Tennis racket weight. What should a tennis racket be like? How to choose a racket? Expert advice String surface area


A tennis racket, despite its apparent simplicity, is a rather complex instrument with a large number of different characteristics. What affects the quality of the game, ease and safety of use, and how to choose the right tennis racket for a child or adult player are described in this article.

The article is quite voluminous, contains a lot of information, and for those who cannot afford to go into technical details, we can recommend immediately turning to the Additional services section. But if you still find the strength to study the article, we will be very grateful to you.

Materials for the production of rackets

Aluminum is a material for the production of inexpensive rackets for beginners and children. Since soft metal is used in the production of rackets of this type, such rackets may lose their properties, become deformed or break during intense play and heavy loads. Therefore, the choice in favor of an aluminum racket is made, as a rule, when purchasing the first racket - an entry-level one for amateurs and children. The service life of an aluminum racket allows a beginner to gain basic tennis skills and move to the next level. Children outgrow the racket much faster before it becomes unusable.

A composite is a material consisting of many components with different characteristics. The composition of the composite can include various polymers, metal and ceramic components, changing the composition, quantity and ratio of which, as a result, you can obtain a material with the necessary characteristics. Rackets made of composite (composite) materials differ from aluminum ones in greater strength, rigidity, resistance to mechanical damage and dynamic loads. Composite rackets are recommended for amateurs and juniors who continue to improve their skills.

Graphite is a unique mineral that can be found in a huge number of states - from soft, layered and very plastic to incredibly hard and even capable of turning into diamond under high temperature and pressure. Thanks to these properties of graphite, there are practically no restrictions in the production of tennis rackets. Graphite tennis rackets are popular among advanced amateurs and junior athletes. Professional tennis players train and play with graphite rackets made using special technologies.

Tennis racket parts

The head is the upper part of an oval-shaped racket, which consists of a rim and strings stretched inside it through special plastic inserts called grommets. The strings intertwined in a special way form the playing surface of the racket. The playing characteristics of a racket are influenced by the number of longitudinal and transverse strings (string formula), the material and thickness of the strings, as well as their tension force. We will tell you more about strings in a separate article.

The racket handle has a special octagonal shape and a thickening at the base (boss), which serve for a comfortable and correct grip of the racket during the game. The racket handle has a base grip - an adhesive-based tape that is wound around the handle when the racket is made. When using a racket, an additional overgrip should be installed on the base grip. This is a thin tape without an adhesive layer, which serves to protect the main winding from wear and contamination, as well as for a comfortable feeling when playing. Overgrips have moisture-absorbing properties, do not slip in the hand, and are available in various colors. The top windings should be changed regularly as they become worn and dirty.

The neck is the central part of the racket that connects the handle and head. The shape of the neck affects the design features of a tennis racket, such as twist, vibration damping and weight distribution.

Tennis racket handle size

The size (thickness) of the handle is important when choosing a tennis racket. The size of the handle affects the control of the racket when performing shots with rotation - it is easier to make such shots with a thinner handle, the control of the racket in cases where the ball is struck not in the center of the string surface - it is easier to control the racket with a thicker handle, as well as the feeling of weight Rackets - A racket with a thicker handle feels heavier.

There are two systems for measuring the size of tennis racket handles: European (in units) and American (in inches). The handle size is usually indicated on the end cap of the racket handle. You can select a racket with the correct handle by holding the racket in your hand (when you wrap your hand around the handle, the index finger of the other hand should be placed between the base of your palm and the fingers) or using a comparison table:

Tennis racket handle size chart:

Handle size
(American system)
Handle size
(European system)
4 0 children
4 1 /8 1 children
4 1/4 (4 2 /8) 2 children/women
4 3 /8 3 women/men
4 1/2 (4 4 /8) 4 men
4 5 /8 5 men

Tennis handle sizes larger than 5 are rare and are usually made to order.

Tennis racket head and dimensions

Another characteristic of a racket that affects the quality of the game is the size of the racket head or, in more professional language, the area of ​​the string surface. Ball control and impact power depend on this parameter.

Tennis racket head size chart.

Tennis racket balance

The balance of the racket can be neutral, as well as in the head or handle. To a greater extent, balance affects the accuracy of the strike and its power. It is possible to determine the balance of a racket visually, by feeling the advantage, or at certain points that indicate the number 1/8 between the middle of the racket and its center of gravity.

Racket weight

The average weight of a standard tennis racket is 290-300 grams. Of course, there are both heavier and lighter models. The ease of the swing and the power of the blow will depend on the weight of the racket.

Racket length

The length of the racket is chosen solely according to the height of the tennis player, therefore, as a rule, it only matters for children's rackets.

Tennis racket size chart.

You can make the right choice and purchase a racket that is ideal for your level of training and style of play only by being very well versed in all the features of this product, which cannot be included in one even such a voluminous article, or by trusting the experience of a specialist.

We help you choose and buy a racket that will fully meet all the necessary requirements, delight you and instill a sense of confidence in every training session and during the game.

Racket handle size. Racket sizes for adults range from 10 to 10 and 5/8. These are numbers in centimeters, they show the size handles, a line from the curve of your palm to the tip of your ring finger.

  • A proven method is to take the racket in one hand and place the index finger of the other hand between the tips of your fingers and the base of your palm.
  • If the index finger does not fit, then the racket handle is too small.
  • If there is too much free space, the handle is too big.
  • If you have to choose between two sizes, choose the smaller one because you can always make the handle larger by wrapping it tape(soft, rag tape that wraps around the handle).

Head size. The size of your racket head will depend on your playing style.

  • Large rackets have a head area of ​​266-330 square centimeters. This is why they are ideal for beginners - the large area of ​​the head with which to hit the ball means fewer misses. The larger head size also allows for better spin on the ball and more force in the shot.
  • Traditional medium-sized racquets are used by more experienced players, and the working surface of the racket ranges from 215 to 266 square centimeters. A smaller head gives greater maneuverability and reliability, but at the same time it requires more force to strike.
  • The weight of the racket and the material from which it consists. Most rackets are made from graphite. It makes the racquet light, controllable, and yet still capable of delivering quite a powerful hit. All this makes it ideal for beginner players. Other rackets for beginners are also made from lightweight aluminum or titanium. Such rackets also develop good hitting power and at the same time improve ball control during the stroke. The lightest and fairly rigid rackets are made of Kevlar or boron. As a result, when you miss, vibration is transmitted to the hand. These rackets are more often used by professionals. You can play with wooden and plastic rackets, but you are unlikely to be able to play your best with them. To sum it up, the lightest racquet is not necessarily the best for beginners because you need to hit the ball harder and you lose accuracy and ball control.

    Racket length. The traditional length of a racket is 68-71 centimeters, but you can take a longer racket, up to 73 centimeters. The longer the racket, the longer the swing and the stronger the blow.

    Bezel width. The rim is the part around the head of the racket. A wide rim, due to the fact that the strings are springy, gives the blow greater force, but at the same time the degree of control of the ball decreases.

    String tension. Most racquets you buy will already have the strings at half tension, but you can then tighten the strings if necessary. The tighter the strings are, the greater the control of the ball and the more twisted the serve is. Therefore, if you are working on accuracy, it is better to tighten the strings. Less string tension means more hitting power with less ball control. More experienced players prefer to play with tight strings, which gives more control over the ball.

Tennis is an Olympic sport that is popular among Russian residents. To play it easily and with pleasure, you need to know how to choose the right tennis racket.

Tennis racket structure

The racket consists of several elements:

  1. Head. This is the working surface of the racket, in which the main place is occupied by the rim and stretched strings. A good racket should have a head without sagging, and the tension should be the same at any point on the surface. When choosing, also pay attention to the material. It must be strong and durable.
  2. Lever. The part of the racket that an athlete holds when playing tennis. It is good if the handle is made of a reliable surface that will not slip out of your hands. Practice shows that losses often occur due to the inconvenience of the handle.
  3. Fork. It is a special connection in the shape of the letter V of the fork and handle. Technically, the fork's job is to absorb the impact of the ball on the head. The inevitable vibrations are dampened, and the player gets less tired.

Important: beginner tennis players can buy a racket without a fork. This is a grave mistake, since such rackets are used for another game - badminton.

Types of tennis rackets


Specially designed models for practicing strong shots and developing playing skills.

Among the distinctive features is the large head area. The minimum value is 690 square centimeters. Accordingly, the weight of such rackets increases. It can reach up to 300 grams.

The maximum length of the rackets is approximately 70 centimeters, and the balance is shifted towards the head. The center of gravity is usually located at around 38.5 centimeters, although different models may demonstrate different indicators.

The grid is open and has 19 strings horizontally and 16 vertically. Experts usually explain: such a net stretches quite quickly, and therefore rackets are used relatively infrequently and exclusively for training.

Important: if you want to purchase a racket that will serve you for many years without additional repairs or improvements, it is better to choose a different model.

However, training rackets also have advantages. First of all, an affordable price and the ability to spin the ball due to a shifted center of gravity. Finally, a large head makes the game easier - it's easier to hit the ball.

However, in the vast majority of cases, such rackets are used exclusively for practicing strikes.


Such rackets are otherwise called club rackets, and in English they have a wonderful name - tweener. The head can be from 590 to 660 square centimeters, and the maximum weight reaches 320 grams.

However, the formula and balancing are already very different. In fact, you can find any kind of amateur rackets. Experienced tennis players decide for themselves what to prefer: maneuverability or striking power.

Typically, such rackets are considered universal. This means that they are equally comfortable to serve or return.

You can send curved balls, which is very convenient in competitions. Practice shows that it is these types of balls that are most difficult for most to hit.

Most often, such rackets are sold with neutral balance. This means their versatility, and the range presented in stores makes it easy to choose a model specifically for yourself.


Distinctive features of the rackets are their heavy weight, which can reach 370 grams, and a small head, whose maximum dimensions are only 610 square centimeters.

The balance shifts to the handle. The player is able to better control the playing instrument, but the blow is not very strong.

Important: the lack of striking power is compensated by the athlete’s own strength, as well as by well-developed playing technique.

Professional rackets are available only in specialized stores, and they usually sell for a fairly high price. Therefore, playing tennis with professional rackets requires significant funds.

However, professional rackets have ideal ergonomics, which have been tested in practice.

Criteria for choosing a tennis racket


Preferences depend on the characteristics of the athlete and the nature of the game. There is a rule: the heavier the instrument, the stronger the blows. However, you should not immediately choose the heaviest rackets. If you're not used to it, it can be uncomfortable.

The small impact force from light rackets can be compensated by the ability to play well and the player’s own strength.

Rackets weighing from 240 to 280 grams are best suited for beginners, lighter equipment for children, and heavier equipment for men.

This rule is not universal. If you wish, you can choose a different model that suits your playing style.


The preferred racket length depends on your tennis experience.

Beginners choose short options up to 69 centimeters. The models allow you to hit and direct the ball better and are easy to maintain and control.

Professionals prefer longer racquets due to the ability to hit significantly harder shots.

However, long rackets cannot boast the same level of maneuverability.

Some people prefer a middle ground, choosing a racket of medium length. However, most professionals believe that this approach will not allow you to make truly powerful balls and will not provide the control that a small racket could provide.


Tennis rackets can have three types of balancing:

  1. To the head. Suitable for players who prefer to attack and deliver powerful blows. Professionals who remember that the best defense is an attack often recommend these rackets. The enemy will be forced to switch mainly to defense, and for your victory the enemy only needs to make one mistake.
  2. Into the handle. This racket, on the contrary, is suitable for people who prefer defense. Precision and maneuverability provide ideal protection that will not be so easy to break through. The attacking opponent will not be able to defend himself and will lose - this is how another part of the professional players thinks.
  3. Centered. The golden mean between power and agility. It will allow you to attack and defend, but it will not allow you to make such powerful blows as rackets with balancing in the head and as accurate as rackets with balancing in the handle.

Each player chooses a racquet with a balance that is ideal for his playing style.

Material of manufacture

The material determines the period during which the racket will retain its high consumer properties:

  1. Aluminum. The material is lightweight and affordable. Breaking it is not an easy task, but bending it is quite possible.
  2. Graphite. Hit of the season and the choice of modern professionals. The material is light and very durable. True, it costs much more than aluminum.
  3. Titanium. Suffice it to say that titanium alloys are used to make parts for space rockets. Of course, a different type of titanium is used there, but the material for rackets also has significant consumer properties. The only negative is that it costs more than graphite.
  4. Hypercarbon. Material created by specialists from NASA. Weighs less than titanium, but is much stronger. Suitable for children and women.

The best performance is demonstrated by composite materials that combine the positive properties of many materials at once.

String surface

The following labeling options are found in stores:

  1. Midsize. The smallest rackets. Their advantage is ease of control and quality of impact. But they can only be used by real professionals.
  2. Midplus. The most common. They allow you to hit the ball and provide impact force.
  3. Oversize. Head of increased area. Suitable for beginners. Due to the size, the number of unsuccessful hits is reduced.
  4. Superoversize. The largest rackets that allow you to make powerful shots, but control much worse.

The number of strings also varies. Although there is a wide variety in stores, the weaving formula is usually either 16x19 or 18x20. The first option allows you to throw curveballs, but the racket quickly deteriorates; the second option guarantees control, but there is a huge load on the handle.


Everything depends directly on the player. Usually the handle fits your palm. The most important thing is ergonomics. A good handle should fit in the palm of your hand.

Rim width

The wide rim is suitable for beginners who are just taking their first steps in tennis. Ideal for slow swings.

The narrow rim is suitable for professional players.

How to choose a tennis racket?

Good afternoon. In this short article I will try to tell you about the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a tennis racket.

How to choose a tennis racket for a child?

Children's tennis rackets come in different sizes, depending on the age of the child. The shortened racket size (racket length) helps children make shots more confidently without putting excessive stress on their joints. When switching to the next racket size, be sure to discuss the issue with your coach. With a heavier racket, the child's blows will appear stronger, but this will increase the load on the child's fragile joints (hand, elbow, shoulder) and increase the risk of injury.

The table below will help you navigate the racket size for your child. Pay special attention to the length of the racket (it is indicated in inches). This is the most important parameter when choosing a racket for a child.

Child's age

Child's height (cm) Racket weight (in grams) Racket Length (inch))

34 years

100 cm.

149 grams

17 inches

5 - 6 years

116 cm.

157 grams

6 - 7 years

125 cm. 175 grams

7 - 8 years

135 cm. 195 grams

9 years

140 cm. 215 grams
10+ years

145 cm.

245 - 255 grams

When choosing companies, I advise you to pay attention to rackets Wilson, Babolat, Head, Yonex. These are leaders in the production of high-quality tennis equipment.

When choosing a racket for a child, it is better to go to the store with him, since it is important that not only you, but also he likes the racket.

I do not recommend buying rackets in sports hypermarkets; it is better to go to a specialized tennis store. There you will receive expert advice and select excellent equipment.

How to choose a tennis racket for an adult?

When choosing a tennis racket for an adult, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The adult racquet size is 27 inches.
  2. Adult rackets have a wide variety of handle thicknesses (usually sizes 2 and 3 are recommended for girls, 3 and 4 for men). But here everything is individual and depends on the size of the palm. I advise you to select the handle of the racket as follows: when you wrap your palm around the handle, from the tips of your fingers to the base of your thumb there should be a distance as thick as your index finger.

3. For Beginners rackets made of composite material or inexpensive graphite rackets are suitable (the cost of these ranges from 3,500 to 6,000 rubles). It is advisable that the weight of the racket does not exceed 280 grams (for women) and 300 grams (for men).

4. For amateurs or those who have already mastered the basic skills of the game in tennis, I advise you to pay attention to graphite rackets (price from 6,000 to 15,000). The weight of the racket depends on the individual characteristics of each person, but you can focus on the rule - The stronger you are, the heavier the racket can be. However, I do not recommend choosing rackets for girls heavier than 300 grams, and for men 315 grams.

5. For experienced players and athletes Sports rackets are recommended for use. The material of such rackets is the most modern, weight usually ranges from 295 to 325 grams. These are real "killer rackets"- they hit accurately, powerfully, on target. The cost of such rackets usually starts from 10-12 thousand rubles and can reach 20 thousand rubles or more.

Also, remember that it is also very important how the racket lies in your hand, your feelings from owning this racket. If, when choosing a racket from two or three proposed options, you like one more than the others - choose it!

What is overgrip and how to choose it?

P.S. When buying a racket in a specialized store, you will probably be offered to take additional winding - overgrip. The overgrip is wound over the racket handle onto the main winding ( basic flu) the one with which you bought the racket.