Foundation from FBS blocks: how to make a block foundation. Foundations from FBS blocks Construction of a country house from FBS blocks

Walls made from foundation blocks can be monolithic, stone, brick and concrete. If the foundations of houses without a basement can be brick and monolithic, then in the case of houses with basements there will be few brick walls - for them it is desirable to lay a monolithic foundation. Typically, foundation block walls are built to a height of 3–5 inches above the ground.

Monolithic walls


Such foundations are laid on cement-lime or cement mortar. The use of a cement mixture of liquid consistency complicates masonry work. The cement-lime mixture is more convenient to work with (it is thicker), and therefore it is easier to lay bricks on it.

From ceramic solid bricks you can build a foundation wall with a thickness of 2.5 dm (one brick), 3.8 dm (one and a half bricks) or 5.1 dm (two bricks). The rows are laid with bandaging - the vertical seams are shifted by at least a quarter of the brick. The horizontal seam is about 1 cm wide, the vertical seam is 1.2 cm wide.

In Poland, for laying foundation walls, in addition to ceramic bricks, it is recommended to use blocks and sand-lime bricks (such a wall has a thickness of about 1.8 dm). But according to domestic requirements, sand-lime brick is not allowed to be used for constructing plinths, external walls and basements.

Walls are constructed from concrete blocks from foundation blocks 2.4, 2.5 or 3.8 dm thick. The use of B15 concrete blocks ensures strength and moisture resistance. The blocks are laid with a shift in all rows. Horizontal ones are up to 1.5 cm thick, and vertical ones are 1–2 cm thick.

The only drawback is the large weight of the blocks - more than 30 kg.

Stone foundation walls are rarely built, this is associated with high costs, and subsequently it is difficult to install insulation on them (it is easily pierced by uneven walls). If stone is still used, then it is advisable to first plaster the walls and then insulate them.

FBS blocks are a solid structure made in the form of a parallelepiped and equipped with mounting loops. The end faces of the product have special recesses, which are filled with liquid during the construction process. In this simple way, the strength and integrity of the foundation structure made of FBS blocks is ensured.

The overall dimensions of the FBS are regulated by the state standard. Standard sizes differ in length and width, but the height of all modifications is constant and equal to 600 mm. True, some manufacturers produce blocks 300 mm high.

The weight of the FBS does not allow the work to be done manually. Trying to install them using a winch is fraught with enormous labor costs. So you can’t do it without a crane. This very significant drawback explains why FBS foundations for individual houses are very rarely built.

The disadvantages include the lack of reinforcing elements inside the FBS. To strengthen the foundation, the blocks are laid on reinforced concrete foundation slabs - pillows.

Construction of a foundation from FBS blocks: step-by-step instructions

The block foundation for a house is a simple structure consisting of:

  • reinforced concrete pad;
  • walls made of FBS;
  • waterproofing.

In some cases, the structure is supplemented with an upper armored belt.

The construction of a foundation from FBS blocks is carried out in several stages.

Stage one - preparatory work

At this stage, design documentation is being developed. There are now many computer programs available that can lay out blocks. But if you don’t know how to use them, draw the masonry on paper, just do it not arbitrarily, but to scale.

Based on the drawing, it will be easy to understand the order of installation of FBS and their dressing.

At this stage, the entry points for utility lines are determined. There are masonry elements on sale in which passage holes are created. If you miss this moment, you will have to drill them into the body of the concrete block. This will lead to additional time, financial and labor costs.

The width of the foundation depends on the thickness of the walls of the above-ground part of the building. For wooden buildings, 300 mm is sufficient. The width of a foundation made of FBS blocks for a brick house is usually taken to be 600 mm.

Stage two - excavation work

Inspect the construction site for the organization of access roads for special equipment. Remove everything that will interfere with further actions: bushes, trees, debris, etc.

After this, remove the fertile layer 150-200 mm thick at the building construction site. It can be carefully folded away from the pit: in the future, the turf will be useful when arranging a garden or vegetable garden.

Before making a foundation from FBS blocks, it is necessary to mark it on the ground (). This is done using pegs and cords.

The following are brought to the area:

  • external and internal contour of the foundation.

A trench is dug according to the markings. Its depth should exceed the freezing depth of the soil by 200-250 mm. There are regions in Russia where the soil freezes up to two meters deep. It is not economically feasible to build a foundation using FBS blocks for a house in such places. Typically, a block base is used where this parameter does not exceed 0.8-1 m.

Stage three - arrangement of the sole

When you start laying the blocks with your own hands, you will need to choose the type of base for the foundation.

There are two options to solve this issue:

  • build a sand cushion;
  • pour the concrete base.

The second option is used in the case of unstable soils. It costs a lot of money, significantly slowing down the speed of construction. Therefore, in the absence of objective reasons, it is better to refuse it. In most cases, it is enough to equip a sand cushion.

Work at this stage is carried out in the following order:

  • the walls of the pit or trench are leveled;
  • a 10-15 cm layer of sand is poured into the bottom of the pit;
  • the sand is spilled with water and thoroughly compacted;
  • crushed stone is poured over the sand layer (layer thickness - 100 mm) and also compacted.

These operations are the same for both options for arranging the pillow. If there is a need for a base, it is mounted on top of the crushed stone, and a reinforcing mesh is placed inside it. Then the concrete mixture is poured ().

On soft soils, you can increase the area of ​​the foundation base using FL reinforced concrete foundation slabs. they are laid on the sand-crushed stone preparation either completely or at intervals of up to 70 cm. In the latter case, the space between the individual elements must be filled with soil, carefully compacted.

How to put a foundation of blocks on pillows? The first row of FBS must be laid in such a way that their vertical joints (or seams) are located on the slabs. Based on this condition during design, the maximum permissible gap between concrete pads is determined.

Stage six - laying blocks

At this stage, we proceed directly to creating a foundation from FBS blocks: how to lay the blocks:

  • The laying of each row begins with the installation of beacon blocks. They are placed in corners and intersections of walls. Vertical seams are filled with mortar. If the overall size of the foundation is not a multiple of the length of the blocks, a gap will form at the end of laying the row. It must be filled with concrete, after installing the formwork;
  • all subsequent rows of the foundation made of FBS blocks for a house must be laid on a layer of mortar. Its thickness is 1.5 cm. Be sure to bandage the vertical joints at 250-600 mm. If this rule cannot be followed, use masonry mesh or reinforcing bars;
  • The quality of work is regularly checked using a building level.

Experienced builders try to choose longer products to build a foundation from FBS blocks. Thus, they reduce the number of vertical seams, thereby increasing the strength of the structure and its reliability.

Stage seven - waterproofing

In the step-by-step instructions for a foundation made of FBS blocks, this stage is the simplest. It is necessary to coat the surfaces of the structure with liquid mastic - internal and external, paying special attention to the seams.

If the construction site is located in a region with frequent and heavy rainfall, it makes sense to cover the foundation with roofing material after coating.

Stage eight - armored belt

How to make a foundation from FBS blocks with your own hands to eliminate the risk of its destruction? It can be reinforced with a reinforced concrete belt cast along the top row. In the future, floor slabs will rest on it.

Many professional builders consider this step unnecessary, but practice shows that when building a block foundation with your own hands (most often, inexperienced ones), such a step is completely justified.

The reinforcing belt is constructed in the following order:

  • Formwork () is installed along the perimeter of the foundation (on the outer and inner sides of the walls). To prevent the panels from moving apart from below under the pressure of the concrete mixture, they are tied together with wire. They are fastened at the top with clamps or pins;
  • a reinforcing frame or mesh is lowered into the formwork;
  • concrete mixture is poured ().

The formwork is dismantled after the concrete has hardened (). To facilitate this operation and prevent leakage of the solution at the time of pouring, it is advisable to cover the internal surfaces of the boards with polyethylene film before installing the reinforcing mesh.


In this article, we tried to answer the question: how to build a foundation from FBS blocks, highlighting the most important points of this process. This technology is highly labor-intensive, but does not present any particular complexity.

If you carefully carry out all operations, even those that may seem not particularly important, the result will be a foundation for a house that is built according to all the rules and can last for decades.

Video on how to properly make a foundation from FBS blocks.

A house made of FBS blocks is a very popular type of construction. This material is used to create load-bearing elements of buildings that can be used at temperatures from -70 to +50 degrees. Their most relevant use is for the construction of basement and basement surfaces and laying strip foundations. It is worth noting that such blocks are perfectly combined with all types of soil and climatic conditions. In our article we will find out how to build a building from FBS correctly and independently.

Pros and cons of the material

Before choosing blocks for installation work, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the FBS material. Namely these:

  • Good strength;
  • Durability;
  • Resistance to mechanical and biological influences;
  • High level of thermal insulation;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Wide range of block models.

Such advantages expand the range of applications of FBS products, allowing them to be used in the most uncomfortable conditions. Construction specialists strongly recommend using such material for laying basements, as this will reduce the time it takes to build a house. Of course, such blocks have a huge number of advantages, but we must also consider the disadvantages of these products:

  • It is worth noting that the blocks have a high cost, but it is lower than that of a monolith;
  • In addition, in most cases it is not possible to obtain maximum sealing at the joints. If you install a self-leveling foundation and a plinth, you can get a more reliable structure. This design is especially relevant in difficult climatic conditions.
  • For construction work on the construction of the plinth, it is necessary to use the services of special machines.

Attention! FBS products are more expensive than other materials, and require additional waterproofing treatment of the base or basement.

Selecting blocks for installation

When choosing a building material for a house, namely FBS blocks, first of all, you need to check the product documentation and the availability of a passport. The official product certification must contain the following information:

  • Contact information of the manufacturer;
  • Serial code and lot number;
  • Dimensions, brand, weight;
  • Indicator of strength during compression;
  • Resistance to frost and moisture;
  • Basic operating rules.

The block foundation for a house must be made from suitable materials. It is for this reason that you need to take measurements that should have almost the same dimensions. It is worth noting that the deviation should not exceed 6 mm. Otherwise, such a block cube is not worth buying, as you will spend extra money. If you need to purchase elements for the basement floor, check with the seller whether the material is suitable for such purposes.

Although the blocks are made of reinforced concrete and are heavy, numerous reviews indicate an increase in demand for them. It is worth assuming that this was influenced by one fact - the ability to withstand heavy loads. Plus, the blocks are durable and reliable. Very often, FBS products are used in the construction of residential and administrative buildings. But such a device is justified only in the following situations:

  • If it is necessary to build the foundation of a house as quickly as possible. In this situation, it is not the speed of construction work that plays a role, but the quality of construction in such a short period of time. You can complete all installation tasks either with your own hands or with the help of specialized equipment.
  • If private construction is being carried out, especially in situations where you do not have special skills. Most often, this design is used due to the simplicity of the process and ease of calculations.
  • In the case where the site is characterized by a mixed type of soil. To solve all possible unpleasant phenomena, it is recommended to install a strip base in one row, widened towards the edges. But, be sure to install the foundation on a sand cushion.

We make the foundation from blocks with our own hands

The construction process using FBS products is no different, but the work must be performed in strict accordance with the instructions. So, the first thing you need is to calculate all the values. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

Before you go shopping. We need to know how much material we need to complete the construction. The volume of load-bearing masonry is calculated using the following formula:

V= l by a by h, that is, length multiplied by thickness and height. Next, the resulting value is divided into indicators of one block. If the building has the shape of a parallelepiped, then the calculation is complete, the resulting amount will be the amount of material needed.

Attention! Here it is very important not to forget that FBS elements have a lot of weight, so you should use the services of specialized equipment to carry out the work. Based on this fact, professionals recommend performing calculations for middle blocks, since they will be easier to install.

Today, manufacturers produce several standard parameters for block products. Such values ​​simplify construction work. Usually the block has a height of 58 cm, but for calculations you need to use the number 60. The side walls may be slightly convex, but this is not a mandatory norm, so most blocks are even. Design features are based on the financial capabilities of the owner.

Attention! Of the main requirements, we must not forget that construction should begin by creating a sand and gravel cushion for the foundation. All work is done easily, the main thing is to do everything accurately and correctly.

Tools and materials for performing work

As we have already found out, installation of the foundation for the house is carried out without any particular difficulties. The duration of the process depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site and the total weight of the building. But, you should not forget that the blocks need to be mounted on a prepared surface, which takes most of the time. To perform installation you need the following tools:

  • Level of construction purpose;
  • A special level, a clamp and a long rope;
  • Compact excavator or shovel. The choice of this tool depends on the dimensions of the house.
  • Sand and crushed stone;
  • Vibrating mechanism for compaction;
  • FBS blocks;
  • Wooden board for creating formwork;
  • Concrete solution.

The materials for creating a prefabricated base are FBS blocks, with a length from 120 to 240 cm, and a height of 40 and 60 cm. These values ​​are standard, but nowadays experts use other options.

Attention! Before you buy blocks you must decide for yourself. Which blocks will be more profitable for you to install?

Preliminary construction stage

When you need to lay blocks, you must not forget about the most important work - preparatory work. This stage includes the following sequential actions:

  • We prepare the area for work. To do this, you need to level the soil, remove large grass and bulges in the area. Next, we determine the type of soil by deep shunting. The type of finish will depend on this factor.
  • If the construction is carried out on clay soil. For such conditions it is necessary to dig a ditch of a certain depth. Sand and gravel 30 cm wide need to be laid at the bottom. Such a layer can be created in several ways, which are selected according to the availability of materials for construction. The compaction of the pillow should be done with a special vibrating tool.
  • After completing the layer of sand and gravel, trapezoidal slabs should be laid on the cushion. FBS products are used to increase the area of ​​load on the soil. This process increases the overall strength and stability of the building. It is recommended to lay the blocks one at a time, in the form of a chessboard.
  • If the site has sandy soil, the process is slightly different. To perform installation, it is recommended to use a different method. First. What needs to be done is to prepare a trench. It is worth noting that for such soil there is no need to make a sand cushion. We compact the bottom, install the slab and fill it with a thickness of 10 cm.

Attention! For a sandy type of site, it is cheaper to install a strip base.

The main stage of the construction process

This stage is called the main stage, since it is now that the blocks are being laid. There are some rules for performing this task. FSB products should be laid from corner to corner and diagonally. We begin work by completing the first layer of construction. The blocks must be installed on a prepared concrete layer, which must be durable and free of gravel and crushed stone. It is worth noting that this principle is reminiscent of brickwork.

Installation of block elements must be carried out with bandaging in the corners of the building. In this case, there should be no seams between adjacent blocks. Each layer of the structure must be protected from water and moisture. Suitable materials for waterproofing include rubber, liquid resin and roofing felt.

The position of the structure plays an equally important role in the quality of construction. It is worth noting that it can be performed vertically and horizontally. The second method is characterized by checking using special beacons, a rope and a building level. Deviation from the norm of the angle can be the following values: horizontally - 2 degrees, vertically - 3.

Attention! It is impossible to create voids when installing block devices, as they can quickly deform or lead to the destruction of the building.

The final stage of construction

When creating a building on any type of soil, with the exception of the sandy type, the last stage consists of performing the following mandatory work:

  • Waterproof the material. This task can be accomplished using roofing felt, liquid rubber, and bitumen.
  • When the waterproofing agent has dried, it is necessary to fill the area near the walls with sand from the inside and outside. It is worth noting. That all layers need to be compacted with a vibrating block.

Attention! A prerequisite for such a construction is the need to install a drainage system and a concrete blind area.

So we got acquainted with all the nuances and features of installing houses from FBS blocks with our own hands. Now you can build the desired building yourself.

A foundation made from FBS blocks has several advantages that no other type of foundation has. FBS (wall foundation block) and FBP (hollow foundation block) are made from light, silicate and heavy concrete, expanded clay concrete. FBS blocks can have a reinforced frame, or have only mounting loops. The ends of the blocks have technological grooves into which cement mortar is placed during installation. Let us consider in detail the construction of a foundation made of FBS blocks.

An important point is that the blocks are produced in standardized sizes; the number of standard sizes is sufficient to form almost any design of strip and column foundations, as well as their variants. The width of the blocks is selected to match the thickness of the building walls.

Pros and cons of foundations made of FBS blocks

The use of a foundation made of FBS blocks has its advantages and disadvantages. To understand the objective picture, let’s consider them in detail.

Advantages of a foundation based on FBS blocks

The advantages of choosing and constructing a foundation from FBS blocks are as follows:

  • speed of construction and simplicity of the device, which does not require special skills
  • work can be carried out regardless of air temperature and weather conditions, both in rain and snowfall
  • the structure of the finished structure is not absolutely rigid, but has some flexibility and mobility due to the joints. A rigid strip monolith is subject to greater loads under the influence of frost heaving forces than a flexible block monolith.

Disadvantages of a foundation based on FBS blocks

But you should also forget about the shortcomings, we list them:

  • installation requires special lifting equipment
  • the presence of joints that weaken the structure requires serious waterproofing
  • despite the high bearing capacity, it is not applicable on clayey and heaving soils, as well as on subsidence and insufficiently dense soils

It is recommended to choose a foundation made of FBS in areas with dense sandy, rocky foundations, and soils containing crushed stone and gravel-pebble deposits without interlayers of loam. Ideal conditions are a low groundwater level that does not reach the base and a base composed of dense sands of medium and coarse grain. Such a base will provide natural drainage and will not swell or sag depending on the temperature. But such conditions are extremely rare, so proper preparation of the base is very important.

Preparation of the base on dense sandy and gravelly soils consists of constructing a 150 mm high cushion of river or quarry sand, compacted layer by layer in a wet state. On medium-density sands, an additional bottom layer of crushed stone cushion with a thickness of 100-150 mm is required. In both cases, the top layer of sand is moistened with water and compacted until the trace of the sole is not visible.

When building with FBS blocks in conditions of high groundwater, a drainage backfill made of coarse washed sand that does not contain clay is required. If there is a high groundwater level and underlying soils are loams and sandy loams, then these soils need to be replaced. In addition, with a high groundwater level, serious waterproofing is required - with liquid rubber or adhesive.

The preparation of a clayey base prone to heaving is more complex and involves the installation of an additional monolithic reinforced cushion. The pillow should protrude beyond the contour of the block foundation by 100 - 200 mm on the outer and inner sides. The thickness of the cushion (from 100 to 300 mm) and reinforcement are taken by calculation, depending on the strength of the underlying soil. The bottom row of the foundation is laid out from FL blocks, which have the shape of a trapezoid with an expanded base. This device increases the resistance of the foundation to forces caused by soil movements.

The design of a block foundation, including lower and upper reinforcing belts 50-100 mm thick, which can begin and complete the laying, and also alternate through two rows of blocks, provides insurance and does not allow the blocks to “travel” along with uneven subsidence and heaving of the soil. Such a device is included in construction practice and justifies itself.

The dimensions, plan and height of the required excavation are dictated by the project, depending on the availability of the basement. If there is a basement, then a foundation pit and a concrete screed for the floor are required. If a basement is not needed, then they dig a trench. In addition, when calculating the required size of the excavation, it is necessary to take into account that this size should provide, in addition to the installation of blocks with adjustment with crowbar, the possibility of arranging formwork for armored belts and all work on the construction and compaction of the base cushion.

The alignment of the foundation axes is carried out using a laser rangefinder and a theodolite. The reference points are reliably marked by driving metal beacon pins. Moorings - a stretched fishing line or cord connecting pins in pairs to form the axes of the walls. You cannot divide the distance between the beacons of one wall into separate segments, this will lead to the accumulation of a static error, which will result in a deviation and a curved foundation line. A mooring is also needed to control the vertical position of the blocks during installation; the gap between the mooring and the block is allowed no more than 2 mm. The masonry horizon is checked using a building level or using a laser level, which will be more reliable.

Step-by-step instructions for constructing a foundation from FBS blocks

Sequence of installation of a foundation based on FBS blocks:

  • Beacon blocks are installed first, defining corners and intersections of load-bearing walls
  • The first row of blocks is placed between the beacon blocks, filling the vertical joints with cement mortar to a thickness of 20 mm. If necessary, use additional elements, not forgetting to leave design holes for communications. The edges of the holes are strengthened or sleeves are inserted; after laying the pipes, the gaps are filled with concrete.
  • the second row of blocks is mounted with ligation, similar to brickwork. But with the difference that the indentations from the edges of the blocks of the first row are taken not for reasons of aesthetics, but based on the strength of the foundation soils. If there is heaving clay below, then vertical dressing seams are made in the middle of the block of the bottom row. If the base is strong, the indentation from the edge is made at 0.4 - 0.5 of the height of the mounted block.

  • after the top row of blocks is installed, the armored belt is poured. Reinforcement is performed with three rows of rods or a mesh. The armored belt levels the top of the foundation under the walls and increases the reliability of the structure.
  • horizontal and vertical joints between blocks are filled with mortar to the full depth; there should be no empty space. Joints between blocks are made both outside and inside.
  • small areas can be covered not only with additional blocks, but also with brickwork or monolithic.

If the site has a high level of groundwater, above the base of the foundation, then all walls are waterproofed with adhesive or coating insulation, and, as a more reliable option, with liquid rubber.

Backfilling of trenches and pits using river or quarry sand is carried out in layers, with compaction of each layer using a tamper.

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

When building a private house, it is very important to choose the right type of foundation. The costs of work below the ground floor level can reach 30% of the cost of the entire building, therefore, in order to reduce the cost of construction, it is necessary to carefully consider the selection and installation of foundations. When building a house with a basement, the most rational solution would be to install a strip foundation made of FBS blocks. Step-by-step instructions and recommendations for this type of design are discussed below.

Advantages of FBS blocks

The foundation made of FBS blocks is a concrete wall. Factory-made products are used for construction. Reinforcement is not provided, since the blocks only work in compression, which concrete copes with very well.

The advantages of this technology include:

Application area

The foundation of concrete blocks can be made in the form of the following structures:

  • pillars;
  • ribbon.

Most often this material is used for strip foundations. Such a foundation can be installed both for small individual buildings and for multi-storey buildings. The choice of concrete wall thickness depends on the thickness of the above-ground walls, the loads on the foundations and the characteristics of the foundation soil.

A columnar foundation made of FBS blocks can be provided for small lightweight buildings with high soil acidity and a significant freezing depth.

FBS foundations are used when the soil characteristics are sufficiently good. For swampy and unstable foundations, it is recommended to use slab or pile supports.

Element sizes

Precast concrete factories produce products of standard sizes. The thickness of the blocks is chosen so that brick walls of any thickness can be supported on them without any problems. Below are sizing options in all measurements.

Table with element sizes
  • 600 mm;
  • 300 mm.
  • Length:
  • 900 mm;
  • 1200 mm;
  • 2400 mm.
  • 300 mm (for walls 250 mm thick);
  • 400 mm (for walls 380 mm);
  • 500 mm (for walls 510 mm;
  • 600 mm (for walls 640 mm);
  • 700 mm (for walls 770 mm).

When supporting walls on blocks, it is important to remember that the overhang of bricks on each side should not exceed 40 mm. Otherwise, it will be necessary to provide additional ways to strengthen the extension of the wall beyond the foundation.

Installation technology

The FBS foundation is installed in the following order:

  • site marking;
  • development of soil (excerpt of a pit or trench);
  • arrangement of pillows for blocks;
  • installation of concrete elements;
  • checking verticality and basic dimensions in plan;
  • waterproofing;
  • backfilling.

Laying depth

The height of underground walls is determined by two factors:

  • presence of a basement;
  • depth of soil freezing.

The foundations should be supported approximately 30 cm below the soil freezing depth. Otherwise, a phenomenon such as frost heaving will lead to the formation of cracks and distortions. If there is a basement, the depth of the blocks is selected so that it is 20-30 cm below the floor level.

Block pillow

Diagram of the depth of laying a foundation made of concrete slabs

Building with concrete blocks is a fairly simple job. The most difficult thing is to prepare the base for installation. Before making a foundation from blocks, you need to decide on the type of pillow for it. There are several options:

  • prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs;
  • sandy;
  • gravel;
  • crushed stone.

The construction of a heavy stone house on strip foundations involves the use of reliable reinforced concrete pads. To install them correctly you need to:

  • level the base;
  • lay sand preparation 30-50 cm thick depending on the type of soil;
  • install FL plates;
  • make a reinforced seam in the places where the blocks support.

To prepare for the foundation of FBS blocks with your own hands, you need to choose medium-sized or coarse sand. The same rule applies to installing a sand cushion under a strip foundation made of blocks. Fine sand during the construction process will cause severe shrinkage and lead to improper operation of the structure.

Sand pillow diagram

The advantages of a sand pillow include:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • low cost;
  • leveling the bottom of the pit and preventing contact of concrete with the ground;
  • effective removal of moisture from the structure;
  • correctly distributes the load from the building to the foundation.

Disadvantages include a limited scope of application. This type of foundation is only suitable for small, lightweight buildings. It is impossible to lay blocks on it under a stone house (brick, concrete).

The sand and gravel cushion boasts a higher load-bearing capacity. The main material in this case is gravel with the addition of medium-sized sand.

The disadvantage of such a foundation will be its higher cost compared to a sand one.

But still, the price is much lower than when using reinforced concrete slabs. On such a cushion it is possible to build a small house with several floors.

Laying blocks

The blocks must be laid with bandaging, which will ensure high reliability of the structure. When constructing strip foundations, the dressing must be at least 250 mm. This means that each subsequent row of blocks must be shifted relative to the previous one by at least 25 cm. To ensure ligation and the most efficient placement of blocks when building one house, blocks of different lengths are used.

It is preferable to use products with a length of 240 cm, as this reduces the number of vertical joints.

Scheme of the minimum depth of vertical joints of foundation wall blocks

But during individual construction, such blocks are often economically unprofitable due to the high costs of lifting equipment. In addition, in buildings with small dimensions in plan, it is difficult to lay out walls from large elements.

If reinforced concrete foundation pads are used as a base for the blocks, it is necessary to ensure ligation with them. Areas for which standard products are not suitable are sealed using a concrete mixture. Brick seals are only possible for the interior walls of the house. Horizontal and vertical joints are sealed with cement-sand mortar. The solution gains full strength in 4 weeks.

To ventilate the basement, it is necessary to provide small openings - vents.. The total area of ​​these openings must be at least one four hundredth the area of ​​the basement.

The construction of a massive building or structure on soft soils requires a monolithic reinforced concrete belt along the top row of blocks. It ensures the joint operation of all products and gives the structure additional rigidity.


An important stage of the work is protecting the concrete wall from moisture. Foundation waterproofing can be of several types, which are used simultaneously:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • blind area around the perimeter of the house.

Scheme of foundation waterproofing with roofing felt

The blind area prevents rainwater from penetrating the underground walls. Horizontal waterproofing is carried out along the edge of the foundation (the end of the concrete wall and the beginning of the walls of the house) and below the level of the basement floor, if there is one. In this case, the following can be installed as a waterproofing material:

  • roofing felt;
  • hydroisol;
  • linochrome

Vertical waterproofing is carried out up to the planning ground level. For its device use:

  • built-up materials (roofing felt, linochrome, waterproofing);
  • coating materials (bitumen mastic, liquid rubber).

Construction in compliance with all stages will allow you to build a reliable and durable foundation made of FBS, which is not afraid of anything.