Dumpling casserole with potatoes in a frying pan. Dumpling casserole with potatoes

Dumpling casserole with potatoes - quickly run for a spoon

Quite simple to prepare and very satisfying, thanks to the mushrooms, the dish was received very favorably by everyone.

With such a snack you can surprise and feed. It is delicious both cold and hot.

Dumplings with potatoes - 1 kg.
Champignons - 400-500 grams.
Carrots - 2 pcs.
Onion - 2 pcs.
Eggs - 4 pcs.
Sour cream - 400 grams.
Cheese - 150-200 grams.
Salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

You can use store-bought potato dumplings, but if you use your own homemade ones, the snack will turn out even tastier. You can see the recipes. Adjust the amount of onions yourself.
And champignons can be safely replaced with any other mushroom.

How to cook dumpling casserole

1. First of all, you should immediately prepare vegetables and mushrooms. Peel everything, rinse and cut. Chop the onion into small cubes, cut the champignons into slices, grate the carrots coarsely.

2. In a frying pan, fry the mushrooms in a small amount of oil. You just need to lightly simmer them so that they become limp. Add some salt to the champignons and evaporate a little water from them.

3. Sauté onions and carrots until soft. As soon as the onion changes color a little and the carrots soften, remove the pan from the heat.

4. Beat the eggs into a bowl and add salt. Season with your favorite spices to taste. As usual, I used Svan salt. Beat the eggs well with the seasonings.

5. Pour sour cream into the egg mixture and stir everything into a homogeneous mass.

6. Initially, the casserole recipe did not include cheese, so it is not in the photo. But during the cooking process, I decided that I would still make a cheese crust. Therefore, cut hard cheese into thin slices.

Shaping the dish

1. Place semi-finished products with potatoes in an even layer on the bottom of the mold. They must be frozen. Even if you use homemade preparations, put in the dish not freshly prepared products, but from the freezer.

2. Spread the fried mushrooms evenly on top. Try to ensure that they completely cover the dumplings.

3. Sprinkle sauteed vegetables on top of the mushrooms.

4. Fill the mold with the egg-sour cream mixture. Shake the pan slightly so that everything is evenly distributed in the liquid mass.

5. Carefully create a final layer of cheese. Lay out the cheese slices without leaving large gaps between the pieces.

If desired, chopped herbs will help add bright colors to the dish.

Baking dumplings in the oven

Dumplings with potatoes are baked for 40-50 minutes in the middle level of the oven at 190-210 C.

Cut the slightly cooled casserole of dumplings with potatoes under a cheese crust into portions. Serve it with anything: vegetable salad, sauces or ketchup. The combination of potatoes and mushrooms makes the dish so satisfying that you don’t even think about meat.


May 17, 2016

Many housewives are familiar with the situation when, after a family dinner, there are only a few cooked dumplings left. If none of the household members wants to finish eating them, don’t throw the food into a landfill! A real housewife will cook a culinary masterpiece even out of nothing. It’s great if the dumplings are with potatoes, because they can easily be used to make a casserole of dumplings with potatoes. Let's find out what ingredients are needed to create this dish and how to make it at home.


To make a casserole of dumplings with potatoes, you should stock up on the following products:

  • Potato dumplings. The main ingredient of the dish can be either already cooked or recently purchased. You will need about 0.5 kilograms of product.
  • Sausages or sausages - 3 pieces. It is desirable that the sausages are of good quality.
  • 1 chicken egg. It does not need to be cooked as it must be raw.
  • 100 grams of Russian cheese. If it is not in the refrigerator, you can replace it with any other hard cheese.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup.
  • Seasonings. Some people note that adding ground black pepper gives the casserole of dumplings with potatoes a piquant taste.
  • Green onions (to taste).

If necessary, you can increase the amount of ingredients to prepare larger portions of the dish.

Cooking steps

Let's look at how to prepare a casserole of dumplings with potatoes:

  1. Remove the dumplings from the freezer and leave them to defrost for 30-40 minutes. During this time they should soften. If you recently boiled them, skip this step.
  2. Clean the sausages and cut them into cubes.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Take out the casserole dish and grease it thoroughly with butter. Make sure that there are no areas left that are not oiled.
  5. Place the potato dumplings on the bottom of the baking sheet and press them down with a fork. Carry out the procedure until you get a homogeneous surface. It is important that there are no cracks or gaps between the dumplings.
  6. Pour ketchup over the resulting canvas. Then place sausage and cheese on it.
  7. Mix the egg and mayonnaise to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps. Grease the casserole with the resulting mixture.
  8. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for half an hour.

Now you know how to prepare a casserole of dumplings with potatoes. The recipe for the dish is presented above.

Video on the topic

Is it possible to cook dumpling casserole in a slow cooker?

Recently, a multicooker has become a popular kitchen appliance. It does not take up much space, and you can use it to prepare dietary dishes. In addition, this device is universal: you can bake, fry and cook almost all dishes. So, a casserole of dumplings with potatoes can be easily baked in a slow cooker. Just to prepare it you don’t need to grease the pan with butter. You can also avoid using a mixture of mayonnaise and eggs in the dish. It needs to be baked for an hour in the “Baking” mode.

Thus, a casserole cooked in a slow cooker is low in calories. You can enjoy this delicious dish even if you are on a diet.

Source: fb.ru


The most popular product in every home is potatoes. Many people limit themselves to preparing ordinary dumplings, pancakes or mashed potatoes from it. However, if you show a little imagination and resourcefulness, you will have a gorgeous casserole on your table that you can serve even on holidays. Potatoes can be combined with any food and spices; they are easy and quick to prepare. Roll up your sleeves and go to the kitchen to create your next culinary masterpiece, and simple and accessible recipes will help you with this.

Casserole "Simple" with bacon

This potato casserole is very simple and easy to prepare, but the combination of a popular vegetable on every table with onions and bacon makes it a hearty and extremely tasty dish.


  • 900 g potatoes (raw);
  • 300 g onions;
  • 130 g bacon (low-fat);
  • 4 eggs;
  • spices;
  • 260 ml milk;
  • 15 g nutmeg.


  1. Chop the bacon and onion, fry in a multicooker bowl or in a frying pan in a small amount of oil.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut the potatoes into very thin circles.
  3. Using a whisk, combine milk, spices, eggs, and nutmeg into a homogeneous sauce.
  4. Place potato slices in a greased deep baking tray, cover with fried bacon, place potatoes again, and so on in layers to the very top.
  5. Pour sauce with milk.
  6. Bake for more than half an hour. If desired, you can sprinkle with grated hard cheese and bake for a few more minutes.
  7. Carefully, using a knife, invert onto a large plate.

Casserole “Herring under a fur coat” with cream

This simple recipe combines two dishes: baked potatoes and salted fish. The casserole will definitely turn out juicy, and cooking will not require much effort and time.


  • 110 g sour cream;
  • 20 g parsley;
  • spices;
  • 25 g green onions;
  • 260 ml cream (heavy);
  • 3 raw chicken egg yolks;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 300 g herring (lightly salted) or mackerel;
  • 440 g potatoes.


  1. Cut the potatoes into thin slices using a vegetable peeler or a very sharp knife.
  2. Remove the head, entrails, seeds and skin from the herring and chop the fillet.
  3. Take a piece of butter and generously rub the bottom and sides of the pan. Place potatoes and fish alternately. Top row - potatoes.
  4. Grind the yolks with spices and cream, pour over the casserole. The cream mixture should completely cover the surface. Cut the butter into cubes and place on top.
  5. Cook for 60 minutes, place on a plate.

As a sauce for the casserole, mix sour cream with chopped herbs and add your favorite spices. The sauce should be served chilled.

Casserole “Spring Miracle” with spinach

The aroma of such delicious baked goods will immediately remind you of spring. It’s better to make it for breakfast at home, delighting your household with a delicious dish with healthy spinach.


  • ground black pepper and salt;
  • 5 g nutmeg;
  • 160 g hard cheese;
  • 240 ml milk;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 45 g butter;
  • 40 ml vegetable oil;
  • 350 g onions;
  • 250 ml chicken broth;
  • 450 g spinach;
  • 300 g carrots (boiled);
  • 550 g potatoes (boiled).


  1. Cut carrots and potatoes into thin slices.
  2. Fry the chopped onion in vegetable oil in a frying pan, and after adding the chopped spinach, simmer for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Fry the flour a little in butter, pour in the broth and milk. Dissolve most of the grated cheese in the milk sauce. Bring to taste with spices.
  4. Layer potato and carrot slices and spinach paste.
  5. Pour the sauce over the potato pie and place in the oven. Half an hour is enough to prepare. Take it out, sprinkle it with grated cheese, put it in the oven for a while and wait until it becomes liquid. Serve hot.

Potatoes for casserole can be boiled in their skins: this will give the dish a completely different taste.

Potato casserole of dumplings with potatoes


  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • dumplings with potatoes – 450 g;
  • cheese product – 90 g;
  • sausage product – 150 g;
  • onion greens - a bunch;
  • sauce - to taste;
  • seasonings - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Dumplings are defrosted for half an hour in a warm place.
  2. The sausage product is cleaned and cut into strips or cubes.
  3. The cheese product is grated.
  4. The baking sheet is thoroughly rubbed with oil.
  5. Place the softened dumplings with potatoes on a baking sheet and smooth them out.
  6. The top is coated with sauce and covered with sausage and crushed with cheese.
  7. A raw chicken egg is beaten with mayonnaise using a whisk or mixer and the casserole is poured with this mixture.
  8. Bake for forty minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Cheese and garlic grated potato casserole

This casserole will please the whole family as a side dish or as a separate dish.


  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • dried or fresh herbs – 100 g;
  • medium garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • cheese product – 90 g;
  • medium potatoes – 7-8 pcs.;
  • seasoning and salt - to taste and desire;
  • mayonnaise – 60 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. The garlic cloves and cheese product are grated.
  2. The following ingredients for filling are mixed: a raw chicken egg with part of the cheese product and herbs, mixed thoroughly.
  3. The ingredients for the casserole are mixed: the second chicken egg, most of the cheese product and mayonnaise.
  4. All potatoes are also grated on a not very coarse grater and mixed with a pre-prepared mixture.
  5. The baking sheet or frying pan in which the casserole will be baked is greased with oil.
  6. Place the whole mass on it and pour the prepared filling over it.
  7. The oven is heated and the casserole is placed in it.
  8. The oven needs to be baked for forty minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  9. If there is a golden brown crust, then your masterpiece is ready.

Chicken casserole

A classic casserole with potatoes and meat, but supplemented with vegetables and mushrooms will not leave anyone indifferent. A step-by-step recipe will help you cope with the dish, even if the most inept housewife took on the preparation. If you take low-fat milk and less meat, you will get wonderful dietary baked goods.


  • 30 g garlic;
  • pepper, basil, salt;
  • greens (any);
  • 160 g cheese;
  • 70 ml milk;
  • 300 g chicken breast;
  • 300 g zucchini;
  • 220 g champignons;
  • 150 g onions;
  • 500 gv of potatoes.


  1. In a spoon of vegetable oil, lightly fry the onion (in half rings) and champignons (in slices).
  2. Add small cubes of zucchini to the almost ready mushrooms, simmer everything together, stirring.
  3. You can boil the chicken breast in advance, then all that remains is to cut it into strips and add it to the frying pan with the vegetables. Keep everything on low heat and remove from the stove, after adjusting to taste with spices.
  4. Place half of the peeled and thinly sliced ​​potatoes in a deep, wide baking tray, add vegetable filling and meat, sprinkle with chopped garlic. Cover with the remaining potatoes.
  5. Pour milk over everything, sprinkle with cheese. Cook at high temperature. Determine yourself how much time it will take to cook: it depends on the oven. On average, half an hour is enough.

Place the casserole on a large plate, sprinkle with herbs or pour in sour cream sauce.

Casserole with cucumbers and stew

It is better to cook the casserole in the oven, but it will work well if you do it in the microwave. You can use minced meat instead of stew, but then you should make small balls out of it and fry it a little in oil.


  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 120 g hard cheese;
  • 350 g meat stew or pate (can be replaced with meatballs);
  • 300 g pickled cucumbers;
  • 800 g potatoes (boil in their skins).


  1. Grate the peeled potatoes using a grater with large holes.
  2. Grate cucumbers and cheese into separate bowls.
  3. Place some of the potatoes on a baking sheet (sprinkled with melted fat) and spread evenly with mayonnaise.
  4. Lay out half the cucumbers, followed by a layer of pate or stew. Repeat all the layers again, not forgetting to grease the potatoes with mayonnaise.
  5. Place grated cheese on top in a thick layer. Cook for 30 minutes (depending on the oven, it may take longer).

Casserole "Lenten"

A wonderful hearty and appetizing dish for those who are fasting but love to treat themselves to something delicious.


  • 30 g olives;
  • 150 g tomatoes (1 medium);
  • spices;
  • parsley and dill;
  • 15 g garlic (1 clove);
  • 70 g prunes (pitted);
  • 300 g kohlrabi cabbage;
  • 210 g champignons;
  • 200 g onion;
  • 400 g potatoes (raw).


  1. Grate the potatoes for pancakes. Do not strain off the liquid that has separated: the dish will be juicier.
  2. Grind the greens, combine with the potato mixture and spices. If the dish is not prepared during Lent, you can add an egg to the potato dough.
  3. Fry small potato pancakes on both sides in refined sunflower oil.
  4. Use a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  5. Fry cabbage cut into small cubes in oil. Place the crushed garlic, onion (diced), and champignon slices there. When the mixture has simmered a little, add finely chopped tomato.
  6. Pre-steam the prunes and also add them to the vegetable mixture. If the prunes are not steamed, add them a little earlier, along with the onions. Don't forget to add salt.
  7. Cover the bottom of the greased pan with potato pancakes (overlapping), lay out the vegetable mixture. Lay pancakes beautifully on top. Bake for a little over a quarter of an hour.

Place the casserole on a dish, arrange the olives beautifully on top of it and garnish with herbs.

Casserole “To the tooth”

You can make small casseroles; your kids will really like these delicious little ones.


  • 45 g sour cream;
  • 160 g feta cheese;
  • dill, thyme, rosemary (dried);
  • 120 g cottage cheese;
  • 60 g olive oil;
  • 6 large potatoes;
  • spices.


  1. Pour olive oil into a large container, mix rosemary, thyme and salt with it.
  2. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush, pat dry with paper napkins, cut in half, dip in aromatic oil, after piercing them several times with a fork.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, place the potato halves on a baking sheet, always cut side down. Bake for half an hour.
  4. Prepare the filling. Mix cottage cheese, a little salt, sour cream, dill.
  5. Cool the baked potatoes slightly. Remove the core with a spoon or knife. Add it to the cottage cheese. If the mass is dense, add more sour cream.
  6. Fill the potato halves with the curd mixture, sprinkle with pre-crushed cheese and place in a hot oven for a couple of minutes.

Potato casserole with minced meat (video)

There are a great many casserole recipes. Choose the best ones for yourself, come up with new ones, and this simple and affordable dish will always delight you when you need to prepare a delicious breakfast or dinner. Discover the huge world of all kinds of casseroles and always cook for your pleasure, improving the taste of the dish with your love and care for your loved ones.

Dumplings with potatoes are loved by a huge number of adults and children, but most probably prepare them in the traditional way, but I want to offer the option of a delicious casserole of dumplings with a cheese crust.

The recipe is completely simple, I once prepared such a dish at my daughter’s request to come up with something new for her, now I cook baked dumplings with potatoes very often. It's simple and delicious, try it yourself!

To prepare dumplings with potatoes baked under a cheese crust, prepare the ingredients according to the list. Dumplings for this dish need to be frozen.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place dumplings in greased portion molds without defrosting.

Pour milk over the dumplings, add pepper, dill and a pinch of nutmeg per serving. You can add a little salt to taste.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and place in a preheated oven. There is no need to close the lid.

Cook for at least 30 minutes until the top is lightly browned. Dumplings with potatoes baked under a cheese crust are ready.