Technological project for telephone shelf technology. Creative project using “phone shelf” technology

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Burukansky basic secondary school

Creative project

On the topic: “Wall shelf”

Project Manager:

Domoshonkina A.L.

Developed by: 9th grade student

Ovchinnikov Egor

With. Burukan 2018.



    1. Relevance……………………………………………………….3

      Goal, objectives………………………………………………………...3

    1. Choosing a project topic…………………………………………………………….....4

      Sequence of execution (work plan)…………………...4

      Historical background……………………………………………………………..….4

      Types of shelves………………………………………………………5

      Analysis of ideas for possible options……………………………......6

      Choosing the best product option…………………………………...6


    Technological stage

    1. Equipment and materials…………………………………….....8

      Technological map for shelf manufacturing………………………..8

    The final stage

    1. Environmental analysis…………………………………………………………….11

      Economic analysis………………………………………………………12

      Self-esteem and finished result……………………………………13

      Conclusions, results………………………………………………………...13

List of sources used……………………………..14

    Creative project “Wall Shelf”

    1. Relevance of the problem

The place where we spend the most time should be cozy, comfortable and beautiful.this is, of course, our home. The house serves for all of us as a place where we live, relax, work, so our home must be made so that nothing can affect our well-being, mood, and if it does, it will only be positive.

In order to achieve this, you need to surround yourself with pleasant, beautiful pieces of furniture and decor. Of course, nowadays everything can be purchased in stores, but this will greatly impact the family budget, so I believe that there is no need to spend large amounts of money because . you can do a lot of things with your own hands.

Wood for me is the most accessible material, providing ample opportunity for creative activity in the manufacture of original products at home and in the school workshop. I have previously made several decorative items with my own hands for use in everyday life, such as a cutting board, photo frames, cuttings for gardening tools, and more. Products made with your own hands are, first of all, unusual and unique because no one can have similar things. Such products will not only add comfort to your home, but also decorate the interior of your home.

After researching my family's needs, I came to the conclusion that we needed a small wall-mounted book shelf for my room.

    1. Goals and objectives

Purpose my job isdevelopment and production of a technological wall shelf from wood, which has a simple design.

Z adachi project:

    study the literature on this issue

    develop an economical, durable and reliable design of wood products;

    develop a simple technological process for manufacturing a wall shelf based on studied wood processing technologies;

    manufacture a product in accordance with the developed technical documentation in a limited time.

    Organizational and preparatory stage

    1. Choosing a project theme

When choosing the project topic, I took into account:

    My skill level.

    Costs for purchasing materials and tools during the project.

    The amount of time required to complete the project.

    1. Sequence of project execution (Plan )

    Relevance of the problem

    Setting goals and objectives

    Choosing a project theme

    Study of theoretical and historical material

    Selection of material, tools and equipment

    Environmental justification for the project

    Economic justification for the project

    Conclusion. Product evaluation

    Project protection.

    1. Historical reference

ShelfThis is a piece of furniture without a front wall, with or without a back wall. Shelves are designed to accommodate books and other items.

Shelves can be made from various materials (solid wood, etc.) They can be equipped with lighting; including glass shelves - LED, located both at the end of the glass and inside the multilayer glass structure. The shelves are attached to the walls using various fasteners, both hidden (“titans”, “ears”) and those serving a decorative function (cable systems, chains, “pelicans”, etc.)

    1. Types of shelves by functionality

    Bookshelf for storing books

    Spice shelf- a (usually narrow) kitchen shelf having a front

restrictive edge or holes for installing containers with.

    Bathroom shelf

    Universal shelf

Types of shelves according to location in the room

    Wall shelf - a shelf hung on the wall.

    Hanging shelf - a shelf suspended on ropes, chains, etc. and attached to the ceiling of the room

    Corner shelf - a shelf located in the corner of a room and attached to two adjacent walls.

Corner shelves are divided into shelves

    for an internal corner - for angles between adjacent walls less than 180°.

    for an external corner - for angles between adjacent walls of more than 180°.

Types of shelves by design

    Console shelf - a shelf that is one horizontal

a plane fixedly fixed perpendicular to the wall.

    Shelf with side walls - a shelf with side walls for support

and limiting the displacement of objects on it.

    Shelf with side walls and top horizontal wall -

a type of wall cabinet without doors.

    Shelf with back wall - (having a back wall).

    Multi-tiered shelf - a shelf that has several horizontal walls located one above the other.

    Combined shelf - a shelf that has horizontal and vertical walls that form compartments for storing items for various functional purposes, and can also have drawers.

Types of shelves by relative arrangement

    A single shelf is the only shelf on the wall or a shelf located at a considerable distance from another shelf or group of shelves.

    A group of shelves is several closely spaced and combined compositionally single shelves.

    1. Analysis of ideas for possible options

To choose a possible version of the product for manufacturing, I looked at various magazines, books, and Internet sites about shelves. As a result of the search, I settled on four possible options and evaluated each according to the selected criteria. I recorded the results in a table, assessing each option (in points) for compliance with the seven criteria put forward: corresponds - 1 point, does not correspond - 0 points. (Table 1)

Table 1

    1. Choosing the best product option

P / P

Quality indicators

Product model


Product model


Product model


Product model


Product type

Lowest material consumption


Simple design


Simplicity of manufacturing technology


Low production time


Aesthetics (beautiful appearance

Ease of use

Environmental friendliness

Total points





Of the presented shelf models, model No. 4 scored the most points, scoring one point in each point, so this option is the best for manufacturing.

    1. Sketch

    Technological stage

3.1. Equipment and materials:


Crafting table

Blanks made of chipboard, plywood or wood

Drilling machine, drill or bit


Pencil, ruler

Emery cloth, file


Paint, brush.

    1. Technological map for manufacturing a bookshelf


We took a sheet of chipboard size 99/27

Make markings for cuts: 33/27 (into 3 parts).

Workbench, ruler, pencil, charcoal, hacksaw

Saw along the markings (3 parts)

Workbench, hacksaw

Align and finish the edges.

Planer (if the selected material is board),

sandpaper (if necessary), file, putty (if necessary).

On the main blanks, mark future holes taking into account the efficiency of the board area (2 cm from the edges).

Pencil, ruler

Make holes in the main blanks at the marked places (2 on each narrow side)


Paint the main blanks in the desired color

Brush, drying oil or paint of the desired color

    SIDEWALLS – 2 PCS. (rope)

Measure the required number of meters of rope (if necessary, connect into 2 or 3).

Rope, tape measure

The rope needs to be folded in half, retreated approximately thirty centimeters, and knots tied

Rope, ruler or tape measure


The ends are pulled through the holes in the boards and secured with knots.

Rope, blanks

At the very bottom of the shelf we leave a few centimeters of rope free



The loops in our design will be the rope, which we folded in half in advance, thereby ensuring the presence of loops for hanging.



Hanging shelf

    The final stage

4.1. Environmental analysis

In my work, I used environmentally friendly material – wood, to make the product. During the painting process, I followed safety precautions, so the operation of the designed product will not harm either me or the environment.

    1. Economic analysis

Product cost

Product cost – This is the sum of cash costs for the production and sale of products.

It includes: costs of materials, quantity and cost of electricity consumed - this is the energy for operating the machines; for general and local lighting.

Materials included in our designed shelf:



Drying oil, brush


A sheet of chipboard serves as the base of the shelf. We use parts from used furniture (cabinets) - costs - 0 rubles.


Sidewalls - holding the entire structure, rope.

1 m of rope costs 10 rubles.

For one shelf there are 2 sidewalls of 2.5 m each. (2.5 2) = 5 m.

C2=10 5=50 rubles.

When working on a drilling machine with an electric motor power of 1.5 kW for 0.25 hours. (15 minutes).

Amount of electricity consumed:

A = W * t = 1.5 kW * 0.25 h = 0.375 kW

Electricity cost:

C3 = A * C = 0.375 * 2.00 = 0.75 rub. = 75 kopecks

To paint the blanks, I used drying oil - 0.25% of 100.

1 bottle costs 80 rubles.

0.25= ¼

80⁚4=20 rub.

С4=20 rub. .

To obtain the total cost of electricity, you need to add up all the resulting costs.

C = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 = 0 + 50 + 0.75+20 = 70.75 rubles (70 rubles 75 kopecks).

In total, you will have to spend 70 rubles 75 kopecks to make my designed shelf.

At the market or in a store we could buy the same product at a price of approximately 800 -1200 rubles and more. It turns out that making a product yourself, namely hanging shelves for a room or kitchen, is not only interesting, but also profitable.

    1. Self-esteem and finished result

My product turned out beautiful. I am satisfied with the quality of my work.

Made from natural materials and cannot cause any harm to humans or nature. There are no materials in my project that have toxic properties.

The advantage of this product is that it is made to individual sizes, with a unique design, blends very organically into the interior of the room and is exceptionally combined with furniture.

Moreover, the technological operations for making a shelf are simple and accessible to anyone who wants and can make crafts.

Also in favor of a shelf made independently are low cost, originality, individuality and ease of use.

    1. Conclusions based on the results of the work

The decision to make a shelf was not easy for me, knowing that before I saw the result, I would have to work hard. Therefore, after consulting with the teacher, I studied the manufacturing technology of the product. This job gave me confidence in woodworking.

In the process of working on the project, I learned how to draw up technological documentation and understood how to structure the process of designing shelf parts.

Since I still don’t know much about the properties of wood, about the tool, the technology teacher helped me in solving these issues. He also helped and directed my work on the project. The most difficult part of working on the project was calculating the cost of the shelf.

List of sources used

    Bobikov P.D. Handyman's Handbook. M. "EXMO" 2007.

    Martenson A. We begin to craft from wood. M.: Education, 1979.

    Simonenko V.D. Tishchenko. A.T.Technology. Industrial technologies. 7

>> Creative project "Phone Shelf"

38. Creative project "Phone shelf"

Project selection and justification

In our small apartment, where the hallway is not very large, we are faced with the problem of placing a telephone. The best option is to install the device on a shelf specially designed for this purpose. Listed below are all the problems that a consumer faces when purchasing a shelf in a store (market).

A rational solution is a shelf that matches the interior of the hallway, the design of which should be original, easy to manufacture, and have low costs for purchasing materials for its implementation. Therefore, there is a need to independently manufacture a shelf that meets the above requirements. To make a shelf, the following factors must be taken into account:

Hallway interior

Our hallway is made of natural wood with the manifestation of its texture (firing and varnishing) and elements of geometric carving and turning. Let's imagine in Fig. 116 placement of furniture in the hallway.

Rice. 116. Hallway interior

Phone shelf design

Considering the interior features, in my opinion, the following options for shelves for a telephone are possible:

The design of the designed shelf must have a device for recording information. This problem requires additional research.

The most acceptable option in this list of options is a notepad attached to the wall. But the main disadvantage of this method is that the aesthetics of the hallway deteriorate. Taking into account the above points, we decided to design a shelf with a pull-out board for recording information, as well as for placing a telephone directory on it. Let's imagine the design of such a shelf in Fig. 118 with specifications in table. 9.

Rice. 118. Telephone shelf with a sliding board: 1 - base; 2 - retractable board; 3 - rear wall; 4 - clamp-bar; 5 - bracket; 6 - rod; 7 - side wall; 8 - bracket-limiter

The pull-out board is attached under the base of the shelf using brackets and a rod. To secure the board in extreme positions, clamps are used (Fig. 119).

Rice. 119. Fastening the board with clamps: a - the board is retracted; b - the board is extended

To prevent the telephone directory from falling out when sliding the board in and out, limiting brackets are installed (Fig. 120).

Design requirements.

When designing an object, one should take into account its reliability, durability, versatility, ease and simplicity of assembly, maximum weight and dimensions, design requirements (organicity and integrity of the external form, proportionality, harmony of lines, volumetric and color elements, etc.).

The overall dimensions of the shelf are determined based on the overall dimensions of the telephone set (180*140x110).

Material used

The main material for making shelves is wood. Let's look at the types of lumber and laminated wood.

The most affordable material for making shelves is multilayer plywood 10 mm thick. Plywood is easy to process, sands well, etc. Knowing the design and determining the materials of the product, we will present the data on the specific features of the shelf in the specification (Table 9).

Shelf manufacturing technology

For manufacturing we use the following basic operations: marking, sawing, grinding, assembly, finishing.

The greatest difficulties are caused by the work associated with assembly and finishing, since there are many different options, and you need to choose the most optimal one.
Various finishing options for the product:

The interior of our hallway is suitable for painting the product with stain to match the color of the furniture, carving, and varnishing. That's why we choose these finishing methods.
Various options for connecting product parts:

The most suitable for this object is a connection with spikes and glue. The sequence of work is presented in the technological map (Table 10).

Shelf mounting method

On the wall where the shelf is installed, drill 2 holes, drive in dowels, and screw in screws. Hang the shelf.

Preparation time

Making a shelf does not require much time. It will take approximately 10" 12 hours.

Economic costs

To make a shelf you will need plywood 10 mm thick. The price of a standard sheet of plywood 1500 x 1500 (2.25 m2) is 50,000 rubles.

The shelf design contains 8 parts. But we will make an economic calculation for 4 main details:
part 1 - shelf (base) - 10x250x180;
part 2 - retractable board - 10x230x180;
part 3 - wall - 10 x 250x100;
part 7 (2 pcs.) - side wall - 10x150x70.
The clamp-bar (2 pcs.), bracket (2 pcs.), rod, bracket-limiter (2 pcs.) are made from production waste.

Let's calculate the amount of material needed to make the shelf:
S = axb
S d1 = 250x180 S = 0.045 m 2
S d2 = 230x180 S = 0.041 m 2
S d3 = 250x100 S = 0.025 m 2
S d7 = 150x70 (2 pcs.) S = 0.021 m 2

S total = S d1 + S d2 + S dZ + S d7 = 0.045+0.041+0.025+0.021 = 0.132 m2

The price of a sheet 1500x1500 (2.25 m2) is 50,000 rubles, the cost of plywood is:

C 1 = 0.132x50000/ 2.25 = 2933 rub.

To assemble the shelf parts, 50 g of glue (0.05 kg) was used. The price of 1 kg of glue is 20,000 rubles.

C 2 = 0.05x20000 = 1000 rub.

To paint the shelf with stain, 1 g of stain powder was used. The price of 100 g of stain powder is 1000 rubles.

C 3 = 0.001x1000 = 10 rub.

To cover the shelf with varnish, 100 g of varnish was used. The price of 1 kg of varnish is 15,000 rubles.

C 4 = 0.1x15000 = 1500 rub.

The total costs for materials for making the shelf were:

C total = C 1 + C 2 + C 3 + C 4 = 2933 + 1000 + Yu + 1500 = 5443 rub.

As can be seen from the calculations, the manufacture of such a shelf does not require large material costs. The research showed that the price of a regular phone shelf is 20,000-40,000 rubles.

Product evaluation

+ The shelf is made in-house, easy to use, and much cheaper than in the store.
+ Improves rooms.
+ All technological operations are available.
- Unreliable fastening of the retractable board.
- Does not sufficiently take into account the changing designs of telephone sets.

Samorodsky P.S., Simonenko V.D., Tishchenko A.T., . Labor training: A textbook for 7th grade students (option for boys) of a secondary school. / Ed. V.D. Simonenko. - M.: Ventana-Graff, 2003. - 192 e.: ill.

Books and textbooks according to the calendar plan for 7th grade technology download, help for schoolchildren online

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year; methodological recommendations; discussion program Integrated Lessons

MKOU "Krasnologskaya Secondary School"

Creative project on technology


Completed by an 11th grade student

Gorin Dmitry

Technology teacher

Avdeev Viktor Ignatievich


Project content

*Technological manufacturing sequence

*Relevance of the problem

* Economic costs.

*Model selection

*Project description

*Project assessment and self-assessment



Sketch of the future

products (options)


necessary tools


models on

separate sheet

Manufacturing technology


costs for


Finishing of the finished product

Working with a jigsaw, detail processing of product parts

Protection of the finished project, answers to questions

Relevance of the problem.

I need to make a shelf for my phone. I selected several options (Fig. 1, 2, 3).

During technology lessons, I thought through a plan for working on a project,

I picked up a few pieces of chipboard that were suitable for the job. You will also need screws to hold the shelf parts tightly, and finishing paper for the ends.

Economic costs.

I selected chipboard for my product from waste materials; they were suitable in size and quality. This is beneficial from all sides:

There is no need to use additional building material, which

will go for bigger things;

No need to spend money;

Thanks to the rational use of wood, additional

Natural resources are saved, which causes approval from the technology teacher.

A few screws will cost me around 15-20 rubles.

Hook 50 rubles

To illuminate the teaching workshop for several hours,

electricity will be required. It can be calculated Sez (average economic costs)

Sez = 12 electric lamps X 100 W X 2 hours = 2400 W or 2.4 kW

2.4 kW X 1.78 rub. = 4.28 rub.

PVA glue 50 gr. costs 18 rubles

Total costs will cost about 90 -100 rubles.

In a store, a similar product will cost 900-1500 rubles.

Environmental properties of the product.

In the lessons of technology, geography, etc. we learn about how rich our country is in natural resources that need to be used rationally. Scientists in our country are creating waste-free technologies,

create artificial materials that replace natural ones.

When completing educational tasks in technology lessons, the teacher suggests using wood waste. New furniture was brought to our school.

We did not throw away the tables and chairs, but sorted them and used them to make crafts.

The telephone shelf is made of wood. There was no harmful impact on the environment during the manufacturing process. Since the product is made from wood residues, no damage was caused to natural resources.


Description of the project.

We select 2 blanks measuring 20 x 350x260 mm and 2 blanks measuring 20 x 250x250 mm and one blank 350x350x20 mm

Let's prepare a template for the shelves and side racks.

We mark 2 parts 20 x 350x200 mm in width and length with a pencil and a ruler according to the template.

Saw off the excess with a jigsaw, maintaining the markings.

Mark two parts 20 x 350 x 250 mm according to the template. Cut off the allowances along the line with a jigsaw. Clean the ends with a file and sandpaper.

Mark the workpiece 350x350x20 mm, process the ends.

Mark the centers for fastening the parts of the product (Fig. 2) for the screws with a ruler, pencil, or square.

Connect the parts together using glue and screws.

In order to securely attach the shelf to the wall with nails or self-tapping screws, it is necessary to mark the centers for the holes with a ruler, pencil, or square.

Clean and sand surfaces.

Prepare strips of decorative paper for finishing the ends of the required length and height of 20mm.

Cover the ends with paper and let the glue dry. The shelf is ready.

Project evaluation and self-assessment.

The task is to make a product fromwood waste:

- technologymaking a shelf is simple and accessible to students

This product does not require large material costs.

It gives you the opportunity to decorate not only your home, but also sell it on the market.

Raw materialsfor making the shelf - wood waste.

1. The task assigned to us: to develop, think through the design and manufacture a shelf from waste wood - has been completed.

2. The technology for making a shelf is simple and accessible to students starting

from 6th grade.

3. If manufactured with high quality, it will be in demand in the market.

m a s t e r




Sadriev Bulat

MBOU "Nizhneoshminskaya Secondary School"

Mamadysh municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

hands Shakirov Damir Faritovich

Project theme: phone shelf

My mother liked the idea of ​​making a phone rack for the hallway. She's really looking forward to seeing it in finished form.

The purpose of my work: to make a shelf for the phone.

    Learn to design complex products.

    Practice sawing skills with a jigsaw.

    Learn how to join wood products.

    Finish the finished wood product.

The main goal of my project is to make a simple, but at the same time beautiful and original phone shelf. Studying all the shelves I saw and reviewed, I designed my own version of a phone shelf.

The knowledge gained in the process of studying wood processing technology and my artistic skills turned out to be sufficient to take on this work.

Despite the apparent simplicity of manufacture, the shelves look very beautiful in the home interior. You can also decorate the stand with a small bouquet of flowers in a place specially equipped for this. In addition, it has a pen holder. At the same time, the stand is inexpensive to manufacture.

The main idea of ​​the project is the thesis that essentially unnecessary things can be turned into something that will be useful in any home.

View document contents
"Project plan"

Project plan

    Justification for choosing the project

    History of development

    Planning scheme

    Phone shelf options

    Product drawing

    Product drawing

    Materials used

    Shelf manufacturing technology


    Safety regulations

    Shelf mounting method

    Preparation time

    Product evaluation


Justification for choosing the project

The main goal of my project is to make a simple, but at the same time beautiful and original phone shelf. Studying all the shelves I saw and reviewed, I designed my own version of a phone shelf.

The knowledge gained in the process of studying wood processing technology and my artistic skills turned out to be sufficient to take on this work.

Despite the external prostate of manufacture, the shelf looks very beautiful in the home interior. The stand can also be decorated with a small pot of flowers in a place specially equipped for this. In addition, it has a pen holder. At the same time, the stand is inexpensive to manufacture.

The main idea of ​​the project is the thesis that essentially unnecessary things can be turned into something useful in any home.

History of development

Man, as long as he can remember, has always begun to make his home cozy and beautiful. Many thousands of years ago, while still living in a cave, a primitive hunter began to depict people and animals on his walls. The stone scraper was the artist's first tool, and the canvas was granite and basalt. Then a variety of materials were used: wood, metal, clay, bone, wool, glass, stone and even marsh grass.

Wood is one of the most common construction and ornamental materials, loved and widely used by man for many centuries. The abundance of forests made it possible to always have it at hand, and

Economic justification for the project

Cost calculation:

Cost = wood + varnish + screws + nails + glue

The cost of pine wood = 1500 rubles per 1 m 3

Wood cost =S 5 x 1500/m 3

S 1 +S 2 +S 3 +S 4 = S 5

S 1 = 0.02 x 0.45 x 0.25 = 0.00225 (m 3 )

S 2 = 0.02 x 0.2 x 0.25 = 0.002 (m 3 )

S 3 = 0.02 x 0.11 x 0.16 x 2 = 0.000292 (m 3 )

S 4 = 0.02 x 0.08 x 0.08 = 0.000292(m 3 )

S 5 = 0.004082 (m 3 )

Cost = 0.004082 x 1500 / 1m 3 = 6,123 rub.

The cost of varnish is 60 rubles per 1 liter.

The amount of varnish used was 163 ml.

The cost of the varnish was 10 rubles.

The cost of screws and nails was 2 rubles.

Total cost:

6, 12 + 10 + 2 + 1 (glue) = 19 rubles 12 kopecks

Smirnov Nikita

Creative work "wall shelf" work of a 7th grade student



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Creative project “Wall Shelf” Completed by Smirnov Nikita 7 “a” MAOU “Gymnasium named after. A.S. Pushkin" 2013

Organizational and preparatory stage

Main characteristics of the product Purpose of the product and the requirements for it Main consumers of the product My family and people aged 3 to 18 years will benefit first of all Purpose of the product Book storage Technical parameters Width-300mm Height-810mm Materials for manufacturing Plywood, wood Material cost Low Safety products The shelf must be safe Technical specifications

Low consumption of materials. Simplicity of design. Simplicity of manufacturing technology. Low production time. Beautiful appearance. Ease of use. Environmental friendliness Evaluation criteria

To select my product, I used models from books, magazines and the Internet. I recorded the results in a table, where + Complies and - Fails Model selection

Selecting a model Shelf made of modules (simple geometric shapes)

Selecting a model Honeycomb shelf

Choosing a model Shelf in the Old Russian style

Model selection Plywood shelf with back wall

Selection of model No. Quality indicators Model No. 1 Model No. 2 Model No. 3 Model No. 4 1 Lowest material consumption 0 0 0 1 2 Simple design 0 0 1 1 3 Simplicity of manufacturing technology 0 0 1 1 4 Low manufacturing time 0 0 1 1 5 Aesthetics (beautiful appearance) 1 1 0 0 6 Ease of use 1 1 0 1 7 Environmental friendliness 1 1 1 1 Total points 3 3 4 6

Model - shelf Shape - rectangle Purpose - storage of books, cups, medals Topic - Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 Design stage

Technological stage

Economic assessment Final stage (self-assessment) 5

Environmental assessment The product is made from environmentally friendly materials The product does not pollute the environment Final stage (self-assessment) 5

The general assessment of the Regiment is ready. Economic product. Practice simple operations. The product is environmentally friendly. All family members liked the regiment. Final stage (self-assessment) 5

Overall assessment Task completed Final stage (self-assessment) √

Jury Questions

Thank you for your attention


"Wall shelf"


Completed: 7th grade student

Smirnov Nikita

Technology teacher: Fedorova O.M.

Syktyvkar 2013

There is no greater pleasure in life

than the pleasure of overcoming difficulties on the path to success.

Samuel Johnson

1.1. Project topic

Out of 7 directions, I chose a product for the home. Next, I need to choose an object (products) that I could design and manufacture myself. Of course, it is difficult for me to make, for example, a cabinet or a table. But I am quite capable of making a wall shelf. If the shelf has a beautiful appearance, it will decorate the interior of the room and create a good mood.

That's why I chose the theme of the creative project "wall shelf"

What requirements must this product meet?

Using a computer in the Word program, I compiled technical specifications for the future product (Table 1)

1.2.Technical specifications

For the product “Wall shelf” tab.1

Main characteristics of the product

Purpose of the product and requirements for it

Main consumers of the product

My family and people aged 3 to 18 will primarily benefit

Purpose of the product

Book storage

Technical specifications



Materials for production

Plywood, wood

Material cost


Product safety

The shelf must be safe

The design and manufacturing technology of the design product must satisfy the following basic criteria:

Low consumption of materials.

Simplicity of design.

Simplicity of manufacturing technology.

Low production time.

Beautiful appearance.

Ease of use.

Environmentally friendly (does not pollute the environment).

3. Search and analysis of information about the product.

1.3.Historical background

Shelf (furniture product)

Universal wall shelf


A group of glass wall shelves in the bathroom (fastening - “pelicans”)

Shelf - a piece of furniture without a front wall, with or without a back wall, for placing books and other items.

Shelves can be made from various materials (solid wood,laminated chipboard , MDF , glass , mirror , metal , stone etc.) Can be equipped with backlights; including glass shelves - LED, located both at the end of the glass and inside the multilayer glass structure. The shelves are attached to the walls using various fasteners, both hidden (“titans”, “ears”) and those serving a decorative function (cable systems, chains, “pelicans”, etc.)

Types of shelves by functionality

Bookshelf - shelf for storing books.

  • Spice shelf- (usually narrow) kitchen shelf having a front limiting edge or holes for installing containers withspices .
  • Bathroom shelf
  • Universal shelf

Types of shelves according to location in the room

Wall shelf

  • Hanging shelf - a shelf suspended on cables, chains, etc. and attached to the ceiling of the room.
  • Corner shelf - a shelf located in the corner of the room and attached to two adjacent walls. Corner shelves are divided into shelves:
  • for internal corner- for angles between adjacent walls less than 180°.
  • for outside corner- for angles between adjacent walls of more than 180°.

Types of shelves by design

  • Console shelf - a shelf, which is one horizontal plane, fixedly fixed perpendicular to the wall.
  • Shelf with side walls- a shelf with side walls to support and limit the displacement of objects on it.
  • Shelf with side walls and top horizontal wall- a type of wall cabinet without doors.
  • Shelf with back wall
  • Multi-tier shelf- a shelf having several horizontal walls located one above the other.
  • Combined shelf- a shelf that has horizontal and vertical walls that form compartments for storing items for various functional purposes, and can also have drawers.

Types of shelves by relative arrangement

Single shelf - the only shelf on the wall or a shelf located at a considerable distance from another shelf or group of shelves.

  • Shelf group - several closely spaced and combined compositionally single shelves.

To select possible product options for manufacturing, I looked at various magazines, books, Internet sites about shelves, as well as finished products in stores. As a result of the search, I settled on four possible options and evaluated each according to the selected criteria. I recorded the results in a table, assessing each option (in points) for compliance with the seven criteria put forward: corresponds - 1 point, does not correspond - 0 points. (Table 2)

3.2 Analogue models



Model3 Model4

Characteristic features of analogue models:

Choosing the best product option.( table 2)


Quality indicators


№ 1


№ 2


№ 3


№ 4

Lowest material consumption

Simple design

Simplicity of manufacturing technology

Low production time

Aesthetics (beautiful appearance

Ease of use

Environmental friendliness

Total points

Option 4 scored the most points, so it is the best.

Identifying the best ideas

to implement them in the project.

Type of shelf by functional purpose

Bookshelf - shelf for storing books.

Type of shelf by location in the room

Wall shelf - wall-mounted shelf

Type of shelf according to design

Shelf with back wall- a shelf with a back wall.

Studying consumer demand for the product.

I decided to study consumer demand for the product. This is necessary in order to find out what qualities people would like to see in my product.

To do this, I conducted a questionnaire to study consumer demand.

Questionnaire to study consumer demand for the shelf.

1 .Would you like to purchase this shelf?

A) yes

B) no

2 .What criteria do you consider most important when purchasing a shelf?

A) aesthetic appearance.

B) originality of the model.

C) durability of use and reliability.

D) ease of use

D) affordability.

3 . How many shelves do you have at home?

A) several

B) a lot

B) none

4. By making a purchase, you:

A) felt the need for this product

B) really liked the model

C) we decided to liven up the interior

D) the shelf complements our interior

D) Something else

5 .In everyday life you prefer to use

A) Leather furniture

B)wicker furniture

B) Wooden furniture

D) Upholstered furniture

6 .What types of finishes would you prefer for the shelf?

A) Painted tree

B) natural wood structure

E) doesn't matter

7 . Do you prefer that the shelf you bought be in a single copy?

A) yes

B) no

8. When making a purchase, do you prefer:

A) Buy an expensive, but high-quality and beautiful thing

B) Cheap - it doesn’t matter what it looks like, as long as it lasts a long time

9 . Your biggest selling point

Conclusion: Of those surveyed, 8 people would buy a shelf. Significant criteria 5 are ease of use, 8 - affordability, 4 - longevity of use. All respondents have several shelves. In everyday life, most people prefer natural furniture. The finishing choice was natural wood structure. 7 people, when making a purchase, would prefer an expensive but high-quality shelf, and 3 would prefer a cheap one.

The arguments were:




2.1 (sketch) of the product

2.2. Description of the appearance and design of the design model.

The shelf has a rectangular shape (810mm-300mm). Its purpose is to store books and awards. It can be used by all family members. It’s especially good that it can serve as a gift, since the theme of the decor was chosen on the eve of the Olympic Games. It can also be used in kindergartens. It is simple in design and contains additional decorative elements in the form of figurines of athletes; awards can be hung on them. I chose the dimensions of the shelf so that the books could fit. I presented the technological process of making a shelf in the form of a table.

3.1. Technological sequence of product manufacturing

Routing.Manufacturing the “Base” part


Sequence of work

Graphic image

Equipment and tools


Workbench, plywood, ruler.

Mark overall dimensions


Saw along the contour with an allowance for sawing

Workbench, hacksaw

Mark the corners at the top

Pencil, square, ruler

Saw off according to the markings

Workbench, hacksaw

Clean surfaces

Workbench, file,

sanding paper

Draw background

Applying an inscription



jar stencil

Manufacturing of the “Stand” part, quantity -2 pcs.

Selecting a workpiece taking into account processing allowances


Workbench, plywood,

ruler, pencil,


Mark overall dimensions


Workbench ruler, square. pencil

Saw off with 1mm allowance



Clean the surface

Workbench, rasp, sanding paper

Manufacturing of the “Plank” part - 2 pcs.

Selecting a workpiece for 2 planks, taking into account machining allowances of 15 mm


Workbench wood square pencil

Plan base face A

Crafting table



Plane the second face in size 20mm

Crafting table



Plane base edge B

Crafting table




Saw off allowances to length

Crafting table



Mark the workpiece in width from the base edge

Crafting table




Cut the workpiece into 2 parts according to the markings

Crafting table



Plane the base edge of the plank

Crafting table




Plane the second edge of the plank

Crafting table





Clean the surface

Crafting table


Sanding paper

Crafting table



Mark the workpiece lengthwise into 9 parts




Cut the workpiece into 9 parts

Crafting table



Draw figures according to the template



Sawing figures

Sawing device


Cleaning the surface of the figures



Sanding paper

Paint the figures




Varnish the figures



Product assembly

1.Connect the slats with the stands

2. Connect the stands to the base using strips (nails)

3.Glue the figures to the plank using furniture glue. After drying, clean the entire surface with fine-grained sandpaper.

4.Attach hooks (screws) to the base

5.Glue the figures to the base. After drying, clean the entire surface with fine-grained sandpaper.

6. Finishing the product with varnish.

To connect the planks to the stands and to the base you will need screws and nails. When performing work, safety precautions must be observed.

4.1. Economic assessment

There is a saying: “money loves counting.” When you clearly know where and how much money was spent, then you will be able to control the situation and change it. Therefore, we determine the total costs of materials.

Calculation of the conditional cost of materials for the manufacture of a product.

Material name


(per, 1m, pcs.)

Material costs

(m, pcs.)

Cost Cost


1m of blank 350x250mm costs 20 rubles


Stands 2 pcs-


Figures-740mm 810+600+740=2140mm=2m140mm total length of the workpiece

S1=20x2.14=42.8 rub.

Unedged board

1 m of workpiece with a cross section of 45x45 costs 30 rubles

The length of the workpiece is 297mm=0.30mm


self-tapping screws

1 self-tapping screw costs 45 kopecks

6 pcs







1 furniture nail costs 33 kopecks

6 pcs


Furniture varnish

150 rub.




1 piece costs 5 rubles

2 pcs





Stotal = 106 rubles 80 kopecks

4.2. Environmental assessment of the product.

The product is made from environmentally friendly materials that do not have a harmful effect on the environment.

4.3.Final control and evaluation of the project.

The shelf is ready. I believe that in general it meets the developed criteria. The product is economical, since not a lot of materials were spent on its production. Manufacturing technology includes operations that we have already mastered in technology lessons: marking, filing, stripping, sawing with a jigsaw, finishing. Since these operations are simple, not much time is spent on making a wall shelf.

In stores and on Internet sites, I looked at the prices for similar products and became convinced that my shelf was much cheaper. Of course, we should not forget that the price of a finished industrial product also includes the cost of electricity, wages for workers, sellers, delivery of goods to the store, etc.

The product is environmentally friendly as it is made of metal and wood.

As a test, we hung the shelf on the wall. All family members liked the shelf, because it not only fit harmoniously into the interior of the room, but also the books were placed on it well. And my sister was able to hang her awards on her.

1. G.M. Gavrilyuk, T.V. Strizhov “Worker Zoshit” Creative Project. 7-8 grades" - Kh., VG "Osnova", 2011

2. Textbook “Technology. Industrial technologists" 6-7kl

3.Internet resources.

4. Workbook on technology by P.S. Samorodsky. A.t. Tishchenko.