How long should iodomarin be taken during pregnancy? Iodomarin during pregnancy: purpose and when to take it

While expecting a baby, a woman needs special nutrition. At this time, the diet of the fair sex should include many vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and microelements. If the expectant mother does not receive any substance from her diet, then she is prescribed a special set of drugs. So, very often doctors recommend using Iodomarin 200 tablets during pregnancy. Along with this remedy, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, which also contain iodine.

When should you start taking the drug?

Many expectant mothers have a question about when to start taking Iodomarin 200 tablets. During pregnancy, gynecologists and therapists prescribe this medicine from the very first weeks of the baby's development.

So, as soon as you find out about your interesting situation, you need to start using this vitamin preparation. Sometimes the need for its use continues throughout pregnancy.

Why do you need the medicine “Iodomarin 200” during pregnancy?

These tablets contain the only main active ingredient - iodine. Why is it so necessary for expectant mothers?

Iodine is produced by the body for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. This organ is very important not only for pregnant women. However, during the period of bearing a baby, various malfunctions of the thyroid gland can negatively affect the health of the fetus. Lack of iodine causes delayed development of the embryo, deterioration of the expectant mother and can even lead to miscarriage or premature birth. This is why it is so important to take Iodomarin 200 tablets during pregnancy.

How long should you take the medicine?

It is worth noting that in the first trimester of a baby’s development, the formation of the most important organs and systems occurs. A lack of iodine during this period can cause big problems for the baby in the future. After the specified time, the doctor’s prescription may be canceled, or the medication may be continued until delivery.

Until the end of the first trimester, the embryo does not have its own thyroid gland. That is why the mother's organ works for two. At this stage, a woman simply needs a double dose of iodine. Until the end of this period, all pregnant women need to take Iodomarin 200 tablets.

Use of the drug

To begin with, it is worth saying that there is a lower dosage of the drug. The manufacturer also produces Iodomarin 100. For a pregnant woman or any adult, such a portion will be too small. Most often, this dose is prescribed to young children and schoolchildren. Expectant mothers need to take Iodomarin 200 tablets.

You need to take the medicine according to the standard regimen. In some cases, the doctor may select an individual dosage after receiving test results. Adults and pregnant women are prescribed one tablet of the drug “Iodomarin 200”. It is preferable to drink the product in the morning, during the first portion of food.

It is worth noting that the natural process is to obtain vitamins and other nutrients at the time of the meal. Therefore, it is advisable to take tablets containing iodine during meals. Take your medicine clean water in the required quantity.

In addition to its use during pregnancy, the medicine is recommended for all people with thyroid problems caused by iodine deficiency. How to take Iodomarin 200 in this case? It is recommended to take one tablet daily. The course of treatment can range from six months to several years.

When can a medicine harm an expectant mother?

If in the first trimester of pregnancy these tablets are necessary for all women, then after this period of time it is worth consulting with a doctor before taking Iodomarin 200 further. How can this beneficial substance harm you?

From the beginning of the second trimester, the placenta already participates in the development of the child. If a woman has excess iodine, this will not affect the unborn child. He simply won't take what he doesn't need. However, excess of this substance can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother. Excess iodine is just as dangerous as its deficiency. That is why it is necessary to visit an endocrinologist and undergo the necessary tests before taking pills in the second trimester of pregnancy.

What can replace the medicine?

There is an analogue of “Iodomarin 200”. This medicine is called "Potassium Iodine". It is worth noting that its price category is significantly lower than that of Iodomarin 200 tablets. However, there is a noticeable difference between these medications - the dosage. If Iodomarin tablets contain 200 mg of iodine, then its predecessor has a dosage of only 100 mg. If you choose a cheaper drug, you will have to drink it twice as much.

It is also worth noting that the analogue of “Iodomarin 200” does not inspire confidence among modern specialists. During pregnancy, a woman should use only reliable and proven vitamin supplements.

In some cases, a complete replacement for this medicine may be vitamin complex. It is prescribed to almost all expectant mothers and nursing women. However, when choosing such an alternative, it is worth taking into account the amount of the substance contained in the tablets and, if necessary, supplementing it with Iodomarin 200.

Drug price

The cost of this product depends entirely on the size of the package. Iodomarin 200 tablets are available in quantities of 50 and 100 pieces. By choosing a large box you can save some money.

A small package of vitamin product will cost you from 100 to 200 rubles. A large box costs from 200 to 300 rubles. It is necessary to take into account that the price of the drug may vary significantly in different regions and even in different pharmacy chains.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know why the medicine “Iodomarin 200” is needed during pregnancy. Read the instructions carefully before taking any drug. Follow all the specialist’s recommendations and be healthy!

Iodine enters the human body mainly from foods that contain it. These include a variety of seafood, including: seaweed, liver, buckwheat, eggs, apples, persimmons and other vegetables, fruits, berries, iodized salt.

Even if you live by the sea, you still don't get enough iodine. That is why pregnant women are prescribed Iodomarin, the most popular and safe iodine-containing drug today, to prevent iodine deficiency in the fetus. Based on the name, you can understand that this drug contains iodine, which is extremely necessary for the proper formation and development of the baby.

How to take Iodomarin during pregnancy?

The planning dose of this drug is usually 100 mcg per day. This means that you need to take 100 mcg of Iodomarin tablet per day or half a tablet per day of 200 mcg of Iodomarin. If the expectant mother did not use iodine preparations at the pregnancy planning stage, it is necessary to start taking them immediately after conception, and then throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For pregnant women, the drug is prescribed exclusively by an endocrinologist. This is due to the fact that Iodomarin is contraindicated for pregnant women with hypersensitivity to iodine, as well as for hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Exceeding the required dose of iodine in this case can lead, in addition to allergies, to uterine bleeding and.

The daily dose of iodine for a pregnant woman is 200 mcg, so it is necessary to take Iodomarin 200 tablets daily. If the expectant mother drinks a vitamin complex containing iodine, in this case she should take Iodomarin 100 tablets daily.

By the way, Elevit pronatal, prescribed by doctors to almost all pregnant women, does not contain iodine, so it is necessary to take an additional tablet of Iodomarin 200. Until how long to take this drug during pregnancy, only a doctor can say, but most often this is done throughout the entire period carrying a child. The tablet is swallowed after a meal, washed down with a large amount of any liquid.

Why do doctors prescribe iodine to pregnant women?

The active substance of the drug, potassium iodide, is quickly absorbed and completely absorbed by the human body. Iodine during early pregnancy is necessary to maintain metabolic processes, for the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as the cardiovascular and nervous systems of a pregnant woman.

Reasons why Iodomarin 200 is prescribed during pregnancy:

  1. Iodine in the body is involved in the production of thyroid hormones, which affect the development of the brain of the unborn child. Therefore, if there is not enough iodine in the expectant mother’s body, the fetus has an increased risk of mental retardation, and there is also a likelihood of developing cretinism (mental and physical retardation), autism, and cerebral palsy. It has been proven that mothers who took iodine-containing medications during pregnancy have children who become more capable students and have better developed memory.
  2. Taking Iodomarin in the early stages of pregnancy helps reduce the likelihood of miscarriage and stillbirth.
  3. If there is a lack of iodine, a child may be born with developmental defects.
  4. Iodine strengthens the cartilage of the unborn baby and promotes bone development.
  5. In a mother's body, iodine deficiency can lead to deterioration of the condition of her nails, skin and hair, complications during labor, decreased immunity, the appearance of edema and excess weight. After childbirth, there may be problems with lactation. The risk of postpartum depression increases.
  6. Iodomarin should be taken in the early stages of pregnancy to reduce the likelihood of fetal hypoxia.

Effect of pregnancy on thyroid function

Thyroid diseases are quite common in women - much more common than in men. Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, iodine deficiency can create certain problems. Pathology of the thyroid gland can cause infertility and recurrent miscarriage. Lack of iodine during gestation has negative impact on fetal development.

The incidence of thyroid diseases during pregnancy is quite high. About 2% of pregnant women suffer from hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency), and 4% develop nodular goiter. Of all women diagnosed with this disease, in 15% it was first discovered during pregnancy.

Already from the first weeks of gestation, the function of the thyroid gland changes dramatically. This is due to the influence of hormones on it, which begin to be intensively produced in pregnant women. The greatest influence is exerted by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), secreted by the placenta. Its structure is very similar to the pituitary hormone TSH, which stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. Therefore, hCG stimulates thyroid function. It initiates the development of transient gestational hyperthyroidism (increased activity of thyroid hormones).

In the first half of pregnancy, TSH levels are usually normal, but in 20% of women they are low. The lowest rates are observed at the end of the first trimester. By the second trimester, TSH secretion returns to normal. During gestation, estrogen production increases. These hormones increase the production of TSH - thyroxine binding globulin - in the liver. As a result, the level of thyroid hormones decreases. To compensate for this condition, the thyroid gland is forced to produce them in more. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, the production of TSH increases, which stimulates the thyroid gland.

Iodine in the body of a pregnant woman

During gestation, the use of iodine by the fetoplacental complex increases. The fetus produces thyroid hormones on its own. In addition, the renal clearance of iodine increases, which further stimulates the thyroid gland of a pregnant woman. Thus, the need for iodine during gestation increases. This is why you need to take Iodomarin, especially in regions with iodine deficiency in food.

In at least 20% of women, stimulation of thyroid function leads to an increase in the size of the organ. This happens even with normal hormone levels. At the same time, a lack of iodine has serious consequences for the child and can disrupt the development of his brain. Therefore, according to WHO recommendations, women expecting a child need to take 250 mcg of iodine per day.

Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy does not completely cover this need. But still, in the absence of risk factors, even such a dosage with a probability close to 100% will solve the problem of possible iodine deficiency and will prevent the child from developing complications associated with a lack of this microelement.

It is very important that during gestation a woman has normal levels of thyroid hormones. To do this, you need to provide the body with iodine using Iodomarin. If taking the drug does not lead to normalization of thyroid hormone levels, levothyroxine may additionally be prescribed. It is very important that free T4 is within normal limits. At the same time, borderline values ​​(at the lower limit of normal) of T4 with a normal TSH level are not indications for prescribing levothyroxine replacement therapy. For such patients, Iodomarin alone is sufficient.

Consequences of iodine deficiency

Most women do not develop iodine deficiency, even if they do not take Iodomarin. But such cases still occur, and to minimize risks, the drug is necessary for preventive purposes. Although the risk of negative consequences is small, complications can be very dangerous and often irreversible.

Patients who are at risk:

  • established iodine deficiency;
  • low functional reserves of the thyroid gland (autoimmune thyroiditis, carriage of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase).

Such women are examined. They are always prescribed Iodomarin and examined to determine the level of hormones in the blood. If necessary, the hypothyroid state is corrected with levothyroxine until the end of pregnancy, and, if necessary, during the lactation period.

Possible consequences of iodine deficiency:

  • diffuse or nodular goiter;
  • hypothyroidism: latent or manifest (manifested by symptoms);
  • intrauterine goiter and hypothyroidism in the fetus;
  • low IQ in a child;
  • Cretinism is an extreme form of a developmental disorder of the central nervous system as a result of iodine deficiency and hypothyroidism.

A pregnant woman’s body should have enough iodine during all periods of gestation. Already at the time of pregnancy, there should be no iodine deficiency. Therefore, when planning, it is recommended to take 150 mcg daily. It is optimal to start taking it 3-6 months before conception. After confirmation of pregnancy, the dose is increased to 250 mcg, since a pregnant woman’s needs for the microelement increase by 30-50%.

Patients with any thyroid pathologies have a significantly higher risk of developmental abnormalities in the fetus. It reaches 20-25%. Possible development:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • microcephaly;
  • congenital hypothyroidism or thyrotoxicosis in a child.

Fetal (intrauterine) hypothyroidism is accompanied by fetal growth retardation, decreased heart rate, and late appearance of ossification nuclei. The development of central nervous system structures is almost always disrupted to one degree or another. When a child is born, he or she may have congenital hypothyroidism. This condition lasts up to 3-4 months. Such a pregnancy is often post-term. Fetal weight at birth exceeds 4 kg. Upon examination, he reveals a large tongue, blue extremities, swelling, difficulty breathing, and a rough voice. The child is lethargic, drowsy, the skin is dry, and the body temperature is reduced.

All these consequences are preventable. The vast majority of thyroid diseases do not develop during gestation if the expectant mother regularly takes iodomarin. Even if she has chronic autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis), remission usually occurs during pregnancy, which is associated with physiological immunosuppression under the influence of released hormones.

Doctors pay special attention to women with risk factors for thyroid diseases. They check the level of TSH free thyroxine in the blood. Indications for such studies:

  • severe obesity;
  • family history (thyroid disease in relatives);
  • living in an area with iodine deficiency;
  • history of miscarriages;
  • any autoimmune diseases;
  • age after 30 years;
  • history of infertility.

If reduced thyroid function is detected, such patients are prescribed therapy that avoids any negative consequences for the fetus and ensures its normal development.

Can I get iodine from other sources?

Iodine can be obtained from seafood. But few women use them every day. Therefore, this method of meeting the microelement requirement is not suitable for most pregnant women.

Iodine can be obtained from iodized salt. It should be taken into account that doctors often recommend that pregnant women reduce their salt intake in general. This is required to reduce the likelihood of edema formation. During gestation, the volume of circulating blood increases and the load on the kidneys increases. Therefore, sometimes fluid retention occurs in the body, edema forms and blood pressure rises. To avoid such situations, use salt restriction. If a woman eats mostly unsalted foods, she cannot get enough iodine. But if she does not limit herself and consumes only iodized salt, she is unlikely to develop iodine deficiency.

Iodine can also be obtained from other iodine-containing medications. Iodomarin is not the only one of them. There are quite a lot of similar funds.

In addition, iodine is contained in some multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. Study the composition of the vitamins you buy at the pharmacy. It always indicates whether it contains iodine and how much it is contained in one tablet. Keep in mind that the optimal amount is 250 mcg per day. If the composition of a multivitamin preparation contains slightly less of this microelement, there is nothing wrong with that. In the absence of obvious problems with the thyroid gland, even smaller amounts of iodine consumed daily will reliably protect against iodine deficiency and the development of hypothyroidism.

Patients often ask, if Iodomarin is used during pregnancy, until when to take this drug. If we are talking about the health of the child, then taking the medication is necessary throughout the entire gestational period, as well as during lactation. Yodomarin can be discontinued after breastfeeding is completed. Until this time, the baby will receive iodine through breast milk, so it must continue to be taken. This should not be a problem: the drug is inexpensive, safe and does not cause side effects.

Contraindications and side effects

It is important to know that Iodomarin also has contraindications for use during:

  • individual iodine intolerance;
  • toxic thyroid adenoma;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis.

Taking Iodomarin for prophylactic purposes usually does not cause any side effects. But the drug must be used in the correct amount to avoid overdose. It manifests itself as follows:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes and their swelling (runny nose, conjunctivitis);
  • iodine fever and acne;
  • mucous membranes may turn brown;
  • vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • dehydration of the body.

If any of the above symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately and stop taking the drug.

Remember, if your doctor prescribed Iodomarin to you when planning a pregnancy and during pregnancy, you should not ignore this recommendation. A total of 200 Iodomarin tablets per day will help avoid many health problems.

Often, after the first visit to the gynecologist, the expectant mother is prescribed a series of medicines, among which there is Iodomarin. Many people have heard about this drug, but knowledge about it is usually mediocre. Therefore, some may accidentally forget to take a pill or, conversely, overdo it with doses. What features of using Iodomarin should a woman remember during pregnancy?

The beneficial effect of the drug on the body and its use by expectant mothers

Pregnancy is a joyful period during which a woman’s body requires a double dose useful substances- for yourself and the baby. Iodomarin is intended to support the thyroid gland, or thyroid gland, as it is often abbreviated among people. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals in one way or another negatively affects health and well-being, and a pregnant woman is also responsible for the unborn child, so doctors do not recommend anyone to neglect them.

What exactly does Yodomarin do?

  1. In the early stages, it helps to avoid miscarriage and fading of pregnancy.
  2. Eliminates the likelihood of a disease such as cretinism (a disease associated with a lack of thyroid hormones, causing physical and mental retardation).
  3. Allows you to lay a healthy “foundation” for the skeleton of the future baby.
  4. Starting from the second trimester, it affects the production of thyroid hormones (thyroid hormones) in mother and baby, which form the child’s vision and hearing.
  5. Prevents the occurrence of iodine deficiency diseases.

After listing all the positive qualities of Iodomarin, we can say with confidence that the body needs it, especially for children, expectant and nursing mothers.

Excerpt from the instructions for the medicine:

During pregnancy and lactation, the need for iodine increases, so it is especially important to use Iodomarin in sufficient doses (200 mcg/day) to ensure adequate iodine intake into the body.
The drug crosses the placenta and is excreted breast milk, therefore its use during pregnancy and lactation is possible only in recommended doses.

Instructions for medical use of the drug

Why do doctors prescribe Iodomarin during pregnancy and for how long?

Doctors prescribe Iodomarin for prevention even at the stage of planning a child, because a woman’s body needs to compensate for the lack of a microelement (if any) and prepare the “soil” for the proper development of the baby. The period of the first trimester (1–12 weeks of pregnancy) is especially important, when the formation of all its organs and systems occurs. The drug is also used in the treatment of diseases associated with iodine deficiency.

If the drug is taken only as prescribed by a doctor, there are practically no side effects. Iodomarin is often used to prevent iodine deficiency; it is needed only for the normal synthesis of thyroid hormones as a substrate.

endocrinologist Vera Weiner

Dosage options: what to choose?

Tablets are available in two versions:

  • Iodomarin 200.

The only difference between them is in the dosage and, accordingly, the price (Iodomarin 200 costs a little more, because the concentration of the active substance in it is higher).

Iodomarin 100 is most often prescribed to children and adults for the prevention of diseases associated with iodine deficiency. For pregnant women, they produce Iodomarin 200. But if suddenly the doctor prescribed you a lower dosage, and you have a package of Iodomarin 200 at home, then don’t be upset and divide the tablet in half - this will be your norm for the day.

Only the attending physician can tell you the exact dosage and duration of taking Iodomarin, so do not neglect going to the clinic and advice from highly qualified specialists!

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications for prescribing Iodomarin are as follows:

  • hyperthyroidism (increased levels of thyroid hormones);
  • benign tumors and other types of growth of thyroid tissue (goiter);
  • Dühring's senile dermatitis;
  • hypersensitivity to iodine.

When used prophylactically (at a dosage of 100 mcg per day), the drug, as a rule, does not cause side effects. Therapeutic use threatens the transition of latent hyperthyroidism to a manifest (well-defined) form, as well as an increase in the level of thyroid hormones in the body. Allergic reactions may occur:

  • iodism, manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and bronchi;
  • "iodine" fever;
  • “iodine” acne;
  • in some cases - Quincke's edema, exfoliative dermatitis.

Hypothyroidism during pregnancy - video

What medications should I not take Iodomarin with?

Iodomarin should not be taken with medications that contain iodine, because this can lead to an excess of the microelement. If the multivitamins you take already contain it, then consult a specialist about further actions, dosages and possible withdrawal/replacement of medications.

The instructions for Iodomarin note: it is impossible to combine treatment with high doses of iodine with lithium salts; this can provoke the appearance of goiter and hypothyroidism.

Simultaneous administration of Iodomarin with Lugol and Eutirox

Some women with hypothyroidism are prescribed Eutyrox, and expectant mothers have a justified question - can it be taken simultaneously with Iodomarin?

The answer is yes. Modern methods Treatment of pregnant women allows the combined use of thyroxine (Eutirox is a drug based on thyroxine) with Iodomarin, when necessary. Therefore, if after the tests the doctor prescribed you these drugs at the same time, you don’t have to worry.

The immune system of expectant mothers is highly susceptible to attack by viruses and bacteria. Often, in cold weather, a runny nose begins, a sore throat occurs, and a remedy immediately comes to mind - Lugol throat spray. But what can we do, because Lugol is a solution of iodine and water in potassium iodide. How not to exceed the iodine norm?

The answer is no. Lugol's is contraindicated during pregnancy. However, some doctors allow its use, but only when other iodine-containing drugs are discontinued.

Simultaneous administration of Iodomarin with Lugol and Eutirox - photo gallery

Euthyrox is a Lugol's thyroid hormone drug intended for the treatment of the throat and contains iodine. The simultaneous use of Iodomarin with other drugs should be discussed with your doctor.

How often should you take iodine preparation, is it possible to overdose

When prescribing Iodomarin, doctors rely on generally accepted norms. Average to an ordinary person 120–150 mcg per day is needed, and for a pregnant woman - up to 170–200 mcg. Based on this, you need to take 1-2 tablets of the drug per day (depending on the dosage).

Studies have shown that a pregnant woman's body needs iodine until the end of breastfeeding. Cases of overdose with Iodomarin are quite rare and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • brown color of the mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • dehydration and shock (in severe cases).

To treat an overdose, you must first stop the drug and consult a doctor for further instructions.

Iodomarin analogue - Potassium Iodide - video

Products containing iodine

Iodine is also found in the following foods:

  • seafood (cod liver, seaweed, shellfish, halibut, sardines, shrimp, herring);
  • vegetables (baked potatoes with skin, beets, sorrel, white cabbage, carrots);
  • fruits (apples with seeds, feijoa);
  • greenery;
  • egg;
  • milk;
  • liver (pork and beef);
  • iodized salt.

At regular use If you consume the above foods, there may be no need for iodine-containing medications. But, as practice shows, proper nutrition rarely compensates for the lack of iodine in the body, so experimenting during pregnancy is not recommended.

Many women are perplexed when a gynecologist prescribes Iodomarin during pregnancy. Since they don’t understand why they need to take a drug containing iodine? How will this help them carry and give birth to a healthy child? To answer these questions, in this article we will look at the dangers of iodine deficiency in the body during pregnancy, and also why gynecologists prescribe Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy.

What are the dangers of iodine deficiency during pregnancy?

Iodine is an element necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. If not enough iodine enters the body, this leads to the gland producing a reduced amount of hormones, and this affects:

  • functioning of the immune system;
  • synthesis of protein necessary for fat metabolism;
  • energy metabolism in the body;
  • functioning of the reproductive system.

Therefore, in order to prevent iodine deficiency, gynecologists prescribe Iodomarin to women during pregnancy. After all, a lack of iodine in the mother’s body negatively affects the formation and development of motor and hearing aid, nervous system and brain of the child.

The fact is that without a sufficient amount of thyroid hormones in the child’s body, his brain will not be able to develop properly. And in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the brain is forming, the baby’s thyroid gland does not yet work, and the child is completely dependent on the level of the mother’s hormones. In order to fully satisfy the mother and child's body's need for hormones, the thyroid gland works double duty and produces 30-40% more hormones than usual. To ensure such intensive work of the thyroid gland, a large amount of iodine must enter the mother's body.

If a pregnant woman develops iodine deficiency, this will lead to delayed psychomotor development and decreased mental abilities in the child in the future. And if a woman develops severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy, and she does not treat it, then there is a high probability that her baby will suffer from impaired psychomotor development, deafness, and severe mental impairment.

Considering the severe consequences of iodine deficiency, a woman should have no doubt about whether to drink Iodomarin during pregnancy. After all, if a doctor prescribes this remedy, then there are prerequisites for it. Insufficient development of the child’s brain and nervous system that occurs during the gestation period cannot be cured in the future. Unfortunately, this is not the only consequence of iodine deficiency in a pregnant woman.

If during pregnancy a woman was prescribed Iodomarin, but did not take it, then due to a lack of iodine in the mother’s body, the baby may be born with thyroid diseases. At 3-4 months of intrauterine development, the thyroid gland is finally formed in the child’s body. For its proper functioning, iodine is necessary, which comes from the mother's body; if this element is not enough, then the newborn develops hypothyroidism (reduced production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland). This disease leads to a slowdown in the child’s development, a decrease in his intelligence, and disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, in particular to constipation.

For women who consciously approach the process of conceiving a child, gynecologists recommend taking Iodomarin when planning a pregnancy. Since iodine deficiency in the body affects the reproductive function of the body and can lead to infertility. If during pregnancy there is a significant decrease in the level of hormones produced by the thyroid gland, this can lead to spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. Since the body is not able to bear a fetus if there are disturbances in fat and protein metabolism. In addition to the complications already listed, the expectant mother may develop severe anemia or gestosis varying degrees gravity. The daily iodine intake of pregnant women should be at least 250 mcg. In order to ensure that the body receives the required amount of iodine, gynecologists prescribe Yodomarin 200 during pregnancy.

How to take Iodomarin before and during pregnancy

Iodomarin is a medicinal preparation containing potassium iodide. Prescribed for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases caused by insufficient iodine intake in the body. Available in dosages of 100 and 200 mcg per tablet.

When planning pregnancy, Iodomarin 200 is taken one tablet per day. If the dosage of iodine in a tablet is 100 mcg, then drink one tablet in the morning, the second in the evening. The tablet is taken after meals with a glass of water. During the period of bearing a child, the drug is taken in the same way as during planning. The duration of taking the drug is determined by the doctor. In some cases, it is recommended to drink Iodomarin before delivery.

Regular use of Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy will replenish daily requirement the woman’s body in this element and will prevent the occurrence of complications during pregnancy, as well as the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the child.

And microelements than before conception, especially at the very beginning. And a new condition can lead to an exacerbation of existing pathologies due to their lack. And therefore, iodomarin in the early stages of pregnancy becomes a first necessity for many. After all, it is equally important for the health of mother and baby.

Read in this article

Why does a pregnant woman need iodine?

Iodine is a substance necessary for every person. This component is involved in the production of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. They control metabolic reactions, the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

During pregnancy, this is very significant, since the female body consumes an increased amount of useful elements. Many factors for the normal functioning of the body depend on a sufficient concentration of iodine in this position.

What does iodine do? Recommendations
Functions of cardio-vascular system and mother's brain If everything is normal in this area, the membranes are formed correctly, and the embryo will receive the right amount of oxygen and nutrients. The expectant mother will quickly get rid of the drowsiness typical of pregnant women.
Hormonal background It needs to be monitored to maintain pregnancy and prepare the mammary glands for future feeding. Thyroid hormones are required for a sufficient level of progesterone, that is, trouble-free pregnancy and good health of the expectant mother. Iodine in optimal amounts reduces the likelihood of miscarriage and miscarriage. Its deficiency leads to the aforementioned difficulties, as well as to stillbirth or death of the baby soon after birth.
Breast milk quantity If the expectant mother has enough iodine in her body, lactation will continue as long as the baby needs it.
Fetal development The main developments in this area occur at an early stage. Iodine is needed for the development of the embryonic meninges, neural tube, reproductive and endocrine glands, and bone tissue. If the mother's body experiences a significant deficiency of it, the child may experience such problems as cretinism, short stature, deafness, mental problems, and thyroid diseases. With a less noticeable lack of iodine, the baby will later begin to gain weight, speak, and walk, that is, there will be a general lag in development from peers. Such results of microelement deficiency are explained by the fact that at an early stage the embryo’s own thyroid gland has not yet been formed. And its tissues receive hormonal support only from the mother.

The need to increase iodine concentration during pregnancy almost doubles. It is found in many products: sea fish, shrimp, figs. But if there is a severe deficiency of the substance, the woman is prescribed the drug “Iodomarin”.

Who needs to drink Iodomarin without fail?

The remedy, like everything a woman takes while expecting a child, must be prescribed by a specialist. Her body also does not need excess iodine, and in addition, there are ailments and conditions that do not allow the use of Iodomarin.

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor examines the patient’s hormonal balance. A woman can understand the need for this on her own if she feels:

  • constant loss of strength, desire to sleep, apathy;
  • chronically bad mood;
  • deterioration of memory, intellectual and physical reactions;
  • interruptions in the heart, expressed by a disorder in the rhythm of its contractions;
  • frequent headaches;
  • persistent nausea;
  • suppression of protective forces, manifested by repeated,.

All this is evidence of iodine deficiency, as well as:

  • characteristic problems in previously born children (deafness, mental incompetence);
  • menstrual dysfunction observed before conception;
  • , recorded before, especially in the early stages.

But since many women live where there is a shortage of this microelement, Iodomarin is prescribed very often during pregnancy, even in the absence of obvious signals of a deficiency of the substance.

Watch the video about the indications for taking Iodomarin:

How to take Iodomarin in the first trimester

Determining the dosage of the drug remains with the specialist. The standard prescription is 200 - 250 mcg per day, but much depends on the region in which the woman lives. If it is located near the sea, there is more iodine in the water and vegetables and fruits grown there than in other places. Accordingly, the need for additional intake of microelement-containing preparations will be lower. But most in the early stages need an increased dose of iodine, since the embryo is completely dependent on the volume and composition of hormones in the mother’s body, for which it is responsible. However, you need to monitor your well-being, because the total amount of substance absorbed by it also includes what food provides.

When using the medicine, it is important to avoid confusion, since Iodomarin comes in different packaging. If the tablet is 100 mcg, you need to take 2 pieces per day; with a dosage of 200 mcg, you will need one. The product is drunk after meals with water.

How does an iodine overdose manifest?

For some, the prescribed dose may be high, which is rare, but not completely excluded. This is revealed by the following features:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • darkening of the mucous membranes;
  • stomach pain;
  • and vomiting.

You need to inform your doctor about any troubles so that the dose can be adjusted. Excess iodine in tissues can also provoke negative consequences for the fetus and mother.

Contraindications for taking Iodomarin

"Iodomarin" should not be used by women independent decision out of a desire to follow the example of the friends he helped. Because the drug is prohibited for certain pathologies and characteristics of the body:

  • Hyperthyroidism. With this problem, the thyroid gland already produces too many hormones, iodine in this case becomes a stimulus for its overactive functioning.
  • Iodine intolerance. This property of the body creates a danger to life when taken.
  • Dühring's dermatitis. The pathology is characterized by increased function of the thyroid gland. And the additional introduction of iodine into the body causes an increase in symptoms, that is, the “blossoming” of redness and blisters on the skin.
  • Neoplasms of the thyroid gland. Iodine can stimulate their growth.
  • Nodular goiter. With this pathology of the thyroid gland, the required dose of the drug recommended for pregnant women may be excessive.

For some, iodine supplements are also undesirable for hypothyroidism, that is, insufficiency of the function of the main endocrine gland. If the pathology is treated by taking artificial analogues of thyroid hormones, this microelement will interfere with therapy, destroying the active substance.

Carefully, constantly monitoring your well-being, take the tablets for kidney pathologies.

The importance of such a component as iodine for the body during early pregnancy cannot be overestimated. Protecting yourself and your unborn child from the negative consequences of its deficiency is at the planning stage. You just need to get tested for thyroid hormones and, if necessary, take minimal doses of Iodomarin to bring the levels of all components back to normal in advance.