to meet you or have a simple conversation.

  • This is interesting -

On a note

In many cases, seeing a loved one in a dream from whom you broke up a long time ago means that you still cannot let him go. If in a dream the guy looked very sad and unhappy, then perhaps everything is bad for him, and he does not mind starting over.