Milan is a male name. Meaning of the name Milan


Milan - “dear knight”.

So tender, affectionate and melodic male name Milan has two generally recognized origins - Slavic, from “darling”, “milok” and Italian, after the name of the famous city of this country - Milan, that is, “a native of Milan”.

It is worth clarifying that in Slavic tradition this name is pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable, from the meaning of “mil”, whereas in the West - with the emphasis on the second syllable, so Milans, accustomed to a certain pronunciation, are often offended when their name is confused.

There are no saints with this name in Orthodoxy, so Milan can only celebrate name days according to the Catholic calendar.


Milan is an unusually charming boy who fully lives up to the meaning of his name “darling.” Little Milan invariably evokes delight among relatives and tenderness among passing grandmothers; one just wants to pamper him and carry him in his arms.

However, Milan himself early understands how to communicate with the fair sex and already at school becomes the most popular boy in the class. At the same time, he does not at all seek to take advantage of his position; he becomes a real knight, protecting his chosen one and helping her in everything.

Milan is most often an excellent student; he is interested in both mathematics and the humanities, so why choose future profession it is often difficult for him. And yet, despite success in any field, Milan may prefer an interesting position to a more promising or highly paid one. He is a careerist at heart and a high position in society means a lot to Milan. The most suitable professions for Milan - artist, journalist, painter, doctor, engineer. If Milan likes to work with his hands, he will become not just a mechanic, but a cabinetmaker or jeweler, that is, he will choose a more subtle and prestigious specialty.

Charm, sociability and sociability make Milan the soul of any company; he loves to be the center of attention, is musical, often plays various instruments and sings well.

Personal life

Milan has been spoiled by female attention since school, so he chooses his life partner long and carefully, choosing the best candidate, in his opinion. He usually gets married after thirty, when he has become fully established and has made a successful career. Most often, he will have sons, to whom he pays quite a lot of attention.

And yet Milan cannot be called a faithful husband, he does not offend his wife, but he cannot refuse flirting or a relationship with an attractive colleague or acquaintance.

03/21/2010 Mikhail
The name comes from the Hebrew name Mikael, which means "equal, like God."

What does the name Milan mean?
This name usually means dear, beloved.

Origin of the name Milan:
This is an Old Church Slavonic name, and it is based on the root “mil”.

Character conveyed by the name Milan:

Milan is a man of unusually high morals, he always fights for justice, and of course protects all the weak. Often distinguished from his peers by his brilliant mind and incredible kindness. He always does well in his school, and, it must be said, he approaches the choice of his future professional path with more than just thoroughness. And then, as a rule, he gives preference to those professions that will have truly important social significance, so it should be noted that, say, the amount of payment for his future work is one of the least significant criteria in his choice. But most often Milan can choose a profession, say, a doctor, or an engineer, sometimes a journalist, a little less often an artist, or an actor. Some Milans can distinguish themselves significantly in craft work; they are truly excellent tailors or cabinetmakers. And due to his deep inner attitudes and convictions, Milan will be able to leave this worldly life and truly devote himself to God, perhaps even take monastic vows, and also probably accept some kind of priesthood.

Always very sociable, incredibly sociable, Milan always enjoys constant success with various women, they are simply drawn to him. He is incredibly charming and extraordinary, almost always radiating warmth and extraordinary goodwill; Milan simply drives numerous women crazy. So, not at all deprived of special attention from the fairer sex, Milan, as a rule, marries very late, say, around the age of thirty, and sometimes it happens much later. These people, as a rule, are not at all distinguished by any special loyalty to their spouse. Just as outwardly restrained and sometimes even cold, inside Milans are often unusually hot and even fiery, which then, combined with their truly innate passion, easily creates excellent soil for adultery.

Milan is always a wonderful comrade and faithful friend, as well as always a welcome guest with his many acquaintances, he can always sing, and sometimes play the guitar beautifully. This is, as a rule, a surprisingly harmonious person, so he can easily extinguish in different people a lot of negative or negative emotions, in society he really acts as a peacemaker. Many people indeed note that a certain aura of warmth and goodwill is almost always created around Milan, in addition, he is always responsive and very friendly, almost everyone wants to be friends with him, but Milan usually does not have any enemies at all.

What does the name Milan mean?
This name usually means dear, beloved.

Origin of the name Milan:
This is an Old Church Slavonic name, and it is based on the root “mil”.

Character conveyed by the name Milan:

Milan is a man of unusually high moral qualities, he always fights for justice, and of course protects all the weak. Often distinguished from his peers by his brilliant mind and incredible kindness. He always does well in his school, and, it must be said, he approaches the choice of his future professional path with more than just thoroughness. And then, as a rule, he gives preference to those professions that will have truly important social significance, so it should be noted that, say, the amount of payment for his future work is one of the least significant criteria in his choice. But most often Milan can choose a profession, say, a doctor, or an engineer, sometimes a journalist, a little less often an artist, or an actor. Some Milans can distinguish themselves significantly in craft work; they are truly excellent tailors or cabinetmakers. And due to his deep inner attitudes and convictions, Milan will be able to leave this worldly life and truly devote himself to God, perhaps even take monastic vows, and also probably accept some kind of priesthood.

Always very sociable, incredibly sociable, Milan always enjoys constant success with various women, they are simply drawn to him. He is incredibly charming and extraordinary, almost always radiating warmth and extraordinary goodwill; Milan simply drives numerous women crazy. So, not at all deprived of special attention from the fairer sex, Milan, as a rule, marries very late, say, around the age of thirty, and sometimes it happens much later. These people, as a rule, are not at all distinguished by any special loyalty to their spouse. Just as outwardly restrained and sometimes even cold, inside Milans are often unusually hot and even fiery, which then, combined with their truly innate passion, easily creates excellent soil for adultery.

Milan is always a wonderful comrade and faithful friend, as well as always a welcome guest to his many acquaintances, he can always sing, and sometimes play the guitar beautifully. This is, as a rule, a surprisingly harmonious person, so he is easily able to extinguish a lot of negative or negative emotions in different people; in society he really acts as a peacemaker. Many people indeed note that a certain aura of warmth and goodwill is almost always created around Milan, in addition, he is always responsive and very friendly, almost everyone wants to be friends with him, but Milan usually does not have any enemies at all.

Full name:

Similar names: Milon, Milen

Church name: -

Meaning: sweet, gentle

Middle name: Milanovich, Milanovna

Meaning of the name Milan - interpretation

Milan is a Slavic name that came to us from Western countries. The literal translation of the word is “mercy on earth.” In this interpretation, the stress should be on the first syllable. Also considered the feminine form of the masculine name Milan. In Russia it is quite rare compared to the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Serbia.

Astrology named after Milan

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

The owner of a melodious name shows the best character traits from an early age. They always say about such a baby that he is a miracle, and this is the purest truth! Milan is distinguished by such qualities as diligence, perseverance, friendliness and delicacy.

He never strives to become a leader among children, but he is popular with them. You can't help but fall in love with this adorable little guy. The boy grows up to be a real defender of the weak, which earns him the love and approval of his peers and adults.

In any situation, this child has an old-fashioned knightly principle, and therefore he is ready to act as a defender of the disadvantaged and weak people, women and children. Milan usually has a brilliant and sharp mind, which helps him choose his future profession responsibly.

With age, Milan becomes an active and active guy who loves traveling and learning something new. He knows how to admire beauty, finding it in literally everything: nature, people, events and animals.

At their core, these guys are sometimes over-impulsive, especially when they see injustice. This is a kind and harmonious person, who is a good peacemaker, extinguishing conflicts at the inception stage. There is always a good aura around him, which is difficult to spoil for any evil and calculating people.

Milan manages to find a common language with people without any problems. The man is quite charming and able to carry on a conversation, despite the fact that sometimes he comes across as a reserved and cold-blooded person.

Despite its many positive sides character, Milan's first priority is to get rich. Milan is gifted with musical talent and hearing. He knows how to set clear goals for himself and always achieves them, thanks to his courtesy and charm.

There is an opinion that Milan shows hypocrisy in some areas of life, but this happens very rarely. The bearer of this name is excellent at leading people, although he is not very concerned about achieving a leadership position in the service.

Milan is quite calculating, so he mainly chooses friends with status and material wealth. Sometimes men with this name become good priests, which is explained by their soft and gentle disposition.

Milan character

A man with this name reacts very harshly to any life situation thanks to his responsiveness and kindness. Over-emotionality does not allow him to sit still for a long time and remain indifferent to the grief of others.

Feeling self-esteem does not allow him to endure humiliation - neither his own nor his loved ones. The name characterizes a person with high moral principles, and justice for him is not an empty phrase.

It is very difficult to find a compromise with Milan. He is characterized by such traits as obsequiousness and willfulness. He always leads things in the right direction, and beautiful words and smiles are considered only part of a big plan.

The man acts softly and imperceptibly, but behind this lies an undoubted deceit. His charm and vulnerability are often just a tactic behind which something else is hidden. Needless to say, Milan is ready to do a lot to achieve selfish goals.

The fate of Milan

Milan always becomes a defender of justice based on his own deep convictions. There is something in the fate of a man from the image of a sad knight. The young man graduates from school with excellent marks and carefully chooses his future specialty. For him, the profession is important; he expects decent payment for his work. A sociable and sociable person, he becomes a welcome guest in any society.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Since his youth, Milan strives to become an independent person and earns his living from an early age. A young man is always full of original plans for the future. They are often extravagant and unusual, but they always allow Milan to achieve stunning success in his career and a decent financial position.

Thanks to his diverse knowledge, Milan quickly and easily gains skills and improves his knowledge. As an entrepreneur, he can be a difficult partner, because at first he succumbs to persuasion and bends to the opinions of others, and then again returns to his conviction. Without ever changing his goal, Milan is able to indirectly force people to yield to him in resolving certain issues.

Numerologists define the name Milan as the number eight, which means that its owner has success in major affairs. He is necessarily recognized by society and receives material goods. Such a person clearly goes towards his goal, because otherwise life loses its meaning. Milan achieves greater success in the implementation of a forgotten project and in the development of its talents. It is very important for him to concentrate on the main thing and give up on trifles. Strong character and organizational skills help achieve goals.

Milan can be an excellent leader of a large team, so he often becomes a politician, military man or businessman. The bearer of this name usually chooses partners according to social status and level of income, judging by oneself.

Marriage and family

Milan usually gets married after the age of 30. A huge selection of beautiful companions does not allow him to quickly make up his mind and decide to get married. A man clings to his freedom like the last straw. His companion becomes a calm and sweet woman who knows how to endure and forgives his trips to the left.

It is difficult to call the bearer of this name a diligent husband, but for his children he does everything that depends on him. Milan loves to work with children and raises them according to his own positive example, so that the generation grows up generous, kind, and fair. It’s also difficult to call a man an excellent housekeeper. Milan is often disappointed in marriage because he places too strict demands on his wife, which not every woman can justify.

Sex and love

The bearer of this name has no end to girls. He is a passionate lover, distinguished by aristocratic manners and attractive appearance. Often he simply drives the opposite sex crazy.

Ladies like his ability to give gifts, look after him beautifully and shower him with compliments. Milan's love of love allows him to have a girl “for every day of the week,” and this is the norm for him.


Milan cannot boast of excellent health and constantly suffers from frequent colds, is prone to allergies, and often faces skin and back problems. Due to the desire to be on time everywhere and always, he often receives burns, scratches and abrasions.

He needs to maintain health from childhood, play sports, perform hardening procedures, be attentive to his diet, lead healthy image life.

Interests and hobbies

He is often interested in creative pursuits, and therefore participates in drama clubs and goes to art school. He makes a chic designer of clothing, furniture and interiors. Milan's hobby is often different kinds crafts. he is good at making crafts.

He chooses socially significant professions, and therefore becomes a high-class engineer, scientist, doctor, missionary and journalist in hot spots, tailor, artist, cabinetmaker. The man calmly agrees to the offer to become a simple performer to begin with. Sincere faith in God and correct inner convictions often force him to be a novice and a monk.

The name Milan, like many other names that are of Slavic origin, requires virtually no explanation of its meaning. This boy's name is derived from the root "mil" and its origin is related to the adjective "darling". Accordingly, the stress in the name Milan is placed on the first syllable.

Despite its common Slavic origin, the name is most popular in Eastern European countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic. In Russia, children are called this extremely rarely.

But how does the literal meaning correspond to what characteristics the name Milan gives its owner? To understand this, let's take a look:

  • What will the boy's character be like?
  • What traits will an adult male exhibit?
  • What abilities and talents will a person with this name have?
  • How will Milan build relationships with others?
  • How successful will his marriage be?

As a rule, from a very young age Milan justifies the origin and meaning of his name: he grows up as a very kind boy who acts as a defender of the weak, and at the same time knows how to find an approach to stronger peers.

That is why the boy is respected and loved by his peers. Milan is also favored by teachers at school because he has excellent learning abilities and uses them well, showing perseverance in achieving his goals.

The name Milan means that its owner early forms his own principles of justice and attitude to the events of the surrounding world and the actions of people. His moral principles may even seem “old-fashioned” or “medieval” to someone in the modern mercantile world, but it is precisely this “knightly” principle that attracts other people to him. Such a man usually has a lot of friends who are ready not only to accept help from him, but also to provide it without any questions if necessary.

Milan is not one of those who gives everything away and is left with nothing: those around him pay him in the same coin. The origin of this attitude towards him is his willingness to come to the rescue and protect the weak. And that is why he himself will never be left alone with his problems - there will always be those who will help solve them.

Such a man avoids conflicts around himself, does not like to provoke them, and knows how to extinguish any confrontation he witnesses. At the same time, this is a strong-willed nature, and not a meek lamb, but at the same time Milan knows how to be the life of the party, a good conversationalist and a cheerful storyteller. To strangers, at an outside glance, he may seem somewhat “cold,” but this is only an illusion: a man knows how to keep both himself and the situation around him well in his hands.

Social utility and flirting

Researchers of names say that the name Milan means that its bearer has a very sharp mind, and therefore already in his youth he decides on the choice of profession.

At the same time, for the young man, the main role is played by the social significance of the profession he chooses, and what the payment for his work will be is not a priority question for him. The range of professions that Milan can choose for itself is very wide - from “social” specialties to “crafts”.

He can become a cabinetmaker or an engineer, a doctor or a priest, a journalist or an artist. For him, the main thing is the awareness that his work benefits other people.

In addition, he most often finds a calling precisely in those specialties where interaction with people is necessary. Milan usually has very good relationships with his work team - his colleagues value him for his responsible attitude to work and high professional level.

All of the above does not mean that Milan’s character is completely without pitfalls. The danger for these men may lie in being overly enthusiastic about their work, which will force them to work extremely hard.

A salvation from such a development of events can be some kind of hobby outside of work or a commitment to active types of recreation - they also require attention and time and at the same time have a beneficial effect on health.

The meaning of the name Milan for relationships with the opposite sex is also ambiguous. For such a man, it is important to first succeed in his own profession, and then start a family. But at the same time, he enjoys enormous success among representatives of the opposite sex, who are attracted by his downright magnetic charm and goodwill.

Milan usually gets married after thirty years of age, but the wedding does not mean that he stops paying attention to other ladies besides his wife. Even being in the status of a married man, a man can flirt and even have affairs with numerous fans. Moreover, he will not even try to hide his love affairs from his wife.

If she has the patience to endure such behavior from her husband in the first years after the wedding, then after that Milan, as a rule, settles down and stops reciprocating the claims of numerous beauties.

He becomes an exemplary family man and a good father - he is involved in raising children not because it is necessary, but because he himself enjoys it. In addition, he loves to receive guests in his home and is known as a hospitable host. Author: Olga Inozemtseva