Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Recipe: Cream cupcake - with protein glaze Cream cupcake is a very tender simple recipe

Break the eggs into a deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt. Beat, gradually adding sugar, until white. Switch the mixer to first speed and slowly pour the flour through a sieve. Add baking powder and vanillin.

Pour the heavy cream into a separate bowl. Beat them thoroughly until a thick white foam forms. They should look like regular store-bought whipped cream. For strength, you can add powdered sugar or starch.

We wash the raisins. Ideally, it should be soaked for half an hour in warm water so that all the dirt is washed out. Dry on a strainer. Add raisins to egg-flour mixture and stir. Three lemons on a fine grater. We put the zest into the dough. Then carefully add the whipped cream to the dough and stir until smooth.

In half an hour our cake should be completely cooked. If your oven has a tendency to make baked goods burn on the bottom, I recommend that you fill the pan with water and place it on the bottom of the oven without blocking the air flow to the fire. Then the bottom will not burn, and the baked goods will turn out more tender. Let's take out our cupcake. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Serve with tea with lemon or milk. Bon appetit!

Cupcake with cream

Words from the author: “The recipe for this cupcake was taken from an Italian culinary blog. I’m just delighted, as is my whole family, with this airy, tender cupcake. It’s quick to prepare and the result is delicious!”

You will need:
- 4 eggs
- 250 g sugar
- 250 g cream 30-35%
- 125 g starch (I used wheat starch)
- 125 g flour
- 1 packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar
- 1 pack. baking powder (10 g)


Beat the eggs well with sugar and vanilla,

Continuing to beat, add room temperature cream

The mass will become thinner

Mix flour, starch and baking powder separately

Sift into mass

Beat with a mixer until smooth. The mass is smooth, without lumps

Pour the dough into the mold (mine is about 22 cm)

Bake at 160 degrees for about 50 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick.
(I baked for 1 hour and the top still fell a little. But it didn't affect the taste!)

Look how fluffy the cupcake turned out! Not dry, moist, softest! And it doesn’t look like a biscuit at all, it tastes exactly like a cupcake!
You can pour chocolate on top or brush it with boiled condensed milk, or you can simply sprinkle it with powdered sugar.
I didn’t smear anything or sprinkle anything. It turned out very tasty!

Enjoy your tea!

Good cream works wonders! Be sure to try making creamy muffins with aromatic alcohol and vanilla.

The creamy muffins taste very tender, it’s almost a soufflé. The aromas of vanilla and rum make our dessert stand out. general background store baked goods. You can try these cakes either in an expensive cafe, or prepare them yourself at home. But in a cafe you will pay the same amount for 2 cakes as you would spend on the ingredients for two dozen homemade muffins.

Rum can be replaced with cognac, it is better to use natural vanilla, but if you cannot find it, then use vanillin. In our case, there was Baccardi dark rum and vanilla from Madagascar.

When baking, the muffins will increase greatly in volume, but then they will definitely settle. It's a little unsightly, but doesn't affect the texture or taste in any way. The inside of the muffins will be spongy and very tender.

What to make muffins from

  • 200 ml cream (33%)
  • 2 eggs
  • 125 g sugar
  • 100 g flour
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dark rum
  • lemon zest
  • vanilla

How to bake creamy muffins

Beat the cream with fine sugar, add the eggs one at a time and beat too. Add salt, vanilla, zest and rum, stir. Add sifted flour and mix thoroughly.

Place the prepared mixture in paper molds, filling them halfway or 2/3. Bake at 160 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Cool the finished muffins a little and serve with tea or coffee.

It so happened that I had unclaimed heavy cream, from which it was decided to bake a cupcake.

It’s a well-known fact that for a cake to turn out delicious, you need a balance of butter and eggs. Instead of butter, I used cream, it is a less fatty, but no less tasty option. The cake turned out very pleasant, not too sweet, but quite crumbly and fragrant. For those who like sweeter baked goods, you can increase the amount of sugar.

To get a bright contrasting pattern you will need good quality cocoa.

So, for the marble cake with cream, we will prepare the products according to the list.

In a bowl, beat eggs with sugar until smooth and fluffy.

Add cream and stir. Instead of cream, you can use full-fat homemade sour cream.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous dough is obtained using a hand whisk. The consistency of the dough is like pancakes, a little thinner.

Pour part of the dough into another bowl and add cocoa to it. I myself was convinced of how different cocoa can be; before I needed to put at least 3-4 spoons of it, but now one and a half spoons was enough.

Grease the pan with butter and sprinkle with flour, shake off any remaining flour. Pour the light batter into the mold. You can, of course, lay out the dough, alternating light and dark, but I wanted to try a simpler method.

Then pour in the dark batter.

Using a sharp, thin knife, lightly stir the dough to combine the layers. I could have sanded more there, but I only mixed the layers a little. Place the pan with the dough in an oven preheated to 170-180 degrees. Bake for about an hour. Check for doneness with a skewer; if it comes out dry, the cake is ready. Baking time may vary depending on the properties of your oven.

Cool the finished cake in the pan and then remove it. Sprinkle the surface with powdered sugar.

Enjoy your tea!

In fact, the recipe for such a wonderful creamy cake is very simple, and one might even say quick. And once you start cooking it, you will not encounter any difficulties, and at the same time, it always turns out incredibly tender, tasty, rich and appetizing. I don’t add any raisins or nuts to this delicious cupcake - I want to fully enjoy its creamy, pleasant taste. You can shape it to any size using rectangular or small baking pans.


  • 200 ml cream (any fat content)
  • 180 g sugar
  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 3 eggs
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 sachet (5 g) baking powder

Cooking method

First of all, beat the eggs with sugar and salt until fluffy, then add cream to the resulting mass and beat everything again. After this, gradually add sifted flour and baking powder in parts and knead a homogeneous cake dough without lumps. It should be medium thick, similar to good sour cream. Pour it into a large mold (or into small muffin tins) and bake the creamy cake in a well-heated oven at 180 C for about 30 - 40 (time depends on its size) minutes until fully cooked and beautifully golden brown. Let it cool completely and sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving. Bon appetit.