Dragon age inquisition game tips. Dragon Age: Inquisition Specialization

IN Inquisition BioWare took everything it had learned over the years and moved on. Here, for the first time, the studio is experimenting with large scale and an open world - and intelligently, and not like riding a Mako in the first . However, this is not half as important as it might seem. IN Inquisition The written universe and characters still reign supreme, and the open world has little importance.

You'll never be better than an inquisitor

Dragon Age 2 I was surprised by a very uncharacteristic BioWare story about a local conflict, racism and intolerance, but Inquisition returns to where the series began. Here again there is everyone and everything saving the ciliate Shepard and the ancient terrible evil - this time in the form of breeding demons of spatial rifts opening all over the world.

Closing rifts is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to earn influence. Most often this is done casually while we are walking and looking around. But if you do this purposefully, you will rot out of boredom.

And, unlike previous games in the series, here you are almost immediately recognized as the last hope of humanity. The hero wears an ominous mark on his palm and does not remember where it came from, but only with its help can the rifts be closed. Therefore, the people believed in his chosenness by God and proclaimed him the messenger of the prophetess Andraste. Now, under his leadership, a new Inquisition is gathering, and a new campaign to save the world begins. As usual, it begins with the search for allies.

From this moment onwards, the hair-raising pathos of the main plot, in a typical BioWare manner, is diluted with small details, shades and even everyday sketches from the life of the inquisitor. The writers carefully describe the characters and images and make Thedas with its rocks, villages, luxurious castles and mannered Frenchmen (that is, Orlesians) in masks alive and believable. The main thing is to watch and listen carefully, otherwise you will miss it all.

Friends of the Inquisitor

The story would be incomplete if the inquisitor did not have companions. Behind each of them one can see a large-scale work of writing: conversations with them not only reveal their character, they complement the picture of the world, which in terms of development is no longer so far from the same Forgotten Realms. The abstruse but intelligent elf Solas will tell you what he knows about the Shadow and the complex mental organization of spirits, and from the dandy Dorian you will learn everything you wanted to know about the villainous (though in fact no more villainous than everyone else) Tevinter empire - right up to the structure of its church and the top of the government.

Some people are attracted by their eccentric behavior: for example, you meet the robber Sera in the midst of a battle with a squad of guards without pants. She stole them. For what? “Well, that’s cool, the guards don’t have pants!” She seems completely crazy, although in reality she just says what she thinks.

Iron Bull is the leader of a mercenary squad and a Qunari spy. Over time, he becomes part of the board and introduces the inquisitor to ordinary soldiers. The experience is most exciting.

Cole can't figure out if he's a spirit or a human. He almost always walks around with this expression on his face. “Don’t pay attention to the ass in the sky, honey” - and further in the text. Sera's remarks force translators to balance on the brink, sometimes barely stepping over it.

As usual in Dragon Age, the attitude of your partners to your actions (“Varrick approves”) replaces the usual “morality” scale. Decisions here are not divided into good and evil, everything is much more complicated. A couple of times Inquisition managed to drive us into a stupor. For example, what is the best thing to do: to leave alive the one who would bring more benefit alive, or the one for whom we have warm feelings since the time of the second part? Both options are correct to some extent, but we have not the slightest idea which one is more correct.

However, often, by choosing answer options, you only set the tone of the conversation. You are notified in advance of a truly significant choice, and this happens much less often than we would like. You will feel a truly large-scale reaction to your actions when you choose between magicians and templars somewhere in the first third of the game, and again at the very end.

The rest will be remembered to you only in the final video, where the situation in the world after your actions is explained. Inquisition remembers everything - including what happened in previous games in the series. But not everything in the main plot gives a significant response.

Instead of directly importing saves, BioWare created a Dragon Age Keep service. There you can view a synopsis of the events of the first two parts and remember what choices your heroes made. There is also a nice text role-playing game from the creators.

One of the phenomena associated with our past adventures. King Alistair, whole and happy with life, - according to the results Origins For me, he survived and did not drink himself to death. From time to time, the inquisitor is forced to bring people to trial. What comes out of our verdicts, however, is not really told.

Inquisitor on a walk

Inquisition, unlike the second part, strives to create an impression of scale, to convince you that you are in the very center of something great and are again deciding the fate of an entire planet. And the opportunity to drop everything and just walk through kilometers of forests, swamps and deserts strengthens the feeling of significance by the mere fact of its presence. This is Thedas, for which you are responsible.

One problem is that the open locations here are almost taken out of context. The vast majority of events important to the narrative happen at small, staged levels, and we go into the open field simply to gain experience before the next story trip. The open areas are huge and stunningly beautiful, but pathologically nothing happens in them - you just run from side to side, find materials to create items, close rifts and complete dreary mail-collection quests. “Hi, I’m the head of the Inquisition, and the villagers just asked me to get ten pieces of meat, because no one else can do it except me.”

One more step, and a huge dragon will fly from the cliff on the horizon, next to which the dragons are ridiculous birds. Such encounters are rare in the open world, but they make quite an impression and make you run at full speed. For now.

There is no way without a horse in open locations - the spaces are too large. So don't miss one of the quests in the first big location. Settlements they are rarely found in open locations, and there is almost nothing interesting in them. Sometimes the townspeople discuss the latest events, but that's all.

However, humility suits the inquisitor - and you will have to deal with it. To open new locations and advance further in the story, you need “influence points,” and to earn them, you must complete side quests. And you do it - not because you want, but because you have to. Poor over the map of the area, look for markers, run from marker to marker, cry, prick yourself, but don’t stop.

And then, either out of boredom or despair, you start wandering around your headquarters. Finally, you talk with all your partners and spend time on their troubles, read texts, listen to songs in taverns, discover new locations and look around. And through all these little things you gradually put together a picture of the universe. Find virtually everything that the previous ones were good for Dragon Age, - world and history.

It turns out crazy: instead of carefully hinting where the most important thing lies, Inquisition puts up a blank wall in front of you. In trying to get around it with the least losses, you find everything yourself - the strict need to accumulate influence points forces you to turn off the path and look for something that you would not find in life if you took the straight path.

This is clearly not the most elegant way in which an open world could be arranged: monotonous assignments and the search for all sorts of small things here strictly for the sake of making the locations something, and this something in most cases it is easy to ignore.

While you are at the Inquisition headquarters, you can assign tasks to your advisors that will be automatically completed after a few minutes of real time. You won't get anything particularly valuable from there, but if you really want to, you can fool the system by tweaking the clock.

The Inquisitor kills

The first two parts also had bouts of tediousness: remember the dwarf tunnels near Orzammar from Origins or repetitive obstacle courses with respawning enemies from Dragon Age 2. IN Inquisition all the monotonous activities are settled in voluntary-compulsory open locations, but each plot breakthrough is a verified, balanced, eventful journey of an hour or two.

None of the missions (except, perhaps, the short final one) can be called either too long or too short: there is as much of everything - battles, dialogues and searches - as needed. A raid may begin with a boring excuse like “we must storm such-and-such a fortress,” but almost always, by the middle of it, events change course sharply, and something begins that you could never expect.

However, everything always comes down to fights, and here it is very useful that after Dragon Age 2 The combat system has improved significantly. The essence remains the same: you fight vigorously in real time or hit a tactical pause and calmly figure out your next steps. But in DA2 the planning mode was noticeably cut, and now it has been pulled up almost to the level Origins. Inquisition is very enjoyable to play, combining both modes: in real time you feel the heat of battle to the bone, but at the same time you can always, without looking up, inspect the battlefield from above and calmly think through tactics. One problem - for some reason the tactical mode is painfully crooked to control from the keyboard and mouse. It seems as if, instead of human adaptation of the controls, the developers simply made the keyboard emulate a gamepad.

But otherwise everything is wonderful. Having paused the battle, you give out orders - say, ask the "tank" Blackwall to block the passage with a shield, Dorian - to bring down a firestorm on the vanguard, and send your inquisitor-robber to the rear, slaughter archers and magicians - and then, if something goes wrong not so, again with one button you stop the time and correct the instructions.

In tactical mode, you see all the weaknesses and advantages of your opponents. At more or less high difficulty levels, you can’t do without this.

There are fewer skills, but each has a clear area of ​​application. Every attack, every skill has great importance and feel appropriate. Instead of repeating the same order of skill activations over and over again, you spend more time on proper positioning and timing. Especially positioning - that is, attacks from the flanks, catching archers and magicians, bypassing fighters with shields who can take all the damage intended for someone from the back rows.

But the elimination of healing spells, as practice has shown, is still good idea. This increases the cost of error. There is no regeneration here, you have to be treated strictly limited stock potions, but almost any injury can be avoided by properly planning the course of the battle and distributing defensive skills. The only strange thing is that towards the end the game for some reason becomes more generous with caches of potions and the problem of saving resources becomes less relevant. Therefore, the most interesting battles occur in the middle of the game.

The combat system also shows itself well in co-op, built in the image and likeness of the multiplayer from Mass Effect, but his problem is the lack of significant motivation. You simply go through polygons that are similar to instances from online role-playing games. For them you are rewarded with experience, equipment, new classes are opened... and, by and large, that’s all. The co-op mechanics work great, but it's still a bit of fun.

Inquisition and meat glamor

Visually previous Dragon Age did not stand out in any way, except perhaps for the splashes of blood that abundantly covered the heroes from head to toe, with or without reason. At the same time, for example, many of the characters had neat, clean, almost perfect facial features. IN Origins this could be attributed to technical limitations, but in the second part it turned into a trend, and in the third it turned out the way it turned out.

Inquisition looks... interesting. She has style. She looks expensive. It’s nice to look at it - all, every little thing: landscapes, costumes, armor, carnival masks, quirks of architecture, illustrations and abstract portraits of heroes “under modernism” - not yet Klimt or Mucha, but already a thing in itself. Inquisition bright, catchy, shiny, licked. In this it is subtly reminiscent of Legend, one of Ridley Scott's early films.

The character illustrations are bright and stylish. They also change when you build relationships with your companions.

Inquisition is passionate about fine art. Even in the poorest house you run the risk of finding some paintings, and they are repeated much less often than you expect. The characters' faces were clearly given a lot of attention, but with brilliance Inquisition sometimes it goes overboard. Some characters look like they are sweating profusely.

At the same time, the mood of the world remained the same dark and aggressive: magicians still balance between wisdom and obsession, templars still suffer (enjoy) addiction to lyrium, gray guards retain the status of unfortunate damned renegades, conspiracies flourish in the states, and heroes bathed in blood. The result is the perfect combination of beauty and ruthlessness, unlike anything we've seen in role-playing games. BioWare has finally figured out what their fantasy should look like.

Dragon Age: Inquisition's specialty is a unique player skill, offered to choose from three options. Each class (warrior, mage or rogue) has its own specializations. They will be discussed in the article.


The actions of the third part of Dragon Age are logical continuation events of the previous two parts. The first tells of the invasion of the creatures of darkness, as well as how the magicians of Thedas were oppressed. They were kept in special “circles” to prevent the spread of the forbidden teaching - blood magic, as well as to prevent demonic possession in every possible way.

Those who aroused special suspicion were subject to pacification - a ritual that resulted in the complete deprivation of magical abilities. The protection of the circles of magicians was provided by the Knights Templar.

The second part tells about the personal tragedy of the Hawk family, who, by the will of fate, were drawn into the growing conflict between the magicians and the templars of the Free March. The wizards were increasingly persecuted, and the templars, in turn, only added fuel to the fire. Especially those who imagined blood magic on every corner.

The result was the destruction of the church and an uprising of mages throughout Thedas, which escalated into civil war.

"Age of the Dragon: Inquisition": a rift in the sky

The third part begins with an attempt to convene representatives of magicians and templars in order to conclude a peace treaty and stop the war. But an explosion occurs, which leads to a rift in the sky, through which demons enter the human world.

The first half of the game proceeds at a leisurely pace: the heroes must find a way to close the hole, periodically returning to the shelter, healing their wounds. And also the main character, the bearer of a mysterious magical mark on his palm, is proclaimed Lord Inquisitor. Only he knows how to close these rifts using his gift.

After, by a non-random coincidence, the hero and his entire team are forced to leave the shelter along with all the civilians, the first specializations for the inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition are opened. The protagonist learns about this thanks to hints. The ability “Rupture Mark” appears, which deals enormous damage to the enemy. Requires the accumulation of “concentration” - when the scale is full, the skill will be active.

Dragon Age: Inquisition; classes and specializations in the game.

As mentioned above, each class in the game has its own specializations. You can open them by visiting the command headquarters and completing the “Inquisitor Specializations” task on the map. The latter will be available after arriving at Skyhold, when main character and his entire team will be able to seriously settle in this castle.

After completing the task, three strangers will arrive at Skyhold. These are the teachers who will be able to teach new skills. You can only select one person, he will issue a quest, after completing which you will have access to a new specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition:

  • Mage specializations: knight sorcerer, necromancer, rupture mage.
  • for a warrior: knight, templar, ripper.
  • robber: mechanic, killer, storm.

Each class should be looked at separately for a more detailed look at the specializations.


One of the most interesting skills in Dragon Age: Inquisition is the Mage Knight specialization. You can get it by completing a quest from Commander Elen, one of the three teachers who arrived in Skyhold. Essentially, the ability tree allows you to upgrade your hero to a war mage: he creates a magical blade with which you can fight in close combat. The hero can also envelop himself in an energy curtain (the “shadow cloak” ability), granting invulnerability and the ability to pass through enemies. Having upgraded the branch, the hero will be able to resurrect fallen comrades.

The necromancer has a number of abilities that allow him to instill terror in his enemies, restore health from killed opponents, send spirits to enemy targets, and also turn enemy soldiers into walking bombs. There are a couple of abilities that stand out: acceleration (spends "focus", allowing the hero and allies to move faster) and afterimage (after the death of the main character, his spirit still fights for a while). This specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition is given out by a man with the strange name Viuus Anaxas, who is a master of the dead - Mortalitasi.

The Rupture Mage, in turn, is not a very remarkable specialization. It can be obtained from a woman who will call herself “Your Mentor.” Having mastered the specialization, the protagonist will be able to crush enemies with energy fists, send a firestorm or root to enemies, and also increase damage to allies.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Rogue is a favorite class for many players. He can be an archer, capable of mastering both hands, hiding, disappearing from the battlefield and suddenly attacking the enemy with new strength. In this case, several skills will also stand out:

Mechanic. The task for obtaining this specialization is given by a certain Three-Eyes, a mentor in the Skyhold courtyard. A very interesting ability. It will be especially useful for archers (the “hail of arrows” skill consumes concentration points) and those who like to set traps. It also makes it possible to retreat to a safe area, replenishing health, and increases the crit of yourself and your allies.

Murderer. Issued by an elf named Heiress. An extremely useful tree of abilities, the main one of which will allow you to hide the entire squad in the shadows and attack. Moreover, during an attack, secrecy will not go away. The rest of the skills in the tree will be very useful for a rogue with two daggers.

Storm. An extremely unusual specialization given by the robber Khim. It will allow the player to use various chemical mixtures that either freeze the enemy, then set them on fire, or even completely envelop the battlefield with lightning.


In Dragon Age: Inquisition, Warrior specializations make up for the shortcomings of the class itself. The fact is that this class is rarely played, since the combat mechanics are not worked out very clearly - BioWare turned out to be too slow a warrior. In addition, tanking is mainly done by either Cassandra or Blackwall. There are also several skills here:

Knight. Ability tree typical for a “tank”. Helps increase durability, strikes back, and is able to stand on the battlefield for a long time, protecting weaker allies. A special skill that consumes “concentration” - Counterstrike - allows you to completely call fire on yourself, attack in response, and stay on your feet for a long time. It is extremely useful when you need to go kill a dragon and distract the cubs that periodically run around the battlefield. The quest is given by Lord Chance de Lyon.

Templar. A specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition that allows you to resist mages and demons, thanks to the ability to burn spells, inspire allies, increase resistance to various elemental magics, and also cause high resistance to enemy attacks (a skill that consumes “focus”). The task is given by a strange warrior who calls himself Ser.

The Ripper. A tree of skills that allow you to turn a war into a berserker. Designed for a player wielding (heavy axes, hammers, two-handed swords). The essence of the skills of this specialization: the more damage a character receives, the more violent his attacks. A special skill - Fury - allows you to replenish health with each attack.

Choosing a Specialization

It should also be noted that mentors teach the knowledge, skills and abilities that other characters already have in the game.

These have:

  • Solas - Mage of Rifts.
  • Vivien - Knight-Sorcerer.
  • Dorian - Necromancer.
  • Varric - Mechanic.
  • Sera - Storm.
  • Cole is a killer.
  • Blackwall - Knight.
  • Cassandra - Templar;
  • Iron Bull - The Ripper.

Partners can comment on the choice of the main character, expressing approval or condemnation. For example, when choosing necromancy, Cole and Blackwall will express condemnation, and Cassandra will simply comment.

Also, the specialization of Dragon Age: Inquisition contributes to the fact that relevant rumors will circulate about the Lord Inquisitor. For example, many evil tongues will not hesitate to once again reproach the Inquisitor for his passion for necromancy.


It is recommended to use the unique skills of these specializations at the most critical moments, and it is advisable to use them all at once.

For example, when a player decides to hunt a dragon. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, these creatures cannot be compared to the dragons of Skyrim, where you can knock them out of the sky with a scream, quickly kill them and run on. Here you need to carefully think through tactics, select armor that will resist the dragon’s breath (ice, flame or electricity), and carry out reconnaissance in force to find out which element the dragon is most vulnerable to. Then enchant the weapon in the appropriate way and only then go into battle.

In this case, you need to unleash precious unique skills on the enemy in order to knock out the initiative. And even in this case, victory is not guaranteed. After all, dragons are not simple creatures. They often call upon cubs to help, fly from place to place, and also use wind currents to attract characters to themselves. For partners with weak armor (especially magicians) this is certain death.


There is various software that changes some components of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Mods can change appearance some characters. For example, through the efforts of craftsmen, a modification has appeared that adds a game of hairstyles for Qunari women. Playing a beautiful horned character has become much more interesting.

Also, these plugins can slightly change the appearance of some armor samples in the game, making it more attractive. There are a lot of variations of elven armor that (unfortunately) the developers did not include in the Dragon Age: Inquisition game. Mods fix this issue.

A number of retexture modifications improve the appearance of grass, flowers, trees and other environmental elements.

Mods can correct flaws with tattoos, scars, and add new elements when creating a hero (beards, eyebrow shapes, hairstyles, and more).


Dragon Age: Inquisition's specialization has been significantly improved with the release of the Outlander and Jaws of Hakkon expansions. There are many additional “thoughts” in the specialization tree.

The first addition will talk about the arrival of the head of Ben-Hazrat. If in the original version of the game Iron Bull retained his squad, and the Qunari dreadnought was sunk, then the character will remain loyal to the Inquisitor. If it’s the other way around, then the Bull will betray the player, because that’s what Kun’s code of honor tells him to do.

The Jaws of Hakkon tells the story of an ancient Hakkonite plot to bring their merciless god back to earth.


Dragon Age: Inquisition was the crowning achievement of Bioware's creative fantasy genius. Everyone can find something of their own in the game: the style of play, favorite characters, tactics, favorite places to which you want to return, favorite characters, dialogues with whom you want to listen again and again, romantic lines, which are also integral components of the gameplay.

The Dragon Age trilogy ended with the death of Corypheus, but spawned many fan projects, comics, mini-games, and animated series. Who knows if there will be a continuation of the series. Will this be the beginning of a new series of events or a continuation of what has already happened. Although, the ending of the third part, in which Solas and Mythal are present (aka Flemeth, the witch from the Wasteland), hints at a clearly upcoming continuation of the heroic saga, whose name is the Age of the Dragon.

Fans of this game series can only wait.

The editors of Gmbox have prepared a collection of basic tips for the game. Although BioWare quite clearly reveals the main subtleties of the gameplay of its new project, sometimes the developers do it at the wrong time. We decided in advance to arm you with the most important information so that there are no problems with conquering Dragon Age: Inquisition.

First visit Dragon Age Keep

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from previous games in the series to Inquisition. However, this does not mean that all merits have sunk into oblivion - no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. The results of decisions made in and can be restored using the Dragon Age Keep service. Whether the Gray Guardian from the original DA survived, how the conflict between elves and werewolves was resolved, which side Hawk took in DA2 and much more - all these parameters can be recreated in Dragon Age Keep. All important decisions will affect the game world in Dragon Age: Inquisition in one way or another. In addition, you have an excellent opportunity to refresh your memory of the main events of the previous parts.

Choose your batch composition carefully

The personnel issue is of great importance in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Most of the time you will travel around the game world in the company of three companions. It is important to ensure that the batch is balanced. There must be a warrior with a shield - he must divert the attention of enemies to himself. It is highly desirable to have at least one mage and a robber: the first can support allies or temporarily disable enemies, and the second deals a lot of damage. The last place can be given to the one you like best. At the very beginning of Inquisition, you will be given a balanced squad: it will include the tank warrior Cassandra, the mage Solas and the robber Varric. Later the composition of the party can be changed.

Try to develop your characters so that their abilities complement those of their allies

In the game, you can accept up to three mage allies into the Inquisition: Solas, Vivien and Dorian. You shouldn’t develop them according to the same template - say, invest all your skill points in pyromancy. Let every wizard be a master of his own school - spirit, lightning, cold, and so on. The same is true for warriors and robbers. Choose your party members and their abilities so as not to repeat yourself. There is strength in variability.

Keep three different staves for magicians

While exploring the world of Inquisition, you will encounter magical barriers - they usually block the path to something interesting. To destroy them, the wizard must attack the barriers using staff shots. The difficulty is that there are three types of magical barriers: fire (red), ice (blue) and spiritual (purple). They only take damage from attacks of the opposite element: fire deactivates ice and vice versa, and electric attacks will help against the spirit barrier. If you don't want to miss anything, then keep three staves with different elements in your inventory.

Level up the Skillful Hands perk as soon as possible

In Inquisition you develop not only characters, but also an entire organization - the Inquisition. By completing quests, you increase its level and gain access to special perks. We strongly recommend that you be among the first to level up “Deft Hands” (Fine Tools) in the “Secrets” category. This ability allows all robbers to pick difficult locks, behind which valuable loot is usually hidden.

Take advantage of tactical pauses in difficult battles

With the right party and the appropriate level, most battles in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be completed without using a tactical pause. But sometimes there are battles in which one second can change the course of the entire battle. In them, the pause mode is critical. When things get tough, switch to a tactical view, think, plan, give instructions to your subordinates - and so on until the bitter end. It will take longer, but the chances of success are much higher.

Camp while traveling

We advise you to start exploring a new location with one important thing - visit the places where you can set up camp. You won't regret your time. Firstly, you can quickly move between them - this will be useful when completing side quests. Secondly, in the camps you can rest and replenish your supply of health potions. You will remember this when, in the midst of your travels, you suddenly find yourself in a difficult battle and without healing vials.

Talk to everything that can talk

Veterans of BioWare games already know this, but everyone else should take this rule into account too. Inquisition has a huge variety of creatures that can carry on a conversation. Communication with them will help you better understand the world of Dragon Age, learn about the relationships between the characters, and also receive many quests. This is especially true for your allies - they can tell you a lot of interesting things. We recommend that after each big mission you communicate with all your party members: this way you won’t miss the chance to increase (or decrease) your ally’s reputation, receive a task from him or see interesting situations - for example, how Cassandra beats Varrick in a rage.

Collect useful resources

You will constantly come across mines with valuable metals and all kinds of plants. Don’t be lazy to spend time collecting them: in Inquisition this happens quite quickly, and the benefits are enormous. Firstly, with their help you can create new or improve existing equipment. Secondly, sets of resources are needed to level up the Inquisition. Thirdly, with their help you can complete some tasks. Fourth... it's just addictive.

While you're slaying dragons and saving the world by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are chilling in the fortress. To get the most out of your time in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you need to keep them busy regularly. Return to base often and give instructions in the meeting room. Your agents can raise money to support the Inquisition, settle political differences, make useful contacts, obtain equipment for the party, and much more. Each advisor takes a certain amount of time to complete a task - from a couple of minutes to several hours. The counter runs in real time, so we recommend doing the most difficult and lengthy tasks before leaving Inquisition. When you return, the advisor will be ready to report.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released on November 18 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In the Gmbox review the game received a .

Perks in Dragon Age: Inquisition appear as the Inquisition develops and its influence increases. You can gain this influence at the so-called “Table of War” by completing various tasks, defeating enemies, completing missions, etc. Each time the influence level is filled to the limit, you can increase your level and, accordingly, receive new perks.

Inquisition perks are divided into four types. Three of them are bestowed by three advisors, and the fourth is bestowed by the Inquisition itself. The powers granted by Cullen allow you to develop strength and endurance. Liliana's Secrets explores the characters' secretive traits and skills. Josephine's communication perks will help with diplomacy and persuasion. And finally, the perks of the Inquisition itself develop general abilities.


Getting perks in Dragon Age: Inquisition- the process is not so fast as to mindlessly invest in those perks that you will not need. Some perks are available from the very beginning of the game and require the investment of experience points in them.

Some advanced perks become available only after unlocking lower level perks. Perks that are recommended first are highlighted in bold.

Strength Perks

NameEffects and comments
Criminal knowledge Opens up new dialogue options related to criminal activity and gives a +50% experience bonus for each new codex opened. A very useful perk that opens up the possibility of alternative completion of some tasks.
"Massage" method Gives a 5% bonus to experience for killing monsters. To get the most out of this perk, try to take it early in the game.
Rider postureReduces the risk of flying off the saddle. Not the most useful perk, because most of You will spend your battles without being in the saddle.
Molded into the saddleFurther reduces the risk of falling out of the saddle. The comment is the same as for the perk above.
Improved concentrationImproves concentration from 100 to 200 points. Can be useful in battle.
Advanced Concentration Improves concentration from 200 to 300 points. Can be useful in battle.
True giftIncreases the defense of all party members by 10%. A very useful perk for weakly protected characters (for example, magicians or thieves), especially at a high difficulty level.
More healing potionsAllows you to carry four more healing potions. The perk can be useful on a higher difficulty level, since in this situation the likelihood of using all healing potions during one quest is much higher than on the normal difficulty level.
Mage drawingsYou receive new blueprints for creating items for magicians. It is better to take it towards the end of the game, and even then only if you care about the uniform of your magicians.
Thieves BlueprintsYou receive new blueprints to create items for thieves. It is better to take it towards the end of the game, and even then only if you care about the uniform of your thieves.
Warrior BlueprintsYou receive new blueprints for creating items for warriors. It is better to take it towards the end of the game, and even then only if you care about the uniform of your warriors.

Secrets Perks

NameEffects and comments
Secret knowledge Opens up new dialogue options related to the Shadow and secret knowledge. Also gives a bonus when researching new manuscripts. This is a very useful perk as it allows you to complete many quests using alternative methods.
Experienced HerbalismIncreases the chance to collect an ingredient by 10%.
An eagle eye Expands the visibility area after pressing the corresponding key. A very useful perk, which, after final improvement, will simplify the exploration of the area.
Advanced ResearchGives a 50% bonus to experience for studying discovered monsters. A useful perk if you like to return to the Inquisition headquarters to investigate monsters.
Golden hands, good tools Allows all thieves in the party to open Master level locks. A useful perk for thoroughly exploring the world around you and accessing chests with a high level of protection.
Preliminary reconnaissanceShows additional points of interest and important locations on the area map. A useless perk, since it is better to explore the area on your own.
Novice herbalist
Experienced HerbalistOpens general information on all herbs. You can take this perk if you are going to do alchemy and do not want to waste time searching on your own.
Master HerbalistOpens general information on all herbs. You can take this perk if you are going to do alchemy and do not want to waste time searching on your own. A very useful perk, since many herbs of this level are usually very difficult to find.

Communication Perks

NameEffects and comments
Noble knowledge Opens up new dialogue options related to diplomacy and politics. Also gives a bonus when researching manuscripts. This is a very useful perk because it allows you to complete many quests using alternative methods.
Seller reputationYou receive 10% more gold from goods sold. This perk is best unlocked at early stage games when the need for gold is very high.
One good turn deserves anotherYou buy goods 10% cheaper. A very useful perk, especially towards the end of the game, when you need expensive and high-quality items.
Honorary client Purchase/sale transactions become 15% more profitable for you. The perk combines the two previous perks.
Rare stocksAllows you to buy rare materials for “crafting”. You can choose this perk if you want to get into creating items and don't want to waste time on your own searches.
Demanding buyer
Only betterAllows you to buy high quality materials for “crafting”. You can choose this perk if you want to get into creating items and don't want to waste time on your own searches.
Important listYou get the opportunity to buy rare materials from merchants. The perk will come in handy at the end of the game, when you have an urgent need for good items and have enough money.
Friends from aboveOnce you take this perk, merchants will send messengers with news of discounts. This is, of course, not a perk of primary importance.

Inquisition Perks

NameEffects and comments
Knowledge of history Unlocks new dialogue options related to the history of Thedas. Also gives a bonus to manuscript research. This is a very useful perk as it allows you to complete many quests using alternative methods.
Inventory Increases inventory capacity by 15 slots. A very useful perk, since you won’t get your “legitimate” 60 slots right away.
Imperial inventory Increases inventory by another 15 slots.
Tempered glass flasksAdds one additional potion slot. You can take this perk if you want different characters in your party to have potions in their quick select menu.
Extra educationYour character gains one additional ability point.

So, we decided to prepare for you a guide to passing the game, thereby arming you with knowledge so that in the future you will not have any serious problems with the game. This guide will appear in the form of tips.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from previous games in the series, but this does not mean that all your old achievements and awards will just disappear - nothing has been forgotten. All decisions that you once made in, as well as in, will be transferred to the new part. To do this, you just have to use a service called Dragon Age Keep. Using this program, you will transfer all the brightest and most epic events from past games in the series, all old parameters will be restored. Thus, any decision made a long time ago will be reflected in the new world of the game. And besides this, you have a great opportunity to refresh old memories from past parts.

This is, so to speak, a “personnel” issue and in the game it is almost the most important. You will spend the bulk of your journey in this wonderful game in pleasant company, so it is very important to ensure that your team is balanced. You must have a warrior with a shield, as he will take all the enemies' attention. It is also extremely important to have one robber and one mage. The magician will be able to support your entire group, and not only you, even your other allies. And the rogue will deal the most damage - which is very important. Well, give the last place to the one you like best. At the very beginning of the game, you will receive a balanced group: here you will have a warrior or, as everyone used to call him, a “tank” - Cassandra, an interesting magician named Solas, and old Varrick, known to everyone as a robber. A little later, of course, you can easily change your composition.

We'll try to figure it out for you this advice on magicians. In your organization you can recruit three magicians who can be in your group, they are Vivien, Solas and Dorian. Please note that you should not develop heroes according to the same template, that is, put all skill points into the same pyromancy. Let each of your heroes develop in different directions; for magicians, let it be a school of spirit, lightning, cold and much more. The main thing is that all this does not happen again! Thus, do the same with warriors and robbers - develop them in different directions! Also choose your party members so that the team is unique and not repeated!

While traveling around the world, you will encounter more than one barrier on your way. Such barriers usually block the path to something very valuable and interesting. To destroy these barriers, you will have to shoot at them with a staff. But the whole difficulty lies in the fact that there are three types of magical barriers: the first is fiery, indicated in red; the second is icy, indicated in blue, and the third is spiritual, which is indicated in purple. Each barrier can only be destroyed by the corresponding element. More precisely, the opposite: fire will deactivate the ice barrier and, accordingly, vice versa, but electric attacks are used against the spiritual barrier. If you are trying to ensure that you don’t miss anything in the game, then we recommend that you do not neglect this advice.

In addition to the fact that you develop characters in the game, you will also have to develop the organization itself - the Inquisition. Complete tasks that will increase the level of your organization and be sure to upgrade special skills/abilities/perks/passives. First of all, we recommend that you level up “Skillful Hands”, more precisely “Deft Hands, Fine Tools”. It is located in a category called "Secrets", in other words "Secrets". This opportunity will allow absolutely all heroes with the Rogue class to open complex locks, behind which you will find very valuable loot!

With a properly grouped team and if they are still at a very high level, then the bulk of the battles in the game should take place without using this tactical pause. But sometimes you will still come across very difficult battles, in which even a second matters a lot. This is where this pause mode comes in handy. When it gets too “hot”, quickly switch to a tactical view and look carefully, think about it and give orders to your players. In general, according to this principle, you will need to move until the very victorious end. It may take longer, but it significantly increases the chances of survival.

First of all, we advise you to visit those locations where it is possible to set up a Camp. In this case, you will definitely not regret your time spent. There are two points worth noting here: the first point - you will be able to move extremely quickly, which thereby helps you complete secondary tasks; second point - this will come in handy when the battle is at its peak and you don’t have any jars of healing potion left.

Tip eight - Talk to everyone who can talk

Any veteran who plays the toy knows this advice, but if you are encountering their games for the first time, then take this into account. Even though previous games from these developers had smaller sizes in all respects, but here... here you need to talk to absolutely everyone. Communication with any creature of this world will help you understand this world much more and learn more about the relationships between various individuals. In addition to all this, you can also receive a quest. And by the way, your allies will help you tell much more than any other character. Therefore, we recommend that after each significant quest you talk with your comrades. Thus, you will definitely not miss the chance to increase or decrease the reputation of this ally, you will also be able to get a very interesting task or even see an interesting picture - for example, when Cassandra beats Varrick.

As you progress through the game, you will almost constantly come across various mines or plants. Here you just need to not be lazy and collect it all. This will happen quite quickly and the benefits will be considerable. For example, with the help of collected materials you can improve/create equipment. And we will tell you more - resources are necessary to raise your organization! In addition, as a couple, you will also need resources to complete any quest. And in the end - you will simply be drawn in, we assure you.

While you are there chopping up dragons and trying to save the world from disaster by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are eating their backsides in the fortress. Therefore, so that they do not feel like they are in “chocolate,” it is necessary to constantly load them with work. Try to return to your home as often as possible and load them with work. Directions are issued in the meeting room. For example, your agents will be able to collect gold in support of your organization, settle political problems, establish very useful agreements, even get equipment for you, but that’s not all, we don’t reveal much to you to make it interesting. Each advisor has its own execution time, so everything can take from a minute to several hours. The counter will move in real time, so we recommend that you give the most complex and lengthy tasks for them. But when you return, the advisor will be ready to provide you with a report.

As the developers themselves claim, it can take as much as 180 hours of play! Therefore, if you don’t like something about the new hero or you did something wrong, then feel free to start playing again. It is best to sacrifice these measly couple of hours in order to finally complete the game to the very end.

In your Inquisition hideout, on the right side of the entrance there is a small shop - here they can sell you a unique item with which you can reset all your hero’s skill points. This way you can redistribute them in a new way! , use this item to radically rebuild an uncomfortable hero, unless of course you really like the skills.

We will talk about the shelter of the Inquisition, because it is simply a huge location where a large number of different and interesting items/objects/things/characters and so on are located. After all, the plot of this game is structured in such a way that you can easily skip this Vault and move on to a new location. We recommend that you do not do this, because you still need to carefully study the headquarters, talk with all your comrades, complete a couple of tasks and carefully study the assortment of local artisans.

In addition to the fact that you can launch operations here, in the Vault you can also study a variety of found objects that you were able to find during your travels. For studying them, you will certainly receive bonuses - for example, increased damage against certain enemies. Do not forget about this opportunity, because it is very useful in passing.

At the very beginning of the game, you will meet a dwarf named Varric, who will be armed with only one crossbow. You won't be able to change his weapon, but you can buy various upgrades/improvements for her! Try not to forget to do this, because Varrick is no weaker than the rest of your team.

In a location called " Hinterlands", you need to get to the owner of the horses as soon as possible - a plot task. This character will be able to give you a horse, which will greatly facilitate your journey in the game.

Still, it is not recommended to constantly move around on a horse. After all, when traveling on horseback you will not be able to hunt or gather useful resources, especially to carry out another battle. In battle you will find yourself in a rather awkward position. We recommend that you ride in already explored locations. And to travel longer distances, it is best to use the system of local camps, which will instantly transport you to the chosen point.

Soon the game will take you to a place called Val Royeaux - a huge city with a bunch of trading shops! Carefully study the local assortment - here you can find many useful items at quite reasonable prices. And by the way, we recommend that you hold your money until your visit to this city, because in the beginning you can wait until you visit Val Ruaino.

It’s worth noting that, as always, the game fits in just perfectly! One of your main tasks is the development of the Inquisition and the spread of its influence. For this quest, every good deed will benefit you (any completed quest will increase the influence of your Inquisition!).

When you open the quest log, your eyes will immediately be drawn to story quests, of course, the thought immediately arises of doing them first. We recommend that you do the following: open your map and choose your route to the intended story mission, and on the way to your goal, simply complete additional/side missions. We assure you that you will get great pleasure from the experience.

This is not only one continuous war/battles/skirmishes/battles, tragedies/pain/sadness - this is love too! Choose the one or the one you like the most, set a goal for yourself! After that, find out a little about this character, study her/his character carefully, eventually begin to assent and constantly lean towards her/his side. The romantic lines here are worked out just perfectly, so just enjoy!