WWII allied races of the alliance. Battle for Azeroth: Allied Races

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Very often I get asked questions about races, which one is better to take for your character, whether it is worth changing your race to an allied one, so today we will look at this question in more detail. I will consider new wow races and racial abilities in beta, bfa is just around the corner :) I’ll say right away that changing the race is only possible through the services in the Blizzard store, so you need to choose carefully.
And many are very interested in the most popular races in wow, and today we will look at all the races that will be available in battle for azeroth (bfa), the battle for azeroth is a new addition to world of warcraft wow 8.0, in it we will add 8 allied races. Well, in the world of warcraft legion I think we've all played enough already :)

alliance allied races

Void elves are a "dark" version of blood elves, only with the ends of their hair glowing blue. To open these races, you must first pre-order and then go through the main quest chain on Argus. The last requirement is exalted with the defenders of argus. Then we need to go through a small scenario with an allergy to join the abyss elves to the alliance.

Lightforged draenei, a slightly expanded recolor of regular draenei. The conditions are similar, you need a pre-order, you need to complete the Argus quest chain, you need exaltation, but this time with the army of light on Argus.

Since there is no sensible information about the people of Kultiras, the dark iron dwarves close our list of the alliance. As in the case of the draenei, a slightly expanded recolor. Pre-order required, you need to complete the Alliance War Campaign and Exalted with the Seventh Legion.

allied races horde

Nightborne. They come from Suramar, therefore, we will receive them through a chain of quests for the uprising in Suramar and leveling up our reputation to exaltation. Don't forget about pre-order.

In addition to the nightborne, the old tauren of the high mountains also joined the horde, which differ from ordinary ones in having larger horns. We buy a pre-order, go through the chain, reuniting the tauren tribes and reach the level of exalted reputation.

Maghar orcs can be obtained directly in the Battle for Azeroth. The conditions for receiving are still unknown, but it seems to me that they will be little different from others. Completing a horde campaign and becoming exalted with a faction.

There is no exact information yet about the Zandalari trolls, as well as about the Kul Tiras people, but data miners have so far only found the name of their racial abilities.

In this video you will learn how to unlock the allied races: abyss elves, people of Kul Tiras, Zandalari trolls, mag"har orcs (orc mag"har), lightened draenei, nightborne elves and dark iron dwarves.

The Same FDK was with you, enjoy watching, see you at
the vastness of the battle for Azeroth!

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Even before Blizzcon, there was a rumor that the expansion would include so-called subraces - variations of already existing races in the game. These rumors were more than fully confirmed. Let's list what we know today.

First, let's list the main points:

  • the race of an existing character cannot be changed to a subrace (unless by paying);
  • You can play as an allied race from level 20;
  • those who level up from level 20 to 110 will receive unique inherited armor that can be used for transmogrification;
  • Alliance Allied Races:
    • Elves of the Abyss;
    • Lightforged Draenei;
    • Dwarves of the Dark Iron clan;
  • Horde Allied Races:
    • Highmountain tauren;
    • Nightborne Elves;
    • Zandalari Trolls;
  • The number of character slots on one server will be increased to 6;
  • There will be new allied races in the future.

Below are some details about the two races. A small note: in addition Battle for Azeroth races will get their raid buffs back, so choosing a race won't be purely cosmetic

Lightforged Draenei. We have already met these draenei on Argus - they are sanctified by the Light, which makes them stronger in the fight against the Legion and the forces of the Abyss. Customization options include changing the shape of horns and tattoos. They have the following racial abilities:

  • Light’s Judgment - a strike of Light energy that after 3 seconds will inflict 5,150 lvl. from Light magic to all enemies within a radius of 5m, CD 2.5 min.;
  • Forge of Light - the ability to create and use an anvil. In addition, the blacksmithing skill increases by 10 points;
  • Demonbane (passive) - experience bonus for killing animals - 20%;
  • Final Verdict (passive) - after your death, the Light takes revenge for you and inflicts 1.248 lvl. from Light magic to all enemies within a radius of 8 m, and also heals allies by 1,486 units;
  • Holy Resistance (passive) - reduces damage received from Light magic by 1%.

Highmountain Taurens. This is the Tauren tribe we dealt with on the Broken Isles. They are given the following racial abilities:

  • Bull Rush - For 1 sec. runs forward, knocking opponents down for 1.5 seconds. Recovery: 2 min;
  • Pride of Ironhorn (passive) - tauren dig ore faster and their Mining skill is increased by 15;
  • Mountaineer (passive) - increases versatility by 1%;
  • Rugged Tenacity (passive) - reduces damage taken by 330;
  • Waste Not. Want Not (passive) - a chance to get additional meat and fish;

Already become known appearance heirloom armor for these races. Screenshots under the cut.

Allied Races Armor

Lightforged Draenei

Void Elves

Dark Iron Dwarves

Zandalari trolls

Highmountain Taurens

Nightborne Elves

A couple of comments regarding this innovation. To be honest, when these subraces were shown, I was thinking about the existing character creation process. The character appearance editor became obsolete five years ago, if not more. Take any MMO and see how many options there are for customizing the appearance. Even in EVE Online, for which the appearance of the pilot is, in principle, not important and is much more like an advanced editor. Therefore, with the new models, it would be logical to create a more advanced editor, and not the squalor that is now in the game. This makes all these allied races look kind of funny. Racial bonuses still look pretty poor (as before). Perhaps there will be some interesting quests, for example, the story of why the Nightborne defected to the Horde. Then this is interesting. To be honest, it is not yet clear what the point of introducing these subraces is, other than to get another set for transmog, and also so that the Alliance members can play as Bloodelfs.

Finally there is an opportunity to get allied races in WWII! Since pre-orders for the new addition WOW: Battle for Azeroth started on January 30th. Once you receive the new expansion, you will be able to unlock four allied races. But don’t rush to rejoice; in order to finally get them, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements. But after you do everything, a bonus will await you in the form of cool heirloom armor, mounts and many other interesting features!

How to unlock allied races

To unlock allied races, you simply need to pre-order the new World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth expansion.

As I wrote above, there is no need to rush; you must fulfill a number of requirements to obtain new races:

  • You will need to complete a chain of quests for each race;
  • You must level up your reputation to Exalted for each race;
  • You need to make several achievements.

After you achieve exalted reputation, you must go to the embassy of Orgrimmar or Stormwind, and choose any of the four available races and take on story quests.

A more detailed guide for each race can be found here:

Once you pre-order BfA, you'll be able to play as the new Allied Race characters - Highmountain Tauren, Lightforged Draenei, Nightborne, and Void Elves. When you log into the game, chains of quests will become available to you to accept allies into your faction, after completing which you will be able to create characters of these races.

But in order to receive quest chains, you first need to fulfill certain conditions unique to each race. This is reputation with one or another Legion faction and some kind of achievement. Below we will describe these conditions in detail, as well as the racial abilities of the new allies!

Important! In order to gain access to any allied race, All requirements to obtain it must be met on one character. It doesn’t matter which faction he belongs to. And it is not necessary to open all accesses with the same character. For example, Highmountain tauren can be opened by one, Nightborne by another, and so on.

Highmountain Tauren - Horde

Mighty and proud descendants of Huln Highmountain, a great hero of the War of the Ancients, the Highmountain tauren follow the path of their ancestors, honoring nature and spirits and celebrating wisdom and strength.
Despite the disasters brought by the Burning Legion's invasion, the Highmountain tauren have survived, and are now ready to leave their native lands and join the Horde, a faction that was founded largely thanks to the distant relatives of the Highmountain tauren, the Mulgore tauren.

Racial abilities:

  • Bullish onslaught - The character makes a dash, knocking down his enemies.
  • Highlander - The versatility indicator of Krutogorians has been increased.
  • Pride of the Iron Horn - Krutogorians are born blacksmiths! Blacksmithing and Mining skills increased.
  • Durable skin - Damage taken from basic attacks is reduced.
  • Thrift- with some probability, a Krutogorsk resident can receive additional meat and fish when extracting these resources.

Available classes:

  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Shaman
  • Monk
  • Get the Highmountain tribes to praise your character.
  • Get the "Knee-deep Mountains" achievement with the same character.

Nightborne - Horde

The inhabitants of Suramar spent more than ten thousand years under a magical dome that protected them from the rest of the world. Over such a long period of time they have become dependent on magical power The Night Well, the city's source of energy. In order to survive and protect their people, the Nightborne elite entered into an alliance with the Burning Legion, not knowing what this would lead to.
Thanks to the efforts of the heroes, the demons were driven out of the city, the demon worshipers were put to the sword, and the inhabitants of Suramar were saved. The Nightborne decided they needed a powerful ally, and they found one in the Horde!

Racial abilities:

  • Ancient history- drawing skill increased.
  • Kinship with magic- magic damage dealt increased by 1%.
  • Focus- calls for a magical mailbox.
  • Arcane Impulse- deals minor damage and slows down affected enemies.
  • Arcane Resistance and - damage received from arcane magic is reduced by 1%.

Available classes:

  • Hunter
  • Monk
  • Robber
  • Warlock

Requirements to gain access to the race:

  • Get the Nightfallen to praise your character.
  • Get the "Uprising" achievement with the same character.

Lightforged Draenei - Alliance

For many thousands of years, the Army of Light has continuously fought the demons of the Burning Legion in all corners of the Universe. Those draenei who decide to completely devote their lives to the fight against demons undergo a special ritual, thanks to which they absorb a piece of Light, becoming Illuminated.
When Sargeras was imprisoned in the Throne of the Pantheon, and the Burning Legion ceased to exist, the Lightforged draenei had a new goal - to protect Azeroth and their people, and to fulfill this they joined the Alliance.

Racial abilities:

  • Horn of Light- Blacksmithing skill increased. Ability to summon the Forge of Light.
  • Light Resistance- damage received from the forces of Light is reduced by 1%.
  • Justice of Light- Enemies in the selected area receive damage from Light magic.
  • Retribution of Light- after death, it explodes with Light magic, causing damage to enemies and healing allies in a small radius.
  • Demon Storm- experience for killing demons is increased by 20%.

Available classes:

  • Hunter
  • Paladin

Requirements to gain access to the race:

  • Get your character exalted by the Army of Light.
  • Get the achievement "Now you are ready!" with the same character.

Void Elves - Alliance

The Void Elves are the outcasts among the outcasts. Formerly Blood Elves, they began to try to harness the power of the Abyss in order to direct it for the good of Azeroth. But the power of this dark magic is too great, many lost their minds and died at the hands of their own brothers. When the authorities of Quel'thalas found out about these experiments, they expelled the future Void Elves.
Alleria Windrunner, the first mortal who managed to truly harness the Void, set out to help the Void Elves, because they still remain her people. Having accepted Alleria's offer, the outcasts of Quel'Thalas joined the Alliance.

Racial abilities:

  • Child of the night- damage received from Dark magic is reduced by 1%.
  • Unity with entropy- when using abilities, there is a chance to be strengthened by the essence of the Abyss, increasing damage and healing by 5%.
  • Now you are ready! "by the same character.