When to plant carrots in May. Planting carrots or the secrets of a productive garden bed

Planting carrot seeds in open ground in the spring is the most common way to grow a popular vegetable in a personal plot. Few gardeners sow this crop in the fall before winter.

Proper planting of carrots is the key to high productivity and excellent presentation of root crops. In 2019, favorable days are evenly distributed in April and May. In early June, it is also possible to sow; in many cases, such seedlings even surpass their earlier counterparts in terms of development.

This article will tell you how and when to plant carrots correctly in your garden plot in the spring. The time of sowing in spring largely depends on the timing of the melting of the snow cover; you can determine when to sow in the old-fashioned way. Before planting carrots in 2019, you need to wait until the snow has completely melted. Then choose a place for the garden bed. Take a handful of earth and squeeze it. If it crumbles, then you can plant carrots in open ground in the spring, but do not forget to cover the crops.

The tricks and secrets of gardeners concern not only the correct determination of the timing of these agricultural works. It is also important to be able to choose varieties, prepare the soil and planting material. There are more than 10 different ways to plant carrots correctly and avoid future difficulties with weeding and thinning. These methods can be found on this page.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar

The dates for planting carrots can be determined according to the lunar calendar for 2019 - this information is publicly available to all gardeners. Should we believe in the influence of the moon on the emergence of seedlings and the future harvest? You decide.

Approximate dates for sowing carrot seeds in open ground for different regions:

  • Ural and Siberia - late April - early May;
  • Volga region - mid-April;
  • Southern regions of Russia – mid-March;
  • Moscow region - from the beginning of April to the end of May.

The sowing time can be determined as follows. Record the time when the snow cover completely disappeared from the area. Count 7 - 10 days from this day. This is the most favorable time for planting, since the soil has already warmed up, but has not lost moisture, which will allow seedlings to emerge much faster.

Another way to determine the optimal period is to measure the soil temperature at the seeding depth. It should be +4 - +5 °. These are optimal conditions for the rapid germination of seeds covered with an ethereal shell.

Favorable days for planting carrots according to the lunar calendar for 2019 are presented in the table below:

Choosing varieties for planting

The next stage of preparation for spring work on the site is to select suitable varieties of carrots for planting in the region in accordance with climatic conditions. The first thing to consider is the division of vegetable crops into early, mid-season and late varieties.

Early varieties of carrots ripen 70–90 days after the appearance of the first shoots. They have fairly large root crops of a regularly cylindrical shape (up to 100 - 120 g). But their disadvantage is that they cannot be used for processing and long-term storage.

Popular early varieties:

  • “Tushon” - yield 2 kg per 1 m2;
  • “Children's sweetness” - the yield is up to 10 kg per m2;
  • “Nandrin” - produces a yield of 6 kg per 1 m2;
  • “Alenka” - ripens in 100 days, produces 5 kg of root crops per 1 m2.

Note! To sow a vegetable per 1 m2, 3 grams of seeds are required. This information will help you plan in advance to purchase the number of seed bags you need.

Mid-season carrot varieties for spring planting can be used for canning, eating fresh and storing in a cellar until the end of November. They do not retain their nutritional and commercial value any longer. The ripening period is 100 – 120 days.

The most popular and famous varieties:

  • “Karotel” - has a rich orange color, yield 6.5 kg/m2;
  • “Nantes” is the only medium-ripening variety that is stored until the next harvest and produces 5 kg of root crops per 1 m2;
  • “Vitaminnaya” - elongated root vegetables of regular shape, yields 7 kg/m2;
  • “Children’s” - large, shelf-stable root crops, yield 10 kg/m2.

Late varieties are suitable for winter storage. Their ripening period is 120–140 days after emergence. Most in demand:

  • “Queen of Autumn” - up to 12 kg/m2;
  • “Red Giant” - has juicy pulp, yield 10 kg/m2;
  • “Incomparable” is a large orange-colored root crop of regular shape, yields up to 14 kg/m2;
  • “Emperor” - valued for its high taste, yield is not high - up to 6 kg/m2.

When choosing varieties, be sure to plan for the future harvest, possibilities for its processing and storage. First, calculate how many early, mid-season and late-season carrots your family will need during the calendar year. Take into account potential preparations and conservation. This will allow you to avoid wasted work caring for vegetables.

Methods and methods of planting without thinning

Spring methods of planting carrots include options for mixing with bulk substances in order to avoid thickened shoots. This vegetable crop needs high levels of lighting from the moment it emerges. Therefore, you need to choose methods of planting carrots without thinning - this way you can get a richer harvest and avoid unnecessary waste of time removing excess growth. Next, we will consider the most accessible and simple sowing methods.

Ostrozhnoe - seedlings!

No matter how much you would like to get early root crops, you should refrain from planting carrot seedlings. Without a doubt, in greenhouse conditions, seedlings will appear very quickly. However, they will be damaged during transplantation. The root vegetables will turn out to be clumsy, short, and branched. They will have absolutely no commercial value.

For the same reason, you should not try to plant in a new place those seedlings that are removed during thinning.

Planting in the ground with soaked seeds

The simplest and most affordable way is to plant carrots in the ground with seeds; if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, then no tricks are required. Carrots are planted with soaked seeds, which reduces the time of germination. Read further on the page about how to properly germinate and soak planting material.

Before sowing, the seeds are dried a little. They need to be laid out very carefully, at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other. To make this easier, you can place strips of white toilet paper in the previously prepared grooves.

Landing on toilet paper

Planting carrots on toilet paper saves time during the spring harvest. Preparation for this method is carried out in winter. Before sticking carrots onto paper for planting, you do not need to soak the seed or process it in any other way. A paste is prepared from potato starch. It is poured into a bottle with a dispenser. A drop of glue is applied and a carrot seed is placed. The paper is then rolled into rolls and wrapped in cellophane to prevent moisture from entering. This can lead to premature seed germination.

During planting, beards are prepared and toilet paper is rolled out in them. The top is sprayed with a solution of growth stimulator and phytosporin. Covered with earth.

Planting carrots with sand

Sand – regular river sand, calcined or not – can make it easier to plant carrot seeds. A certain amount of seeds is mixed with it. Usually the following proportions are taken: 3 parts sand and 1 part planting material. Everything is mixed well and sown in the most usual way. Ballast material in the form of sand prevents thickened crops.

Granulated seeds

Planting carrots with pellets is not just about buying pellet seeds. Planting material can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to take a roll of dissolvable toilet paper. Pieces measuring 1.5 by 1.5 cm are prepared from it. A carrot seed is wrapped in each piece and rolled into a ball. These balls are very easy and simple to plant in open ground in the spring.

Please note that granulated seeds cannot be treated with anything. If they are purchased in a store, then the applied shell contains a supply of nutrients and growth stimulants. This layer should not be washed off before planting.

Egg cells - early harvest

And yet we have a way to get an earlier harvest. This is planting carrots in egg cells. Not just any box will do. Avoid plastic ones immediately. But those made of pressed cardboard are quite suitable. The egg cells need to be filled with soil and the required amount of carrots sown in them. Cover with cellophane. After the snow melts, they can be buried in the garden bed. Thus, the timing of obtaining an early harvest can be shifted by 1 - 2 months. You can also grow radishes, lettuce and green onions.

Planting with starch paste

Another lazy method is to plant carrots with a paste made from potato starch. For 1 liter of water take 3 tablespoons of starch. It is poured into boiling water and mixed thoroughly. The required amount of carrot seeds is poured into the cooled paste. You need to pour everything into a plastic container with a dispenser and shake thoroughly. The seeds will be distributed according to the starch, and the carrots will be planted without thickened shoots.

If you have your own special methods, share them in the comments to this article.

Preparing seeds: do they need to be soaked?

You need to prepare carrot seeds for planting in advance, approximately 35 - 40 days before sowing. The first most important stage is stratification. With winter sowing, this problem is solved naturally. For spring sowing, you need to put the seed bags in the refrigerator 2 months before planting. There they will undergo sufficient stratification, which will increase their resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Do I need to soak carrot seeds before planting and if so, in what solution? Since this culture has a large supply of essential oils, the shell of its seeds is difficult to dissolve and penetrate moisture. Therefore, soaking carrot seeds before planting is an extremely desirable procedure. This can be done even in plain hot water (temperature no higher than + 40 °).

Other solutions for treating carrot seeds before planting:

  • “Zircon” and “Epin”, 10 drops per 200 ml of warm water, immersion time up to 40 minutes;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide – 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of warm water, immersion time 25 minutes;
  • 40% ethyl alcohol (vodka) – immersion time 30 minutes;
  • A mixture of aloe juice and iodine - 15 drops per 200 ml of water, immersion time 10 minutes.

Before germinating carrots before planting, you need to make sure that you can sow them in open ground within the scheduled time frame. The easiest way to germinate carrots before planting is to wrap them in a cloth, moisten them with water and wrap them in plastic wrap and place them in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 days. Then take it out and put it next to the radiator. Germination time – 20 days. After the sprouts appear, replanting should not be allowed.

The second known method: after the snow melts, you need to bury the carrot seeds, transferred into a canvas bag, to the depth of a bayonet shovel for 20 - 25 days. After this period of time has passed, they are ready for planting. In this case, shoots appear after 5 days.

Preparing the soil in the garden bed

The soil for planting carrots should be loose, rich in organic fertilizers and well structured. Root crops develop best in sandstones and loams. For sowing, you can make high beds - this allows you to get aligned large root crops.

Preparing the soil for planting carrots ideally begins in the fall. The soil is dug up and rotted compost or humus from manure is added to it. In the spring, before planting carrots, black plastic film is laid on the beds. It ensures stable heating of the soil over several sunny days and retains moisture in it. You cannot sow carrots immediately after digging, since loose soil will contribute to uneven germination. The soil for planting carrots should shrink within a week.

When planting in the spring, it is necessary to apply fertilizers for carrots; these can be mineral and organic complexes. It is necessary to exclude the ingress of fresh manure, since it contains a large amount of nitrogen. This trace element in excess amounts causes cracking and branching of root crops.

What fertilizer should be added to the soil when planting carrots per 1 m2:

  • dolomite flour 100 – 150 gr. depending on the degree of soil acidification;
  • wood ash – 100 g;
  • potassium superphosphate 15 g;
  • carbamide (urea) 5 g;
  • azofoska 5 gr.;
  • rotted compost or manure - 1 bucket of 10 liters.

All this should be carefully distributed over the surface of the ridge and mixed with the soil.

Scheme for planting carrots in open ground

The scheme used for planting carrots in open ground depends on the selected variety, the lighting conditions of the site and a number of other factors. Usually the distance between the rows is left 20 - 25 cm. When planting carrots, the distance between the seeds should be 0.5 cm. It is not worth spreading the planting material more rarely. Then thinning is carried out at a distance of 2 cm from one seedling to another. Repeated thinning leaves a distance of 4 cm.

The depth of planting carrots should not exceed 1 cm. Optimally - 0.5 cm. But, if there is a threat of seeds being washed away or blown away by the wind, then the depth can be increased to 1.5 cm.

After planting carrots, the bed must be covered with non-woven material that allows water to pass through. In the first 7 days, the top of the crops can also be covered with light-proof black film. Optimal conditions for seed germination will be created under it. Watering is carried out after the seeds are laid out in grooves and sprinkled with soil on top. To plant seeds in the furrows, you can use humus or sand. The rows will be so clearly visible, which will simplify the fight against growing weeds.

Mulching of seedlings begins when the second true leaf appears. Until this point, only loosening can be done.

Look at the photo of planting carrots after the first shoots appear:

Compact plantings - space saving

To save space on a personal plot, it is advisable to use compacted plantings. This allows you to get a double harvest from every m2.

Joint planting of carrots with radishes (for early ripening varieties), onions (biological protection against onion and carrot flies), dill, lettuce, and parsley is practiced.

When planting densely, be sure to leave enough space for the full development of root crops. The distance to the radish crops can be 10 cm. But to plant onion sets, you will need to leave row spacing between the carrot crops of 30 cm.

Experienced gardeners give the following tips and recommendations for organizing the care of carrots after the crop has sprouted:

  1. remove all protective coverings immediately after the emergence of seedlings (if this is not done on time, the seedlings will be pampered and burn in the sun);
  2. water every other day in the evening until a root crop with a diameter of 1 cm is formed;
  3. then stop watering - this will stimulate the growth of the root crop deeper into the soil;
  4. Apply complex mineral fertilizers in liquid form once a week;
  5. Once every 2 weeks, carry out root feeding with a diluted solution of mullein or nettle infusions;
  6. mulch the soil once a week;
  7. loosening should be carried out only during the first month, then it is not worth it, since too loose soil will provoke the appearance of ugly fruits.

The fight against diseases and pests is to avoid dense crops and carry out thorough pre-sowing soil preparation. The addition of dolomite flour disinfects the soil. To combat carrot fly larvae and wireworms, chemicals should be used at the first signs of insects. Against slugs, scatter metaldehyde granules at intervals of 20 days. If signs of fungal infections appear (usually in cold, rainy summers), treat twice with Bordeaux mixture or phytosporin.

Harvesting and storage

Carrot harvesting is carried out in several stages. Starting from mid-August, it is advisable to remove early varieties from the ridge to avoid cracking. From the beginning of September, harvesting of mid-season varieties begins. Late varieties of carrots grow in the ground until the first snow. After it has fallen and melted, you need to wait for warm days and dig up the crop. After briefly drying for 2-3 days, the carrots are packaged and sent for storage.

If the varieties are selected correctly, it is possible to store carrots throughout the winter in a basement in plastic bags. You can also use boxes with calcined sand.

For spring and summer consumption, carrots are dug. To do this, you need to dig a hole up to 70 cm deep. Install a net against mice and moles in it. Place the root crops and fill up to 40 cm with scrap soil. These carrots are no different in taste in the spring from freshly dug carrots.
The video shows the agricultural technology of sowing carrots with seeds in the ground in the spring so that there are no weeds and unnecessary seedlings:

Carrots are a very healthy and nutritious root vegetable. It is widely used in the preparation of various dishes and culinary delights, as well as juices. In addition, carrots contain a large amount of microelements and vitamins (including carotene). It is especially useful for the growth and development of children.

To grow a rich harvest of beautiful and even carrots, you need to know when and how to properly sow seeds in the ground, as well as how to properly care for the seedlings.

Next, you will be presented with all the detailed information about planting carrots in the spring, namely: sowing dates, methods of seed treatment, choosing a location and preparing a bed and, of course, correct sowing, as well as many other useful nuances of growing root vegetables.

When to plant carrots in spring

Planting a vegetable crop depends on four factors. Among them:

· Gardener preferences;

· Geographical region;

· Moon calendar.

When to plant carrots according to the lunar calendar in 2019

The lunar calendar will help you decide when to plant carrots in the spring, in what month. According to the lunar calendar, in 2019 the following days are ideal for sowing carrots:

· in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;

· in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;

· in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;

In addition to prosperous days, there are also days when it is extremely undesirable to carry out planting work (full and new moon periods).

So, according to the lunar calendar, the unfavorable days for planting carrots in 2019 are the following dates:

· in March - 6, 7, 21;

· in April - 5, 19;

· in May - 5, 19;

· in June - 3, 4, 17;

· in July - 2, 3, 17.

Processing carrot seeds

Seed treatment must be done in advance so that the deadlines for sowing carrots in open ground in the spring are met.

You can choose one of several methods, taking into account your own experience, free time and available materials:

Soaking in clean water. For this treatment of carrot seeds, water at a temperature of 30 C is used. The seeds are immersed in a container, filled with water and kept for 24 hours, changing the liquid at least 6 times during this time. At the end, you need to keep the seeds in the refrigerator for several days, after wrapping them in a clean, light cotton cloth.

Soaking in ash solution. If you want to feed the grains a little, then take not ordinary water, but mixed with ash in the proportion of 1 liter to 1 tablespoon. After soaking, rinse the seeds with clean water, wrap them in a cloth and keep them in the refrigerator for several days.

Hardening. Select a fabric bag of a size suitable for your volume of seeds, fill it with grains, and place it in open ground for 10 days at the depth of a spade bayonet.

Bubbling. This method of treating seeds before planting carrots in open ground is more suitable for experienced farmers who have a special apparatus - a bubbler. The seeds are kept in a Silka or Epin solution for 18-20 hours - this time is enough to saturate the planting material with oxygen.

Preparing a place for planting carrots in spring

Planting carrots in the spring requires proper selection and preparation of the site. This crop feels best on well-lit soil, so the beds need to be laid out where the sun will shine on them all the time. Pay attention to what grew in this area last year. Carrots should not be planted after celery, parsley, dill and parsnips. The best predecessors are tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbage, and garlic.

The soil for carrots should be loose. Otherwise, large piles of soil and crust will lead to deformation of the root crops. Land preparation must be carried out in the fall.

When digging a garden, it is customary to add humus and wood ash to the soil. Never use fresh manure. It will attract pests and can damage root crops. You should be careful with nitrogen fertilizers.

Varieties for planting carrots in spring

There are several hundred different varieties of carrots. At the same time, breeders do not stop working to improve the root crop. When planting, you need to focus on the selected variety. Usually the optimal planting time is indicated on the seed bag. Varieties are divided into three types:

1. Early;

2. Average;

3. Late.

The early ones are planted 2 weeks after the snow melts, when the average air temperature is +6...+12 degrees. The ripening period for early carrots is 2 months. The orange vegetable can be harvested in June-July.

Medium varieties ripen 3 months after planting. They are usually sown in the spring after warm weather sets in or in the summer. This root vegetable is suitable for storage. Medium varieties, which are characterized by frost resistance, are sown before winter.

Late varieties are planted in early June. They are mainly intended for storage in the cellar. The growing season is 4 months. The harvest takes place in the fall, in central Russia - in October.

When to plant carrots in open ground in spring?

The timing of sowing carrots in open ground may differ slightly, depending on whether you have chosen an early, mid-season or late variety. As for weather conditions, a temperature of only 4-6C is sufficient for the germination of this vegetable from seeds.

At the same time, carrot grains are not afraid of night drops down to -4C. That is, as soon as the daily temperature regime has settled within positive values ​​and the earth has warmed up a little, you can safely begin to design the beds.

Important! Check the weather forecast for the coming weeks before cultivating your garden. It is better to sow carrots when prolonged rains are expected.

  1. Starting from April 20 and until the end of the first week of May, late and mid-season varieties can be sown.
  2. If the soil is of medium density, you can slightly delay the process until the second week of May; if it is light, even if planted at the end of May, you will get the harvest on time.

Options for sowing carrot seeds and their effectiveness

There are several options for sowing carrots that give the best harvest.

Method of planting carrots on tape

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make grooves and water them with water.
  2. Prepare a ribbon of toilet paper.
  3. Make a paste from starch (dilute starch in warm water to a sticky consistency).
  4. Coat the paper with paste.
  5. Place the seeds at a distance of 3–5 cm from each other.
  6. Place the ribbons in the grooves and sprinkle with soil.

The method is suitable for beginner gardeners. The yield is good, since the seeds are located at the right distance and do not interfere with each other’s growth.

Galina Kizima method

This planting option is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of effort, as well as for older people. The bottom line is that there is no need to make furrows or loosen the soil.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Stir 3 tbsp in a bucket of dry sand. l. seeds

2. Create a carrot bed without grooves.

3. Sow sand with seeds.

4. Pour in a small amount of water and sprinkle with soil.

Experienced farmers note the high effectiveness of the method with low expenditure of effort and energy.

Caring for carrots

Gardeners try to plant seeds less frequently, but also insure themselves in case half of the seed material does not sprout. The first thing you need to do after the sprouts hatch, grow 2 or 3 cm and have 2 pairs of leaves? Thin them out by tearing out and discarding excess plants and optimally, so that the distance from sprout to sprout is 2 times their size.

The ground will need to be loosened, dug up and weeds removed, which can cause diseases of cultivated plants. The gardener must remember to regularly water the plants abundantly and reap a rich harvest.

A simple way to plant carrots in the garden

I plant carrots in a regular bed, forming it in the spring after plowing the garden. The width of the bed is about 80 cm, any length depending on the layout of the garden.

The day before planting carrots, I water the garden bed well to keep the soil moist. Soil moisture is very important for successful germination.

I should immediately note that I process my carrot seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate. I do not process purchased seeds, since they have already been subjected to a similar procedure.

To make it easier to plant carrot seeds, I powder them with starch. This way, the planted seeds will be clearly visible on the black soil.

In addition, I make some kind of markings in the garden bed. To do this, I lay out a regular tape measure along the edge of the bed. I sow carrots every five centimeters. Instead of a tape measure, you can use a box of matches, but this process will take a little longer than with a tape measure.

This simple and convenient method allows you to plant carrots so that you do not need to thin them in the future. However, if there are doubts about the quality of the seeds, then carrots can be planted every 3-3.5 centimeters.

After this, I sprinkle the rows with the planted carrot seeds with soil, pour them again from a watering can with a nozzle and cover them with film or agrospan. This allows you to create a favorable microclimate for friendly shoots.

Tips for Growing Carrots

  1. When the seeds are planted, cover the beds with film. This manipulation will help to get quick shoots. Dry seed should not be planted in dry soil. Both need to be soaked in water.
  2. A good harvest can be obtained with careful mulching and loosening of the soil.

To ensure that large, regularly shaped root crops are formed in the row in the future, do not forget to thin out the ridges in places where the seeds have sprouted too densely.

Carrots are an easy to grow, delicious raw and cooked vegetable rich in valuable microelements. It is widely used in ordinary dishes and culinary delights, and children's juices. Carrots contain a large amount of vitamins (such as carotene or vitamin A). And every gardener, even a beginner, will be able to grow it, having studied even superficially the recommendations collected below.

To grow a rich harvest of beautiful and even carrots, you need to know when and how to properly sow seeds in the ground, as well as how to properly care for the seedlings.

Next, you will be presented with all the detailed information about planting carrots in the spring, namely: sowing dates, methods of seed treatment, choosing a location and preparing a bed and, of course, correct sowing, as well as many other useful nuances of growing root vegetables.

When to plant carrot seeds in open ground

Planting carrots with seeds must be done directly in open ground.

Carrots are not grown through seedlings! If you first plant the planting material in seedling cups and then plant them in the ground, you are guaranteed to damage the young root crops and they will grow crooked.

As a rule, carrots are sown in the spring, although it is allowed and very much encouraged winter sowing.

When to plant carrots in open ground in the spring?

Each gardener has his own experience and is guided by accumulated knowledge when choosing the optimal timing for planting carrots in the spring. Some adhere to recommendations for rooting seedlings according to the advice of manufacturers, others track favorable days according to the lunar calendar. But the best thing to do when choosing when to plant carrots in open ground in the spring is to navigate to the weather conditions of that climate zone, in which your dacha or garden is located.

Carrots are not afraid of slight spring frosts, so if you sow them in early spring and the temperature will drop, she will be able to withstand a slight cold snap (up to - 3 degrees). However, such root crops most likely will not be stored for a long time, because low temperatures will lead to the growth of flower shoots and will significantly reduce its shelf life.

Important! There is no need to keep carrot seeds in the ground for a long period, planting them very early. Seedlings tend to rot, rot, or not germinate in such conditions (seed germination temperature is 4.. 6 degrees).

Thus, the optimal temperature for sowing carrot seeds in open ground is 4.. 6 degrees (or less, but the seeds will sprout only when the soil warms up to the above values).

Depending on region and climate

To select the optimal timing for sowing carrots in the spring in different regions, it is recommended to focus on weather conditions (climatic features).

Thus, in the South of Russia, orange root crops are sown in the ground much earlier than in the Middle Zone (Moscow region), North-West (Leningrad Region), and even more so in the Urals and Siberia.

For example, sowing carrots in open ground in the south of Russia carried out almost immediately after the snow melts, that is, already in the second half of March - early April.

By the way! To obtain the earliest harvest, carrots are planted in the fall before winter or in early spring (April). But for the purpose of long-term storage, this is usually done later, i.e. somewhere in May-early June.

In the middle zone (Moscow region) sowing is recommended late April-early May.

In the Urals and Siberia work on sowing carrots should be carried out no earlier than May. Around the same time, carrots are planted and in the North-West (in the Leningrad region).

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

The lunar calendar will help you decide when to plant carrots in the spring, in what month.

According to the lunar calendar, in 2019 for sowing carrots The following days are ideal:

  • in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.

In addition to prosperous days, there are also days when it is extremely undesirable to carry out planting work (full and new moon periods).

So, unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar, The dates for planting carrots in 2019 are:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

After which crops is it better to plant carrots?

As you know, previous crops play an important role when choosing a site for planting any vegetables (of course, except for green manure).

So after what (which crops) is it best to plant carrots?

There is a sufficient number of vegetable crops, after which the area is most favorable for the red-haired beauty, namely this:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumber;
  • white and cauliflower cabbage;
  • garlic.

Important! Carrot do not plant only after celery and parsnips. And of course after the carrot itself.

Joint landing

Carrots are often grown in the same bed with other crops. So, it is often planted together with parsley, radishes, peas, and lettuce.

I especially often plant carrots together with onion sets or leeks.

For example, you can alternate rows of carrots and onions, or, alternatively, plant onions around the perimeter of the carrot bed.

Thus, onions and carrots are ideal mutually beneficial neighbors: onions repel the carrot fly, and carrots, in turn, repel the onion fly.

However, you should not plant them interspersed or too close to each other, because onions grow much faster and can simply crush carrots. In addition, it will be very inconvenient to thin it out. Carrots also require much more frequent watering than onions.

Video: planting onions and carrots together

Similar to onions, they have a similar repellent effect marigold, which you can also plant around the perimeter of the bed.

Interesting! Sometimes carrots and radishes planted together, mixing seeds. This way, after you pull up and eat all the radishes, there will be enough space between the shoots, which means you won't have to thin out the carrots.

How to plant carrots with seeds in open ground

In order to properly plant carrots in open ground with seeds, before planting, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the important information on preparing seeds and the requirements for soil quality. You need to know how to sow carrot seeds correctly in the spring so that they germinate quickly and well. And also fulfill the necessary conditions for planting, covering seeds and caring for them after sowing.

Seed preparation

Carrot seeds usually sit for quite a long time before sprouting (up to 3 weeks). The fact is that the essential oils they contain prevent their swelling and prolong germination and, as a consequence, germination. Therefore, to speed up their germination, the seeds must be soaked (to wash away the essential oils).

By the way! The germination rate of carrot seeds remains at a high level (50-70%) for 3-4 years. Yes, compared to other seeds, the germination rate of carrots is quite low.

Important! If you bought coated, granulated or glazed carrot seeds, then such seed will not require any additional preparation. They are already processed and covered with a special nutritious coating. Such seeds must be sown dry so as not to wash off the protective film.

Therefore, to accelerate the germination of carrot seeds, the following methods are used to prepare (process) them for sowing:

  • heat treatment or soaking in a gauze bag in hot water(50-60 degrees) for 20 minutes, and then cool in cold water;

However! Many people advise soaking the seeds in hot water for 24 hours, washing the water as it cools and becomes saturated with essential oils.

  • you can also soak the seeds in one of growth stimulants, for example, in Epin or Zircon (according to instructions);

After soaking, the seeds must be dried to a free-flowing state so that they do not stick during sowing.

  • bubbling seeds;

Advice! More details about bubbling seeds you can read for example: in this article (paragraph on bubbling seeds).

  • Old-fashioned way. Dry carrot seeds are poured into a canvas or linen, in other words, fabric bag and buried in early spring in damp soil on the bayonet of a shovel (25-30 cm). The earth at this moment is quite wet, not warmed up and cold. It is recommended to keep the planting material in this form for 2 weeks. Thanks to this procedure, the seedlings will swell and also undergo natural stratification (as with winter sowing), which will have a beneficial effect on their immunity. Before the scheduled date of planting, the bag of seeds must be removed from the ground. Then place the seeds on paper or cloth to dry. And then sow it into the ground.

Video: preparing carrot seeds for sowing

There is also a rather unusual, but very effective way to improve the germination of carrot seeds. To do this, they need to be poured into a bag and immersed for 20-25 minutes(not for a day or an hour!) into vodka. Then rub the bag of seeds with your fingers, periodically dipping it into vodka until a dirty yellowish color and a disgusting smell appear. Next, this bag needs to be washed in running water, also rubbing with your fingers, and poured onto paper to dry.

Video: increasing the germination of seeds of umbrella crops, including carrots

Choosing a place for a garden bed

First of all, you need to choose optimal place for placing a carrot bed in the garden. As you know, carrots are sunny vegetable, so it should only be planted in open areas so that she spends the whole day under the sun's rays.

Even slight shading significantly retards the growth of root crops, and as a result they become small.

In general, it is ideal if it is a warm (high) bed.

An orange root vegetable will do best on light and loose soils. Ideally, it will be cultivated and fertile loamy, sandy loam or peaty soil. As for her acidity, then she must be neutral or slightly acidic(6.3-7.5 pH).

Note! If the soil is too dense, the carrots may growbranched (horned).

Preparing the bed

For spring sowing of carrots, you should in advance, preferably back in the fall, prepare the bed.

During the preparation of the intended area, it is necessary to dig up the bed (on the bayonet of a shovel = 25 cm) and add more humus and rotted compost(1 bucket per 1 sq.m.), and also wood ash and bone meal(100-200 grams per 1 sq.m.). If you allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then it is advisable to add 10-15 grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate(potassium sulfate).

If you have very heavy soil, then be sure to also add about 1/2 a bucket of river sand and peat (per 1 sq.m. bed).

When preparing the beds, it is imperative remove all weeds and carefully select all large pebbles.

As you know, carrots does not tolerate fresh manure and lime.

Note! If you sow carrots in a bed previously fertilized with fresh manure (even in the fall), then the root crops can grow ugly (clumsy).

And already in the spring, a couple of weeks before sowing the seeds in the ground, if you prepared the bed in the fall, you do not need to dig up the soil (if you are preparing in the spring, then this is simply necessary and just 2 weeks in advance), you only need to carefully level the surface of the soil, and also break up large lumps of earth.

If you allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then it is also advisable to add 10-15 grams of urea (urea) per 1 sq.m. beds.

Direct landing (classic method)

Advice! For planting, it is optimal to choose a day when The weather will be warm and calm (no wind).

Step-by-step instructions for the classic sowing of carrot seeds in open ground:

  • A week before sowing the seeds, generously water the future carrot bed with hot water (even better with the addition of Fitosporina), and then cover with plastic wrap to retain moisture and improve heating.

  • Immediately before sowing, make furrows 2-3 cm deep, cutting them at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Deeper sowing of carrots will noticeably delay the emergence of seedlings, but, on the contrary, shallower sowing can cause the death of sprouted seeds.

A distance of 15-20 cm is enough so that the rows of carrots do not shade each other.

  • Next, moisten the grooves with hot water or a warm solution of potassium permanganate, or even better, a solution Fitosporina.

  • Then the grooves should be lightly powdered with wood ash (potassium fertilizer) and tobacco dust (from pests).
  • Next, spread the seeds at a distance of at least 1 cm from each other, and preferably 2-3 cm.

Do not thicken the crops too much, because... you will need to thin them out more.

  • That's it, all you have to do is fill the furrows with fertile soil and compact them to improve seed-to-soil contact. If desired, you can also mulch with peat chips.
  • In order for the soil to remain moist longer, to retain heat, and therefore for the seeds to germinate faster (seedlings appear), the bed should be replanted cover with film, or even better with spunbond, because it may be too hot under the film and the seedlings may burn.

Attention! After the first shoots appear, all cover must be promptly removed (after about 7-14 days, if you previously soaked the seeds). Otherwise, an excessively humid environment may cause the tender sprouts to rot.

Video: how to sow carrots correctly

Other unusual ways and methods of planting seeds

There are several interesting ways to plant carrots in spring:

The essence of almost all methods comes down to sowing the seeds as evenly as possible, so that later there is no need for much thinning.

  • direct sowing dry seeds in the furrows (the easiest way);
  • sowing dry seeds with sand(1 part of seeds is mixed with 5 or 10 parts of sand);
  • sowing seeds with tobacco and/or mustard dust(additional protection against carrot pests);
  • sowing sprouted seeds(at first, the soil in the garden bed must be constantly moist, otherwise the seedlings may die);
  • sowing coated (processed) seeds (everything is the same as dry seeds);

  • sowing using jelly.

Sowing using jelly (starch, paste)

Many gardeners call this method (jelly) the best of all known.

Using this method, you can sow both soaked seeds and those that have already hatched, without any fear of damaging the sprouts.

The essence of planting carrots using this method is as follows:

  • First you need to prepare starch jelly (paste). First of all, 2 tbsp. Dissolve tablespoons of starch in 0.2 liters of water at room temperature, while simultaneously placing 0.8 liters of water on the fire. When it boils, pour in the resulting solution, and then stir continuously (so that there are no lumps) for 2-3 minutes until it boils. Next, turn off the gas and set it to cool.
  • Prepare the seeds.

By the way! You can take pre-soaked (treated) seeds, or even better, so that they have already begun to hatch.

  • Then fill a 2 liter bottle with the resulting jelly (paste), add seeds into it (about 2 grams or 1 tablespoon of seeds per 1 liter, i.e. 4 grams or 2 tablespoons per 2 liters) and mix thoroughly (shake) .

Alternatively, for convenience and to increase the sowing speed, it is better to use bottles with a fairly rigid wall, for example, from milk or kefir (or even better, ketchup or dishwashing detergent, the neck is more convenient there). Then, in the bottle cap (if you take a bottle), you can make a hole into which you can tightly insert or screw a plastic tube (the body of a simple ballpoint pen, but without a sharp tip).

  • It is enough to quickly pour a thin stream of jelly with seeds into the groove from beginning to end, squeezing the bottle (pressing the walls).

Practice beforehand to adjust the speed and flow in advance to ensure proper seed distribution.

Video: a clever way to plant carrots without thinning (using paste)

You can also use a special manual vegetable seeder (planter), which is sold at any garden store.

Planting with tape

Perhaps the most popular way to sow carrots is to plant using tape(paper strips, for example, the same toilet paper).

You need to glue the carrot seeds onto the paper strips at the appropriate distance, and then simply place the seed strips in the grooves and fill them with soil.

Video: technology for planting carrot seeds on paper tape (toilet paper) in open ground

By the way! Now on sale you can find ready-made tapes with carrot seeds glued on. Moreover, they are by no means much more expensive than ordinary seeds.

Thus, you just need to choose the method you like most, or don’t invent anything and stick to the classics.

Video: 10 different (most popular) ways to plant carrots

There is also a rather clever way of planting carrots in egg trays, thanks to which two problems disappear at once: thinning and weeding. However, according to reviews from experienced gardeners, this method does not give the desired yield; the root crops are too small.

Video: a simple way to plant carrots in egg cells

How to care for carrots after planting

Of course, in order to get a good carrot harvest, you need not only to sow the seeds correctly, but also to carry out competent and comprehensive care for the seedlings and growing root crops in the future.

Video: agricultural technology for growing carrots

Watering and humidity

Carrots are very demanding of moisture.

In case of improper watering, carrots grow deformed (crooked) and with a large number of very thin roots throughout the root crop.

It is very important to regularly water carrots at the beginning of growth, when the plant still has a weak root system (that is, at this time it extracts water from the soil quite weakly and spends a lot on evaporation).

When the plant has a sufficiently developed root system, it will no longer need frequent watering.

Advice! Carrots respond well to fine-drip watering.

When there is about a month left before harvesting, watering can be stopped, since carrots tolerate a temporary lack of moisture better than others. With a developed root system, it extracts water well and uses it sparingly.

Note! Detailed information about how to water carrot beds correctly, you can get by reading this article.

Video: how to properly water carrots after planting

Top dressing

All nutrients (fertilizers) should be added before directly planting carrot seeds in the soil. The application of fertilizers (especially nitrogen) during the growing season can only provoke an increased accumulation of nitrates in root crops.

Worth knowing! Magnesium fertilizers can increase the carotene content in fruits.

Loosening and weeding

Carrots are very responsive to loosening the soil, because thanks to this procedure oxygen flows (penetrates) better to the roots, which is what we need for the development of a good root crop.

It is also very important to carefully weed the beds, ridding them from weeds.

Video: how to get a good carrot harvest - how to water, whether to feed, when to thin


Thinning must be carried out in case of severe thickening. However, you should not wait for the root crop to set. Otherwise, you may simply damage nearby root crops, which will lead to plant deformations and loss of quality appearance.

By the way! More detailed information about the timing and methods of thinning carrots you will find In this article.

Video: how to properly thin carrots

Diseases and pests of carrots

Important! The root crop is very often subject to deformation and becomes gnarled and horned. About, why does this happen and how to avoid it, You can find out from this material.

As mentioned earlier, in order to scare away carrot flies from carrot plantings, you can plant onion.

Important! In general, about how to effectively fight carrot flies in the garden read here.

When to harvest carrots and how to store them

Note! The site already has an article about how to determine when to harvest carrots, and also about ways to store it fresh at home.

Thus, knowing all the basic rules and recommendations, even a novice summer resident will not have difficulty planting carrot seeds in open ground in the spring. The main thing is to prepare the bed, soak the seeds and decide on the sowing method. Of course, in order to get a good harvest, you will also need to take care of the seedlings, as well as dig up the crop from the garden on time. Well, what did you want? Good luck!

Video: how to plant carrots in open ground with seeds - planting subtleties

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Planting a vegetable crop depends on four factors. Among them:

  • Gardener preferences;
  • Variety;
  • Geographical region;
  • Moon calendar.

Gardener's preferences

Carrots can be sown in spring, summer, and autumn. If a gardener prefers to get an early harvest that can be harvested in June, then the option of planting before winter is suitable for him. The main advice in this case is to have time to plant the seeds 7-10 days before prolonged frosts. For example, in the Moscow region this can be done in the last week of October or a little later.

When to plant carrots in spring? If you believe folk superstitions, the best time to plant carrots in open ground is after the aspen tree begins to bloom. You can navigate along the birch tree. If its leaves have blossomed, carrots can be sown. It is at this time that the earth warms up to +6...+9 degrees. The daily air temperature is not lower than +8 degrees. Planting must be completed 10-15 days before the bird cherry blossoms. It often happens that as soon as the flowers bloom on the bird cherry tree, a cold snap begins. Carrots can cope with this without problems only if they are already rooted.

Summer planting takes place approximately in June. Carrots planted in summer are suitable for long-term storage. Such root crops can remain in the cellar for about 7-9 months.

Note! The benefit of carrots is that they contain a large amount of vitamins: A, C, E, PP, group B. This root vegetable is necessary for growth, increasing brain activity, and enhancing immunity.


There are several hundred different varieties of carrots. At the same time, breeders do not stop working to improve the root crop. When planting, you need to focus on the selected variety. Usually the optimal planting time is indicated on the seed bag. Varieties are divided into three types:

  1. Early;
  2. Average;
  3. Late.

The early ones are planted 2 weeks after the snow melts, when the average air temperature is +6...+12 degrees. The ripening period for early carrots is 2 months. The orange vegetable can be harvested in June-July.

Early carrot variety Karotel Parizhskaya

Medium varieties ripen 3 months after planting. They are usually sown in the spring after warm weather sets in or in the summer. This root vegetable is suitable for storage. Medium varieties, which are characterized by frost resistance, are sown before winter.

Late varieties are planted in early June. They are mainly intended for storage in the cellar. The growing season is 4 months. The harvest takes place in the fall, in central Russia - in October.

Geographical region

When planting carrots, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region in which the gardener lives.

Central Russia is characterized by an unstable spring. The snow melts at the end of March-April. But even after the harvest there are frosts. It is best to organize planting in the last ten days of April. It is at this time that aspen blooms and birch trees bloom in the Moscow region and other regions of the central part of the country. Summer planting is organized in June, autumn planting - at the end of October - the first ten days of November. You can plant early, middle, and late varieties.

Climate in central Russia

In the Urals, the snow melts in mid-late April. Spring, just like in the center, can be unpredictable. Cool weather with rain may persist until early summer. Usually in the Perm Territory, Izhevsk, Orenburg, Magnitogorsk and other cities, carrots begin to be planted in May. Summer planting takes place in June, autumn planting in October. All varieties of carrots are planted in this geographic region.

Siberia, with its short summer, is ideal for planting mid-season varieties. They are planted as soon as it gets significantly warmer outside. A suitable month is May. The air and soil at this time warm up to +8...+10 degrees. Mid-season carrots are not afraid of a short summer. Its growing season does not last long. Three months is enough for her to produce a high-quality harvest.

Climate in Siberia

The southern district of our country is characterized by short winters without stable snow cover. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory there is no snow already in February. You can start sowing carrots in early to mid-March, depending on the weather. Carrots are a moisture-loving crop, so in the southern regions you cannot delay planting, otherwise the soil will become too dry and the carrots may simply not sprout. However, summer planting of carrots is allowed. It takes place in May. In this case, the carrot bed is constantly moistened. Planting before winter begins at the end of November. Both early, mid-season and late varieties are suitable for planting in the south.

Moon calendar

The lunar sowing calendar will help determine the best time for planting carrots. It is compiled taking into account the phases of the Earth's satellite. It is believed that it is the lunar phases and quarters that influence the rhythms of garden crops. If you organize planting according to this guide, you can increase the yield. However, before choosing a favorable day on the calendar, it is worth taking into account the climatic features of the region, the weather outside the window, and the type of crop.

Lunar sowing calendar for 2018

How to plant carrots in spring correctly

Planting carrots in spring, sowing, when to sow, how to plant correctly? Planting carrots is not difficult. An experienced gardener and a beginner can handle it. To get juicy root vegetables in large quantities, you need to know how to plant carrots correctly. Agricultural technology for cultivating carrots consists of the following stages:

  • Choosing a location;
  • Soil cultivation and preparation;
  • Preparatory work with seeds;
  • Distance between seeds;
  • Sowing.

Selecting a location

A bed for root crops is selected in the central part of the site. It should be well lit by sunlight. Without the proper amount of sun, carrots will become frail, their tops will become stunted, and their roots will become thin. It is better if the ground in this place is flat, without slope.

Place for planting carrots

Carrots prefer neutral, loose soil. The culture develops well in loamy soil with a sufficient amount of sand. Acidic and alkaline soil is absolutely not suitable for it.

A good carrot harvest can be obtained if peas, radishes, and tomatoes are grown next to it. These cultures do not oppress, but, on the contrary, positively influence each other.

Important! Better predecessors: cabbage, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes. Bad predecessors: dill, parsley. It is not recommended to plant carrots in the same bed in which they grew last year.

Soil treatment and preparation

It is best to prepare a bed for carrots 6-9 months before sowing carrots. If sowing is planned in the spring months, then the area is cultivated in the fall. The bed is dug to a depth of 20-40 cm. All weeds, stones, and foreign objects are removed from the ground.

carrot bed

Peat, sand, and sawdust are added to heavy loam. This way the soil will become more loose and airy. Carrots love fertile soil. 4-5 kg ​​of humus is added per 1 square meter.

In order to deoxidize the soil and bring the pH value closer to 6 pH, dolomite flour and chalk are added at the rate of 1 cup per 1 square meter.

In the spring, fertilizers are laid out on the garden bed: potassium sulfate, urea, granulated superphosphate. Take 15-25 grams of each substance per 1 square meter. The bed is dug well so that the fertilizers are at a depth of 10-20 cm. Then it is harrowed with a rake. After 1 week, carrots can be planted in the garden bed.

Preparatory work with seeds

Coated seeds in the form of granules, industrial seed tapes can be planted immediately. They do not need pre-sowing preparation. It is better to prepare ordinary seeds; this will take 3-4 days.

  • First, you should pour the seeds into a plate and inspect them. The marriage is removed;
  • The seed is placed in warm water for half a day. If after this period some seeds float, they should be thrown away. They will not sprout;
  • Seeds are placed on cotton wool or gauze. The cloth or cotton wool is well moistened with water. It is necessary to keep the material in a humid environment for 3 days. The gauze is watered as necessary. After three days, the seeds should swell. They will sprout roots. They are ready to land.

Distance between seeds

Carrot seeds are very small. It is difficult to plant such grains separately. Often the seeds are simply sown in a trickle all together into the furrow. Then they need to be thinned out. You can try placing 1 seed per trench. Then the recommended distance between them is 3-4 cm.

In order not to thin out the seedlings, gardeners use a trick. There are several options for planting carrots in such a way that some of the bushes do not have to be pulled out. For example, the use of granulated seeds. They have a thick coating of nutrients and are much larger than regular seeds. Planting such material does not cause problems. This planting method is the fastest.

Distance between carrot seeds

A popular method is planting in egg cells. Take cardboard egg boxes and place them on the garden bed. Each cell is covered with earth, but before that the bottom is cut out. 1 seed is placed in one cell.

You can prepare ribbons of toilet paper with seeds in advance. Toilet paper is cut into strips 2-3 cm wide and a meter long. A paste is made from flour or starch. Drops of paste are applied to the tapes. Seeds are placed in them. The distance between them should be about 3-5 cm. After the paste has dried, the tapes are put away in a dry place or taken to plant.

Sowing scheme

In order to sow carrots correctly, you need to follow some rules. It's worth waiting for a good day. When there is windless, dry weather outside, furrows are made in the garden bed, 2-3 cm deep. The distance between the furrows is 10-20 cm. The holes are watered with hot water. Each furrow is filled with fly ash. Next, the seeds are sown there. Planting depth is 2 cm. Sprinkle the material with loose soil carefully.

If some of the seed has not sprouted, the seeds can be sown after the sprouts appear.

Planting before winter

How to plant carrots in the fall? When planting before winter, the sowing pattern is similar to the spring one. Only the seeds are deepened into the ground by 3-4 cm. The seed must be dry. He doesn't need any preparation. Afterwards the bed is mulched. Sawdust and hay will do. You can additionally lay spruce branches on top of the mulch.


Growing orange root vegetables requires proper care. It consists of thinning, watering, fertilizing, weeding, loosening, protection from diseases and pests.

If the usual planting method is chosen, the carrots will have to be thinned. This is done in two steps: after emergence and 15 days after the first thinning. The first time, weak bushes are removed. The distance between seedlings should be 2-3 cm. During the second thinning, frail plants are also removed. The distance between the root crops is left about 5-8 cm. The vegetable needs free space in order to develop normally.

On a note. Watering is carried out every 3-5 days. 20-35 liters of settled water are used per square meter. Watering stops 2 weeks before harvest.

Watering carrots

It is recommended to fertilize carrots twice during the growing season. Liquid mixtures are used. The first time fertilizer is applied a month after planting, the second time - 1.5 months after the first procedure. Carrots love nitrophoska, urea, and potassium nitrate. They must be diluted in water and applied to the ground, following the instructions.

Advice. It is best to loosen the soil and remove weeds after rain or watering. The frequency of procedures is once every 20 days.

If the tops begin to dry out, the crop may have been attacked by a carrot fly. You can remove it with the help of drugs Karate, Actellik.

With proper planting and care, root crops rarely suffer from pests or diseases. However, prevention should not be neglected. The best prevention against diseases and pests is to water the garden beds with Bordeaux mixture.

How to get maximum carrot yield

To grow tasty, juicy root vegetables in large quantities, you need to comply with a number of conditions:

  • Buy only high-quality seeds;
  • Conduct pre-planting preparations. Select and soak the seeds for several days;
  • Choose a sunny place for planting;
  • Prepare the bed in the fall. Dig up, add humus, sawdust;
  • Choose the optimal time for planting;
  • The roots of the vegetable go 1 meter or more into the ground. Therefore, you need to dig up the bed carefully. Suitable depth is 20-40 cm;
  • The bed should be level, not sloped. It needs to be harrowed;
  • Carrots should not be planted in acidic soil. To deoxidize the soil, chalk and dolomite flour are used;
  • It is important to observe crop rotation. You cannot plant carrots in the same place for several years. The best predecessors: cabbage, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • Carrots cannot develop normally without timely, abundant watering. You need to water once every 3-5 days;
  • At the same time, the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. Stagnation of water is detrimental to root crops;
  • It is important to thin out the seedlings so that the root crops receive enough nutrients and moisture;
  • Carrots are fed with fertilizers twice a season. Suitable nitrophoska, urea, potassium nitrate.

By following all the suggested recommendations for growing carrots, you can get a decent harvest. If you pay attention to planting and then caring for root crops, the result will please any summer resident. With proper work, you can collect 4-7 kg of selected carrots per square meter.

When are carrots planted, and what varieties are there?

This vegetable crop is planted in spring, summer and autumn - before winter. Accordingly, different varieties of carrots are used for this, differing in ripening period and other biological characteristics, as well as consumer purpose. Moreover, all varieties are divided into 3 main types: early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. In spring, you can plant carrots of any variety. In summer, only late-ripening vegetables are planted. And for planting in the fall, cold-resistant early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties that are resistant to bolting are most suitable.

Early ripening carrots are grown for canning and summer consumption. As a rule, it is practically not stored at all. There's simply no need for it. It is unsuitable for long-term storage, and therefore it is planted just enough to be consumed constantly fresh as it ripens. Mid-season carrots are also mainly grown for processing and fresh consumption. There are mid-season varieties that tolerate long-term storage well. So many gardeners also grow these carrots for storage. For this purpose, it is used when the climate or weather is such that late-ripening varieties do not have time to grow (or simply really like the variety).

There are 3 main varieties

Late-ripening carrots are grown mainly for winter storage and consumption, and also, of course, for processing and use as fresh food. However, not all of its varieties are good. Many are more intended for recycling. Early and mid-ripening carrots planted in the fall will allow you to get the earliest harvest of this crop in the next fruit and vegetable season. Fresh carrots can be harvested as early as mid-June.

Vegetable development and growth - how does temperature affect it?

Before fully immersing yourself in studying the issue of when to plant carrots, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with how temperature affects the development of this vegetable. After all, the time of planting and the subsequent development of the crop primarily depend on it. In general, carrots are a cold-resistant plant. Thus, the seeds of this crop germinate already at +3–+6 °C. This is the minimum temperature for their germination. And seedlings appear fastest at +18–+21 °C - in just 6–11 days. When the temperature is at +8 °C, the germination period extends to 25–41 days.

Young carrot shoots can easily withstand light frosts - temperatures dropping to -4 or even -5 °C. However, they die in the event of a prolonged drop to -6 °C. Although, during pre-winter planting in the fall, well-hardened young seedlings are able to withstand much stronger frosts. But the leaves of a vegetative vegetable freeze when the temperature drops to -8, and its root crops do not tolerate prolonged frosts below -3, or at best -4. Root crops removed from the soil die already at -0.7 °C, or -0.8 °C.

Carrots are a cold-resistant plant

But carrots also don’t like too high a temperature. It has a particularly detrimental effect on seeds. When the temperature rises to +30 °C and above, their germination will slow down greatly. When the thermometer reaches +35 °C, all seeds will die. Obviously, temperature greatly affects the rate of germination and development of carrots, and planting them too early or late, both in spring and autumn, can lead to the death of part or even the entire planned harvest.

In general, for the normal development and growth of this plant, the formation and formation of its root crops, a temperature of +18–+20 °C is required, and the accumulation of carotene is within the range of +15–+21 °C. These temperatures are considered optimal. The carrot root continues to grow as long as it is still in the soil, and until late autumn, even when it becomes quite cool and the temperature does not exceed +8–+10. Only its color becomes lighter under the influence of low positive temperatures. High temperature, especially when it is also accompanied by a decrease in soil moisture, has a detrimental effect on root crops. They become deformed and rough.

Planting dates in spring - we provide ourselves with vegetables for the whole year

The timing of planting determines when and what kind of carrot harvest will be obtained. And many experienced gardeners claim that the taste of root crops also depends on them. And here it is important not to make a mistake with the variety, because each has its own ripening period.

Spring is traditionally considered the best time to plant carrots. You can sow as soon as the soil thaws and warms up a little. But the most suitable period for the middle (central) zone of Russia is the period from the end of April to the beginning of the next month - May. And in those regions that belong to the south, they usually sow carrots from the beginning of March, but they also finish in early May. However, these dates can shift significantly both in one direction (to earlier dates) and in the other. This depends on local climatic and weather conditions, which should always be taken into account.

The best time to plant carrots is in the spring.

Some experts strongly recommend sowing carrots as early as possible in order to minimize the likelihood of damage to developing root crops by pests. However, if planted too early, there is a high risk of significantly slower germination of carrots (even after significant warming) due to the fact that the soil has not yet warmed up enough or may periodically cool down during early spring cold snaps. Planting material or seedlings may even die if they are hit by late frosts that they cannot tolerate, which can easily happen, for example, in a sharply continental climate.

Based on the experience of many generations of vegetable growers, the following simple formula has been derived to determine the timing of planting carrots. This vegetable crop should be sown in the spring when the daytime air temperature is stable within +14–+16 °C, the soil has warmed up to +7–+8 °C, and frosts are no longer guaranteed.

That's it, it's time to plant. When exactly should you sow which varieties? This is something everyone chooses for themselves. We must proceed from the ripening time of each specific variety (we must calculate when the crop will ripen), and also, of course, again, from the existing climatic and expected weather conditions (we must calculate whether the root crops will have time to grow). Usually early ripening carrots are sown first in order to get their harvest in July and earlier. Then, later - mid-season and late-ripening. Planting is done in such a way that early-ripening and mid-ripening varieties will meet the needs for carrots in the summer, and late-ripening varieties grown for storage will meet the needs for carrots in the winter.

Depending on climatic conditions, the planting dates for early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening vegetables may coincide or be significantly spaced out in time. Many experienced gardeners sow them at the same time. This allows you to sequentially, starting in July, first obtain a harvest of early-ripening carrots, then mid-ripening ones, and finally, late-ripening ones.

Video: How to plant carrots

However, the latter, if it is grown for storage, we recommend sowing it in such a way that it is harvested literally on the last warm days of autumn. After all, it will be better for carrots if they remain in their natural environment for as long as possible, because the countdown of their shelf life will begin immediately after they are stored in the bins. Therefore, late-ripening varieties are usually sown at the beginning, and in the southern regions sometimes even in mid-June. So, if the harvest is carried out in mid-October, and the ripening period for late carrots is, for example, 130 days, then it is not difficult to calculate the optimal time for planting it - approximately from June 3 to June 9.

And if they are going to grow mid-season carrots for storage, then they are sown at the end of June. It was noted in the previous chapter that high temperatures have a negative impact on this crop. And in areas where it predominates in summer, it is better to either move the planting date to an earlier date or change the variety. The technology for spring planting and further care can be found in the corresponding article on the site. It’s called “Planting carrots in the spring.”

When to sow in autumn - fresh carrots in June

Before winter, only mid-season and late-ripening varieties are sown. Moreover, preference should be given to cold-resistant ones, which are also resistant to bolting. The harvest will be available in mid-June. The planting date in the fall is also determined based on climate and weather conditions. In central Russia, carrots are usually sown from late October to early November. But in any case, the region should be guided by the following recommendation. Planting should be done immediately before the onset of persistent cold weather. By this time, the soil temperature should already drop to +3 °C.

Late-ripening varieties are sown before winter

At this temperature, the seeds will not freeze, but they will not begin to germinate quickly, but will gradually take root until frost sets in. It is not recommended to sow earlier, otherwise the seedlings may germinate. With the onset of frost they will freeze. Autumn planting is more suitable for areas with warm climates. In severe winter conditions, seed material most often freezes, even under an impressive layer of any covering material. The technology for autumn planting and further care can be found in the corresponding article on the site. It's called "Planting carrots before winter."

Video: features of planting carrots

Folk signs and favorable days according to the lunar calendar

There are several folk signs that can also be used to fairly reliably determine the beginning of spring planting. For carrots they are as follows:

  • The mother and stepmother have bloomed - you can sow on the 23rd day after that.
  • The violets, hazels and forsythia have bloomed - it’s time for sowing.
  • It is better to soak the seeds before sowing early in the morning.
  • It is better to sow without strangers.

Should be planted during the waning moon

The lunar sowing calendar for carrots for 2017 is as follows. Favorable calendar days for planting:

  • in March – 1, 19, 22–24 and 27–30;
  • in April – 16–18, 23 and 28;
  • in May - 4, 9, 14, 15, 19, 24 and 31;
  • in June - 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 28 and 30.

And experts in this field strongly do not recommend planting any plants during the new moon. Carrots and other crops that grow underground should be planted during the waning moon. And those growing upward (flowers, cucumbers) - during the waxing moon.

  • Ole Lukovoe

Carrots are a popular open ground vegetable rich in vitamins. Its sweet, crunchy taste is familiar to children and adults. Carrots are in demand in the kitchen all year round: neither hot dishes nor salads can do without them.

Many people buy ready-made root vegetables in the store without spending time and effort on growing them. As spring approaches, carrots become more expensive and their quality deteriorates. Gardeners who have stocked up on carrots grown with their own hands are winners.

Everyone dreams of getting a rich harvest of vitamin-rich vegetables from their garden beds. Experienced vegetable growers share their secrets of when and how to plant carrots in order to replenish the family table and stock up on high-quality, tasty root vegetables grown with their own hands for the winter.

In one season, you can plant planting material three times: in spring, summer and before winter.

The time for sowing carrot seeds is chosen depending on the purpose and timing of the first harvest:

  1. To obtain an early harvest, root crops are sown in the fall.
  2. In early spring, you can sow carrots for seasonal consumption in beds prepared in the fall.
  3. In late spring or early summer, seeds are planted for winter storage.

The most familiar method for most gardeners is spring planting. Folk omens advise planting carrots after the violet or aspen has bloomed. You can carry out this procedure after the first leaves appear on the birch tree. All these recommendations are conditional: much depends on the variety and climatic conditions of the region.

When choosing the timing of planting seeds, do not forget that for successful cultivation, the soil must warm up well, but not dry out too much. Otherwise, the seed will give minimal germination. The air temperature must be at least 8°C.

In the middle zone, you can start sowing early-ripening varieties in the third decade of April; from about April 25 to May 5, mid-ripening varieties are sown. In the Urals, spring planting of carrots is carried out in the first half of May.

The time for summer planting of carrot seeds usually falls in the second half of June. At this time, late-ripening varieties are sown for winter storage. You can also replant plants if the seeds from early planting have not sprouted.

Before winter, carrots are planted to reap an early harvest. In this case, dry seeds are sown a week before frost sets in, usually at the end of October or early November.

For planting before winter, experts recommend varieties with good resistance to adverse weather conditions and frost: Vitaminnaya, Moscow Winter, Olympia, Leningradskaya, Incomparable, Shantane 2461, Nantes 14. The bed in this case should be small.

Starting in June, it will be possible to eat the harvest. Carrots grown in this way should not be left for storage: due to overgrowth, they will become rough and tasteless.

The timing of planting carrots depends on the variety. You can start sowing early ripening varieties in the third decade of April. Mid-season varieties begin to be sown from April 25 until approximately May 5. Carrots intended for winter storage are sown from June 10 to June 15. The optimal time for planting planting material can be selected correctly, focusing on the climatic conditions for growing root crops.

Soil preparation

The plant prefers loose, fertile loamy or sandy loam soils with a high humus content. In clay soils, seeds germinate and develop poorly.

For a carrot bed, you need to choose an area where there are not too many weeds, since they will sprout earlier and prevent the carrots from growing. In heavy soil, root vegetables will grow short, small, and gnarled. It is desirable that the soil is loose and contains sand. In dry soil, vegetables turn out “woody”, and with increased moisture levels they rot.

It is important to consider after which crops carrots will be sown. It feels best in areas where cucumbers, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, onions or herbs (with the exception of lettuce) were planted last year. It is better not to plant carrots after parsley, as pests dangerous to carrots may remain in the soil after it.

The soil in the garden bed is dug up in the fall and organic fertilizers are applied: 6-8 kilograms of humus or compost per 1 square meter. To deoxidize the soil, add dolomite flour, chalk or ash if necessary.

In the spring, about a week before sowing, the area is harrowed and leveled with a rake. If fertilizers have not been applied previously, add 3-4 kilograms of humus per 1 square meter of area. The main thing is not to add fresh manure to the soil, since carrots cannot tolerate its acid. A few weeks before planting carrots, you can add mineral fertilizers to the garden bed: 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of urea per square meter.

How to prepare seeds?

Carrots are a vegetable crop with a fairly long period of seed germination. The reason for this is the high content of essential oils in the seed material, which ensures good storage of the seeds. To increase the germination of seeds, it is necessary to reduce the content of essential oils in them.

In this case, the seeds are prepared for planting in the following sequence:

  1. Pour the planting material into a linen bag.
  2. Place it in a jar of warm water at a temperature of about 50°C.
  3. Rinse the bag well in water and leave it in the jar until the water cools.
  4. Then the seeds are washed again using cold water.
  5. After washing, the planting material needs to be dried a little.

Another method is used to prepare carrot seeds for planting:

  • Soak for 2 hours in clean water at room temperature;
  • scatter on a damp cloth and cover with another damp cloth on top;
  • keep the seeds in the room, stirring gently from time to time;
  • soak the fabric when dry;
  • Place fully swollen seeds that begin to hatch in the refrigerator for hardening for 10 days.

After completing the preparatory procedure, the seeds can be planted in open ground.

Landing technology

Getting a rich carrot harvest in the future is directly affected by the correct implementation of the sowing technique:

  1. The soil in the garden bed must be sprinkled with ash and thoroughly loosened.
  2. Make grooves in it up to 2.5 centimeters deep, using boards laid edgewise.
  3. Leave a distance of 20 centimeters between the rows.
  4. Water the furrows well before sowing.
  5. You can use a special tool to sow seeds.
  6. It is recommended to mix small seeds with sand in a ratio of 1:5 before planting.
  7. The carrots should not be allowed to thicken: there should be a distance of 2-3 centimeters between the seeds in the row, and about 5 centimeters between the granules.
  8. The planting material placed in the furrows is covered with dry soil, vermicompost or compost.
  9. The layer of poured soil should not exceed 1 centimeter in thickness.
  10. After sowing, the soil is rolled with a board or roller.

Some experts recommend covering the seeds with coconut substrate. To do this, the briquette is filled with water and kept until it swells. Coconut substrate retains moisture well, but remains lightweight. Shoots break through it much easier, seed germination approximately doubles.

At a height of 15 centimeters above the bed, it is recommended to stretch a film or covering material to speed up the emergence of seedlings. When greenery appears, the film must be removed. Covering material can be left to reduce the amount of watering, especially in dry spring.

To simplify the process of sowing carrot seeds, experienced gardeners sometimes use various unusual methods. Some people use a toothpick and paste to stick each seed onto thin paper strips every 5 centimeters. Having laid such tapes in the furrows, they are covered with earth on top.

It is recommended to plant radishes along the edges of the bed, which will quickly sprout and mark carrot rows. This will give you the opportunity to start loosening the rows earlier. Carrots love frequent loosening. It is very useful to plant onions in a carrot bed, the smell of which drives away carrot flies - the most dangerous pests of carrots.

Planting carrots before winter

Gardeners plant seeds before winter to obtain an early harvest. In this case, the beds need to be prepared in September-October.

Before winter, carrots are planted in the following sequence:

  1. Choose a flat, protected from the wind, cleared of weeds area with light soil that is not flooded by melt water (an ice crust should not form on it).
  2. Dig the soil to a depth of 22-25 centimeters, and, if necessary, add humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  3. In dry weather, the prepared beds are watered.
  4. Before established frosts, the surface of the beds is leveled, on which there should be no depressions.
  5. Cut furrows 4-5 centimeters deep; after compacting the soil, their depth before planting will be 3 centimeters.
  6. Before planting, add a layer of humus, peat or compost 1-1.5 centimeters thick to the bottom of the furrows.

Until the soil freezes stable, the furrows are left in this form. Seeds are planted with a constant temperature outside (not lower than 5°C).

Immediately before starting work, snow is swept out of the furrows and prepared compost, humus or sand is poured onto the bottom, placing seed material inside.

After this, the beds are mulched with peat. When a snow cover forms on the bed, it is covered with spruce branches. This will help prevent snow from melting in the event of unexpected winter thaws.

Carrot seeds sown before winter should be dry; they do not require preliminary preparation. The sowing rate in this case increases by 20-30% compared to spring planting. Being exposed to the influence of cold and frost in the soil, the seeds undergo natural hardening. Plants grown from them are more stable, with a powerful root system. Such plantings suffer much less from pest attacks.

With properly organized and well-groomed beds, the first shoots appear 1-2 weeks earlier than during spring planting. The harvest will also ripen 2-3 earlier. It will turn out more tasty and rich in vitamins.

Caring for carrots

After sowing is completed, it is necessary to organize optimal care of the plantings. It is very important to maintain proper hydration. Carrots require even moisture throughout the growing season. With insufficient watering, vegetables turn out tasteless and rough. The garden bed is watered abundantly at first, and with the first shoots the amount of watering is reduced to 2 times a week.

About half a month after germination, after one leaf has formed, the carrots need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest plants. When thinning for the first time, leave a distance of 4 centimeters between the carrots. Later, they thin out again, increasing the distance to 8 centimeters, and for large varieties - to 15. After rains and watering, it is recommended to loosen the row spacing. Throughout the growing season, weeding and weed control should be done.

The main enemy of root vegetables is the carrot fly. In the spring, near young carrots, she lays eggs in the ground. The larvae gnaw tunnels in root crops. Carrots become tasteless and rough, grow poorly and are stored poorly.

At the same time, the plants protect each other: the onion fly cannot stand the smell of carrots, and the carrot fly cannot stand the smell of onions. Loosening the soil is another effective method of preventing carrot flies, which die in dry soil. To repel pests, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil between the rows with ground red pepper or ash mixed with tobacco.

When to plant carrot seeds in open ground

Planting carrots with seeds must be done directly in open ground. If you first plant the planting material in seedling cups and then dive, the plant will invariably be damaged. In this case, you should not expect even and neat vegetables. But when should you plant carrots in open ground in the spring?

Each gardener has his own experience and is guided by accumulated knowledge when choosing the optimal timing for planting carrots in the spring. Some adhere to recommendations for rooting seedlings according to the advice of manufacturers, others track favorable days according to the lunar calendar. But it is best, when choosing when to plant carrots in open ground in the spring, to focus on the weather conditions of the climatic zone in which your dacha or vegetable garden is located.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

The lunar calendar will help you decide when to plant carrots in the spring and in what month.

According to the lunar calendar, in 2019 the following days are ideal for sowing carrots:

  • in March – 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • in April – 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • in May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • in July - 25-31.

In addition to prosperous days, there are also days when it is extremely undesirable to carry out planting work. The unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for planting carrots in 2019 are the following numbers:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17;
  • in July - 2, 3, 17.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

According to manufacturers' recommendations, depending on the variety

Most varieties need to be planted in early spring, after the snow melts. But as you know, carrots differ by type. There are varieties such as early or ultra-early, mid-ripening, and late.

It is recommended to refer to the instructions for sowing in open ground on the back of the package. Planting of each variety of carrots should be done in the spring at a strictly specific time. If this is not done on time, then there is a possibility that the crop will not ripen. This especially applies to late varieties.

Depending on region and climate

To select the optimal timing for sowing carrots in the spring in different regions, it is recommended to focus on weather conditions. Orange root crops are sown in the southern regions much earlier than in the central part, middle zone (Moscow region) or northern regions. For example, sowing carrots in open ground in the south of Russia is carried out almost immediately after the snow melts, that is, already in March-April.

Carrots are not afraid of slight spring return frosts, so if you sow them in early spring and the temperature drops, they will be able to withstand a slight cold snap. However, such carrots most likely will not be stored, because low temperatures will lead to the growth of flower shoots and will significantly reduce their shelf life.

Important! There is no need to keep it in the ground for a long period, planting it very early. Seedlings tend to rot, rot, or fail to germinate in such conditions.

Therefore, it is recommended to carefully monitor the weather when choosing the time to sow carrots in the spring. Thus, in the central zone (Moscow region), sowing is recommended to be done in late April-early May. At this moment, optimal conditions for sowing are observed, the air temperature remains stably in the range of +10..+18 C.

In the northern regions, it is recommended to carry out planting work no earlier than the second half of May or the first days of June. Planting carrots at such a time is required due to the fact that snow lasts the longest in Siberia and the Urals. It is not worth planting late varieties; they will not have time to ripen.

Attention! The main thing is to carefully monitor the weather and track the end of cold days. Only in this case is it possible to properly plant carrots in the country and grow a tasty and healthy vegetable on time.

How to plant carrots with seeds in open ground

In order to properly plant carrots in open ground with seeds, before planting, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the important information on preparing seeds and the requirements for soil quality. You need to know how to sow carrot seeds correctly in the spring so that they germinate quickly and well. And also fulfill the necessary conditions for planting, covering seeds and caring for them after sowing.

Video: how to properly plant carrots in open ground in spring.

Seed preparation

Carrot planting material usually sits in one place for a long time before hatching. Root seedlings contain a large number of different essential oils, which do not allow moisture to penetrate to the embryo for a long period.

In most cases, if carrot seeds are planted dry in the ground in the spring without preparing for planting, they will hatch only by 21-25 days. Therefore, to activate accelerated germination, 2 methods are used to stir the plant.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare carrot seeds for planting so that they sprout quickly:

  1. Before sowing, the seeds must be washed in warm water, and then placed in a damp cloth placed in a small container with heated liquid for 2-3 days. Additionally, it is recommended to add 2 tsp to the water. wood ash per 1 liter. When the seeds have roots (they germinate), they can be sown.
  2. Dry seeds of the root crop are poured into a canvas (linen) bag and buried in the ground in early spring and sprinkled with snow. The earth at this moment is quite wet, unheated and cold. It is recommended to keep the planting material in this form for 2 weeks. Thanks to this procedure, the seedlings will swell and also undergo natural stratification, which will have a beneficial effect on the immunity of the future plant. Before the scheduled time for planting, the seedlings are taken out of the ground. They are laid out on paper or cloth and dried. After such preparation of carrot seeds for sowing, they are immediately sown in the soil (preferably with sand). Seeds kept in such conditions germinate within 5-7 days.

Video: how to properly prepare carrot seeds for planting in the spring.

Soil and bed preparation

To properly plant carrots in the spring, you need to prepare a bed for planting in advance in the fall. Before starting work, you need to select soil for high-quality growth of seedlings. The root crop grows well in light and neutral soil substrates, enriched with fertilizers and having a loose base.

Note! If the soil is too acidic, the carrots may grow hairy.

To prepare and fertilize the bed, in the fall, when digging the intended area, you need to add humus and wood ash to the level of the spade bayonet.

Carefully! It is not recommended to apply fresh cow manure due to the fact that carrots react sharply to nitrogen fertilizing and are activated to accumulate nitrates in large quantities.

As for choosing a place for a garden bed, as you know, carrots are a sunny vegetable, so they should be planted in beds in open areas so that they spend the whole day in the sun.

Planting methods and patterns

There are several interesting ways to plant carrots in spring. Before you start sowing, you need to familiarize yourself with all the methods and choose the best option for yourself.

There are the following methods for planting carrots in open ground in spring:

  1. Simple planting in rows - seedlings are sown dry by hand in pre-prepared furrows. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that you will have to wait quite a long time for seedlings and, most likely, the plantings will be distributed quite unevenly.
  2. Wet seeds - seeds soaked in water or germinated are also sown in beards, but at first they should be kept constantly moist, otherwise the seedlings may die.
  3. With sand - dry seeds are mixed with dry fine river sand (1 tablespoon of seeds per 1 kg of sand) and evenly scattered into grooves in the prepared area.
  4. Using tape or toilet paper - to plant carrots on a tape in open ground, you need to moisten the tape (only places for seeds) with starch-based glue (2 tablespoons of starch dissolve in 1 glass of water). The planting material is carefully laid out at the appropriate distance on the paper. After this, the tape is placed on the bed and covered with soil. The advantage of this method is the uniform distribution of seedlings.

By the way! If you don’t want to bother, then you can buy ready-made tapes for sowing carrots, which have been sold in garden stores for a long time.

Video: planting carrots on tape in open ground.

Sowing rules

It is best to use this method of planting carrots in open ground, which allows you to evenly distribute the plantings along the entire perimeter of the bed. It is recommended to choose a small distance from each seedling - less than 2-3 cm from each other. With more frequent placement, it will be necessary to eliminate thickening sprouts by thinning them, several times.

For proper planting, you need to know at what depth to sow carrot seeds. For planting in the ground, prepare grooves no more than 1.5-2.5 cm deep. Before planting, thoroughly water the soil with hot water and lightly sprinkle with wood ash. Only after this should the seeds be distributed. In order to avoid eliminating dense sowing, root crop seedlings should be immediately planted evenly.

The distance between the furrows must be left no less than 10-20 cm. After sowing, the furrows should be lightly sprinkled with soil and lightly pressed with the palm of your hand.

It is optimal to choose a day when the weather is warm and calm (windless).

Video: sowing carrots in open ground in spring.

Shelter after landing

Covering the seedlings is done so that the planting material quickly hatches and grows. To do this, use any covering material that retains moisture or plastic film.

Attention! After the first shoots appear, the entire shelter is removed. Otherwise, excessive moisture can contribute to the rotting of tender sprouts and the development of pathogenic bacteria.

The only thing you can do is leave the specially purchased covering material. It has a positive effect on reducing the frequency of watering, especially on dry and hot days.

How to care for carrots after planting in open ground

To get a good carrot harvest, you need not only to plant the crop correctly, but also to provide proper care after planting. To reap an even, tasty harvest without thickening or distortion, you should follow some care tips.

Watering and humidity

Gardeners who do not have experience growing red beauty want to know exactly whether they need to water carrots after planting. Despite the fact that the crop is relatively drought-resistant, without the necessary amount of moisture it can become coarse and tasteless or grow small.

Note! You can get detailed information on how to properly water carrot beds by reading this article.

Another equally important question often arises - how often to water carrots after planting? Watering should be done as needed when the soil becomes dry. In this case, it is necessary to water the carrots after planting in such a way as not to flood the soil, because they do not like a swampy state. But at the same time, the volume of water supplied to the root crops should be carefully controlled. In order for the plant to have a normal size, water should be applied in such a volume that the soil near the plantings is saturated to 15-20 cm.

Attention! It is necessary to water carrots after planting during the growing season and the formation of the root crop. Otherwise, the plant grows deformed, crooked and with a large number of very thin roots all over the body.

Video: how to properly water carrots after planting.

Top dressing

Loosening, weeding, thinning

Loosening must be done to eliminate weeds and also to saturate the soil with nutritious oxygen. In addition, loosening should be carried out so that the earth does not set into a dry crust. Thanks to the procedure, the water does not stagnate on the surface, but passes deep into the earth, saturating the root crop.

Weeding needs to be done deep. If weed removal is carried out superficially, the upper part of the root crop remains on the surface, where it is exposed to sunlight and turns green. This root vegetable is unsuitable for human consumption.

Thinning should be done when there is severe thickening. You should not wait until the root crop begins to set. Otherwise, when eliminating weaker shoots, there is a possibility of unintentionally damaging large seedlings. The latter will lead to deformation of the plant and loss of quality appearance.

Video: how to properly thin carrots.

In order not to thin out the carrots, it is necessary to initially sow the planting material at the recommended distance.

By the way! You will find more detailed information about the timing and methods of thinning orange root vegetables in this article.

Video: how to plant carrots correctly in the spring, so as not to thin out later.

Diseases and pests

Important! Root crops very often undergo deformation and become gnarled and horned; you can learn from this material why this happens and how to avoid it.

Important! How to effectively fight carrot flies in the garden,

Thus, planting carrots with seeds in open ground in the spring does not require much time or special difficulties. The main thing is to immediately decide on the method of sowing planting material. It is best to plant using the wet method, placing the seedlings on toilet paper. In general, there are no special secrets to planting carrots. With quality care, there is no need to protect the plant from carrot flies. Following all the tips and recommendations will help you plant carrots correctly so that they grow big and tasty.

Video: planting carrots in open ground in spring.

What is a garden without carrots! This is one of the indispensable vegetables in the garden, it is always present in a huge number of dishes, gives us vitamins in summer and winter, and that is why housewives love it so much.

In our article we will talk about when and how to plant this wonderful and healthy vegetable and how to care for it, as well as which varieties are most suitable for growing in open ground.

When to plant carrots

In order to germinate, carrot seeds require above-zero temperatures; the ground must be warmed by 5-8 ºC; therefore, planting time may vary in different regions. In some places it will be warm already in March, but in others you will have to wait until the beginning of May. In the middle zone, planting is most often done at the end of April.

Late varieties can be sown a little earlier. Once in the soil, carrot seeds can withstand even light frosts down to -4 ºC. Under favorable weather conditions, seedlings will appear in about a week.

Few people know that carrots can be planted three times per season. Namely in the spring (end of April), in the summer (second half of June) for subsequent winter storage and before winter, for an early harvest next spring. In this way you can get several harvests of this wonderful root vegetable.

How to plant carrots, planting methods

Preparing carrot seeds for planting

Carrot seeds contain large amounts of essential oils that interfere with germination. Therefore, before planting, gardeners do their best to get rid of these oils. Pre-sowing seed treatment is not necessary, but is desirable for better germination.

These methods will help carrot seeds germinate better:

  • soaking in warm water with the addition of ash (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter of water). soak for 5 hours, after which the seeds are washed and placed in gauze in the refrigerator.
  • wrap the seeds in gauze, immerse in hot water (50-60) degrees for 5 minutes, then immediately place in cold water for 2-3 minutes.
  • the seeds are placed in a bag or gauze and buried in the ground on the bayonet of a shovel for 10 days.

Soil preparation

Carrots grow best in light, warm, loose soils. You can loosen the soil by adding river sand, peat and humus.

The soil pH should be slightly acidic or neutral. There should be no weeds in the carrot bed, it should be a bright sunny place, otherwise the capricious root crop will grow slowly and frailly. The soil also needs to be well loosened, not only on the surface, but also to a depth of one and a half shovels, so that there are no dense clay lumps that can deform the carrots, causing them to grow crooked.

Carrots can be planted in the place where tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, garlic and onions previously grew. It is not advisable to plant it twice in the same place, because of the danger of permanent pests characteristic of this vegetable appearing in this place.

Carrots do not like liming of soil and fresh manure, preferring rotted compost to them. Wood ash will also benefit from it; it needs to be added to the soil some time before planting.

A week before sowing, the bed is thoroughly watered and covered with polyethylene to warm and maintain moisture.

There are many ways to plant carrots, we will look at some of the most popular ones.

The classic method is to plant seeds in open ground.

We make grooves in the prepared bed, stepping back from the edge about 10 cm and then at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. The depth should be 2-3 cm, no more and no less.

Four seeding recesses are the optimal number for convenient maintenance of crops.

We spill the grooves made with hot water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

We place the seeds in the furrows in one line, at a distance of about 1 cm from each other. You don’t have to do the jewelry work and just scatter the seeds into the groove by eye, but then you cannot avoid thinning, an unpleasant and time-consuming task.

Therefore, it is better to spend a little more time at the planting stage than to mess around in the sun, tearing out extra bushes.

Another way that can make sowing easier: mix carrot seeds with sand in a ratio of 1:5 and pour this mixture evenly into the hole.

After sowing, the furrows are filled with earth, no more than 1 cm, and compacted with patting movements from above to improve the contact of the seeds with the ground. The bed is mulched with peat chips and placed under cover - plastic film.

Monitor the germination process by periodically looking under the cover. As soon as shoots appear, the film will need to be removed.

Planting carrots on toilet paper strip

We know how convenient it is to buy a tape with carrot seeds in the store; it is placed in the furrows and sprinkled with earth. And everything would be fine, but the germination of seeds on purchased tapes is not always good. And it is not always possible to choose the desired variety.

Therefore, now we will look at how you can make seeds on tape yourself. It is very economical and easy to make a ribbon with seeds from toilet paper.

Take a roll and cut a strip of the desired length from it, usually 1-1.5 m. This is a convenient length for work.

In the photo we show a sample with a shorter section, this is just for example.

Next we will prepare a kind of flour glue. To do this, take half a glass of flour and a little water. Pour water into flour, mix. We should have the consistency of thick sour cream. It is with this product that the seeds are glued to the toilet paper to prevent it from becoming soggy.

We prepare the seeds by pouring them onto a plate for convenience and distributing them at a distance from each other.

Using an ordinary match, we pick up our improvised glue, grab 2 seeds with it and transfer it to paper. We take not one seed at a time, but two, as a safety net in case one does not sprout, which happens quite often with carrots.

We arrange the seeds in three rows. In this way we fill the tape to the end, along its entire length. After this, the paper will need to be thoroughly dried.

If anyone has dealt with dried dough, he knows what kind of stone mass comes out of it. It will hold the seeds perfectly on toilet paper after drying. and at the same time, the dough is a completely safe “glue”, natural, no chemicals.

After drying, the tape with seeds will need to be cut. As we remember, carrots are usually sown in narrow furrows. Therefore, we will cut our paper into three parts and each of them will have its own strip of seeds.

This is approximately how thick your ribbons should be. The length, of course, should be much longer than in the photo.

Further planting is very simple. The tapes are laid in the prepared furrows and covered with earth. We carry out the same steps as with the classic planting method (see previous paragraph).

Planting carrots using Galina Kizima's method video

Galina Kizima has her own interesting farming method. She is a proponent of easy gardening and uses methods that help her grow vegetables without a lot of labor. Galina Alexandrovna’s vegetable garden lives its own life, everything grows and ripens on its own, all she can do is harvest. Everything turns out easy when you know gardening tricks.

Galina Kizima’s method for planting carrots does not require preparing furrows or further thinning of seedlings. Carrot seeds are mixed with fertilizer and fine sand. This helps avoid thickening of plantings.

This whole mixture is sown on a bed on top of the ground, as if you were “salting soup”, sprinkled with a little and patted down. Ready. This method is especially suitable for older people who no longer have the strength to selflessly make furrows and lay out seeds.

It would seem that everything is very simple, will the capricious carrot really grow after such treatment? Galina shows her garden: it’s growing, and how it’s growing!

To see with your own eyes how Galina Kizima plants carrots, watch this video:

Planting carrots in egg boxes video

Another way to sow carrots with seeds without weeding. For this purpose, cells from sub-eggs are prepared in winter. They should be made of thin, loose cardboard and soak well in water. This is necessary so that the root crops can germinate through them without difficulty.

If you have containers made of thick, durable cardboard, you will have to cut off the bottoms of the cells.

The essence of the method is that the egg cartons are placed in prepared soil and sprinkled with soil. Place 1-2 seeds in each hole. This way the carrots grow at a comfortable distance.

You can place seeds in egg cassettes at home, and then transfer them to the garden bed. Convenient for saving energy, a good method.

Watch the technology in more detail in this video:

Planting carrots in starch paste video

One of the very interesting and convenient ways. Its essence is that a paste of starch is cooked, into which the seeds are then placed. This again helps to avoid crowding of plantings. And how easy it is to plant with its help! You simply pour the seed paste into the furrows as if you were just watering them.

Carrot paste recipe: 6 tablespoons of potato starch for 2 liters of water. The paste is cooked over low heat until slightly thickened; it should remain fairly fluid.

After the paste has cooled (sometimes a warm one is used), carrot seeds are poured into it. This composition is poured into the furrows. Carrots are growing great!

Winter sowing of carrots

If we sow winter carrots, we will get the harvest two weeks earlier than our neighbors. Autumn planting has its own minor differences:

  • planting only in light soils
  • we sow only early varieties, not for storage
  • planting takes place in late October-early November
  • after placing the seeds in the ground, the bed is mulched with a 3 cm layer of peat
  • in the spring we cover the bed with film and wait for the first shoots to appear

Caring for carrots

If you sowed carrots thickly, they may require repeated thinning. Carrots also require loosening between rows and weeding.

Watering carrots

This vegetable is sensitive to watering; it needs a golden mean. Drought makes it sluggish and soft, bitter, gnarled (because in search of water, carrots can produce additional lateral roots). Excessive watering is the cause of cracks in carrots, their “hairiness” and oily tops to the detriment of the root crop.

Active watering of carrots is required only at the tops growth stage. As soon as we see that the carrots have collected their bouquets, watering becomes less frequent, because it is at this time that the growth of the fruit root begins.

Two months before harvesting, water carrots once every one and a half to two weeks, and two weeks before harvesting, watering is stopped altogether.

Feeding carrots

Carrots do not require frequent feeding. During the entire ripening period, it is fed only twice: a month after germination, and two months later.

A universal recipe for fertilizer for carrots: for 10 liters of water, 2 tbsp ash + 1 tbsp. l nitrophoska + 20 g potassium nitrate + 15 g superphosphate + 15 g urea. We fertilize on moist soil (i.e., pre-water the carrots only in a smaller volume).

The best varieties of carrots for open ground

There are countless varieties of carrots, and from all the variety we have chosen for you the most proven, productive, shelf-stable and disease-resistant varieties with excellent taste.

Early ripening

These varieties are suitable for winter sowing, and for those simply wanting to get a quick harvest.

  • Lagoon F1
  • Alenka
  • Amsterdam
  • Dutch
  • Touchon


Successful varieties for consumption and preservation, short-term storage.

  • Tip-top
  • Vitamin
  • Losinoostrovskaya
  • Nantes

Mid-late and late varieties

These varieties are suitable for winter storage.

  • Shatane
  • Royal Shatane
  • Perfection
  • Sirkana F1
  • Vita longa
  • Carlena
  • Red without core

We hope that the article was useful to you, and that everyone will be able to choose their preferred method of planting this wonderful vegetable. We wish you wonderful harvests!