Antarctica plan of characteristics of the geographical location of the continent. Geographical position

Plan for characterizing the geographical location of the continent

  • 1. Determine how the continent is located relative to the most important lines of the degree network: the equator and the prime meridian, the tropics, the polar circles.

  • 2. Determine the coordinates of the extreme points of the continent.

  • 3. Name the climatic zones in which the continent is located.

  • 4. Identify the oceans and seas that wash the continent, the currents passing along its shores.

  • 5. Describe the position of the continent relative to other continents.

  • 6. Describe the ruggedness of the continent’s coastline. Name the largest seas, bays, straits, peninsulas, islands off the coast of the mainland.

  • 1. The continent is almost entirely located beyond the Antarctic Circle.

  • 2. The South Pole lies almost in the central part of the continent.

  • 3. In Antarctica, all shores are only northern.

  • 4. Most of the continent is located east of the meridian line 0-180°

  • 5. Antarctica is isolated from all continents except South America.

  • 6. There is only one extreme point - North on the Antarctic Peninsula. 63°C. w

  • 7. Antarctica lies within a cold thermal zone.

  • 8. Antarctica is larger in area than Australia - 14 million square meters. km

  • 9. The shores of Antarctica are washed by 3 oceans.

History of the development of the mainland

The discovery of Antarctica - this distant, cold, but naturally interesting continent - is associated with the names of these travelers.

A traveler who erased a huge number of “blank spots” on the world map. But his most famous feat is the conquest of the South Pole. The great Norwegian holds one of the first places in the heroic galaxy of courageous people.

  • In 1955, Somov was confirmed as the head of the first Integrated Antarctic Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences. On February 13, 1956, the expedition opened the first Soviet scientific observatory in Antarctica, called "Mirny". In 1962 M.M. Somov becomes the head of the Eighth Seasonal Soviet Antarctic Expedition

A.F. Treshnikov

Hemispheres in which the continent is located: western and eastern.

Position in relation to the prime meridian: intersects.

Position in relation to the equator: south of the equator.

Position in relation to the Southern Tropic: south of the Tropic.

Oceans and seas washing the continent: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Oceans; Weddell, Bellingshausen, Amundsen, Ross seas.

Names and coordinates of the extreme points of the mainland: northern point - Cape Prime 65° S, southern point - South Pole.

The size of the territory and the outlines of the coasts in comparison with other continents: S = 13.8 million km2, S = 16.4 million km2; this is 2 times the S of Australia; The shores are icy and large, only the Antarctic Peninsula stands out.

Position in relation to other continents: south of all continents.

Influence geographical location continent on the formation of nature: The position of the continent within the southern polar circle led to the formation of a harsh climate and the formation of an ice shell.

2. On the map, mark with numbers: South Pole (1); Weddell Sea (2), Ross Sea (3), Bellingshausen Sea (4); Drake Passage (5); Antarctic Current (6); Mount Vinson (7).

3. Use the arrows to match.

  • The discovery of Antarctica was made by F.F. Bellingshausen
  • Roald Amundsen was the first to reach the South Pole
  • M.P. was the first to land on the shores of Antarctica. Lazarev

4. Indicate what impact the following factors had on the nature of Antarctica:

  • a) location in high latitudes: the harsh climate of high latitudes contributed to the formation of natural zones of Antarctic deserts;
  • b) distance from other continents: isolation and formation of endemic species (lack of migration of species);
  • c) the presence of a thick ice cover: poverty flora or lack of vegetation cover, respectively, poverty of the animal world.

Why is the glacier bed in some places below sea level?

The huge mass of the glacial shell submerged the platform into the water, so part of the territory is below sea level; outlet glaciers descend along the slope of the platform.

Why is Antarctica called the “refrigerator” of the Earth?

The mainland with the most low temperatures and max. volume of glaciers.

Why most of iceberg hidden under water?

Due to its large size and mass (the density of ice is slightly lower than the density of water).

6. Provide evidence that the territory of Antarctica is characterized by environmental problems.

Interest in the nature of the continent has sparked active research; human activities are expanding and negatively affecting nature; coastal waters are being polluted by active international transport.

7. Fill out the map “Natural zones of Antarctica” using thematic maps and drawings.

  • Natural area: Antarctic deserts
  • Soils: no or peat bogs
  • Plants: algae, mosses, lichens
  • Animals: 1, 2, 3, 4

What adaptations help them survive?

Accumulation of a thick fat layer, herd lifestyle, food extraction in the seas, dense, non-wetting cover.

“Geographical position of the southern continents” - Pangea 200 million years ago. Minerals of the southern continents. Soil map. Savannas and woodlands of Africa, Australia, and partly South America. How does geographic location affect the nature of the continent? Equator. Why do many rivers have many waterfalls and rapids? Red-brown soils of savannas.

"Lesson from the continent"- Parallels Equator. Oceans. Australia. Africa. At the very edge of the Sahara Desert are the Egyptian pyramids. South America. The gray opossum is a nocturnal inhabitant of the Australian deserts. The platypus is an aquatic animal, lives in water, lays eggs, but feeds its young with milk. Continents and oceans. North and South America.

“Antarctica 7th grade” - First acquaintance with Antarctica. Modern Antarctica. Coal. Natural resources of Antarctica. Iron, copper, lead ores. Lower plants Mosses, lichens, mushrooms, algae are the most unpretentious plants. Discovery of Antarctica and the South Pole. Countries exploring the mainland. Minerals containing bromine, tin, manganese, molybdenum.

"Flora and fauna of Antarctica"- Cryolophosaurus "crested ice lizard." Make a list of protected areas and protected species. Calanus. Emperor penguin. Penguins. Tardigrade. Sea anemones. Killer whale. Blue whale. Sea sponges. Adele. Polar station Leningradskaya. Birds of prey Skua Albatross. Flora and fauna of Antarctica.

"Life on different continents"- Life on different continents. The fields with this plant are completely flooded with water. The largest beetle in the world, up to 18 cm long. They cannot fly, but they swim and dive well; eat fish. Eucalyptus. Lesson: Life on different continents. Victoria region. Sequoia. Mosses, lichens. Antarctica. China. Penguin - Antarctica, eucalyptus -….(Eurasia, Africa, Australia, South America, Antarctica).

"World of Antarctica"- Animals: Animal world connected with the oceans washing the continent. The average daily temperature in summer is no higher than -30 degrees, and in winter below -70 degrees. Ice cover Subglacial relief Climate Organic world. Discoveries and first research. Silent, deserted, mysterious, white, continent. Modern organisms of Antarctica are represented by mosses, lichens, microscopic fungi and algae, etc.

Antarctica Antarctica Concepts Antarctica and Antarctica. The concepts of Antarctica and Antarctica. General information about Antarctica. General information about Antarctica. Iceberg. Iceberg. The history of the discovery of the continent. The history of the discovery of the continent. Geographical location of Antarctica. Geographical location of Antarctica. Discovery of the South Pole. Discovery of the South Pole. Testing students' knowledge. Testing students' knowledge.

General information about the continent The area of ​​Antarctica is 14 million square meters. km. The continent is located within the Antarctic Circle. This continent is the highest and coldest. The thickness of the ice cover is m. The ice of Antarctica contains 80% of the planet's fresh water. Here the strongest winds and frosts reach 89° C. There is no permanent population on the mainland. The area of ​​Antarctica is 14 million square meters. km. The continent is located within the Antarctic Circle. This continent is the highest and coldest. The thickness of the ice cover is m. The ice of Antarctica contains 80% of the planet's fresh water. Here the strongest winds and frosts reach 89° C. There is no permanent population on the mainland.

Iceberg Iceberg Ice is slowly sliding from the continent into the oceans. Ice shelves break off and form icebergs - floating mountains of ice. There are table-shaped and pyramidal icebergs. Ice is slowly sliding from the continent into the oceans. Ice shelves break off and form icebergs - floating mountains of ice. There are table-shaped and pyramidal icebergs.

Scheme of the voyage of the Russian Antarctic expedition.

On January 28, 1820, ships approached the mainland for the first time. As a result of the expedition, the new continent of Antarctica was discovered and 28 objects were mapped and given Russian names. After 751 days of sailing, the sloops “Vostok” and “Mirny” returned to St. Petersburg on August 5, 1821.

Determine the geographical location of Antarctica Determine how the continent is located relative to the equator, the Arctic Circle and the prime meridian. Determine how the continent is located relative to the equator, the Arctic Circle and the prime meridian. In what climatic zones Is Antarctica located? In what climate zones is Antarctica located? Determine which oceans and seas wash the continent. Determine which oceans and seas wash the continent. How is Antarctica located relative to other continents? How is Antarctica located relative to other continents?

Discovery of the South Pole Discovery of the South Pole On December 14, 1911, Norwegian explorer Raul Amundsen and four comrades reached the South Pole. The expedition returned home safely. On December 14, 1911, Norwegian explorer Raul Amundsen and four comrades reached the South Pole. The expedition returned home safely. The English expedition was led by Robert Scott. They reached the South Pole on January 18, 1912. On the way back, R. Scott's group died before reaching 18 km. to the base where there were food and fuel. The English expedition was led by Robert Scott. They reached the South Pole on January 18, 1912. On the way back, R. Scott's group died before reaching 18 km. to the base where there were food and fuel.

Test yourself 1. Antarctica is: A) a continent B) an island covered with ice C) drifting ice 2. What influence does Antarctica have on the climate of the Southern Hemisphere? A) warming B) cooling C) moisturizing 3. Discoverers of Antarctica: A) F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev B) Roald Amundsen C) James Cook 4. An iceberg is: A) drifting ice floes of the Arctic B) ice floes rising from the bottom of the ocean C) continental ice sliding into the ocean 5. If the ice of Antarctica is melted, then the level of the World Ocean: A) will not change B) will rise C) will fall Answers: 1 A; 2 B: 3 A; 4 V; 5 B