Combination of colors in clothes: how to choose the right color scheme for your look? Color combinations: construction principle Ready-made color combinations.

The color wheel is a spectrum of all colors presented in the form of a circle, where different brightness (luminosity) corresponds to different distances from the center. is selected exactly in a circle.

Any table color combinations in the interior - special case because Using a circle you can generate an infinite number of such tables.

This is difficult material, but if you master it, you will gain a fundamentally different level of understanding of design. And not only the interior.

Color wheel for combining colors in the interior


I will immediately show how you can use the color wheel in practice, and the whole theory will follow.

Let's take a real example, where the colors are chosen correctly and at the same time the interior is unusual:

The basic ones used are white, gray, black, and several shades of brown wood. Dirty blue was chosen as an accent color. It looks cool.

We check for compliance with the theory (I changed the structure and now it is further). We lay out the interior into a color scheme and select matching colors for dirty blue in two ways. Complimentary for two and three color combinations (link to the service and explanations in the next paragraph).

As you can see, dirty blue is the ideal accent color for so much wood and warm (due to the color temperature of the lamps) gray. But maybe this is just a coincidence and other tones would also look good?

Let's choose the color of the sofa and the wall.

It's not the same.

The original version with blue is the coolest. What if you don’t make accents at all, but take from the basic ones, for example gray and black:

It turns out very well, although some might say it’s a bit boring. This is a clear illustration that basic colors can be perfectly combined in an interior without any risk.

More photos of this apartment in the material about.

Types of color combinations in the interior

There are different types of color combinations and each type has its own geometric illustration on the circle.

  1. Similar(Analogous). A set of flowers located on a circle nearby.
  2. Contrasting, they are complimentary, they are complementary(Complementary). They are located opposite each other on a line drawn through the center. For example, brown and blue.
  3. Conflict. Located on lines intersecting in the center of the color wheel at right angles. For example red and blue.
  4. Triad. Equidistant from each other (forming an equilateral triangle). For example, red, green and blue - the three primary colors form just such a triangle.
  5. Two pairs. Actually 2 pairs of complementary colors whose lines intersect in the middle of the circle at a right angle.

In interiors, it is best to use the first 2 types of combinations. The rest are risky and complex, although this does not mean that they cannot be combined. But only if you are confident in your taste.

Color luminosity (somewhat incorrectly called brightness) is the amount of white and black admixture in the final color. In geometric terms, the distance to the center of the circle. Saturation is the amount of gray.

The most discerning will instantly understand that with so many ways, almost all colors can be combined. And what the main rule of color combinations in the interior:

Colors are combined in luminosity and saturation. Those. they must be equidistant from the center of the color wheel of a fixed saturation.


You need to take into account ALL objects in the room. Therefore, it is difficult to create a stylish interior with too bright shades - they will not match the color of the floor, baseboards and doors, which usually have natural wood tones with low luminosity and saturation. And that’s why pastels always fit well.


So, the basic palette is white, gray, black and wood.

Their combination is enough to create a stylish interior. They fit together perfectly and seamlessly. This is a safe color scheme, where the worst option is a slightly boring interior. Ideal is also quite possible. But adding accent bright colors can make the design either better or worse.

Let's break down some real photographs of interiors into palettes:

They seemed almost monochrome, but there are a lot of colors there!

That's the whole point! The point is the heterogeneous texture, the play of light and shadow, reflections, and the color temperature of the selected lamps. That is why it is not necessary to always add bright colors.

But let’s figure out how to do it anyway.

By the way, we are in:

The best colors for the interior

For interiors, we are interested in 2 inner rings (pastel colors), 3 outer rings (dark) and they are the same but with a different saturation.

In the selected areas, colors that I do not recommend using in the interior. This doesn't mean they are bad. Rather risky. It is difficult to combine them in the interior. I warned you.

The inner and outer parts of the color chart are of primary interest to us. Pastels from the middle of the diagram can also be used in decoration, but without fanaticism. Dirty dark colors are good for textiles: curtains, carpet, bed linen, upholstered furniture.

I recommend turning off part of the spectrum because... it does not combine with natural materials and natural finishing tones. Most standard bunch of amateurs— the color of the floor ruins everything. Choose an accent from the middle of the circle or even from dangerous zones, without thinking that most flooring materials imitate wood, which neither in luminosity nor in saturation is combined with aggressive colors:

Now we know:

  1. The colors in the interior are combined with the same luminosity and saturation
  2. There are just different types of combinations
  3. Many people may like even conflicting colors

This means that it is impossible to formalize information on color combinations to compile a table. Any attempts to claim the opposite and supposedly ready-made combination tables are nothing more than profanity and nonsense.

All ready-made color combination tables are nonsense.

I explained to you the essence of color theory. Others try to pass off special cases as secret knowledge. Pastel green doesn’t go well with orange, and pastel pink doesn’t go with green because some people with secret knowledge put it in the table, but because they are different distances from the center of the color wheel, why compare them at all.

Just write that light wood does not go well with bright pink. But it is important to understand that this happens because they are at different distances from the center of the circle. And the color wheel is not a fiction - it is a reflection of the physical meaning of colors. And this distance reflects their real physical properties.

Fashionable combinations

But if the tables don't work, then what about the combination of turquoise and brown? Or pistachio and dirty pink?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is fashion.

From the point of view of design perception, all correctly chosen color combinations are equally good. But in psychology there are already differences. When something becomes fashionable, it starts appearing everywhere. And the more we see something, the more we get used to it, the more we like it. This is a purely psychological technique. Hence the comfortable life of all celebrities -
we are instinctively pleased to see those whom we have already seen. It's the same in design.

Here are some fashionable color combinations in interiors that are no better or worse than others, they are just popular:

The influence of flowers on humans is a scientifically proven fact. In order to live comfortably, you need to choose the right combination of colors in the interior. It is not so easy. There are special rules that must be followed in order for the colors to be compatible. There are also ready-made tables that make the whole process easier.

Principles and types of formation of combined colors

There are a huge number of shades of colors in nature. But, as you probably noticed, not all of them look equally good next to each other. Some seemingly unexpected combinations are simply mesmerizing, while others make you want to look away. This is because when choosing flowers for the interior, flower bed, bouquet, clothing, you must be guided by certain rules and principles.

The palette of combined colors can range from two to seven colors and shades

To make them easier to remember, special tools were created - a color wheel and tables of combined colors. Basically, the main tool is a circle, and tables are the finished result of a selection based on it. If you want to learn the basics of color combinations, use a wheel. Otherwise, select an option from the tables.

Color wheel and rules for its use

The color wheel has three levels. It contains the primary colors - red, blue, yellow. They are called primary. Their pairwise combination gives three additional (secondary) colors - purple, orange, green. The third level contains tertiary colors - this is the result of a combination of secondary and primary colors. Based on these colors, a combination of colors in the interior (and not only) is selected.

Color compatibility circle - for selecting basic colors for the interior

As you can see, black, gray and white are not represented in the circle. They do not exist in nature in their pure form; when decorating the interior, they can be used as basic (white and gray) or additional.

Number of colors

Before explaining the rules for using the color wheel, you need to understand the number of colors for their harmonious combination. In general, you can use two, three or four compatible shades. You can also add universal colors to them - white, gray, black. This is exactly what decorators and artists do.

There are many colors, but in one interior they look harmonious. This is because they were chosen correctly - they are combined with each other

But for the interior, two shades are too monotonous and boring. Much more interesting are rooms decorated with a combination of three, four or more colors. However, it is wrong to use colors in equal proportions. One or two of them are chosen as the main ones, there are “many” of them. These colors are used to paint walls and floors; they are present in furniture upholstery and textiles. One or two more are used as additional ones. There are not many of them, but they are noticeable. The rest - no matter how many there are - serve to add variety and emphasis. They are present in small quantities - these are decorative items, pillows, etc. If you take a closer look at the interiors that you like, you will most likely find this pattern in the distribution of colors.

Combination of colors in the interior based on the color wheel

Using a color wheel, you can use it to choose colors to match. They do this according to certain rules. There are several principles for forming combinations:

Using these principles alone, several dozen combinations can be formed. But there are also extremely distant pairs and four colors that can be combined. This also adds to the number of options.

But that's not all. Each of the colors in the circle varies in saturation - from lighter in the middle to darker on the outside. That is, in the selected sector you can select several shades by tone. This combination of colors in the interior is called monochrome. They are also used in design.

Within one color, you can take several shades, add touches of neutral colors - and your monochrome interior is ready

Playing with color is sometimes interesting. And so as not to be too boring, you can use “universal” ones as accents - black, white, gray or red - to taste, depending on the desired mood and purpose of the room.

Tables of color combinations in the interior

It may be interesting to choose the combination of colors in the interior yourself, but due to ignorance you can make mistakes. For simplicity, tables have been created that simplify the creation of the interior. Especially if you know how to use them.

Table of color combinations in the interior - several options

In color tables, the combination of colors in the interior is given in five to six shades. They must be used keeping in mind the rule. The first shade is the main color, the second and third are additional, the rest are accent colors. This is how you distribute the colors.

In such tables, look in the first position for the shade that you want to make dominant. If you try, you can find three or more options. After all, there are tables that are compiled according to contrast, complementary, etc. principles. So there are many options. For example, in the above piece of tables (in fact, there are a lot of such sheets), there are two combinations for bright blue: 127 and 135. There will be even more of them on other sheets. From the options found, choose the combination of colors in the interior that appeals to you most.

There are tables that have a different appearance: their dominant shade is located perpendicular to the additional and accent ones. The rules for using tables of matching colors do not change. Only the main color is highlighted, making it a little easier to navigate.

Photo examples of interiors indicating the color combination used

The fact that colors affect mood and well-being has been talked about for a long time. There is even such a direction of alternative medicine as color therapy, where various types of disorders are treated by being in an interior with a predominance of a certain shade. So the “mood” of each color is worth keeping in mind when choosing a palette.

Red: matching colors

Red color is very active and aggressive. It is usually present in interiors as accents - to break the monotony of design in white, gray or beige tones. In this case, it is almost irreplaceable - it brings the picture to life very well. You can see for yourself - below are several photos. Red in the interior of a living room can only be done in this way, otherwise the occupants’ anxiety increases, and health problems may even begin.

The main color in this interior is milky white, the additional one is brown and beige, the accents are green and red. Approximately the same range, but for a living room in a different style - here instead of green there are black details, which gives more “coldness” to the atmosphere

A place where red can be the dominant color is the kitchen. Here you need high activity and this color will give you vigor. And, at the same time, it will also increase your appetite.

If you need a similar effect, please choose a combination of red as the main one. As an additional option, it comes with gray, shades of white, beige, and there may be black details. You can still find a little green - in the form of plants or a few details. Other colors are rarely woven in, otherwise the result is too colorful even for the kitchen.

Combination with gray

Gray is a dim, so-called base color that can be combined with any others. For living room interiors, this is one of the best options. There are several ways to create the right combination of colors in an interior with a predominant gray. They take two or three shades from the gray range, add one or two shades of another color and the result is a very harmonious design.

In the photo above, the bedroom interior is formed according to this principle. Light gray in them is the main one, two more saturated shades are additional. Blue (complimentary shades) are used as accents in one case, and pastel pinks in the other.

By the way, brown ones also look good with gray, and if you add raspberry, yellow, orange - warm shades - as an accent, you get a very cozy and “warm” interior that is suitable for a bedroom, a girl’s room, and also applicable to the design of a kitchen.

Gray also looks very good in the kitchen. It is suitable for creating interiors in loft, high-tech, and modern styles. In this room, everything can be even simpler: add one bright shade to three or four shades of gray - yellow, red, orange, blue, green. In one of the bright and warm shades. It turns out to be a very unusual and not at all dull combination.

Crimson and yellow as accents create the mood

In general, gray interiors - with any accents - turn out to be somewhat cold. This is not bad for the kitchen, especially if it faces south. Such combinations are also good in the corridor/hallway. In those interiors where there are at least two warm shades with gray, and the interior turns out warmer, it is quite suitable for bedrooms and living rooms.

Beige and colors combined with it

Beige in the interior is an even more universal color. Like everyone else, it has warm and cold shades, but in any case it creates an atmosphere of comfort and reliability. You can create a monochrome interior based on beige colors. This option is for lovers of discreet interiors. This combination of colors in the interior is typical of the classics.

Beige color scheme with additional brown - comfort and tranquility

If you need solidity, add brown; for greater lightness, any color spots are suitable - as is the case with gray. Add cold shades of color spots to cold shades of beige, and warm shades to warm shades.

For accents, add one or two pops of bright or pastel color, depending on the effect you want to create.

Beige can be chosen as the main one. The walls and floors are then painted in lighter shades. Furniture is chosen darker, but also beige or brown. Add a few accents of bright colors. That's all, the harmonious interior is ready.

Choose colors for furniture

Often, when choosing colors for the interior, they are tied to existing furniture. For such cases, there is also a table of compatible shades. It’s not difficult to work with it: in the right column you choose the color of the furniture, in the middle column friendly colors are written, in the far left are those that are incompatible.

But you shouldn't use every possible color. In addition to the color of the furniture, there may be three to five more colors. At the same time, the basic ones - white, gray, black - also count. So don't overdo it.

When developing interior projects for their house or apartment, the owners will certainly be faced with the issue of selecting colors and shades in which this or that finishing will be done. In many ways, it is this factor that becomes decisive in achieving harmony and creating a certain “mood” in the design of the room. And when choosing, it is, of course, advisable to be guided not only by momentary impressions, but also by the experience gained by professionals in this field.

The combination of colors in the interior of the table and the options obtained in practice - all this will be presented in this publication. We hope that the information received will help the reader decide on the choice of not only colors in home decoration, but also style directions, since these factors are closely interrelated.

Color combinations and principles of their selection

It has been scientifically proven that a comfortable psychological atmosphere in the house and the positive emotions of the residents depend on the color direction of the interior, since it is this that affects the human condition. And choosing color combinations is not such a simple task, subject to certain rules developed by professional designers in collaboration with psychologists. Based on such developments, tables have been compiled to help determine the choice of the appropriate option.

The interesting thing is that in the vast majority of cases, designers did not have to come up with anything on their own when compiling such tables. The ideal harmony of combinations already exists in nature - you just need to be able to “open your eyes”, see and highlight the necessary shades that complement and even enrich each other.

Unfortunately, not all people have the art of choosing the right color scheme. Compiled tables and so-called color circles allow you to visually evaluate this or that combination.

What is a color wheel and how to use it?

To begin with, let’s understand the structure of the color wheel shown in the illustration below. It clearly distinguishes three tiers in the direction from the center to the periphery.

The main or primary colors are three, since it is from them that all the others are made up - blue, red and yellow. They are placed in the center in the form of triangles.

The result of their pairwise mixing is shown in the second tier:

  • Blue and red give violet shades.
  • Blue and yellow are green.
  • Red and yellow are orange.

The third level of the circle shows the tertiary colors, which are obtained after mixing the primary (red, blue and yellow) with the secondary (violet, green and orange). Those colors that are obtained as a result of such mixing in various proportions are used in interior design, creating fabric designs, painting, etc.

Colors such as white, gray and black are not represented in the color wheel, since they simply do not exist in nature in their pure form. But when decorating interiors, they can well be used both as primary and to create additional shades.

Pure colors are rarely used in large quantities in the interior. As a rule, they can only set the general color “mood” and serve as accents in the form of individual elements - this could be an armchair, pillows, a blanket for furniture, sometimes curtains. For the basic design, complex shades are used, which are the result of mixing several primary and secondary colors. They are chosen for painting walls, floors, selecting furniture upholstery, etc. These are the kind of interiors that most homeowners like, who want to create a cozy and psychologically comfortable atmosphere in their properties.

The diagram below shows several options for basic combinations of different colors:

  • Analog colors - these are shades created on the basis of two colors. In the example shown - red and blue, taken in different proportions. In a circle they are located side by side and show the transition from warm to colder. When choosing shades according to this principle, you can take two to four different, but close to each other, tertiary colors.
  • Contrasting colors located in a circle opposite each other - this is a light and dark, warm and cold shade. In the case shown in the diagram, bright yellow and purple colors are taken. Contrast is most often used to create accents in “adult” interiors, but in children’s interiors this principle can even be used as the main one.
  • Complementary triad . In this case, one light warm color is matched with two cold and dark colors, located in a circle also opposite it. The diagram shows that light yellow will go well with dark blue and purple.
  • Double split contrast option . The formation of this scheme is more complex and occurs in two ways:

- every third color of the outer circle;

- along a rectangle or rhombus inscribed in a circle.

In this case, colors are taken that will go well with each other - red is harmonious with blue, yellow and green, blue goes well with yellow and sometimes green.

  • Three-color scheme (triad) . In this version, two harmonizing shades are selected for one base color, located from it through three colors on both sides of the circle.

Based on these principles, dozens of different combinations of different shades are formed. There are also remote pairs, as well as four colors that can be combined with each other, which expands the possibilities of selecting options.

The colors located in the circle vary in their saturation from light to dark. Therefore, by choosing a sector with a certain color, you can select several shades from it that differ in tone. This combination of shades in the interior is called monochrome. To revive the design or emphasize certain elements in the design, universal colors are used - white, gray, black, and sometimes red, depending on the chosen style direction, creating a certain mood and purpose of the room.

Shade combination tables

Selecting shades of colors yourself is quite a difficult task. Therefore, it is easier to use ready-made tables created by professional designers. However, in order not to make a mistake in choosing a color, you need to know how to use them correctly.

The color selection tables present various shades that are in harmony with each other and are used for interior decoration. As a rule, one block is made up of five to six colors. The first color in the block is the primary color, the second and third are additional - they “support” the first. The remaining shades are accent shades, that is, they are used to enliven the interior.

The chosen interior style plays an important role in color selection. This factor will be discussed in more detail in a separate section of the publication.

Designers divide all colors into warm and cold; they are presented in the following table:

It should be noted that sometimes the line between warm and cold shades is barely perceptible.

If you decide to choose your own color scheme when performing cosmetic renovations in an apartment or house, you must adhere to several recommendations for choosing warm and cold tones:

  • For rooms with a large area and high ceilings, it is recommended to use warm shades. They will help make the room more comfortable.
  • If the room is small in size, and it is desirable to expand it visually, then it is worth decorating it in light shades, close to cold. This will make the room look more spacious.
  • For kitchen spaces you should not use dark and cold colors. Warm colors that increase appetite - orange and grass green - are more suitable for them. White color is suitable for the kitchen as an additional color. It is able to relieve tension from the eyes, and at the same time it will not be superfluous either for the modern high-tech style or for the classical direction.
  • When decorating a bedroom, you should use light, light pastel shades that are conducive to relaxation and relaxation. However, if the bedroom windows face the sunny south, then it is better to choose cool colors for the room. If the sun in the bedroom is rare, then warm shades can give it coziness.

Anyone who does not want to select the desired shade scheme based on color blocks can use the hint provided by the following table. It presents the most commonly used primary colors in interiors and options for additional shades that go well with the first ones, as well as those that do not harmonize well with them.

The table is easy to use when choosing colors to decorate a room. It is enough to take colored pencils or sit down at a computer with a graphics editor installed, and, looking at the recommendations, create your own color block. The first thing you need to do is determine the main color, and then select shades that harmonize with it - here you can to a certain extent (more precisely, within the recommended limits) rely on your preferences.

Color range of textiles and furniture

Do not forget that when creating the color scheme of the interior, all objects and decorative elements without exception participate in it. Therefore, not only the color of the walls, floor and ceiling is selected, but also furniture accessories, as well as textiles - furniture upholstery, curtains and decorative pillows, bedspreads and rugs. In this case, to help novice designers and those who decide to decorate their homes on their own, a table has been compiled to suggest the colors of furniture and accessories that harmonize well with each other. The last column in the table represents shades that are not recommended for use with a specific furniture color.

The influence of color on a person's mood

It has long been proven that colors affect mood and, in general, the entire psycho-emotional sphere of a person. Some of them delight or calm, others, on the contrary, act depressingly, can irritate or cause anxiety that is difficult to explain. Therefore, when choosing one or another light direction in the decoration, it is worth carefully studying the recommendations of psychologists. This is especially important when it comes to decorating a children's room.

This table presents the most popular colors and their shades in interior design and describes the emotions that they can evoke.

Illustrations with examples of interiorsColor and its influence on the mood and psyche of a person.
The color red has an irritating effect on the human psyche and can cause a feeling of anxiety. Therefore, in its pure form it is most often used only to introduce expression into the interior, in the form of contrasting accents.
If you place a red pillow or blanket in a boring, almost monochromatic interior, it will immediately enliven the room. However, it is not recommended to oversaturate the design with red.
The traditional red color for walls is for living rooms designed in the English style.
Natural shades of yellow and green can lift your spirits and instill calm and tranquility. Green shades relieve eye fatigue and also promote relaxation and relaxation. Therefore, they are well suited for decorating bedrooms, kitchens and children's rooms.
These colors are also used in rooms whose windows face north.
Pastel beige and yellow shades help create coziness in the room, lead to peace of mind and evoke a feeling of peace.
Pastel colors are well suited for almost all rooms, especially if their design is made in one of the classic styles.
Turquoise and blue color. These shades create a feeling of freshness and lightness, promote calm and help you fall asleep easily.
These colors are good for bedrooms and children's rooms, especially if they are located on the sunny side of the house.
Orange and juicy yellow. Colors create a warm atmosphere and comfort, stimulate active areas of the brain, elevate mood, have a tonic effect on the entire body, and increase appetite.
Accordingly, colors can be used as main colors or as bright accents in children's rooms, living rooms, and also in the kitchen.
Dark blue color is used in combination with other colors close to it or, conversely, contrasting colors - gray, blue, yellow, etc.
Dark blue should not be used as the main color, as it will visually make the room smaller, but will not add any comfort or warmth to it.
It can be used together with the above colors and their shades in the living room or bedroom, if the color matches the chosen overall style of the room.
Gray color and its shades can be chosen as the main color for the living room or bedroom. They balance the mood and do not cause irritation.
However, if you use only gray tones, the room will look boring and uncomfortable.
Gray shades go well with almost all colors, so the choice of “revitalizing” additions will depend on the preferences of the apartment owners, as well as on the chosen interior design style.
White color serves as an excellent background for any interior design ideas - it is always fresh, clean, tidy and orderly.
However, the oversaturation of white introduces a certain coldness into the interior and deprives it of comfort.
Black color can highlight certain elements of the interior and serve as an accent in the design of a room made in bright shades.
However, it is strongly not recommended to choose this color as the main color. It may well make the room “gloomy” and will have a depressing effect on the psyche, causing fatigue and mental anxiety.

Once you have mastered the basic skills of color combinations, you can experiment using the main color and several additional shades. To do this you will have to use your imagination and your own taste preferences. The task is simplified by the fact that now the user has at his disposal many graphical applications that allow him to weigh at the design stage how successful the planned option is.

It should be noted that, as such, the concept of “the right color combination” does not exist. It would be more correct to talk about successfully and unsuccessfully chosen colors. The latter disrupt harmony, introducing into the interior a feeling of constant disorder and some kind of sloppiness.

Interior color options in various shade combinations

Next, options for selecting the color design of residential premises will be presented, indicating the shades used in them. In the same way, you can create your own project for a specific interior. In this case, the color of not only permanently installed or applied decorative design elements, but also of plants used for decoration is taken into account.

First option

This interior design solution is based on contrast. The main, dominant color in the project is deep dark blue, and it is supported by the brown color in which some furniture accessories are made. In contrast to them is one of the shades of yellow - in this case, close to the natural color of mimosa. This color is obtained by adding a small amount of brown to pure yellow.

In addition to the main ones, the color scheme includes gray and soft turquoise, almost white tones, adding freshness and lightness to the design.

On a dark blue wall there is a photo wallpaper with gray-turquoise shades as a background. The background image clearly highlights mimosa branches supported by a bouquet of branches in a vase placed on the table. This combination is used to create a spatial effect. In contrast to the dark walls, a light, voluminous carpet due to the high pile is laid on the floor, adding light and comfort to the room. Its light gray shade harmoniously echoes the background of the photo wallpaper.

The center of the composition is an armchair upholstered in mimosa color - it attracts the eye first. The harmony would not be complete if the designer did not use such a simple element as a decorative pillow thrown on a chair. Its design contains all the colors used in the interior. Thus, a seemingly insignificant decorative element combined the entire color scheme. In addition, vases, lamps and other decorative elements were used as balancing color accents to complement the interior design.

Second option

This decorative interior design solution is aimed at creating a cozy home environment. The main, dominant color in this case is white and blue, in which the ceiling and walls are made. Thanks to this shade of white, the room visually expands its boundaries.

The rich gray color adds depth and coziness to the interior, with a pouf-footrest set between the sofas, which have white upholstery, adding a certain “weightlessness” to the massive furniture.

A light rug with a dark patterned design supports the spatial direction intended by the designer.

Despite the small number of bright warm shades, they involuntarily come to the fore, enlivening subdued tones and making the room cozy.

The darkest of the colors used for decoration is red-brown. It is framed and used in furniture accessories, and it also contains curtain rods.

In general, this design solution cannot be called expressive. It rather encourages rest and relaxation.

Third option

Despite the fact that the main color in this interior is soft beige, the main role in it is played by a bold combination of fairly bright shades of purple and grass green.

This color scheme cannot be called calming or peaceful. Rather, this combination of shades will invigorate the owners of the bedroom in the morning. However, bright shades are used only in non-stationary interior accessories - a bedspread on the bed and curtains on the window. That is, they can be easily replaced with other colors that will radically change the appearance of the interior. It is this solution that gives scope for color experiments.

So, if desired, this interior can be completely changed to a discreetly soothing one, for example, by using not a light purple bedspread, but a beige version of it, enlivening the design only with bright decorative pillows.

The dark brown color, although it does not come to the fore, is a balancing color, giving weight to the design. So, it is mainly used for furniture accessories, with the only exception being the framing of a picture on the wall at the head of the bed.

Fourth option

This color scheme is close to a fairly popular style all over the world, which can make any room cozy and conducive to relaxation. No wonder it was used specifically for bedroom decoration. However, this approach can be successfully used for the interior of the living room.

The main color in this color scheme is white. The second, supporting shade is pastel beige, close to cold. It is used to make room walls and is also used in textiles. One of the revitalizing colors is “coffee with milk” - it is used in the design of curtains, for framing decorative pillows and paintings placed at the head of the bed.

Cool gray-blue color, although it occupies the penultimate place in the table, is one of the main ones in this interior, as it is intended to revitalize it. It is used to decorate pillows, a table lamp and paintings, which together form a composition reminiscent of a carpet. Without the use of framed paintings, the interior would look, frankly, empty.

There is not much brown in the design, but it also plays an important role in it - it complements the composition with dark accents. Some furniture accessories are made from it, and it is also used in small quantities in the design of picture frames.

Fifth option

A surprisingly deep combination of shades close to each other is used in this interior. However, it is made in cold colors, more suitable for rooms whose windows face the sunny side of the house, otherwise the chosen shades will make the room gloomy and uncomfortable.

The main color chosen in this color scheme is a gray-blue pastel color - the walls of the room, a delicate patterned carpet and some furniture accessories are made in it. The main color is supported by a darker, deeper shade; it is used for individual interior elements. Thus, a knitted pouf adds coziness to the room, without which the design would be incomplete.

The most important role in the color scheme is light blue, which enlivens and ennobles the design. Darker blue, as well as black, are used in the interior to weight its individual areas, as well as as framing elements. An unusual carpet with a knitted ornamental pattern, which harmonizes perfectly with the pouf, as well as the cover for a small stool, adds coziness to the room.

Sixth option

This is a selection of light summer flowers that are well suited for decorating verandas, as well as rooms in country houses. The main color in this selection is almost white with a slight blue tint - the window frames, which in this case are part of the interior design, are painted in it. This is due to the fact that there are no curtains in the room to allow for plenty of natural light. This option is good if the veranda windows are in the shade of treetops, otherwise it will overheat on a hot summer day.

In this case, colors of different shades that are close to each other are used for decoration, thanks to which harmony reigns in the interior, echoing the atmosphere of the street. Although a delicate blue shade was chosen as the main one in this decision, at first glance at the furnishings of the room, green colors of various tones stand out. It is the green color that helps create a peaceful mood and relax the eyes.

The style chosen for decorating the veranda is also close to “Provence”, and proof of this is the wooden planks, painted white, decorative pillows matched in shades, the shape of the backs of the chairs, as well as window frames separated by numerous lintels.

The general mood of this interior is lightness, freshness and comfort. On such a veranda it is pleasant to spend your free time reading your favorite book or drinking tea.

Seventh option

Choosing a color scheme for decorating a living room can be called the most difficult, and it largely depends on the style in which the interior will be designed. This project presents a classic English style, in which a pastel brown shade is chosen as the main one - it is used to decorate the walls. For their decoration, wallpaper with an ornamental pattern traditional for this style was used.

The supporting colors for the main shade are darker and lighter colors close to it. The horizontal surfaces of the room are left light - the ceiling with a classic frame with a wide ceiling plinth and the floor covering. In addition, a light, plain, long-pile carpet was chosen for the floor, which makes the room brighter. The dullness of shades close to each other is diluted by rich green splashes, as well as the blue-violet color used for the upholstery of armchairs and a floor lamp with a large lampshade. These items are installed in the room in such a way that they balance the distribution of colors throughout the room.

A refreshing factor for the interior is the white English fireplace, which becomes the center of the composition, attracting the eye.

Green accents are also meant to break up dark, deep tones. They are barely noticeable, and yet they play an important role in the displayed interior.

Eighth option

Choosing a color scheme for kitchen decoration is also not an easy task. This is often caused by the fact that in such a room it is difficult to avoid various fumes, high humidity, and the appearance of greasy stains on the walls, especially in the work area. Therefore, for the kitchen, first of all, you should choose materials that are easy to clean, and the colors should be such that small stains are not immediately noticeable.

This color scheme project is made almost entirely in warm shades. True, with their dilution with a small amount of cool pastel turquoise color, which, at first glance, is almost invisible, but at the same time plays an important role in the interior.

The main color in this project is white-gray, in which the ceiling and apron of the work area are made, imitating brickwork. Against its background, wall cabinets in a color similar to coffee, but softer, look good. The peach shade used to decorate the cabinets located under the countertop also harmonizes with them. Thanks to him, the kitchen is filled with comfort and light.

The textile elements of the kitchen space, as well as the chairs, have that same light, cold turquoise hue, giving the interior a special “taste” of cleanliness and freshness.

Ninth option

Another option for kitchen design, radically different from the previous one in its brightness.

Although the main color in this project is a white-blue tint, the main color is still the rich turquoise color in which the façade of the entire kitchen unit is painted. It gives the room an invigorating mood and introduces light notes into it. The apron and the rest of the wall along which the tabletop is installed have an interesting pattern, made in white and turquoise tones. This ornamental design adds the right amount of coziness to the design solution.

The main color is used for the flooring and carpeting, making the room look lighter.

Yellow color is used to create accents in the interior, which are tableware, a table vase, as well as other decorative and functional elements of the kitchen.

Tenth option

This kitchen design project is made with elements of high-tech style and. They are distinguished not only by the “industrial” color scheme, but also by such details as imitation brick walls, metallized surfaces or shades close to them.

As you can see from the color scheme, the first place is given to the steel color in which the facade of the kitchen unit is made, which stands out well against the background of a brick wall of a darker, but also steel shade.

The dining table is made of two materials corresponding to the styles mentioned above - metal and glass. The chairs shown in the project deliberately have different configurations and are made in different styles, which is typical for a “loft”, for which dissimilar pieces of furniture are assembled.

The flooring is made in black, against which the steel shades stand out well. In addition, this coloring makes the “lower tier” of the interior heavier, making it more solid.

The accent in the gray-blue metallic design is a bright crimson color, which makes the interior warmer and more interesting.

Not everyone will like this color option, as it looks a little gloomy. However, it is quite possible to liven it up by adding contrasting colors. Fortunately, the basic shades go well with almost any bright splashes.

* * * * * * *

Now, knowing what to rely on when developing your own project, you can experiment by creating several options, executed in different colors. With this approach, it will be easier to avoid mistakes and end up with exactly what both the developer himself and all members of his family will like.

The publication will conclude with a video selection of interiors, which demonstrates many successful and not so successful, but in any case, interesting options for color combinations. Perhaps this will give the reader some idea of ​​his own.

Video: Combination of colors in interiors

In a store, people choose a product based on the color of the packaging in 80–90% of cases. Texture, smell and sound combined do not influence the buyer as much as colors. And on social networks and websites, the right combination of colors is the most obvious way to motivate a purchase.

Choosing a palette starts with the feeling you want the design to evoke. Each shade is associated with certain character traits and mood. For example, purple is an elegant color, and brown is brutal and harsh. Therefore, when choosing color combinations, you need to focus on the emotions that it should evoke in the buyer.

The importance of colors is especially noticeable when companies rebrand. At the beginning of 2019, Ozone changed its logo: the discreet blue color, which is associated with reliability and safety, was replaced with rich blue and crimson. This combination of colors looks more flashy and bright - as company representatives explained, they want to attract a young audience. That is, a change in the target audience forced the company to completely change the color combinations with which it wants to be associated.

To choose the right color scheme, you need to take into account the cultural traditions of a particular region, the perception and experience of a particular audience. It is very important to evaluate how well the colors harmonize with each other and what emotions their combinations evoke. Therefore, we have collected 100 very different palettes and, using their examples, told how to create color combinations that will tell more about your company than any words.

How to choose color combinations using Canva's palette generator

Canva can help you experiment with shades.

It “decomposes” any photo into the main shades and shows their hex codes so that you can easily find them in a graphic editor.

The palette generator helps you find interesting color combinations in pictures and photographs. Analyze the photographs of photographers you admire, the range of famous paintings, or the color schemes of competitors. This way you will understand which colors are suitable for the corporate style of your company and its websites, advertising materials and even office interiors.

  • Open . He will offer to upload your image or analyze a random picture from the Canva collection. Click on “Upload an image”
  • Upload the desired image from your computer: select it and click “Open”.

  • Your palette is ready. Click on the color you like - and its hex code will be automatically copied.

  • Enter the code into any graphic editor: open the palette and paste the copied value. For example, we used the color scheme of a photo to create a stylish background for a flower shop post.

Use this template

Use this template

27. Basket of vegetables

These shades are very similar in saturation, but radically different in color. Therefore, the palette looks varied but consistent.

28. Garden freshness

Orange is dynamic and energetic, suitable for youth brands. When using it, make sure that the other shades calm and balance the design. This interesting color combination is held back by white and soft light green.

29. Summer BBQ

30. Berry blue

Flickr/Pink Sherbet Photography

Blue is the color that gives a sense of guarantee. Dark tones promise protection, while light colors signify openness and transparency. That is why blue shades are used by banks, computer companies, and social networks.

31. Lemonade stand

Flickr/Katie Ring

32. Serenity SPA

Flickr/Lisa Murray

The pale shades of this palette are soothing and soothing. However, we do not recommend using this range without a bright accent - the banner or booklet may turn out to be too sluggish and inconspicuous.

33. Fun and tropical

Flickr/Louis Vest

This color scheme is suitable when you need a summer party invitation design, a children's poster or a travel brochure. The palette seems to tell you where to look for all the fun.

34. Spice

Flickr/Michael Stern

Shades of brown contrast in saturation, so the palette includes both a background and an accent color. In different contexts, beige and brown can mean stability, moderation, and sweet taste.

35. Pastel

Flickr/Michael Stern

A gentle and airy combination of colors is suitable for advertising cafes, children's products and other products that “promise” lightness and personify care and tenderness. But like any pastel palette, this palette can easily get lost against the backdrop of brighter shades.

36. Cheese, figs and basil

Flickr/Michael Stern

37. Sunny citrus

Flickr/Michael Stern

38. Apple contrast

Flickr/Michael Stern

Red and green are not just contrasting colors. They are directly opposite in meaning: red screams about urgency, danger, threat, green - calms and supports. Therefore, combining their bright shades can only be done in Christmas advertising. Another thing is these soft variations.

39. Warm rustic

Flickr/Michael Stern

40. Neon night

Flickr/Michael Stern

41. Jewel tones

Flickr/Michael Stern

42. Sophisticated simplicity

Flickr/Michael Stern

43. Fresh herbs

44. Winter colors

Red symbolizes power and aggression. Its power is proven by a simple experiment: if you show people photographs of football teams in white and red uniforms and ask them to name the winner, two thirds will choose the red team.

Set off by calm white and gray colors, red hints at strength and luxury.

45. Summer Fiesta

46. ​​Chocolate brownie

Another way to use brown is to add red and purple tones. This color combination promises comfort and security. Suitable for business based on traditions, but not for IT companies.

47. Natural elegance

48. Comfort and warmth

49. Salmon and rye bread

50. Strawberries and cream

Red with a dash of orange still awakens emotions, but no longer “attacks” the beholder. This interesting color combination is suitable for social advertising: posters about blood donation, websites about volunteering, as in templates and. Think, for example, of the Red Cross logo.

Use this template

Use this template


51. Greek holidays

52. Bright night

White, black (or a very dark blue, as here), red and yellow are a common color combination. Gamma signifies conquering new horizons and combines strength and joy.

53. Wine peace

54. Urban contrasts

55. Green fog

56. Sunny town

Analogous colors form a soft palette with a dominant terracotta shade. The color combination will emphasize safety, and can be used not only in product design, but also in the interior of a coffee shop or showroom where you want to keep customers :).

57. Sun and sky

58. Water blue

59. Urban oasis

60. The audacity of graffiti

Dynamic shades are suitable for youth products. The loud, rebellious palette of this graffiti will attract attention on social networks or on a banner among the concrete city.

61. Muted antiquity

62. Chic without vulgarity

Elegance and dignity - that's what deep blue in combination with gold speaks of. These colors repel the mass buyer and attract the premium segment. With their help you can create a feeling of elitism, high cost, and good taste.

63. Megapolis

64. Sun in the city

65. Nightlife

The ink colors used in printing (cyan, fuchsia, yellow and black, known as CMYK) are a very aggressive and saturated palette. It is better to choose several colors from it and add calm shades to this combination.

66. Coast

67. Sea lights

68. Vintage

69. From above

70. Arctic dawn

Blue and gray are the colors of intelligence. Light shades relieve tension and lower blood pressure, and the coolness of this color combination can be used in summer advertising campaigns, when freshness and coolness attract attention.

71. Mediterranean Afternoon

The color combination “ketchup and mustard” is readily used in fast food. Red stimulates appetite, and yellow promises that you will be fed quickly and habitually. Add to this a feeling of warmth - and visitors will want to come back to you again and again!

Have you ever noticed how certain sets of clothes are arranged in boutiques: trousers, shirts, dresses, jumpers, scarves? What especially attracts you to buy these particular trousers, for example? Color?

Yes, you seem to know for sure that this particular color of trousers suits you and will go with the clothes that you already have. But when you come home, you find that you chose ordinary trousers that don’t go well with anything. What's the secret?

Table of color combinations in clothes

class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small">
Primary colors Harmonizing colors and shades Inharmonious colors
Green color, blue-green, yellow and its shades, shades of blue and blue, black. Warm red, terracotta, orange, pink (mostly), shades of brown, olive.
The color of green grass, shades of yellow, achromatic (white, black and gray), blue. Terracotta, orange, black, purple colors.
Blue, burgundy, gray, brown, light blue, shades of green. Warm shades of red, gold, chestnut, orange, olive.
Violet and lilac, blue, green, yellow-green, brown colors, white. : red, pink, purple.
Indigo, sea green, warm green, orange, blue, olive. Violet, pink, purple, lilac.
Olive, golden, gray, blue with a greenish tint, beige. Bordeaux, chestnut, lilac, pink.
Green, olive, golden, ultramarine, mignonette, lilac, gray. : red, burgundy, pink.
Greenish-yellow, violet, lilac, yellow-green, ultramarine. Pure red.
Ultramarine, pure red, dark green, sky blue, purple, violet, dark gold, olive, brown, gray. Mignonette color, pink, lilac.
Green, brown, golden. Bordeaux, beige, pink.
Bright scarlet, brown, cinnabar, violet, purple, blue, yellowish green. Ultramarine, sky blue, golden yellow.
Blue, brown, gray, chestnut, golden, ultramarine, greenish blue, dark olive, orange, green, red. Bordeaux, beige, mignonette color, lilac, pink.
Violet, purple. Blue, yellow, orange.
Brown, chestnut, red, pink, lilac, gray. Blue, green, olive, burgundy, beige, gold, ultramarine.
Brick, cinnabar, yellow. Purple, red-violet.
Blue, brown, red, burgundy, chestnut, ultramarine, gray. Green, olive, golden, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Red, brick, cinnabar, ultramarine, orange, purple, light violet. Bordeaux, dark purple, lilac.
Red, golden, orange, sky blue, olive, brown, burgundy, gray, chestnut, beige. Yellowish-green, violet, purple, green, blue, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Olive, red, gray, golden, burgundy. Green, mignonette color, lilac, brown.
Golden, yellow, orange, light green, grass green, sea water color. Red, cinnabar, brick.
Grey, chestnut, beige, mignonette, light purple, green. Blue, olive, brown, red, burgundy, gold, ultramarine, pink.
Golden yellow, yellowish green, sky blue, canary. Purple, orange, brick, ultramarine.
Green, gray, beige, ultramarine, pink, blue-green, olive, blue. Lilac, chestnut, red, golden.
Black, green, ultramarine, red, raspberry, blue, pink, beige, lilac, blue. Brown, warm orange and yellow.

A little humor on the topic ;-)

How to wear blue correctly?

Blue is a universal color that combines two opposites in its spectrum: from delicate blue and turquoise to gloomy dark blue. We are accustomed to associate blue shades with light, heavenly, summer-spring, dreamy, and dark blue colors with either a boring business style, or with something like “as long as it’s not black.”

In fact, all blue colors can be extremely beneficial to decorate and complete your wardrobe. Light blue tones of clothing go well with contrasting dark blue or red, orange, and brown.

Also fresh and original, blue is combined with gray, golden glitter, and soft olive color.

Don't risk wearing blue with pink or green; such a splash of color may inadvertently make you look like a parrot.

Combination of blue and orange

The color of aqua (or simply turquoise) goes well with purple, yellow and brown; cream shades are also suitable.

Dark blue and cream color in clothes

Electric blue will complement your golden dress or light brown cream trousers. Strict blue, almost dark, the color goes well with:

People who prefer blue are strong, confident individuals. That is why it is the most advantageous color option after black in the business world.

How to use green clothes?

Green is a popular color these days. The eternal sunshine of green makes our minds dream more, strive for victory, self-control and self-confidence.

Green reminds us of youth and spring; this color of Saturn can revive any boring look and even an old, gloomy wardrobe.

Dark green color is a very good choice for business clothes; in it you will instill confidence in your interlocutors, stability and success.

For yourself, green can become a harmonious, pleasant and calming color.

Green is especially loved by red-haired people, so we can assume that green is friends with:

  • orange;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Pale green will not look “too much” if you wear such wardrobe items under black or gray clothes. You should be careful when combining green and red, purple, and brown.

What to do with purple?

Purple is a mixture of red and blue, two opposites, elements. However, purple is unique for its calming effect on the human psyche, its harmonious and attractive appearance.

This color is good for women, especially creative, pregnant, romantic, young and mysterious women.

Clothing in purple colors goes well with:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • white;
  • with lighter or darker shades of the same purple in one look.

For a meeting it is good to match purple with black, and for a romantic walk – with white.

For fair-haired or fair-haired girls, lilac, lilac, the color of grapes or ripe plums will look especially touching, and if you are a brunette, then an almost inky color, rich blueberry, thick indigo color will look good.

To avoid overdoing purple, don't pair it with red or green.

Brown shades

Brown is the favorite everyday color after black. Clothing in this range of colors looks great as a base in your look.

You can wear brown accessories, shoes, jewelry (leather straps, bracelets, beads), and the rest of your wardrobe - according to the dictates of your soul, and you will look correct, harmonious.

The brown color depends on the texture of the fabrics in which it will be served.

It harmonizes well with leather elements - jackets, shoes, bags, straps.

Brown goes great with:

  • white;
  • denim, blue;
  • bright blue flowers;
  • creamy light tones;
  • fuchsia pink, fawn, beige;
  • green.

What to do with beige?

Beige color is also the base of the image. It will serve well as a tint background for bright colors: red, yellow, crimson, turquoise.

Beige, almost like white, you can wear under everything: it does not attract attention, it looks smooth and appropriate, restrained, but not as deliberately elegant as white.

Turquoise – what to wear with it?

Turquoise is the color of spring, summer and early autumn. In this color, it is important to understand what clothes can be made in this tone.

Turquoise or more mint shade

Turquoise is good in the form of light blouses, trousers, tops, dresses, scarves.

The aqua color will look good with light colors: white, yellow, golden, cream, lilac, light orange, light gray, brown.

Turquoise does not match red, pink, light green, or green.

Red – passion and challenge

Red is the king of all existing colors and shades. Associations with red are love, thirst, strength, power, challenge, emotion.

But you need to know how to combine red, because it is one of the most insidious colors: from an emphatic accent, it can slip into unceremonious vulgarity.

Red is worn with black - it's a classic, with white - it's a bold contrast. This color can be added to burgundy, green, blue, yellow.

This color is beneficial with purple, lemon, light green, but it is especially pleasant with beige or blue. The taboo applies only to the combinations red-brick, red-brown.

Bordeaux color in clothes

The color Bordeaux is a deep shade of red. Depending on what color burgundy is combined with, the image can look elegant or touching.