Lilac precious stone. Amazing purple stone.

violet gem

Alternative descriptions

In medieval Europe, it was believed that this gem could protect its owner from witchcraft.

In the old days, this stone was given as a sign of love.

A precious stone that protects against drunkenness as a talisman

Gemstone, a type of quartz

Mineral, gemstone

Nature Dyed Rhinestone

Poem by A. Blok

. “Meti” in Greek means “wine”, and what stone, from the point of view of the ancient Greeks, should protect against intoxication?

This gemstone was named so because of its purple purple, reminiscent of highly diluted red wine

This stone was called the Bishop's stone in Rus'

Stone, amulet against drunkenness

Which stone protects those born under the sign of Pisces?

Stone, symbol of February

Mineral, purple variety of quartz

Purple Quartz


Ornamental gemstone

Purple Gem Quartz

Quartz's precious brother

. “violet” made of quartz

Precious Quartz

One of the gems

. "shepherd's stone"

Which stone in earrings helps improve vision?

Violet colored gemstone, "widow's stone"

Purple Quartz

Mineral, a clear purple variety of quartz

Mineral, gemstone, widow's stone

. “Meti” in Greek means “wine”, and what stone, from the point of view of the ancient Greeks, should protect against intoxication

. "shepherd's stone"

. "violet" made of quartz


Which stone in earrings helps improve vision?

Which stone protects those born under the sign of Pisces?

Stone - talisman of Aries and Sagittarius

M. is a quartz (flint) stone, nature-colored rock crystal, blue-scarlet (violet) in different shades. Amethyst earrings; mine

Several types of precious or semi-precious stones of purple shades are mined on the planet, and all of them invariably attract the eye with their beauty. What are purple colored stones called? Let's take a closer look at them.

Precious or semi-precious purple stones make up a small group of stones. However, they are highly valued precisely because of their beauty and color, since purple is a combination of the energy of red and the tranquility of blue. Due to the fact that the color purple combines the masculine and feminine principles, esotericists call it the color of uncertainty.

Well, the violet color of minerals is given by substances such as manganese, vanadium or iron impurities; the saturation and color variations of the stones depend on their presence and quantity.

Amethyst is considered the brightest representative of purple stones. Essentially, it is a variety of quartz that is purple-pink, pink-blue or of blue color. Lilac, lilac or violet shades of the stone are given by admixtures of manganese and other substances. Transparent amethyst is a semi-precious stone; the opaque variety is considered a valuable ornamental stone. Amethyst is able to change color depending on temperature and lighting. The color stability of different amethysts is different - stones from crystal veins are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and stones from sedimentary rocks quickly lose color even when exposed to scattered sunlight. If it is heated to a temperature of 250 degrees or higher, it will first turn yellowish or greenish, and then colorless.

The name amethyst means “sobering” or “getting rid of drunkenness” - therefore the stone is used for healing alcohol addiction. Moreover, it is believed that a person wearing jewelry with this purple stone gets less drunk. According to lithotherapists and esotericists, amethyst sobers up, and not only from drunkenness, it helps to put thoughts in order, calms emotions, and forces you to make thoughtful decisions.

In general, the energy of purple amethyst is universal - it improves physical health its owner, and assists those who have taken the path spiritual development, helps to establish a connection with the subtle world and with higher powers.

Almandine is a semi-precious stone, the hardest type of garnets of purple, cherry, and red colors.

Black almandines are rare. The color of the stone depends on the presence of iron compounds in it. The metaphysical properties of the stone help a person find peace of mind, relax, and calm the nervous system. It is believed that an almandine talisman protects warriors from wounds.

Kunzite is a purple variety of spodumene. The color range of the mineral consists of several shades - from light pink to purple, depending on the amount of manganese.

The name of the stone was given by the name of the Tiffany Kunz company gemologist, who was the first to describe the gem in the 20th century. The cost of stones of pale pink or lilac color is low; gems of rich colors are more expensive.

Sapphire is a lilac or violet colored gemstone belonging to the corundum class. Sapphire can be completely transparent or opaque, and such specimens are more valuable. U opaque stones The phenomenon of asterism is noted - stars with six or twelve rays are visible in them. Such sapphires more often end up in collections than in jewelers. In jewelry production, faceted sapphires are most often used, set in platinum or silver. The cost of such products is measured in thousands of dollars.

Tanzanite is the name that gemologists gave to a variety of cyosite. Initially, these minerals were considered sapphires, but later they decided to isolate them as a separate species and name them after the country in which they were found - Tanzania. The stone was made popular by the US jewelry company Tiffany; the company's jewelers correctly introduced this mineral to consumers, emphasizing its color and beauty in their products.

Most often, the color of tanzanite is blue, purple or dark brown. But after processing high temperatures the stone turns purple-blue. When exposed to electric light, the mineral becomes similar to amethyst in its violet hue. The mineral is quite expensive, so some jewelers use its glass counterparts, as well as doublets consisting of artificial spinels glued together with blue glue.

Charoite – ornamental stone, first found near the Chara River in Yakutia. The lilac color is given to it by manganese impurities. The mineral is mined only in Russia, at the Yakut deposit called “Lilac Stone”, there is a lot of it there, so it is not expensive.

The mineral contains impurities of rare earth elements, the blue, green, gold and black colors of which stand out against the lilac background and create a unique pattern. Because of this, philosophers and esotericists love him.

The mystical properties of charoite awaken creative abilities in a person; actors, artists, and composers must have products made from the mineral. Psychics and healers love him. It is believed that the stone gives its owner such qualities as selflessness and responsiveness.

Spinel is a purple gemstone, an oxide of magnesium and aluminum, and a cube-shaped mineral. It is rare and expensive.

There are several types of spinel. But red, blue, pink or purple colors are found only in noble spinel. Some stones have the alexandrite effect - the ability to change color depending on the light. During the day they are dark blue, and in the evening they are violet or purple.

Spinel can change a person's life for the better by changing him. The positive properties of the stone force even convinced skeptics and pessimists to change. Only people with good intentions should wear jewelry with spinel; it will bring them good luck and prosperity. For those who do not care about their own soul, it is better to refuse the stone.

Spinel has another property - it increases a person’s attractiveness to people of the opposite sex. Therefore, stones should be worn by single people. The healing qualities of the mineral are also known to people; in the Middle Ages, powder was made from it and a variety of diseases were treated with it.

Lepidolite is a purple ornamental stone. The mineral has a layered structure; it is mica with low hardness and perfect cleavage of plates, so it is extremely difficult to process. But after processing it fascinates with its beauty. It is not for nothing that it is called the dream stone, which drives away nightmares and gives a calm, healing sleep.

Lepidolite is also considered a stone of family, wives and mothers, since in women it develops such qualities as femininity, sensitivity, love for children and husband. A lepidolite talisman will make family relationships smooth, calm and kind.

Purple jewelry includes a few semi-precious stones - they are quite rare. This is why they are valued! Thanks to their exotic shade, such jewelry looks unforgettable; they radiate mysterious, mystical beauty.

Purple jewelry looks fabulously beautiful, and, importantly, has powerful energy and healing properties.

The most common stones include amethyst, kunzite and many others. Many men choose tanzanite as a gift for their significant other, although it is quite rare in nature - therefore its cost is much higher than analogue options.

Today in jewelry stores the palette of purple stones is represented by a soft silt color, a shade of blooming fuchsia, and a rich lilac color. Therefore, every woman can choose her favorite ring with a purple stone and any other jewelry made of precious minerals.


Spinel gemstone- a bright representative of the purple hue. This gem comes in two colors in nature: red and purple. Both are popular in jewelry, the stones have high purity and richness of color.

Due to the high quality of the stones, spinel has a fairly high price, but it is worth it - spinel looks amazing in jewelry! One carat of purple spinel today can be bought for $100-250. The red-violet hue of the stone can be purchased for $300-400 per carat.

The value of this gem was appreciated back in the Middle Ages; spinel was used to make jewelry for representatives of royal and royal families. It was also spinel that decorated elements of papal regalia in the Middle Ages.

For spinel, jewelers use brilliant cuts and also use fancy, unique and fancy cuts.

This jewel today is found exclusively in earrings and rings of the category "Elite". For products with this stone, jewelers choose only high-quality, expensive types of gold, as well as platinum.


Amethyst is one of the most popular and relatively inexpensive types of purple precious stone. This is a type of quartz, which many often call a “chameleon”, due to the fact that, depending on weather conditions(sunny, cloudy) the gem changes its shade.

During thunderstorms and cloudy weather, the purple amethyst stone turns pale; sunny weather makes it sparkle with all its colors.

Amethyst has a long and interesting story, albeit somewhat tragic. The history goes back to the times of ancient settlements. According to legend, the god of wine and acting, Bacchus, was so angry with the human race that he promised that the first person he met would be killed by a tiger.

At that moment, when the nymph Amethyst was heading towards the temple of the goddess Diana, the tiger attacked the poor girl. To save her nymph, Diana came up with the idea of ​​​​turning the girl into a purple and durable stone, which was later called Amethyst.

The embittered God Bacchus changed his anger to mercy, so he felt sorry for the girl Amethyst. To fix everything, he poured red wine into the stone, which was supposed to replace the blood. This did not help, and the girl remained in stone forever, only the color became crimson-violet.

The ancient Greeks used this amazingly beautiful stone for creating durable tableware: glazes, vessels, interior decor items. The Egyptians used precious amethyst to highlight the fabulous beauty of the pharaoh's throne.

In modern times, amethyst is used to create uniquely beautiful Jewelry. This is a favorite stone for jewelers to set into rings, earrings and pendants.

Cut amethyst is inserted into professional jewelry; uncut small stones are mainly used to create original bracelets of beautiful beads. The gem is a non-capricious stone; it behaves well in silver items, and is also often found in a gold frame.

The cost of amethyst jewelry directly depends on the metal setting used, as well as the purity, quality and treatment of the stone. Today you can buy amethyst at a price from 2 to 30 thousand rubles .


Humanity became acquainted with tanzanite relatively recently, its mining began in 1967, so the stone is considered “young”. The mineral is named after the country in which it was first found - Tanzania. Tanzanite reserves on the planet are limited, which is due to high price gem.

The uniqueness of this stone lies in its rich shade together with the unique alexandrite effect.

This mineral has a benign effect on the organs of vision; to relieve eye strain and fatigue, you only need to look closely at the stone for a few minutes. Tanzanite has a positive effect on the financial situation of the owner. The stone creates stability in commerce, brings good luck in financial matters, and confidence in the future. For women, this stone promises success with the opposite sex and attracts male gaze.


Today among our compatriots kunzite It is just beginning to gain popularity, although eminent jewelers in the West have been using it for a long time, inserting earrings with a purple stone into rings and pendants.

Until the mid-20th century, this mineral was considered a bright representative of the amethyst class, and only in 1902 did experts transfer it to the category of gems, due to the peculiarities of its structure.

The crystal has vertical stripes inside, which appearance are unlike any other mineral. And despite this, many still call kunzite spodumene or lithium stone, as well as California iris.

In nature, opaque crystalline kunzite, not of the highest quality, is most common. Only a certain percentage of stones have the purity required for use in jewelry.

To create amazing jewelry, only processed minerals are used, but the stone cannot be heated. Otherwise, it loses color saturation. The price of one carat of kunzite is not less than 10 dollars .

The meaning of purple

Purple– a unique combination of red and blue shades that give its owner balance and stability. Ancient civilizations attributed contradictory properties to this color, which personified the feminine and masculine principles.

Europeans choose shades of purple to decorate the Catholic Church; in their opinion, purple means restraint, meekness, sincerity and purity.

Purple precious stones contain a small admixture of manganese ore. The shade and variation of minerals directly depends on the amount of manganese. The structure of each stone depends on the combination of manganese with other atoms and elements.

Today, humanity knows every specific name of stones with a purple color, and in ancient times, purple stones had a name - amethyst.

Who is the color purple suitable for?

Purple stones can have the following effects on people:

Properties of purple stones

When choosing which purple gemstone to buy, you need to know about its positive properties.

So, the positive properties of purple stones:

  • Precious purple stones with a violet tint have a positive effect on the nervous system and have balancing, calming properties. Therefore, purple crystals are recommended for those who are prone to depression, melancholy, and bad mood.
  • These stones are great for energizing, give good mood and most importantly, they decorate their owner . Minerals of this amazing, almost fairy-tale hue help you make the right decision in difficult life situations and overcome various difficulties.
  • Such jewelry is recommended to be worn by those people whose work is closely related to high risk , a great responsibility and requires a quick response in difficult, extreme situations.
  • The purple mineral has positive influence on people creative professions , on those who have psychic properties. Such products will help you realize your wildest desires, achieve recognition in your field, and realize your creative ideas.
  • Purple jewelry stone helps choleric people moderate their ardor, soften harshness, reduce temper. This is especially true for fire signs of the zodiac; purple stones give wisdom and peace. For women, tanzanite, kunzite and amethyst will help impart tenderness, charm and femininity. Amethyst and spinel will help cope with liver and kidney diseases.

Amethyst stone is a luxurious mineral, known to mankind since ancient times. It belongs to the generally accepted category, the category of second-order precious stones, due to its noble color, transparency and variety of shades. For its beauty, luxury and rarity, purple amethyst is generally recognized as a gemstone of the first order.

Interesting! Amethyst is a stone that, in terms of composition and properties, is classified as quartz.

Origin story: a glimpse into the past

The history of the mineral goes back to ancient times. Research by scientists confirms that amethysts were found in the ancient East and medieval Europe. In Egypt they were also noted, and in the ancient state the stone was truly considered magical properties and was considered blessed. IN Ancient Rome used as ornamental materials that decorated small decorative items. IN Ancient Greece They always sincerely believed that the mineral protected the owner from drunkenness, which is why this name was given to it.

Amethysts owe their name to the Greek language. The name of the mineral literally translates as “not drunk.” There are other more poetic names for the amethyst stone - “stone violet”, “lilac stone nobility”, bishop’s or apostle’s stone.

It is interesting that in Ancient China they also heard about amethyst. Ancient manuscripts of the Celestial Empire indicated that the mineral was used to make small bowls and vessels that were used to store aromatic oils. Amethysts were also famous in Rus'. Here he was especially revered by the archbishops, which is why they named them after the clergy. Such noble material was loved by noble princes, nobles, and crowned, crowned persons. Therefore, along with the stone, amethyst adorned the crown of Queen Irina Godunova.

This is interesting! Only from the 18th century. Amethyst stone has become a favorite mineral of many jewelry houses, where it is used to produce a variety of jewelry. They were intended not only for noble nobles, but were also offered to everyone who could pay for them.

Properties of amethyst stone

Typically, an amethyst stone grows on a nondescript gray base and resembles an elongated thin scepter. The well-known properties of the amethyst stone are its deep purple hue, which can be light or rich, deep dark. Green amethyst is found in nature and is also highly valued by jewelers. But black amethyst is a real rarity with deep opaque color. Much less common is pink amethyst, which is classified as quartz.

Important! When exposed to ultraviolet radiation (sunlight), the stone quickly fades. For each year of exposure to the sun, the material loses about 1% of its color intensity.

Amethysts are stones that are a variety of silica and have the formula of all quartz – SiO2. Minerals such as manganese, iron, and cobalt may be found as impurities. In nature, it occurs in an oblong, elongated shape, and can be translucent. It is the latter that are highly valued by jewelers.

The different shades are explained by the presence of special impurities of cobalt, iron or manganese. Some attribute this to the disrupted structure of the crystal lattice, while others talk about natural dye impurities.

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Place of Birth

In nature you can find amethyst stone, the properties of which can change over time, found in the form of brushes, druses, and crystals. Russia and Asia, Africa and South America. The color, impurities and quality of the stones will differ depending on the depth of the deposit. The highest quality nuggets are found in Africa, but only a small number have been found. There are a lot of amethysts in Brazil, but the quality is not the best. But the Ural amethyst is recognized as the most valuable, expensive, and beautiful - a stone with properties of the highest order. It is named "deep Siberian" after the deposit.

Healing properties of amethyst stone

Lithotherapists claim that the properties of the amethyst stone can be healing. This material is endowed with characteristics and features that will help:

  • forget about skin ailments;
  • relieve stress;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • get rid of depression;
  • forget about insomnia;
  • improve vision;
  • forget about the headache;
  • relieve muscle fatigue and fully relax.

It is believed that amethyst, which a person carries with him constantly, can protect against infectious diseases and allow him to prolong youth.

Magical properties of amethyst

  1. Since ancient times, purple amethyst has been credited with a variety of properties. The main property was that it prevents the development of hangover syndrome and generally prevents the owner from falling asleep. It is enough to use purple amethyst to inlay jewelry or as a pendant to overcome the craving for alcohol.
  2. The features and unique capabilities of the stone included the ability to give cheerfulness to the owner in the morning and replenish energy. This stone of blessing and prudence was highly valued by the ministers of the church. Often used to direct one's mind in a certain direction for the subsequent development of a person in a chosen field.
  3. Especially valuable is pink amethyst, which was considered the patron of emotions, feelings, and love. It is this beautiful stone of deep color that is recommended to be presented as a gift to the object of your love. Since ancient times, amethysts have been considered stones of peace, blessing, and tranquility; they became the key to long and successful relationships, and became a symbol of reconciliation.
  4. Until now, purple and green amethyst is considered a symbol of success in business; it becomes a talisman of business relationships and business development. This valuable mineral contributes to the transformation of a person, his inner world, appearance, and feelings.

Interesting! Amethyst has always been classified as a very powerful magical stone, which was even applied to the forehead to relieve headaches; it is also used in esoteric rituals.

Talismans and amulets

Green, purple or black amethyst is a talisman of protection against extraneous anger, rage and malice. It is also an amulet that saves its owner from drunkenness.

Amethyst set in gold becomes a symbol of success and balance, both in personal and business affairs. But in combination with silver, amethyst can bring real happiness to the house - often a woman who chooses such jewelry quickly becomes pregnant. Even disembodied women brought the long-awaited child just such a stone.

To dispel alcohol intoxication and wine fumes, it is recommended to constantly carry such a talisman with you. It is believed that constantly wearing an amulet that contains amethysts, not necessarily natural ones, allows you to get rid of addiction, develop willpower and even recover from alcoholism.

Amethyst colors

In nature, the most common purple mineral grows on a gray, nondescript substrate. Deposits of other types of stones have also been found, which are presented in green, purple, pink, and black colors.

These are amazing stones of natural origin. For their luxurious, delicate shade they received another name - proselytes. The very rare material has become precious and is used by jewelers to create single or collectible pieces. To give a special shade, a unique cut is used that amazes the imagination.

The cost of precious and rather rare material is low. This can be explained simply - in such material you can often find needle-shaped inclusions, which reduce, and significantly, the price natural material. Some people purchase stones with just such needle-like inclusions, because they believe that such an addition makes the mineral piquant, unique, and original.

This is the rarest unique material, for which you should choose an extremely expensive and valuable frame. This material is classified more like quartz, and it can be opaque, with speckled inclusions, which only adds to its special, unique charm.

Important! Since the pink amethyst stone is quite rare, it is recommended to store it only in opaque packaging or a dark place. In the light, pink amethyst (quartz) quickly loses color, it becomes pale gray. It is the pink shade that is recognized as a symbol of health.

Black amethyst is a real king, which is quite rare in nature. It is created by nature itself, and it spends several million years on its brainchild, therefore such a treasure cannot be cheap. This is a truly expensive mineral that requires high-quality, refined and expensive cutting.

It is valued not only by jewelers, but also by those people who believe in its magical, medicinal properties. It is believed that the material is able to fight stress and eliminate the consequences, harmful effects radioactive radiation. Psychics believe that amethyst is capable of “opening” inner vision – the “third eye”.

The pure purple hue is what made the stone so valuable and sought after by jewelers. In nature, there are various shades of purple amethyst - from the most delicate lilac to rich, deep and luxurious violet. Scientists say the main reason for this shade is inclusions of iron ions.

And this material can also lose shade depth if kept in the open. Ultraviolet radiation and even short-term heating will discolor the stone. Only a small fraction of the color will return to the mineral after complete cooling.

How to distinguish a fake?

Technologies make it possible to produce even artificially, let alone amethyst. Non-natural material is significantly inferior to its natural counterpart in terms of color depth, hardness and strength, and resistance to temperature fluctuations. To verify the naturalness of the proposed amethyst, the potential buyer is invited to conduct his own mini-test:

  • Check the mineral for inclusions, foreign impurities, and defects.
  • Check the uniformity of coloring and distribution of shades.
  • When immersed in water, artificial material will not lose its color around the edges, as will certainly happen with natural material.

There is another difference - the effect of temperature. When heated to 250 degrees a natural stone able to lose color intensity, but do so evenly. And here artificial material will only partially and fragmentarily lose color.

Artificial amethyst

Humanity has successfully synthesized artificial amethysts, which can be grown in special laboratories with specified color parameters. You can even choose the size of the stone that should be obtained after the procedure. The cost of artificial amethyst on the jewelry market is close to the price of a natural stone.

Caring for amethyst products

Since the material is afraid of the sun, it should be stored exclusively in dark, closed rooms. Do not heat the stone or get it wet as it will lose color intensity. For long-term storage, the material is placed in a box where light does not penetrate.

Amethyst and zodiac signs

Astrologers say that the amethyst stone is suitable for Aries and Aquarius, as it helps curb excessive emotionality and impulsiveness. This material allows you to concentrate in an important life situation and achieve your goal. It is also good for restoring mental strength. Taurus is not recommended to purchase the mineral.

Amethyst stone - luxury of color and unique magical properties

A rare jewelry variety of chrysoberyl, called alexandrite, has pleochroism. In daytime natural light, the color of the stone is bluish-green or emerald green, but in artificial light in the evening it has a red, crimson, purple or violet color. You can confuse alexandrite, or widow's stone, as it is also called, with synthetic corundum, which has the same properties. This stone is highly valued by jewelers.

Due to its variability in color, in Europe this stone was considered a symbol of jealousy, falling in love, and also a stone of luck. It was also believed that natural alexandrite, depending on the situation, could suddenly change its daytime color to evening color, warning of danger or other serious situations. There was also a belief that in particularly difficult situations the color of the stone could even approach yellow.


Amethyst is the name given to purple quartz crystals. Most often, amethyst is found in the form of crystals, druses and brushes. Lithotherapists say that this stone gives a person insight and at the same time helps control evil thoughts, extinguishes anxiety and mental pain. This stone is especially good for people with a weak and unstable aura. It has long been believed that amethyst is an amulet against drunkenness. Suitable for zodiac signs such as Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.


An opaque purple mineral with a silky sheen is charoite. Some of its specimens exhibit a cat's eye effect. This is a jewelry and ornamental stone from which a wide variety of artistic products are made. Their variety is very great - vases, boxes, bowls and table decorations, decorative panels and writing utensils are made from charoite. Charoite is also used to make keychains, pendants, bracelets and rings, ring inserts, earrings and cufflinks.

It is believed that wearing a charoite talisman, a person feels deeper the world. This stone awakens intuition in the wearer, promotes a breadth of understanding and awareness of life, gives a feeling of unity with the whole world and promotes spiritual development.


This very rare purple colored gemstone is a variety of garnet. It was discovered not so long ago, in the 70s of the last century in Australia, at the place where the fall of the Koorara meteorite had previously been recorded. Since then, it has been generally accepted that for the formation of majorite this is necessary. a natural phenomenon, since they are formed from a shock wave. This type of garnet, however, can also be found in the bowels of the earth - it is formed deep underground, at a depth of at least 400 km.

It is also believed that majorites will cease to be a luxury when humanity masters the Moon and Mars, since it is there that these stones appear in large quantities the most favorable conditions.