How to use a hand saw. Sawing with a hand circular saw

How Right work with a circular saw

Start with a good disc

For clean cross-cutting of bulky wood, decorative plywood and other sheet and board materials, replace the standard 24-tooth blade found on most models with a 50-60-tooth blade. And for most cuts, when quality requirements are not very high, use a 40-tooth blade. How to Properly Cut Trees with a Chainsaw. How to cut with a hand-held circular saw. Wood carving with a chainsaw: video instructions on how to do it yourself, features of cutting out products, shapes, attachments for sanding wood, how to cut trees correctly, price, photo. And only for longitudinal sawing of bulky wood, install the standard 24-tooth disc again.

Get rid of chips in one of three ways

The teeth of the saw blade rotate in a forward and upward direction. The underside of the workpiece, where the teeth enter the material, almost always remains unstained and without chips. On the contrary, the top side is usually so disfigured by chips that it cannot be used in visible areas of the product (compare three photos with different degrees of chipping). Therefore, if possible, for cutting, always lay the sheet or gloss face down. And if you have to to nag on the front side, use one of these techniques to keep the edges of the cut clean.

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1. How to properly use a circular saw. To properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw, use how to cut quite. How to use a circular saw correctly. And if you have to cut on the front side. Preparatory pruning

Make the cut in two steps instead of one. The first shallow pass will cleanly cut the wood fibers located near the surface, and they will not be torn upward during the final cut.

How to use a circular saw correctly

Safety precautions when working with disk drive saw. Rules and tricks when working with circular saws. On development

Ruler for a hand-held circular saw or how to cut straight.

Set a goal to nag smooth. 30.How to cut perfectly evenly with a hand-held circular saw or how to saw. As a result, this simple device appeared. ;))))

2.Use an anti-splinter pad

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To press down surface wood fibers, especially on thin veneered materials, and prevent chipping where the blade teeth emerge from the material, attach to the soleplate circular saw a plate made of hard hardboard. How to cut plywood correctly. By smoothly plunging a rotating disk into the bearing and sawing through it, you will receive an anti-splinter lining, the width of the spill in which will exactly correspond to the thickness saw blade. It will help minimize chipping.

Attention! Be extremely careful when working with such a pad, as it prevents the protective casing from covering the disc from below.

3. Which one you are going to cut correctly. How to use a circular saw correctly. About the intricacies of working with a circular saw. Make a guide bar

This guide rail will not only help you deal with chips, but it will also make cutting easier without you having to resort to calculations. Make it as shown in the picture. Adjust the width according to the dimensions your saw. Features of the process, how to use a circular saw yourself. Useful tips and tricks, necessary rules. We made a guide rail about one and a half meters long for cutting plywood sheets. The distance between the edge of the base and the stop should be 10-12 mm greater than the distance from the saw blade to the edge


Before using a circular saw, you need to know what they are. For example, circular saws with 6-inch blades are used for cutting lumber in the construction industry; they are also used for cutting plywood and composite materials. Saws with a blade diameter of 8 - 10 inches are mainly used on an industrial scale for cutting logs; they are heavy and quite large in size. There are also saws with 5-inch discs; they have blades with very small teeth; such models can operate on either AC or battery power.

Study the functionality of the circular saw and learn how to configure it. Most circular saws can be adjusted for the inclination of the blade, which allows you to make beveled cuts, and for the depth of the blade, this makes it possible to make cuts of the required depth. Circular saws are usually equipped with special guides that allow you to make parallel cuts along the edge of the material. When choosing a tool, you should also pay attention to the presence of a protective casing. It allows you to protect a person from cutting parts.

Choose the right blade types for the job at hand. For example, if you are using a saw to cut hardwood, you will need tungsten carbide tipped blades. Pay attention to the type of blade. Blades with a small number of teeth are used for rough cutting, while blades with a number of teeth of 40 or more produce more precise cuts. For cutting metal sheets (galvanized, copper, aluminum, etc.), blades made of specially hardened alloys are used. They have very fine carbon steel teeth and are well suited for cutting such materials.

To cut material with a circular saw, find a suitable surface for this. The saw blade should not come into contact with anything other than the material itself. Usually special racks are used for these purposes; you can also make them yourself.

Before you start cutting, take all the required measurements and mark the material accordingly. Choose the right blade for the job. Match the size of the blade to what you need to do; a blade that is too large can increase the kickback of the saw.

Place the saw on the surface to be cut and align the blade with the drawn outline. As a rule, the saw blade is open on the right side, this allows you to control the correctness of the cut. If you are sawing a long surface, you can use special guide grooves located directly in front of the blade to control the cutting. Make sure that this notch always follows your outline.

When cutting materials with a regular saw, half of the energy is wasted, as it is spent returning the tool to its original position. Therefore, the invention of such a tool as the electric hand-held circular saw was a real breakthrough in its time. The cutting blade of this tool moves only in one direction, so the work efficiency is extremely high. A circular saw is often used for cutting various materials, and its electric version is a very effective tool that is often used in everyday life and in production.

The device of an electric circular hand saw

Each model of hand-held electric circular saw works on the same principle. An electric motor is hidden inside the tool body, which rotates the cutting disc. The main differences always lie in the type of construction - manual or electric. The disk in a manual circular saw is driven manually, as the name implies, but in an electric one there is an electric motor. These two types of saws differ not only in weight and dimensions, but also in the method of transmitting torque. In a hand-held circular saw with the possibility of stationary installation, the disc is mounted directly on the shaft, but in electric models, the torque is transmitted by a drive belt.

Compact and powerful hand-held circular saw Mafell K 65

Also, regardless of the type of saw, it has a special support platform that allows you to adjust the depth of the cut and its angle.

A separate type of electric hand-held mini-circular saws are battery-powered models. Of course, they cannot boast the same power as their counterparts operating from the network, but with their help you can carry out work far from sources of electricity.

When building a country house, it is convenient to use a cordless saw. Its light weight and compact dimensions will prevent you from getting tired quickly while cutting materials, and the battery lasts well without recharging for more than one hour.

Additional attachments to control cutting accuracy make working with the circular saw easier

Like any other complex tools, circular saws come in:

  • household - characterized by relatively low power and a set of settings, but they are extremely easy to use and do an excellent job of cutting small volumes of materials;
  • semi-professional - a little more powerful and functional than household ones, but not up to professional standards;
  • professional - can withstand heavy loads during long-term operation, can have a number of useful additional functions, and are used in the field of professional construction.

If you plan to frequently saw large volumes of building materials, then you cannot do without a professional model. But for ordinary repairs on your own, a semi-professional saw will be enough.

Bosch PKS 16 Multi hand-held mini circular saw - lightweight and compact tool

How to choose the right circular saw

There are a huge number of models of circular hand saws on the modern construction tools market. If you are wondering which hand-held circular saw to choose, there are a number of nuances to understand. First of all, when choosing a saw, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

The support platform allows you to adjust the cutting depth

Models with a battery are very convenient to use for working in places where there is no access to electricity

  • disk rotation speed - the density of the material that the saw can cut depends on this parameter. Also, the higher the rotation speed, the cleaner the cut; Many users mistakenly believe that the greater the engine power, the higher the disk speed. In fact, there is no direct connection between these two parameters. Low-power saws for cutting chipboard have a high number of revolutions and cut brittle material cleanly.

Circular saw with bevel adjustment function

Electric hand circular saw: additional functions

Many modern saws have a number of additional features that allow you to perform more accurate cuts and many other things. Below we consider a number of popular and useful functions:

immersion in the material - this function makes it possible, when working with material, to start cutting it not from the edge of the sheet, but from any place;

Rockwell RK3440K corded mini circular saw with laser pointer

  • soft start - the disk begins to rotate smoothly, and not immediately at maximum speed. This extends its service life;
  • laser pointer - if available, there is no need for a guide bar for a hand-held circular saw. But for this you will need certain skills, since a beginner who picks up a circular electric hand saw for the first time will not be able to make an accurate and even cut;
  • a stationary system for removing dust and chips is a very practical thing for small amounts of work. For example, the Makita 5017 RKB circular saw has such a container, which makes it very convenient for working in confined spaces.

In addition to all of the above, the presence of hinged protection covering part of the disk is very important.

The Makita 5017 RKB circular saw is equipped with a plastic container for collecting sawdust and an effective dust extraction system

Selecting blades for a circular hand-held circular saw

The main working part of any circular saw is the cutting disc. It is with its help that the material is cut. How to choose circular saw blades with the right blades? You need to consider what materials you plan to work with. Thus, a blade with trapezoidal teeth is excellent for precise work with many materials; alternating teeth are used to cut wood along the grain. For harder materials, it is recommended to use hardened or carbide-tipped blades. The cost of sharpening carbide-tipped circular saws is higher than regular ones, but they last longer and provide more efficient operation.

The main characteristics of circular saw blades are the outer diameter, blade thickness and number of teeth. The most common and universal type of disks is 20 centimeter.

To prevent the work blade from moving to the side, use a guide bar when working with a circular saw.

The external size of the disk is not as important as the internal one. It is the inner diameter that is the landing parameter. It is impossible to attach an incorrectly selected blade to the saw.

The quality and pace of work depends on the number of disc teeth. For a more accurate cut, the number of teeth should be larger, but in this case the work will be slower than with a disk with fewer teeth.

Ideally, a good owner should always have several different discs on hand in order to work most effectively with various materials.

The quality of straight work depends on the selected circular saw blade.

Rules for working with a circular hand saw

Despite all the protective measures and additional accessories, a circular saw is a rather dangerous tool. In order to minimize the likelihood of injury during work, a number of simple rules should be followed. So, you should use circular saws with a guide bar so that the blade does not accidentally go to the side. The part should be secured as securely as possible, and the saw should be pressed harder against it. If the saw has various additional functions, you should familiarize yourself with them before starting work.

To operate a circular saw safely, you must follow the operating instructions and be sure to use safety glasses.

How to choose the circular saw that best suits your needs? If you do not have experience working with this class of tools, then it is better to consult with specialists. And remember that even the most praised saws, such as Bosch circular saws, are not universal, so it is always better to have a set of blades or even several saws on hand if you plan to regularly work with different materials.

The main operation in the woodworking industry is sawing. And one of the best tools for performing such a task is a circular saw. If you use a jigsaw, then, like many other home craftsmen, you may mistakenly think that it is more versatile and easier to use. This is, of course, true, but for creating straight cuts, a circular saw is still better suited. And in order for the work to be as safe, productive and high-quality as possible, you need to know about the design features of this tool and the rules for its use.

A circular saw is used to create straight cuts in a variety of materials.

What you need to know about circular saw design

The design of all amateur and semi-professional models is almost the same. Expensive professional units are equipped with additional elements and functions, but if you do not plan to open your own sawmill, you will not need such a tool.

One of the main structural elements is the base plate. The tool is directly attached to it. Despite its apparent simplicity, this element is very important. The base plate can be made of aluminum alloy and stamping.

Stamping is cheaper. Such a plate is quite strong, but any more or less strong mechanical impacts, even an ordinary fall, lead to deformation of the product. But it is impossible to get a high-quality cut from a saw with a deformed base plate. And you are unlikely to be able to straighten it yourself. Stampings have less rigidity than their cast counterparts. Therefore, if you have a sufficient budget, then it is better to buy a slab with a cast support. The only drawback of such products is that they can break if dropped. However, here everything depends on the caution and responsibility of the user.

The base plates of almost all saws are equipped with a stop mount. Thanks to this element, relatively accurate parallel cuts can be obtained. Almost all modern models are equipped with a parallel stop. This stop is attached to the front, but there are also models that allow it to be attached both to the back and to the front.

If you have to cut very delicate materials, then you need to put a special attachment on the sole of the base plate. Typically, such attachments are included by the manufacturer in the kit. For professional models, the support plates are equipped with a special groove that allows you to work with the guide rail. With this element you can achieve the highest possible accuracy of work. However, guides are usually not included in the kit; they must be purchased separately.

Purpose and use of tool elements

Circular saws are equipped with many different elements and additional functions. For example, quite often instruments have an additional handle. There is no point in talking about its purpose - it makes working with the tool more convenient. The only thing that needs to be noted is that this element comes in 2 types. The most convenient, according to user reviews, is the handle mounted on the saw platform. Most often, tools are equipped with an additional handle in the shape of a mushroom.

The circular saw must be equipped with a protective cover. This element consists of two parts. The lower one is movable, the upper one is fixed. There is a special hole in the upper part through which sawdust is removed during operation. The hole can have different shapes. If you do not connect a vacuum cleaner to your saw, then you can not pay attention to the shape of the hole. If the vacuum cleaner will be connected, then it is better to select a tool with a round hole, otherwise you will have to additionally look for a special adapter.

Circular saws must be equipped with a riving knife. It is designed to prevent the disk from being pinched during operation. This element is secured with a pair of bolts. To make it easier to install and remove, there is a special hole in the upper casing of the saw. But there are also models without such a hole. In such a situation, to gain access to the fasteners, the saw must be installed in a position that corresponds to the zero cut. It is quite rare to dismantle the knife. Usually the need for this arises when the workpiece has to be cut from the middle, and not from the edge.

It is important to know how to operate the tool's start button. For circular saws it is not entirely simple. This button is associated with a safety mechanism that eliminates the risk of accidentally starting the saw. That is, you will not be able to press this button until you press the unlock button. Thanks to this solution, the circular saw becomes as convenient as possible to use. The button can have different sizes. It is more convenient if it is large.

Another important design element is the spindle locking mechanism. It makes the disk installation process easier. In most cases, it is found exclusively in expensive imported models.

It is important to know how to handle the power cord. This seems very simple at first, but if the saw will be used outdoors in cold weather, it is better to have a rubber insulated power cord. This option is preferable to plastic, because... rubber is more flexible and its elasticity does not decrease at low temperatures.

Quite often, modern models of circular saws are equipped with various electronics. It makes the tool easier to use and more convenient. The most common functions are soft start, overload protection, speed control, and maintaining a constant speed level.

What you need to know about saw blades?

Circular saw blades are used differently for different materials.

One of the most important elements of any circular saw is the saw blade. You need to know that each tool can work with disks of a certain size. It is important to pay attention to such points as the mounting hole and the diameter of the disc. Safety precautions prohibit the use of disks with a larger or smaller diameter than required by the design of a particular tool. This can only be done if special adapters are used.

There are 6 main types of canvases:

  1. Type A. These are saw blades with a large number of variable teeth. Used for cutting plastic products, particle boards and aluminum alloys.
  2. Type B – universal disks. You can cut a variety of wood species and wood-based materials. Provides high quality cuts.
  3. Type C. Discs of this type have fewer teeth compared to previous blades. Used when working with chipboard and soft and hard wood.
  4. Type D. Such blades have a small number of flat teeth. The cut is quite rough. Mainly used for fast cutting.
  5. Type E. Discs have many teeth. Their main purpose is fine cutting of soft wood.
  6. Type P - blades have a small number of teeth. Designed for rough cutting of soft wood.

It is important to consider that a circular saw, like almost any other power tool, is unsafe. Therefore, when working with it, you need to adhere to certain safety measures that will help avoid electric shock, fire and other damage. When working with such a tool, manufacturers recommend observing the following rules:

Before you begin, be sure to check that the extension cord is in good working order and that the saw cord is intact. The circular saw itself must be dry and clean. Check the serviceability of the protective casing.

There are a number of points that are unacceptable when working with a circular saw. It is prohibited to do the following:

  1. Work with damaged and deformed saw blades.
  2. Install discs of the wrong diameter to the tool. An adapter can be used to compensate for the internal diameter, but the external diameter must fully correspond to the capabilities of the tool used.
  3. Work with material containing nails, staples and other metal products. They must be removed before starting sawing.
  4. Install a poorly sharpened disc.
  5. Use the saw without a protective guard.
  6. Start work feeling unwell.
  7. Use the tool with the disc positioned incorrectly (to the side or up).
  8. Use a tool with a faulty trigger button.
  9. Stop the disc using lateral pressure.

How to use a circular saw

Start with a good drive

For clean cross-cuts in solid wood, decorative plywood and other sheet and plate materials, replace the standard 24-tooth blade found on most models with a 50-60-tooth blade. And for most cuts where quality requirements are not too high, use a 40-tooth blade. And only for longitudinal sawing of solid wood, install a regular 24-tooth blade again.

Get rid of chips in one of three ways

Teeth saw blade rotate in a forward and upward direction. The underside of the workpiece, where the teeth enter the material, is almost always left clean, free of chips. In contrast, the top side is usually so defaced with chips that it cannot be used in visible areas of the product (compare three photos with varying degrees of chip severity). Therefore, if possible, always place the sheet or face down for cutting. And if you need to see on the front side, use one of these methods to keep the edges of the cut clean.

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1. Pre-finishing

Make two cuts instead of one. The first shallow pass will clear out the wood fibers located on the surface so that when the final cut is made they will not be pulled up.

How Right work circular saw

Safety precautions when working with disk drive saw. Rules and tricks when working with circular saws. On development

Ruler for manual circular saws or how to cut smoothly.

I set out to cut straight. As a result, this simple device appeared. ;))))

2.Use a face shield

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To press down surface wood grains, especially on malleable veneer materials, and prevent chips from forming where the teeth of the blade emerge from the material, attach a piece of hardboard to the base of the circular saw. By carefully plunging into the load-bearing rotary blade and sawing through it, you will receive an anti-reflective cover with a spill width that will exactly match the thickness of the saw blade. This will help minimize chips.

Attention! Be extremely careful when working with this overlay as it prevents the blade guard from closing from underneath.

3. Make a guide

This guide rail will not only help you handle the chips, but it will also make your cutting job easier without you having to resort to calculations. Do it as shown in the picture. Give the width according to. We made an iron mine guide about a meter and a half long to cut the plywood sheets. The distance between the edge of the base and the stop should be 10-12 mm greater than the distance to the edge of the sole your saw. Sew the edge of the guide rail, pressing the sole against the stop. Now one end of the splint will act as an overlapping pad, pressing the fibers from above. Before cutting, place the tire on the future part, since chips occur on the other edge of the saw, where the fibers are not pressed.