Ever-blooming begonia. Ever-flowering begonia: planting and care in open ground

As a rule, a flower such as ever-blooming begonia is purchased in the form of seedlings. Not many lovers of these flowers know that you can easily grow it yourself from seeds. Almost all varieties of begonia repeat the flowering characteristics of the mother flower.

But there is an exception that you need to know and take into account if you want to grow terry begonia. Terry begonia ever-blooming from seeds grows completely different from the flower that a gardener expects to see. And if you are not ready for surprises, then it is better to purchase this flower already grown.

What do you need to grow evergreen begonia?

To grow this flower from seeds you will need a very small set of available materials, which may be available to flower lovers. If all the components of the list are missing, then they must be purchased:

To sow begonias, you need to take a rich variety of nutrients soil. The composition of earth dug up somewhere will, as a rule, be unknown to few people. Therefore, to plant evergreen begonia seeds, it is better to purchase soil in specialized stores.

How to plant seeds?

Begonia everflowering has very small seeds, so before planting it will it is better if you mix them with sand or the same soil in which they will subsequently be planted. The preferred planting time for obtaining the earliest seedlings is January. It is in this month that you need to begin active work on cultivating a flower such as ever-flowering begonia.

You need to choose a container in which the seedlings will grow in such a way that the walls of the box are not high.

You need to sow the seeds in a special way, not like all the seeds in dug holes. Sowing must be done directly on the surface of the soil prepared in boxes. The soil must first be watered and lightly compacted.. It is not recommended to sprinkle the seeds with anything.

Planted boxes should be covered with glass of suitable size, which could completely protect crops from external influences of the surrounding space. The formed greenhouse will allow it to maintain the microclimate necessary for ever-flowering begonia.

Drops may form on the glass that covers the container and need to be wiped off. If this is not done, then it cannot be guaranteed that the seeds will germinate and not rot. You can reduce the number of drops by placing the container at an angle, then the drops will flow down the glass and, without falling on the seeds, moisten the soil near the wall of the box. There is another way to reduce humidity. It can be used before the first shoots appear. Thick paper is placed on the glass, which forms a shadow, which reduces humidity.

After the ever-flowering begonia has sprouted its first shoots, you need to spray the soil in the greenhouse with a spray bottle. Also You can place the box in a pan of water for a few minutes so that the soil is well saturated. And if noticeable sprouts are already visible, then you need to open the glass so that ventilation occurs inside the greenhouse.

In order for the seedlings to grow together, the temperature in the greenhouse must be at least twenty-one degrees.

After a two-week period, indoor seedlings should already grow normally. Then you need to remove the glass so that it does not interfere with growth. The temperature in the room should be reduced to nineteen degrees. And exposure to sunlight should not happen, otherwise burns may form on the leaves.

Picking indoor seedlings occurs when three full-fledged leaves are formed on the bush. Each begonia bush is planted in a separate pot and placed in a shaded place. After a month, the plant is ready for planting in a permanent place of growth.

Growing Begonia Everblooming

On this moment Many varieties of this flower have been bred. There are begonias with modest, discreet flowers. And I meet species where terry a flower that amazes with its versatility and whimsical shapes. To see what ever-flowering begonia looks like, photos can be found on the Internet. As a rule, each photo is signed, so it will not be difficult to choose the variety you like and buy the seeds of this particular flower.

When growing indoor seedlings, several rules must be taken into account:

  • Open space exposed to sunlight is dangerous for begonias.
  • The period when begonia requires special care is its flowering.

But you should not allocate a place in the shade for permanent planting of ever-flowering begonia. Due to such conditions, the stems of the plant will stretch, the beauty of the ornamental plant will be lost, and the color of the flowers may lose their brightness.

The soil for growing this flower must be well fertilized. This plant also likes the soil to be well loosened. But Begonia does not tolerate alkali well in the soil, so gardeners need to take this into account. In such soil, the flower may be susceptible to various diseases such as chlorosis and growth will slow down.

Due to the fact that ever-flowering begonia has a superficial root system, many fans of creating alpine slides prefer to use this flower in creating intricate compositions.

How to water and fertilize evergreen begonia?

Everyone knows that without proper watering and regular feeding, it is difficult for any plant to grow and look attractive. Begonia is no exception in this matter, and if the summer does not please with rain, then the flower needs regular watering.

This flower likes to be watered early in the morning or when the heat has already subsided. But for irrigation you need to use the wrong water that flows from the tap. At first the water needs to stand for at least a day, and only then water. But you don’t need to water too much, so as not to flood the plant. Begonia does not like either drought or excessive humidity, so it is best to stick to moderation with this plant.

About once every two weeks, flower beds with evergreen begonia need to be given special attention. The soil needs to be loosened, the weeds removed and fed with fertilizer.. The fertilizer should contain minerals, selected in specialized stores for flowering plants.

But the fertilizing process should begin not with planting, but from the moment the buds appear on the begonias. This way the flowering period can be extended for a longer time, and the number of flowers will be significantly greater.

For those who want to extend flowering into the winter, you just need to transplant the plants into pots, and then transfer the flower to a warm room. Thus, the ever-blooming begonia will delight you on cold, long evenings until spring.

How to propagate evergreen begonia from cuttings?

A double type of ever-blooming begonia so that the cuttings bloom with exactly the same flowers as mother plant, needs to be propagated by cuttings. Other types of begonias can be propagated in the same way if desired.

If begonia grows at home, then the cutting period should be chosen in the spring. If the flower grows in the ground, then it is better to take cuttings in the summer.

Cuttings should be carried out as follows:

  • A young, healthy begonia leaf is cut off.
  • Planted in moist soil, followed by covering with polyethylene.

To ventilate the constructed greenhouse, it is necessary to make small holes in the polyethylene so that the planted plant can be ventilated. After two weeks, under favorable conditions, you can expect roots to appear on the cuttings. After another two weeks, the cuttings can be planted in a separate pot. You need to continue to care for begonias in the same way as you should do for young plants grown from seeds.

Begonia ever-blooming an attractive plant for both indoor and outdoor flower beds. And it’s worth trying to learn how to grow it and care for it in order to delight yourself with its attractive flowers.

Growing begonia from seeds is a rather troublesome task that requires constant monitoring. Usually, ever-flowering or decorative deciduous varieties of this plant are obtained in this way. Growing tuberous begonias by seed is also possible, but requires a lot of time. For a successful result, it is necessary to select high-quality planting material, a good time for planting and follow a number of agrotechnical rules.

Description of the plant and popular varieties

Begonia is a low-growing shrub or herbaceous plant with beautiful, brightly colored flowers. Begonia leaves and stems differ in color and shape depending on the variety. The following types of begonia are most often grown at home.

Ampelous begonia is distinguished by flowing shoots, the length of which can reach 45 cm. Flowers are located from the level of the 5–6th leaf node in the leaf axils. Each flower does not live longer than 10 days, and a new one soon appears in place of the fallen one. For this reason, flowering seems to be continuous and continues until late autumn. Among the most famous varieties of hanging begonia are Chanson with lush red, white or yellow flowers.

Tuberous begonia has a tuber-shaped rhizome and tall, fleshy stems up to 80 cm long. The flowers can be single or double, reminiscent of roses, camellias, carnations or peonies. They can be small (from 3 cm) or large (up to 20 cm), located singly or in inflorescences. The most common varieties are Duck Red, Picoti Harlequin, and Bouton de Rose.

Begonia everflowering is a complex hybrid that successfully combines the qualities of the parent varieties. It is a low-growing shrub with fleshy stems and smooth, round-heart-shaped leaves. The flowers can be white, pink or red in color, collected in various inflorescences. Terry varieties have been bred with big amount petals in a flower that resemble miniature roses in shape. Only about 600 varieties of ever-flowering begonia are known, including indoor growing You can highlight Ray, Queen, Cocktail.

Bolivian Begonia is a tuberous plant with long, trailing stems. Its stems can reach a length of 80 cm, hanging down in several tiers. The flowers, which have a bright orange color, are located on short peduncles in groups of 2–3 pieces. This type of begonia is perfect for growing in pots and containers, as it grows well in a small amount of soil. To the most known varieties include Santa Cruz, Bonaparte, Belavista.

Planting seeds

Begonia from seeds at home can be grown in seedlings, while great importance has where the flower will grow. So, for indoor keeping, it is necessary to sow the seeds already in December, and for growing in the garden, sowing the seeds is transferred to early spring. For areas with a warm climate, it is necessary to sow begonia at the end of March or at the beginning of April, so that the seedlings are not overgrown by the time of transplantation.

Begonia seeds must be purchased at the store. There are two types of them on sale:

  • ordinary, very small and inconvenient for beginner gardeners;
  • granulated, coated with a special coating.

For beginning flower lovers, it is more convenient to work with granulated seeds. They are easier to distribute over the surface of the soil, maintaining a certain distance. Ordinary small seeds are simply sown in a container, and then the seedlings are thinned out. In order not to expose the fragile root system to unnecessary stress, it is more convenient to plant granulated seeds in special peat tablets.

The step-by-step landing process looks like this:

  1. 1. Peat tablets are placed in a tray with water and left to soak.
  2. 2. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the tablets and sprinkled with water so that the granule penetrates inside. There is no need to specially bury the seeds.
  3. 3. Cover the top of the container with film or glass. For watering and ventilation, the cover must be removed periodically.
  4. 4. Watering is carried out through a tray, making sure that the peat tablets do not dry out.

This method has only one drawback - begonia seeds themselves take a long time to germinate, and germination of coated seeds requires even more time. After all, you also need to wait until the shell is completely dissolved.

Since not all seeds may germinate, for successful cultivation you need to use twice as much material.

If ordinary seeds are used for planting, they are planted in a container with light soil. The day before planting, the soil should be watered generously. To facilitate the work, the seeds are mixed with sand and distributed in a thin layer on the soil surface. Then the container is covered with glass or film and placed in a warm, bright place where a constant temperature of +25 degrees will be maintained. Seeds planted in this way germinate in 10–25 days.

Growing seedlings

Since begonia sprouts are very small, thread-like, they can be difficult to notice. Regular watering is necessary for their proper development. This is done carefully, using a syringe, or humidification is carried out using the bottom method through a tray. The greenhouse in which the seedlings develop must be opened regularly to ventilate and remove condensation. It is imperative to provide high-quality lighting, but make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the plants. To do this, you need to shade the sprouts at midday. If daylight hours are short, it is necessary to supplement the seedlings with artificial light. Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours.

Two weeks after the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to apply fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants. In this case, you need to make the solution concentration 3–4 times less than the recommended one. After the seedlings have become a little stronger, the soil can be loosened periodically. Gradually, the shelter is removed and the grown begonia is accustomed to indoor conditions.

It is very important to monitor the condition of the leaves during this period. If they fall down, then the container with seedlings must be closed. The soil should be constantly moist, but not wet. Excess moisture provokes the appearance of a white coating on the seedlings and rotting of the root system.


If peat tablets were used to germinate the seed, then picking is not necessary. You just need to tear the shell of the tablet from the bottom edge and transplant the seedlings into a larger container along with the soil.

For seedlings grown in containers, picking is mandatory, since over time they become cramped in one container. The procedure is carried out after the appearance of the third true leaf, if the plant looks healthy and strong:

  1. 1. Holes are made in the bottom of plastic cups and a layer of drainage is added.
  2. 2. The containers are filled with soil in which the seeds were germinated.
  3. 3. The sprouts are carefully lifted with a teaspoon and transferred to a glass with soil along with a lump of earth. After moving, be sure to water the plants.

The seedlings are placed in a warm place, but to prevent them from stretching, the temperature can be slightly lowered. After two weeks, another feeding is done. 25 days after picking, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place in a pot or garden.

Begonia care

Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is carried out at the end of May, when the plant is already well formed. Begonia is transplanted using the transshipment method so as not to injure the fragile root system and tender shoots. The soil for begonia is light and loose with good nutritional properties.

After transplanting to a permanent location, caring for the plant consists of proper watering and regular feeding. For irrigation use settled or filtered warm water. In summer, watering should be plentiful, but there is no need to flood the plant. You need to irrigate twice a week, and in hot weather the plant is moistened as the soil dries out. Excess water accumulating in the pan must be drained after a while. In autumn, begonia is watered less frequently, and with the onset of winter the amount is reduced to a minimum.

It is necessary to feed the plant during the period of bud formation with liquid complex fertilizers once every two weeks. After flowering ends, fertilizing is stopped. IN winter time The use of fertilizers is generally prohibited.

Ecology of agriculture: The Begoniaceae family has almost a thousand species, among which there are both indoor and garden varieties. Begonias are loved because they are quite unpretentious.

The Begoniev family has almost a thousand species, among which there are both indoor and garden varieties. Begonias are loved because they are quite unpretentious, although they are heat-loving plants.

Begonia everblooming is one of the most unpretentious species, and it can be grown both on the windowsill and in the garden. And it is called ever-blooming because of the continuous, profuse flowering, and in the garden such flowering lasts until the onset of cold weather.

Description of the plant

Ever-flowering begonia is a low, compact plant, the height of which is only 15 to 20 cm. The plant has succulent, fleshy stems and large, rounded, elongated leaves that lack symmetry. Leaf color can vary from light green to red-brown.

The flowers of this plant are not as attractive as the leaves; they are quite small and collected in branched inflorescences. Their color can be very diverse; there are plants with white, pink, red, purple, orange and bright crimson flowers. Blooming begonias are unusually decorative; when planted in the garden, they resemble a variegated and colorful carpet that pleases the eye until the coldest weather.

The seeds of ever-flowering begonia are quite small, usually brown in color.

Where and how to use

Quite often you can find ever-flowering begonia in flower beds; it is planted both in group plantings and as a continuous carpet using plants with different colors of leaves and flowers.

In addition, this type of begonia can be planted in outdoor flowerpots or in pots on the balcony and room.

In group plantings, begonia is planted in the foreground, due to its short stature and large bushiness. There are times when this plant is used as a ground cover in compositions and site design, in which case it goes well with roses or lilies.

Since the plant tolerates partial shade conditions well, it can be planted in the shade of trees, creating a bright frame for the garden, or the plant can also be planted right around the trees themselves.

Conditions for successful cultivation

Ever-flowering begonia does not require special care, but if you want these plants to grow well and bloom profusely, you will have to follow certain rules of agricultural technology.

Location and placement in the garden or flower bed

The ideal place to plant this plant is sunny plot, but it is advisable that in the midday heat the plant should be protected from direct sunlight. Partial shade conditions are also suitable; begonia should not be planted completely in the shade, since due to lack of light the stems may begin to stretch and the flowers will become faded and inexpressive.

Location on the windowsill

A sunny window sill is suitable for begonia indoors, but I repeat, the plant should be shaded. On a windowsill, direct sunlight can leave burns on the leaves.

Soil requirements

Like most plants, begonia needs loose, water- and breathable soil. fertile soil. In addition, pay attention to the acidity of the soil; for begonia it should be slightly acidic. If you plant a plant on soil rich in alkali, the plant’s immunity is reduced and it may be damaged by chlorosis or other diseases and pests.


Plants are demanding on watering conditions, especially in areas with dry and hot summers. Watering is done in the morning or evening, preferably with soft, settled water. Plants should not be flooded otherwise they may be hit different kinds rotten.

Top dressing

For good growth To ensure abundant flowering, begonia should be fed once every two to three weeks. Any organic and mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

Plants in winter

In the garden, evergreen begonia is grown as an annual plant. If you want to grow it for several years, you should transplant the plants into pots and move them indoors before the onset of cold weather. On a well-chosen windowsill, with sufficient care, plants will continue to develop and bloom.

Begonia propagation

Begonia is propagated by growing it from seeds or cuttings.

Begonia evergreen growing from seeds
If you need to plant a large area with begonias, you should use seed propagation. The seeds of this plant are very small, and quite often they are sold in granules to facilitate the sowing process.

Sowing in pots

The most good time for sowing end of February - beginning of March. If you sow within this time frame, the plants will have time to become well established for planting in the ground.

The pots are first filled with a nutritious earthen mixture, after which it should be slightly moistened! After this, the seeds or granules with seeds should be placed on the top layer of soil and sprayed with a spray bottle. No need to sprinkle with substrate! Next, you need to create greenhouse conditions over the pot; to do this, simply cover the pot with plastic film or glass. Now all that remains is to wait until the seeds germinate.
For successful germination, seeds need a temperature of at least 22°C. Periodically, the greenhouse should be opened and ventilated, this is necessary to prevent the seeds from molding.

The first shoots should appear in 15-20 days. When the seedlings produce 2-3 true leaves, they are ready for the first picking. But this picking should be done very carefully, since young plants are very fragile and delicate.

After picking, the air temperature should be slightly lowered to 18°C ​​and watered a little less. When the threat of late frosts has passed, the plants can be transplanted into the ground.

Begonia everflowering propagation by cuttings

Begonia can also be propagated by cuttings. To obtain cuttings, the plant is pruned at the beginning of March, quite short.

This pruning is considered healthy and everything that was cut can be thrown away, since during the winter the plant usually stretches due to lack of light, and the cuttings will turn out weak.

After pruning, the bush begins to be fertilized and watered, the main thing is to do this regularly. After some time, the bush will release young strong shoots. These will be the cuttings. The shoots are cut off and immediately planted in the mother liquor; often the mother liquor is an ordinary planting pot.

Also useful:

The soil is mixed 1/1 with sand. After a while, when new young leaves appear on the bushes, the plant can be considered rooted. Now they can be transplanted into the soil to a permanent place. The main thing in such germination is to maintain a temperature range from 20 to 22°C. Transplantation into the ground should be carried out when the threat of late spring frosts has passed. Published

Begonia everflowering is a perennial ornamental flowering plant. The birthplace of the flower is Brazil. Begonia was introduced into culture in 1821. Since then, propagation has been possible by cuttings or by growing from seeds. It is important to note that begonia can take root indoors and delight with its beauty at any time of the year.

Begonia is a small herbaceous plant, which is distinguished by simple, whole leaves of a rounded shape. The leaves may be light green-burgundy in color. Thus, begonia is ideal for creating parterre flower beds and contrasting borders.

Height varies depending on the plant variety:

  • tall varieties - 25-36 centimeters;
  • medium-sized varieties - 21-25 centimeters;
  • low-growing varieties - 8-20 centimeters.

Everblooming begonia boasts white, pink, coral, red flowers and a variety of shades. You can look at the photo and see the amazing beauty of the flower.

Types of begonia evergreen

Types and varieties

Begonia can be a shrub, subshrub, herbaceous plants. At home, it is customary to grow hybrid varieties, but their photos prove the amazing beauty of the flowers. Please take into account that you can give preference to a decorative flowering or decorative leaf plant. Regardless of which variety is preferable, you can also choose evergreen begonia and enjoy its amazing beauty.

Decorative flowering plants It is also customary to divide it into several types.

  1. Foliage may die. The next generation can be grown from tubers.
  2. Bush species suggest that the plant falls into a state of deep dormancy and needs special conditions.
  3. Evergreen varieties can retain foliage and provide beautiful flowers at any time of the year.

The most spectacular are tuberous begonias, but you can also choose hanging begonias with small flowers.

Among the tuberous varieties, tuberous begonia should be noted. It has leaves up to 25 centimeters long, the edge of which resembles a file, fleshy stems, double and non-double flowers with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. Ampelous species are distinguished by thin hanging stems and leaves.

Of the bushy group, the most popular is the ever-flowering begonia. The name confirms that the flowering period will be long. These flowers can be used to create private gardens and for growing in city apartments. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that ever-flowering begonia loses its original decorative effect with age. It is recommended to renew the plant from cuttings every two to three years. The leaves have a glossy finish, green or reddish color and small size.

Among the original varieties, begonia fuchsiformes should be noted. In this case, the flowers are collected in several hanging inflorescences, which are so similar to fuchsia flowers.

Decorative deciduous begonias have beautiful leaves for which people grow plants. However, some species may bloom. The leading position is occupied by royal begonia with leaves resembling an irregular heart and reaching a length of 30 centimeters. It should be noted that the leaf has a heterogeneous color, which can be red, brown and dark green.

Other decorative foliage varieties are also ready to delight with a variety of shapes and colors. For example, spotted begonia has speckled green leaves. white, which reach a length of 25 centimeters. Begonia Cleopatra resembles maple leaves. Mason's begonia is distinguished by leaves with an uneven surface that are very similar to the skin of a frog. After looking at the photo, you can be convinced that each of these species is truly beautiful.

Are you looking for the perfect plant to create your garden? This means that the choice should be made on ever-flowering begonia. In open soil the plant can only be used as an annual. It can tolerate sun and partial shade well and is unpretentious. Flowering continues from June until frost, after which evergreen begonia can be transplanted into a regular pot and use as a houseplant.

Growing methods

Seed selection

Sowing seeds can be done from mid-December to mid-January.

The seeds are small in size. 1000 seeds weigh only 0.01 - 0.02 grams. Please note that granulated seeds are more convenient to use.

Shallow boxes should be used for sowing. The earth mixture should consist of humus, leaf soil, and sand, which should be sifted. The ratio should be as follows: 2:1:1. Seeds should not be covered with soil. However they must be evenly distributed over the entire surface. Try to moisten the soil before doing this. If desired, a layer of calcined sand should be poured onto the soil, the height of which can reach 3 millimeters. The sown seeds should be covered with glass.

Several conditions must be met for germination to occur. Only in this case, begonia seedlings will appear in approximately 10 - 14 days. The temperature for germination should be 20-22 C, for the development of seedlings - 17-19 C. For watering, you need to use a sprayer. Overmoistening should not be allowed. If condensation appears on the lid, ventilation should be carried out.

After two months, the seedlings should be transplanted into large pots. Ever-flowering begonia can be planted in open soil only in late May-early June. Then you must fertilize, taking into account that the first one is required after 10 - 12 days. In this case, picking with complex fertilizer becomes mandatory.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagating begonias by seeds is troublesome. The fact is that seeds should be sown at the beginning of winter and the seedlings need to be provided with additional lighting. However, if desired, you can grow new varieties, hybrids, each of which will delight amazing beauty, as numerous photos prove.

It is truly easy to propagate the plant from cuttings. Ever-flowering begonia should be cut at the end of February. From the mother plant you need to cut cuttings, which will be distinguished by the presence of three internodes. The two lower pairs of leaves should be torn off, and the cuttings should be placed in the substrate slightly at an angle. The box or pot with cuttings should be moderately moistened. Then the plant should be covered with plastic film, which can be removed only after the cuttings begin to grow.

The begonia mother plant, which is used for taking cuttings, should be transplanted into a pot in the fall before frost. The plant may shed its flowers at first, but it will soon form buds. As a result, you will receive planting material for next year and will be able to decorate your room with ever-blooming begonia.

Features of home care

Begonia everblooming can be grown in a pot at home. However, what should her care be like in this case?


The location should be bright and sunny. Preference should be given to southern, eastern, and western windows. On northern windows, additional lighting is usually required. In the warm season, evergreen begonia can grow in flower beds under bright sunshine. Otherwise, when growing in partial shade, the plant may stretch, lose its compactness, and change color saturation. If you are interested in the beautiful ever-flowering begonia, look at its photo and make sure that proper care required.


The plant can tolerate high temperatures air. Wherein low temperatures turn out to be extremely destructive and can even lead to the death of begonias. However In winter, the plant should not be placed near radiators, since constant high temperatures also become undesirable.


The optimal humidity level is 50%. At low humidity, begonia begins to dry out and turn brown, and at higher humidity, it begins to rot.


Ever-flowering begonia should be watered with settled or boiled soft water. Watering should be carried out when the top layer of soil is dry. If you hesitate with the optimal volume of water, it needs to be poured into a pan.

Watering the garden should be done in the morning or evening, when there is no sunlight. Give preference to rainwater, which must be heated to ambient temperature.


Begonia needs mineral fertilizing, which should be done every two weeks in spring and summer. The procedure becomes especially important during the growth of shoots and flowering. In winter, fertilizing should be done once a month. If the plant is replanted annually in soil that is fresh and rich in humus, organic fertilizers are no longer needed.

Now you know what you need to please yourself with begonia.

Hello, dear readers!

Despite the external dissimilarity, grow evergreen begonia and tuberous from seeds, and then in the flower garden the same way.

But if you decide to use them to obtain planting material for next year, you will have to take biological differences into account.

Growing begonia seedlings

In order for begonia to delight you with flowering throughout the warm season, you need to sow seeds for seedlings quite early: tuberous ones in early January, ever-blooming ones in late February-early March.

A day or two before sowing, boxes are prepared. If container boxes without drainage holes are used, then drainage is poured onto the bottom (this can be expanded clay, pebbles, crushed stone) in a layer of at least 3 cm, and on top of 6-7 cm of soil mixture. In this case, after compaction, there should be a distance of 1-2 cm from the edge of the soil to the top of the box.

Or you can use ordinary wooden or plastic vegetable or fruit boxes for sowing. Line their bottom and walls with thick paper or 2-3 layers of toilet paper, and then fill them with soil mixture (a layer of at least 6 cm). The drainage does not need to be filled in, but the boxes themselves will have to be placed in pallets or on film so that when watering, water does not leak onto the windowsill. If the bottom is covered not with paper, but with a film that does not allow water to pass through, then the drainage must be filled in.

To grow everflowering and tuberous begonias, you can use ready-made soil for sowing flowers, purchased in a store, as a soil mixture, or you can prepare it yourself in advance, in the fall. To do this, take well-cultivated garden soil, humus or compost, non-acidic lowland peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:2:1, mix, sift through a medium-sized garden sieve (cell diameter no more than 1 cm). If you use peat for the mixture, add a little lime.

The soil was poured into the boxes, now we need to spray it with fungicide to suppress the development of fungal infection. To do this, you can use Fitosporin-M (the drug paste is first diluted with water 1:2, then 1 tablespoon of the resulting solution is poured into 10 liters of water) or Baikal-EM1 (half a glass per 10 liters of water). If these drugs (or other fungicides) are not at hand, the soil can be spilled with a warm pink solution of potassium permanganate or simply boiling water. Afterwards, cover the soil with paper and leave for a couple of days.

As soon as the soil in the boxes becomes moderately moist, you can begin sowing. Carefully level and lightly compact the top layer of soil. Prepare the seeds. In begonia they are very small (more than 75 thousand in one gram!), so for more uniform, thin sowing they need to be mixed with fine sand. Scatter the mixture over the surface of the soil, but do not cover it with soil on top, but spray it with water from a fine sprayer. To stimulate germination, instead of water, you can use a solution of a growth stimulator (Epin, Zircon - the concentration of the drugs is indicated on the package or in the attached instructions).

After sowing, cover the boxes with glass and place in a warm (22-25 degrees) and bright place. In March, this could be the window sill of a south or southeast window. If sowing earlier, there will not be enough natural light for the seedlings - to obtain high-quality seedlings, you will have to use lighting that provides a lighting level of 50 W/m2 for 24 hours during the period of seed germination and 14 hours after the emergence of seedlings.

Crops of begonia require a lot of attention. The top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out, so you need to spray the soil with water several times a day. However, excess moisture should also not be allowed, otherwise young plants may become infected with blackleg. Even drops of water accumulating on the underside of the glass can be dangerous for seedlings. Experts recommend that when growing everflowering and tuberous begonia, turn it with the wet side up at least twice a day.

12-15 days after sowing, tiny shoots will appear. However, begonia seedlings grow very slowly. Therefore, even after the emergence of seedlings, the soil continues to be sprayed with water, still turning over, and then slightly opening the glass. They remove it completely after 2-3 weeks. Only a month and a half after germination, when the seedlings have 2 leaves, do they pick.

When picking, seedlings can be planted in boxes, but it is better in pots or cassettes, then when planting in the ground the seedlings will be less injured and sick.

When picking into boxes, seedlings are carefully dug up and planted in the same soil composition as when sowing. Plant every 6 cm in a checkerboard pattern, carefully lowering the roots into pre-made holes and pressing the soil tightly around them. Seedlings are buried 1-2 cm.

When picking into pots or cassettes, they are filled quite tightly with the soil mixture (but not to the top, so that water does not leak out when watering) and placed in boxes or pallets. The diameter of the cassette cells depends on the type of begonia. For ever-blooming ones, cassettes with a cell diameter of 6-7 cm are used. For tuberous begonia, as a rule, two pickings are carried out. First, the seedlings are planted in cassettes with a diameter of 1-2 cm, then, after a month, as flower growers say, they are transferred to cassettes or pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

After picking, the plants are carefully watered with settled water, to which you can add a little potassium permanganate (light pink), shaded for 1-2 days with paper for better survival, and then placed in the brightest place.

Some publications advise pinching the roots of seedlings by one third when picking. This is motivated by the fact that thanks to this technique a more powerful root system is formed. However, professional flower growers rarely use root pinching, since when transplanting seedlings, the tips of the roots usually break off on their own.

5-7 days after picking, you can make the first fertilizing with nitrogen or complex fertilizer. To do this, dissolve 20-25 g (about 1 matchbox) of urea or other nitrogen fertilizer or 30-35 g (1.5 matchboxes) of nitrophoska, kemira, and other complex mineral fertilizers in 10 liters of water and water the seedlings with the resulting solution. Afterwards, the leaves are washed with a small amount clean water to remove any fertilizer solution that gets on them. Begonia seedlings are fed after 10-15 days. It is useful to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizers (for example, “Barrel and 4 buckets” - 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) or biofertilizers based on humic acids (humate, humix, etc.).

When using biofertilizers, you must strictly follow the instructions on the bags. For example, a humate solution is prepared in advance, approximately 12 hours before use. First, the contents of the sachet are diluted with a small amount hot water, and then little by little pour it into the water for irrigation. It must be remembered that an overdose of this fertilizer can lead to undesirable results - oppression and even death of plants.

It is better to water well-rooted plants rarely (after the top layer of soil has dried), but abundantly. Frequent watering and excess moisture lead to the development of fungal diseases, and especially the main enemy of seedlings - blackleg.

In affected plants, spots and constrictions appear near the base and on the stems, first white, then darkening. Seedlings begin to lag in growth, wither and eventually die. The disease usually manifests itself in the form of lesions that grow, capturing more and more plants.

If such a disaster befell the crops, you must immediately remove the dead plants, reduce watering, slightly drying the top layer of soil (you should water in a tray or along the walls). The ground around the remaining plants should be sprinkled with fine calcined sand, perlite or ash. If this does not help and plant death continues, the remaining healthy seedlings should be urgently transplanted into fresh soil.

Tuberous begonia seedlings can also be grown from tubers purchased in a store or saved from last year. In the second half of February or March, the tubers are planted in boxes or pots with a diameter of 10 cm, filled with the same soil mixture as for growing seedlings. When planting, do not deepen them deeply; the upper part is only lightly sprinkled with soil. Sprout in a bright place at room temperature. Each tuber produces several shoots, some of which can be taken as cuttings. They are rooted in water, peat or sand.

In addition, begonia tubers can be divided into several parts. To do this, select the largest ones, lay them out for germination in boxes on damp moss or sawdust, and place them in a warm, bright place. After the buds swell on the tuber, cut them into pieces with a sharp knife so that each section contains at least one bud. The cutting areas are treated with crushed coal or fungicidal powder, dried for a day and the cuttings are planted in pots. Some gardeners recommend not covering the top of the cuttings with soil until shoots 5-7 cm long appear. They care for rooted cuttings or tuberous shoots in the same way as for picked seedlings, and at the same time they are transplanted into the garden.

Planting and caring for begonia in the garden

In early June, as soon as the threat of return frosts has passed, begonia seedlings are planted in the soil of flower beds or containers. The place and method of planting depend on the type and variety.

For further cultivation of ever-flowering begonia, its seedlings are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. The amazing plasticity of this species allows it to be grown in a variety of lighting conditions: both in bright sun and in partial shade. It is important that the soil is loose, nutritious, and slightly acidic. This begonia easily tolerates a lack of moisture, but on excessively wet, cold, soaking soils, it can be severely affected by various types of rot. It is almost not damaged by pests; a waxy coating on the leaves protects against them.

Tuberous begonia is more capricious. It can also be grown both in the sun and in shade, albeit slightly. However, it is more sensitive to lack of moisture. Flowering becomes less abundant, and the leaves begin to dry out at the edges and turn yellow. Excess moisture is also harmful to it - because of this, the shoots are severely affected by rot and the plants die. IN open ground bushes are planted every 20-25 cm.

It is better to plant seedlings on cloudy days or in the evening, after watering them abundantly. When planting, the plants are buried 1-2 cm. After planting, they are watered and the soil is covered with peat or humus. When planting in hot weather, during the first days the seedlings are protected from bright sunlight with non-woven covering material. Such shelter is also useful during cold snaps.

In order for the begonia bushes to be healthy and bloom profusely throughout the season, do not forget to ensure that the soil around them is always loose and free of weeds. Water the plants in dry weather and feed them with complex mineral fertilizers (30-35 g per 10 liters of water) or organic fertilizers every 10-15 days.

Feeding begins 10 days after planting the seedlings. As organic fertilizers You can use a solution of mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20), as well as fermented grass. In wet weather, dry fertilizing is carried out by incorporating granular mineral fertilizers (20-30 g per 1 sq. m) into the soil around the plants.

In the fall, before frost, the most decorative everflowering begonia plants can be dug out of the ground, transplanted into pots and moved indoors. True to its name, it will still bloom on a bright windowsill. In autumn and the first half of winter, do not feed the transplanted bushes; you just make sure that the soil in the pots is slightly moist. At the end of January - beginning of February, they begin fertilizing with fertilizer for indoor plants and more abundant watering, preparing for cuttings. Shoots cut in March take root well in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1).

There are also differences in growing begonia evergreen from her tuberous sister, who needs a period of rest. After continuous summer flowering, closer to autumn, its tuber begins to enlarge. Before the onset of frost, the bushes are dug up, dried, dried shoots are cut off, and the tubers are placed in dry peat or sand and stored at a temperature of 10-12 degrees.

Read more on the website about begonia:

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