What is included in geotechnical surveys for construction? What is geotechnical survey: composition, purpose, types. What is included in geotechnical survey.

Geological surveys give us the opportunity technically justify the feasibility, as well as the fundamental feasibility of construction in a specific area already at the design stage. In case there is a need for a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of construction in a selected area from an economic point of view, geotechnical surveys become a mandatory preparation procedure before the start of construction.

The relief features and hydrological regime of the selected development area are determined using geological surveys. The mechanical composition of soil and soil is also studied. Using the data acquired in the process, the tectonic and seismological characteristics of the area are compiled. A forecast of possible changes in the geomorphological and hydrological situation, which can change after and during the construction of the facility, is also compiled here. A comprehensive engineering and geological study of the territory of a new development is of the utmost importance when designing a development. All this is carried out directly at the stages of pre-initial preparation.

Engineering-geological surveys are used to calculate the reliability of the area allocated for construction. Naturally, this is carried out before the start of designing the foundation of a new facility. The choice of the type of building foundation and subsequent design are made on the basis of information about the physical and chemical qualities of the soil and the hydrological regime of the given territory (in particular, information about groundwater levels). In case of shortage or absence of such information from geological surveys, the likelihood of errors and omissions by engineers during the design of the project increases. Incorrect foundation design over time can lead to deformation and premature destruction of the constructed object.

The construction of a new facility in an urban area often takes place next to an existing building or development. Such construction can lead to modifications of the geomorphological process in neighboring territories, which can lead to already constructed buildings to deform. The situation is further worsened by the fact that the underground section of the new building is often used to create shopping arcades or parking lots. Reconstruction of an existing building is very often associated with an increase in the load on the foundation of the building. This feature of development in the city requires a special, careful study of the planned construction sites and the selection of an area that meets all the necessary safety requirements.

Geological surveys have absorbed many areas of research:

  • assessment of archival information of similar studies on the territory of the planned construction (provided that such information exists);
  • drilling a geological well;
  • selection of soil and water samples for laboratory research. Study of the chemical, as well as physical and mechanical properties of the material;
  • geophysical study in order to discover an area with an unfavorable geological composition, identifying underground communications, routes and other objects;
  • study of the geological structure of a given plot of land allocated for future construction;
  • study of the hydrological regime, as well as the structure of groundwater and soil characteristics in the study area;
  • detection of actual and potentially permissible processes that pose a danger to the construction of a building and its subsequent operation;
  • geodetic reference of planned objects, as well as parallel engineering developments on the ground.

Geological surveys provide a chance obtain information on the basis of which a technical report is created. This report is subject to approval by Mosgorgeotrest, as well as Mosoblgeotrest.

Studying materials from the archive on geological surveys at the site of the planned construction.
The availability of information about a previously conducted study of the territory of the planned construction provides the opportunity to display the current geological process as accurately as possible. Information about the dynamics of changes in the geological structure of the territory and its hydrological regime is required to predict further changes in geoactivity, taking into account the impact of the future object on the geoenvironment. Drilling a geological well, samples and laboratory analyzes of material. A well is drilled to collect soil samples at various depths for subsequent laboratory analysis. In laboratories, studies are carried out on the physical and chemical properties of soil, separately, its exchange and absorption properties, tendency to shrinkage, swelling, osmosis, diffusion, as well as corrosive activity and some other qualities.

Geophysical work to detect a geologically unfavorable area, underground communications and other underground objects can be carried out by studying data from the archive, as well as using the instrumental method. Study of the hydrological regime of the territory, the composition of groundwater and the characteristics of soil and soil.

The purpose of the study is to study changes in the water body located on the territory of future construction. What is the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors on water bodies. In the process of research, the dynamics of possible changes in water are learned - channel, level, composition, temperature.

Study of the geological structures of the area, in which construction work will be carried out, includes a complex for soil analysis in order to obtain information about the chemical composition of the soil, as well as determine its geotectonic platform. Information about the peculiarities of the geological structure of the territory, as well as information about the hydrological regime, is used to formulate the results of the destructive process, which complicates the construction of the building and poses a danger to its operation. The results in turn serve as a basis for anticipating subsequent developments of a possible and identified occurrence that was not previously noticed in the geological process. Geodetic attachment of the object, as well as accompanying engineering workings, to the territory is necessary for the highest accuracy of geodetic survey. Of course, this is relative to a strong point on the territory.

Study of the geological structure of the area in which construction work will be carried out
involves comprehensive soil and soil analysis to obtain data on soil chemistry and determine the geotectonic platform. The obtained data on the features of the geological structure of the site and the existing hydrological regime are used to generate statistics on destructive processes that complicate the construction of the facility and pose a potential danger to its operation. Statistics, in turn, serves as the basis for forecasting the further development of identified and possible occurrence of previously unrecorded geological processes.

Physico-chemical characteristics of soil is entered into a table, which, like the topographic plan, is added to the technical report on the geological work performed. Reports are based on regulatory documents that regulate the scope of work. Further, the reports are subject to coordination in the state institutions of Mosgorgeotrest and Mosoblgeotrest. To carry out geological surveys in the conditions of preparation (pre-project) of future construction, the customer organizes technical specifications. This assignment is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of clause 4.13 of SNiP 11-02, as well as a topographic plan of the territory allocated for construction with marked underground communications and the outline of the planned building. If these documents are available, a Geological Survey Program is formed. And the complex study of the territory for the construction of a new facility is carried out on the basis of this program.

We provide services in the following areas of the Moscow region

Geology is the science of earth. It represents a whole complex of scientific disciplines and industrial sectors related to the study of the earth's crust and its deeper spheres. The tasks of geology are aimed mainly at understanding the patterns of formation and placement of mineral deposits (mineral deposits). Most of the specific issues addressed in modern geology relate to depths of the order of 10-15 km, which is due to the geological depth of the cut in areas of ancient folding and the modern level of technical capabilities for mining and mineral exploration.

General concepts

Engineering geology is a scientific and technical branch of geology that studies the features and patterns of interaction of the geological environment with engineering structures. The object of engineering geology is the upper layers and horizons of the earth's crust, the geological conditions of their formation and occurrence, morphological, strength and dynamic characteristics in connection with human engineering and economic activity.

Along with highly specialized tasks, engineering geology involves the study of the geological composition, properties and composition of soils, hydrogeological conditions, destructive geological processes and a number of other issues. Therefore, the fundamentals of engineering geology include the need for certain broad knowledge in a number of related geological disciplines, including general geology, mineralogy, geomorphology, hydrogeology, petrography, tectonics, geophysics, etc.

Goals and objectives

Engineering-geological surveys aim to perform a comprehensive and comprehensive assessment of geological factors caused by human activity in the construction and economic sphere, in conjunction with natural geological processes.

The main tasks of engineering geology, including the study of geological-tectonic, geomorphological, seismic and technogenic factors, concentrate on the development of an engineering-geological justification, which necessarily precedes the construction of objects with the status of engineering structures. These are civil and industrial buildings and structures, roads and railways, dams, bridges, airfields, subways, underground mines, underground communications and many other objects.

Thus, engineering geology is designed to provide designers, builders and maintenance services of economic facilities with all the data necessary for design and construction, as well as for carrying out activities related to their operation.

Based on the results of geotechnical work, a conclusion is drawn up on the fundamental possibility of constructing structures and buildings or the most favorable areas for their placement are determined. The conclusion should contain recommendations on the preferred method of carrying out work, proposals for structures in terms of their maximum reliability and preventive measures to combat possible negative geological processes that may threaten the safety of the building or structure.

Main branches of engineering geology

Being part of geology as a science, engineering geology, in turn, includes a number of independent disciplines, of which engineering geodynamics, soil science and regional engineering geology are considered the main ones.

Soil science, as the name suggests, is a scientific branch of engineering geology that deals with the structure, composition and properties of soils, the patterns of their formation and accumulation, as well as the characteristics of spatiotemporal variability caused by engineering, construction and economic activities of people.

The object of engineering geodynamics is a wide range of today's geological processes that have a significant impact on the conditions of construction and operation of economic facilities of any scale. Processes of this kind include earthquakes, landslides of various origins, failures, subsidence, cracks, etc. Along with research and forecasting, all of them raise the need for the development of protective and safety measures, which also applies to the tasks of engineering geodynamics.

Regional engineering geology, like other engineering geological surveys, studies the features and patterns of development of the uppermost layers of the earth's crust, making up the so-called lithosphere, in connection with current and planned human engineering, economic and construction activities. But the subject of regional engineering geology, by definition, is geological factors on a regional scale.

Physical and mechanical properties of rocks and soils

To carry out design and construction work, the study of the physical and mechanical parameters of rocks and soils is of paramount importance, since many fundamental decisions related to the choice of structure design, its size, type, as well as the determination of volumes depend on the calculated indicators of strength, reliability and durability of the foundation of a construction project construction and related works. In this regard, the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and soils are necessarily analyzed at all stages of engineering and geological surveys.

The physical and mechanical parameters of rocks and soils include the following indicators: , plasticity, particle density, humidity, bulk density, shear resistance, uniaxial compressive strength, angle of repose, petrographic composition, subsidence, swelling and shrinkage, modulus of elasticity, coefficient of soil resistance , deformation modulus, suffusion leaching, Poisson's ratio, salt content, filtration coefficient, water absorption, water saturation and a number of additional parameters.

The assessment of the engineering-geological properties of rocks and soils is invariably accompanied by the study of the material and chemical composition, as well as structural and textural features.

Composition and stages of engineering-geological research

Engineering-geological surveys successively include reconnaissance surveys, engineering-geological exploration, detailed work during construction and final surveys upon completion.

Reconnaissance consists of a comprehensive assessment of geological and geophysical knowledge to determine the feasibility of further, more detailed work. If, where engineering-geological surveys are planned, the geology of the area is sufficiently well studied, work can begin immediately with an engineering-geological survey.

The survey is carried out to study geomorphological and hydrogeological features, engineering-geological properties of rocks and soils, manifestations of active geological processes and a general assessment of engineering-geological conditions in the area of ​​​​designed construction work.

Based on the results of exploration work, design estimates and working documentation are drawn up.

Contents of industrial engineering-geological research

A typical set of engineering and geological surveys, as a rule, includes the following:

  • preliminary collected materials;
  • study of aerial photography materials;
  • route studies;
  • geophysical work;
  • mining operations, including drilling wells;
  • testing of rocks and soils in field conditions;
  • hydrogeological observations;
  • inpatient research;
  • laboratory works;
  • diagnostics of the condition of buildings and structures under construction;
  • full of collected materials;
  • writing a final report with presentation of graphics, recommendations and conclusion.

Final results of engineering and geological surveys

Summarizing the material presented, it may be advisable to list specific and understandable results of geotechnical research.

So, based on the totality of geotechnical engineering data, calculations of the following parameters are carried out and provided:

  • resistance of the foundation rocks to deformation, which leads to “bulging” from under the foundation;
  • the degree and timing of compression of rocks and soils at the base of buildings and structures;
  • stability of rocks and soils in the slopes of quarries, construction pits, road ditches, embankments, ditches, canals and other artificial excavations;
  • stability of hydraulic structures (for example, dams) to shear deformations under the pressure of water from reservoirs;
  • forecasting the behavior of banks after the construction of reservoirs;
  • stability of the foundations of buildings and structures during rising groundwater;
  • stability of engineering and economic structures erected on permafrost, in seismic hazardous areas, in areas of development of karst cavities, landslides, landslides and other natural disasters.


Engineering and geological production work is carried out in accordance with the technical requirements set out in the list (set) of rules for conducting surveys to justify design preparatory activities before the start of construction, as well as for ongoing surveys carried out during the construction and operation of facilities until their liquidation.

The noted list of regulatory guidelines for the performance of geotechnical survey work includes a number of construction norms and rules (SNiP) regulating the performance of work in the manner established by state regulations and legislative acts.

    The price for geological work starts from 24,000 rubles,
    and deadlines 7-14 calendar days!(you can receive preliminary information about the soils at the site 3 days after the completion of drilling work)

    Price: from 100,000 rub. per object V

    Moscow and region

    Geophysical surveys are a modern type of research. The goals of the work have much in common with geological exploration, but there are still differences: the geology of the site consists of drilling, sampling and laboratory research, while geophysical surveys for construction are aimed at studying natural and artificial magnetic fields, and also allow us to obtain more information about the land plot .

    What information can be obtained from engineering geophysical surveys?

    Geophysical surveys allow us to obtain maximum information about the structure of soils, as well as underground processes. Compared to geological work, research takes less time, and the data obtained is more accurate. During the work, we establish the physical and mechanical parameters of the soil, calculate the load that the soil can withstand, study the hydrogeology of the site, conduct laboratory work, draw up graphic documentation and show the thickness of the rocks in certain areas of the area, as well as voids and their geometric parameters.

    It often happens that it is impossible to conduct geological surveys on a site (for example, due to densely built-up areas). In such situations, engineering geophysical surveys are carried out as an alternative to geological exploration.

    Important! During the observation process, we use joint ventures for geodetic surveys, so our clients receive high-quality results.

    When are geophysical surveys carried out?

    We conduct geophysical surveys in Moscow in different situations. In most cases - to create design documentation for construction, study the reasons that lead to deformations of operating structures or develop new, unexplored territories.

    We carry out engineering and geophysical surveys in conjunction with other engineering works (geological, geodetic, environmental) or as a separate type of research. For example, if it is necessary to study the territory and hydrogeological features of an area to provide populated areas with water, we carry out research as a separate type of work.

    If our task is to predict changes on the site from the start of development, we conduct a comprehensive study of the site. Geophysical surveys and well drilling make it possible to identify potential hazards and take timely measures to protect the structure from negative impacts (for example, assess the likelihood of changes in the direction and speed of groundwater in the area, which can activate sinkholes, suffusions and landslides).

    Attention! Compared to geological exploration, geophysical methods make it possible to quickly obtain information about the structure of soils in the area. Observations require less equipment and fewer engineers, so research is considered more technologically advanced.

    How do we carry out geophysical surveys for construction?

    Like other studies, geophysical surveys for construction include many diverse tasks. We try to work quickly and even when studying complex areas, we provide a report within 2-3 weeks.

    We divide the entire research process into three stages: preparation, visiting the site and the final part - analyzing the data obtained and creating a technical report. The preparatory stage includes many tasks: we collect archival documents, conduct reconnaissance of the site, analyze the assigned tasks, negotiate with the client, assemble equipment for field work, calculate the cost and send a commercial proposal.

    The next part of the research is visiting the site and conducting observations using special equipment. We carry out electrical, thermal, seismic, seismoacoustic studies (the type of research depends on the tasks assigned). We also take soil samples that are transported for further study in laboratory research.

    The final part of the research is the processing of the information received, calculations, compilation of summary tables, laboratory research, as well as the creation of graphic documents - sections on which the power and water abundance of the site can be visually analyzed.

    When geophysical surveys for construction are completed, our clients receive a technical report. It describes as much information as possible about the work performed: characteristics of the site, assigned tasks, type of research, data obtained. For ease of use of materials from the report, we provide the client with a digital copy in pdf format.

    Important! In our company “Geology ORG”, research is carried out with modern instruments, and we have our own laboratory for detailed study of samples.

    Price of geophysical surveys

    The price of geophysical surveys is a complex issue. Each plot of land has unique characteristics, and the client’s technical specifications contain individual requirements necessary for the construction of a specific building. Due to these variable factors, we calculate the cost separately for each client.

    We calculate the cost of the service taking into account:

  • features of the geological structure of the site;
  • number and complexity of tasks;
  • area of ​​territory;
  • features of the designed structure;
  • availability of design documentation and geological reports from previous years;
  • deadlines for research;
  • our participation in the report approval process.

Most clients work with us on an ongoing basis because we have a flexible pricing system. We offer discounts for regular customers. The price of geophysical surveys will be lower if you place a comprehensive order for engineering services (for example, in combination with environmental observations).


One of the main mistakes of mass individual construction that has unfolded in recent years is ignoring the geological structure of the development site. At best, this leads to a significant overexpenditure of funds for the construction of the foundation, at worst - to the subsequent need to strengthen the structures of an already built house or even dismantle it and begin new construction.

To solve the problem of optimal design of a structure, geotechnical surveys are carried out before construction begins. They include a set of works on studying the geological structure, hydrogeological conditions, assessing the physical and mechanical properties of soils, as well as forecasting engineering-geological processes unfavorable for construction (landslides, karst, flooding, etc.)

p Conducting geotechnical surveys is regulated by current standards - construction norms and rules (SNiP). They are carried out on the basis of technical specifications developed by the design organization. The required composition and scope of work depends on a number of factors: the design stage, the complexity of engineering and geological conditions, the level of responsibility of the structure, the planned type of foundation, etc.

When carrying out engineering-geological surveys, field work, laboratory studies of soil properties and desk processing of materials are carried out with the preparation of an appropriate conclusion (report) on the engineering-geological conditions of the development site. Field work includes drilling wells with sampling and soil probing, which is necessarily carried out if the foundation is water-saturated sandy soil.

The number and depth of wells is regulated by current regulatory documents and depends on the dimensions and height of the structure being designed, the depth of the foundation, the material of the structure and other factors. In survey practice for low-rise construction, as a rule, it is enough to drill 3 wells with a depth of 10 m. With a significant size of the house (more than 15x15m) and its complex planned configuration, drilling 4-5 wells is required. If the foundation is composed of sandy soils, then to determine their physical and mechanical characteristics at 2-3 points, static sounding is performed to a depth of 10 m.

When drilling wells, soil and groundwater samples are taken for laboratory testing. Laboratory studies include determination of physical (humidity, density, particle size distribution, plasticity parameters, etc.) and mechanical (deformation modulus, adhesion, angle of internal friction) characteristics of soils.

In accordance with current regulatory documents, the required number of laboratory tests is 10 determinations of physical and 6 determinations of mechanical characteristics for the geotechnical element identified during the survey. In addition, the laboratory conducts studies of the corrosive aggressiveness of soils and the chemical composition of groundwater (3 samples each).

After field work and laboratory studies of soil properties are completed, desk processing of the data obtained is carried out and a report is compiled on the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site. The report must contain information about the geological structure, hydrogeological conditions, physical and mechanical properties of soils and the degree of their aggressive impact on the material of foundations and communications, as well as data on engineering geological processes and phenomena (seasonal freezing of soils, the possibility of flooding, the formation of landslides, etc.). d.).

As a result of engineering-geological surveys, all the necessary data for designing a house should be obtained, which will allow choosing the most rational option for the foundation and engineering protection of building structures from the possible impact of adverse engineering-geological processes.

The lead time for surveys for low-rise construction is 15-20 days. The organization that conducts the survey must have an appropriate license indicating the list of types of work for which it was issued.

Rostovtsev A.V.
Chief Geologist

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Engineering-geological surveys

(a. geological-engineering prospecting; n. Baugrundforschung, Baugrunduntersuchungen; f. reconnaissances geotechniques; And. prospeccion y exploracion geotecnica) - are carried out with the aim of developing a technically justified one. and economically feasible solutions in the design, construction and operation of facilities, taking into account the requirements for the rational use of geol. environment. I.-g. And. are an integral part of engineering surveys, which ensure mutual coordination of design solutions with geological terrain conditions and precede all types of construction (including mines, quarries, oil and gas fields, etc.).
The program (project) of survey work is drawn up on the basis of technical specifications. assignments issued by the designer, and available information about the natural conditions of the area. I.-g. And. are carried out in stages in accordance with the design stages. During construction, author's control is carried out over the implementation of the prospectors' recommendations. I.-g. And. include Engineering-geological survey, reconnaissance (work on opening a geological section in order to identify the conditions of the building), Engineering-geological and stationary observations (permanent or periodic recording of the state of engineering-geological conditions over time). Eng.-geol. testing can also be included in each of these types of work.
To carry out I.-g. And. machines, equipment and instruments are used for driving exploration workings (main drill holes), geophysics. research (various modifications of seismoacoustics, electrical prospecting), field tests of soils (experimental pumping and injection, pressureometry, etc.), laboratory studies of rocks and groundwater.
The volume of survey work in the USSR is approx. 1% of the cost of construction. The effectiveness of surveys is determined by the savings obtained during the construction and operation of structures due to their harmonious combination with geol. environment, absence or minimization of processes such as collapses, landslides, environmental pollution, etc.
The first known historical information about carrying out I.-g. And. go back to the time of Dr. Rome, though, obviously. research has been carried out previously. They received intensive development in the end. 19th century, ch. arr. in connection with the railway building How specific. activities formed in the beginning. 20th century as a result of separating design into independent. area of ​​activity. M. V. Rat.

Mountain encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .

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