Jester interpretation of tarot. Jester - meaning and interpretation of the card

The FOOL card warns of new beginnings and adventures. Light will be shed on things that interest you. “FOOL” is a card of youth, carefree, happiness.

The card is responsible for beginnings. Just as a “JOKE” or “FOOL” wanders around the world, in the same way he asks himself questions about love, justice, evil, and shows humility in the face of the Creator. It is worth saying that in the Rider-Waite deck the FOOL card is much lighter and more attractive than in the Tarot of Marseilles. Sometimes it is worth paying attention to this, as it can affect the meaning of the entire layout.

Associated signs: Scorpion

Element: Air

Time: Autumn - November - Tuesday

By speed: short term predictions (week, several days)

Tips for this map: enjoy the ease in this moment time. Don't take everything too personally and seriously. Believe in your luck.

Warnings FOOL cards (if the card is reversed): think before you act. You can go astray when faced with reality. Not best time to take risks.

Direct meaning of the card

When upright, the FOOL card indicates new beginnings and adventures. Something new is about to begin. Something exciting is coming up. Expect new discoveries, meetings, fulfillment of expectations.

The Jester Tarot card in all decks is made in classic style, depicting a man walking near a precipice, who is not afraid of danger or simply does not want to realize that he is walking on the edge.

On some cards the Jester is depicted as a simple man, and on others as a joker, trickster or court jester. In almost all decks, the fool has a bundle of belongings on his back. A dog, donkey or baby is often located next to the man, trying to pull him back from the edge of the abyss. But, despite all his efforts, the fool does not hear them, since there are a lot of his own thoughts in his head.

The Jester card is openness, the unknown, as well as infantilism (frivolity, naivety, gambling, stupidity). Arcanum Fool can be interpreted in another way: humility, modesty of requests, wise simplicity, frankness, mobility and sincerity.

The interpretation of the card depends on the layout, but no matter what, it indicates impending chaos.

The Jester depicted on the map is the basis for interpretation. The Arcana Tarot Fool means that the person who received the alignment will have to take an extremely radical step. Here we're talking about that the fortuneteller seeks to get things done by pretending to be a fool, that is, to commit deliberate stupidity. It is very stupid to put yourself in such a situation, but the result can be positive and open up the greatest opportunities for a person.

Internal level

The Tarot Fool indicates that if you leave everything as it is and don’t change anything, then the coming catastrophe cannot be avoided. The meaning of this card is that it is time to stop pretending to be a fool and it is time to become serious, taking responsibility for all your actions. The Tarot Fool depicted on the card indicates that the person for whom the alignment is being made, due to his own stupidity, may stop his business or life path

unexpectedly and abruptly. If the Arcana Fool appears, then the person himself is to blame for his failures, and only he himself has the power to change his destiny.

Hidden Meaning

If the fortuneteller has a strong personality and the word fool is definitely not about him, then the meaning of the card can be interpreted differently. The act of the Fool, who looks foolish, can be interpreted as a decision to follow a certain path no matter what. Only a person with sufficient knowledge and strong fortitude can overcome the insurmountable. Also, the Tarot Fool can personify a long-term delusion that prevents the discovery of the truth.

The Jester Tarot card has two broad meanings: stupidity or confidence, which depend on its location and the Arcana lying nearby.

Straight position

Personality type: an extravagant young man who values ​​his independence and does not enter into subordinate relationships.

The Tarot Arcana Fool may indicate that a person is opening up new advantages in the sphere of life, which in the near future may lead to unpredictable consequences. The area of ​​life that you should focus on will be suggested by the neighboring cards in the layout. If the Fool is surrounded by light Arcana, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

The meaning of the Jester card is multifaceted, but despite this, the Arcanum symbolizes “Simple Simplicity”. A fool combines stupidity and intelligence, evil and good, lies and truth. The upright position of the Arcana most often indicates positive meanings, and can also symbolize the beginning of a new life path or stage. Unreversed Tarot Fool - naivety and inexperience, enormous potential and new beginnings.

Inverted position

Personality type: charlatan, deceiver who wants to play on people’s gullibility and naivety.

It is in the inverted position of the Tarot that the Fool takes on a negative meaning and means helplessness, instability, thoughtlessness, slowness, carelessness and betrayal, negligence and apathy, as well as excessive rashness. If in the scenario the Jester appears upside down, then the person should be warned that in the near future all actions he commits must be well thought out, despite possible temptation.

The inverted Fool in a Tarot reading warns that soon there will be a choice that will test the individual, that is, there will be a chance to act honestly, or to take on some responsibility. It is better to stop at the first option, which suggests taking only thoughtful and common-sense actions.

The meaning of the inverted Arcana can rest on restless and impulsive activity, which brings more trouble than positive results. The business may end in failure or disintegration, so you should stop, as they say in time. That is, the inverted Tarot Fool is the word “No” to all new beginnings and old deeds. The meaning of this card indicates the need to temporarily abandon travel, connections and important affairs, since any risk in the near future will end in complete failure.

Card combination


  • The court symbolizes new beginnings and rebirth;
  • The star indicates innocence, trust and faith;
  • The Hanged Man speaks of finding faith and a sense of community;
  • The 3 of Wands promises a long journey and expanding horizons.


  • The devil indicates lack of faith and manifestation of cynicism;
  • Death warns of the cessation of work and the end;
  • The 2 of swords symbolize denial of experience, tension and retreat;
  • The priest talks about routine and fulfilling agreements.

Fortune telling using Tarot cards helps you determine what a given situation entails, get answers to questions, decide how to act and prepare for what to expect. There are many layouts for almost every area of ​​life.

Through Tarot higher powers come into contact with us and advise how to proceed. To get a truthful answer, you need to treat this magical instrument with all respect, and before fortune telling, tune in to the energy of the cards and enter a state of meditation. Don't get too hung up on the question or situation of interest - this will only prevent the cards from giving you the information you need.

if you fell out of line Jester card, read in detail its meaning and how it behaves in combination with other Arcana, and then draw conclusions.

Description of the map

Other card names:

  • Madman;
  • Fool;
  • Fool;
  • Blissful.

This Major Arcana, its occult meaning is redemption. This card looks about the same everywhere, in all decks it is made in the same style. It depicts a man who is walking on the edge of an abyss and is not at all afraid of a possible fall or does not understand that he is walking on the edge.

Sometimes the Jester looks like an ordinary man, sometimes like a court jester, sometimes like a joker. He carries a bundle with his belongings on his back, often a dog, a donkey or a child runs next to him, who want to keep him from the edge and not allow him to fall. But the Jester does not hear their warnings and proudly walks along the edge, not noticing anything because of his own thoughts.

This card may represent infantilism, naivety or openness for the unknown. In some cases, it is interpreted as wisdom, simplicity, sincerity, and small requests. To determine a more accurate interpretation, you need to take into account other Arcana. In all cases, the Fool warns of chaos.


The Jester or Fool card says that soon something new will come into your life, it will burst in so abruptly and unexpectedly that the entire existing way of things will be turned upside down, everything will plunge into chaos. But this is not dangerous, if other cards do not warn about it, a new period of life will bring you development and energy.

The fool foretells new roads, new projects, new ideas. The card says that a person who has set foot on an unknown path knows how dangerous it is, knows that difficulties await him, but inside himself he feels that they will pass him by without much harm, and he will be happy.

Whenever the Fool appears in a reading, it means that life will soon change radically, something very unexpected will happen. Arkan foreshadows surprises, travel, unplanned turns of events. He says that you need to make a decision without delay.

The map can also show the consequences of the past, that current events are just an echo of previous actions. The lasso carries the following meaning - we are free to choose any path, we are free, and there is no need to be afraid to make a decision! An opportunity like this rarely comes your way, so you should take advantage of it!

The jester blesses you risky behavior, shows that you are starting a new business, and you need to boldly move towards the goal, although it will not be achieved soon. Sometimes this lasso symbolizes a specific person, and then the questioner will immediately understand who.


In an inverted position, the Jester speaks of rash actions, too impulsive actions, excessive boasting and ostentation. Sometimes this is due to immaturity, selfishness, as in the case when a teenager dreams of committing suicide so that his parents will cry and regret that they forbade him so much.

In some cases, the card may indicate a person who constantly changes activities and surroundings, takes on many things at once, but does not finish any of them.

This Arcanum warns of carelessness, wasted energy and the lack of suitable solutions to the problem. Sometimes he can talk about wrong choices and fatal mistakes.

The Jester card in an inverted position indicates that the questioner clings too much to the past, is afraid to open up to something new, to gain freedom. Sometimes it symbolizes the lack of freedom of choice, moral bondage.

In some cases, it warns of an upcoming unpleasant surprise. Indicates reckless behavior, excessive fear, which pushes to rash actions.

In a relationship

In a relationship reading, the Shu card T speaks of freedom from prejudice and openness, sincerity and the absence of the power of stereotypes. These relationships are easy, carefree, the partners trust their instincts and flirt left and right. Experiments in the sexual sphere bring them joy, they often behave stupidly in public, but they feel good and have fun.

Sometimes this Arcanum can warn of unexpected situations, thanks to which new, completely unexpected relationships will begin. The card predicts a new connection, but does not say what place it will take in life.

This should be clarified by other cards present in the layout. You most likely will not have a chance to sort everything out and evaluate what a new relationship will give you; you will throw yourself into the pool headlong. They will be present great sexuality, fantasy.

Blind instincts, unbridled passion, crazy romances - all this is predicted by this card. The jester may be saying that even a married person cannot resist a hot affair.

The jester can predict searching for love, sending her to the ends of the world, like in a fairy tale. For the sake of love, the Jester takes the road without fear, forgets about social relationships and the opinions of others. The Jester card speaks of the opportunity to go anywhere, he promises adventure.

Sometimes, if there are cards indicating this, he may talk about a breakup, leaving the family with a scandal. And nothing can influence the decision of the person leaving.

Zero Arcana symbolizes non-conformism. Jester antisocial, alien to the world of conventions, he loves lonely wanderers and has difficulty imagining himself in a relationship. If the Jester symbolizes your partner, then it will be a feat for you to maintain the relationship, because he is flighty and always looking for something new.

You shouldn’t dream that in search of something new, he will decide to try marriage; he doesn’t care about conventions and official legitimization of relationships. Jester looking for joy life, he is deprived of responsibility and care, he is ready to give in to his first impulses. He doesn't care that it could be dangerous. And he has no choice, this is his destiny, he loves life and must go this way.

But sometimes relationships can be easy if you look at them with an open mind. Then his craving for something new will refresh them, and the Fool himself will not demand anything. In rare cases, Arkan can talk about the refreshment of relationships through a child, symbolize a new stage when reality is being rebuilt.

In progress

The Jester card speaks of the beginning of a new project, which was started not based on logic, but with the hope of success. This undertaking did not involve sober calculations. You will have difficulties taking into account, analyzing, making plans, but there will always be a lot of activity, energy and new ideas.

The jester talks about creativity, about the sudden discovery in a person of unexpected abilities for something that he did not even suspect. But usually a person cannot control them, he creates without a plan and order, and this is good until creativity requires a framework. It’s like a free poet who undertook to write a poem to order. this can be a real challenge.

If the questioner lives off creativity, the jester can warn of difficulties- the customer will wait for the result, and the questioner will not be able to get his act together, but at this time will create something of his own that does not bring profit. And this cannot be prevented; it will happen on its own.

The jester can talk about lack of discipline, restrictions, a person lives by passions and is afraid of responsibility. In some cases, this card indicates that a person works well despite a lack of knowledge and experience.

She can speak of a creative and creative worker who is completely devoid of discipline. He has many talents, but due to disorganization and unwillingness to learn, they may end up buried in the ground. This person takes on a lot of things, promises to complete them, but forgets about the deadlines. It's not the most reliable, but sincere partner.

In bad situations, the card can mean excessive frivolity and immaturity, negligence and irresponsibility. The jester loves to fool around and do nothing. If the plan was for business, the Jester says that now it is better to take a break from business and not deal with financial issues.

This card teaches you not to attach much importance to money matters, to look for joy, and to take everything easier if you don’t know how to do it. In other cases, she advises getting rid of from excessive frivolity.

In combination

The Jester card takes on special meaning in combination with other Arcana. For example, with the Magician she warns about the danger of going crazy, with Lovers she predicts a new romance, and speaks of the appearance of a new lover. If the Arcanum of Justice, Judgment is present in the layout, then you may inadvertently be drawn into some kind of proceedings.

In addition, such a combination can mean revival and a new business, a white streak in the life path of the questioner. With the Three of Wands, the Jester also foreshadows new project, inspiration of ideas.

If nearby The Jester and the Hanged Man, this indicates a difficult life situation. It’s better for you to remain silent, not interfere anywhere, and try to slowly get out of this situation without unnecessary noise. The Jester in combination with the Devil symbolizes cynicism, crazy actions that will have dire consequences. May mean obsession.

If next to the Jester is adjacent Tower, this warns of impending danger, you need to be more careful and careful, otherwise the matter could be serious.

If you get the Fool and the Star, this speaks of inner purity and unprecedented sublimity - yours or the person you encounter. In the vicinity of the Seven of Cups, the Jester speaks of escaping reality, with Nine of Cups- that you shouldn’t be afraid of anything.

The King of Swords, the Five of Wands or Swords, which appear in the layout, say that your fears are not unfounded, something threatens you. If the Seven of Swords falls, it symbolizes a cunning person, and if the Five of Pentacles falls, it speaks of love, which everyone condemns and which can break fate.

If the Jester falls in the vicinity of good Arcana, then undeserved good awaits you. This card is weakened by Death, the Hierophant and the Two of Swords.

The Fool or Jester card depicts a man frozen on the edge of a cliff. He spreads his arms and looks at the sky. This pose causes two sensations. Either he is completely crazy and it doesn’t matter to him that the next step will lead him straight into the abyss. Or, looking at the sky, he believes in some higher power, and thus plays with fate. In one hand he holds a stick with a bundle of his things, in the other a flower. And a little dog is jumping near his feet, trying in vain to warn the Fool about the danger.

Zero Arcana of the Fool is an extremely ambiguous card. Take your time reading the schedule

Basic interpretations of the Fool lasso in layouts

The first card of the Tarot deck is the Fool with the number zero, so it both starts and ends the deck. It symbolizes the beginning of the journey, naivety, carelessness, freedom of choice. The interpretation of this card in tandem with the others is also of no small importance.

Direct card position

The Fool card appears in a reading when new opportunities open up on the horizon, prospects for starting something anew, or simply choosing a different path for the development of events. As a rule, all people are inexperienced at the very beginning of their journey, so it’s worth letting go of the situation and relying on chance. Whatever the outcome, the direct position of the card predicts a favorable outcome.

Reversed card position

A fool in an inverted position in a reading speaks of lack of self-confidence, frivolity, stupidity, and reluctance to change something. It is best to refrain from making important decisions; most likely they will be insufficiently balanced and thoughtless. Impulsive decisions will also not be in your favor. It may also mean that you are under the influence of such a person, but do not notice the consequences. Or you are simply afraid to take responsibility. Try to stop playing with fire and reconsider your tactics.

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The Fool's Card in the Quarry

For creative people who go beyond the usual, who do not depend on prejudices, everything will turn out just fine; a reward for their efforts awaits ahead. IN otherwise the card can mean an upcoming crisis, because sometimes it is difficult for such people to hear the client’s wishes or concentrate their thoughts on what is important.

It’s better not to start important projects. You need to weigh all the risks, think through all the steps and workarounds, because any step not taken into account can lead to an abyss. But in small matters, you can even let everything take its course; results will be achieved easily, without pitfalls along the way.

The Fool Card in Love and Relationships

This lasso tells us about a storm of emotions ahead, about new feelings or the revival of old ones, about unforgettable sensations, about enjoying your partner. At the same time, all these feelings are absolutely frivolous and frivolous. Headfirst would probably be the most appropriate interpretation. However, in an inverted map, this whirlpool promises quarrels, betrayals and disappointment. For women, it can mean an unplanned pregnancy due to frivolous behavior.

The uniqueness of the Jester card is that it is not calculated in Roman numerals, like the other Arcana

Fool's Card for Health

Usually means recovery from illness, vigor of strength and spirit, excellent physical shape. For women, it may indicate pregnancy. The inverted Jester, and even when adjacent to negative cards, indicates depression or mental disorder, as well as self-destruction and personality degradation.

Combination of the Fool with other cards


Star: innocence, faith, trust;

Hanged: gaining faith, sense of community;

Lovers: a harbinger of new love, the appearance of a new partner, harmony between people;

Court: revival, inspiration, a new big undertaking, a completely new bright streak in life.


Devil: lack of faith, cynicism, crazy actions with bad consequences, obsession;

Death: the end of something, the cessation of work;

Priest: routine;

Tower: danger warning;

Mage: danger of loss of reason, strange ideas, insanity;

The Fool is one of the most significant cards in the Tarot, representing a person seeking new things. It may imply the beginning of a new chapter in life, perhaps a risky one that requires wisdom and courage.

The lasso can also mean recklessness and lack of motivation.

The card speaks of pure character and sincere belief in miracles. A fortune-telling independent, rebellious, enterprising person who loves life.

Absolutely new chapter in life.

The fool is the harbinger of a new beginning. When this card appears, it shows that the upcoming life path is very potential and new, it has a deeper and spiritual meaning.

The white sun represents power and the strong, bright aura emanating from the Seeker, but its power has not yet created worldly substances of meaning. This is about power in general, but not about the product.

The character of the lasso is a pure spirit, sincere, like a child, innocent and naive. Has a Peter Pan mentality - boastful, careless, a bit arrogant, and has a willful refusal to take responsibility or be mature.

He has a searching, beautiful, creative soul. Perhaps indicates a person with a foolish belief in achieving impossibly beautiful goals.

There's a trace of swagger and flamboyance in The Fool. He's a thug. The Fool's whimsical dressing style represents one who is attached to superficiality, seeking the truth with great pride.

This card can also mean that there are many options to choose from. The choice before the Seeker may seem insignificant, but it is a choice that can affect an entire life, so one must tread with caution (otherwise, the Seeker might fall off the edge of a cliff).

Arkan points to issues that give rise to immediate concern. When the Fool makes a choice, his decision will have a profound impact on the fullness of his life.


  • Independence of thought and originality are the basis of success.
  • Greater potential and accomplishing tasks in a revolutionary way.
  • Actions with the hope of success achieve the goal.
  • Success comes from being entrepreneurial and trying new methods.
  • Listen to your own inner voice
  • Maintain balance; know everything is temporary (both failures and achievements).
  • If you listen to the voice of your heart, you can start a new life.
  • A significant leap in spiritual advancement will lead to lasting peace of mind.
  • new beginnings
  • decision, choice
  • opportunity
  • awakening
  • ease
  • irresponsibility
  • susceptibility
  • insufficient reliability
  • confidence
  • openness
  • possible mistakes
  • calmness
  • the birth of a child
  • homosexual
  • new easy relationship
  • curiosity
  • wisdom
  • joy
  • positive people relationships
  • adventures
  • uncertainty

Flipped over

The seeker is considering a new beginning, but he must be careful as this decision may not be the best choice. A fool, on the contrary, shows that a person acted in reckless disregard of consequences.

In relationships, this is spontaneity. If the request is work related, then there is uncertainty as to whether your move will be a huge success or a huge failure.

The card indicates that the chances of failure are high. The fortuneteller must have great wisdom and maturity if he is to change course and succeed.

The Reversed Fool says that you have not yet fallen to the bottom and have made mistakes, you are at the point where you should have chosen a different path.

A fool indicates that a person is far from wisdom and forbearance, he has plunged into vanity, superficiality and materialism.

May indicate a person who is selfish or lazy and unable to progress. On the carefree, reckless attitude of the fortuneteller to the consequences. The seeker acts foolishly, ignoring the consequences of his decisions.

  • Irresponsibility and rebellion can be destructive if taken to extremes.
  • Foolish Recklessness with money that may cause difficulties.
  • When you reach a crossroads in life, think carefully about your future direction.
  • Carelessness and trusting the wrong people can ruin everything.
  • Learn from past mistakes. If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.
  • Don't dwell on injustice. Discuss issues openly.
  • Stupid excitement and thoughtless travel.
  • Make important decisions carefully to ensure a happy future.
  • lack of responsibility
  • treason
  • not seriousness
  • no obligations
  • wrong or ill-considered choice
  • problems due to stupidity
  • exhaustion
  • impulsive actions
  • inexperience

Combination of the Fool with other cards

This card only combines with those cards that are very spiritual and balanced, and strong material cards such as the wheel of fortune or the devil.

If the card follows the Hermit, then your secret will be revealed. If the Hermit is ahead, your secret is now hidden.

The Fool with the Chariot represents important news.

The Fool and the Sun imply that something unexpected will bring order, comfort and happiness.

  • Priest - routine, monotony, implementation of agreements
  • Devil - no faith, cynicism
  • Death is completion
  • 2 of swords - step back, tension, non-acceptance of experience
  • 3 of Wands - journey to something new, expansion of spaces
  • Court - reconstruction, new ideas and their implementation
  • Hanged Man - unity, faith
  • Star - trust, integrity

A fool in a relationship

When divining love, a direct card symbolizes positive feelings, a feeling of spring in the hearts of two people. She talks about a harmonious, cloudless union with a partner who gives confidence. These are honest relationships and pure feelings based on sincerity; there is no calculation or intrigue in them, only sincerity and lightness. Arcanum means pure thoughts, in combination with the 2 of Cups predicts romance, with the Ace of Wands passion. New love. Renewing existing relationships.

The inverted jester has a meaning that is not entirely serious, it indicates flirting and irresponsibility.

You should not trust a person completely and count on a long-term union; hopes for love will not come true; this is a card of frivolous, non-binding relationships. The fool says that you are self-confident and do not want to see the truth.


  • Extraordinary personality
  • Gay person
  • Child
  • Inexperienced
  • Dreamer, dreamer
  • Mystic
  • Self-sufficient
  • Traveler


  • new area
  • strength to cope with the new job
  • curiosity
  • unnecessary actions
  • irresponsibility
  • learning from any situation
  • going beyond limits
  • success

General value

  • Number - 2
  • Astrological element - air selfids, uranus
  • Aether Spirit 0
  • Chakra - crown
  • Color - pale yellow; baby blue; turquoise, white;
  • Hebrew letter - aleph
  • Alchemical sound - separation
  • Mythology: nudes, children's myths, green man

Order of the Golden Dawn Card Review

The fool personifies the idea, thought, spirituality, that which is higher than the physical. But if the prediction concerns a material event in life, this card is not good, it shows madness, stupidity, originality and even mania, unless accompanied by very good cards.

The Jester says your affairs are too unstable.

This card does not answer "Yes" or "No". In fact, it means a fairly neutral position and is pure potential regarding the issue. What the card says, however, also depends on the type of question you ask.

In many cases, the fool will tell you that your question is either stupid, or the plaintiff should already know the answer to it, or the question is premature because the result has not yet been determined.

When the situation is related to issues of home/housing, the jester replies that everything is uncertain or unstable.

In other matters, he can show the plaintiff about spontaneity.

In travel problems, it symbolizes sudden and unplanned trips, traveling without a specific direction.

IN financial matters a person may be presented as not knowing how to manage money, he does not care about it or saves it. Or, the card could simply mean that money, unfortunately, is not part of your life.

The jester can represent a small child or a young man.

However, in all planes of existence, this card has to do with something unexpected or awakening. You need to take a new step, it will lead to success and has great potential. Are you ready for it?

Old and new interpretation of the Fool card

The Fool was represented as a wandering vagabond or madman, which many associated with ancient Celtic festivals in which the Fool was depicted as the man who heralded the beginning of Spring. This showed man that his mind was on another level of existence, completely unaware of the hidden energies of nature.

Golden Dawn took this concept to its optimum point and applied the meaning of a newborn amid the approaching dawn of a new era. The main difference between these two methods of interpretation is that the Fool tarot card takes on existing reality. He has the opportunity to grow and learn the secrets of Divine innocence.

In the old meaning, the Fool had luck in spiritual matters, but madness in material matters. In the Golden Dawn, the Fool promises hope and greater potential for both aspects, manifest and physical.

All changes that occur with the Jester will be made very quickly. In that brief flash of understanding, he summed up the situation. This shows that his mind has advanced far beyond normal levels of understanding.

When denoting this card, older versions of the interpretation spoke of excess, but it is no longer interpreted that way.

The best name for the Fool card is Awakening, since given word truly reflects the true meaning of the card. He is the Man coming to perfection, who is knocking on the door to the Divine.

Detailed description

The Fool in the Golden Dawn, is the Hebrew letter Aleph. This is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the card has a connection to this key based on its shape and its symbolic and numerological associations.

Aleph stands for potential growth factor. It shows the enormous potential that it is going to give to the world. Symbolically, it also refers to humanity as a whole.

The numerology value of the Hebrew spelling of the Fool is 831, this suggests that the card relates directly to “learning” and shows another hidden aspect of the Fool. Because even though the Jester is an abandoned child, he is considered a teacher in the wilderness and rules over its environment.

In English, Aleph means "Ox", which is associated not with the astrological sign of Taurus, but with the age that it symbolizes. In the past, the Bull was worshiped as the most famous god in various cultures. He is also a symbol of Air. In Egyptian drawings, the image was interpreted as the area between Fire and Water.

The Elemental Association of this card is dual, as the Fool is not only associated with the element Air, but also with the planet Uranus.

In the Golden Dawn this card was called the "Spirit of Air". The card was also associated with the Sylph element. These are winged beings that appear in every civilization and bestow Intelligence and Wisdom on all who offer devotion to them.

The psychological way of expressing the card is awakening. This is more than a new beginning, it is a complete destruction of old values, new era development.

Some believed that awareness becomes so acute that one enters the realm of Superconsciousness, which many have called "Illumination."

The new approach of the Fool card is based on the perception that awakening, new levels of development, are expected to be achieved.

Speed ​​in achievement is one of the key features that this level of consciousness achieves. The situation can be summed up here. The negative expression of this conscious state appears when there are blockages to goals and the person is fussing.

In the Kabbalah, the Fool card is associated with the Eleventh Path of Blazing Intelligence, which concerns the "veil" placed before the Divinity of the spirit. No one has gone through it because it is the truth, no one would be able to feel its meaning.

The use of the term "Radiation" refers to the principle of the divine spark of life. Its direct application to the Fool card shows the raw essence, the blank slate, the child. Through such pure consciousness a person is able to control environment. These are acts of purity, energy and strength.

Although this card reflects the energies of the Eleventh Path, it is also associated with "Illuminating Intelligence", which is associated with Wisdom and shows many of the characteristics innate and hidden in the Fool.

The alchemical stage this card represents is Separation. This is a process where the three vital components are individualized and isolated from each other. The first of these three divisions is Mercury, which represents Spirit. The Process of Separation actually involves numerous steps and is the concept of identifying and controlling each of the three vital parts of alchemy.

In mythology, one of the associations of the Fool is the form of the God Nu. By analogy, as one addresses the Deities, one can also address directly the child who is in Man. This shows us that humans are created through evolution and have god-like powers. Man enters a new level of dawn, a renewed area of ​​development.

The numbering of the Fool is zero, he is an intangible, unmanifested Monad. Zero is considered a limitless and infinitely potential number. This is an empty circle, the space from which the Source of everything emerges.

Jester card keys

Entanglement is the first half of any cyclical process in life or a necessity. This is a karmic need to be born and grow, to become manifest and knowledgeable.

Evolution is the second half of any cycle, even in the power of death it is a continuation of the life process.

This is also a developmental process where awareness has been experienced at the peak of the involutionary phase, and the desire to return to the source is very strong. Thus, evolution requires growth in consciousness towards full awakening.

At first glance, everyone will think that the Fool is crazy. Despite this superficial opinion, there is much more depth here.

Because of the conscious state of superconsciousness that the Fool has achieved, he works according to a plan that is not perceived by others. In fact, he is superior to others both in thought and in action. People see things on their own level of perception, while he sees the world on his own.

The Crown Chakra, which in itself is almost indescribable, is similar to the archetype of the Fool, and is a doorway that opens to entirely new dimensions of thought. Its physical seat is in the pineal gland, and its association with the spiritual organization is the point of Spirit, the highest of the subtle bodies and the most difficult point to reach on any conscious level.

By looking closely at the number in this Key, one will see that one is reaching the lowest flowering, which is in reality the crown chakra. Above it are five more blossoms, which show an additional five centers above the head. These five centers work to align the subtle bodies with each other so that Spiritual Source can communicate to us exactly what is required for us to achieve change in our lives.

Tarot symbolism says that a child must learn to understand and touch his spiritual growth. The negative or shadow area of ​​the subconscious is under control. The child also raises his hand to the sky, which indicates that he is striving for the intellect to try to grab it.