Icons, jewelry, magical symbols... What else can you not wear crosses with? Amulets with decorative stones. Basic wearing rules

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There are many opinions about what can and cannot be worn with an Orthodox pectoral cross. Let's figure out which of them are true and which are myths, from the point of view.

Along with the icon

Some, in addition to the pectoral cross, also wear an icon of some saint around their neck. In fact, the priests say, it is possible to wear an icon at the same time as a cross. But they should not be worn on one cord or chain, since the cross is the main symbol of Orthodoxy, and images of saints play only a secondary role.

With decorations

This is complete nonsense! The fact is that any believer is required to wear a pectoral cross, without removing it under any circumstances. If it were impossible to combine the Orthodox cross with jewelry, then many people would never wear jewelry at all. For example, there is nothing wrong with wearing a pectoral cross at the same time as earrings or a ring.

But if you wear, in addition to the cross, some kind of pendant, medallion, pendant, there are special rules. In particular, these decorations should be placed separately. The cross is on its chain, the pendant is on its own. In this case, the decoration must be made of the same metal from which the cross is made. The exception is ordinary jewelry. You can also wear a cross with beads.

The chain on which the cross hangs should be of such length that the cross can be hidden under clothing. You shouldn't wear it with a deep neckline unless it's very hot outside. Other jewelry can be removed at night, but the cross should remain on you during sleep.

With magical and esoteric symbols

Nowadays, you can often find people who simultaneously wear a cross on their neck and a pendant with the image of a Zodiac sign, a Feng Shui symbol, some kind of pagan or runic amulet, talisman or amulet.

Here the ministers of the church are completely unanimous: it is impossible to combine Orthodox symbols with symbols that relate to other faiths and beliefs, and even more so to magic, astrology or esotericism! First of all, because these artifacts carry completely different energies. You shouldn’t think that together all this will “work” better and protect you from troubles or attract good luck. You must choose whether you will take the path Orthodox faith, which does not recognize all kinds of “magic”, or you will follow a completely different path. Perhaps the runes and zodiac signs are quite compatible with each other, but they are not compatible with the Orthodox cross.

A pectoral cross is not only a symbol of commitment to the Christian faith, but also a personal amulet of its owner. There are many rules and taboos associated with this attribute. Many prohibitions are simply superstitions that have arisen among the people, and the church categorically does not approve of them. But there are also many and very important points that every sincere believer should know.

So which prohibitions are real and which are just superstitions – the priest’s answers.

Let us say right away that the pectoral cross that is given to a person during the Sacrament of Baptism and ordinary decorative crosses are two different things. Decorative decorations do not carry any spiritual load and are not protection for the one who wears it. For a cross to become a talisman, it must be consecrated in the church.

Is it possible to wear a pectoral cross on a chain rather than on a cord?

Yes, of course you can! The amulet is the cross itself, and the church does not make any requirements in what way it will be attached to the neck. This is a personal matter for everyone. The most important thing is that he does not get lost. At the same time, the danger of the chain breaking is higher than that of a strong silk cord.

Is it possible to wear a pectoral cross over clothes?

No you can not. That is why it is called wearable. This is a personal thing, a symbol of faith, and it is inappropriate to display it.

Is it possible to give or exchange a cross?

Yes, a cross can be given not only by godparents, relatives, but also by other people. The main thing is to consecrate it correctly. It is also permissible to exchange pectoral crosses - there is even such an ancient custom: those people who do this become brothers and sisters in Christ (similar to how godparents do to godchildren).

Is it possible to pick up and take a found cross?

This is a real superstition. In principle, someone else’s pectoral cross cannot cause any problems or threats - it is a shrine. But you don't need to put it on. It is better to take it to the temple or place it near the icon for safekeeping.

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross?

It is possible if it is a gift from a loved one - and it is consecrated in the church. Superstitions about other people's energy and problems have no basis and are considered heresy.

Taboo on a cross with a crucifix

There is no such church prohibition. The crucifix is ​​the main symbol of Christianity - the sacrifice of Christ, which guarantees salvation. Such a cross must necessarily be a crucifix outward, and not towards the body.

Is it possible to wear an unconsecrated cross?

It is possible, but only as a decorative attribute. But from the point of view of faith, this is wrong - this is not entertainment, but a very serious thing. Regardless of what the cross is made of - wood, metal, gold, whether it was given as a gift or bought in a jewelry store, it is better to consecrate it and wear it correctly.

In order for magical and spiritual protection to bring maximum benefit, you need to know how to wear a talisman, amulet or talisman in Everyday life. Of course, the method of wearing largely depends on the type of item, but there are several universal rules that you can take note of. In this case, wearing is the same as using, since we usually do nothing else with amulets and amulets. Let's consider how to properly wear a talisman, talisman or amulet, depending on their purpose and type.

Crosses and incense

Many of us are accustomed to wearing an Orthodox cross as a talisman. This is a truly powerful symbol, the power of which is associated not with magic, but with a religious egregor. Of course, it benefits only baptized Christians who understand the essence of the religious symbol and have true faith in Christ. (Although it is believed that a cross given to a believer can protect even a person far from religion and the church). Since faith refers to “internal” experiences that are not customary to boast about, the cross on the body should not be displayed - it is customary to wear it as a pendant around the neck, but, if possible, under clothes.

At the same time as the cross, you can also wear an amulet (a pendant with the image of a saint or an angel with inscribed words of prayer) on the same chain. As for symbols and amulets belonging to other beliefs or cultures (pagan, Muslim, magical, etc.), it is better not to wear them at the same time as the cross: at least not on the same chain. It is believed that the cross should be worn constantly without taking it off, so it is best to purchase a silver or gold item without stones or other decor. Noble metals are favorable for constant contact with the human body and provide the cross with excellent preservation. As for stones and decor, they can fall out and cause discomfort when worn.


It is believed that, due to their antiquity, minerals are a storehouse of energy and information. In time, they are much closer to the moment of creation of the Universe than people, and therefore have special abilities and age-old wisdom. Due to their structure, crystals create a field similar to the human biofield, therefore, by combining these fields, we can strengthen and develop the necessary properties.

How to wear a talisman with a stone correctly? Most often, it is advised to choose minerals that are suitable for the zodiac sign under which you were born, but the recommended stones should always be checked in practice (the astrological chart of each person is very complex and involves the influence of many planets, therefore the choice of stones requires an individual approach).

Usually, beautifully cut and framed stones are worn in plain sight: these amulets and talismans do not require secrecy. Their primary task- bring harmony into the soul of the owner and strengthen the qualities he needs, broadcasting a new, more perfect energy image to the world. Simply put, stones “create an image” in the literal and figurative sense of the word. They can be worn anywhere, but the head, arms, neck and chest area are of particular importance for wearing stones.

Jewelry with stones

On hands

Perhaps the most popular amulets jewelry are rings. The ring on the finger is clearly visible to everyone around, but, most importantly, it is constantly before the eyes of its owner. You remember it all the time, admire the shimmer of the stone, touch it, in other words, intensively communicate and come into contact with it. In addition, according to astrology and palmistry, each finger on the hand is associated with a certain area of ​​life, and therefore wearing a ring with a stone acquires additional symbolism and the ability to have targeted influence. Bracelets with stones worn on the wrists are also considered excellent amulets (they protect important energy zones of a person in places where the pulse beats).

On the head and neck

The head, neck and chest are the locations of the upper chakras, which are responsible for higher feelings and aspirations (creative self-expression, spirituality, unity with the world, feelings of love, etc.). To stabilize the work of the heart chakra (Anahata), the talisman can be worn on a longer chain reaching the level of the heart, and to open the throat chakra (Vishuddhi), choose a necklace or short chains that bring the amulet closer to the throat. In some cultures (for example, in India), jewelry with stones was worn at the level of the “third eye,” enhancing the work of the Ajna chakra. Modern women have a chance to work on the development of Sahasrara - the highest spiritual chakra, by wearing jewelry with stones in their hair (combs, hoops, hairpins).

The best protection for a person is the balanced functioning of the chakra system, which provides a strong energy cocoon - a kind of immunity against negative influences.

Slavic amulets

How to wear an amulet belonging to Slavic culture? It is customary to wear such jewelry in plain sight. Most often, their essence is addressed to peace and nature to attract good luck, wealth, health and protection of the gods to a person. Most of the amulets and talismans used by our ancestors embody solar symbolism (kolovrat, thunderer, valkyrie, alatyr, etc.). These decorations should always be facing the sun and resemble it themselves: shine in plain sight and delight the eye. They can be worn on chains or laces at the level of the solar plexus, worn over clothing, as well as in the form of bracelets, rings or earrings.

Our ancestors wore amulets not only as decorations: items of clothing also served as magical talismans. Shirts, belts, men's trousers and women's dresses, decorated with symbolic embroidery, could protect the wearer from illness, trouble and witchcraft, and also attract good luck, love and prosperity.

Natural symbolism enhanced material well-being (for example, the symbol of a sown field), and philosophical symbolism enhanced spiritual harmony (for example, the tree of life). Amulets and talismans (whether clothes or jewelry) were worn constantly, day after day, and therefore great importance Another factor was that they were made from natural materials (fabrics, metals, wood, etc.).


As we can see, our ancestors almost always wore several amulets at once. Can we follow their example and wear several magical symbols or talismans together? Of course, we can, but on condition that these items are compatible. You can combine symbols of the same religion or tradition with each other, but they should be different in meaning and create a harmonious ensemble, and not draw attention to each other.

If you wear some permanent “hidden” talisman (for example, a cross or a sacred symbol) under your clothes, then in plain sight it can be temporarily complemented by a significant amulet of another tradition: their energies will not conflict, since each of the symbols performs a separate function. However, you should not constantly wear 2 hidden talismans if they belong to different egregors (for example, Christianity and Islam), even if you think that they have a similar essence, the differences and competition to which egregors are subject will introduce some kind of fracture and duality in life. Stones are natural talismans, and therefore they go well with any symbols and signs, but their overall ensemble should also serve harmony. If you do not have special knowledge in the field of mineralogy, astrology and lithotherapy, simply combine amulets with stones of similar or harmonious colors (for example, amber and citrine, amethyst and topaz, emerald and diamond).

The feeling of harmony should be subjective: it is important to trust yourself and your intuition, focusing on a feeling of inner satisfaction, and not on generally accepted stereotypes.

  • It is recommended to wear amulets and talismans made in the form of thread bracelets (woven bracelets, red thread, shamballa, etc.) on the left hand, since they are designed to protect against negativity, and it is believed that evil penetrates a person through the left hand. But if you are going to an important interview, exam or meeting, put a precious metal bracelet on your right hand: it will be useful for attracting good luck in business. Several thin silver bracelets (in the form of chains), worn on the left hand or on both hands, will help protect against the evil eye and condemnation. They should be worn in places where tension is felt and sidelong glances are noticeable.
  • An ordinary pin is considered a traditional amulet against envy and the evil eye. It should be worn with the head and tip downwards. inside clothes. However, decorative precious pins can also be worn as brooches: they will distract negative attention and help neutralize it.
  • It is recommended to wear “money” amulets not on yourself, but with you in your wallet. For such a thing, you need to allocate a separate pocket, and put everything else (bills, coins, credit cards) in their places and keep them in perfect order.
  • It is very important what the amulets and talismans that you wear are made of. They should continue your energy body, as a result of which you will become stronger and more harmonious. To do this, the amulet must combine well with human energy - be made to the maximum from natural materials.
  • To get the maximum magical protection, you need to figure out how to wear an unusual one correctly. Many people do not attach importance to this, so the amulet does not show its magical power and disappoints the owner. The method of using the amulet depends on its type, but you can name rules that, if followed, can count on good protection. Basic recommendations will be given below; compliance with them guarantees the help of the amulet.

    The Orthodox cross is considered a very popular amulet. Almost every Christian wears a talisman. The child receives an amulet during baptism and then remains under its protection for the rest of his life. This symbol is very strong, the help is due not to its magical effect, but religious views owner. To protect the amulet, sincerely believe in God and study the meaning of a religious talisman. If a believer gives a cross to a person who is far from religion and the church, the symbol will still protect the new owner.

    Belief in God is considered a personal experience; it is not customary to show it off, so displaying a cross is not welcome. It's better to disguise it carefully. The talisman must always be with the owner, then there is a chance to receive his support. Take a neat ribbon or chain that is tightly fixed and will prevent the loss of the amulet.

    You can wear an amulet along with a cross. It looks like a small pendant with a picture of a saint and prayer words. Depending on the date of birth, a saint is chosen, and he will be considered the patron for a long time. It is possible to use one chain for, and attach a cross to it. Do not wear a talisman or amulet belonging to another religion together with a cross. This applies to pagans. It is better to use different chains for amulets.

    It is not recommended to remove the cross. Buy a talisman made of metal, silver or gold. It is more convenient to wear a talisman with a minimum number of stones. Small stones that complement the amulet can quickly get lost or cause discomfort during use. Gold and silver objects are resistant to external influences and have a beneficial effect on the body. It has been known since ancient times positive influence decorations for all functions of the body, so they were used to treat and prevent many diseases. If you carefully choose jewelry, you will be able to choose a convenient accessory for yourself that will last for decades and will only delight the owner.

    Minerals have a large store of information due to age. It is difficult even for scientists to determine the time of their origin; many stones are several thousand years old. This has led to the emergence of impressive energy reserves that are used to great advantage. Energy reserves endowed these objects with unusual properties. They have unique abilities and wisdom. The characteristic structure of minerals creates a field around them that is similar to the human biofield. There have been a number of studies examining the effects of minerals. By combining the field of man and stone, they obtain the necessary magical properties. This will help you cope with troubles, improve your health, and achieve financial independence. These properties made jewelry beautiful and useful.

    Before purchasing a stone amulet, decide on the type of mineral. Usually the choice is made depending on the zodiac sign. When you have finally decided, check the effect of the talisman in practice. Individual choice of stone is required due to the influence of planets on a person. People react differently to the effects of an amulet and a talisman. What is ideal for one may have negative consequences for others.

    It is possible to find very interesting and rare stones with beautiful cuts. Amulets can be worn openly, showing it off to everyone. They will drive away negativity from the owner. The purpose of such an amulet is to ensure harmony, tranquility, and change the energy field. These changes are felt soon after you start using the amulet. A person using an amulet is perceived by others in a beneficial way. Most often they are worn on the arms and neck.

    Amulets with decorative stones

    On the hand

    Rings are considered the most popular amulets. Such talismans are especially relevant for women, because it is possible to choose varieties of stones that differ in their color and properties. These items create an image for their owner and evoke the admiration of others. Constantly admiring the amulet and touching it, it is possible to strengthen its energy and protective power. In palmistry, each finger is associated with one of the spheres of life, so wearing a ring can greatly change your destiny. The main thing is to know the basic principles of using the amulet and to correctly approach its activation. Bracelets are also very trendy. They are put on the place where the pulse is heard and produce a targeted effect on the person. More often used Jewelry in the form of bracelets made of gold with precious inserts.

    Head and neck

    The upper chakras are responsible for creativity and spiritual life. A person can develop, love, live in harmony with the world around him. By properly influencing these chakras, they achieve greater success and enjoy life. These chakras are located in the head, chest and neck.

    To influence the heart chakra (Anahata), it is better to wear the amulet on an elongated chain reaching the heart area. Jewelry on a short chain can open the throat chakra (Vishuddha).

    In some cultures (for example, in India) it was customary to use amulets with a bright stone at the level of the “third eye”, this enhanced the work of the Ajna chakra. The most important spiritual chakra is called Sahasrara, and to activate it you need elegant hair jewelry.

    It is necessary to try to establish coordinated functioning of the chakra system. This will strengthen the protective energy shell and prevent the influence of negativity. Knowing all the features of how the body works, you can stay healthy for a long time and significantly extend your life.

    The Slavs used amulets that could protect their loved ones and protect them from bad influences. It was customary to wear such jewelry for show. Usually they were addressed to natural forces with a request to protect from evil and envious people, to give health and long life, and to bring prosperity to the house. Solar symbols facing the sun were often used. They shone and brought joy to everyone around. This amulet can be worn as a ring, bracelet, chain or pendant.

    Clothing on which symbolism is embroidered also served as a talisman among the Slavs. Women could do embroidery; it was a protective amulet for loved ones, protecting them from witchcraft and lies, attracting wealth and success.

    Natural symbols brought prosperity, and philosophical symbols brought spiritual harmony. Natural materials, used for the talisman, made its daily use completely safe.

    How to combine amulets

    In ancient times, it was also customary to wear several amulets at the same time. Compatible talismans were selected that could enhance mutual influence. It is not recommended to combine symbols related to different religions. Amulets with mystical characteristics should create a single ensemble.

    Often the cross is hidden under clothes, and a beautiful amulet with other characteristics is worn in plain sight. Their energy does not intersect, since the action is different. Avoid the idea of ​​constantly wearing two hidden talismans belonging to several religions (for example, Islam and Christianity), even if they are similar. They will conflict at the energy level, leading to turning points in life.

    Stones are considered talismans of natural origin, so they can be combined well with amulets. If you do not have knowledge of mineralogy, astrology and other sciences that study the effects on the body, simply select minerals of a similar color.

    The sense of harmony achieved with the right combination of talismans is quite subjective. It will appear if you believe in yourself, rely on intuition, and not on the norms accepted in society.

    1. For a talisman, you can take an ordinary item. The main thing is that it evokes only positive emotions. It is useful to visit a holy place with your amulet. It is necessary to imagine that the energy of the shrine interacts with the energy of the talisman, transferring to it part of its power. This way you can charge the item and make it your assistant. The talisman can be worn in difficult moments of life, hoping for protection and support.
    2. Bracelets - threads, which include red thread, shamballa and other woven amulets, are recommended to be worn on the left. This is explained by the fact that all negativity penetrates a person through the left hand. Before attending an important event, put a bracelet with minerals on your wrist; it will bring success in business and good luck. It is possible to use several thin silver bracelets at once. They are worn on one or both hands, which will protect against damage and evil people. It is better to do this before an unpleasant meeting.
    3. It is considered the simplest and most effective amulet that gets rid of envious people and ill-wishers. It must be pinned to the clothing so that the tip and head are pointing down. The amulet is attached to the inside of the clothing, away from prying eyes. Beautiful decorative pins are used, which are made of noble metal and covered with jewelry. They are worn like brooches, pinned to clothing. This is a good amulet, as it distracts the attention of enemies and neutralizes their negative influence.
    4. Amulets that attract money are prohibited from being worn; place them in your wallet. For the symbol, highlight your department. Keep your money organized by organizing it neatly in your wallet. Compliance with this rule will ensure constant cash flow and financial stability.
    5. Pay close attention to the material from which. They must be energetically compatible with their owner, which will provide strength and health for him. Choose natural ingredients for amulets; the safety of their use and great help will make such amulets quite popular.

    By following all the tips described above and using magical symbols correctly, you can count on quick positive changes.

    It's called damage to the cross. This is a very serious blow that is almost impossible to prevent.

    The fact is that ordinary damage works in the aura at the astral or metal level. That is, the thoughts and emotions of the object are affected.

    How to aim

    Damage to the cross penetrates all subtle fields. It influences fate.

    Most often, this negative impact is used to relieve the burden of problems from one soul to another.

    It's time for a cross is not always ordered by the client.

    A black magician can use it for his own purposes. He constantly intensifies and burdens his karma. And in order not to suffer later, he gives such a load to random people or enemies through the cross.

    • The sorcerer goes to the Temple. He carries a cross with him.
    • He stands in one place throughout his service.
    • He discreetly holds a cross in his right hand, and crosses himself with his left. You can even find out this in the Church. He will be wearing a loose robe.

    The cross should not be kept in your pocket or clutched in your palm. He must absorb the spirit of holiness, but reflect it into hell. To do this, the cross is kept upside down the entire time the service is going on.

    Then they do the same with the cross.

    If damage is ordered, it is transferred to the victim. As soon as a person touches his hands, fate will take a very sharp turn in the negative direction.

    When the magician performs the ritual for himself, he throws a cross on the street in a crowded place. The one who picks it up will be a victim of damage. Be careful with such finds!


    The victim of corruption seems to find himself in another dimension. Believe me, this is not a figure of speech. This is actually true. Fate suddenly breaks down.

    Only at first the person himself does not understand this and, naturally, does not feel it. But on a subtle level it is already clear that fate was cut short.

    Ailments begin, terrible, painful ones. Troubles and misfortunes are not even worth mentioning. They will now be the poor man's constant companions.

    It's something completely different that's scary. You know, each personality has its own purpose. Some work on grandiose projects, others communicate with people, others raise or give birth.

    Everyone has a mission. It must be completed. Avoidance is considered a sin. A common person doesn't think about it. Lives for himself as best he can.

    And that's just great. He is led from heaven to where he needs to go.

    It’s a different matter if the cross is damaged. This connection with the Angel is instantly broken. Or rather, the heavenly patron still remains nearby, but can no longer help.

    It was as if the victim of corruption was in a spacesuit. The person can be seen and heard, but impossible to reach. By the way, it seems so to others too. A person changes before our eyes.

    He ceases to be interested in what previously fascinated him, and in nothing else either. Even outwardly, it is clear that some kind of weight has firmly taken a position on his shoulders and is pressing like an additional planet.

    The victim visually becomes stooped, hunched over, as if shorter.

    This person is also perceived differently by those around him, with hostility and contempt. His company is avoided, sometimes outright ignored.

    Ritual for the pectoral cross

    This type of damage is used to transfer one’s troubles to another. This damage is ordered only to a specialist.

    Of course, you can find the words of a special spell and repeat the sorcerer’s ritual described above, if you really want to.

    Just don't do this. You may not live to see the end of the ceremony.

    The fate of every person is protected. If you interfere in it without knowledge and skills, you will receive a full response. Don't take risks. The damage to the pectoral cross is done by a specialist.

    Then the negative carrier is transferred to the victim. You don't have to wear it.

    Even if you are in the house, the cross will work. To get rid of negativity, the cross should be thrown into flowing water, and.

    On a golden cross

    Also a special ceremony. the item is used when damage is caused. A very scary and sinful activity.

    Most often, this kid is chosen by the magician as his student. He does this for his own reasons. However, the child should be shown the path that the sorcerer determined for him.

    To do this, they charm a cross made of gold and hang it around the child’s neck. From this moment on, the child's fate is sealed. He, too, will become a black sorcerer if he does not die.

    Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to save the child. Only sometimes the Higher powers give him the joy of getting rid of a terrible fate through an untimely death.

    The parents grieve immensely, not understanding what the Lord delivered the baby from. After all, having plunged into the darkness of evil witchcraft, the soul will no longer be able to turn to the light.

    How to determine

    The easiest thing to do, if you have troubles, is to start remembering. If you picked up a cross or were given one as a gift, be sure to have it checked by a specialist for damage. And the sooner you do it, the greater the likelihood that fate can be returned.

    It is advisable to ask loved ones who have been in trouble if they have ever picked up a cross in a crowded place.

    They themselves may not suspect a witchcraft attack, which means they will lose their destiny forever.

    If you cannot remember the event from which the misfortune began, then go to a fortune teller or go to a witch in the village. Unfortunately, it is impossible to diagnose this type of damage in any other way.

    They do it very well. And you don’t have to worry about the enemies who allegedly damaged you on their own.

    An ordinary person cannot do such a ritual. And don't believe anyone who says otherwise.

    How to remove

    There is nothing to please you here either. It is necessary to look for a strong magician in order to correct such injustice. And this is not easy either.

    Not every specialist is capable of working at this level. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly report to the witch. And different ones are better. Don't sit around.

    Damage should be dealt with constantly so that it does not take over the soul. Carry out the rituals yourself, go to your grandmother, until a real magician is found.

    And the more often you become, the faster the road to salvation will open. Sometimes magic happens on its own, as if in a fairy tale.