Interior of a room 20 sq m living room. Living room interior: corner sofa in minimalist style. Symmetrical shelving with colored LED lighting

The design and decoration of the living room is a reflection of the individuality and status of the owners of the house. The living room serves as a meeting place for all residents of the apartment or their guests. It is here that the main issues are resolved and important decisions are made. Here the family relaxes and has fun. This is a place of noisy parties and quiet solitude. Apparently this is why so much attention is paid to the style of the living room. If the area of ​​the living room with one window is 19-20 square meters, then you are lucky and have room for your imagination to run wild. In such a room you can place not only a banal sofa, two armchairs and a TV, but here you can arrange a real dining room, a library or a personal office.

Color scheme for the living room

Without the skills of a designer, but relying on the advice of experts, you can create a unique style in your living room. To begin with, you should carefully consider the choice of color scheme. For example, light walls are an opportunity to show all your imagination in combining colors and using accents. The simplest, but at the same time stylish and practical solution: light walls and bright interior items, be it furniture, curtains, etc.

Bright paintings, wall decoration elements in combination with well-chosen light, in the form of floor or wall lamps, will make your living room cozy and emphasize your individuality.

In order to decorate the living room for rest and relaxation, you can use warm pastel colors of natural shades in the decoration; they create an atmosphere of warmth and calm the psyche.

Having finished the decoration and furnishings in light colors, dilute the interior with bright shades of decorative elements. For example, use painted dishes, figurines, decorated pillows, floor vases with floral elements and the like. All the little things dear to your heart will attract attention and will also be responsible for the uniqueness of your interior.

Decorated ones look great in the interior natural materials walls or wall elements. Walls lined with wood, stone or brick masonry emphasize the uniqueness and give the room a touch of mystery and pristineness.

Colored decoration of the living room

Having a living room of 20 square meters, you can easily afford to use quite bright and saturated colors in the decoration of the walls. If your life lacks brightness and colors, then use them in the interior. The bright, rich color of the walls can invigorate and lift the mood of even the most dull person.

Stylistic solutions for decorating living rooms

Today's designers are already cramped within the usual framework of interior design, so more and more often you can see mixed interiors and mixed styles.

  • Scandinavian style. Popular all over the world, the main thing in this style is the minimum number of interior elements and their high functionality and practicality. The furniture should be simple and comfortable, the walls should be light colors, and all this should be seasoned with fur decorative elements and bright details.

We are glad to see you in the InteriorForMe catalog. Here you will find professional design projects for small and large apartments. Use them to transform your home.

Each project consists of a gallery of images, room drawings, and a table with materials that are needed to realize the designer’s ideas. To gain access to all documents, the project must be purchased and downloaded from . The site also has free projects.

Our authors are professional designers. They themselves post projects on the site. Works are moderated and checked for quality. The more the work meets customer requirements, the higher its cost.

However, we do not have high prices, because any project can be downloaded an unlimited number of times. If you want to add personality, combine several works or add your own ideas.

This page contains design projects for living rooms with an area of ​​20 sq.m. We have collected different styles, colors, prices so that you will definitely find what you are looking for.

Design features of a living room with an area of ​​20 sq.m.

Congratulations, 20 sq.m. - this is a living room large enough to not hold back in anything: choose any styles, use different colors and pieces of furniture. This room has virtually no functional design requirements. So just search interesting ideas that you want to use at home.

The only thing you should think about when you are about to renovate your living room is the expected number of guests. If you are a fan of large groups, make sure there is plenty of space for gatherings. If you are a misanthrope, put up a couple of bookshelves that will decorate any room.

And remember that the brighter the room, the larger it appears. This Golden Rule design, which is also relevant for living rooms with an area of ​​20 sq.m.

Design styles for a living room of 20 square meters. meters

In a room of 20 sq. many meters can be realized different styles interior If in cramped small living rooms the primary task is to fit everything you need and visually expand the space, then in this case there is room to expand.

The design style of the living room will depend only on your preferences. On our website you will find a variety of design solutions for the living room. Let's consider the main directions of living room design.

  1. Modern style

Modernism, minimalism, constructivism and other modern styles have many common features and will appeal to those who love restraint and simplicity in design. Any of the modern styles will make a spacious living room large and bright. The main features of many modern styles are:

  • Minimum of small parts;
  • Smooth surfaces, simple shapes;
  • The patterns are angular and geometric rather than ornate;
  • Simple things are used as decorations;
  • There should not be too many different shades in one room.

Modern styles are very suitable for typical apartments in apartment buildings, since they are aimed at increasing the comfort of living in such premises. Buy living room design 20 sq.m. in modern style- This good way create fashionable interior and get a comfortable and beautiful living room.

  1. Classic styles

Classics, on the contrary, do not have the goal of turning a small room into a cozy nest. Classic styles are designed for luxurious palaces where rich people live. Everything in such an interior should demonstrate the nobility and high status of its inhabitants.

Decor in a classical style is often made with a reference to ancient art, for example, these can be statues, columns and reliefs on the walls and ceiling.

In the design of a living room in the style of classicism or baroque, you will definitely see the following elements:

  • Expensive natural materials;
  • Precious metals and stones;
  • Carved solid wood furniture;
  • Large intricate chandeliers with pendants;
  • Antique items - vases, candlesticks, figurines, etc.

Since the living room is a traditional place for entertaining guests, a lush and formal setting in a classic style is just right for it. Please note that high ceilings are desirable for these styles, since otherwise some elements, such as a large chandelier, will not fit into the interior.

  1. Ethnic styles

Styles that reflect the life of different peoples will suit fans of the respective cultures. For example, Japanese or Spanish style includes various references to the way of life of these countries. If you are attracted by the lifestyle and culture of some exotic country, take a closer look at the corresponding ethno-style. This might be how you want to decorate your living room.

Options for a combined living room

If your living room has a common wall with the kitchen, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our design projects for a 20 sq.m living room combined with a kitchen. This is a very fashionable layout option at the moment, allowing you to combine several interconnected rooms into one.

This solution will help you make both the kitchen and living room more spacious and bright. In addition, for spacious rooms there is always more design choice. What you cannot implement in the living room or kitchen, you can implement in a combined living-dining room.

By placing a large table with chairs in the center of the kitchen-living room, in place of the former wall, you get a third zone - the dining room. In addition to the cooking area and relaxation area, you will have a full-fledged dining room in which it is convenient and comfortable to have breakfast and dinner.

Another popular option suitable for small apartments is combining the living room with the bedroom. If you do not have a separate room for a bedroom, explore our catalog of bedroom designs combined with a living room.

Buy quality living room design

From us you can purchase a 20 sq.m living room design at a low price, and some projects can be downloaded completely free of charge. We recommend choosing two or three design options, from which you can then put together one completely unique design that suits you perfectly. The cost of several projects will also be low, and the result will be original and of high quality.

Advantages of our ready-made projects

When starting to update the interior of your living room, pay attention to the range of living room design projects on our website. We have a large assortment ready-made designs interiors created by qualified specialists.

  • You don't even have to go to the designer and explain your requirements to him - you just need to flip through the pages of the catalog and look at the images. Purchasing a ready-made design project has many advantages over ordering an individual design:
  • Prices ready-made projects several times lower than for individual ones;
  • Once you've chosen a design, you can receive it immediately rather than waiting days or weeks for production;
  • A large assortment of projects, each of which is accompanied by several high-quality images, will allow you to quickly and easily choose the best and most suitable one;
  • Although the projects are inexpensive, they were all made by professional designers, so for this little money you get a high-quality, solid project.

Having purchased a living room design of 20 sq.m., all you have to do is adapt it a little to your room and start working. Repairs and finishing are done much faster and more smoothly if there is a plan initially and there is a clear idea of ​​the result. This is due to the fact that during the repair process you do not need to interrupt to discuss this or that material, find the product in the store, or resolve any other issues. Everything has already been taken into account in the design project, you just have to follow it.

How to work with the site?

  • Select ideas not by area, but by aesthetics; any project can be tailored to your space.
  • Register on the site to gain access to all documents of the required projects.
  • Add them to your cart (even if the projects are free).
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  • Go to Personal Area: links to all purchased projects will be stored there. Archives with documents can be downloaded at any time.

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Creating an interior design for a living room of 20 sq. m. it’s not quite difficult. Here we have optimal area to fulfill all our ideas and wishes. We must make this room the coziest and most comfortable. Because this is where we receive guests and relax with the whole family.

To begin with, it is worth distributing zones in the interior design of a living room of 20 square meters. m. in panel house. Usually this is an area for relaxing while watching TV, sitting by the fireplace, and you can also organize an area for a workplace or a small library. In small apartments and Khrushchev-era apartments, a small kitchen and living room are usually combined to create a dining room. So let's take a closer look.

Selection of furniture and accessories

Since we have a living room of 20 sq. m., there are basically no restrictions. If you have an elongated room, furniture should be placed above the walls, but in a square room you can use the island method.

Pay attention to modern and practical models when choosing furniture. Corner, semicircular sofa corners will delight you. At the same time, we advise you to avoid massive legs and oversized chairs. For large sleeping places, you can look at a chair-bed.

As for the headset, pay attention to functional and small-sized models. Although the area of ​​a rectangular living room is 20 square meters. m. Still, you shouldn’t overload it with unnecessary furniture.

When choosing accessories, the main thing is that they fit into the interior design of a living room of 20 square meters. m. and emphasized its originality. Otherwise we will get complete bad taste. For decoration, you can use a small indoor tree, modular or regular paintings. These can also be small figurines or vases. The main thing with accessories is not to go too far; there should not be too many of them.

Color scheme and lighting

To achieve a spacious interior of small rooms, light colors are mainly used. Thus, trying to visually increase the space. But since we have a living room of 20 sq. m. You can also use dark shades. It depends on what style we want to embody.

The interior design of the living room is 20 sq. m. lighting also matters. Because with proper distribution, you can achieve any atmosphere and if you need to hide flaws. In addition, if you have several zones in a room, you can use light to separate them.

For lighting, exquisite small chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps, and spotlights are usually used. You can also use suspended ceiling lighting.

Living room design 20 sq. m. with fireplace

Add charm and comfort to the interior design of a living room of 20 sq. m. with two windows will help install a fireplace. It not only serves as decoration, but will also keep you warm in cold weather. First, decide what type it will be: gas, electric or smoke. Be sure to place it at interior wall, to keep the room warm.

Living room design 20 sq. m. in minimalist style

The living room interior is in a minimalist style, more suitable for those who love simplicity and functionality. So it involves a minimum of furniture and accessories. For lovers of minimalism, we advise you to turn to a similar high-tech style, which uses functional and modern elements.

Living room design 20 sq. m. in classic style

Nowadays, the classic style in the interior of a living room of 20 square meters is also relevant. m., captivating with its luxury, wealth and sophistication. Basically, the classic style contains light shades combined with wood shades. For example, gold, sand, yellow, dark red. Furniture made of expensive wood. This style is recommended to be implemented in square rooms, limited by the amount of furniture needed. Since massive furniture in a narrow room takes up space.

Modern style in living room design

Modern style does not stand still, so on this moment Expensive wood species are used for finishing. Furniture and walls should be in harmony, using gentle tones. Instead of shelves, various niches are used.

Living room design 20 sq. m. eco style

Eco style looks unusual and original in the interior of a living room of 20 square meters. m. It will add freshness and lightness to the design, creating a magical atmosphere, plunging into the world of nature. To decorate the interior in this style, use photo wallpaper with stonework or with elements of nature. The furniture is only wooden, and the windows have translucent fabrics.

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Interior of a living room 20 square meters in an apartment photo

The living room is the main part of the house, which often serves several functions: family recreation, receiving guests, meeting with friends. When decorating, it is important to make the interior cozy and functional. Below are several photos of the design of a living room of 20 sq. m.

You can also make an interesting design in a small living room


In the apartment standard size The living room area is approximately 20 sq. m. Before starting renovations in such a small space, you need to think through the design and take into account the main points:

  • Natural light. Good lighting allows you to use more dark colors in the interior. If there is a lack of daylight, it is necessary to provide additional sources: sconces, lamps, floor lamps. Mirror surfaces of furniture and ceilings will make the room brighter;

Advice! It is better to make several levels of lighting in the living room so that you can change it from dim for relaxing to bright for working or reading.

The presence of mirror surfaces in a small living room will visually increase the space

Lots of lighting also helps to increase space

  • Number of windows: two provide a lot of light, but limit the space for placing tall furniture. The solution is to place a sofa next to the windows or decorate dining area by placing a table and chairs;

The presence of two or more windows makes the room more spacious

Living room in bright colors with large windows looks much bigger

  • Doorways - if there are two of them, you need to arrange the furniture so that it is convenient to pass through;
  • Shape of the room. For a square room, you can use the central part to install furniture, but for an elongated room, only placement along the walls is suitable. In a rectangular room it is easier to zoning the space;
  • Number of furniture. If possible, leave the essentials, avoid cluttering furniture, which visually makes the room smaller.

Simple examples of renovating a living room of 20 sq m, real photos of the design:

Living room interior with multi-level ceiling

Small living room in classic style

Light furniture and dark walls go well in the living room

Harmonious combination of dark and light furniture in the living room


Depending on the overall layout of the home, it becomes necessary to combine the living room with the dining room or library. Additionally you can arrange:

  • Dining area. It is important to choose a table that is suitable in shape. For a square part, a round one is suitable, for an elongated part - a rectangular one. If lunch will be held only on holidays, it is worth choosing an extendable table to free up space;
  • Place for books. You can use built-in niches to visually make the room seem freer. Open shelving and cabinets with sliding doors will save space;
  • Sleeping area. A room of 20 square meters allows you to combine a bedroom and a living room by placing a sofa and a bed in one room. Balconies are often combined with the main room. This increases the number of real meters and adds light.

Dividing the living room into several zones

Zoning the living room in light colors

Photo of the design of a room of 20 square meters, combining a living room-bedroom and a balcony:

  • The place for receiving guests should include a sofa, armchairs, and chairs. Ottomans are suitable for placement; they take up less space and are easier to remove to free up space;
  • The relaxation area may include a comfortable chair and a fireplace. There are compact models that run on electricity;
  • The work area includes a table for a computer or laptop, a chair, and shelves.

Additionally, you can highlight zones by color or finishing material, using lighting fixtures. Racks, screens, panels, curtains will help divide the space without disturbing the overall style. You can zone a room by changing the floor or ceiling level in certain parts of the room. In an apartment with a living room of 20 square meters, you can decorate the interior as in the photo:

Zoning a room by raising the floor

Zoning the hall using a multi-level ceiling

Color spectrum

Neutral shades are most often used: white, beige, gray, cream. Light walls will become a good backdrop for furniture and other interior details, and will visually make the room larger and brighter. You can add bright accents or complete all the details in one color scheme: the living room looks very elegant classic style in brown and its shades. It would be original to paint one wall in a bright or dark color in combination with a general light background.

Important! Cool shades are best used only in a living room with good lighting!

Living room interior in light bed colors

Gray living room with bright yellow accents

The main rule: do not combine too many shades. Poisonous colors should be avoided in the interior or used as accents in a modern style living room. You can also use black or dark brown, blue, purple: poufs, pillows, elements of paintings. A small amount will add zest, but too much will make the living room gloomy.

Modern style

The design of a living room of 20 sq. m in a modern style suggests a lot of light and space. You need to use parts made of glass, metal, plastic. The stone finish looks organic: tiles on the floor, countertops, shelves, inserts near the fireplace. It corresponds modern ideas interior 2016, photo of living room 20 sq m:

Modern living room design

Using horizontal lines in living room design

A modern living room of 20 sq. m requires a minimum of compact and functional furniture. Transformers and options with built-in modern technology are suitable. Illuminated shelves will help create a cozy atmosphere.

The sofa is the center of the living room; it is better to choose folding designer models with or without small legs. The upholstery can be bright, but monochromatic. Smooth but clear lines are preferred.

Modern style requires a small number of accessories; it is important not to overload the interior of a living room of 20 square meters. m: it should look simple, but tasteful. Decor features:

  • All decorative elements should be neutral, follow the general style, some can act as an accent;
  • Pictures on the walls should be made in a modern style: black and white or bright, decorated in a simple frame;
  • Carpets without a pattern would be appropriate on the floor in the recreation area;
  • The window can be left undecorated, or blinds or plain curtains with eyelets can be used;
  • An aquarium, an electric fireplace or their imitation will look organic and add zest to the interior;
  • Exotic plants will help liven up your living room. It is important to use no more than one or two to maintain overall styling.

On the picture modern design living room 20 sq m, you can see that the interior is quite simple, but stylish and allows you to express yourself when decorating:

Modern interior in living room with white furniture

Classic style

The direction suggests discreet luxury, harmony and symmetry. The design of a 20 m2 living room uses wood, forged products, expensive fabrics, and marble. The fireplace and ceiling can be decorated with stucco or artistic painting.

Expensive wallpaper with flowers or a vertical stripe is suitable for walls: the brighter the furniture, curtains, carpet, the lighter the pattern should be. Wallpaper can be complemented with wooden panels, decorating the lower part of the wall. For the floor, parquet made of expensive wood, mosaic or marble tiles are suitable.

It is necessary to choose massive, upholstered furniture with patterned upholstery and curved backs. Twisted and carved wooden elements, curved legs, forged fittings with gilding will highlight the overall style of the living room. You can choose leather furniture, combining it with accessories in the interior. Chests of drawers and carved shelves are appropriate. All elements must be made in the same style.

Living room in classic style

Classic living room in bed colors

Classics are characterized by a large amount of expensive fabric: combined curtains, drapes, pillows made of silk, velvet, and satin. Carpets with complex patterns that match furniture or other interior details are suitable. Shelves and a fireplace can be decorated with figurines, vases, and candlesticks made of porcelain and metal.

Tapestries, framed mirrors and paintings with classical motifs: landscapes, still lifes, portraits look appropriate on the walls. You cannot use them in large quantities. Chandeliers can be gilded, forged or crystal. Floor lamps with fabric lampshades and antique clocks will successfully complement the interior. Sophistication is the first thing that attracts attention to photos of the classic style interior of a 20 sq. m living room in an apartment.

In the photo: Design of a bright living room of 20 square meters. m

The more spacious the room, the more possibilities it provides for creating a cozy and functional interior. In this review, we will talk about space zoning, current decor and fashionable colors in the design of a 20 sq.m living room and, using the example of photos from projects, we will get acquainted with interesting design options for the TV area.

Living room design 20 sq.m: photos of decorative partitions and podiums

The secret to the ergonomics of any living room is proper zoning. To delimit functional areas, you can use furniture or decorative items, but the most popular space dividers are still partitions and podiums.

1. Bubble panel in the interior of a modern living room

In the photo: Design of a bright living room of 20 sq.m with a transparent partition

A glass bubble panel with colored LED lighting is the main decoration of the eclectic interior in the photo. It visually separates the living room from the hall and looks like an art object.

2. Design of a living room of 20 sq.m. with a podium and textile decor

In the photo: Design of a bright living room of 20 sq.m. with purple curtains

Low podium original form Perfect for arranging a relaxation area in the living room. And you can emphasize the complex geometry of the room with a suspended ceiling structure and purple textile decor.

3. Photo of a multifunctional partition in the interior of a white living room

In the photo: Design of a white living room 20 sq. m

A white designer multifunctional partition with glass shelves and lighting fits perfectly into the design of the 20 sq.m living room in the photo. It complicates the space and contrasts favorably with the dark floor.

4. Podium with a low sofa in a bright living room

In the photo: Design of a living room with an area of ​​20 square meters. m with podium

Podium with a low sofa in oriental style - optimal solution for a relaxation area with a hookah. Thanks to well-thought-out lighting, this part of the room looks separate, but does not discord with the interior of the living room.

Photo of the sofa area in the interior of the living room 20 meters

The main element of any living room is the sofa area. It can be represented by an upholstered furniture group, a classic or corner sofa - the main thing is that it is comfortable and matches the interior design concept.

5. Living room interior: corner sofa in minimalist style

In the photo: Design of a modern living room 20 sq. m

A laconic corner sofa upholstered in light leather is an ideal choice for a living room in a high-tech and minimalist style. It looks organically in a black and white interior and harmonizes well with decorative plaster simulating concrete.

6. Design of a sofa area in the interior of a living room in Provence style

In the photo: Design of a bright living room of 20 sq.m in Provence style

A classic three-seater sofa in a linen cover with a floral pattern is perfect for the design of a 20 sq.m living room in Provence style. It looks good against a wall made of aged light brick in the company of sconces, clocks and retro-style photo frames.

7. Straight sofas in a black and white living room design

In the photo: Design of a fashionable black and white living room 20 sq.m.

Two straight sofas without armrests, a large poster, a panel of mirrored beveled tiles, elegant coffee tables and table lamps in the art deco style - the design of the sofa area in the black and white living room of 20 sq.m in the photo is thought out to the smallest detail.

Current color scheme in the design of a living room of 20 sq.m: photos of fashionable interiors

The interior of a living room of 20 meters can be decorated in any color, but the most popular in last years light shades are used: creamy, milky, beige, cream, coffee. Graphic is also in fashion black and white design and laconic monochrome with bright accents.

8. Beige and brown color scheme in the living room interior

In the photo: Design of a living room with an area of ​​20 sq.m. in beige tones

The design of the 20 sq.m living room in the photo, implemented in beige and brown colors, looks warm and cozy. The interior palette includes more than two dozen shades that combine perfectly with each other and create a comfortable atmosphere.

9. Living room interior with orange furniture and textiles

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. with an orange sofa

The living room with upholstered furniture and rich orange curtains, which are in perfect harmony with the colorful three-strip parquet board, looks bright and festive. And thanks to the white ceiling and light walls, the space does not seem overloaded.

10. Bright living room design with purple details

A purple bar counter and an original shelving unit in the TV area play the role of color accents in the interior of a bright living room with an area of ​​20 meters. They form a kind of axis of symmetry and “echo” the pale lilac lighting of the ceiling.

11. Black, white and gray colors in the interior of a fashionable living room

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. with white furniture

Black, white and gray color scheme - the best choice for decorating a living room in high-tech style. And to make such an interior look more impressive, specialists from the DIPRIS Architectural and Construction Company recommend using materials with different textures.

12. Bright living room with blue accents

In the photo: Design of a bright living room of 20 sq.m. with blue accents

Living room in creamy tones with upholstered furniture and discreet curtains of blue color looks respectable and noble. And the gray-blue carpet and blue piping on the ceiling organically complement the stylish interior with elements of Provence.

Ceiling design in the interior of a living room 20 meters

Multi-level suspended structures, LED lighting, paintings, beams, stained glass windows that imitate second light - the original design of the ceiling allows you to complicate the design of the living room and emphasize the zoning of the space.

13. Suspended ceiling structures with spotlights

In the photo: Design of a minimalist living room with an area of ​​20 sq.m.

Thanks to LED backlight suspended ceiling structures with spotlights look more voluminous. They organize the irregularly shaped living room space and play the role of additional decor.

14. Living room interior in neoclassical style: imitation of a ceiling window

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m with fresco

An octagonal structure imitating a ceiling window framed by a classic white cornice plays the role of a decorative rosette for a chandelier and is a central element in the design of the living room.

15. Dark beams in the design of a modern living room

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. with beams

Aged beams made of dark wood, successfully contrasting with the light ceiling, mark the dining area and organically fit into the design of the 20 sq.m living room in the photo.

16. Two-level ceiling with green LED lighting

In the photo: Design of a bright living room of 20 square meters with a fireplace

A two-level ceiling, decorated with a green LED strip, perfectly organizes the space of the living room with a fireplace and emphasizes the modern style of the room.

Shelving in the interior of the living room 20 meters

Shelving is most often used in the living room to store books and display stylish accessories and collections. This can be an embedded system, separate furniture elements, selected in the style of the interior, or connected into a complex system of shelves.

17. Open shelves made of dark wood in living room design

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. with shelves

Open shelves made of dark wood are part of a complex storage system and play the role of functional decor, emphasizing original design living room 20 sq.m in the photo.

18. Interior of a minimalist living room: shelving module made of glass and metal

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. in high-tech style

A shelving module with a polished metal frame and glass shelves is what you need for a high-tech living room. It looks great against the background concrete wall and emphasizes the laconicism of the interior.

19. Built-in open shelving in a bright living room design

In the photo: Design of a bright living room 20 sq.m. with painting

Open built-in shelving white with a bright back wall performs the function color accent in the interior of a bright living room 20 meters.

TV area design in photos of living rooms in different styles

Mirrors, fireplaces, shelving - the designers of the DIPRIS Architectural and Construction Company offer many interesting solutions for decorating the TV area in the living room. What to choose? It all depends on the style of the interior and the preferences of the owners.

20. Fireplace and mirrors in the interior of a living room 20 meters

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. in English style

A laconic fireplace portal and narrow mirror panels are perfect for decorating a TV area in an English living room with dark dining furniture and a jacquard-upholstered sofa.

21. Design of a TV area in a minimalist living room: decorative panel with side shelving

In the photo: Design of a living room of 20 sq.m. with shelving

A square dark wood panel illuminated by LEDs with narrow side shelves looks harmonious in a minimalist interior with furniture of strict geometric shapes.

22. Furniture “wall” with open shelves and drawers

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. in eclectic style

The design of an eclectic living room includes eye-catching details. Such as a bright furniture wall for TV with open shelves and drawers.

23. Fireplace portal and decorative brick panel in living room design

In the photo: Design of a bright living room of 20 sq.m. with loft elements

The style-forming detail in the interior of the living room with loft elements is the marble fireplace portal in the TV area. And the background for it is a wall decorated with dark brick.

24. Living room design: photo of TV area with storage system

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. in a modern style

The TV area in the living room interior in a modern style is represented by a storage system in the form of a low rack and open shelves. And the central element of the composition was a high partition for mounting the TV.

25. TV in a decorative frame in the interior of the living room 20 meters

In the photo: Design of a stylish black and white living room 20 sq.m.

The TV area in the black and white living room looks like a painting by a modern artist and is a panel framed in a silver frame and finished with oak veneer with a small shelf.

26. Symmetrical shelving with colored LED lighting

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. with lighting

Symmetrical narrow shelves with glass shelves and spot lighting look very organic in the living room space and are ideal as display cases for family photos and accessories.

Stylish decor in the interior of a living room with an area of ​​20 meters: photo

Photo wallpapers, frescoes, wall paintings, stained glass windows - the arsenal of decorative elements used by designers to decorate living rooms is huge. But choose stylish decor necessary taking into account the interior design concept.

27. Modern living room design: wall painting

In the photo: Living room design 20 sq.m. with green accents

An urban wall painting in green tones is the main art object of a living room in a minimalist style. And you can support such non-trivial decor with the help of curtains and sofa cushions that match the color.

28. Stained glass in the Art Nouveau style in the design of the sofa area of ​​the living room

In the photo: Design of a living room with an area of ​​20 sq.m. with stained glass

A spectacular stained glass window in the Art Nouveau style, illuminated by an LED strip, adorns the wall in the sofa area of ​​a modern living room and plays the role of a designer lamp. It is made in the colors of the interior and harmonizes well with upholstered furniture and textile decor.

29. Living room interior 20 meters: fresco framed by brickwork

In the photo: Design of a bright living room of 20 sq.m with a fresco

A panoramic fresco with a seascape that occupies the entire wall visually expands the living room space and creates a special atmosphere in the room. Thanks to the decorative brickwork it organically fit into the interior and became the ideal backdrop for a light leather sofa.

30. Graceful floral patterns in the design of a modern living room

In the photo: Design of a bright kitchen-living room 20 sq.m.

Graceful plant patterns decorate both the marble floor of the modern living room and the mirrored facades of the wardrobe. They complicate the interior and effectively contrast with the strict lines of the suspended ceiling.

Text: Irina Sedykh