Presentation on "traditions and customs of the peoples of Africa." Rituals, ceremonies and rituals in South Africa Peoples of West Africa presentation

Africa is the second largest
continent in the world. In its vastness
extends about fifty
countries Including such famous
like: Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan,
Nigeria and many others. Africa
secured many
unusual religions, amazing
culture and customs, as well as
mysterious story. It is on this
the continent is home to the majority

In Africa, despite the fact that
outside the window is the 21st century, still
there is tribal
Every tribe has a leader
healer, sorcerer, etc. They are all
they also eat freshly killed
animals, build houses from
wood and straw, commit
magical rituals and ceremonies.
Not familiar with civilization.
It’s easier to say, they still live in
Stone Age. But no matter
their culture is less saturated
various phenomena,
which are difficult to find in
another point on the planet.

Religion in
The vast majority of residents of the southern and
central Africa speak languages ​​of the group
Bantu. Modern tribes speaking
centuries-old migrations and mixing of groups and
adapted to different living conditions,
from tropical forests to deserts. We
Let us dwell in detail on the Baluba people and
Let's make some comparisons with others
in groups.
There are others in this part of the continent
language groups such as the Khoisan and Nilotes.
The religion of Africa is traditional; it is inherited, mainly in oral form,
from generation to generation. The child perceives the word of elders as final
solution: there are no other authorities. If you can't trust your elders, you can't
trust no one.

One of the most significant events in the process of formation
man is dedication. Ceremony among the Baluba
initiation into men is called "mukanda" and is usually
takes place at the beginning of the dry season, in May. At the first stage
there is a separation of boys from women, especially from
mothers. Separation includes circumcision which confirms them
male gender. The boys then spend several months in
camps, far from the village where they undergo training and
are taught traditional beliefs and customs. In the end,
they return to the village as men prepared for
full participation in public life. This change
corresponds to the change in the life of the entire people that has occurred,
when Kalala Ilunga succeeded Nkongolo.

Brides and grooms from small tribes lost in Africa
and on the islands in the ocean, for thousands of years strange and
sometimes cruel rituals. Pass before the wedding row
tests. And then, as a rule, they live together.
In Namibia and some areas of South Africa, a woman
to get a divorce and get married again, you need to
cut off your finger.
Groom from the East
Nigeria, which
heading towards the bride
everyone greets her
relatives and beat
with sticks. Thus
they check if you are ready
he endures hardships
family life.
In the Bania tribe, which
lives on the banks of the Zambezi,
the groom comes to the bride's house,
where he works like a slave. If
he gets tired, he can leave, but
only after paying
failed wife
significant compensation.
In Tibet, the number of rings on the bride's neck means
the number of her lovers. And the more there are, the more
The wedding is celebrated luxuriously and solemnly.
To the virginity of brides different peoples relate
differently. In some tribes, a woman
who had premarital relations has no
chances of getting married. For example, throughout Eastern
Africa simply spoiled the bride
returned to parents, and they themselves are showered
feathers in protest.
But the Chibcha Indians in Central
America doesn't need virgins. Here they think
that girls who retain their virginity are simply not
were in demand among men. This means that for some reason they are not suitable.

Infidelity is generally not welcomed. In the Mariana Islands, a cheater
kicked out of the house with confiscation of all property. And the lover is killed. IN
Ashanti tribe cuckolds the wife, the husband bites off her nose.
On the same Mariana Islands, unfaithful husbands are also punished. They beat them in execution
All women in the area participate. They torment the “scoundrels” until they
will give up the ghost or, at best, not become crippled.
In Greater Bassam (Africa) a traitor can get off quite easily
To atone for your guilt, it is enough to give your wife a gold jewelry. And if he changes
wife, then her lover becomes the scapegoat: for some time he must
work as a servant in this family.
Arab women live the most interesting lives
Assani tribe. They have the right to go left
every fourth day.

African cuisine
In Moroccan cuisine
mainly used
fruits and vegetables,
grown on the ground
generously bathed in sunshine,
many rare ones
aromatic spices,
fish delicacies and
juicy meat. This is all the most
better from Eastern cuisine,
famous all over the world.
The most famous dishes of Morocco
are: Couscous, Pastila and Tagine.
Tajine is a national dish
residents of Marrakesh. Your name
tagine received from clay
jug in which when cooking
languishes for a long time spicy
marinated beef with spices
and lemon juice.

Peoples of Africa. There are between 500 and 7000 peoples in Africa. This discrepancy is explained by the unclear delimitation of peoples and their divisions. Most likely, the number of peoples and large ethnic communities uniting several closely related peoples ranges from 1 to 2 thousand. In cultural and ethnographic terms, the territory of Africa is divided into 2 historical and ethnographic provinces: North African and Tropical Africa.

The main occupation in North Africa is arable farming, gardening and viticulture, large and small livestock (horses, donkeys). Clothing: long wide shirts with a round collar, tapering trousers, sleeveless vests, jackets, caftans, swinging raincoats with short sleeves or sleeveless. The traditions of nomads are preserved in the custom of sitting, eating and sleeping on the floor. The main food is porridge, flatbread, sour milk, couscous (boiled small wheat pasta), spit-roasted and minced meat, fish, pies, bean sauces, hot sauces, olive oil, dried fruits and dishes based on them, tea, coffee. Farmers' dwellings: adobe or adobe buildings with flat roof, often with terraces, overlook the courtyard; the estate faces the street as a blank wall.

The cities of West Africa arose as trade and craft centers, residences of rulers, sacred centers, or combined these functions. Rural settlements of a scattered type, sometimes farmstead, in the Guinean subregion of the street. The single-chamber dwelling is round, square or rectangular in plan. Construction material in the Sahel, clay, stone, shrubs, grass are used; in the savanna, wood, branches, straw; in the forests, palm wood, bamboo, banana and ficus leaves; Leathers, skins, fabrics, mats, and dung are used everywhere in the construction of dwellings. A single type has emerged in Sudan men's suit, going back to the clothing of Islamic marabout teachers: bubu (a long wide shirt, usually blue, often with embroidery at the collar and on the pocket), wide trousers with cuffs at the bottom, a cap, sandals. Unstitched clothing is typical. The food of the peoples of West Africa is vegetable porridge, stews, palm wine, millet beer.

The traditional occupations of Bantu-speaking peoples are manual farming and semi-nomadic pastoralism (cattle and small cattle). The traditional food of farmers and cattle breeders is stews and porridges made from sorghum and corn, seasoned with vegetables, milk; The main drink is millet beer. A traditional settlement with a circular layout of hemispherical huts (kraal). Unlike most African peoples, who have an open hearth (usually outside the home, in the yard), mountain dwellers often have adobe stoves. Traditional clothing is unstitched (loincloth and apron, leather cloak-kaross).

Niger-Kordofanian language family Zulu (Bantu) Pygmies “fist” - the shortest people on Earth (average height cm) Watuzi - the most tall people on Earth (average height about cm) Bushmen “forest people” - evicted to the Namib desert Fulbe Fulbe

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The work was carried out by the geography teacher of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 29, Novorossiysk Kuklina Tatyana Vladimirovna Peoples of Africa

The Maasai are a semi-nomadic African indigenous people living on the savanna of southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. The Maasai are perhaps one of the most famous tribes in East Africa. Maasai

Maasai Despite the development of modern civilization, they have almost completely preserved their traditional way of life, although this is becoming more difficult every year. They speak the Maasai language.

pygmies Pygmies (Greek Πυγμ αῖοι - “people the size of a fist”) are a group of short Negroid peoples living in the equatorial forests of Africa.

pygmies Height from 144 to 150 cm for adult men, light brown skin, curly, dark hair, relatively thin lips, large body, short arms and legs

Pygmies Main occupations are hunting and gathering. Pygmies do not make stone tools; Previously they did not know how to make fire (they carried the source of fire with them). Hunting weapon - a bow with arrows with metal tips, and these tips are often poisoned

Tuaregs Tuareg men are considered the most ruthless and powerful warriors in Africa, as well as the best traders. The woman owns the family property, the Tuareg man is obliged to support the family. Men prefer knives and sabers to modern weapons, and follow the strict code of honor of the desert people.

They are called the “blue people of the desert” because the Tuareg dye their clothes in indigo, using the dry method - driving indigo grains into the fabric with stones, without soaking them in water. This often results in their skin having an indigo bluish tint.

Moreover, Tuareg men cover their faces almost completely with a veil, initially fleeing from the desert dust, and then making this habit a tradition. Tuareg women do not cover their faces with anything.

Africa is a place where people live, adhering to the rules of life, traditions and culture that developed several centuries ago, have reached the present day almost unchanged and are a clear guide to the everyday life of the population. The inhabitants of Africa still successfully exist through fishing, hunting and gathering, without feeling the need or acute need for the objects of modern civilization. This does not mean that they are not familiar with all the innovations of civilization, they simply know how to do without them, leading a secluded lifestyle, without making contact with the outside world.

Peoples inhabiting Africa

The African continent is home to many different tribes with different levels of development, traditions, rituals and outlooks on life. The largest tribes are Mbuti, Nuba, Oromo, Hamer, Bambara, Fulbe, Dinka, Bongo and others. Over the past two decades, tribal residents have been gradually adapting to a commodity-money system, but their priority is to provide themselves and their families with the necessary food products in order to prevent prolonged famine. We can say that the tribal population has practically no economic relations, which is why various conflicts and contradictions often arise, which can even end in bloodshed.

Despite this, there are also tribes that are more loyal to modern development, entered into economic relations with other large nations and are working to develop public culture and industry.

The population of Africa is quite large, so on the continent, from 35 to 3000 people live on one square kilometer, and in some places even more, since due to the lack of water and the unfavorable climate of the deserts, the population here is unevenly distributed.

In northern Africa live Berbers and Arabs, who, over ten centuries of living in this territory, passed on their language, culture and traditions to the local residents. Arab ancient buildings still delight the eye, revealing all the subtleties of their culture and beliefs.

There are practically no inhabitants in the desert area, but there you can meet a large number of nomads who lead entire caravans of camels, which is their main source of life and an indicator of wealth.

Culture and life of the peoples of Africa

Since the population of Africa is quite diverse and consists of more than several dozen tribes, it is very obvious that the traditional way has long lost its primitiveness and in some aspects borrowed culture from neighboring inhabitants. Thus, the culture of one tribe reflects the traditions of another and it is difficult to determine who was the founder of certain rituals. The most important value in the life of a tribal people is the family; it is with it that most beliefs, traditions and rituals are associated.

In order to marry one of the girls of the tribe, the guy must compensate his parents for the damage. Often these are domestic animals, but recently ransom has also been accepted in monetary terms. It is believed that this tradition helps families unite, and also in the case of a good ransom amount, the bride’s father is convinced of the wealth of his son-in-law and that he will be able to properly provide for his daughter.

The wedding should only take place on the night of full moon. It is the moon that will indicate what the marriage will be like - if it is bright and clear, then the marriage will be good, prosperous and fertile, if the moon is dim - this is a very bad sign. The family in the tribes of Africa is characterized by polygamy - as soon as a man becomes financially wealthy, he can afford several wives, which does not bother the girls at all, since they equally share the responsibilities of housework and childcare. Such families are surprisingly friendly and direct all their efforts for the benefit of the tribe.

Upon reaching a certain age (it is different for each tribe), young people must undergo an initiation rite. Boys and sometimes girls are circumcised. It is very important that the guy does not scream or cry during the ceremony, otherwise he will forever be considered a coward.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of Africa

Africans spend a lot of time trying to protect themselves from evil spirits and get closer to good gods. To do this, they perform ritual dances (making rain, fighting pests, receiving blessings before hunting, etc.), getting tattoos, carving masks that are supposed to protect them from evil spirits.

Sorcerers and shamans play a special role in the life of the tribe. They are considered servants of spirits, it is to them that tribal leaders listen and common people come to them for advice. Shamans have the right to bless, heal, they conduct weddings and bury the deceased.

Residents of Africa are especially enthusiastic about honoring their ancestors, performing a number of rituals to worship them. Often this is the worship of deceased ancestors, after whose death more than a year has passed; with the help of certain ritual actions, they are invited back to the house, allocating them a separate place in the room.

Before marriage, girls are taught a special language for married women that only they know and understand. The bride must come to the groom's house on foot and bring her dowry. Marriage can be concluded from the age of 13.

Another feature of tribal culture is the application of scars to the body. It is believed that the more there are, the the best man warrior and hunter. Each tribe has its own drawing techniques.

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"Water in Africa" ​​- Widely used for irrigation. Full of water all year round. O royal Niger, this is how people dared to insult you! Climate. The rivers of Africa are fed by rain. The largest in Africa, the second largest freshwater body of water in the world. Has the greatest density... climate zone. The only river crossing the Sahara.

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There are a total of 27 presentations in the topic