DIY 6x6 house projects. Board for frame house

Construction of a 6x6 frame house with a terrace in two hands is quite feasible. Especially if you first study the experience of predecessors in order to borrow valuable information regarding the materials, technologies and techniques used. For this purpose, let us turn to the experience of forum member GrauRu, who almost single-handedly built such a house. Due to the lack of labor costs, the cost of such a house is less than a million rubles.

  • rapid erection;
  • low cost;
  • ease of construction;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good “warmability” and ability to retain heat;
  • "flexibility" of the design.

Based on the size of the building material (pine boards), the dimensions of the building were determined: it should be a 6x6 frame house with a terrace. The layout of the first floor included three rooms. Instead of the second floor there is an attic.

After determining the snow load (240 kg/m2) and the weight of the roof (40 kg/m2), a high-quality 50x200 board was selected for the rafters. Since the ridge was not provided, the legs were assembled in pairs into a triangle and connected with a nail plate on one side, and on the other with a plywood triangle. The width of the supporting cut was determined using a measuring board, the length of which was equal to the width of the ceiling. To provide rigidity, each pair of rafters was additionally fixed with a screed at a level of 2.5 m from the floor and a special jumper at an angle of 30 degrees. From the inside, the rafters received additional insurance in the form of a metal tape attached to the joists and stretched diagonally in a cross. To make lifting the structure easier, a cord was used.

A “staircase” had to be put together to accommodate the excessive roof overhangs, since the removal of the beams had not been thought out. The pediment with a pitch of 40 cm corresponded to the location of the racks on the roof.

The large roof created significant windage, so for insurance it was necessary to run a metal tape from the rafters along the racks to the trim before installing the OSB boards. This was not done; the rafters had to be attached to the racks from the inside. I did the same with the lags, which I fixed with the strapping. It is better to use metal perforated tape.

The canopy for the veranda and the roof of the house formed a single whole. The posts and beams are made of 100x150 timber. The pitch between the pillars was 2 m, the beam had a protrusion of 60 cm to form the roof overhang. To prevent the structure from moving, 37x37 window corners were used to add rigidity.

The time spent on installing the rafters is 10 man-days.

Wall cladding

The 6x6 frame house was sheathed with 2.8 m OSB boards produced by Egger, and fastened with 60 mm screw nails, which were driven in at intervals of 15 cm along the perimeter and 30 cm along the middle post. The position of the stand on the sheet was marked before installation. The strapping was covered with a sheet using a 25 cm guide board.

The joints of the slabs should be nailed staggered, and the nails should be directed at a slight angle.

Labor costs – 3 man-days.

Roof covering and platform decking

Before laying the roof, a layer of vapor barrier was laid on the rafters - a Tyvek membrane film, and on top of it - lathing. The material chosen was “Puretan” metal tiles with a slightly thicker galvanization and durable coating compared to others. During the laying of the tiles, ventilation ducts were made for the bathroom and room, as well as a stove exit.

25mm OSB with 4-sided tongue and groove was chosen as the decking. The installation took 1 day.


Insulation was chosen based on the optimal price-quality ratio. Most of all, Rockwool Light Butts Scandic (60x80 cm), Scandic XL (60x120 cm) for interior spaces and Technolight for external insulation met this criterion. The thickness of the slabs was chosen to be 100 and 50 mm in order to maximally close all openings in the walls and ceilings. The most suitable pitch between frame elements for laying Rockwool is 57-58 cm. To keep the insulation in the ceiling opening, plywood sheets were used. The sheathing for external insulation was made in increments of 59 cm. After laying Technolight, a Tyvek membrane was stretched over it. Foam plastic was used to insulate the windows.

Prove that the checkered board is 10X10 cannot be cut along the grid lines into rectangles 1X4. (Decisions according to D.Yu. Kuznetsov.)

Solution 1 . Divide the board into 2x2 squares and color them in a checkerboard pattern (Fig. 1). Note that any 1x4 rectangle contains equally (2) black and white cells, but with this coloring there are 52 black cells and 48 white cells on the board, i.e. not equally. This means that it will not be possible to cut a 10x10 board into 1x4 rectangles.

Solution 2 . Let's paint the board diagonally in 4 colors (Fig. 2). Note that any rectangle contains one cell of each of the four colors, but with this coloring on the board there are 25 cells of the 1st and 3rd colors, 26 cells of the 2nd and 24 cells of the 4th, i.e. not equally. This means that it will not be possible to cut a 10x10 board into 1x4 rectangles.

1. The lower right and left corner squares were cut out of the chessboard. Is it possible to cut the resulting figure into 1x2 dominoes? What if you cut out the bottom right and top left?

2. Is it possible to cut a 6x6 board into dominoes so that there are exactly 11 horizontal ones among them? (Horizontal coloring in two colors.)

3. Color the drawing in four colors so that adjacent parts are painted in different colors. Is it possible to get by with three colors? (See Lesson 6: Coloring a geographical map - 5-6th grade).

4. In a 4x4 square, the cells of the left half are painted black, and the rest are painted white. In one operation, you can repaint all the cells inside any rectangle in the opposite color. How to get a chess coloring from the original coloring in three operations?

5. Several grasshoppers sit on the same straight line, and the distances between neighbors are the same. Every minute one of them jumps to a point symmetrical to it relative to the other grasshopper. Could after some time the grasshopper Sasha end up in the place where his neighbor Lyosha sat at the beginning?

6. a) Is it possible to cut a chessboard into pieces consisting of 4 squares in the shape of the letter “T”?

b) Is it possible to cut a 10x10 chessboard into such pieces?

7. Is it possible to divide an 8x8 square with a corner cut off into 1x3 rectangles?

8. Is it possible to cut a 10x10 board into pieces of four squares in the shape of the letter "L"? (Horizontal coloring in two colors.)

9. An 8x8 board is cut into 2x1 dominoes. Can there be 15 vertical and 17 horizontal dominoes?

10. The triangle is divided into triangles (25 pieces), as shown in the figure. A beetle can walk along a triangle, moving between adjacent (on the side) triangles. What is the maximum number of triangles a beetle can go through if it has visited each one no more than once?

11. What is the largest number of rhombuses, each of which is made up of two equilateral triangles with side 1, that can be cut from an equilateral triangle with side 5 (see the figure of the previous problem).

12. The triangular castle is divided into 100 identical triangular halls. There is a door in the middle of each wall. How many halls can a person see who doesn’t want to go anywhere more than once?

Housing made from inexpensive frame-panel structures is built quickly and is relatively inexpensive. 6 by 6 frame house projects are extremely popular. The fact is that the ratio of all important indicators (construction price, usable area of ​​housing) of these objects is recognized as optimal.

Already from the name of the object we can conclude that it is a rigid frame, which is sheathed on the outside. The possibility of quick construction and the low cost of such a home have long made this type of construction extremely popular.

There are some nuances that you should pay special attention to:

  • Not a very good indicator of environmental cleanliness. It consists of the following: synthetic, a large amount of adhesive composition, products for wooden elements. Responsible material manufacturers carefully monitor the content of harmful formaldehyde when using the substances they require. When working with unfamiliar suppliers, it is difficult for the average consumer to recognize various technologies for disrupting the manufacturing process.
  • A one-story house 6 by 6 is almost impossible to remodel. It is manufactured in a factory according to the selected design, and once the work is completed, changes are not possible. Do-it-yourself “corrections,” or corrections, can have a significant impact on the overall safety of a structure. In this regard, homemade panel elements have certain advantages: they are easier to correct or replace if necessary.
  • The frame is made of wood, and like any type of wood, it is a rather capricious material. The insulation placed inside the walls serves as a bait for various kinds of rodents and pests. This can be easily solved - with a certain amount of chemicals. But as noted above, this does not at all improve the quality of the environmental friendliness of the building.
  • Panels 6 6 have quite an impressive weight. Accordingly, to simplify the assembly of the frame, it is important to use technology and a qualified approach. When constructing yourself, it is also important to strictly follow all recommendations, strictly following the existing plan. Otherwise, not only the appearance of the building, but also its safety may suffer.

We build it ourselves

How possible is it to build a 6 by 6 with a veranda without involving professionals, and without using factory “semi-finished products” for construction? In fact, this is quite possible; moreover, it is a frequently used practice.


House project

Without careful detail it is impossible to build even a simple one. Without the necessary package of papers, any erected structure is doomed to demolition, sooner or later. The point is not that they want to rip off additional money from you, and not in someone’s tyranny. The reason lies elsewhere - without the research of qualified professionals, even frame structure projects can pose a real threat to the safety of people.

At the initial stage, before starting work, you will have to contact the architectural department or design bureau for a project or drawing of a frame house.

There, specialists will analyze your specific situation regarding technical conditions, the preferred type, layout and even the external appearance of the future home, and will make the necessary calculations for a frame house.

When permission is obtained, a verified and competent project is approved much more successfully than a clumsy homemade sketch or outline.

Material: what to prefer?

Building a house with your own hands

It’s probably not worth explaining that the final result of construction work directly depends on the quality of the selected raw materials:

  • For the manufacture of the frame, certain sizes are selected. Its cross-section must be such as to withstand the expected loads at any time of the year. The most suitable material has a cross-section of 20 centimeters or more. This type is usually used in the construction of winter-type dwellings.
  • What to choose for the construction of durable and? What materials are optimal for a 6 by 6 frame house? This could be, for example, fiberboard or. Their main difference lies in the components - more or less large sawdust. Double or special extruded is used as a filler.
  • The design is also frame. You can use a lighter one with a smaller cross-section. Particular attention is paid to its quality: it should not have any flaws, even of natural origin. Roof design features are dominant when choosing. The point is the angle of inclination: the material should be more structural, the steeper the roof slope.

All wooden elements of a 6 by 6 frame house must be properly prepared before being used. Impregnation and treatment with various protective compounds will protect the wood from pests and damage.

Foundation of the house

A neat frame house is much lighter in weight than a similar-sized structure made of solid logs or bricks.

For this reason, it does not require a monolithic foundation. What could it be?

All columnar bases have one important drawback - a cold floor in the room. To avoid such trouble, you will have to pay attention to its thorough insulation.


A frame house can be compared to a kind of multi-layered pie, consisting of many different layers, including protective ones.

  1. main of ;
  2. indispensable;
  3. panel made of wood-based materials;
  4. required layer ;
  5. lathing, one of the types of decorative.

Inside, under the chipboards, it is placed. Its role can be played by a special diffuse membrane. The design of such a “pie” is easy to make with your own hands. The layers can be installed in stages, or you can make them in advance, and only then insert the completed panels into their intended place.


The structure of a frame house does not differ from that for roofs of objects that are heavier in weight. The system is the same - a set of trusses, rafters, and gables.

It was noted above that the magnitude of the slope angle determines the nature of the material. In order for snow to easily fall off the roof without lingering on it, it is better to use options with metal for covering - or.

DIY installation: common mistakes

Before starting construction work, it would be a good idea to evaluate your own strengths. Amateur builders who do not have professional skills often make fatal mistakes, the consequences of which can be more serious than it seems at first glance. This not only reduces the operational comfort of the home, but even its collapse in extreme cases. What is important?

Wood for construction must be of proper quality. Wood of normal humidity, or factory-dried, deforms much less, thereby ensuring structural strength. This provision does not apply to untreated, raw whips. What are the risks of using unprepared or substandard material?

The frame is the basis of the entire structure. Consequently, torsion, bending or increased stress of any element will cause deformation of the entire structure. Both small and partial destruction, and complete collapse of the entire structure are possible. How to identify defects during purchase? The edges of such beams can be dirty and crooked; if iodine is dropped onto the surface, it will turn blue.

The quality of a frame house also depends on the price of the preferred materials. It’s better not to skimp on the rigidity of the frame; it may end up costing you more. Diagonal elements located between upright supports serve as structural reinforcement. Saving on them is strictly contraindicated, even if a very small house is planned.

It is necessary to take into account the loads coming from above: the weight of the structure, weather conditions, shrinkage. To increase strength, you can make additional crosswise reinforcements.

Is it possible to properly arrange window and door openings with your own hands? This is also an important part of the job. The shrinkage of the frame is noticeably less than that of log walls or walls, but it still exists. If you do not take this into account, you can introduce some risks in subsequent operation.

Window installation

Before ordering double-glazed windows, you must invite a professional measurer and. A specialist will be able to take competent measurements and assess the condition of the openings. It’s not worth it for such a seemingly trifle. Moreover, most manufacturers provide such a service virtually free of charge. Or rather, it was initially included in the price.

Special attention should be paid to the material purchased and arriving at the construction site. It must be processed, stored properly, and ventilated. Proper handling of the material will ensure the resulting high-quality structure that will be used for a long time and comfortably.

If all of the above has frightened the potential builder, disabusing him of his own capabilities and strengths, you can consider a turnkey service. Such a frame house will cost more, but in this case the price is justified by the reliability and quality of further operation.

But there’s no need to be scared in vain either. Cozy frame house 6 square meters , with a serious and competent approach, it will not become an insurmountable stage for a not lazy and handy craftsman who has carpentry skills and knows how to use a tool. The main thing in this is to correctly assess your own capabilities and use the recommendations and rules for the manufacture of frame structures. Then a home built with your own hands will become a source of joy and pride for its owner.

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  • The first step is to prepare the foundation. The simplest way is, as we wrote earlier. During the construction of this barn, a concrete foundation was prepared. For the foundation, holes were made with a depth of 800 mm and a diameter of 200 mm. For the formwork, twisted roofing felt was used, which protruded 500 mm above ground level. The fittings were welded from three rods. The last stage of the foundation is concreting. Use a hydraulic level to ensure the foundation is level. And here is the finished foundation:

    Barn frame made of timber

    A 100x100 mm timber was taken for the frame. To ensure that the frame is reliable and does not wobble, a truss is needed. Farm (from lat. firmus- durable) allows you to maintain the geometric shapes of the barn. A 100×50 mm board was used as a truss (the dark-colored boards in the photo are the truss).

    Barn roof 6×3m

    The next stage is lathing the roof of the barn. I used an unedged board 100x25 mm. Corrugated sheets were chosen as the covering. Sheets of 2500 mm were purchased. Since we don’t need this length, the sheets were cut to 2000 mm. The remains of the cut sheets were later used to cover the foundation of the barn (see last photo).

    For the ridge and ebbs, straight sheets of iron were cut and bent as required. The sheets are attached with an overlap (15-20 centimeters) using self-tapping screws.

    Last steps

    The outer edges of the timber and the lower frame of the barn were impregnated with waste to protect the wood from rotting. The frame of the shed was upholstered with 150x25 boards with a slight overlap (approximately 20mm).

    The next step is painting. A walnut colored impregnation was used. The first layer was applied with a brush, then two more layers with a spray gun. You can see for yourself what happened:

    A 40x100 board was laid on the floor of the barn. The bottom of the barn, as I wrote above, was sealed with the remains of corrugation.

    A door was made from the remains of a 100x25 board. Installed the door, painted and installed windows. Here's what we ended up with:

    All that's left is to finish the steps and you're done! I worked alone and only on weekends. There was no construction experience. As a result, building a 6x3 shed on my own took two and a half months. Looking back, I will say what was done wrong:

    • It’s better to take it to the roof - it would be much easier than fiddling with corrugated sheets;
    • It is also easier to make a pitched roof. Although the gable one looks more beautiful;
    • I decided not to buy the low tides, but made them myself. Due to inexperience, the tides turned out to be high; it was possible to reduce them by another 5 centimeters.

    Estimate for the construction of a 6×3 shed

    To give you an idea of ​​how much it will cost to build a barn with your own hands, I came up with the following estimate:

    1. Cement - 1500 rubles;
    2. Ruberoid - 530 rubles (2 rolls);
    3. Nails - 1500 rubles;
    4. Beam 100x100x6000 mm - 6,750 rubles (18 pieces);
    5. Beam 100x50x6000 mm - 2200 rubles (12 pieces);
    6. Rough board 25x100x6000 mm - 2860 rubles (45 pieces);
    7. Board 25x150x6000 mm - 12,500 rubles (90 pieces);
    8. Board 40x100x6000 mm - 5000 rubles (33 pieces);
    9. Corrugated sheets 2500mm - 7000 rubles (14 pieces);
    10. Iron sheets 2500mm - 3000 rubles (6 pieces);
    11. Walnut impregnation - 2800 rubles;
    12. White paint - 700 rubles;
    13. Door lock - 220 rubles;
    14. Door hinges - 180 rub.

    TOTAL: 46,740 rubles. I didn't count the windows because I already had them. If you add, for example, PVC windows, the barn will cost about fifty thousand.

    The first building that appears on a new summer cottage is, of course, a barn, large and roomy. At first, until the bare territory of the dacha is “overgrown” with full-fledged outbuildings, a house, a summer kitchen and a garage, a simple shed with a pitched roof will long remain the only shelter for equipment, building materials and dacha property.

    Which type of shed to choose for your summer cottage?

    Depending on the plans for the future development of the suburban area, the availability of free time and money, the problem of utility room on a suburban area can be solved in several ways:

    • Hire a team and build a permanent shed from brick or foam block, with a pitched roof and a basement;
    • Pour a concrete foundation for the future building with your own hands, buy a five-ton railway container and install it on your summer cottage instead of a barn;
    • Build an ordinary barn with a pitched roof, 3x6 in size, from timber and boards, as in the photo.

    Of course, experienced summer residents with experience will without hesitation cast their votes in favor of the last option; this is the most balanced and thoughtful decision.

    Advice! To immediately build a shed from foam blocks on a “clean” site is not correct from a planning point of view; often outbuildings of this type have to be demolished or moved in favor of a summer house or garage.

    In addition, the construction of stone, prefabricated, panel sheds, as well as the purchase of a container, will require an order of magnitude greater investment and time than is necessary for a wooden building with a pitched roof and a simple foundation. The main thing is that, at considerable expense, there are no tangible advantages over a lean-to wooden shed measuring 3x6.

    Optimal design of a 3x6 wooden shed

    The most difficult element of a homemade shed is its roof. Choose a pitched roof for your shed, you can’t go wrong. Even experienced craftsmen prefer to install pitched roofs on barns; they are not as beautiful, but easier to build and more reliable in operation. Moreover, you can make a shed roof with your own hands step by step even with minimal construction experience.

    The only mandatory condition is the correct orientation of the pitched roof and the entire shed building relative to the wind rose in order to reduce the risk of rainwater flowing under the upper overhang and gables of the roof:

    1. The design of the barn, dimensions 3x6 m, with a pitched roof is shown in the drawing;
    2. The construction is carried out on a simple columnar foundation of 12 supports. A standard cinder block is used as the material for the pillars, but it is better to cast the supports from concrete in the formwork;
    3. The basis of a lean-to barn is a frame made of boards and timber, the dimensions of the structure are 3x6 meters, with a ceiling height of 2 m and the highest point of the rafters of 2.7 m;
    4. The shed roof is made according to the classical scheme, on hanging rafters with stuffed sheathing boards and a flat roof. As a roofing covering, you can use corrugated sheeting, ondulin, or make a two-layer version from rolled material, for example, roofing felt.

    The construction will be very simple and easy; if you assemble the foundation correctly, the wooden frame box with a pitched roof can easily withstand winds of 18-25 m/s. If there are no strong winds in the area in which the shed is planned to be installed, then when building walls you can limit yourself to vertical drains from boards and timber, as in the drawing. For open areas, it is recommended to strengthen the vertical load-bearing supports with side struts, as in the photo.

    The same applies to the design of a pitched roof. For a quiet area, you can build a pitched roof without using ceiling beams, but in this case, the upper frame of the walls and the mauerlat will need to be supported with additional vertical supports made of timber. For windy areas, a pitched roof must be reinforced with floor beams and supports in the middle of the rafters.

    We build a barn with a pitched roof with our own hands

    • For the frame, material with a cross section of 50x150mm - 14 pcs., 25x100 - 23 pcs., 50x100 - 19 pcs.;
    • For the floor, boards measuring 25x100 mm - 27 pcs.;
    • For the sheathing and roof supports, 43 boards with a section of 25x100 mm are required.

    All joints and connections are made with black carpentry screws 50 mm, 70 mm and 110 mm. To reduce the cost of construction, you can use ordinary nails and construction angles, but such savings are not always justified.

    Making a foundation for a 3x6 shed

    After choosing a site for building a shed, you will need to plan and remove soil on an area of ​​at least 3x6 m in size. It makes no sense to make a larger building area. To prevent vegetation from pestering you, the cleared space can be covered with salt and sand.

    After marking the location of the supports, at the installation points of the pillars we dig 12 holes, 15 cm deep and the size of a standard cinder block. At the bottom of the mini-pits we pour a 5 cm layer of a mixture of crushed stone and sand, after which we lay out columnar supports from cinder blocks using masonry mortar with the addition of PVA.

    Before laying out, you will need to pull horizontal cords, along which you can control the height of each support, so that the entire supporting surface of the pillars is in the same horizontal plane.

    After a day, you can install the strapping beam. All corner joints and T-shaped mortises are made with the ends “half-timbered”, each connection is reinforced with self-tapping screws screwed into the beam at different angles.

    Assembling the frame and pitched roof

    At the next stage, you will need to install load-bearing vertical posts; they are highlighted in orange in the drawing. Next, we sew up the floor and lay the rafters of the pitched roof.

    We make the central load-bearing racks from 50x100 boards, for the rear wall you will need to cut three 220 mm racks, for the front wall - four 250 mm racks. We first fix each support on the lower frame with one self-tapping screw, then set the exact horizontal position according to the building level and additionally fasten it with small half-meter struts, as in the photo.

    After all the racks are installed, we strengthen them with additional temporary struts and tie the upper tier of the frame under the future pitched roof. To give the entire structure of the barn additional rigidity, before assembling the elements of the pitched roof, it is necessary to cover the floor with a tongue-and-groove board.

    Next, all installed elements, floor boards, rafters, sheathing material, side posts, lower and upper trim must be treated with an antiseptic and preservative. During the time it takes to assemble the rafters and roof of the pitched roof, the procedure must be repeated twice.

    For the upper overhang of a pitched roof, installation of rafters and sheathing, you will need to secure an additional horizontal beam of the mauerlat, as in the diagram.

    The cutting of the seat on the rafter beam is carried out according to the markings or according to a prepared template. After installing and leveling the position of each beam, it is recommended to fill the space between the beams with short boards; they will fix the rafter from horizontal displacement and at the same time strengthen the base of the pitched roof.

    Roofing and finishing works

    At the final stage, we sew up the rafters of the pitched roof with a sheathing board. If bituminous materials - flexible tiles and roofing felt - are used for the roof of the barn, additional OSB sheets will need to be laid on the boards or the sheathing will need to be completely hammered in with wooden clapboard.

    The easiest way to cover a pitched roof is with corrugated sheeting. The metal surface will withstand any disasters that may occur in a summer cottage, and laying and fastening roofing material is much easier and faster than euro-slate or roofing felt. A polyethylene film is laid as waterproofing, the edges of which will be released from under the awnings and nailed to the top edge of the wooden walls of the barn.

    Laying the roof on a pitched roof begins with the bottom left sheet, as in the diagram. Each element is joined to the previous one in a row in an overlap of two waves, an overlap of 15-20 cm is made on the bottom sheet. The overlap areas, the lower and upper edges must be pierced with roofing nails with a silicone washer.

    Wind strips are nailed to the sides of the roofing pie, protecting the pitched roof from water flow and gusts of wind. We nail a similar strip for installing a drainage gutter under the lower overhang. We protect the upper overhang of a pitched roof with a screen made of two wooden planks.

    The assembled frame of a shed, as a rule, is not insulated for the winter, so lining, ordinary edged boards or OSB sheet panels can be used as a material for lining the walls. To install the cladding, you will need to install additional vertical slats and struts on the walls. The joints and cracks between the OSB boards and the edged boards must be blown out with polyurethane foam, excess polyurethane foam must be trimmed and painted over with weather-resistant paint.


    The selected version of a shed with a pitched roof, measuring 3x6 m, can last up to 15 years without repair, provided that protective paint and varnish materials are chosen correctly. This design has one undeniable advantage - a shed made of timber with a pitched roof can be relatively easily disassembled and moved to a new location after a summer house or a new shed made of foam blocks is built.