Wooden houses with second light. Wooden house with second light

In the construction of modern housing, “second light” is often used - an original architectural technique that provides an increase in natural light due to the absence of part of the ceiling and interfloor ceilings. In the Domamo catalog you can view the most interesting ready-made designs of houses with second light according to a number of characteristics, layout and photos, as well as order an individual design.

Advantages of second light

Houses with a second light look European, reminiscent of the palace design of ballrooms, luxurious living rooms and large libraries, which are freely visible from the stairs and galleries of the upper floor. The windows can be high and with panoramic glazing, giving the cottage a stylish appearance. Such projects provide several advantages:

  • Visual space and free air circulation,
  • Maximum lighting, allowing you to decorate the room with light-loving house plants,
  • The aesthetics of the facade with the possibility of installing original windows and stained glass windows.

In addition, the construction of houses with additional light structures allows you to save on daylighting of internal stairs, balustrades, and winter gardens.

Features of projects

A house with a second light is quite complex to design, so the participation of specialists is required to accurately calculate all the subtleties and nuances. When ordering a project, you should consider that:

  • Rooms with such an architectural feature are impractical in a small house.
  • The heating price will be slightly higher than for standard-storey cottages. To eliminate heat loss, better thermal insulation of the roof, installation of a fireplace or “warm floors” are needed here, making the home not only warm, but also cozy.

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical rooms, electrical points, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in a design solution?

A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which displays all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which shows the location and size of rooms, walls, roofing, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision of the construction progress. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What determines the timing?

The timing depends on the chosen project and material (houses made of logs and timber require time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of changing the volume of wooden walls and other parts due to drying of the wood.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized experience. A fleet of construction equipment has been put into operation since 2015. We do not involve contractors.

Still have questions? Ask them to an engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like in this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on your staff?

Currently there are 5 interior designers on staff with a total of 74 years of specialized experience.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

In wooden housing construction, houses with second light have long become popular.
In houses with second light in one or more rooms (most often in the living room or dining room) interfloor ceilings are not installed. Thus, the space between the first and second in these rooms becomes unified.
Natural light enters the rooms with second light through the windows of the first and second floors, creating, as it were, double lighting. The room becomes even more spacious and light. Often the windows of the first and second floors are combined, and one common glazing is obtained for two floors. This gives the facade of the house with a second light style and presence, and the room - solemnity and presentability. High ceilings allow you to hang luxurious chandeliers and lamps and implement various design solutions that are not possible to decorate rooms with standard ceiling heights.
The effect of second light is also present when the ceiling is hemmed along the rafters, and not parallel to the floor.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses with second light

Houses with second light have two significant advantages:

  1. 1. Due to the absence of ceilings, rooms with second light look larger and freer, and the footage of the entire house seems larger. All this adds solidity and solidity to houses with second light.
  2. 2. Additional natural light has a beneficial effect on the emotional state and health of the owners of a house with second light, and, to some extent, allows you to save energy.

The disadvantages include the following facts:

  1. 1. The organization of second light takes up part of the usable area of ​​the house. Therefore, when designing, you should initially provide for the number and size of premises necessary for the comfortable living of all family members.
  2. 2. As you know, warm air rises. Therefore, in rooms with second light, it is necessary to organize modern, efficient heating systems that contribute to savings in the operation of the house.

Construction of houses with second light in North Forest

The architects of the North Forest company in the projects of wooden houses with second light took into account all the details, the layouts were carefully thought out, which ensures comfortable living in such a house.
If, instead of a second light, you want to equip an additional bedroom, office or dressing room on the second floor, we will rework the project in accordance with your wishes. And if you like a standard project in which the second light is closed, in most cases it is permissible to arrange it. We make these changes at no additional charge.

The most popular among our customers is a house project with a second light and

The tradition of designing spaces with second light originates in the distant Middle Ages. It was then that throne and state rooms began to be built in palaces and castles. The abolition of interfloor ceilings made it possible to make the structure not only unlimited in height, but also to give it a special pomp and even pomp due to the illumination of many high windows. Later, the palace ensembles of Paris and Peterhof shone with the luxury and decoration of their double-height halls.

Epochs succeeded each other, values ​​changed, and in Soviet times the trend migrated to public buildings. Palaces of culture and houses of pioneers were built, where it was necessary to emphasize the solemnity of the moment with the majesty of the setting.

And finally, the architects of our time increasingly began to resort to such a spectacular technique in individual buildings. Today they strive to unite the object with the environment and create the illusion of a smooth flow of external and internal spaces into each other through a large number of high window openings. The interiors are filled with light and air and visually continue the landscape outside the window.

Advantages of houses with second light

  • The internal space visually increases, even in houses with a small area a feeling of spacious housing is created.
  • Powerful insolation gives scope for interior solutions and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the people living in it.
  • Diversifies façade solutions through the use of panoramic windows.
  • Makes it possible to create winter gardens and green areas from light-loving plants.
  • During the day, natural illumination of stairs and balustrades is assumed.

Construction Features

  • Heating such houses is somewhat more expensive than with a conventional floor plan. But by taking care of good thermal insulation of the roof, you can avoid heat loss. It is also possible to solve this issue with the help of additional heating with a natural fireplace and by installing “warm floors”.
  • You will need to order large-sized “joinery” for panoramic glazing.
  • It will be necessary to think about proper zoning to ensure isolation of noise and odors in a single volume of the room.

Project catalog

Our catalog contains drawings of projects of various styles, materials and designs with the presence of rooms with second light. It can be:

  • two-story houses with a full second floor, such as the compact and charming and cozy classic, where only the dining part of the kitchen-dining room has a double-height space, or with a high living room where the home theater area is located;
  • houses with two above-ground floors plus a usable space in the underground part - a basement, which gives the owners an additional living level (this is a magnificent wooden one with an underground garage and a sauna and a high living room; and a beautiful modern cottage with an underground home gym and a high dining room);
  • The most common category is two-story houses with an attic. Examples include: with a square double-height living room and a billiard room in the attic; extravagant with two terraces and a compact high bay window in the dining room; with a carport-garage for two cars, a balcony-gallery and a two-light high dining room.

If you decide to move out of town and become the owner of a plot of land located in a beautiful natural area - on the shore of a picturesque lake, on the edge of a forest, or from the windows of your future home with a view of the mountains, be sure to pay attention to this section.

As a rule, projects of houses with second light involve construction from scratch, since implementing such an architectural solution in an already built house is quite problematic and expensive. Typically, projects of cottages and houses with second light assume the absence of overlaps between floors with the creation of an extensive balcony inside the living space. At the same time, the architect, using this technique, strives to obtain a feeling of space and solidity. The house will always be bright; in addition, it allows you to experiment with glazing, for example, using stained glass. There are a huge number of options for decorating this type of room, including non-standard artificial lighting. However, it is important to remember that large spaces with high ceilings require special attention when it comes to heating. Modern heating systems can solve this problem without much hassle, but this should still be thought about at the design stage.

Such projects are very successful because they allow you to create original and spectacular interiors that will make the house much more aesthetically pleasing and brighter. In addition, house designs with second light allow you to significantly save on artificial lighting and grow even the tallest indoor plants in the house, which will undoubtedly delight lovers of indoor flora. Some people believe that second light can only be created in houses with a large area, but in fact, there are designs for houses with second light and a small area - the main thing is to properly think through and organize the space. That is why the design of a house should be carried out in close cooperation with the architect. His experience and practical approach will help you realize your plans to the fullest and at the same time get a truly comfortable home. Of course, it is very important to choose a good specialist who can achieve a compromise between the wishes of the customer and the regulatory requirements for a residential building. The best way to find such a professional is to contact a reputable design organization.