According to F. See what “in opinion” is in other dictionaries

Why, according to F. List, is the universal concept of the classics unsuitable for practical use? Justify your opinion

According to List, the universal and scholastic concept of the classics is unsuitable for practical use. A business economic system must be based on reliable historical facts. It is called upon to respect truly national interests, and not to “clutter the heads” of practitioners with various doctrinal considerations. The preaching of free trade contained in the works of the classics meets only the interests of England. English merchants buy raw materials and sell manufactured goods. In the absence of prohibitive duties, this undermines Germany's still fragile industry. The paradox is that the German principalities at the beginning of the 19th century. were separated by customs borders, and there were no duties on neighboring states. Meanwhile, the British themselves fenced off their domestic market from German agricultural products with the help of the so-called Corn Laws.

What new did F. List contribute to the development of the theory of political economy?

In noting Liszt's merits, one should first of all highlight his historical method. The scientist substantiated and specified a number of new, fundamentally important provisions. General principles Liszt translated the classical school into the language of national political economy. It showed the influence of political unity and government controlled on economic development, on the progress of national production and increase in national wealth. Foreign trade policy must correspond to the general economic policy. State power coordinates and directs the efforts of individual parts of the national economy in the name of the long-term, fundamental interests of the nation.

Give general characteristics new historical school. What is her merit?

The historical school in Germany was developed in the works of Wilhelm Roscher (1817-1894), Bruno Hildebrand (1812-1878) and Karl Chris (1821-1898), who are considered the founders of the new historical school. Following the tradition of F. List, they substantiated the need to reflect the characteristics of national economies in economic theory, defended the idea of ​​a historical approach to economics, taking into account specific historical and sociocultural factors when analyzing economic systems. Their contribution to the history of the national economy and the history of economic thought was significant.

What role did representatives of the new historical school assign to the state?

The greatest merit of the economists of the new historical school was that, long before J.M. Keynes, they raised the question of the regulatory and direct role of the state in the economic life of society. G. Schmoller, for example, argued that the Prussian state is the main force in the development of society, a significant material capital. He was an active supporter of a strong hereditary monarchy, with the help of which any social contradictions could be resolved. Within the framework of the bourgeois system, the implementation of the idea of ​​social justice is possible only under the condition of a strong government. A wise and strong government, in his opinion, can resist manifestations of class egoism and class abuses and ensure economic prosperity. This thesis marked the beginning of the theory of the “supra-class state”.

According to G. Schmoller, economic life is part of an active cultural model, and economic science must determine the means or laws of cultural stratification in the economic aspect, thus ensuring the coordination of changes in culture with economic growth or decline. Since history is the complete sequence of events, a comprehensive analysis of past cultural development will provide a cultural perspective for future development.

According to F. Dostoevsky, “language is the people.” Famous French writer A. Camus declared: “My homeland is the French language.”

Language is the main instrument of knowledge and mastery of the outside world. He also performs the main means of communication between people. Equally, language makes it possible to get to know other cultures.

Being inseparable from national cultures, languages ​​go along with them through the same vicissitudes of fate. Therefore, starting from the New Age, as the world was redivided into spheres of influence, many languages ​​of ethnic groups and peoples who fell into colonial and other dependence found themselves increasingly squeezed out of the historical scene.

These days, this situation has become even more complex. If in the past the problem of survival concerned mainly the languages ​​of dependent and lagging countries and peoples, now it also affects developed European countries. This is caused by the growing expansion of the English (American) language, which is increasingly becoming a universal means of communication. For this reason, mixed, hybrid languages ​​arise, an example of which is the so-called “Frangle” or “Frenchlish”, which is a bizarre mixture of French and English.

In this case, of course, it is not only the language that suffers, but the entire national culture, which in its own country becomes unimportant and secondary. What is happening is what Western theorists call "folklorization" European cultures, when they begin to take the place of folklore, they move into the category of local exoticism. He is experiencing the current situation in a particularly acute and painful way. France, which for three centuries - from the mid-17th to the mid-20th century. - was rightfully considered the first cultural power, and its language occupied a special, privileged place. However, by the middle of this century, the situation of the French language and culture is significantly deteriorating. In contrast to this, an international movement of francophonie is emerging, the main goal of which is the protection, preservation and dissemination of the French language and culture.

In the history of Western Europe, French was the third language that managed to become a universal language of international communication. Before him, only Greek and Latin achieved this status. Around the 10th century. The French language is beginning to become more and more equal in meaning to Latin. Since the 17th century. it spreads throughout the world, and with it French culture, the influence of which in the 18th century. reaches unprecedented strength. The entire enlightened elite of Europe and America, including Russia, speaks and reads French. For society ladies, knowledge of the French language and playing the harpsichord is considered mandatory in all countries.

The expression “French Europe,” coined by the Italian diplomat Caraccioli, is quickly becoming generally accepted. Period from 1889 to 1914 is considered the golden age of the expansion of French culture to all countries and continents. Paris becomes the capital of world art. Many creators accept the well-known formula, according to which every artist has two homelands: one is his own, and the second is Paris.

However, in the 20th century. Fortune turns away from the French language. Already in 1918, with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, it lost its monopoly of being the only language of international diplomacy. Even more serious losses were caused by the unfavorable results of the Second World War for France. Began in the late 1950s. the process of collapse of the colonial system worsened the situation. as many former French colonies abandoned the French language.

The French language lost its privileged place to English (American). It is under such conditions that Francophonie. It currently covers more than 50 countries and has adherents on all five continents. Although its objectives are the protection, preservation and prosperity of the French language and culture, it does not claim to restore their former priority. Equally, she does not challenge the established primacy in English, but opposes its complete dominance, against its displacement of other languages. Francophonie stands for the preservation and development of all languages ​​and cultures, for their fruitful coexistence and mutual enrichment.

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  • , V.L. Durov. The extensive work of V. L. Durov contains rich and varied material, which can be divided into three groups. Firstly, we have here a very large amount of material on similar observations of...
  • Animal training, psychological observations of trained animals in my opinion (40 years of experience), V.L. Durov. The extensive work of V.L. Durov contains rich and varied material that can be divided into three groups. Firstly, we have here a very large amount of material on similar observations of...

According to F. Engels, the knowability of the world can only be justified

Answers to the test
1 (3), 2 (2), 3 (5), 4 (1), 5 (2), 6 (1), 7 (2), 8 (4), 9 (1), 10 (1-2 , 2-3, 3-2), 11 (1-3, 2-2, 3-1), 12 (socio-economic formation), 13 (productive forces), 14 (relations of production), 15 (method of production) .

1. One of the main achievements of Marxist philosophy is...
1) Idealist dialectics.
2) The idea of ​​the subject’s activity in cognition.
3) Discovery of a materialistic understanding of history.
4) Creation of an anthropological form of materialism.
5) Formulation of the categorical imperative.
2. Marx’s main work is ...
1) Dialectics of nature
2) Capital
3) Monadology
4) Science of logic
5) The essence of Christianity
3. According to Marx, the defining type of relationship between people is the relationship...
1) Household
2) Ideological
3) Political
4) Legal
5) Production
4. The term ALIENATION, introduced in Marxist philosophy, reflects the process:
1) During which the results of activity or the activity itself of a certain subject become independent and alien in relation to this subject.
2) Human activity enslaving the subject of activity.
5. According to K. Marx, the worker’s wages are related to the capitalist’s profit:
1) When the capitalist wins, the worker necessarily wins.
2) If the capitalist loses, the worker necessarily loses along with him.
6. According to F. Engels, “Those who argued that spirit existed before nature, and who, therefore, ultimately, one way or another recognized the creation of the world,” belonged to the camp:
1) Idealism
2) Materialism
7. According to F. Engels, “Those who considered nature to be the main principle joined various schools”:
1) Idealism
2) Materialism
8. The philosophical formulation of the epistemological side of the main question of philosophy contains:
1) the relationship of thinking to being.
2) the relationship of our thoughts about the world around us to this world itself.
3) the correspondence of our ideas and concepts about the real world to a true reflection of reality.
4) the question of the identity of thinking and being.
9. According to F. Engels, the knowability of the world can only be justified:
1) Practice.
2) The logic of the thought process.
10. Match the names of philosophers and their works:
1 TO. Marx
1Materialism and empirio-criticism
2F. Engels
3B. Lenin
3Dialectics of nature
11. Match the names of philosophers and their concepts:
1 TO. Marx
1communist labor
2F. Engels
2historical materialism
3B. Lenin
12. Category of historical materialism, which serves to designate society at a certain stage of historical development ***
13. In dialectical and historical materialism, people’s attitude to nature is fixed using the category ***
14. In dialectical and historical materialism, the attitude of people towards each other is expressed in the category ***
15. A concept that captures the existence of social production in historically defined specific forms, within the framework of which not only the relationship between people is carried out, but also their relationship to nature is ***