Alan: characteristics and meaning of the name. The meaning of the name Alan for a boy Name Alan nationality

The name Alan attracts with its sonority. Behind the simple four letters lies a seething passion, vibrant charisma and creativity. Men with this name are in a hurry to try everything in order to settle on the best.

The name Alan has no nationality, or rather is found in several completely different cultures., therefore, its origin cannot be said with certainty. It is likely that it was formed simultaneously among different peoples under the influence of various factors - historical, linguistic, everyday.

  • One version says that this meaning of the name Alan lies with the ancient Celts, they translate it as “rock” or “beautiful.” It is loved by residents of Western Europe and the USA, although it is often found in its version “Alain”.
  • Some experts claim that the name appeared after the Norman conquest of Irish and English lands.
  • Alan did not ignore Christianity - the religion is famous for its saint of the same name.
  • Another possible origin is thanks to the nomadic tribe of Alans, who moved from the Caucasus to Spain. Previously, the state of Alania even existed on the territory of modern Russia.
  • It is possible that the name Alan has Iranian roots. It means “noble”, “divine”.
  • Most agree on the Jewish origin of the name Alan, since it is repeatedly used in biblical tales. Means "oak" in Hebrew.

Basic character traits

The bearer of such a beautiful and sonorous name cannot be described in a few words, but the main characteristics can be clearly identified: self-confident, curious and incredibly romantic. Since childhood, boys named Alan have been impossible to keep in place. They are interested in literally everything - from an ant crawling past to complex mechanisms.

Restless, active people named Alan are easy to offend or displease. After all, they are extremely proud, have a heightened sense of justice and self-esteem. Misunderstandings, conflicts and various clarifications of relationships with others arise in the life of the owner of the name Alan on the basis of an easily vulnerable male ego and inability to control himself. He can flare up, either in a conversation with a stranger or with a close relative or friend. It is almost impossible to convince such a person, and this is not surprising. He weighs every decision, every step, long and judiciously. Very rarely

At the same time, the owner of the name Alan can hardly be called a reasonable and responsible person. Everything in life comes quite easily to him: hobbies, material dependence, and love. But he doesn’t hold on to such benefits. Quickly losing interest in a new job or lover, the owner of the name Alan easily switches to the next object.

Implications for work and love

Thanks to diverse interests, subtle mental organization, creative potential, and the ability to see the world in a special light, owners of the name Alan manage to achieve success in any industry. They make talented doctors, journalists, jewelers, human rights activists, artists and musicians. To make the right choice in a professional field, you need to choose the most powerful interest, in which case a man named Alan can count on self-realization and high achievements.

When he begins to climb the career ladder, some of the disadvantages of his nature turn into advantages. Such a person will definitely rise to the top honestly, without deception or trickery. Firmness in decision-making and the ability to defend one’s opinion will become priority characteristics in a leadership position.

The name Alan belongs to romantic people who are capable of beautiful deeds and are always open to similar things from others. Such a man loves and knows how to care for and repeatedly conquer his chosen one. Even in this process, he does not lose the possibility of narcissism. Conquering objects and winning hearts, the owner of the name Alan quickly loses interest in the girls. He is able to remain single for a long time and is a monogamous man. For life, he chooses a “homey” woman who knows how to listen and does not contradict. The meaning of the name Alan for family life is compliant, attentive, easy-going and democratic.

Famous Alans

If you really want to know what the name Alan means, you should pay attention to famous personalities:

  • A. Red - a brave, courageous and incredibly charismatic British knight who took part in the Norman conquest of England;
  • A. Pinkerton, the founder of the detective agency of the same name, was distinguished by his extraordinary intelligence, logical thinking and the ability to solve any puzzles;
  • A. Kay is a scientist from the USA who is at the origins of objective-oriented programming and graphical interface;
  • A. Carr is an active fighter against smoking, the inventor of his own method of combating bad habits and various psychological phobias;
  • A. Chumak is a man known to almost every Soviet citizen, he calls himself a healer, he studies the nature of otherworldly phenomena.

This is not a complete list of outstanding people. But even in this case, it can be argued that Alan the meaning of the name is ambiguous. Its owner combines hot temper and prudence, assertiveness and restlessness, a wide range of interests and attention to detail. It is clear that the name Alan is fraught with power, enormous creative potential, a lot of ambition, career prospects, passionate nature and a complex worldview.

Short form of the name Alan. Al, Al, Alanig, Lanig, Alin.
Synonyms for the name Alan. Alen, Allan, Allen, Alano, Alin, Alon, Aland.
Origin of the name Alan. The name Alan is German, Jewish, Catholic, Jewish, Ossetian.

The name Alan has several versions of origin. One of the versions is from a European warehouse. Alan is a variant of the name Alen (Allan, Allen, Alon, Aland), common in Western Europe. This name is of Celtic origin, meaning "rock", sometimes translated as "little rock" and "beautiful".

The name Alan is translated from French as “agreement.” The name Alan is common in France and the UK, as well as in the USA. The name Alan was dynastic and was used in Armorica. The female version of the name is Alana, in France - Alain (Alena).

It is believed that the name Alan became widespread in England and Ireland after the Norman Conquest. Also among Christian saints there are individuals with Latinized forms of the name Alan. This is Saint Allan - a Cornish or Breton of the 6th century, and the Bishop of Quimper - Saint Alanus. In the early Middle Ages he became famous and revered, and in Cornwall there is a church dedicated to St. Allan.

According to the second version of the origin, the name Alan comes from the name of the Alan tribe, an ancient people who roamed from the Caucasus to Spain. One of the regions of Russia, located in the Kazkaz - the Republic of Server Ossetia, has a middle name of Alania. And it is quite possible that it was thanks to these tribes, who roamed so far from their homeland, that the name Alan appeared in the British Isles and in Europe.

According to the third version, the name Alan has Iranian roots and is translated as “divine”, “noble”. This is the translation with which this name is used in Ossetia. But the Kazakhs translate it as “open space”.

According to the fourth version, the name Alan is of Jewish origin. The name Alan is a derivative of Alon, which is a modern Israeli Jewish male name. The name Alon first appears in the Tanakh (Old Testament), but was not used until the formation of the modern state of Israel. The name translates from Hebrew as “oak.”

There is no consensus on where exactly the word “Alan” came from, or what exact translation corresponds to it. This comes from the name of the ancient Aryans and Iranians (arya), and from the Greek verb meaning “to wander”, “to wander”, and from the name of the mountain range in Altai, and from the ancient Iranian “elen” - deer.

For the name Alan, the Catholic name day will be indicated.

The name Alan has amazing magnetism and attractiveness, creating the illusion of contact with the world of wizards and fairy-tale heroes. In terms of its energy, it is endowed with significant activity, lightness and emotionality. This usually manifests itself in the fact that from childhood Alan grows up to be a very active child, but his cheerfulness and cheerfulness are always accompanied by a fair amount of touchiness and temper. He is very proud, and, unfortunately, this name does not at all imply the ability to control himself. That is why, most likely, the lively Alan will have a great many all kinds of misunderstandings and conflicts in his life.

Alan's daydreaming and curiosity can find a way out in his love of literature and a well-developed imagination. He is a romantic, which often determines his choice of life path. At the same time, ambitious thoughts usually have a significant advantage over purely material concerns; however, if Alan really wants to achieve significant success, he should engage in less narcissism and develop the ability to concentrate efforts for a long time. The thing is that Alan’s interests, although they are an excellent driving force, forcing him to show remarkable zeal, are not very stable. Often one interest gives way to another, and Alan often abandons a business he has just started, seduced by new plans.

This also applies to personal life. Sociable and cheerful, Alan usually has a large number of friends and like-minded people, but his ardor often becomes the cause of discord; and if Alan himself easily forgets grievances, then, alas, one cannot expect the same from those around him. In other words, for a more favorable life, it does not hurt him to learn some calmness and balance.

It hardly makes sense to argue with Alan - carried away by his emotions, he most likely will not hear your arguments, no matter how reasonable they may be. The best way to neutralize a dangerous situation is with the help of harmless humor. In general, when dealing with him, be careful.

These are capable people, distinguished by their fine mental organization and at the same time great inner strength and conviction. Their range of interests is wide, and therefore talent can manifest itself in various areas. People with this name can be found among musicians, journalists, jewelers, artists, and doctors. In any profession, these are specialists in their field.

Alan is to some extent a romantic and an idealist, but at the same time he stands firmly on the ground and knows how to provide a decent life for himself and his family. He is not devoid of ambition, but he will make his career honestly, without scamming anyone. He shows enviable firmness in decisions: if Alan is convinced of their truth, nothing can lead him astray. However, before making a final decision, he thinks and doubts for a long time. When controversial issues arise, Alan often gives in to avoid conflict.

“Winter” Alans are quick-tempered, but easy-going, easy-going, and enjoy going on long trips. They marry calm, kind, “homey” women. They love to play preference, chess, backgammon; When they lose, they never get angry. “Spring” are very musical. These are vulnerable people. “Summers” make talented leaders.

Alan's birthday

Famous people named Alan

  • Alain I the Great ((d.907) Count of Vannes, Nantes, King of Brittany)
  • Alain the Red ((c.1040 - 1089) Breton knight who took part in the Norman conquest of England, founder of Richmond Castle)
  • Alain Delon ((born 1935) French film actor)
  • Edgar Allan Poe ((1809 - 1849) American writer and poet)
  • Alan Clarke ((1928 - 1999) British politician)
  • Alan Rickman ((1946-2016) English actor, also voice actor, director)
  • Allan Pinkerton ((1819 - 1884) founder of the Pinkerton detective agency, prototype of the literary “king of detectives” Nat Pinkerton)
  • Cristovan Alan de Morais ((1632 - 1693) Portuguese writer, lawyer and historian)
  • Alan Maria Pena ((born 1935) Brazilian religious leader, bishop)
  • Alan (Alun) Lewis ((1915 - 1944) English-Welsh poet)
  • Alan Kay ((born 1940) American computer scientist, one of the pioneers in the fields of object-oriented programming and graphical interface)
  • Alan Garner ((b.1934) British fantasy writer whose work is based on Old English legends)
  • Alan Gabriel Ludwig García Pérez ((born 1949) President of Peru from 1985 to 1990 and since 2006)
  • Alan Cox (one of the leading developers of the Linux kernel, awarded the 2003 Free Software Award for his work)
  • Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr. ((1923 - 1998) American astronaut, the first American to perform a suborbital space flight. Shepard performed his second space flight as commander of the Apollo 14 spacecraft, the lander of which landed on the surface of the Moon.)
  • Alain Black or Alan Black ((c.1107 - 1146) Anglo-Breton aristocrat, 1st Earl of Richmond (from 1137), Earl of Cornwall (from 1140), active participant in the English Civil War of 1135 - 1154)
  • Alan Fitz-Flaad ((d. ​​c. 1114) Breton knight in the service of the English king Henry I, founder of the English noble family of the Fitzalans and the Scottish noble family of the Stuarts, later kings of Scotland and England)
  • Alan Charles Wilder (British composer, musician, sound producer)
  • Alan Stivell or Alan Cocheveloux (Breton musician, harpist, multi-instrumentalist)
  • Alan Walbridge Ladd ((1913 - 1964) American actor)
  • Alan Bean ((born 1932) US astronaut)
  • Sir Alan Henderson Gardiner ((1879 - 1963) English Egyptologist and linguist. He made a major contribution to the theory of the Egyptian language. The "Grammar of the Middle Egyptian Language" he created remains the standard reference grammar. Gardiner took an active part in the creation of the fundamental "Berlin" dictionary of Egyptian language, considering the interpretation of Egyptian texts to be one of the main tasks of Egyptian philology, he published and commented on many valuable monuments. His study of Egyptian “onomasticons” made it possible to determine the meaning of many Egyptian words, and also made a great contribution to the study of the historical geography of Ancient Egypt, in addition to specifically Egyptological works. , Gardiner is the author of original works on general linguistics.)
  • Alan Wolf Arkin ((born 1934) American actor who plays mostly rude, eccentric characters, although he has many comedic roles to his credit)
  • Alan McManus (Scottish professional snooker player, McManus's excellent tactical skills earned him the nickname "Point of View")
  • Alain Menu (Swiss racing driver, most prominent in touring car racing)
  • Alan Jay Pakula ((1928 - 1998) famous American film director, producer, playwright)
  • Alan Dean Foster (American writer)
  • Alan Anthony Silvestri (one of the most famous composers of film music in Hollywood. Known for his collaboration with director and producer Robert Zemeckis, especially the Back to the Future trilogy. He has received many music awards and has been nominated for an Oscar several times.)
  • Alan Sakiev (Russian football player, forward and midfielder)
  • Alan Butler (English writer, former engineer. Writes popular books on the history of the Bronze Age period, about the Minoan culture of Crete, about megalithic structures in Europe. In his books he sets out his own solutions to well-known mysteries of history. His theories are not accepted by the scientific community.)
  • Mukhtar Bayramukov ((1969 - 1998) Russian racing driver, better known under the pseudonym Alan Berkov)
  • Alan Gatagov (Russian footballer, midfielder)
  • Alan Doguzov (Russian actor)
  • Allan Cunningham ((1791 - 1839) English botanist)
  • Allan Petterson ((1911 - 1980) Swedish composer, a major figure in Scandinavian music of the 20th century, one of the leading symphonists of the century)
  • Allan Shulman ((1863 - 1937) Finnish architect who worked in the Art Nouveau style, was a member of the Union of Architects of Finland and the Vyborg branch of the Union of Artists)
  • Allan Evans (American musicologist and record producer, owner of the private recording company "Arbiter", specializing in restored archival recordings of academic music. By 2005, Evans had released about 50 discs, most of which are dedicated to the work of little-known, undeservedly forgotten, little-recorded performers, including of which Madeleine de Valmalet, Irene Marik, Erika Morini, Ignaz Tigermann, Etelka Freund.)
  • Allan Chumak ((born 1935) television personality, calling himself a healer and psychic, president of the regional public Foundation for the Promotion of Research into Social and Anomalous Phenomena)
  • Allan Cole ((born 1943) is an American writer, author of science fiction novels and screenplays. In co-authorship with Chris Bunch, he wrote many novels, the most famous of which are included in the Stan Chronicles series. In addition, Allan Cole wrote more than a hundred scripts for television series, and in For 14 years he has been a correspondent for a Los Angeles newspaper, conducting his own investigations.)
  • Allan Kardec ((1804 - 1869) real name - Hippolyte Leon Denizard-Rivaille; French teacher, philosopher and researcher of psychic phenomena, whose work in the field of spiritualism is considered fundamental)
  • Allen Carr ((1934 - 2006) anti-smoking activist, founder of the international network of “Easy Way” clinics, helping smokers quit smoking, using the technique described in his books, among which the most famous is “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.” Allen Carr’s technique is based on self-analysis of a smoker and his personal experience as a smoker with more than 30 years of experience. In addition, Allen Carr is the author of several books dedicated to liberation from alcohol addiction, excess weight, and some phobias.)
  • Alain Vigneault (Canadian ice hockey player, defenseman, coach, currently head coach of the NHL's Vancouver Canucks)
  • Alain Calmat (French figure skater, doctor, politician)
  • Alain Guamene (footballer of the Ivory Coast national team, played as a goalkeeper, played for the national team from 1987 to 2000)
  • Alain Juppé (French right-wing politician, since 2011 - French Foreign Minister)
  • Alain de Benoist ((born 1943) French philosopher, writer, politician, founder and theorist of the New Right movement)
  • Alain Touraine ((born 1925) French sociologist)
  • Alain Stanke ((born 1934) born Aloizas-Vytas Stankevicius; Canadian French-language television and radio presenter, journalist and writer)
  • Alain LeRoy Locke ((1886 - 1954) African-American writer, philosopher, educator and patron of the arts. He is called the “father of the Harlem Renaissance” because his philosophical views became the ideological basis for the flourishing of black culture in the 20-30s of the 20th century and had a significant influence on such black figures of America as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. In the list of the hundred most influential African Americans in history, Alain Locke took 36th place.)
  • Alon Harazi (Israeli footballer, defender)
  • Alon Greenfeld (Israeli, chess player, grandmaster (1989))
  • Alando Tucker (American basketball player and musician)

Light, active, emotional. Since childhood, the meaning of the name Alan characterizes the boy as a cheerful, cheerful and active child, however, excessive touchiness and a tendency to create conflicts will always be the eternal companions of the young man.

The child has a well-developed imagination, daydreaming and excessive curiosity, which in the future will influence the profession that the child chooses for himself. The boy is growing up as a dreamer; it is easy for him to come up with some new game and offer it to his peers.

At school he is restless and cannot concentrate on one subject for more than fifteen minutes. He does not tolerate exact sciences and is inclined to study humanities. He attaches great importance to the opportunity to express himself, and will be happy to participate in school events, festivals and KVNs.

In his youth, the meaning of the name Alan for a child acquires new concepts and distinctive features. Thanks to his activity and brightness, the boy has quite a lot of friends.

The guy is always surrounded by a huge number of people and like-minded people, although often the ardor of a young man becomes the cause of discord and conflict. It is useless to argue with a young man, because, carried away by the argument with emotions, he practically does not hear his interlocutor.

The meaning of the name Alan for a boy plays an important role in shaping the fate of the young man. Firm and decisive when making important decisions, smart, organic.

The young man has an extraordinary attractiveness, which allows him to constantly stir up interest in his extraordinary person. She has a wonderful sense of style and loves to dress fashionably, expensively and stylishly. She pays great attention to her appearance, trying to look impeccable.

He has ease and spontaneity, and is able to infect everyone with positivity. He loves adventures, devotes himself entirely to his favorite activities and hobbies, which are of no small importance in his life.


The interpretation of naming in love characterizes the young man as an ardent lover and an attentive suitor. A man knows how to court beautifully, which means frequent success with the opposite sex. Capable of showing a rich imagination, trying to charm the chosen one.

Can do risky and reckless things for the sake of love. In women he values ​​intelligence, humor, the ability to compromise, originality and charm.


In everyday life he prefers comfort, which means excessive demands and capriciousness towards his wife. He does not like to do household chores, preferring to shift all responsibilities to his wife or hire someone.

She loves children, although she does not have time to communicate with them due to her often busy work schedule. Strive to be aware of all the successes of your children.

He easily maintains friendly relations with his wife's relatives, trying to maintain good relations with everyone. He likes to see his parents often and places great importance on the opportunity to sit at home with friends.

Business and career

If a young man indulges in narcissism less, he will definitely achieve incredible heights. He has great ambitions, which means he can easily establish a work process. Copes well in leadership positions.

A man will be interested in creative professions such as showman, producer, director, musician, screenwriter, designer, fashion designer.

Origin of the name Alan

There is no consensus on the origin of the name Alan. And there are many versions of where this naming came from. The first theory is Alan, whose name is a variant of the name Alain, which is widespread in Western Europe. This name has Celtic roots and is translated as “rock” or “beautiful.”

Adherents of the second theory of origin are inclined to believe that the name arose from the name of the ancient tribal people - the Alans, who historically occupied the territory from the Caucasus to Spain. Alan was the name given to the leader of the Germanic tribes of the clan of Japheth.

According to the third theory, the secret of the name Alan has Iranian roots, the etymological translation of which is “divine, noble.”

The fourth version of the origin of the name insists that the male name Alan is a derivative of Alon, which is a modern Hebrew name, and is translated as “oak.”

Characteristics of the name Alan

The characteristics of the name Alan include all the pros and cons of the character of the unborn child. Alanchik has been a cheerful and cheerful boy since childhood, but his touchiness and temper often spoil the first impression of the boy.

He has high pride, is not inclined to forgive the slightest offense, cannot control his own emotions, so the young man’s life borders on a large number of misunderstandings and conflicts. He attaches great importance to his own ambition. He will not allow himself to be controlled or led by anyone.

From childhood, parents should teach the boy balance, patience and calmness, paying great attention and importance to the possibility of creating warm and trusting relationships in the family.

Loves himself, prone to narcissism. Ambitious, does not tolerate attacks on his honor and dignity. The young man has a highly developed desire for beauty, and therefore is a true connoisseur of female beauty and uniqueness.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – diamond, zirconium.
  • There are no name days.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Sagittarius.
  • Patron planet - Jupiter.
  • Favorable plants: thyme, pine.
  • The totem animal is the beaver.
  • Color – red, white, orange.

Famous people

  • Alan Badoev (1981) is a Ukrainian music video director, producer and film director. Alan is known for his work with popular Russian and Ukrainian performers in the creation of videos and clips. Produced by Max Barskikh.
  • Alan Rickman (1946) is a British theater and film actor, director, and voice-over artist for videos. He played the role of Syvirus Snape in the series of Anglo-American films about Harry Potter.
  • Alan Ritchson (1984) is an American singer, model and actor. Known for the films Real Boys and Smallville, he also plays Raphael in the 2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film.

Different languages

In English, the translation of the name Alan is in all respects similar to the Russian analogue - Alan, Allan, Allen (Allen), in French - Alain (Alain), in Spanish - Alan, Alano (Alano), in Irish - Ailín (Alin), in Scots - Alan, Aluinn (Alun).

In Finnish, the name is translated as Allan (Allan), Allani (Allani). In Chinese, the name is 艾伦 (Ài lún), in Japanese it is アラン (Aran).

Name forms

  • Full name: Alan.
  • Options - Allen, Aland, Alon, Alano, Alin, female form - Alana, Alina.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated forms) - Alanchik, Alanya, Alik, Ali, Alyushik, Alichek, Alyusik, El, Al, Alanig, Lanig, Alin.
  • The declension of the name is Alanu-Alana.
  • There is no church name; you can choose a name that is consonant with the chosen one yourself or with the help of a priest.

What does the name Alana mean?
Researchers claim that this name translates as agreement, or as the most significant.

Origin of the name:
There are several versions of the origin of such a name as Alana. According to one of these versions, Alana is a French name, translated from French meaning agreement, according to the second version, this name was formed from the name of one of the ancient tribes called the Alan tribe, which were the ancestors of modern Ossetians. And the third version says that this name is of Arabic origin, and translated from one of the Arabic dialects means the most significant.

Character conveyed by the name Alan:

A woman with such a fairly rare name will also have an equally rare character. She is able to combine some external coldness, even detachment and touchiness, while she has a fairly soft heart and an unusually responsive disposition. And her smile is capable of warming, like the spring sun, just like, strictly speaking, her actions. Alana can often find an outlet in art, and music and theater will never leave her indifferent.

Alana is very romantic, sometimes even too naive, but in real life she proves herself to be a real fighter and an incredible pragmatist. She is really very touchy, you can hurt her even with some trifle, even the wrong intonation in your voice or conversation can really hurt her. It happens that you can communicate with her for ten years and then still realize that you don’t know her at all until the very end. For all her friends and acquaintances, she, of course, will be a faithful and true friend and comrade who will always listen and will gladly come to the aid of a friend at any time.

Possessing a somewhat masculine, very logical mindset, Alana can often command her husband; Alana’s relationships with her mother-in-law and father-in-law very often do not work out. However, her charm, charm and such a sincere smile still help to forgive her all her minor shortcomings. Alana's apparent external defenselessness and even some weakness can sometimes play a cruel joke on her young people. Ultimately, it turns out, it is not so easy to subjugate Alana. But the worst punishment for the bearer of such a name is loneliness. Alana is always extraordinarily drawn to people and communication with friends is just as necessary for her as air.

Alana loves constancy very much, and is always very attached to the place and people where she felt good, therefore, it is extremely difficult for her to change, say, place of work. There will need to be a very compelling reason for Alana to decide to do this.

Another of Alana’s characteristic features is her madness of falling in love, her feelings can flare up like a torch, and then these feelings can persist for a certain period of time, and then, very soon, completely fade away, as if nothing had ever happened.

The owner of the name Alan usually has an innate creativity and talent. Which? The answer to this question may appear almost “with the first squeak”, or it may remain a secret for most of your life. However, external manifestations of giftedness are always noticeable. This is a bright, non-trivial type of personality, a person who is always looking for either the use of his abilities or the opportunity to expand them.

Alan likes to get up early, no matter how late he went to bed the night before. A man named Alan plays excellent preference, chess and other intellectual games, and has a remarkable quality - he does not get angry when he loses. “Spring” Alan is vulnerable, musical, prone to narcissism - when leaving the apartment, he always looks in the mirror. Alan is a wonderful family man who loves children. A man named Alan is devoted to his parents and visits them constantly.

Alan - " good-natured", translated from Tatar. This name has ancient Slavic roots.

In his soul there lives a deep feeling for his Motherland and an interest in the history of his country. He is quick-tempered and hot-tempered, but outwardly gives the impression of a calm, withdrawn and silent person. Alan pays a lot of attention to his appearance. Alan is looking for a calm and “homey” life partner. He himself is compliant in family life and, despite his temper, is very easy-going. He becomes very attached to one woman and tries to save the marriage.

Alan celebrates his name day three times a year:

  • November twenty-fifth;
  • December twenty-seventh;
  • Thirty first December.


Diamond, agate, emerald.


Zodiac sign:

Suitable for zodiac signs such as Leo and Aquarius.


The name Alan gives the impression of something big, powerful, majestic, bright.

Famous owners (namesakes) of the name Alan:

  • Alan is the legendary ancestor of the Germanic tribes from the family of Japheth.
  • Alan-goa is the legendary ancestor of the Mongolian, Kalmyk and Buryat clans.
  • Alain of Lille (c. 1128-1202) - French theologian.
  • Alan Macruairi - ruler of Garmoran from 1268 to 1290, brother of King Dougal III of the Isles.
  • Alan Elizbarovich Dzagoev (June 17, 1990, Beslan, North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian football player, midfielder for CSKA and the Russian national team.

Alan is very reserved, even secretive. Has inner strength and conviction. He is an idealist and romantic, but at the same time he is firmly on his feet and quite pragmatic. Alan is ready to fully devote himself to his work and not expect quick results. He can achieve success in archaeology, geology and other fields of activity that require patience and dedication. On the other hand, one interest often gives way to another, and the matter is abandoned halfway. But this only applies to those things that Alan is not completely sure about. If he knows what he wants, he will achieve it.

  1. The sign that patronizes Alan is Sagittarius.
  2. The planet that rules positive and negative events in his life is Jupiter.
  3. The color that suits a young man more than others is red.
  4. Tree-amulet – pine.
  5. The plant that gives Alan health - thyme.
  6. Talisman stone – diamond.

The name Alan is much more common around the world than many people realize. Its origin has many versions.

The Celts had a name, Alain, which meant "rock" and is still very popular in Western Europe. According to the first version, the name Alan came from here and is Catholic. The second version is that the name is Muslim, and its origin is Iranian. According to this version, the meaning of the name Alan is “divine.”

Today, the beautiful male name Alan in various forms is very often found in Russia, Ossetia, France, England, and the States. It is both Catholic and Muslim. Synonyms and forms of the name - Alen, Alin, Allen, Alano, Aland, Alon. Affectionate and short forms: Al, El, Alik, Lan, Alanchik, Lanik.

Origin and history of the name Alan

There are several options for the origin of the name Alan. The first version says that Alan is a derivative of Alain. This name is of Celtic origin. The meaning of the name Alan according to this version is rock, or beautiful. This name is quite common in France, Great Britain, and England.

What does the name Alan mean according to the second version? Strength - this is how scientists interpret this name, believing that it comes from the name of the Alan tribes. This people roamed the Caucasus. It is believed that North Ossetia, also known as Alania, is the cradle of these tribes.

There is a third version of the origin of the name Alan. Based on it, the name has Iranian roots. The meaning of the name, based on this version, is divine. A child given by God. Usually Alans were the names given to boys who were born first-born and were expected to continue the family line.

The fourth version of the origin of the name is the version according to which it has biblical origin and is translated from Hebrew as “oak.” A strong, powerful man. Among Jews the name is quite common today.

Alan's character and fate

Alan is a very talented and well-rounded young man. He is prone to sports and outdoor games. He can turn any of his skills and talents into an activity that will bring him money.

Alan lives one day at a time and takes neither victories nor defeats seriously. He is not used to stopping there, so he is constantly moving forward. He does not like to argue and does not get involved in conflicts. It’s easier for him to remain silent in his opinion than to maintain an argument.

From a young age, he was accustomed to making decisions on his own. Once he has made his decision, no one can dissuade him. All that remains is to trust in his mercy and prudence. He honors the traditions of the family and will never go against the will of the eldest in the family.

He is often nervous and worries about the fate of loved ones, but at the same time he does not show it. He does not need support, and he himself can help anyone. He has few friends. He opens up and trusts few people. But he is ready to help everyone who needs him. He gives the impression of a calm and reserved person.

In a large company he is always the center of attention. Likes to joke and support friends in difficult times. Quite generous, never sparing attention or money for others. She loves to take care not only of others, but also of herself. He is a pedant in his clothes, pays considerable attention to detail, and is always ready to experiment with his appearance.

Alan's positive character traits:

  • Optimism;
  • Business approach;
  • Zeal;
  • Energy;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Passion for travel.

Alan can withstand enormous physical and psychological stress. He never complains about his health; if he feels tired, he rests and recovers. It is important for him to keep himself in shape.

Alan's negative character traits:

  • Suspiciousness;
  • Vulnerability;
  • Pride;
  • Vanity.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – diamond, zirconium.
  • There are no name days.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Sagittarius.
  • Patron planet - Jupiter.
  • Favorable plants: thyme, pine.
  • The totem animal is the beaver.
  • Color – red, white, orange.

Alan sometimes cannot control his emotions and simply explodes. Then he can say a lot of unpleasant phrases to all close people. After such a conflict, Alan is offended for a long time.

Alan's character and fate determine his choice of professional field. He values ​​himself, therefore he wants to become famous, he wants others to show due respect. He is a wonderful organizer and creative person. Alan would feel comfortable as a TV presenter or event organizer. Alan does not like monotony in work and in everyday life. Quickly adapts and quickly finds ways to solve financial problems.

Alan longs to have a high income and enough profit to afford a lot for himself and his family. He can invest a large amount of money in a developing project and will not make a mistake, but will earn huge money.

He intuitively feels how he can make money. Thanks to this skill, he copes admirably with the task of supporting his family. Business is much more convenient and practical for him than working for someone else.

Name compatibility for Alan

Name compatibility will help you understand what to expect from a relationship and what you should count on.

  1. Strong feelings, maximum chances for great love and a strong family: Marianna, Anastasia, Dora, Augusta, Raisa, Varvara, Maria, Veronica, Angela, Olga, Nadezhda.
  2. Good compatibility, if desired, you can get a happy couple: Irma, Alexandra, Lyubov, Vera, Nina.
  3. There is a small probability that the relationship will develop easily: Galina, Clara, Elena, Lyudmila, Renata, Larisa.

Alan has a name day three times a year, in late autumn and winter: November 25, December 27 and 31. These are Catholic name days, but if the name is Muslim, then it does not have a name day.

Alan is a wonderful man who has the best spiritual qualities. People like him are never alone, unhappy, or dissatisfied with their fate. He will live a rich life with many unforgettable moments!

Love Alana

  • Unfortunately, Alan does not strive for permanent relationships and to possess one woman. He always has several partners, each of which provides him with a certain comfort. If a woman gives in to him, he loses interest. Alana can only be interested in a woman who values ​​herself and does not need financial support.
  • When Alan sees a person of equal value to himself in his partner, he is really interested in a serious relationship and it is with such a woman that he can build a family. Alan wants to continue the family line, so he will definitely have children.
  • More than one marriage and children from women outside of marriage are possible. It is worth noting that he shows care and respect to all his women. Children are even more important to him, so he strives to give every child a good education.
  • Alan doesn't like hot-tempered women. He also does not accept relationships with mercantile women. He tries to maintain friendly and good relations with each of his women after a breakup. The most beloved woman for him is his mother. Alan is a caring and patient son who always puts the interests of his family above his personal interests. Therefore, he is the main heir of the family.