Improvement of the school grounds. Project "landscape design of a school site" Teacher's project landscape design of a school site

The schoolyard is the “calling card” of the educational institution. Already at the first glance at it, the person entering can form an opinion about the school. If a team of like-minded people works in it, united by the goal of raising their charges as comprehensively developed individuals, then the school yard will be decorated with good artistic taste and perform many functions (aesthetic, developmental, sanitary and hygienic). Teachers will take care of how, together with the students, they will beautifully arrange and maintain all the necessary facilities and living plantings.

General principles for designing a school yard project

Typically, builders commission new schools with landscaped school areas. But over time, the plants in the compositions grow and age, and the buildings deteriorate. The tastes and demands of the school community are changing. From time to time it is necessary to adjust the plantings, replace and repair small architectural forms. Just as any structure needs a major overhaul, the landscape design of a school site requires a radical overhaul. It may be necessary to reformat the purpose of the plots, change their area and topography. Since the results of beautifying the territory will not last for one year and must remain attractive for a long time, this work must be thoughtful and planned. To effectively reconstruct the school grounds, it is necessary to develop a landscape design project for the school yard. The management of the school institution or the initiative committee should conduct a survey among teachers and schoolchildren on the topic: “What would you like to see in the schoolyard?”; determine financial capabilities. Then it is necessary to make a thorough measurement of the site, assess the existing climatic situation, and find out the location of utility networks. After all, in accordance with the collected data, a large-scale plan is drawn, the site is zoned, and plants are selected.

Design style

It is advisable to carry out the landscape design of the school site in a regular style. Straight paths, symmetrical plantings, geometric shapes of flower beds will emphasize the special status of the territory and will set children up for calm and reasonable behavior. Tapeworms are planted in front of the entrance - one or more ornamental trees or shrubs that clearly stand out against the general background. Solitaire plantings will add some rigor and an official look to the landscape design of the school site. The entire environment of the school building should contribute to the understanding and acceptance by students that they have come to school to do serious things - to gain the necessary knowledge and skills.

Relaxation corners, which will serve for calm conversations during big breaks or for gatherings after classes, can be arranged in more free styles - country, Dutch, Asian. For plantings, plants are chosen so that they look attractive throughout the year, do not cause allergies, and are free of thorns and thorns.

central part

Each school must have a place in its yard for holding school-wide events - first and last bells, assemblies, lineups, etc. This can be a spacious rectangular or square area. It should be surrounded by borders of shrubs that tolerate pruning well (cotoneasters, boxwoods, spirea, privet). It is advisable to highlight the place intended for performances in the background with linear plantings of coniferous or evergreen plantings. They can also control winds and block out street noise. Designing the central part in this way will add solemnity and pomp to the entire landscape design of the school site. The site should subsequently be delineated, indicating the places for each class.


The sports area is equipped with standard stable and safe equipment and structures. The surface is usually asphalt or dirt. A volleyball court or grounds for other outdoor games should be lined with trees with spreading crowns (linden, chestnut, maple) to create shade over the spectator benches. If the size of the school yard is limited, school-wide events can be held on the site. In this case, sports facilities should be located around its perimeter or compactly arranged in one place so that they do not interfere or distract children.

Recreation and leisure areas

In a school yard landscape design project, there may be several recreation areas. They will be connected to each other by alleys and winding paths. It is advisable to decorate recreation corners with compositions of ornamental shrubs of different heights, lay out lawns and flower beds, install benches and sculptures. The usual elements of vertical gardening (supports, tripods, arches, etc.) should not be used when decorating, as children can climb on them and get injured. Elms, poplars, pine trees, and linden trees are suitable for linear plantings along alleys. The distance between them depends on the size of the crown and is approximately 3-5 m. It is important that the trees do not produce shoots that can destroy the artificial turf. Unpretentious, long-blooming and drought-resistant flowers (zinnias, salvias, marigolds, cineraria, immortelle) should be planted in flower beds. Under the trees there are shade-loving perennials (hostas, periwinkle, astilbe, funkia). In sunny places you can arrange alpine slides or rockeries. Unattractive fences are camouflaged with the help of weaving and climbing plants (maiden grapes, clematis, ivy).

Teachers, together with parents and children, can realize here many of their ideas for creating an original landscape design for the school site. The joint work of parents with children will help strengthen connections between them, cooperation, and improve mutual understanding, which is so important in adolescence.

School garden

If there is a large area of ​​the school yard, a vegetable garden can be arranged for children to carry out experimental and research work. It will be especially interesting for younger schoolchildren to grow vegetables and flowers. There they will be able to learn how to care for various garden crops and broaden their horizons. Middle school students should be involved in growing flower seedlings for flower beds. With sufficient financial resources, you can build a small greenhouse or conservatory in the school garden.

A successful school yard landscape design project will make the school grounds not only convenient from a practical point of view, but will also improve its natural appearance. Thanks to this, all elements of the yard, together with the school building, will look presentable and harmonious.

Ecological project

My little homeland

Landscaping of a school site

Tyabut Tatiana, 17 years old
Filippova Galina Sergeevna

I. Introduction.....3
II. Main part
1.Description of the research object... ..5
2.1. Basics of landscape design......6
2.2. School site flora as an element of landscape design.6
2.3. Lawns.....7
2.4. Floriculture...7
2.5. Use of landscape design for educational and cognitive purposes.................................................... ........................................................ ........................7
3. Practical part
3.1. Stages of project implementation..7
3.2. Results of the implementation of the project for landscaping and improvement of the school area...7
III. Conclusion........................12
Practical recommendations.....13

Since man acquired the ability to plow,
He felt the urge to decorate the house and yard
And he began to plant around himself for beauty
Trees and flowers to your liking.
Jacques Delisle


The schoolyard is the hallmark of the school, requiring constant and targeted improvement work. The problem of the condition and improvement of the school yard has a deeper environmental significance than it seems at first glance. According to existing sanitary standards, each educational institution must have a distinct green buffer zone that protects these special-purpose facilities from the polluted environment.
There is a good proverb: “A man is greeted by his clothes, but seen off by his mind.” Therefore, the appearance of the school and its surrounding area are of great importance, but it must be not only beautiful, but environmentally friendly. After all, this is where we spend most of our time. These include sports activities, recreation during breaks, holding cultural events, and cleaning areas. The environmental situation affects our health and the body as a whole.
Hypothesis: the creation of landscape design elements on the school grounds can attract the attention of students and their parents to the environmental problems of the school territory and increase the social activity of the population.
Relevance of the chosen topic: landscaping plays an important role in a person’s life - beautifully arranged flower beds, small forms, landscape elements influence a person’s mood, his health and mood, and create a favorable microclimate. This project allowed us to touch the historical past of the school, its present and future. Work in this project provided an opportunity to develop an active life position, as well as realize the abilities of artists, designers, gardeners, and researchers.
Purpose of the study: to determine the impact of creating a unified landscape design complex for the school area on the successful implementation of the environmental education program for students and increasing the social activity of the school.
Research objectives:
find out the opinions of school students and village residents about the need to improve the school area;
study the ecological state of the school area;
get acquainted with the basics of floriculture and landscape design;
develop a design - a school yard project;
carry out a phased implementation of the project’s activities for the improvement and landscaping of the school yard.
Object of study: modern forms of landscape design.
Subject of research: the possibility of creating landscape design elements on the school grounds, taking into account its environmental features.
Study location: school area of ​​the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Gorkinskaya Secondary School
Duration of the study: from September 10, 2012 to March 05, 2013.
Research methods:
sociological survey;
analysis of popular scientific literature on landscape design, textbooks on forestry and soil science;
research (determining soil acidity, its fertility and the degree of illumination of planned landscape areas);
Practical activities.
Expected results
Short term results:
Analysis of the results of a sociological survey of the village population, teachers, students, parents.
Obtaining information about the state of dendroflora in the school district by analyzing the passport of green spaces.
Determining the best drawings of the school flowerbed design competition “The Schoolyard of My Dreams.”
Landscaping and landscaping of the school grounds: laying out flower beds, renewing plantings of shrubs, trees, etc. Maintaining cleanliness and order in the school grounds.
Introducing students to the basics of floriculture, mastering agrotechnical techniques for growing plants.
Long term results:
Increasing social activity of students and parents.
Formation of environmental consciousness and responsibility among schoolchildren and parents.
Formation of skills in practical environmental work and research activities.
Improving the environmental condition and aesthetic appearance of the school area.
Formation of personal qualities of students: determination, hard work, tolerance.
Increasing the motivation and self-esteem of students, developing the ability to make choices and comprehend both the consequences of this choice and the results of their own activities.

II. Main part.
Description of the research object.
On the territory of the former Bazilevsky estate, a set of works on ecological and floristic research was carried out: floristic and biomorphological analysis of tree plantations, sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic assessment of tree species, identification of lichens as indicators of the ecological state of the environment.
We described the soils, topography and forest vegetation. We identified the types of trees growing in the park with. Gorki.
Growing in the park:







Rose hip


The trees are dominated by linden and birch. Maples and aspens are in 3rd and 4th places, respectively
On the territory of our school there are flower beds, which are located next to the school. Planted flowers, despite care, develop poorly, and flower beds do not always have an attractive appearance. They are located on the southwestern side of the school building and there is not enough sunlight. The soil on them is unstructured, sandy loam, and water quickly evaporates after rains. It was decided to conduct a study of the soil composition and reclamation measures to improve the quality of the soil, to create a landscape design with the planting of plants that are not only capable of growing in such conditions, but also diversify the species composition of trees and shrubs in the school park.
A well-maintained school area can be a platform for the implementation of a program of environmental education and training for children and adults, who will be included in practical improvement activities and will take part in mass environmental activities.
2.1. Basics of landscape design.
Landscape architecture today is understood as a special type of architectural activity aimed at creating a harmonious and purposeful environment for human life.
For these purposes, landscape architecture uses such material means that have always existed in nature (relief, water, vegetation, etc.) and subjects them to the necessary transformations. All components of the landscape are closely interconnected; their condition and development depend on specific natural conditions and on the impact of human economic and social activities. All this must be taken into account in the work of a landscape architect.
Floral and decorative design is part of landscaping work and in most cases is inextricably linked with tree and shrub plantings. Flowers should be planted when the area is completely landscaped, paths and platforms have been laid, trees and shrubs have been planted, and lawns have been sown. The art of floral design is to achieve the greatest decorative effect at the lowest cost. Flower beds are the most expensive and labor-intensive form of all forms of landscaping. They are placed in the most prominent, ceremonial places, along paths, at the intersections of main alleys, and so that the assortment of flower crops ensures continuous flowering for a long time.
2.2. School site flora as an element of landscape design.
Beauty is the fruit of constant inspiration generated by hard work. (Delacroix)

To decorate the school site, we chose a landscape style. It is from this style that we can borrow techniques for optically increasing space and enhancing its depth, which is extremely important for a small modern park.
The theme of untouched, but only slightly “corrected” nature, simplicity and naturalness gives rise to romanticism and sentimentalism. The nature of park compositions is consistent with the surrounding area, and the boundaries of the site are masked whenever possible. What is especially important about the landscape style is that it causes less disruption and blends better with the surrounding landscape.
2.3. Lawns. The lawn gives the area a well-groomed and tidy appearance, creates a calm overall background that is pleasant to the eye, ideal for any flowers and plant compositions. Against the background of the lawn, the color and shape of the flowers are especially pronounced (Appendix).
2.4. Types of flower beds.
A flower garden is a very powerful technique for highlighting any area of ​​the area, allowing you to organize the overall plan of the area and enliven the monotonous landscape in spring and autumn. Flower arrangements should be properly planned and evenly spaced. Flower beds can have different sizes, shapes, compositional solutions, floral combinations of ornamental plants, depending on their purpose and location. Elements of floral design in the regular style include flower beds, ridges, borders, and parterres.
2.5. Using landscape design for educational and cognitive purposes.
Elements of landscape design can be successfully used for educational purposes. For example, the creation of a Darwin site makes it possible to observe the development of the sequence of plant colonization in natural conditions. The ethnographic corner is an important element of the local history component of schoolchildren’s education

3. Practical part.
3.1. Project implementation stages.
When starting work, we analyzed the current situation in order to identify the most important problems that require prompt solutions. Once the problems were identified, work was carried out to identify the most important of them - the decoration of the school yard. In November 2012, the “Auction of Ideas” competition was launched for the best drawing and mini-project for landscaping and landscaping a school yard for students in grades 3–8. The presented mini-projects identified the main stages of the schoolyard improvement direction:
-creation of flower beds using modern elements of landscape design;
- renovation of the sports ground;
-updating the dendrological area of ​​the territory;
- restoration of grass cover of the territory;
-organizing the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the territory;
Work on the implementation and redevelopment of the school territory will begin with the adoption in 2013 of the project “Improvement and landscaping of the school territory of the Gorkinskaya Secondary School”, which will be implemented for 3 years. The primary task for the implementation of our idea was to conduct a sociological survey of the population and school students on the subject of personal attitudes towards the improvement of the area around the school. 48 people were surveyed. A statistical analysis of the questionnaires revealed that 94% of the people surveyed believe that after the improvement, the school area will become much more attractive and cleaner, and 60% are ready to assist in the implementation of this project in the future. Only 3% of respondents indicated that they did not like the design of the area after the improvement, as it would attract more visitors to the school area, making it more crowded and noisy.

Diagram 1. “Results of a sociological survey of residents regarding their attitude to the improvement of the school area.”

13 EMBED MSGraph.Chart.8 \s 1415
We also attached great importance to the study of literature on landscape design. A beautiful dress begins with a pattern, and a beautiful piece begins with a sketch drawn on a piece of paper. The school announced a competition for sketches of a school site, which schoolchildren developed taking into account the illumination of the territory, the composition of the soil, and the species diversity of flower and ornamental plants. Parents also took part in this process. After discussing the sketches at a meeting of the School Council, the best ones were selected, which contained new elements of landscape design - vertical gardening, beautiful flower beds, lawns.
“Results of a study of the acidity and qualitative composition of the soil in the school area
In order to determine the fertility of the area adjacent to the school, the following indicators were studied: the amount of humus, the amount of water; mechanical composition; water permeability; breathability; soil acidity.
methodology for studying the content of humus and water in the soil.
A soil sample weighing 100g was taken from a depth of 15-20cm and spread in a thin layer on a sheet of plywood. Left it in the sun for 3-5 hours. After drying, they weighed it, then calcined it in a porcelain cup until smoke stopped coming out and weighed it again. This is how the amount of humus and water was determined. Humus – 20%, water – 30%
2. Methodology for studying the mechanical composition of soil
Definition on
Rolling wet soil
Wet soil cutting test
Dry soil density test.

Grains of sand are noticeable
Doesn't roll into a ball
When cut with a knife, the soil crumbles
The soil is loose

sandy loam
you can feel the grains of sand, it smudges a little
Doesn't roll well into a ball
When cutting with a knife, the cut surface is rough
The soil consists of small but very fragile lumps

It smears, grains of sand can barely be felt
rolls into a ball and into a “sausage”; when bent, the ring bursts
the cut surface is slightly rough
The soil consists of very durable lumps

Smears, grains of sand are unnoticeable
Rolls well into a “sausage” that does not break when bent
Surface slightly shiny
The soil lumps are very dense and difficult to knead

3. Testing soil for air permeability
Air permeability is an important indicator of soil fertility. Air is necessary for plant roots, like humus, mineral fertilizers and water. The fact that soil contains air can be easily proven. If you take a handful of dry soil and pour it into a glass of water, you will notice that a large number of gas bubbles come out of the soil. this releases air. The results obtained are only visual and do not have digital confirmation.
Soil testing for water permeability.
This is the property of soil, as a porous body, to absorb and pass water through itself. Water permeability is measured by the volume of water in mm of water column passing through a unit area of ​​soil surface per unit time. The value of water permeability can be determined using the Kaczynski scale. The experiments were carried out with soil cuts in glass cylinders 50 cm high, so the results are approximate:
Water permeability mm water column in the first hour of absorption

Over 1000

Too high

The best



Less than 30

4.soil acidity research
The acidity of the soil in the area adjacent to the school was determined as follows.
In a test tube, 4-5 cm of potassium chloride was added to 3-4 g of soil, after which the mixture was shaken for 3-4 minutes, then settled. After the solution became lighter, pipetted 1 cm of this solution, placed it in a porcelain saucer and added 1-2 drops of an indicator - litmus. Using a color scale, we establish the acidity in the selected samples.
Determination of soil acidity based on the composition of vegetation cover.
Soil acidity
Plant composition

Acidic soils
Whitebeard sticking out, small sorrel, Ivan-da-marya, horsetail, common plantain, speedwell, long-leaved speedwell, red pikulnik, field toritsa, pungent buttercup, field mint, popovnik, creeping ranunculus

Slightly acidic and neutral soils
Fragrant chamomile, creeping wheatgrass, meadow clover, creeping clover, common thistle, field bindweed

determination of soil fertility by its color and plant productivity.

Humus, fertile

Dark gray
medium humus, medium fertile

low humus, low fertility

Conclusion: The soil is sandy loam, the air permeability is too high, acidic, dark gray. Our school is surrounded on almost all sides by trees that protect it from dust and wind. Dead trees were cut down, old bushes were uprooted and dry branches were pruned.. Students will establish an “Ethnographic Corner” in the summer of 2013, and work will be intensified to create an “Ecological Trail”, which will create favorable conditions for improving the educational and cognitive activities of schoolchildren.
3.2. Results of the implementation of the project for landscaping and improvement of the school area.
During the project implementation the following work was performed:
1. Joint activities of students, parents, and teachers were organized to carry out the main activities of the project (creative groups were formed in various areas of activity, landscape organization of the school territory was carried out at the preparatory stage, plants were selected for landscaping);2. Information was collected and a survey of schoolchildren, parents and teachers was carried out to assess the implementation of the project for landscaping and improvement of the school area;3. Trees were pruned, dead trees and shrubs were uprooted, 4. The school area was cleaned of household waste (school-wide cleanup work was organized); 5. The acidity and qualitative composition of soils in the school area were studied;
6. A sketch of the landscape design of the school site was drawn up; 7.. Explanatory work was carried out among students 8. A competition was held for the best sketch of the landscape design of the central flower beds; 9.. Seedlings for planting perennial flowers will be planted 10. A sketch competition for the school grounds was held 11. Sports facilities on the school grounds were painted;
III. Conclusion.
Everything at school should be permeated with the desire for beauty. Children need to be taught to feel it, understand it, appreciate it and, most importantly, create beauty. It is necessary to make sure that the school premises and school grounds are attractive, somewhat magical. The implementation of this project helps create conditions for using the creative abilities of students and involving school students in the process of design transformation of the world around them.
The school area is an effective continuation and addition of the traditional teaching and educational process, experimental and research activities.
Massive extracurricular activities are held in the fresh air: school-wide activities and sports competitions.
At any time of the year, environmental work is carried out in the schoolyard: in the fall, feeders are hung, environmental clean-up days are held to clean up the area; in winter, the guys feed the birds; In the spring, the species composition of vegetation is updated, and environmental propaganda is carried out among students and the adult population of the microdistrict. During the summer, schoolchildren undergo work practice on its territory (cleaning the area, caring for plants). Students attending summer school camps hold asphalt drawing competitions, sports competitions and relay races, and “lessons” on learning traffic rules.
These forms of work with students combine not only elements of learning, but also significantly expand the horizons of schoolchildren, strengthen interdisciplinary connections and contribute to the development of curiosity and observation of students. Thus, our schoolyard makes its feasible contribution to the formation of the need to communicate with nature.
Territories like these are the future in educating new generations. The personal participation of everyone in the movement for peace and for a healthy biosphere determines what the face of the Earth will become and where humanity is at the moment: at the beginning or at the end of its journey into the future.

Practical recommendations:
Continue research work to study the ecological state of the school area (soil acidity, lighting, state of dendroflora);
Organize excursions and practical work for students on the school grounds: phenological observations, description of natural-anthropogenic landscapes, study of the influence of anthropogenic factors on the condition of plants, plant species composition;
To intensify the work of the “Ecological Trail”, create an “Ethnographic Corner” as a local history component of the landscaping project;
Plant a rose garden, sirengarium in the schoolyard;
Cover the stages of the project in the media, conduct propaganda work among local residents in order to attract attention and promote the improvement and environmental improvement of the school area.
Continue the implementation of the project in accordance with the school grounds improvement plan.

Avadyaeva E.N., Russian landscape design / OLMA-PRESS, 2000.
Grekhova L.I. In union with nature. – M. – Stavr., 2002.
Dobbs L., Wood S., Garden culture: design, plant selection, gardening / Practical Guide / Trans. from English – M.: Publishing house “Niola 21st century”, 2002.
. Tutorial. BelSU, 2007, p.98
Photos from Internet sites were used in this work: [Download the file to see the link],
[Download the file to view the link], [Download the file to view the link].

Avadyaeva E.N., Russian landscape design
Grekhova L.I. In union with nature

Dobbs L., Wood S., Garden culture: design, plant selection, gardening
Trubitsin M.A., Gabruk N.G. Workshop on Environmental Chemistry
Trubitsin M.A., Gabruk N.G. Workshop on Environmental Chemistry
Trubitsin M.A., Gabruk N.G. Workshop on Environmental Chemistry


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School is a second home. When we come to school, we want to feel comfortable, feel the beauty and feel proud of our beloved school. Our school site is one of the best in the city, but we wanted it to be more modern and practical. This problem is relevant in our time. In this regard, it was put forward hypothesis– the school area of ​​the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 21” needs changes.

The purpose of the study is to create a design project to transform the school site into a comfortable and beautiful mini-ecosystem.

Job objectives:

To study the public opinion of students at the school Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 21”;

Justify the relevance of the problem of transforming the school landscape;

To form ideas about the levels and patterns of interaction between natural factors and the urban environment, learn the principles of design and establish a typology of structural components of artificial landscapes;

Create structural compositions for a school composition;

Make an assessment of the school site project and the conditions for its practical implementation.

The subject of the study is the school site of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 21.

The object of consideration is the design, practicality of the site.

I have applied methods:

Working with literature;

Working with Internet resources;

Search method;


1. Theoretical part

1.1. Historical reference

The history of landscape design takes its origins from the heyday of the states of Assyria and Babylonia (the State of Mesopotamia). This period is referred to as the Assyro-Babylonian culture (8-7 centuries BC). The main building material was mud brick. It was a fragile material, so it was the reason for the rapid disappearance of architectural monuments. The cities of Mesopotamia had a round and later rectangular shape; they were surrounded by a ring of fortress walls, sometimes double or triple. In the development of composition in architecture, the transverse deployment of space was used. This period is characterized by construction on terraces. These are artificial embankment platforms that rise above the surface of the streets. This principle was used in the construction of ziggurat temples, which looked like stepped towers. They were a series of descending square or rectangular platforms placed one on top of the other. The upper platform usually ended with a temple. On the protruding parts of the lower platforms along the perimeter, plants were planted in specially constructed pits, which were filled with plant soil.

They were especially famous "Hanging Gardens of Babylon. They were created in the courtyard of the Southern Palace (605-562 BC) of Nebuchadnezzar II. The gardens were a series of elevated terraces. The garden adjoined the north-eastern corner of the city walls. Its southern part overlooked the palace chambers. It was arranged in the form of four stepped terraces that tapered upward. Trees were planted on the lower terraces, and shrubs and flowers were planted on the upper terraces. The idea of ​​​​creating terraced gardens, or “hanging gardens,” turned out to be quite fruitful. Further, it found its development in the gardens of Persia, Italy, and Russia (“high” gardens of the Moscow Kremlin at the end of the 17th century).

Russian gardening art.

In Ancient Russia, gardens were mainly of a utilitarian nature: most of the space was given to vegetable gardens and fruit trees, but over time, ornamental trees began to appear. A hedge or wooden fence is used as a fence. Ponds were built for fish breeding, swimming, and watering.

In the 17th century, pleasure or “red” gardens were already being created in Russia (Kolomenskoye, Izmailovo). In the Kremlin these are the Lower and Upper Embankment Gardens, the “hanging” gardens. The Izmailovsky Garden in Moscow is famous. It has everything: a menagerie, a botanical garden, a labyrinth, a large number of reservoirs, and vineyards.

Under Peter I, Russian gardening construction switched to the creation of a classic regular garden in landscape design. These are Petrodvorets, Strelnya, Orienbaum, Tsarskoe Selo. Regular gardens in St. Petersburg are built by foreigners. And in 1710, the Garden Office was created in Russia. She is engaged in purchasing various plants abroad for the construction of parks in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

1.2. Landscape design

Landscape design is a scientific direction formed as a result of the interaction and creative synthesis of elements of geography, history, art history, philosophy, urban planning, architecture, etc.

Landscape design is the art and practical activities of landscaping, landscaping, organizing gardens and parks, lawns, slides, and the use of small architectural forms in green construction. Unlike gardening or horticulture, the main task of which is agricultural, landscape design is a more general and universal discipline. The main task of landscape design is to create harmony and beauty in combination with the convenience of using the infrastructure of buildings, smoothing out the conflict between urbanization forms and nature, which often suffers from them.

Landscape design can be a special case of a more general concept - landscape design.

The first stage of preparing the area for landscape work begins with artistic design, that is, the creation of a sketch plan, the basic rules of which are:

Planting and placement of plants should be of a group nature, that is, plants of the same species or closely related species should be planted in close proximity to each other, otherwise the area will take on a scanty, deserted appearance.

When planting plants and carrying out other artistic and design activities, straight lines should be avoided. Plants in particular are not recommended to be planted in a straight line, as this does not contribute to the development of bushiness in them. Extremely strict symmetry is also undesirable because of its unnatural appearance, although a certain balance and balanced composition of design elements must certainly be present.

Landscape design elements are diverse. Their main groups:

The buildings themselves form the center of a landscape project, the main goal of which is to smooth out the unnaturalness of geometrically correct structures, soften their pressure on the surrounding nature, remove construction waste, and disguise defects and flaws. Buildings can be single or multi-story, single or complex, private or commercial, standard or stylized, designed for a wide variety of purposes.

Lawn covering formed by various types of grasses.

Green spaces in the form of individual trees, shrubs, flowers, as well as their combinations and entire ensembles (garden, flower bed, ridge, etc.)

Various large decorative elements (lake, pond, stream, fountain, stones, sculpture).

Smaller artistic details (musical pendant, lamp, candles, etc.)

1.3. Basics of landscape design

In landscape design, the same rules exist as in other forms of art - architecture, painting, poetry, music. These rules are dictated to us by nature itself. A garden is a complex work of art, the creation of which involves elements of different qualities: living plants and various forms of the earth's surface, water and stone, as well as small architectural forms. Nature has been preserved in its original form only in a few corners of the world. Modern country estates are an example of artificial landscape design of a garden plot created by human hands.

Principles of landscape design. So, from the aesthetic side, the landscape design of a garden plot, like an architectural ensemble, must represent a coordinated and thoughtful unity of all its constituent elements and be subject to a certain artistic architectural and spatial design. When creating gardens, it is necessary to take into account not only the beautiful combination of ornamental plants, but also the association of these plants in nature with certain landscapes.

There are several principles that should be followed in the field of landscape design:

1. The house and garden are a single whole. The style of the garden should match the style of the house.
2. The garden must be enclosed by walls, hedges or trees.
3. It is better to obey local gardening traditions. The house and garden should be subject to the local landscape.
4. Don't get carried away with fashion. Plants in the garden must suit the climate and blend with the local flora.

1.4. Landscape design styles

The choice of garden style depends on the landscape features of the site (its configuration, surroundings, size) and is determined by the architectural style in which the main structures are built. Let us characterize some of the most common style trends - both classical and modern.

Regular style. Assumes strict symmetry in the garden layout. It is characterized by straight lines and a strict axial composition. The style is used where they want to emphasize the impact of man on nature, to introduce a sense of order, rigor, and solemnity into the composition. The emotional features of the style are elation, solemnity, abundance of sculptures, theatricality. An important element of a regular garden is water.

Italian style. Variation on the theme of the regular style. This is a small garden near a villa or a park surrounded by a wall or trimmed hedge. The surface of the Italian garden is divided into simple geometric shapes by diagonal or straight paths. Often in the center of the composition there is a pond or fountain, around it there are flower beds or a paved area.

Landscape style. Landscape parks, or English parks as they are also called, appeared in the 18th century in England. In contrast to the regular style, the landscape style does not isolate the garden - on the contrary, it introduces the surrounding landscape into an organic connection with it. The asymmetrical layout leads people to closer harmony with nature. In such a garden, objects that are unequal in size and shape are placed in such a way as to create the impression of balance. This is exactly the arrangement of plants that occurs in nature.

The landscape style came from the East - from China, where a regular style never existed at all.

Japanese garden. A favorite style for a small garden. This is no coincidence: the Japanese garden is small in area. Every detail of a garden in Japan has a complex inner meaning, and the plants are specific only to this country. The main principle of the Japanese garden is a feeling of calm and relaxation, contemplation of nature and miniaturization. When applied to a modern small garden, we can talk not about the Japanese style, but about creating a garden based on Japanese garden art.

Modern style. The “modern” style is the simplicity of lines. The garden is adjacent to the house and has a strict architecture, devoid of any decorations. The swimming pool and tennis court are within easy view. The fences are simple, the lines are strict. Accessories are limited - “less is more.” Paving made of slabs laid out in a geometric pattern. It alternates light and dark tones, and pebble inserts are allowed. The furniture is classic modern with strict lines made of plastic and aluminum. The layout of the garden is geometric, but does not adhere to symmetry.

Dutch style. These gardens look like they came out of old paintings. The Dutch garden is small in size, its center is a well-groomed lawn, along the perimeter of the lawn there is a mixborder of flowers and beautifully flowering trees and shrubs. Along the fence there must be a neatly trimmed hedge. A distinctive feature of the Dutch style is the attributes of rural life: a small mill, a well, a wheelbarrow with flowers placed on it, a garden sculpture.

Colonial style. Initially a purely American style, but it is followed in other countries. The main materials for construction are bricks and boards. They are also used in garden design. Plants are planted in wooden tubs. Paving made of flagstone or boards. Paths are often covered with wood chips. Animalistic sculptures made of wood and stone are popular. The main mood of the style is a soft, lazy pace of life, so sunny verandas and persols entwined with flowering vines predominate. Garden furniture – hammock, folding chairs with wicker backs.

Rural style. This style of landscape design is defined by its closeness to nature, so it uses simple, natural materials and shapes. The texture and color of the materials repeats the materials from which the house is built - wood, brick, natural stone. You can use everything together as materials for the surrounding landscape. Flowers are planted in large quantities and in various colors. This is the special charm of a country garden. Garden buildings, sheds, and outbuildings are entwined with climbing roses or sweet peas. Furniture is used from natural materials: blocks of wood instead of chairs, a table made from the frame of a sawn tree, etc. Containers for plants made of simple clay, paving paths made of flagstone or brick. The fences are made only of boards or wattle, the gates are made in an antique style, there is an abundance of vines (hops, wild grapes) and flowering shrubs.

2. Practical part

2.1. Diagnostics of public opinion.

2.1.1. Survey of students at school No. 21.

70 students from secondary school No. 21 were interviewed.

Pupils of 1st grade - 28 people, 7th grade - 23 people, 10-11th grade - 19 people.

They answered the following questions:

  1. Does the school need an area with flowers, trees and various structures?
  2. Are you satisfied with everything in the school area?
  3. What would you like to change?
  4. What is missing in our area?
  5. In what ways can your proposals be brought to life?
  6. Who should do the landscaping work?

2.1.2. Results of a survey of students.

1. Does the school need an area with flowers, trees and various structures?

All 70 people answered this question - 100% - Yes.

2. Are you satisfied with everything in the school area?

This question was answered:

Yes - 11 people (16%);

No – 59 people (84%).

3. What would you like to change?

The appearance of flower beds and trees is not satisfactory - 58 people (83%);

12 people (27%) are satisfied with the appearance of flower beds and trees.

4. What is missing in our area?

34 people (49%) consider it necessary to build a children’s playground;

15 people (21%) - want there to be a poultry canteen on the site;

21 people (30%) believe that the school needs a walk of fame for alumni.

5. In what ways can your proposals be brought to life?

70 people (100%) believe that to build a playground you need to turn to bosses and wealthy or high-ranking parents, the rest can be changed by students and teachers without much expense.

6. Who should do the landscaping work?

45 people (64%) believe that this is the work of students and teachers;

25 people (36%) believe that landscaping should be done by professionals.

2.2. The state of the school site of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 21” for 2011.

1. The total number of students is 901.

2. The area of ​​the school territory is 1800 sq.m.

3. Area per student – ​​2 sq.m.

4. Number of growing trees – 100 pcs.

Incl. planted in 2011 - 7 pcs.

5. Number of growing bushes – 150 pcs.

Incl. planted in 2011 - 8 pcs.

6. Availability of landscape groups of trees and shrubs (pcs.) - 38 pcs.

7. Area of ​​the unit is 200 sq. m

8. Number of planted tree seedlings - 7 pcs.

Shrubs - 8 pcs.

Flower seedlings - 2000 pcs.

9. Arboretum area – 18 sq.m.

10. Composition of tree and shrub species in the collection department of the arboretum: birch, rowan, poplar, viburnum, raspberry, lilac, cherry, maple, rose hip, etc.

11. Flower bed area – 600 sq.m.

12. The area of ​​flower beds per student is 0.6 sq.m.

13. Number of species of flowering plants – 65.

14. The presence of decorative elements, flower beds (edge, arabesque, lawn, flower bed, alpine hill, etc.) – 26 elements.

2.2.1. Plan diagram of the school site.

The school site is divided into sections (Appendix 1).

2.2.2. Assessment of the environmental condition of the school site.

The school site is located away from industrial facilities, but close to houses and an inter-block road. The noise level in the school area is average. On the street side there is a protective strip in the form of trees and bushes, which is about 15 meters. In total, 100 trees (birch, rowan, poplar, viburnum, raspberry, lilac, cherry, maple, rose hip, etc.) and 125 shrubs (lilac, cherry, acacia, rose hip) grow on the school site.

2.3. Predicted result.

A school site performing the following functions should be:

A green “buffer” for the school from nearby anthropogenic objects;

An attractive, naturally harmonious, original place for students to relax during after-hours;

Solve educational and educational goals and objectives;

Place of organization of work practice for children.

2.4. Landscape design of the school site of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 21”.

2.4.1. Description of the structural components of the school site design project.

Based on the opinion of respondents studying at the municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 21” and based on the knowledge gained and my opinion, I made the following changes to the design of the school area.

Section 1

Our school does not have a place for primary school children to play. Therefore, I propose to equip this area with a children's playground, because... In this area, due to poor soil, vegetation does not take root well (Appendix 2).

Section 2

This area is beautiful when in bloom, but in my opinion it needs to be improved. In the design, use more flowers of bright, contrasting colors, organize flower beds (they retain moisture better, they have clear outlines), use ivy for hanging structures (Appendix 3).

The site at the moment.

Plot after transformation.

Section 3

An alpine hill-garden in which the main element is stones of solid size and irregular shape. I propose to change the design of the alpine slide in accordance with the basics of their creation (Appendix 4).

Section 4

This area can be left unchanged, but the bushes located along the fence can be improved by giving them different shapes (Appendix 5).

Section 5

Taking into account the opinions of school students, I would like to organize a place for feeding birds (Appendix 6).

Section 6

Our school is already 21 years old, but we still do not have a place where graduates who have achieved high results in studies and sports would be recognized.

A walk of fame can be organized in the form of cement plaques with handprints and details of gold and silver medalists, for example on columns at the entrance to a school.

Graduates can also plant tree seedlings with signs (Appendix 7).

The area can be decorated with figures made of wire and ivy (Appendix 8).

2.4.2. Anticipated problems.

The specific conditions that develop in cities force us to distinguish three groups of problems in the solution of which landscape architects, along with many other specialists, will have to participate:

The first group includes problems that are in one way or another related to the preservation of existing natural landscapes;

The second group covers a wide range of issues related to landscape transformations;

The third group, still relatively underdeveloped, is associated with the problem of creating an “artificial” landscape, designed in some areas to replace a destroyed or unfavorable natural landscape.

2.5. conclusions

After conducting a public opinion poll among students at school 21 and analyzing the results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. School No. 21 needs a school site.
  2. The site needs changes.
  3. The appearance of flower beds and trees should be more modern and well-groomed.
  4. There should be a playground on the school grounds.
  5. It is necessary to place a bird canteen and a graduates' walk of fame.
  6. For help in building a playground, contact the bosses.
  7. Implement the remaining changes on your own based on the recommendations given in this work.
  8. Make changes to the design of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Plot 1 - equip this plot with a children's town.

Section 2 - use flowers of bright, contrasting colors, organize flower beds (they retain moisture better, they have clear outlines), use ivy for hanging structures.

Section 3 - change the design of the alpine slide in accordance with the basics of their creation.

Area 4 – refine the shrubs by giving them different shapes.

Section 5 – organize a bird canteen.

Section 6 - organize a walk of fame for graduates.


Taking into account the opinions and desires of the school students, based on the knowledge gained during the work and on their own experience and feelings, changes were made to the design of the school site.

The design project for the school site of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School 21” proposes changes after implementation, which:

The appearance of flower beds and trees will be more modern and well-groomed.

On the school grounds there will be a children's playground, a bird canteen and a walk of fame for graduates.

Thus, the put forward hypothesis is fully confirmed.

The goals set in the work were achieved. The tasks are completed. This work can be used to improve the school grounds of schools, kindergartens and other institutions.

In the future, I would like to get acquainted with office interior design styles and propose changes in the organization of school space.


  1. Alekseev S.V. Ecology. / S.-P.: SMIO-PRESS, 2001.
  2. Garnizinenko T.S. Handbook of a modern landscape designer R. n/a: Phoenix, 2005.
  3. Goroshchenko V.P. Nature and people / M.: Education, 1986.
  4. J. Brooks. Garden design M.: BMM-DK, 2003.
  5. Dormidontova V.V. History of gardening styles (textbook).
  6. Zverev I.D. Man in a socio-natural environment / M.: Venta - Graf, 2000.
  7. Internet materials and resources on the topics “Landscape Design” and “School Site Design”.

Municipal educational institution Novokalitvenskaya secondary school


DEO "School Ecograd"



Municipal educational institution Novokalitvenskaya secondary school


methodologist MOU DOD Rossoshanskaya Syun



Mechanisms and stages of implementation

Implementation results

Practical significance





“If every person on his piece of land did everything he could, how beautiful our Earth would be.”

Since ancient times, man has been inextricably linked with nature. Unfortunately, in the modern information age, the age of science and technology, high technology, people are gradually losing this connection. This is felt especially in cities and sometimes in rural areas.

Our village is located in the Central Black Earth region of Russia in the south of the Voronezh region, on the right bank of the Don River. We are surrounded by endless fields, green beams, an emerald meadow, the transparent river Chernaya Kalitva, and the quiet but powerful Don.

Admiring the nature around us and in order to protect it from destruction, two years ago the Children’s Ecological Organization “School Ecocity” was created at the school. (Annex 1)

“School Ecograd” is a creative team of teachers and schoolchildren, combining educational, experimental and practical activities in their work. To a greater extent, the work of our organization is aimed at practical activities and goes under the motto:

“From the ecology of the soul to the ecology of space.

The ecology of nature is impossible without the ecology of the soul.”

In 2007, students of the educational educational institution “School Ecograd” implemented the project “Design of a school building”. (Appendix 2)

The school building was transformed, but I wanted the school grounds to look very beautiful, just like the interior of the school building.

In the fall of the 2008 academic year, students of the School Ecograd educational institution began work on a new project to improve the school grounds.

Relevance of the project

The new school building was built in 1991. After construction was completed, the school yard was in unsatisfactory condition, so the problem of landscaping the territory was relevant from the completion of construction. The school is our common home, which we love and want to see it beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

We chose this problem because:

· The schoolyard is in satisfactory condition.

· The school area is not sufficiently landscaped.

· There is no play area in the school area.

· Schoolchildren have a low level of environmental activity.

Project"Landscape design of the school yard."

Locality: Voronezh region, Rossoshansky district, village of Novaya Kalitva.

An object: territory of municipal educational institution Novokalitvenskaya secondary school.

Institution: Municipal educational institution Novokalitvenskaya secondary school of the Rossoshansky municipal district of the Voronezh region.

Project period: September 2008 – present.

Project coordinator: , computer science and ICT teacher.

Objective of the project: aesthetic and environmental transformation of the school territory.

Project objectives:

· Decorative design of areas adjacent to the school.

· Creation of favorable conditions for additional comfortable space for the work of a summer school camp, for children of nearby villages studying at school and their parents to wait for the school bus.

· Intensifying practical activities to improve the school area.

· Formation of the need for conservation and improvement of nature.

Target group: residents of the village of Novaya Kalitva (3 thousand people)

Project implementers: students and teaching staff of the school.


1. Administration of Municipal Educational Institution Novokalitvenskaya Secondary School

4. Parents

Social - environmental problem: satisfactory aesthetic and environmental condition of the territory (green zone) of the school.

Impact on the environment and people's lives: In the implementation of the project, students and school staff and residents of the village of Novaya Kalitva will find a landscaped corner of nature.

Project type: practice-oriented, ecological, group, long-term.

Mechanisms and stages of implementation

The project was implemented through the following activities:

1) Research (we examined the soils for flower beds, an alpine hill and a school park);

2) Design (implementation of a line of projects to improve the environmental situation “Alpine Hill”, “School Park”);

3) Propaganda (speech at school, district, regional conferences).

4) Educational (work according to the plan of the children's environmental organization “School Ecocity”);

5) Extracurricular (extracurricular activities).

Project stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory (2008)

Stage 2 – practical (year)

Stage 3 – generalizing (2011)

Stage 4 –

Stage 1 – preparatory (2008)

In the fall of 2008, a survey of school students and parents (Appendix 3) and research work to determine soil fertility (Appendix 4) were conducted. As a result, the conclusion was made - the creation of a single project “Landscape design of the school yard”. A model of the landscape design of the school yard was made and work began on the implementation of the project. We developed a business plan, as a result of which old shadberry plantations were cut down and the area was cleared for new flower beds and a park. (Appendix 5)

Stage 2 – practical (one year)

In the spring of 2009, work began on the Alpine Hill project. We studied the literature on landscape design. We created sketches of an alpine slide. (Appendix 6) A business plan was developed, as a result of which the “Alpine Hill” project was implemented, flower beds and paths were laid out. (Appendix 7)

In the fall of 2009, work began on the “School Park” project, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, a business plan was developed, as a result of which the “School Park” project was implemented. (Appendix 8)

Students and school staff took part in the implementation of the project during technology lessons and cleanup days. During the holidays, the flower beds were taken care of by the children who were doing internships at the school site, and by students who spent the summer relaxing in school camps.

Stage 3 – generalizing (2011)

A long-term project implementation plan has been developed for the year. (Appendix 9).

Stage 4 – informational and educational (2012)

Dissemination of information in school and local media about student activities related to the implementation of the project.

Implementation results


for a child:

· Gaining new social and practical experience and skills.

· Increasing the level of knowledge about the environment.

· Useful and interesting way to spend time.

for school:

· Solving the problems of organizing creative leisure time for students.

for the environment:

· Real improvement of the environmental situation through practical actions of participants.

Most valuable result: awareness by project participants and residents of the village of Novaya Kalitva of the value of the green zone of the school territory:

1. The school area is under the close attention of the school.

2. An initiative group of teachers and students was formed.

3. Contacts have been established with organizations: - Agro, - forest, and the administration of a rural settlement.

Economic justification

This project is quite economical. The project manager and teachers do not require additional funds for payment.

Tree and shrub seedlings were taken from the nursery of the Novokalitvenskaya Secondary School, which is located at the Dubok school forestry. (Appendix 10)

To purchase equipment (shovels, rakes, hoses, etc.), flower seeds and film, funds received from the sale of seedlings from the nursery of the Dubok school forestry were used.

Flower seedlings were grown by school students.

Project budget




Flower seeds

400 rubles

540 rubles

Sponsorship -Agro"

Sponsorship -Agro"


Nursery school forestry "Dubok"


Sponsorship - forest"

Waste material

Practical significance

Greatest project success: was achieved in the practical improvement of the green zone of the school territory.

The project “Landscape design of the school yard” has been implemented for three years. Experience in working on the project is gradually accumulated. High school students pass on their knowledge and practical skills to younger students for further implementation of the project. The project promotes the development of social activity among children and adults.


After the project is implemented, work will continue in all areas of activity: health, education, labor, career guidance. Every year we plan to reconstruct the site, care for plants, plant trees and shrubs, and flowers.

A school for a village is a socio-cultural center. It should, like a “temple of knowledge,” attract both children and adults. The school yard area should also serve this purpose. And we wanted to realize and implement this idea of ​​bringing man closer to nature, its inextricable connection with man.


1. "Landscape design". Moscow "Eksmo", 2005

2. Olga Voronova “Your own landscape designer.” Moscow "Eksmo", 2007

3. "Famous plants." Moscow “Fiton+”, 1999

4. Yu. Markovsky “Building a rocky hill.” Moscow “Fiton+”, 2002

5. “Secrets of the Alpine slides.” Moscow "Eksmo", 2007

6. Magazine “Homestead Farming”

7. Magazine "Flower"

8. “In the plant kingdom” Voronezh University Publishing House, Voronezh, 1977

Annex 1" width="302" height="227 src=">.jpg" width="302" height="227 src=">. gif" width="560 height=296" height="296">

The questionnaire was administered to parents of students at the Novokalitvenskaya Secondary School.

Participated: 217 people.

Appendix 4

research work

Purpose of the study: determination of soil fertility in the school area." width="302" height="227 src=">

Determination of soil acidity Determination of soil structure" width="302" height="227 src=">

Determination of soil water resistance Determination of soil density

Conclusion: The soil on the site is chernozem and has good fertility.

Appendix 5




Stages of work

Equipment and tools


Clearing the area for flower beds

Clearing the area for a park

Shovels, rakes, stretchers, buckets

Cutting down old stands of serviceberry

Shovels, stretchers

Bringing stones

Sponsorship -Agro"

Bringing soil

Sponsorship -Agro"

Bringing sand

Sponsorship -Agro"

Start of the project

autumn 2008" width="302" height="225 src=">

Alpine slide place" width="302" height="227 src=">

Place for a school park

Appendix 6


for the Alpine Hill project

Completed by 3rd grade student Bogatyreva Svetlana

Sketch "Alpine slide"

Sketch “Pond Surrounded by Stones”

Sketch "Mountain Slope"

These sketches were completed by 5th grade student Krupa Maria and

under the guidance of art teacher Semin V.A.

Appendix 7


YEAR 2009


Stages of work

Equipment and tools


Creating a slide

Gravel with crushed stone and sand, earth, sand.

Shovels, rakes, stretchers, buckets.

Laying stones for paths and slides

Stones, stretchers.

Laying black film

Scissors, shovel.

540 rubles

Planting flowers

Flower seedlings.

Shovels, rakes, buckets.

400 rubles

Bringing soil

Sponsorship -Agro"

Bringing sand

Sponsorship -Agro"

Money for the purchase of film and flower seeds was received from the sale of seedlings from the nursery of the Dubok school forestry.



YEAR 2009" width="302" height="227 src=">" width="300" height="223 src=">

Appendix 8




Stages of work

Equipment and tools


Park layout

Roulette, pegs.

Laying stones for paths and flower beds

Sand, soil.

Stones, stretchers.

Planting seedlings

Shovels, rakes, buckets.

Planting flowers

Saplings and flower seeds.

Shovels, rakes, buckets.

Bringing soil

Sponsorship -Agro"

Bringing sand

Sponsorship -Agro"


"school park"

2010" width="302" height="227 src=">" width="301" height="226 src=">" width="302" height="227 src=">

Appendix 9



Stages of work

Equipment and tools


Planting flowers

Saplings and flower seeds.

Shovels, rakes, buckets.

1600 rubles

Planting seedlings

Tree and shrub seedlings.

Shovels, rakes, buckets.

Composition “House of the Leshy”

Oak, pine tree.

300 rubles

Composition “There on unknown paths...”

Oak tree.

600 rubles

Sponsorship from Kalitva-Les LLC

Installation of benches

Boards, beams.

Shovels, rakes, crushed stone.

Sponsorship from Kalitva-Les LLC

Appendix 10


Target: Restoration of forest resources in the vicinity of the village of Novaya Kalitva, Rossoshansky district, Voronezh region.


· Growing seedlings in the school nursery for planting on the territory of the village of Novaya Kalitva, at the monuments to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, on the school grounds.

· Launching experiments in the nursery “The influence of sowing time on the germination of tree crops.”

· Growing seedlings for sale and planting on the slopes of ravines.

· Take part in activities to protect forests from fires, protect birds and animals.

During the work of the Dubok school forestry, the following was implemented:

Elm – 460 pcs.

Apricot – 560 pcs.

Drain – 20 pcs.

Irgi – 25 pcs.

Chestnut – 500 pcs.

Catalpas – 20 pcs.

Biotas – 375 pcs.

Total amount: 12000 rubles

The following were planted in the school yard:

Rowan berries – 60 pcs.

Willows – 4 pcs.

Lilacs – 18 pcs.

Catalpas – 16 pcs.

Bird cherry – 8 pcs.

Privets – 40 pcs.

Nursery school forestry "Dubok"

Municipal educational institution Novokalitvenskaya secondary school