Life path 2. Numerology

DIRECTION: learn to collaborate.
LIFE OPPORTUNITIES: Work well with partners or in a group.
KEY WORDS: employee, friend, diplomat, inspirer, musician, indecisive person, shyness, shyness, self-pity.

Two people always pay attention to the feelings of others, even before they form their own attitude. They may even give others the chance that is rightfully theirs. And although they are not born leaders, like very few people, they can lead. Then they need a strong partner to cover their rear. They attract attention and find fame. Those around him are fascinated by the inspiration of the speeches of a person of two. They are masters of their time and wait patiently until the right moment comes to continue action. They are unlikely to rush and always resist when they are forced to work at a pace that is uncomfortable for them. A love of music or musical ability is always present as these people have a natural sense of rhythm. They are exceptionally good at jobs that require attention to detail. Always polite and gallant, they do not like rude speech or shocking behavior. Diplomacy is a natural talent for Twos because they are able to appreciate both sides of the coin. They prefer to have a lifelong partner and work as a team. Being natural collectors and gatherers, they enjoy shopping and hunting for curiosities. These are honest people who still need to dampen their egos a little.
Negative qualities: there are difficulties in making decisions, since people with a two do not want to offend anyone due to the fact that they constantly take into account other people’s opinions. If they have to restrain their emotions, then sooner or later an explosion will follow. Being very susceptible and easily wounded, they daydream too often. They prefer to play out all their fantasies in their minds rather than act on them. Timidity or shyness can be a problem, so they are uncomfortable in competitive situations.
President Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are Life Path Number 2 holders and both had strong partners. The two's musicality was well demonstrated by Diana Ross and Shirley Bassey.

Bill Clinton. Life Path Number 2 often bestows personal charisma, courteous manners and the ability to cooperate with many people.


The number 2, according to Pythagoras, represents the maternal principle in the family of numbers. It gives women tenderness and humility, in accordance with the maternal archetype; The strong side of men with 2 as their date of birth is, most likely, the gentleness, courtesy and tactfulness of a truly well-mannered person, rather than the aggressiveness of a “male”, characteristic of a youthful stereotype. The properties of the number 2 are opposite to the properties of the number 1. Therefore, their carriers are in opposition to each other. Representatives of both sexes who experience the influence of the number 2 are distinguished by a certain stubbornness, and this often prevents those who are not flexible enough in their judgments from appreciating them.

Those born with 2 as their date of birth are calm, quiet people; they do not like to “exhibit themselves.” Disturbing the world, “exploding” it is not their role. Most people don’t even think about it. As a result, they most often occupy a subordinate position both among family and friends, and at work. This does not mean that they are not able to lead. It’s just that as soon as they get bored of playing the role of “second fiddle”, they will have to take decisive steps to overcome excessive modesty and fear of the “footlights”. That is why many people with a similar vibration, who ultimately had significant success in life, began their ascent to their Olympus very slowly. However, having suppressed their innate timidity, they will strive for the goal, regardless of any obstacles. So two as a date of birth does not necessarily serve as a barrier to great achievements in any field of human activity.

From time to time, with the number 2, people appear who are completely ordinary in many respects, but endowed with a special gift in some area, which brings them recognition; and sometimes fame, and, it would seem, without any visible effort on their part. True, most people born with the number 2 do not conquer the alluring peaks due to the fact that they lack the spirit of competition. Yes, they are smart, reasonable, and they have a rich imagination. But, unfortunately, too often there is not enough assertiveness and toughness to satisfy one’s own interests and translate one’s ideas into reality. Peace and quiet are dearer to them. With rare exceptions, fighting is enjoyable. That is why, having been awarded a reliable position, they achieve the highest success; and they feel like a fish in water if they happen to completely devote themselves to routine work - this is how they create for themselves their own world, well organized, cozy, where they find refuge from the hustle and bustle of the world around them.

They are more often guided by the heart than by the mind. As a result, they often find their calling in the social sphere. These good-natured, tolerant, attentive people make excellent doctors, dentists, nannies, and social security workers. Power as such is rarely of interest to them. Having achieved power, they use it for purposes that they consider important to themselves. The most energetic representatives of number 2 set themselves the task of changing the world for the better. The ability to sympathize with people and show care for them leads to the fact that carriers of the number 2 acquire the gift of clairvoyants and mediums.

At the same time, not all representatives of this number, even those who are selfless by nature, are destined to become lucky ones who achieve easy victories in life. Most of them are law-abiding and do not take chestnuts out of the fire. Their judgment - although these people rarely “speak” - is highly valued by others. However, bearers of the number 2 themselves often lack the conviction that they are right, and their actions are not always distinguished by the same common sense as their judgments.

It should be remembered: attentive and susceptible to all manifestations of dishonesty, these people quite quickly notice the dishonest habits of those who are ready to “go over their heads” in order to achieve their own goals. Considering that they themselves often suffer failures, these people experience indignation in such cases, which is more prudent to suppress or at least hide: there is no point in aggravating the situation by creating powerful enemies for themselves. But you can’t lose your presence of mind, because if you give in to dishonesty, there will be no peace in your heart, and it won’t help your cause. Fate, it seems, is often unfair to carriers of the number 2 (and so it is), but who doesn’t this happen to? Instead of being indignant about extraordinary events or the unsightly actions of the powerful, they should not take the negative events to heart and focus on the positive ones.
Since people of this number do not find joy in the struggle for success at any cost, they seek joy in their personal lives, in the opportunity to satisfy their interests and apply their talent, regardless of others. Their musical, artistic or literary abilities, for example, may be above average, and even if these abilities do not reach professional levels, the use of a natural gift can bring genuine happiness for a lifetime.

For most number 2s, equanimity is their most important virtue. To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, it is worth saying that they do not lose their heads even when everyone around them is doing just that; and as a result, they have a significantly greater survival resource than uncontrolled people. Those who carry the vibrations of the number 2, who achieve the greatest success in life, are able to give the impression of people hardened like steel, despite the fact that a fire may be burning in their soul at this time.

This rational, balanced approach reflects, first of all, the fact that they value peace, tranquility and a happy life at home more than anything in the world. Many women with 2 as their date of birth sacrifice a serious career for the sake of a happy marriage and thereby partially protect themselves from the cruel reality of the outside world. The number 2 is often called the “mediator” because it can bring happiness or sorrow, depending on its association with other numbers. Thus, a woman who carries the number 2 must choose her partner especially carefully so that he can share with her her cherished dreams of a happy family life. Having made her choice, she will most likely remain faithful to her marital vows, regardless of whether it is good or bad. The breakup of a relationship seems to her to be a bitter personal failure, which is very difficult, if not impossible, to admit. Many women prefer, reluctantly, to stubbornly maintain family ties, no matter how unsuccessful they may be, than to show defeat, for which they probably blame themselves first of all, although the real picture may be different.

Unlike men with the vibration of other numbers, for men of number 2, a home environment in which comfort and warmth reigns plays a paramount role. For them, home is not a “base” to which they return “to camp” every evening, but the center of existence. Most of these men - even if they do not marry "copies" of their mothers - seem to choose as partners strong women who can create a "safe haven" for them, like the one that loving parents provided in early childhood. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, especially if it increases their self-confidence. However, they should take into account this side of their character and be prepared for the resulting restrictions on “male freedom.” Otherwise, tension will arise that threatens the well-being of the home, and even the very existence of the family, on the creation of which the spouse painstakingly and lovingly worked.

But no matter how important the role that home and hearth play for people of this number as symbols of a happy family, they do not fence themselves off from the outside world; on the contrary, they often actively participate in public life. Their prudence and modesty evoke respect among representatives of different social strata. They have a gentle sense of humor and get along with people easily—as a result, they are adored by both friends and casual acquaintances.

Despite the fact that their home gives them both joy and pleasure, they are not afraid to “raise the stakes” and go beyond their “hometown” in search of a better life. After all, as they say, “home is where the balm is for the heart”; and many representatives of number 2 are inquisitive by nature, they are attracted to wide open spaces, and they may find themselves far from their home. It is noteworthy that some of them like to live near water, which, however, is not entirely typical for this type of character.
Since home life is very important for carriers of this number, their partners should have a good deal of common sense. Sexual passion can fade into the background, giving way to genuine respect and love. Moreover, due to its absence (if this happens), married life will not become less happy in the long term - after all, it is known that marital relationships based only on sexual passion often fail as soon as passion passes. One way or another, representatives of this number are very devoted people, and in return they demand absolute loyalty. As long as they feel that they are loved, that they are needed, that they occupy a special place in the partner’s heart, everything is fine. But as soon as doubts creep in, they instantly begin to be jealous (especially if there are real reasons for this) and can resort to cruel revenge in their desire to save the family. Unfortunately, uncompromising jealousy can equally strengthen or destroy love bonds; in any case, it should be remembered that the result from it may be the opposite of what was expected.

In happy families, representatives of both sexes understand perfectly well that their well-being depends on the ability to competently manage the household, taking into account the available financial resources. Many of them do not at all belong to those people to whom money flows into their hands. Nevertheless, the material factor plays a very important role - it cements family ties. Therefore, most carefully monitor finances, and some even show pettiness in this matter.

Psychologically, these are closed people. True, in the circle of relatives or friends they easily relax, sometimes they can be moved to tears. In public, they most often hide their feelings, portraying themselves as outwardly calm. If they get upset about something, they withdraw into themselves, and this habit can develop into secrecy, which, in turn, will bring them a bad reputation as people who have something to hide.

The health of those born with the number 2 is fine - it is not always the strongest, but, nevertheless, it is normal if you look after it. They, of course, can be susceptible to minor diseases. But in this case, they tend to carefully follow a diet, resort to healthy foods and vitamin supplements. Many of them become vegetarians or become very interested in “alternative” forms of medicine. While not hypochondriacs in the literal sense of the word, they are aware of the value of good health and are attentive to all the means that work to maintain it.

Representatives of number 2 are great collectors and collectors. As long as there are people in the world with this vibration, shops and antique fairs will always attract buyers.
The leisure of these people is usually associated with the home and the things that serve as its decoration. Therefore, men who carry the number 2 often fanatically love to improve their homes, and women love to do handicrafts. Apart from the professional athletes among the representatives of number 2, they do not have any special athletic inclinations. And if they show interest in sports, then, most likely, in water and equestrian sports.

Whatever the achievements of people born with the number 2 in life, large or small, the natural honesty and decency of most such people serve as an argument in favor of the fact that without them the world in which they live and struggle would be poorer. Actually, to be such is their goal. True, not for everyone this desire can become a guiding star.

The study of numerology begins with determining the life path number, which is considered one of the most important, as it reveals the purpose of our life. Many people are not always clear about their purpose in life; knowing this number may make them reconsider their views.

There are eleven possible life path numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22. 11 and 22 are called master numbers and contain more power than other numbers.

To determine the life path number, you need to add up the numbers in the date of birth and reduce the resulting result to a single digit number, also by addition. If, when added, the sum is 11 or 22, then we leave this result.

Life path number: calculate

As an example, let's calculate the life path number for a young man born on July 12, 1973. We get the sum from the numbers in his date of birth:

  • 7 (month)
  • 12 (day)
  • + 1973 (year)
  • 1+9+9+2-21 and 2+1=3

The life path number of this young man is 3.

  • 2 (month)
  • 29 (day)
  • + 1944 (year)
  • and 1+9+7+5=22.

The second example showed the need for just such a calculation, since we do not just add numbers in a row, but make up a sum so as not to lose the main numbers. If we add the numbers in a row in a woman’s date of birth, we get the following:

  • 2 (month)+2+9 (day)+1+9+4+4 (year)=31
  • and 3+1=4.

As you can see from the example above, when adding on one line, we lost the main number.

Many people are interested in what the life path number means? This is the sum of your birth month, birth date, and birth year. By calculating it, you can find out how the date of your birth is connected with your destiny, and what message your birth carries. The destiny number will help you discover your talents and indicate your life goals. You will be able to find out what is destined for you and what obstacles you will have to overcome in the future.

Each life path number has its own special meaning.

Life path number 1

People with a life path number of 1 have to learn to be independent in order to achieve something in life. They usually start out in life dependent on others and achieve a certain degree of independence as they mature. Ultimately, they become pioneers, innovators and leaders.

Some of them are selfish, like to be ahead of everyone, they are ambitious, determined, stubborn and progressive. These people have an inquisitive mind and leadership qualities, and are also careerists and can reach the highest position in their field. In addition, they have great personal needs that they need to satisfy. People with a life path number of 1 are themselves well aware of their qualities, although this may not be noticeable to others. Whatever their needs, it is safe to say that they will satisfy them.

However, there are also negative sides to life's journey.

  1. Some people find it very difficult to achieve independence and feel overly depressed. In turn, others can take advantage of this, which is extremely unpleasant for people with a life path number of 1, although they are powerless to prevent this.
  2. Another important negative point is that people with life path number 1 are determined in life at the expense of others. They inadequately evaluate their own “I” and always think only about themselves.

Celebrities with destiny number 1

Among the famous names with life path number 1 are the following:

  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Mikhail Gorbachev;
  • Salvador Dali;
  • Arthur Clarke;
  • Ringo Star;
  • Danny DeVito;
  • Sting;
  • Florence Nightingale;
  • Richard Rogers;
  • George Washington.

Let's take the first US president, George Washington, as an example. J. Washington born February 22, 1732 in the family of a planter in Virginia. He received a haphazard formal education. He first had the opportunity to test himself during the French and Indian War (1754-1763), when he made two expeditions into the Ohio Territory. In 1775 he became commander of the Virginia State Troops, and in 1758 he left this post when he was elected to the House of Parliament. In 1774, John Washington was elected to the first Continental Congress. A year later he was elected to the second Congress and in the same year (1775) he was appointed commander of the colonial forces.

Over the next five years, Washington gains a reputation as a popular and successful leader. He becomes chairman of the Constitutional Assembly, and two years later he is elected by an overwhelming majority as the first president of the republic. In 1792 he was re-elected to this post. Washington's life is a shining example of a man who knew what he wanted and went after it with steely determination.

Another illustrative example of a person with a life path number of 1 is Henry Ford, who was born July 30, 1863. If he once set a goal for himself, he strove for it with incredible persistence. Like many other people, it took him many years to feel confident in his own abilities, to become independent and not depend on anyone. He was forty years old when he founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903. The famous Model T went into production in 1908. By 1913, mass production enabled him to sell cars for $500. In 1927, at the age of 44, he introduced the Model A, followed by the V-8 engine five years later.

Life path number 2

People with a life path number of 2 are very easy to communicate with. They are generous, charming and good hosts, ready to help at any moment, and easy to make friends with. Such people prefer to constantly be in contact with someone rather than stay on their own. They are sensitive, peaceful and intuitive by nature, talk about their feelings easily and are good friends. Often they find themselves in the shadows. They are satisfied with the role of “gray cardinals”. In this position, they do not always receive the full recognition for their actions that they truly deserve, but it is enough for them to know that they have done a good job.

But it happens that people with a life path number of 2 desperately try to become leaders, even when they understand that they will not be able to achieve outstanding results in this role. But this situation does not bring them happiness and harmony.

Famous people with destiny number 2

Among the famous people with a life path number of 2 are:

  • Ronald Reagan;
  • Madonna;
  • Art Garfunkel;
  • Jacqueline Onassis;
  • Jem Lee Curtis;
  • Jules Verne;
  • Bobby Fischer;
  • Andrew Lloyd Weber.

Singer Karen Kapenter, born March 2, 1950, is also a life path number 2. Karen was by all accounts a charming person, but she constantly needed encouragement from her family to get on stage and perform. In 1965, Karen, her brother Richard and their friend Wes Jacobs formed an instrumental trio. They soon decided to take part in a band competition at the Hollywood Bowl. Their trio won, and they were signed to a contract to record an album with RCA. Karen was only sixteen at the time.

The trio broke up after recording two unreleased albums. A few years later, Herb Alpert heard Karen and Richard's songs recorded on a demo tape. He liked them extremely much, and he offered his brother and sister a contract with A&M. Their first hit was the Beatles song "Ticket to Ride". Then the song “Close to you” was recorded, which sold a million copies in 1970. The brother and sister recorded many hits, but the pinnacle of Karen’s career was the invitation to perform at the White House in 1974.

In 1975, Karen became ill with anorexia and the Capenters had to cancel a European tour because Karen was too weak to perform. She got married in 1980, but the marriage quickly broke up. After several years of silence, she began to appear in public again. But in February 1983, after Karen visited her parents, she fell ill again. Doctors said her long battle with anorexia had weakened her heart. Obviously, she could not cope with the stress and tension inherent in being a singer. This is a typical problem for people with a life path number of 2.

Prince Philip(born June 10, 1921), husband of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, is another good example of a person with a life path number of 2. He does not strive to be the first, he knows that he will never be a leader, no matter what he does, and he is excellent plays a minor role. Here he can be a peacemaker, a diplomat and someone who smooths out conflict situations.

Life path number 3

People with life path number 3 need to express themselves in any way, ideally if it is creativity. It could be singing, acting or writing. Such people are usually interesting conversationalists and are happy to talk about the joys of life. Communication is their strong point. They have a lively mind, a rich imagination, and are always full of ideas. However, they often lack the initiative to implement their ideas. People with this life path number are friendly, sociable and helpful. They like to spend time in company and cannot be alone for long. They are carefree and often frivolous.

The other side of this coin is that some people with a life path number of 3 are overly frivolous and flighty. They scatter themselves into different activities, often not completing anything. This superficiality disheartens those around them, especially when they begin to abuse alcohol, drugs and/or lead a riotous lifestyle.

Celebrities with destiny number 3

Many representatives of show business have a life path number of 3:

  • John Belushi;
  • Bill Cosby;
  • Billy Crystal;
  • Alfred Hitchcock;
  • Johnny Mercer;
  • Olivia Newton-John.

Judy Garland(date of birth June 10, 1922) is also an illustrative example of a person with a life path number of 3. She first appeared on stage at the age of three, and her first appearance on screen occurred in 1936. World recognition came three years later when she played the role of Dorothy in the film The Wizard of Oz.

But the status of a star turned out to be unbearable, it became increasingly difficult for her to cope with it, so for the last fifteen years her life was filled with drugs, nervous breakdowns and even suicide attempts. However, she pulled herself together many times and again starred in films that were a resounding success in New York and London.

Life path number 4

People with a life path number 4 are practical and reliable, conscientious and well-organized, and they like to follow rules. They are able to create order out of chaos, are very hardworking and love to see the results of their work. They are ready to work patiently for many years if they are sure that their efforts are not in vain. They pay a lot of attention to detail and love sophisticated, complex tasks. They tend to be unshakable and stubborn, sometimes it is difficult for them to change a decision they have already made. They have a clear idea of ​​what they like and don't like and are not afraid to speak their mind.

The downside is that often people with a life path number of 4 do not want to limit themselves, as a result of which they can even suppress others. Another disadvantage of such people is their inability to fully assess the situation, which ultimately results in unused opportunities and, in some circumstances, disappointment.

Celebrities with destiny number 4

Famous people with a life path number of 4 include:

  • Joseph Patrick Kennedy;
  • Jean Cocteau;
  • Guglielmo Marconi;
  • Fanny Brice;
  • Robert Heinlein;
  • Duchess of Windsor.

Sir Thomas Beecham, born on April 29, 1879, a famous conductor, life path number - 4. Luck smiled on him by chance when the Halle Orchestra came to his hometown in England without a conductor. For twenty-year-old Beecham, who began conducting the orchestra almost without rehearsals, then his finest hour came. His greatest desire was to become a concert pianist, but after a wrist injury in 1904, he abandoned this idea and finally concentrated on conducting. His first public performance took place in London in 1905, and a year later he founded his orchestra. In 1910, Beecham conducted the orchestra during his first opera season at Covent Garden, introducing audiences to works not previously performed in Britain.

During the First World War, Beecham toured Britain with a small opera company, for which he was knighted in 1916. In 1920, the main opera season held in London practically bankrupted him. After this tragedy, he did not appear in public. In 1932, Beecham founded the London Philharmonic Orchestra. During World War II, he made a large tour to the USA and Australia. After returning to London in 1944, he founded the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Beecham conducted, wrote and toured until his death in 1961.

Life path number 5

People with a life path number of 5 are fickle and capable of doing several things at the same time. They become restless and impatient when they feel limited in something. They love to travel, have fun, and take a break from everyday affairs. They are very resourceful and enjoy solving problems. At the beginning of their life's journey, they may do something non-professionally, but as soon as they find their way, they quickly achieve great success. Always curious, full of energy and young at heart.

The negative side of life path number 5 is that such people are not able to concentrate on anything and often rush from one extreme to another. Many experiment with or abuse alcohol, drugs, and are promiscuous.

Celebrities with life path number 5

Famous people with a life path number of 5 include:

  • Sir Isaac Newton;
  • Mark Twain;
  • Helen Keller;
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Abraham Lincoln(date of birth: February 12, 1809) is another example of a person with a life path number of 5. He began his life path modestly, he practiced law in the state of Illinois in the 30s and 40s of the 19th century. He became a member of Congress in 1847, and he was also one of the prominent organizers of the Republican Party. In 1856 he ran unsuccessfully for the senatorial seat from Illinois. However, the debates he conducted made him a famous person in the country, and in 1860 he was elected president.

During the entire period of his presidency, war was waged with the Southern states. Lincoln freed the slaves in these rebellious states in 1863. In 1964 he was re-elected president, and in 1965 he was assassinated. Open-mindedness, a desire to learn, enthusiasm and energy are examples of the positive traits of the 5 life path.

Life path number 6

People with a life path number 6 are caring and responsible. They like to shoulder the problems of others and offer their shoulder so that others can lean on it. They especially love to help those they care about, becoming family members of those who turn to them for help in difficult times. Such people know how to please with good results, solving the problems of others. Sympathetic, loving and kind, they are happy when surrounded by their friends and loved ones. Often these are creative individuals.

It is very rare to find people using the number 6 negatively. However, people who take on the responsibilities and concerns of others often end up overburdened with other people's problems.

Celebrities with life path number 6

Among famous people with life path number 6:

  • Richard Nixon;
  • Dwight Eisenhower;
  • Jawaharlal Nehru;
  • Sylvester Stallone;
  • Stevie Wonder;
  • Hoadjie Carmichael;
  • John Lennon;
  • Thomas Edison.

These include Albert Einstein, born March 14, 1879. In 1905, Einstein published four research papers, each containing new discoveries in the field of physics. World fame came to him in 1919, when he created the theory of relativity. Two years later, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in theoretical physics, especially for his discovery of the laws of the photoelectric effect. In 1933, he began working at the Institute for Basic Research in Princeton (New Jersey, USA).

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross(born July 8, 1926) is a shining example of a humanist whose purpose in life was to help others. She was born in Switzerland. Studied medicine. In 1958, she immigrated to the United States and immediately became famous for her innovative approach to working with people with chronic diseases. The book “On Death and Dying” (1969) brought her worldwide recognition. For a long time, Elizabeth actively worked with children with chronic diseases, and after some time she began working with HIV-infected people.

People with a life path number of 7 take time to accumulate knowledge and wisdom. They have their own, unique approach to everything they do. This determines their originality; at the same time, it is difficult for them to adapt to circumstances, in addition, sometimes it is difficult for them to feel like part of any team.

Such people prefer a few close friends to a large circle of acquaintances. At first it may be difficult for them to establish contact with a person, since they “defend themselves” by creating various barriers, but if they make friends with someone, they will completely trust him. Sevenths are reserved, sometimes even overly suspicious, reserved, but spiritual people; their philosophy of life improves as they gain life experience.

Negative manifestation: people with a life path number of 7 may consider it impossible for themselves to get close to others and withdraw into themselves. They become very withdrawn.

Celebrities with life path number 7

Famous people with this life number include:

  • Queen Elizabeth II;
  • Louis Pasteur;
  • John F. Kennedy;
  • Jim Henson;
  • Oliver North;
  • Bob Geldof;
  • Mel Gibson;
  • Johnny Cash;
  • Lech Walesa;
  • Andy Warhole.

Sir Winston Churchill, born November 30, 1874, also had a life path number of 7. After school, he graduated from the Royal Military College and served as a junior officer as a war correspondent in Cuba, India and South Africa. He became involved in politics in 1900, as a member of the Conservative Party. Four years later he became a member of the Liberal Party. His rise was meteoric, and Churchill did much to strengthen the British Navy before the First World War. He served as a military officer from 1915 to 1916 before returning to Parliament at the end of the war as Secretary of State for War Supply.

After the war, W. Churchill was Secretary of War, Secretary of the Colonies and Chancellor of the Exchequer. The best years of his reign were from 1940 to 1945. as prime minister. He was not re-elected in 1945, but became prime minister again in 1951, retiring in 1955.

Throughout his political career, Churchill did not stop writing, using the talent of research characteristic of people with a life path number of 7.

Its owners like to engage in large-scale undertakings, as well as benefit from their success. They set goals and achieve them. They are ambitious, determined and consistently achieve results. These people live in the real world and do not waste time on illusions. They know how to make money and can be generous if they are successful at it. Good psychologists with leadership abilities, they usually occupy responsible positions. They tend to be firm and stubborn in their views, although they do not notice these character traits in themselves.

Those who use this life path negatively earn large sums of money, but at the expense of their health, happiness, and relationships. They can be impatient, vindictive and tireless.

Celebrities with life path number 8

Among famous people with life path number 8:

  • Ginger Rogers;
  • Pablo Picasso;
  • George Harrison;
  • Barbra Streisand;
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson;
  • Gene Kelly;
  • Elizabeth Taylor;
  • Jim Becker.

George Bernard Shaw(date of birth July 26, 1856) completes this list. His family went bankrupt, he received an incomplete education, wrote five unpublished novels, and in 1895, realizing that he would not make a playwright, he accepted an offer to become a theater critic. Although initially very shy, he managed to become a good public speaker. He experienced failure in 1898, but a year later achieved success for the first time at the age of 43.

Andrew Carnegie born November 25, 1835, is a significant example of a person with a life path number of 8 who became a multimillionaire. He was born in Scotland and emigrated to the United States in 1848. At age 15, he began working in a cotton mill, his first low-paying job before joining the construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1853. In 1865 he retired, having reached the position of manager, and founded his own business. His company became the largest iron and steel producer in the United States, and in 1901 he sold it for almost $500 million.

Then he became an active philanthropist, which is typical for people with this life path number. For example, he invested in the creation of 2,500 libraries in the UK, USA and Canada. He also supported American and Scottish universities, establishing several charitable foundations. The largest of them is the Carnegie Corporation of New York, to which Carnegie bequeathed $125 million for charitable purposes.

People with a life path number of 9 are prone to self-sacrifice. Being sensitive, caring, and having a strong need to serve others, they take pleasure in providing some kind of help to others. These people give more than they receive. These qualities can easily be used by others. By nature, such people are romantics. They become very disappointed when their deep, true love is not reciprocated. Their humanism seems abstract. They are creative people. They often become writers, although their creativity can manifest itself in other areas.

Negative manifestation of the number 9: the temptations of the material world can turn people with this life path number into soulless, selfish money-grubbers, which is contrary to their nature and therefore does not bring them satisfaction in life.

Celebrities with life path number 9

Among the famous people with the number 9:

  • Shirley MacLaine;
  • Dustin Hoffman;
  • Harrison Ford;
  • Patrick Swayze;
  • Benazir Bhutto;
  • Jimmy Carter;
  • Jack Nicklaus;
  • Nelson Rockefeller;
  • Carl Gustav Jung;
  • Carlos Castaneda.

Albert Schweitzer, born January 14, 1875, could have achieved success in many fields, but he devoted his life to providing humanitarian aid in a small village in Africa. He is known as a theologian, philosopher, musician, doctor, and author of many scientific works.

In 1899, Schweitzer received his doctorate in philosophy. A year later he was awarded a degree in theology. His book on theology, published in 1906, brought him worldwide recognition in this field. At the same time, he developed his musical abilities. His career began with a series of organ concerts in Strasbourg in 1893. The first publication on musical topics was the work “I.S. Bach: musician-poet", which was published in 1905.

That same year he announced his intention to become a physician of Goodwill. Schweitzer gave up his job at the university and began studying medicine. He completed his studies in 1913. Immediately, he and his wife sailed to equatorial Africa, where they spent most of their lives working in a hospital they themselves built for the indigenous people. Schweitzer was interned during World War I but returned to Africa in 1924 to rebuild his hospital. The hospital expanded, and in 1963 he could already treat 350 patients. During his life, he published many books, gave countless lectures, and gave many concerts, performing works by Bach.

Mahatma Gandhi(date of birth October 2, 1869) is another illustrative example of a person with a positive manifestation of the number 9 in life. In India he was revered as the "great soul of the country", in the rest of the world he is remembered as a supporter of the policy of non-violence.

Gandhi was educated in India and England. In 1893 he visited South Africa, where he encountered racial discrimination. He was imprisoned for appealing to the South African government for equality. Returning to India in 1919, M. Gandhi began to engage in politics. He led the Indian National Congress against violence. Party members were persecuted during the Second World War, but his efforts were not in vain, as India became an independent state in 1947. M. Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948.

Numbers 11 and 22 are considered the main ones in numerology. People with such numbers are perfect in spirit, who have already learned a lot in a past life, and now they will have to go through more serious tests. (In the East, many believe in reincarnation.) The soul of people with a major life path number often migrates, and now it has the opportunity to leave its mark on this world. Unfortunately, many people fail to use at least part of their potential.

The degree of nervous tension associated with the main numbers also affects the ability to achieve goals. People with these numbers very rarely achieve success at the beginning of their life. In their youth, they are similar to people with a life path number 2 or 4, but gradually gain self-confidence, gradually showing traits characteristic of the main numbers. They tend to be most successful late in life.

Life path number 11

Characterizes idealists and dreamers. They give birth to unique ideas, but more in dreams than in reality. However, with sufficient motivation, they are good at what they do and can achieve a lot. Since their ideas are not always practical, they need to evaluate their strengths before implementing them. They have good intuition and are also very caring.

People who use life path number 11 negatively are hopeless dreamers who achieve little in life and live in a world where it is difficult to separate reality from fantasy.

Over the past two hundred years, few have had the 11th life path number. This is due to the fact that most birth dates are reduced to the number 2, and not to 11. However, the situation will change in the near future. (For example, the son of one of my friends was born on March 30, 1985.). It is not surprising that there will be more such people in the 21st century, as we enter the Age of Aquarius.

Celebrities with life path number 11

Among the famous people with this life path number:

  • Hans Christian Andersen;
  • Beatrice Potter.

Harry Houdini, born March 24, 1874, also had a life path number of 11. He was definitely a man of ideas and managed to accomplish a lot. Even today, more than 70 years after his death, when we talk about illusionists, the name Harry Houdini comes first.

Harry was the son of a rabbi who emigrated from Hungary to the United States. His real name is Eric Weiss. He took the stage name Houdini in honor of his idol, the famous French magician Robert Houdin. He began his career as an acrobat and then became a circus performer, realizing that he could attract large audiences with his incredible agility. Harry demonstrated the ability to free himself from chains.

In addition, he spoke out against charlatan mediums. Harry loved his mother very much, and when she died, he tried to contact her through mediums. To his horror, he discovered that many of them were using simple tricks. While exposing charlatans, he continued to believe in spiritualistic seances, so he and his wife agreed to conduct seances after the death of one of them. For ten years after Houdini's death, his widow Bessie held a seance every year on the day of his death. Unfortunately, the experiment did not bring any results.

Life path number 22

People with a life path number of 22 are capable of achieving a lot. They usually make grandiose plans. They have enough opportunities that just need to be directed in the right direction. People with the number 22 often dream, but unlike people with the number 11, they make their dreams come true. They are practical and often do not follow conventions. Charismatic. Able to cheer and inspire others with words and actions.

The negative side of this path is selfishness. People with this life path number use their exceptional abilities only to achieve their own goals and do not pay attention to the needs of others. Sometimes they admit that they are selfish, but find it difficult to change for the better.

Celebrities with destiny number 22

Famous people include:

  • Elton John;
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger;
  • Marie Curie;
  • Marcel Marceau.

Comedian Denny Bruce, born October 13, 1925, is an illustrative example of a person with a life path number of 22. Possessing powerful and promising potential, he, however, could not cope with the vicissitudes of fate and destroyed himself with drugs. Bruce was educated on his own, as he left school and joined the Navy in 1942. However, he was demobilized according to the conclusion of psychiatrists due to homosexual tendencies.

With the support of his mother, he began performing in nightclubs and was declared a "discovery" in 1948. Its popularity grew, but in 1964 Bruce was arrested, allegedly for insulting morality (but in fact, for the bright, satirical and caustic nature of the sketch). After this incident, the police began to constantly pursue him. Every day Bruce became more and more gloomy. In 1965, his debts were $40,000. According to the official version, he died of a drug overdose on August 3, 1966.

Margaret Thatcher(date of birth October 13, 1925) is also a striking example of a person with a life path number of 22. Her childhood and youth were not colored by anything significant, but being involved in politics, she reached the highest heights of her political career, becoming Prime Minister of England and retaining this post for herself During a long time.

Numerology. The magic of numbers. Destiny number, secrets of numbers in life

You can change your name, but never your date of birth. Your birth date is completely yours and has a story meant only for you.

Date of birth - the month, day and year you were born - is very important in numerology. It determines one of the most important numbers in your numerology chart - the Life Path Number.
It can be compared to the script of a supposed performance, which, in essence, represents your life. Your Life Path Number reveals what your achievements and luck may depend on. This is your unique life path. This is where you can learn everything about your career and professional opportunities. It talks about areas of activity in which you will succeed even without special training. You can use the energy of this number throughout your life, because these are the talents and abilities inherent in you from birth. If you feel like you are going the wrong way, then read what your Life Path Number tells you. That is why such a numerological characteristic as a life path is sometimes called a life lesson, or destiny. People with the same Life Path Number can belong to different social strata, and few people have an absolute coincidence of all character traits. However, they will all have a lot in common.
The life path number is the result of the convolution of the birth date. First, we roll up the numbers of the day, month, and year separately, then we add the results and roll them up to a single digit.

Calculate your Life Path Number yourself

Formula for determining the Life Path Number.
Life path number = Birthday + month of birth + year of birth
Date of birth - 09.11.1962.
First step: If there are 2 digits in the birthday, convert it to a single digit number: 09 = 0 + 9 = 9
Second action: If there are 2 digits in the month of birth, convert it to a single digit number: 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.
Third action: Add the digits of the year so that we get a single-digit number: 1962= 1 + 9 + 6 + 2 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9.
Fourth action: Now add these three single-digit numbers together: 9 + 2 + 9 = 20.
20 is not a basic number, so we continue:
Fifth action: Convert a two-digit number: 20= 2+0=2 - base number 2 - life path number
Example 2. Date of birth - 12/19/1906. Likhacheva Anna Borisovna.
First action: If there are 2 digits in the birthday, convert it to a single digit number: 19 = 1 + 9 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1.
Second action: If there are 2 digits in the month of birth, we convert it into a single-digit number: 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. Third action: Add the digits of the year so that we get a single-digit number 1906 = 1 + 9 + 0 + 6 = 16; 1 + 6 = 7.
Fourth action: Now add these three single-digit numbers together: 1 + 3 + 7 = 11
11 is a base number, so there is no need to add numbers further. (Control number)
11/2 is the number of the life path.
Please note: There are exceptions. If you received a control number in the fourth step, write it 11/2, 22/4 or 33/6 and do not convert. The life path control number has a special meaning.

Life path number: 1

If your life path number is one, you are a born leader. Defend your rightness, relying on your own mind. You need space for thought and action.
You have strength and determination. You are able to take responsibility for protecting and ensuring your own life. You demand respect and attention to yourself, become irritable and even tyrannical when important events do not develop as you would like. Always strive to be at the helm of large enterprises, rejecting subordinate roles. You want to always be at the forefront and in the center of events. You are an exceptionally creative and original person, you have the stamp of unusualness. Your approach to problems is unique, and you are brave enough to wander off the beaten path. You may be irritated by your own mistakes, as well as by the mistakes of other people. Very concerned about their own situation and strive for success and satisfaction. The desire to be on top makes you strive for growth and success. You may not notice your own selfishness and vanity, and these negative traits will make themselves felt in your behavior. You need to be on guard for traits such as uncontrollability, anger and aggressiveness. If these qualities remain out of control, you can become overly despotic, suspicious and even irresponsible. You will do any job better if you rely on your own strengths and methods. Ideally, you should have your own business. It is better if you yourself become your boss. Hold tightly to your ideals in life and work with full dedication to realize them. The highly dynamic nature of your nature can lead to stress. To remain yourself, do not give in to pride and conceit. Remember, talents and opportunities are given to us from above. You can achieve a lot in life if you fully utilize your drive, creativity, originality, and pioneering spirit. Your abilities are varied and you have significant potential for success. You may be attracted to business, government or military service, all types of activities where you can lead and subordinate the course of events to your will.

Life path number: 2

The keyword of your nature is peacemaker. You are extremely receptive, sensitive and slightly fearful. These qualities are both your strength and your weakness. At times you are so sensitive to your own and others' experiences that it can lead to oblivion and suppression of your significant abilities or cause failure. You are able to intuitively sense what people are thinking or feeling, and this allows you to be very diplomatic and tactful. Patient and cooperative. You work well in a team and are able to find a harmonious combination of numerous contradictory positions. You need a harmonious environment. You are prone to beauty and have a refined sense of balance and rhythm. You have the gift of a healer. You can give your all for someone without paying attention to comments and criticism. Since you are an easily vulnerable person, you tend to hide your thoughts and feelings. This can be the cause of severe resentment. Too often you avoid confrontation to prevent a confrontation. Confidence in your inner strength inspires you to use this strength in cases where it is truly needed. You are a sensual and passionate lover. But when you suspect betrayal or deception, the reaction can be truly devastating, and sophisticated criticism is often used as revenge on someone. Awareness, diplomatic skill and organizational talents provide the ability to solve difficult problems. Willingly go into the shadows in order to ensure the success of the enterprise. You are often the hidden power behind the throne. And yet, you never receive trust in credit, although you do your job perfectly. Your role is not appreciated, and your achievements go unnoticed. You need security and comfort, a calm environment and the company of loving people. Strive for excellence in everything related to your home and work environment. You have excellent taste. You are a sociable person and have a good sense of humor. You are a saving refuge for many impressionable people who feel your understanding and compassion. When you are lucky enough to find your place in life, there will be room for your talents and intelligence on the path to success. Find something to do that will allow your refined nature to flourish. Be the glue that holds people together. Advisor, teacher, healer - these are the types of activities where you are guaranteed success and satisfaction. You will also be well suited for careers in music, architecture, advertising, agriculture, industrial design, fashion, watch repair and other fine mechanics. Politics and jurisprudence will allow you to use your considerable abilities in the field of negotiations and dispute resolution.

Life path number: 3

You have a great capacity for creative self-expression. Many writers, poets, actors and musicians have had a life path number of 3. You are witty, good with words and love to be the center of attention. Your talents lie in the expressive arts and may begin to manifest themselves in early youth, but can only be developed through patience and discipline. Using your artistic gift, you can lead an easy life, always remaining in the spotlight. And yet, you can easily bury your talents. The creative gift can bring you happiness and fulfill all your desires, but only with constant discipline and self-control. You are optimistic and have the tenacity to overcome setbacks. You are socially active, popular and inspire people with your sunny and cheerful demeanor. You generously forgive other people's mistakes. Many people with life number 3 have difficulties in handling money due to their disorganization and easy attitude to their responsibilities. You are emotional and vulnerable. When upset, you hide behind a curtain of silence, eventually emerging from your hiding place with jokes and laughter that are meant to hide your real feelings. When you are out of sorts, you can become irritable and cynical, making sarcastic remarks that will hurt others. When your talent of self-expression is used in a positive way, it is the world's greatest inspiring force that mobilizes others and brings you great success and happiness.

Life path number: 4

People whose life path number is 4 are practical and down-to-earth, with clear ideas about what is good and what is bad. You are organized and like order, systematic and like to control, methodical and decisive. Use a rationalistic and gradual approach to problem solving. They are not inclined to step aside if they encounter difficulties. You are not one of those looking for quick riches. Rather, they are inclined to work hard and for a long time for the sake of their business or career. Punctual, stubborn and persistent, you have everything for success, but it will come only after you work hard and overcome the obstacles that so often arise along the way. Justice and honesty are sacred things for you. You are one of those who form the foundation of society. They tend to rigidly adhere to their own ideals and are sometimes too hasty in their judgments about others. You are indulgent towards those you love and work well with people. It is very important that, as a member of a team, strive for a clearly defined individual task and individual responsibility. The possibility of success for you is very high in areas such as banking, statistics, management, organizational activities, construction, agriculture, science and all legal activities. You have rare persistence and discipline, and not all of your teammates are able to maintain the pace you set. You manage money well. Love for work can bear early fruit - even in youth there is a chance to occupy a prominent position. Due to your methodical and meticulous nature, you can become rigid and insensitive to people. You may also be too conservative where change is needed. This leads to unexpected failures. You must cultivate flexibility of character. Well adjusted to family life and often becomes a responsible and loving parent. And therefore, such blows to your love of order, such as betrayal or divorce, may be perceived by you as the collapse of the universe. You can easily become obsessed and even vengeful. You work hard and are oriented towards practical, traditional values.

Life path number: 5

The key word of your personality is freedom. Love travel, adventure, variety and meeting new people. Curiosity has no limits. Love to do several things at once until, having abandoned them, you do something else. Love change, new things and new horizons. Make friends easily. Capable of awakening and inspiring, attracting people from different classes. You speak your mind and have an almost supernatural ability to motivate other people's actions. Activities such as trade, show business, finance, science, medicine, occultism, the service sector and all professions related to travel and public speaking are well suited for you. You always feel good in front of an audience. Very sensitive and love to try everything under the sun. Sex, food and other sensory benefits greatly enhance your life. You have difficulty forming close relationships, but once you do, you become very devoted. You prefer a lack of discipline and order. You may be impulsive and do or say things you later regret. People whose life path is 5, due to their desire for freedom and adventure, sometimes lose control over events. Your talents are numerous and you have many different abilities. But the true keys to success for you are discipline and focus. Without this, many undertakings will remain unfinished, and you will not be able to realize your positive qualities. Perseverance and perseverance in work will crush all obstacles outside and inside you. Your calling is to comprehend the true meaning of freedom. Changes are constantly happening in your life, requiring courage and the ability to adapt. Keep your body in shape. Strength and flexibility of the body will give you a feeling of calm and security. Strive for freedom; you are attracted by the possibility of self-determination in life. But you have to work to learn how to provide for yourself and achieve success yourself. If you are in the right place, then the effort spent on inspiring and convincing other people will pay off. See that friends and colleagues support and promote you on the path to success.

Life Path Number: 6

You have great compassion. Strive to help people. Take care of the weak and humiliated. You are a healer and savior of people. Able to create comfort where it is needed. You often support people in difficult moments. Your life task is to develop in yourself the qualities that are necessary to truly help people, and not just be a sympathetic listener. You must determine the fine line between helping and interfering in other people's affairs. The tendency to take responsibility is inherent in your very nature. Sometimes you feel burdened by other people's problems. However, love for people never goes unanswered, and sooner or later you will be rewarded for your selfless efforts. Strive to maintain harmony within your family or social group. Strive for marriage and often become a wonderful father or mother, bringing warmth, security, and understanding to children. Generous, kind and attractive. You are often admired, even adored, which can make you angry or upset. You are modest and at the same time you carry pride deep in your soul. Your movements are complete and graceful, but you will have to work to ensure that your body maintains its shape. Caring towards their parents. Don't let sentimental relationships influence your decisions, especially when choosing a spouse. In your family, you are always on the side of the weak brother or sister. The temptation and danger is to perceive yourself as the savior of the world, carrying the difficulties of other people on your shoulders. You are blessed with musical talent, as well as talent in the visual and performing arts. You have a talent that, with due diligence and hard work, can lead you to success in various types of artistic activity. You also have exceptional business abilities. Special charm and charismatic qualities allow you to actively attract people and effectively conduct business. Other professions where you can develop your positive qualities are related to healing, teaching, management, interior design and government work, in addition, all professions that deal with animals are suitable.

Life Path Number: 7

Those born with seven as their life path are rightfully considered seekers of truth. You have a clear and persistent perception of yourself as a spiritual person. And as a result of this, the goal becomes the comprehension of the unknown and the search for answers to the mysterious questions of existence. You have everything to complete this task. You have an excellent mind: you tend to think analytically and are capable of deep concentration. Enjoy the process of researching and combining disparate facts into a single whole. You love solitude, strive to work alone... You are a lone wolf, an individual who lives solely off of your own ideas and methods. And as a result, it is difficult to establish and maintain close relationships with people, and this is especially true for marriage. Intimate relationships are very difficult for you. You need your own space and privacy, and if these rights are ignored, you become frustrated and irritable. But when your life is smoothly running, you are charm and attractiveness itself. Then you can work in a team. You like to demonstrate your own intelligence and erudition; this attracts people to you, especially representatives of the opposite sex. But you also have obvious limitations. Although in society you are predominantly a broad and generous person, generously sharing your energy and attention with people, from time to time you can dramatically change your style of behavior. At such moments, you are irritable, abruptly get rid of people, trying to leave and be alone. And yet, independence and the desire for unification can turn into isolation and loneliness. If isolation goes too far, you can become cynical and suspicious. You should very carefully monitor the manifestation of such character traits as selfishness and egocentrism. You should not perceive yourself as the center of the Universe and the only person who really exists. Social activity will give you the prospect of development as an individual and a path to life, while excessive self-isolation will lead to limitation and even loss of orientation in life. Deep down, you may envy those simple and open relationships. You may harshly judge yourself for your lack of sociability and inability to lead. A vital need is to maintain one's own independence without falling into a feeling of isolation and self-criticism. We must hold tightly to our own ideas about the world and at the same time remain open to others. With the ability to study, analyze and find answers to vital questions, you have the potential for unlimited growth and success in life. You will find peace and satisfaction in the pursuits of science, religion, insurance, invention, the occult, and all that is imbued with the spirit of exploration.

Life Path Number: 8

People with a life path number 8 are natural leaders and are capable of amassing enormous material wealth. You have great talent as a manager in all types of human activity, especially in the field of business and financial transactions. You understand the material world, you intuitively know how to implement this or that financial project. Your abilities are not for accounting and fine management, but for big projects, great tasks and long-term goals. Dreamy and slightly reckless. You have the ability to inspire people and bring them together to accomplish your projects, but often they don't see what you see. And therefore, those who are with you need your constant guidance, inspiration and support. You must push them to action and at the same time keep them in the right direction, which only you can see. Financial success is inherent in the number eight more than other life path numbers, but, like the others, you need to make an effort to attract it. Your life's challenge is to learn to make distinctions and to understand that power and influence can be used for the benefit of humanity. People who have a life path number of 8 and do not understand the true, relative meaning of money will suffer the consequences of their greed and may even lose everything. You have the character and tenacity of a true winner. Major life changes, including bankruptcy and financial setbacks, are quite common for people with your life path number, but you have the ability to overcome such situations better than others. You can, after recovering from failure, carry out many successful projects again. A mistake in choosing a spouse will cost you more than anyone else. Despite the difficulties of life, you are destined to experience the happiness that comes with material security. Wealth will also bring you influence. Business, finance, real estate, law, science (especially history, archeology and physics), publishing and management of large organizations are the areas most suitable for your activities. You are destined for positions that involve leadership and influence. Politics, social activities and education are fertile ground for the development of talents. Social activities, sports, and journalism suit your abilities well. You are a judge of character and this helps you attract good people. Most Eights love large families and strive to keep other people dependent a little longer than necessary. Cheerfulness is inherent in nature, but you do not like to demonstratively show your love and affection. The passion for comfort and high quality is very strong. Life status is very important. Constantly care about improving your standard of living. Your life path enters a very important area - where the power is, and this can be dangerous. You may become too important, arrogant, putting others down and thinking that your way is the only right way. This inevitably leads to isolation and conflict. First of all, the people you love can suffer from this: family, loved ones and friends. Be very attentive to your qualities such as stubbornness, intolerance, authority and importance. People whose life path is 8 are usually physically strong, and this is another indicator of their vitality.

Life Path Number: 9

You are a philanthropist, a humanist, a socially oriented person, you are deeply concerned about the fate of humanity. We are ready to devote our entire lives to the implementation of our own utopian projects, donating money, time and energy to improve the world. Only this can bring you satisfaction and peace. You have a broad outlook on life. They tend to look at broad perspectives rather than look at small details in detail. Effortlessly attract people from various social strata, those who are suitable for the implementation of your grandiose plans and are capable of becoming your like-minded people. People whose life path is 9 are difficult to predict and have difficulty perceiving the life positions of other people. From your point of view, people can be evaluated only by one criterion - how suitable they are for great purposes. You have a developed and creative imagination, a sense of beauty and balance. These abilities can lead to activities as a landscape designer, photographer, or interior designer. But due to a strong internal commitment to social activity, you can become a good politician, legislator, lawyer, teacher, doctor or environmentalist. “Nines” are characterized by professions that require self-sacrifice and have a pronounced social orientation. You often feel frustrated by the realities of life, your own shortcomings and the shortcomings of other people. Under no circumstances do you agree to put up with the imperfections of the world, and this feeling constantly motivates you to take action aimed at improving it. Often dissatisfied with the result. You tend to lack understanding of real prospects and natural limitations. You control your enthusiasm and are able to see things through to completion. The basis of your individuality is the need to sacrifice. You must learn how to properly handle material assets, and also how not to control anyone too much. Money will come to you in mysterious and unexpected ways: as a result of inheritance; through donations from people inspired by your activities, through successful investments. But if you start striving for money only for its own sake, then after your enormous donations you may be left empty-handed. The most fruitful and satisfying path for “nines” is to give, spend, sacrifice for great goals and at the same time expect nothing as a reward. The most successful way is to combine your own achievements and turn the world into a beautiful garden for all people. This very often results in success and gains for you and your family. All life is based on a simple axiom: the more you give to others, the more will be returned to you. If you have not established a harmonious relationship with yourself, you may become discouraged, withdraw into yourself and become indecisive. You may become timid, eccentric and ungrateful, blaming other people or the world in general for your own problems. You have the gift of objectively analyzing your own life, as if from some distance. Be true to yourself. Through direct recognition of your own shortcomings and strengths, you will be able to find balance, and thus come to love and a deep understanding of yourself and everything in life.
Control numbers of the life path.
People with life path control numbers are given unique paths to follow through life. When we encounter these numbers, we must remember that we are moving to a higher plane of existence, which is not only inspiring, but truly giving.

Life Path Number: 11/2

You are a potential source of inspiration and enlightenment for people. You have an extraordinary supply of energy and intuition. There is a lot of incomprehensible going on in the psyche; probably, in your youth you could often be seen depressed or confused. You have much more potential than you can imagine. You electrify any situation. Inspire people without any conscious effort. Energy seems to flow through you without any control on your part. This gives, on the one hand, strength, and on the other, a certain emotional instability. Ideas, thoughts, understanding may come to you in ways that have nothing to do with rational thinking. It looks like a bridge, or connection, between your conscious and unconscious areas. The information that makes up your intuition flows through this channel. All these characteristics speak of a great capacity for invention. Many inventors, artists, religious leaders, prophets and great historical figures have had the number 11 in key positions in their personal numerology charts. All life situations can have both positive and negative consequences for you. You have great abilities, but at the same time you indulge your excessive addiction to self-criticism. You are often in a state of deepest self-awareness. You know very well in which areas you have outstanding potential. You have the blessing of the messiah - a special role that you must fulfill in life. But you can develop positively only if you make the most of your uniqueness. For some time, hidden internal development will prevail over the ability to implement the assigned tasks. Therefore, a false impression is created that people whose life path is 11 are inhibited in their development. Then it turns out, as a rule, that they are capable of much greater evolutionary achievements than an ordinary person. Thus, real success will not come until the age of 35-46, when your progressive development will receive further impetus. You may often feel disappointed because you expect too much from yourself. You can be too impractical, distracted, dreamy. You may also suffer from bouts of embarrassment and lack of integrity. These qualities come from a lack of confidence and can lead to a state of deep depression. The desire to realize your grandiose plans is enormous. Only great faith in your own strength will help you realize your dreams. Confidence is the key that opens the door to great opportunities. At the mental level, it is necessary to protect your nervous system, which is very sensitive to stress due to its general susceptibility, so that the deepest depression does not develop. Number 11 is a stronger version of number 2 and has many of the latter's characteristics and talents. You can be extremely diplomatic and tactful. You are patient and cooperative. You work well in a team and somehow manage to find creative harmony in a sea of ​​conflicting points of view. The sense of beauty is highly developed, as well as the sense of balance and rhythm. Have healing abilities, especially in areas such as acupuncture, massage, physical therapy and psychotherapy. You are a wonderful companion and have a developed sense of humor. When you find your place in life and the progressive realization of your potential begins, the suffering and trials of your youth will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Life Path Number: 22/4

You are born under the shadow of the most powerful and promising of all life path numbers. This suggests that life will offer you extreme options. On the one hand, you have the potential abilities of a Great Architect, the ability to perceive greatness in the sphere of archetypes and transmit it to the conditioned world. On the other hand, you may wallow in the depths of ignorance and not even be able to feed yourself. Your strength is of a very extraordinary nature. It manifests itself through the ability to bring great ideas to life by uniting and inspiring other people. Only through collective efforts will you be able to bring together people, ideas and resources - the three elements necessary to realize your plans. Now it’s clear why your path to your life goal is filled with dramatic events. Due to the fact that your character combines the most opposite characteristics, you have both inspiration and innate practicality. Your life task is to turn dreams into reality. You are good in business and politics. You navigate grandiose projects and can think and act on an international scale. Gifted with an unusually strong sense of community. You are able to see the merits and potential of every idea, but also the practical ways to implement it. Somehow you manage to see the limits of a particular idea - from when and until what point it will work. This is an intuitive ability that allows you to evaluate the possibilities of ideas in relation to practice. Although the number 22 promises its owner a lot, he must still be prepared for the fact that he will have to work hard in life. You have great ambitions, and although they are difficult to manage, they will allow you to achieve all your goals. In any type of relationship, you are a faithful partner. You always give good advice and subsequent moral support. Flights of fancy do not cause you any inconvenience; by nature you are indifferent to emotional outbursts. You are unconventional in your thoughts and deeds, but you prefer to look traditional. Not prone to importance and pretentiousness. Your life lesson is to learn to share other people's views and allow others to make personal contributions to the common cause. This requires flexibility, which is your most underdeveloped character trait. There is often a lack of faith in the capabilities of other people. This is why you tend to control people and situations and sometimes make attempts to manipulate people.

Life Path Number: 33/6

This is a special path that will lead you to the path of unconditional love. With a life path number of 33/6, you will learn selfless service, altruism, and nurturing the spirit. Having learned this lesson, you will move on to the next stage - the universal parent. You are a born champion of the underdog, empathetic and kind-hearted. A person with a life path number of 33/6 sincerely puts the needs of others first, which is why such people are often known as philanthropists and benefactors. If your life path number is 33/6, you find it easy to sacrifice and may not consider it a sacrifice at all. Any public service project is a good career or professional choice for the 33/6 life path number, whether you are working with the homeless or hungry, helping refugees, doing charity work, children's education, or even missionary work. In addition, you are suited to any job that allows you to joyfully give your best to people and serve them with love.

The Life Path number determines the main task facing a person in a given incarnation. And everything else, one way or another, is subordinated to the fulfillment of this task.

The Life Path number is like a compass. If you are lost in the forest, all you need to do is know the general direction that will lead you out, for example, go south, that's all. Just like the Life Path Number, if you are lost in life, don’t see a goal, don’t know where to go or what to do, throw away all the details and do what the Life Path Number advises you to do.

Meanwhile, determining this powerful number is not at all difficult. We simply perform numerological convolution of the date of birth. In this case, the day, month and year are summed up separately until a base number or master number is obtained. The resulting three numbers are then added together and the result is rolled up, again, to the base number or master number.

  • Determining the Life Path Number is a simple case.

Let's say the date of birth is April 9, 2003. Let's calculate the Life Path Number for this date of birth.

  • Day: 9. This is already a basic number, no additional actions are required.
  • Month: 4. This is also a basic number.
  • Year: 2003 We perform the convolution 2 + 0 + 0+3 = 5.
  • Now we add together the results obtained for the day, month and year: 9 + 4 + 5 = 18.
  • It remains to collapse the number 18 to the base or master number: 18 -> 9.

So, as a result of calculations, we received the number 9 - this number is the Life Path Number.

  • Determining the Life Path Number is a difficult case.

The day and month are not always immediately represented as basic numbers. Let's determine the Life Path Number for Carlos Castaneda, born December 25, 1925.

  • Day: 25-> 2 + 5 = 7.
  • Month: 12 —> 1 + 2 = 3.
  • Year: 1925 —> 1 + 9 + 2 + 5 = 17 —> 1 + 7 = 8.
  • Add the numbers of the day, month and year together: 7 + 3 + 8 = 18-> 9.
  • Determining the Life Path Number with master numbers.

The main thing to remember is: if, when collapsing a number, we encounter a master number (11, 22 or 33), then the collapsing stops. A good example is the calculation of the Life Path Number of the writer Mark Twain. He was born November 30, 1835.

  • Day: 30=3+0 = 3
  • Month: 11 - stop! This is the master number. So, we’ll leave it at -11.
  • Year: 1835=1+8+3+5=17=1+7 = 8.
  • We add the numbers of the day, month and year: 3+11+8 = 22. As a result, we get the master number and stop there.

Here is an example of the owner of a master number as a Life Path Number. This master number helped Mark Twain to be more than just a writer and provided him with a powerful resonance throughout the world. One of the indirect evidence of this is the fact that it is difficult to find a person who does not know at least the name of Mark Twain.

Life Path of number 1.

The lot of those whose main life task comes down to the number 1 - to be first. They are born leaders, pioneers, pioneers.

It is difficult for a unit to follow someone; it definitely needs to get ahead. In youth, this is not always possible due to insufficient life experience, and a person is forced to obey someone else’s leadership, but still strives to do everything his own way, which can be the cause of conflicts. Or he finds his own path, unknown to anyone and unlike anything else. It is easier for a unit to be completely alone than to come to terms with a subordinate position.

A good way out for an unsatisfied desire for leadership is to play sports, and one where you can compete and fight for first place.

Ideally, the one who received the Life Path of the Unit manifests himself best when he is “number one” - that is, when there is no authority over him, when he is “his own head” and is fully responsible for all his decisions.

The approach to business characteristic of the unit is ingenuity, originality, the search for new ways, the ability to take risks, but at the same time the tendency to “reinvent the wheel” - to look for a new approach where the old one is not at all bad.

Among the representatives of the Life Path of the Unit are Napoleon Bonaparte, JI.A. Brodsky, M.S. Gorbachev, Christian Dior, G.K. Zhukov, James Cook, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, K.S. Malevich, Karl Marx, Alfred Nobel, Isaac Newton, Nicolo Paganini, Blaise Pascal, N.M. Przhevalsky, S.S. Prokofiev, D.D. Shostakovich, Ernst Rutherford, M.A. Bakunin, L.V. Leshchenko, I.L. Krutoy, S.V. Khorkina, N.P. Karachentsov, I.M. Khakamada, A.V. Rutskoy.

Life Path of number 2.

The path of the two is the path of a diplomat, a politician, a person who knows how to establish relationships and maintain balance.

If you have ever used a pharmacy scale, then you remember what small weights you have to operate in order to achieve balance between their cups. And the deuce is characterized by an understanding of the smallest details, nuances, subtleties, as well as the ability to use them to achieve the desired stability.

The deuce understands perfectly well that together you can achieve much more than alone, and does not strive to get ahead. She feels good in a team and is often able to add some small detail to joint activities that binds people together stronger than cement.

The strengths of the deuce also include the ability to see the other side of things, those weak, undeveloped elements that remain in the shadows, but can later turn into big problems. Those under this number perform well as opponents, critics, and those who evaluate and test new products.

The deuce best copes with the role of the “second number” - the one who stands next to the “first number”. She prefers to be a follower, someone who covers the rear and takes care of support, while the leader rushes forward. And the deuce rejoices at the achievements of the “first number” as if it were their own, and if we are talking about obtaining material results, then it is she who wins in the first place.

The worst situation for a deuce is when it finds itself in the public eye and is forced to make a decision or choose a direction. She will torment everyone, and especially herself, with indecision and hesitation, and may end up choosing something based on small details that are not particularly relevant to the matter. It’s just that the role of leader is not for two.

It happens that a deuce pays too much attention to others and forgets about himself. Modesty is a virtue, but only when it is in moderation; too much modesty is also an imbalance.

Representatives of the Life Path of Two - Jean-Paul Belmondo, E.P. Leonov, V.I. Gaft, Benito Mussolini, N.K. Roerich, G.S. Ulanova, I.L. Kirillov, I.I. Sikorsky, S.A. Lavochkin, A.F. Dobrynin, V.K. Vasilyeva, G.I. Gladkov, M.Z. Chagall, Yu.A. Gagarin.

It should be noted that representatives of the two do not often find themselves among celebrities, because the very principle of this number implies a reluctance to be in the foreground. In those cases when the deuce nevertheless turns out to be known, most often it is possible to trace the influence of other parameters of the numerological code. It also often happens that a deuce becomes famous thanks to a partnership with someone.

By the way, those who knew Yu.A. Gagarin, they remember how modest he was and how calmly he treated the rays of worldwide fame - also one of the manifestations of the principle of two.

Life Path of number 3.

The path of the three is the path of creativity. It has been noticed that most often the creativity of the troika manifests itself in handling words, so there are many writers, poets, and speakers on this path. But there are also many other creative people. Representatives of the troika are like children: they play with what is interesting to them, enjoy life, and those around them rejoice with them.

And just as you cannot expect increased responsibility, reliability, and careful attention to all details from children, you cannot expect them from the wards of the troika. They are "free artists", and if you don't like their work, then that's your problem.

In order to fully develop their abilities, it is important for a person following the Life Path of Three to find a suitable job for themselves. The kind of work that does not require strict adherence to a daily routine, there is no defined schedule once and for all. Trying to fit into a strictly regulated environment, the trio will waste a significant amount of time and energy, and its main talent may go unnoticed.

Troika rarely receives satisfaction from a leadership position - well, maybe only in a purely creative team. But it flourishes where something new and unusual is born, where there is a search or invention of fundamentally new approaches. The pure joy of three fills our lives with meaning and interest.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Troika Life Path: A.S. Pushkin, Goethe, A.A. Delvig, Charles Dickens, O.N. Efremov, F.A. Iskander, Franz Kafka, A.I. Kuindzhi, I.P. Kulibin, V.F. Nizhinsky, B.Sh. Okudzhava, M.M. Plisetskaya, I.E. Repin, E.I. Roerich, A.S. Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, V.T. Spivakov, I.F. Stravinsky, V.I. Vernadsky, S.T. Richter, A.N. Ostrovsky, A.D. Sakharov, M.A. Zakharov, E.A. Ryazanov, N.V. Baskov, A.V. Pankratov-Cherny... As you can see, the creative potential of the Troika can manifest itself in many ways.

Life Path of number 4.

The path of the four is not easy. This is the path of responsibility, organization, hard work. Persistence, the ability to concentrate on one thing for a long time, rely only on oneself and build a system where chaos reigned - these are the qualities necessary to achieve success on the path of the four.

Neither speed nor flexibility should be expected from the wards of this number. Even if there is a much simpler path to solving the problem, the four manage to choose the most time-consuming and painstaking one. She seems to enjoy the extra work and even the need to redo what has already been done over and over again. For different people, this quality of the Four can be expressed to varying degrees, but one thing can be said with certainty: “quick money schemes” are not for them.

Representatives of the Four can successfully be both bosses and subordinates, but only where real hard work is going on. Where activities are only imitated, as is often the case in bureaucratic institutions, the number four burdens everyone with inappropriate calls for practicality and responsibility.

The best areas of application of the abilities of a four are associated with obtaining practical results, requiring attention to detail and long-term effort. This could be, for example, the work of a programmer, builder or gardener.

Here are some representatives of the Life Path of the Four: L.S. Bronevoy, Yu.N. Grigorovich, Immanuel Kant, Marie Curie, A.I. Herzen, Michael Faraday, Sigmund Freud, P.L. Chebyshev, V.I. Dahl, F.I. Shalyapin, V.V. Zhirinovsky, Yu.M. Luzhkov, G.A. Yavlinsky, I.E. Malashenko, M.L. Rostropovich. It's not often that hard work makes a person famous, which is why there are very few Fours on the list of celebrities.

Life Path of number 5.

The Life Path of the Five resembles many paths leading in different directions. Being exactly in the middle of the number series, the five strives to reflect and combine the qualities of all other numbers, and therefore gives its wards versatility, flexibility, changeability, and versatility.

Anyone who has received the Life Path of the Five performs well in rapidly changing circumstances and easily adapts to unusual conditions. They say about such a person: "and the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player"- he can cope with any task. With the possible exception of those tasks that require long-term focus and concentration. He is good as a mediator in contact with a large number of different people, or as a boss managing a large and complex team.

Five's wards are easy-going. They want to try everything in life, they easily meet people and therefore can choose for themselves a life associated with moving, traveling, and all sorts of adventures.

Thanks to its versatility, the five easily finds itself in the center of events, as a kind of axis of the team and, understanding the needs of the others, easily finds a common language with them.

Representatives of the Life Path of the Five are: Adolf Hitler, P.P. Globa, M.N. Baryshnikov, Simon Bolivar, E.B. Vakhtangov, V.N. Voinovich, Georg Hegel, Charles Darwin, Arthur Conan Doyle, I.O. Dunaevsky, E.A. Evtushenko, M.M. Zoshchenko, A.I. Kuprin, K.Yu. Lavrov, L.D. Landau, Abraham Lincoln, Marlene Dietrich, N.I. Lobachevsky, A.P. Pavlova, A.N. Pakhmutova, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Friedrich Engels, M.A. Ulyanov, G.G. Neuhaus, O.E. Mandelstam, A.N. Malinin, A.I. Raikin, J.I.M. Gurchenko, M.M. Kozakov, A.A. Tarkovsky, I.I. Alferova, A.V. Makarevich, A.V. Men.

Life Path of number 6.

Six is ​​often found in the symbolism of various esoteric teachings (just remember the six-pointed Star of David) and in the numerological code of people who played an important role in human culture. And this is not surprising if you consider that the main talent of the six is ​​the ability to unite, to create a single whole from numerous disparate parts.

Those who have inherited the path of the number 6 play the role of a kind of glue or magnet that holds together different people - family members, a friendly company, a work team or an entire state. The wards of the Six establish rules of behavior, ways of interaction between people or elements of some complex scheme, they are the first to notice when the harmony of relationships is disturbed.

When everything is going normally, the activities of the six may not be particularly noticeable, but in times of crisis, it is to the representatives of this number that everyone turns to in order to find a way out of a difficult situation.

The professions of a lawyer, architect, designer, as well as any others associated with the ability to see the big picture and create a harmonious whole from disparate details are well compatible with the six. An interest in harmony and creativity often gives a Six an interest in art in one form or another.

Famous people who received the Life Path of the number Six: Kemal Ataturk, Honore de Balzac, Giuseppe Verdi, E.D. Doga, I.N. Kramskoy, John Lennon, M.P. Mussorgsky, V.I. Mukhina, S.V. Rachmaninov, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, A.P. Chekhov, M.V. Keldysh, Albert Einstein, Peter I, G.A. Potemkin, N.M. Karamzin, A.A. Karelin, V.A. Gusinsky, L.I. Yarmolnik, Yu.M. Solomin, S.V. Nemolyaeva, V.I. Resin, M.B. Khodorkovsky, I.S. Ivanov, E.M. Primakov, A.B. Chubais, P.S. Grachev, SS. Govorukhin, A.V. Karaulov, E.A. Kiselev, A.S. Yakushev, O.V. Blokhin, O.I. Romantsev.

Isn’t it interesting that three prominent representatives of the cohort of Russian coaches - Yakushev, Blokhin, Romantsev - have a Life Path Number of 6.

Life Path of number 7.

In all layers of human culture, we meet seven every now and then. It is present everywhere: from physics (seven primary colors of the spectrum) to literature and cinema ("The Magnificent Seven", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", ...). We can say that seven is the most popular of the basic numbers. And at the same time, the most mysterious, magical number, because it somehow turns out to be at the very basis of the Universe.

These are the people who inherited the Life Path of the Seven: they either personify some kind of mystery, or are searching for the mystery present in all the phenomena of our world. The wards of the seven can be scientists, intelligence officers, detectives, psychologists, psychiatrists, monks. What they all usually have in common is that they deal with things hidden from other people and lead a more or less solitary lifestyle.

As a rule, Sevens lack business acumen and have little interest in the external side of things, which is why there are almost no successful businessmen among them.

Characteristic representatives of the Seven are usually intensely interested in something intangible, and pay little attention to ordinary, everyday things. They may look out of this world and not follow fashion. They are often known as eccentrics and “black sheep,” but they know and understand things that are simply inaccessible to other people.

Here are some of the famous personalities who have a Life Path of seven: A.A. Akhmatova, P.I. Tchaikovsky, Frederic Chopin, George Gershwin, Paul Gauguin, Djuna Davitashvili, F.E. Dzerzhinsky, E.P. Blavatsky, Christian Doppler, F.M. Dostoevsky, D.B. Kabalevsky, Pierre Curie, Lagrange, Lamarck, Linnaeus, B.C. Lanovoy, Stanislav Lem, Yu.V. Nikulin, Alan Pinkerton, N.I. Pirogov, O.P. Tabakov, A.I. Khachaturyan, N.S. Khrushchev, A.L. Chizhevsky, A.G. Schnittke, M.S. Boyarsky, E.G. Vitorgan, A.G. Abdulov, O.V. Basilashvili, A.S. Lazarev, E.A. Yakovleva, O.I. Yankovsky, I.E. Keogh, E.T. Gaidar, B.E. Nemtsov, M.E. Fradkov, V.V. Putin, V.B. Rushailo, V.A. Ryzhkov.

You see that among the sevens there are many famous, popular artists. In my opinion, in these cases, the combination of seven with other numbers works: seven gives depth and insight, and other numbers help convey these qualities to the viewer and give interest in manifestation in the outside world. In subsequent chapters we will look at specific examples of how this can happen.

Life Path of the number 8.

The Eight faces the outside world, and it is important for it to have power and influence what is happening around. That is, those who inherited the life path of the number eight were born to set long-term, large-scale goals, organize a large number of people and direct them to achieve these goals.

The wards of the eight know all the levers and ropes, by pulling which you can achieve your goal or at least shift the balance in your favor, no matter how complex and confusing the matter may seem.

Most often, the result of the activities of Eights is expressed in money, and these people have a more or less pronounced talent for attracting money, managing it and increasing it. But in fact, what is important to them is not the money itself, but the feeling that the world is subject to their will.

The work of a businessman or banker goes well with the life path of the Eight, however, those who have inherited this Path can prove themselves in any other large-scale undertaking associated with obtaining real, tangible results. On the other hand, among Eights there are often artists and psychologists who, due to their enormous personal energy, are able to influence a large number of people.

In science, Eights are most often interested in creating certain large-scale systems of knowledge, and if they manifest themselves in art, their style is characterized by large-scale and some heaviness or increased complexity.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Eight Life Path: A.S. Dargomyzhsky, N.E. Zhukovsky, Catherine II, Johannes Kepler, Pablo Picasso, V.V. Mayakovsky, D.I. Mendeleev, I.I. Mechnikov, M.V. Frunze, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Chapaev, I V. Michurin, A.A. Blok, A.E. Karpov, E.V. Kaspersky, M.M. Zhvanetsky, V.M. Shukshin, G.P. Vishnevskaya, A.A. Mironov, A.B. Pugacheva, N.A. Petrov, R.S. Akchurin, V.M. Zaitsev, A.A. Gromyko, B.N. Yeltsin, B.A. Berezovsky, A.Ya. Livshits, V.V. Gerashchenko.

Life Path of number 9.

Such is human nature: we all prefer to take rather than give. That is why the life path of a nine is difficult. Those who received it were destined to be benefactors of humanity, to give to others what they have and, ideally, to demand nothing in return. And what’s most interesting is that if Nines manage to remain faithful to this principle, then they always have something to give to others, and even have something left for themselves. As they say, “the hand of the giver will never fail.”

However, human nature takes its toll, and it is unlikely that any of the Nine’s wards manage to avoid regrets, disappointments, and attacks of unreasonable stinginess. All people seem ungrateful to them and it seems that luck has turned away from them forever. But sooner or later the nine cannot stand it and opens its soul: here you go, take it, I don’t feel sorry for anything! And then, out of nowhere, favorable opportunities suddenly arise, life becomes pleasant and interesting again.

The Nine is characterized by idealism, tolerance, global interests, and love for various utopian undertakings. The wards of this number perform well where they need to deal with a very large number of people and at the same time not be too concerned about their own interests. They usually play important roles in the cultural and political life of society.

Since nine is a three squared, it often gives its representatives creative abilities, including the ability to express their thoughts in words.

Well-known representatives of the Nine Life Path include: I.S. Bach, M.A. Bulgakov, Yaroslav Hasek, George Handel, William Herschel, A.S. Griboyedov, S.A. Yesenin, Carlos Castaneda, S.V. Kovalevskaya, Nicolaus Copernicus, I.V. Kurchatov, V.Ya. Leontyev, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.P. Pavlov, K.G. Jung, I.A. Krylov, I.A. Bunin, G.K. Kasparov, V.A. Bryntsalov, O.V. Lepeshinskaya, V.V. Vasiliev, E.V. Obraztsova, O.M. Gazmanov, L.G. Quint, G.B. Volchek, P.M. Litvinova, I.E. Kornelyuk, M.E. Shvydkoy, A.P. Pochinok, V.A. Yakovlev.

Life Path of the number 11.

For eleven, everything that applies to two is usually true, and in many cases everything is limited to this. And yet, the high potential characteristic of any master number most often makes itself felt in one way or another. For example, in the form of heightened intuition, the ability to foresee events, to understand the state and intentions of another person without any words.

It is not surprising that those who have the life path of the number eleven often find themselves in the role of a psychologist, psychic, or clairvoyant. This number gives the ability to inspire people, influence their thoughts and intentions, communicate certain higher truths to them so that people are imbued with them. Thanks to this skill, the wards of the eleven can be artists, preachers, and religious figures. Their personality is mysterious, irrational, and at the same time very attractive.

These people are well aware of the existence of another, invisible and not explained by science, side of reality, and it is thanks to them that our world has not yet completely sunk into the abyss of materialism. Finding themselves in an ordinary team engaged in everyday routine, they can become initiators of change, inventors, and generators of unusual ideas.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Life Path of the Eleven: George Gordon Byron, Antonio Vivaldi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, M.I. Glinka, Claude Debussy, Bill Clinton, Edgar Allan Poe, C.G. Paustovsky, Ronald Reagan, L.N. Tolstoy, Ilya Ilf, I.S. Turgenev, Franz Schubert, P.L. Kapitsa, I.M. Sechenov, M.I. Tsvetaeva, A.P. Borodin, L.I. Brezhnev, E.E. Rossel, I.S. Glazunov, B.S. Vysotsky, B.B. Grebenshchikov, I.A. Allegrova, V.K. Kikabidze, A.N. Buynov, N.E. Andreichenko, V.N. Vinokur, I.V. Dykhovichny, L.A. Yakubovich, L.A. Kulidzhanov, A.Yu. Domogarov, V.A. Sadovnichy, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko, A.M. Kabaeva, G.S. Titov, A.V. Korzhakov, S.P. Mavrodi, R.A. Abramovich.

Life Path of the number 22.

The higher the master number, the more difficult it is for ordinary people to master its potential. For this reason, those who inherited the life path of twenty-two most often manifest themselves in the same way as the wards of the four. However, the feeling of being chosen, the intuitive guess that they are capable of much more, no, no, and it will disrupt the measured course of life. The serious potential of the Master Builder may remain a hidden cause of internal anxiety, but it may one day unfold to its full extent.

If this happens, a person is involved in a large-scale process of creating something important, practically valuable, durable, intended for a large number of people. He does not necessarily find himself in the role of the main leader, but he gravitates towards key positions and is able to bear responsibility for the project as a whole.

Often the activity of a Master Builder is associated with the creation of something material, sometimes literally with construction. But not necessarily. He may well be the creator of some system of knowledge, laws, social structure. The most difficult thing for such a person is to bring into reality what he has already created in his mind.

Representatives of Life Path 22 - I.D. Kobzon, A.N. Kolmogorov, M.I. Kutuzov. Antoine Lavoisier, P.S. Nakhimov, E.I. Unknown, A.V. Chumak.

The example of Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (born June 23, 1802) is very interesting. As many as three of his most important numerological indicators are master numbers, and this could not but affect Nakhimov’s personality. Here are two passages that, in my opinion, well illustrate how the revealed, manifested number 22 can manifest itself: ... "naval service was not the most important matter of life for Nakhimov, as it was, for example, for his teacher Lazarev or for his comrades Kornilov and Istomin, but the only thing, in other words: he did not know any life besides naval service, and he does not know wanted and simply refused to admit for himself the possibility of existence not on a warship or not in a military port. Due to lack of leisure and due to too much preoccupation with maritime interests, he forgot to fall in love, forgot to get married". (E. Tarle. "Nakhimov". M., 1948). " Pavel Stepanovich serves 24 hours a day. His comrades never reproached him for wanting to curry favor, but believed in his calling and dedication to the work itself. His subordinates always saw that he worked harder than them, and therefore performed hard service without complaining and with the confidence that everything that follows them or in which relief can be made will not be forgotten by the commander". ("Admiral Nakhimov", "Voenmorizdat", 1945. Memoirs of A.P. Rykachev).

Life Path of the number 33.

Potentially, those who inherited the life path of the number 33 have the ability to generate ideas that unite other people, giving them an understanding of how and for what they should live, what to strive for. This ability is important in many activities related to the leadership of large teams - from an enterprise to a nation or even Humanity.

The problem is that the potential of the number 33 is so high that only a very few individuals who find themselves in the right place at the right time are able to realize it to any extent.

Usually, a potential Master Teacher calmly follows the path of number 6. He can be the life of the party, an excellent family man, a caring relative. Although from time to time some special creative spark will illuminate him from within, giving rise to bright ideas and revealing unexpected abilities.

The owner of Life Path 33 is V.I. Ulyanov, if we take his date of birth according to the new style. Read what is written about this in the questions and answers.

Another example of a Master Teacher is the founder of genetics, Gregor Mendel. Despite a successful spiritual career (he became the abbot of a monastery), combined with success in society (he was the director of a local bank), Mendel wanted to be a teacher - despite the fact that he failed the teacher’s exam. In science, Mendel was virtually self-taught, but he discovered laws that are now studied in all universities. As often happens with geniuses, fame came to him only after death.