When Victory Day is announced. Traditions and customs of Palm Sunday

Interesting and helpful information for schoolchildren about the Victory Day holiday.

On May 9, Russia celebrates Victory Day. Victory Day over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. The war began on June 22, 1941. Our entire people rose up to fight the Nazi invaders: queues formed at the military registration and enlistment offices, sometimes they went to the front straight from school. Only women, children and old people remained in the rear. They worked in factories, dug trenches, built defensive structures, and extinguished incendiary bombs on roofs. They also raised children and saved the future of the country. The main motto of the entire people was: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!”

But despite the heroic resistance, the enemy was uncontrollably approaching Moscow. To deceive the German pilots who bombed Moscow, houses and trees were painted on the Kremlin wall. The domes of the Kremlin cathedrals did not shine with gold: they were painted black, and the walls were covered with green and black stripes. Our fighters also blocked the path of enemy aircraft. A division under the command of General Panfilov fought on the approaches to Moscow. At the Dubosekovo railway crossing, twenty-eight of our soldiers with political instructor Vasily Klochkov stopped a fascist tank column. Before the start of the fierce battle, Klochkov uttered a phrase that became historical: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind.” Almost all of Panfilov’s heroes died, but did not allow enemy tanks to approach Moscow.

As Hitler's army advanced eastward, partisan detachments began to appear in the territories occupied by the Germans. Partisans blew up fascist trains, organized ambushes and surprise raids.

Berlin has fallen. The war of the Soviet and other peoples against German fascism ended in complete victory. But the price of this victory was great and bitter. Our country lost about 27 million people in this terrible war.

On May 9, 1945, Moscow was illuminated with fireworks to the long-awaited victory. Our entire country celebrated the first day of peace with jubilation. Muscovites left their homes and hurried to Red Square. On the streets, the military was hugged, kissed, grabbed and swung, thrown over the heads of the seething sea of ​​​​people. At midnight, an unprecedented fireworks display burst out. Thirty salvoes were fired from a thousand guns.

The holiday of May 9 has become sacred for each of us. We should all remember the past and thank the older generation for the Great Victory.

How to spend May 9th with your family

You should definitely congratulate all veterans you know on this holiday. The fascist fanatics prepared a terrible fate for many peoples. They wanted to wipe out entire nations from the face of the earth, leaving them without a future - without children. There was not a single family in our country to whom this war did not bring grief. And we all, born after this terrible war, should be grateful for our lives to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War! On this day, buy some carnations with your mom or dad and go to the city park. You will probably see people there with orders and medals on their chests. There are fewer and fewer heroes of that war every year. Come and congratulate such a person on the holiday, give him a flower or just a card. He will be very pleased that even the smallest Russians remember his feat.

And in the evening, when the whole family gets together, ask your parents to show you the family album. Surely there will be photographs of your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers during the war years. These photographs are black and white, sometimes rusty with age. Let adults remember the names and surnames of those who look at you from the album pages, remember where your great-grandfathers worked and served during and after the war. If the photos are not signed, sign them together with mom and dad. Then you can look through and sign dad's army photos or mom and dad's student photos. And now your childhood photographs are smiling from the album. They are bright, elegant, colorful. This is exactly what those who will forever remain “black and white” dreamed of and fought for. All photographs must be signed. Because memory is short-lived. And “what is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.” Someday you yourself will leaf through this album with your son or daughter and tell them the story of your family. In Rus', people who do not remember family traditions have long been spoken of disparagingly: “Ivan, who does not remember kinship.” Let's protect, preserve and enhance the history and traditions of our family!

You can end this slightly sad holiday with songs from the war years. They are known and loved in every Russian family. And, of course, the main song of this holiday is “Victory Day”. Before everyone sings it together, you need to stand up and take a minute of silence to honor the memory of all the fallen soldiers from the front and rear.

Song "Victory Day"

Music: David Tukhmanov

Words: Vladimir Kharitonov

Victory Day,

how far he was from us,

Like in an extinguished fire

the coal was melting.

There were miles

burnt, in dust, -

We are approaching this day

as best they could.


This Victory Day

smelled like gunpowder

This is a holiday

with gray hair at the temples.

This is joy

with tears in his eyes.

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Victory Day!

Days and nights

at open hearth furnaces

Our Motherland did not close

Days and nights

fought a difficult battle -

We are approaching this day

as best they could.


Hello mother,

Not all of us returned...

Would like to go for a run barefoot

We walked half of Europe,

half the Earth, -

We are approaching this day

as best they could.


It would seem that May 9, 1946 is the first anniversary of the victory. Parade, orders, drums, balloons? ZERO! 1950 is the fifth anniversary of victory. ZERO! 1955 - 10 years of the GREAT VICTORY! ZERO! Every year the country celebrates with pomp the great October Revolution, Lenin's anniversary, May 1, after all, New Year.

But on May 9, slaves culturally work for the victory of communism in collective farms and factories. There are no medals or badges of honor in honor of the anniversary of the victory, there are no associations of front-line soldiers. On the contrary, the generals immediately after 1945 were shaken by arrests and inspections. This is understandable, because of the style. But where is agitprom looking? 1960 - ZERO! The celebration begins only in 1965 and the victorious front-line soldiers begin to be presented as helpless pensioners who need to be “helped” and respected. WHY??

“Victory Day” was not celebrated in the USSR for 20 years because of the Soviet authorities’ fear of real veterans. When in 1965 the balance of veteran forces outweighed the real front-line soldiers in favor of the veterans of the punitive units, “May 9” began to be carefully used to promote communo-fascism, and then the “May 9”, which was under the control of the authorities, simply turned into pompous drunken orgies of victory for the self-affirmation of the descendants of Soviet fascists - bureaucrats of the NKVD, CPSU and Komsomol - front-line soldiers were and are used as living museum exhibits of propagandists of both the Soviet and post-Soviet era.

The fact that they like to lie to us about this, that they say that for the first twenty years there were no celebrations because we had to work and raise the country from the ruins... Therefore... that's why there were no celebrations... So this is pure nonsense. After all, the USSR celebrated February 23, November 7, May 1 and other holidays even during the war.
The answer is simple. The Bolshevik victorious seizure of the continent did not happen as planned by the CPSU (b); Adolf Hitler cleverly beat them to the punch by attacking first.

But the main reason was that after the war there were men who were real veterans, front-line wolves who tried all the “delights” of war. They went through fire, and it was no longer so easy to break their spirit; the front-line soldiers despised the party nomenklatura. At 45 they were 30-40 years old or more. If you say the word “war” in front of them, or otherwise remind them of what happened, you could actually be killed. Chop on the spot. Among these people were shell-shocked and severely maimed. And they well remembered the care of the Father of all nations - Stalin and the party for them, as on the Wotan line, at the crossing of the Dnieper, they remembered Rzhev and Volkhov and much more. So, just 20 years later, these same veterans had already died, and what remained were the quartermasters, rear rats and veterans of the NKVD-MGB and SMERSH special officers, along with freshly minted 18-year-old green-mouthed guys who only tried the war at the end in 1944 and 1945. That’s when the decision was made to celebrate May 9....”

Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is celebrated in Russia on May 9 as a national holiday dedicated to the struggle of the Soviet people for the freedom and independence of their Motherland against Nazi Germany and its allies.

The Great Patriotic War: the beginning

The most important and decisive part of the Second World War is the Great Patriotic War. The treacherous attack of Nazi Germany began at dawn on June 22, 1941. Violating Soviet-German treaties, Hitler's troops invaded the territory of the Soviet Union.

Romania and Italy took the side of Germany, and were later joined by Slovakia, Finland, Hungary and Norway.

The war lasted almost four years and became the largest armed conflict in human history. On the front, stretching from the Barents to the Black Sea, from 8 million to 13 million people fought simultaneously on both sides in different periods, from 6 thousand to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 85 thousand to 165 thousand guns and mortars, from 7 thousand to 19 thousand aircraft.

© Sputnik / Yakov Ryumkin

Already at the very beginning, the plan for a lightning war, during which the German command planned to capture the entire Soviet Union, failed. The persistent defense of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Kyiv, Odessa, Sevastopol, and the Battle of Smolensk contributed to the disruption of Hitler’s plan for a lightning war.

The Great Break

The country survived, the course of events turned. Soviet soldiers defeated fascist troops near Moscow, Stalingrad (now Volgograd) and Leningrad, in the Caucasus, and inflicted crushing blows on the enemy in the Kursk Bulge, Right Bank Ukraine and Belarus, in the Iasi-Kishinev, Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations.

Over the course of almost four years of war, the Armed Forces of the USSR defeated 607 divisions of the fascist bloc. On the Eastern Front, German troops and their allies lost more than 8.6 million people. More than 75% of all enemy weapons and military equipment were captured and destroyed.

© Sputnik / Georgy Petrusov

The Patriotic War, which was a tragedy in almost every Soviet family, ended in victory for the USSR. The act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed in the suburbs of Berlin on May 8, 1945 at 22.43 Central European time (Moscow time on May 9 at 0.43). It is because of this time difference that the Day of the end of World War II in Europe is celebrated on May 8, and in the USSR and then in Russia - on May 9.

9th May

In the USSR, May 9 was declared Victory Day over Nazi Germany by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the day of surrender. The document declared May 9 a non-working day.

On May 9, folk festivals and crowded rallies took place everywhere. Amateur groups, popular theater and film artists, and orchestras performed in the squares and parks of cities and villages. At 21:00, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Joseph Stalin addressed the Soviet people. At 22:00 a salute was fired with 30 artillery salvoes from 1,000 guns. After the fireworks, dozens of planes dropped garlands of multi-colored rockets over Moscow, and numerous sparklers flashed in the squares.

© Sputnik / David Sholomovich

During the Soviet period, parades on Red Square in Moscow occurred only three times.

On May 9, 1995, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, an anniversary parade of war participants and wartime home front workers with units of the Moscow garrison was held on Red Square, which, according to its organizers, reproduced the first historical parade. The Victory Banner was carried across the square.

Since then, parades on Red Square have been held annually, so far without military equipment, then it appeared.

© Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 9, when laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, holding ceremonial meetings, parades of troops and processions of veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Red Square in Moscow, along with National flag The Russian Federation carries out the Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag.

St. George Ribbon

Since 2005, a few days before May 9, the patriotic event “St. George’s Ribbon” starts. For millions of people not only in Russia, but also abroad, the St. George ribbon is a symbol of memory, connection between generations and military glory. A decade later, the action became the largest in the entire history of the project. It united 85 regions of the Russian Federation and 76 countries. In addition to the CIS countries, Germany, Great Britain, France, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Czech Republic, Spain, Finland and others are taking part in the action European countries, USA, Canada, Argentina, China, Israel, Vietnam. African countries also joined the action: Morocco, Congo, South Africa, Tanzania and others. © Sputnik / Vladimir Vyatkin

Procession of the Regional Patriotic Public Organization "Immortal Regiment Moscow" along Red Square

In 2018, to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, military parades will be held in dozens of cities in Russia and other countries of the world.

On May 9, a public event in memory of the “Immortal Regiment” will also take place, which is a march during which people carry photographs of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

On May 9, Russia celebrates a national holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in which the Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of their Motherland against Nazi Germany and its allies. The Great Patriotic War is the most important and decisive part of the Second World War of 1939-1945.

The Great Patriotic War began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany, violating the Soviet-German treaties of 1939, attacked the Soviet Union. Romania, Italy took her side, and a few days later Slovakia, Finland, Hungary and Norway.

The war lasted almost four years and became the largest armed conflict in human history. On the front, stretching from the Barents to the Black Sea, from 8 million to 12.8 million people fought on both sides at different periods, from 5.7 thousand to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 84 thousand to 163 thousand guns and mortars were used , from 6.5 thousand to 18.8 thousand aircraft.

Already in 1941, the plan for a lightning war, during which the German command planned to capture the entire Soviet Union in a few months, failed. The persistent defense of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), the Arctic, Kyiv, Odessa, Sevastopol, and the Battle of Smolensk contributed to the disruption of Hitler’s plan for a lightning war.

The country survived, the course of events turned. Soviet soldiers defeated fascist troops near Moscow, Stalingrad (now Volgograd) and Leningrad, in the Caucasus, and inflicted crushing blows on the enemy in the Kursk Bulge, Right Bank Ukraine and Belarus, in the Iasi-Kishinev, Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations.

Over the course of almost four years of war, the Armed Forces of the USSR defeated 607 divisions of the fascist bloc. On the Eastern Front, German troops and their allies lost more than 8.6 million people. More than 75% of all enemy weapons and military equipment were captured and destroyed.

The war, which was a tragedy in almost every Soviet family, ended in victory for the USSR. The act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed in the suburbs of Berlin on May 8, 1945 at 22.43 Central European time (Moscow time on May 9 at 0.43). It is because of this time difference that the Day of the end of World War II in Europe is celebrated on May 8, and in the USSR and then in Russia - on May 9.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1996, on Victory Day, when laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, holding ceremonial meetings, military parades and processions of Great Patriotic War veterans on Red Square in Moscow, along with the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the Victory Banner hoisted above the Reichstag is carried out in May 1945.

Where in Moscow can you get a St. George's ribbon?The St. George's Ribbon campaign runs from April 26 to May 9. There are 17 points for issuing ribbons in Moscow. Where you can get the St. George's ribbon, see the RIA Novosti infographic.

Since 2005, a few days before Victory Day, it starts with the goal of returning and instilling the value of the holiday in the younger generation. Black and orange ribbons have become a symbol of memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a sign of gratitude to the veterans who liberated the world from fascism. The motto of the action is “I remember, I am proud.”
The promotion covers almost the entire territory of Russia, many countries former USSR, and in the last few years has also been held in Europe and North America.

According to established tradition, veterans’ meetings, ceremonial events and concerts are held on Victory Day. Wreaths and flowers are laid at monuments of military glory, memorials, and mass graves, and guards of honor are displayed. Memorial services are held in churches and temples in Russia. Since 1965, radio and television have been broadcasting a special solemn and mourning program “Minute of Silence” on May 9.

On May 9, 2013, a military parade will be held in 24 cities of the country. 11 thousand 312 people will take part in the parade on Red Square in Moscow. It will involve 101 units of weapons and military equipment. Eight helicopters will carry the flags of the branches and branches of the military.


Every country, every people has its own main holiday, which is celebrated annually for a long time. It unites the nation with a sense of pride in the valiant deeds of their ancestors, which will remain in the memory of their descendants forever. There is such a holiday in Russia too. Victory, which is celebrated on May 9.

A little history

The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941 and lasted 4 long years. They suffered a lot during the years of fascist occupation, but they still won. The people paved the way for Victory Day with their own hands. Only thanks to his dedicated work and military merits, the Soviet Union was able to win this war, although it was not easy to do.

The final breakthrough, which led to the end of hostilities with Germany, was very long and difficult. Soviet troops began advancing in the area of ​​Poland and Prussia in January 1945. The Allies were not far behind. They quickly moved towards Berlin, the capital of Nazi Germany. According to many historians of that and present times, Hitler's suicide, which occurred on April 20, 1945, predetermined the complete defeat of Germany.

But the death of the mentor and leader did not stop the Nazi troops. The bloody battles for Berlin, however, led to the fact that the USSR and its allies defeated the Nazis. Victory Day is a tribute to the heavy price paid by the ancestors of many of us. Hundreds of thousands were killed on both sides - only after this did the German capital capitulate. This happened on May 7, 1945; contemporaries remembered that significant day for a long time.

Price of Victory

About 2.5 million soldiers were involved in the assault on Berlin. The losses of the Soviet Army were enormous. According to some reports, our army lost up to 15 thousand people per day. 325 thousand officers and soldiers died in the Battle of Berlin. There was a real bloody war going on. Victory Day was, after all, the day whose first celebration was just around the corner.

Since the fighting took place within the city, Soviet tanks could not maneuver widely. This only played into the hands of the Germans. They used anti-tank weapons to destroy military equipment. In a matter of weeks the following were lost by the Soviet Army:

  • 1997 tanks;
  • more than 2000 guns;
  • about 900 aircraft.

Despite the huge losses in this battle, our troops defeated the enemies. Day Great Victory over the Nazis was also marked by the fact that about half a million German soldiers were captured in this battle. The enemy suffered heavy losses. Soviet troops destroyed a huge number of German units, namely:

  • 12 tank;
  • 70 infantry;
  • 11 motorized divisions.


According to main sources, about 26.6 million people died in the Great Patriotic War. This number was determined by the demographic balance method. This number includes:

  1. Those killed as a result of military and other enemy actions.
  2. Persons who left the USSR during the war, as well as those who did not return after its end.
  3. Died due to the increased mortality rate during military operations in the rear and in the occupied territory.

As for the gender of those who died and died during the Second World War, most of them were men. The total number is 20 million people.

Public Holiday

Kalinin signed a decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR stating that May 9 - Victory Day - is a public holiday. It was declared a day off. At 6 a.m. Moscow time, this decree was read out on the radio by a nationally known announcer, Levitan. On the same day, a plane landed on Red Square in Moscow, delivering the act of

Celebration of the first Victory Day

In the evening, the Victory Salute was given in Moscow - the largest in the history of the USSR. 30 salvos were fired from a thousand guns. It took a long time to prepare for the first celebration dedicated to Victory Day. The holiday was celebrated like no other in the Soviet Union. People on the streets hugged and cried, congratulating each other on their victory.

The first military parade took place on Red Square on June 24. Marshal Zhukov received him. The parade was commanded by Rokossovsky. Regiments from the following fronts marched along Red Square:

  • Leningradsky;
  • Belarusian;
  • Ukrainian;
  • Karelsky.

A combined regiment of the Navy also passed through the square. Commanders and Heroes of the Soviet Union walked ahead, carrying flags and banners of military units that distinguished themselves in battle.

At the end of the military parade on Red Square, Victory Day was marked by the fact that two hundred banners of defeated Germany were carried and thrown at the Mausoleum. Only after time had passed did the military parade begin to be held on Victory Day - May 9.

Period of oblivion

After the war, the country's leadership considered that the Soviet people, tired of fighting and bloodshed, should forget those events a little. And strange as it may seem, the custom of celebrating such an important holiday on a grand scale did not last long. In 1947, a new scenario for Victory Day was introduced by the country's leadership: it was completely canceled, and May 9 was recognized as an ordinary working day. Accordingly, all festivities and military parades were not held.

In 1965, in the year of its 20th anniversary, it was restored to its rights and again recognized as a national holiday. Many regions of the Soviet Union held their own parades. And this day ended with the usual fireworks display for everyone.

The collapse of the USSR soon followed, which led to the emergence of various conflicts, including on political topics. In 1995, full celebration of Victory Day was resumed in Russia. In the same year, as many as 2 parades took place in Moscow. One was on foot and took place on Red Square. And the second was carried out using armored vehicles, and it was observed on Poklonnaya Hill.

The official part of the holiday takes place traditionally. On Victory Day, words of congratulations are heard, followed by the laying of wreaths and flowers at the monuments and memorials of the Great Patriotic War, and the obligatory evening fireworks crown the celebration.

Victory Day

In our country there is no more touching, tragic and at the same time glorious holiday than Victory Day. It is still celebrated annually on May 9th. No matter how much they change last years facts of our history, this day remains beloved by everyone, a dear and bright holiday.

On May 9, millions of people remember how their grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought, not sparing their lives, with enemies who decided to conquer the Soviet Union. They remember those who worked hard in factories producing equipment and weapons for the military. People were starving, but they held on because they understood that the future victory over the fascist invaders depended only on their actions. It was these people who won the war, and thanks to their generation, today we live under peaceful skies.

How is Victory Day celebrated in Russia?

On this day, rallies and demonstrations take place. Flowers and wreaths are laid at the monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. They honor veterans and participants in those distant and at the same time so close events. In general, the same scenario always awaits us on this day. On Victory Day, in many countries there are no noisy parties, and no firecrackers are set off in the evenings. But this date enters the young hearts of Russians with black-and-white newsreels about that time, with soul-stirring songs about a cramped dugout, about the frontline path and the soldier Alyosha forever frozen over the mountain.

May 9 is a holiday of a proud, victorious people. 70 years have passed since the first celebration of Victory Day. But until now this date is sacred for every Russian person. After all, there is not a single family that would not be touched by the grief of loss. Millions of soldiers went to the front, thousands of people remained to work in the rear. The entire people rose to defend the Fatherland, and they managed to defend the right to a peaceful life.

An invariable attribute of the Victory Day holiday

Over the years, the holiday acquired its own traditions. In 1965, the banner was carried out at a parade dedicated to the great date. It remained an unchanged attribute of the holiday, which symbolized Victory Day. and today it is extremely significant: parades are still full of red banners. Since 1965, the original Victory attribute was replaced with a copy. The first banner can be seen in

Also, the constant colors that accompany May 9 are black and yellow - symbols of smoke and flame. Since 2005, the St. George's Ribbon has been a constant reflection of gratitude for peace and respect for veterans.

Heroes are winners

Every year Russia celebrates a peaceful spring. Only, unfortunately, front-line wounds, time and illness are inexorable. Today, out of every hundred victors in the Great Patriotic War, only two people remain alive. And this is a very sad statistic, especially for those who were born only after Victory Day began to be celebrated. Veterans are our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who still remember those war years. They must be treated with special attention and honor. After all, it was they who made the sky above our heads become and remain peaceful.

Time treats everyone mercilessly, even the valiant heroes of a harsh war. Year by year, the number of participants in those terrible events becomes less and less. But, as before, they go out into the streets with orders and medals on their chests. Veterans meet each other, remember old times, remember friends and loved ones who died in those years. Elderly people visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame. They travel to places of military glory, visiting the graves of comrades who did not live to see our bright days. We must not forget about the significance of feats that they have in relation to each individual fate and to world history in general. A little more time will pass, and there will be no witnesses or participants in that bloody war left at all. Therefore, it is important to be very sensitive to this date - May 9.

Let's remember our ancestors

The main wealth of every human soul is the memory of their ancestors. After all, in order for us to live now and be who we are, many generations of people created our society. They made life as we know it.

The memory of the departed is priceless. The heroism of the victors of World War II cannot be assessed. We do not know all these great people by name. But what they accomplished cannot be measured by any material benefit. Even without knowing their names, our generation remembers them not only on Victory Day. We say words of gratitude every day for our peaceful existence. The largest number of flowers - an expressed evidence of people's memory and admiration - is at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There is always a light burning here, as if saying that although names remain unknown, human feats are immortal.

Everyone who fought in the Great Patriotic War did not fight for their own well-being. People fought for the independence and freedom of their homeland. These heroes are immortal. And we know that a person is alive as long as he is remembered.

Monuments dedicated to Victory Day

The Second World War left a huge and unforgettable mark on the history of our country. For 70 years now, we have been annually remembering this great May. Victory Day is a special holiday where the memory of those who died is honored. In the vastness of Russia, a lot of memorials dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War have been created. And all monuments are different. There are both inconspicuous obelisks in small villages and huge monuments in large cities.

Here are some famous buildings throughout the country and the world dedicated to WWII soldiers:

  • Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow.
  • Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd.
  • Heroes Square in Novorossiysk.
  • Alley of Heroes in St. Petersburg.
  • Eternal Flame of Glory in Novgorod.
  • Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and much more.

Celebration with tears in your eyes

This significant and at the same time mournful holiday cannot be separated from the song “Victory Day”. It contains these lines:

"This Victory Day
The smell of gunpowder
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.
This is joy
With tears in his eyes…"

This song is a kind of symbol of the great date - May 9. Victory Day is never complete without it.

In March 1975, V. Kharitonov and D. Tukhmanov wrote a song dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. The country was preparing to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, and the Union of Composers of the USSR announced a competition to create the best song on the theme of heroic events. A few days before the end of the competition, the work was written. It was performed at the last audition of the competition by D. Tukhmanov’s wife, poet and singer T. Sashko. But the song did not immediately become popular. Only in November 1975, at a celebration dedicated to the song performed by L. Leshchenko, was remembered by the listener. After that, she gained the love of the whole country.

There are other performers of the famous “Victory Day”. This:

  • I. Kobzon;
  • M. Magomaev;
  • Yu. Bogatikov;
  • E. Piekha et al.

Victory Day will forever remain that holiday for Russians, which they greet with bated breath and tears in their eyes. Eternal memory to the heroes!