A complete list of delicious exotic fruits and berries with descriptions. Exotic fruits of the world: from papaya to maranga Exotic fruit plants

This fruit is native to tropical America, but is also grown in Pakistan, India and the Philippines. The fruit is somewhat similar to a pine cone and is about 10 cm in diameter. The fruit, which has a slight custard flavor, has white flesh inside and a small number of seeds.

Mammea americana is an evergreen tree native to South America, artificially planted in other regions of the world, including West Africa and Southeast Asia. American apricots are actually berries that are about 20 cm in diameter. The berry has a thick outer skin and soft orange pulp inside, usually there is one large seed in the center, however, large berries have about 4. The pulp is sweet and fragrant.

Cherimoya, or custard apple, is a foliage plant native to the high mountain regions of South America. The fruit of the tree has a round shape with 3 types of surface (lumpy, smooth or mixed). The pulp of the fruit has a creamy consistency, very aromatic, white and juicy. The fruit is said to taste like a combination of banana, passion fruit, papaya and pineapple. Mark Twain said in 1866: “Cherimoya is the most delicious fruit known.”

Platonia is a large tree (reaching a height of up to 40 meters) growing in the tropical forests of Brazil and Paraguay. The fruit grows to the size of an orange, and when pressed, a yellow liquid begins to ooze from it. Inside the fruit there is white pulp enveloping several black seeds, which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Cocona is another tropical fruit that can be found in the mountainous regions of South America. It grows on small bushes and grows very quickly: in 9 months you can get fruit from the seeds, and after another 2 months they will finally ripen. The fruits are very similar to berries and come in red, orange and yellow flowers. They look very similar to tomatoes, but taste like a cross between a tomato and a lemon.

Breadfruit belongs to the mulberry family, and it comes from the Philippines and the islands of the South East Asia. The fruits taste like bananas; they can be eaten raw when they are fully ripe; when unripe, they can only be eaten cooked. The ripe fruit is soft and sweet, the unripe fruit is dense and starchy, and it got its name because when the unripe fruit is cooked, it tastes very much like freshly baked bread.

Langsat or duku are two very similar fruits that can be found throughout Asia. They come from the same family, almost identical in appearance and taste, with only one difference. The langsat peel contains a latex substance, it is not poisonous, but it makes it difficult to remove, while the duku peel comes off easily. There are 5 segments inside the fruit, some of which contain several bitter seeds. It is a very sweet fruit that can be prepared in a variety of ways.

Dacryodes is an evergreen tree native to the tropical rainforests of Africa, northern Nigeria and southern Angola. The fruits, which range in color from deep blue to purple, are also known as African pears and are oblong in shape with pale green flesh inside. These fatty fruits were claimed to have the potential to end famine in Africa, as the fruit is made up of 48 percent essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and triglycerides. It has been calculated that from one hectare planted with these trees, 7–8 tons of oil can be obtained, and all parts of the plant can be used.

The Brazilian grape tree is a very strange plant native to the southeastern part of Brazil. The strange thing about this tree is the way it grows fruit. Initially, yellowish-white flowers appear all over the trunk and large branches, then the flowers develop into fruits, 3-4 cm in diameter. Inside the purple round shaped fruits there is soft gelatinous flesh with 1-4 black seeds. The fruit is very sweet and can be eaten plain; however, it is most often used to make wine or liqueur.

Rambutan is a strange looking fruit that looks like a fluffy strawberry. It is native to Southeast Asia, but is widespread in other regions, especially Costa Rica, where it is called the "Chinese sucker." The fruits, 3–6 cm in diameter, have an oval shape. The flesh is a little tough, but easily separates from the skin; rambutan tastes sweet and sour.

Known by many names, including large moringa, Indian mulberry, etc., this fruit is native to all of Southeast Asia and Australia, and is also widely cultivated in the tropics. The tree bears fruit all year round, but, as a rule, when the fruits ripen, the fruit has a very pungent odor. However, despite the smell, the fruit is rich in high fiber content, vitamins, proteins, iron and calcium, and is also a staple food in many countries Pacific Ocean. It can be eaten cooked or raw with salt.

Marula is a deciduous tree native to Southern and Eastern Africa. It now grows throughout Africa, as its fruit is an important food source for the Bantu peoples, and the trees appeared throughout their migration route. The green fruit ripens and turns yellow, and the white pulp inside is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma. After falling from the tree, the fruits begin to ferment almost immediately, so elephants and baboons in these regions are often slightly intoxicated. The fruits are also used to make the popular Amarula liqueur, which can be found in any duty-free store.

Cloudberries are a North American west coast berry. It is found in humid forests and grows in dense thickets. The fruit is similar to a raspberry, however, its color is more orange. They are very sweet, they are eaten both raw and processed into juice, wine, candies and jams.

Snake fruit is native to Indonesia. They grow in clusters, and got their nickname because of the red-brown scaly skin that is easily removed. Inside are 3 white sweet “segments”, each containing small black inedible seeds. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste and the consistency of apples.

Bail, or rock apple, is native to India but can be found throughout Southeast Asia. Bail is a smooth fruit with a woody skin that comes in yellow, green or grey. The tough outer skin is so hard that the fruit can only be reached with a hammer. Inside is yellow pulp with several hairy seeds, which can be eaten fresh or dried. The ripe fruit is often prepared into a drink called sharbat, which also contains water, sugar and lime juice with pulp. You only need one large fruit to prepare 6 liters of sharbat.

This fruit is native to the lowlands of Central America and Western India. The undersides of the leaves of this evergreen tree have a golden color that is visible even from a distance, and the white or lilac flowers that grow on the tree have a sweet scent. The fruits are round in shape and purple in color, their skin is dense. If the fruit is cut horizontally, the star shape in the pulp is clearly visible. Fresh fruits have a very sweet and pleasant taste.

17. Carambola (star fruit)

Carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines, but grows throughout Southeast Asia, East Asia, and South America. The shell of the fruit contains five “ridges”, which, when cut longitudinally, look like a star, which is why the fruit got its name. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. When ripe, the fruit turns bright yellow and tastes very juicy and crispy.

Horned melon, also known as the African cucumber, is native to Africa but is now also grown in Australia, New Zealand and Chile. When ripe, the skin of the melon becomes covered with dense, pointed yellow spines, and the jelly-like flesh becomes bright green. The taste of the fruit is often compared to a banana. The fruit is a good source of vitamin C and fiber.

Pitaya, or cactus fruit, which can be found throughout Asia, Australia, and North and South America, was originally thought to be native to Mexico. There are two types of pitaya: sour, typically eaten in America, and sweet, found throughout Asia. The fruits come in red, yellow and purple colors, have a very pleasant aroma, and the sweet appearance tastes very similar to kiwi.

Miracle fruit, or sweet berries, are very strange berries native to West Africa. What makes these fruits strange? The fruits contain large quantities of the sugar substitute miraculin in combination with glycoprotein. The fruit itself does not have a very sweet taste, but after a person eats it, the glycoprotein binds to the taste buds located on the human tongue and turns the taste of any product into sweet within about an hour. This way you can eat a whole lemon and it will taste like sweet syrup.

In the 70s, attempts were made to commercially sell the fruit as a dietary product, since it can transform any food into sweetness, without affecting the amount of calories consumed. However, it was not possible to achieve success in this field.

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List of green fruits that you can find anywhere. Some fruits are well known, while some are known only in vacation spots, at resorts. Others are not known to ordinary people at all. But these fruits have one thing in common - they are all green.

Of course, some fruits may have a different color, for example, yellow, orange, red, etc., but this depends on the variety and type of fruit and the time of ripening.

It is a fruit that resembles a vegetable rather than a fruit. Avocado pulp is very rich in vitamins. You can find out more about him.

Annona squamosus, sugar apple

The fruits are 5-10 centimeters in diameter. The peel is covered with scales. The pulp has a sweet taste. The seed grains are poisonous.

This fruit has very soft flesh. It's edible. Various products are made from the fruit. The seeds are poisonous. Distributed in the tropics.

A pineapple


This fruit is known to everyone. You can find out more about him.


This fruit is known to everyone. You can find out more about him.

The pulp of white sapota is juicy, with a sour taste. The fruits are similar to an apple. They are eaten raw. Grows in the subtropics.


Delicious berries that are well known in post-Soviet countries.

Voavanga berries small size 5x4.5 centimeters. Ripe voavanga has a sweet and sour taste. Voavanga is grown in warm countries, mainly in tropical Africa.

Guava fruits are eaten raw. Various products are also prepared from them. Guava berries range in size from 4 to 12 centimeters. Today, guava is grown in the subtropics and subtropics. There are many different varieties that differ in many ways.

This fruit has huge fruits. Can reach a weight of up to 25 kilograms. The taste of jackfruit is peculiar with a fresh-sweet taste. It gives off a sweet smell.

Durian is an unforgettable fruit or “King among fruits”. You can read a detailed article about durian.

Cainito, star apple

Cainito berries reach sizes of up to 10 centimeters. Cainito grows in warm countries. Mainly grows in Central and South America. They eat its pulp with a spoon. The crust is inedible.

The carambola fruit in cross section resembles a star, which is what makes it memorable. Eating carambola should be done with caution, because there are contraindications for certain types of diseases.

Coconut palm

Everyone knows what a coconut is. When fresh, coconut is green in color. A wide variety of products are made from coconut food products. They drink the juice from an unripe coconut by making a hole in the coconut. Not only the palm drupe is used, but all parts as well. For example, wine, vodka, vinegar, syrup and sugar are made from palm sap. Coconut grows in the tropics all over the world.

Corilla, cyclanthera

This is a climbing tree up to 5 meters long. Berries can be up to 23x7 centimeters in size. The pulp is juicy with a pleasant taste, similar to cucumber. Grows in the tropics on mountains and subtropics.


Lucuma tree up to 15 meters high. Turkish delight berries are similar to tomatoes, with a diameter of 10 centimeters. The pulp is not very juicy, but tastes sweet. The collected ripe fruits are kept for several days and then only eaten. Grows in South and Central America.

Mango is one of the most delicious fruits. Each variety has its own unique taste. You can read more about it.

passion fruit

Passion fruit is mostly brown in color, but there are also greenish varieties. It grows all over the world in the tropics and subtropics. You can read more details.

Momordica, bitter cucumber

Momordica is a climbing plant. The fruits, similar to cucumbers, are collected in their unripe green form. When the fruit is ripe, it turns bright yellow or orange. It is more of a vegetable than a fruit. The fruits are bitter, they are first processed and only then prepared for food. The sap of the plant is poisonous in its raw form. This fruit grows in Russia, follow the link and find out where. Grows throughout the world in warm climates.

This is a small tree up to 6 meters. Fruits up to 15 centimeters in size. Unripe fruits are eaten raw; they do not taste very good. Grows in the tropical zone.

Papeda is a tree up to 12 meters high. Papeda fruits are 7 centimeters in diameter. The pulp of the fruit has a sour or bitter taste. Externally similar to lime. Grown in South and Southeast Asia.

Pomelo tree up to 15 meters high. The fruits can be up to 50 centimeters in diameter. The fruits do not taste bitter, even pleasant. Grows in the tropics and subtropics.

This tree is up to 20 meters high. The fruits are 15 centimeters in diameter and are very tasty. This fruit is considered one of the best tropical fruits. Grows in Central and South America.

The plant reaches a height of 3-8 meters. The fruit reaches sizes up to 25x5 centimeters. The pulp tastes like peas. Grows in Central America.

Closely related to chayote. The fruits are not big. It tastes like cucumber. Cooked like vegetables.

Pumpkin tree, calabash tree

The tree reaches a height of 10 meters. The fruits are round and up to 40 centimeters in size. The pulp of young fruits is pickled in vinegar. The seeds are fried and eaten. Fresh fruits cannot be eaten; they are poisonous. Grows in Central America. Previously, dishes were made from shells, but now plastic has replaced it.

Philippine rose apple

The tree reaches a height of 40 meters. The fruits are 6 centimeters in diameter. The fruits are eaten raw and cooked. Grows in the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

The fruit of this plant is similar to durian. The fruits are tasty and are considered a staple food in the tropics. Grows in the tropics.

Chayote, Mexican cucumber

Chayote is a climbing plant up to 20 meters. The berries reach a length of 7 to 20 centimeters. The pulp is similar to a cucumber. It is used throughout the world as a vegetable, in tropical and subtropical areas.

Cherimoya, Annona Cherimola

Distributed throughout the mountainous regions of the tropics, in subtropical and Mediterranean climates. This fruit has an exquisite taste. It is eaten by cutting it into two parts and eating the inner pulp with a spoon. The seeds are poisonous. Various dishes and products are made from cherimoya.

Black sapota or black persimmon

Tree up to 25 meters high. The berry is similar to a tomato, measuring 10x13 centimeters. It has a mild sweetish-nutty taste. Grows in tropical countries.

Arriving in a warm country, you are faced with an abundance of exotic fruits, the name of which you heard for the first time. Let’s look at these “overseas fruits”, a complete overview of the tropical fruits of the world of warm countries, what you need to try. For each tropical fruit, below is a description, taste, ripening seasons, as well as how to cut and eat it.

The round fruit is red, up to 4 cm in diameter. A wonderful, very tasty fruit. It has one bone in the middle. Similar to Longon in shape, texture and bone, but with a richer taste and aroma. Very juicy, sweet, sometimes with sourness. The peel is easily separated from the white-transparent pulp.

Unfortunately, fresh Lychee cannot be consumed all year round: the Lychee harvest season begins in May and lasts until the end of July. The rest of the year it is almost impossible to find.

During the off-season in Asia, you can buy canned Lychee in cans or plastic bags in its own juice or coconut milk.

Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can freeze and store peeled fruits in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Lychee contains a lot of proteins, pectin substances, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. A very high content of nicotinic acid - vitamin PP, which actively prevents the development of atherosclerosis. The widespread occurrence of Lychee in Southeast Asian countries (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand) is the reason for the low level of atherosclerosis in this region.

Rambutan (Rambutan, Ngo, “hairy fruit from Thailand”).

The round fruits are red, up to 5 cm in diameter, covered with soft spine-like shoots. The pulp covering the seed is a transparent white elastic mass with a pleasant sweet taste, sometimes with a sour tint. The stone is quite tightly connected to the pulp and is edible.

Contains carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin and vitamin C. The fruits have a short shelf life - up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

Harvest season: May to October.

Peel by cutting the peel with a knife, or without using a knife, as if twisting the fruit in the middle.

Rambutan is eaten fresh, made into jams and jellies, and canned.

Mangosteen (Mangosteen, mangosteen, mangosteen, garcinia, mankut).

The fruits are the size of a small apple and are dark purple. Under the thick, inedible peel, there is edible pulp in the form of garlic cloves. The pulp is sweet with sourness, very tasty, unlike anything else. Typically seedless, although some fruits contain small, soft seeds that can be eaten.

Sometimes diseased Mangosteen fruits are found, with dark creamy, sticky and unpleasant-tasting pulp. Such fruits cannot be identified until you peel them.

The harvest season is from April to September.

Natural biologically active substances contained in mangosteen reduce inflammatory reactions: swelling, soreness, redness, high temperature.

Dragon's Eye (pitaya, pitaya, long yang, dragon fruit, pitaya).

These are the fruits of a cactus. Dragon's eye is the Russian version of the name of this fruit. International name: Dragon Fruit or Pitahaya.

Quite large, oblong fruits (palm-sized) with a red, pink or yellow color on the outside. Inside the flesh is white or red, dotted with small black seeds. The pulp is very tender, juicy, slightly sweet, with an unexpressed taste. It is convenient to eat with a spoon, scooping out the pulp from the fruit cut in half.

Dragon's eye is useful for stomach pain, diabetes mellitus or other endocrine disease.

Harvest seasons are all year round.


King of fruits. The fruits are very large: up to 8 kilograms.

A fruit famous all over the world for its smell. Almost everyone has heard of it, some have smelled it, and very few have tried it. Its smell is reminiscent of onions, garlic and worn socks. Because of its smell, this fruit is even prohibited from entering hotels, transport, etc. public places. To remind you of the ban in Thailand, for example, they put up signs with a crossed out image of the fruit.

The sweet pulp of the fruit has a very delicate consistency and does not at all correspond to the unpleasant odor. You should try this fruit, if only for the reason that many have heard about it, but few dare to try it. But in vain. The taste is very pleasant, and the fruit itself is considered the most valuable fruit in Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia). It is very high in calories and healthy. Durian also has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Sold cut (into slices) and packed in polyethylene. In supermarkets you can find very interesting sweets with the taste and smell of Durian.

Sala (salak, rakum, snake fruit, snake fruit, sala)

Oblong or round fruits of small size (about 5 cm in length) of red (Rakum) or brown (Salak) color, covered with dense small spines.

A fruit with a very unusual, bright sweet and sour taste. To some it resembles a persimmon, to others a pear. It’s worth trying at least once, and then see how you like it...

You should be careful when peeling the fruit: the spines are very dense and dig into the skin. It's better to use a knife.

Season: April to June.

Carambola (Starfruit, Kamrak, Ma Phuak, Carambola, Star-fruit).

“Star of the tropics” - in cross-section, it looks like an asterisk.

The fruit has an edible peel and is eaten whole (there are small seeds inside). The main advantage is a pleasant smell and juiciness. The taste is not particularly distinctive - slightly sweet or sweet and sour, somewhat reminiscent of the taste of an apple. The fruit is quite juicy and perfectly quenches thirst.

Sold all year round.

People with severe kidney problems are not recommended to consume Carambola.

Longan (Lam-yai, Dragon's Eye).

Small fruits, similar to small potatoes, covered with a thin inedible skin and one inedible seed inside.

The pulp of Longan is very juicy, has a sweet, very aromatic taste with a peculiar shade.

Season – from July to September.

Longkong (Longan, Lonkon, Langsat, Lonngkong, Langsat).

Longkong fruits, like Longan, are similar to small potatoes, but are slightly larger in size and have a yellowish tint. You can distinguish it from Longana if you peel the fruit: when peeled, it looks like garlic.

They have a sweet and sour interesting taste. The fruits are rich in calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and vitamin C. The burnt skin of Longkong produces an aromatic smell, which is not only pleasant, but also useful, as it serves as an excellent repellent.

Fresh fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days. The skin of a ripe fruit must be dense, without cracks, otherwise the fruit will quickly deteriorate.

Season: April to June.

Sometimes a variety is also sold - Langsat, which is no different in appearance, but has a slightly bitter taste.

Jackfruit (Eve, Khanoon, Jackfruit, Nangka, Indian breadfruit).

Jackfruits are the largest fruits that grow on trees, weighing up to 34 kg. Inside the fruit are several large sweet yellow slices of edible pulp. These slices are sold already peeled, since you yourself cannot cope with this giant.

The pulp has a sickly sweet taste, reminiscent of melon and marshmallow. It is very nutritious: it contains about 40% carbohydrates (starch) - more than in bread.

Season: January to August.

You can risk bringing this monster home whole; it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. But it is better to buy cut and packaged slices of pulp.

Important! Some people, after eating Jackfruit, experience an unhealthy reaction in the throat - spasms, and it becomes difficult to swallow. Everything usually goes away within an hour or two. Perhaps this is an allergic reaction. Be careful.


Pineapple fruits do not need any special comments.

It should only be noted that Pineapples bought in Asia and Pineapples bought in Russia are completely different things. Pineapples in Russia are a pitiful imitation of the real Pineapples that you can try in their homeland.

It is worth mentioning separately about Thai Pineapple - it is considered the most delicious in the world. You should definitely try it and be sure to bring it home with you to pamper your family. For local consumption, it is better to buy already peeled.

Pineapple season - all year round


According to some estimates, Mango is considered the most delicious fruit in the world.

Mango is quite widely known and sold in Russia. However, the taste and aroma of Mango in its homeland is very different from what is sold in our stores. In Asia, its fruits are much more aromatic, juicier, and the taste is richer. And indeed, when you eat a fresh, ripe mango grown, for example, in Thailand, it seems that nothing tastes better.

The fruit is covered with an inedible peel that cannot be separated from the pulp: it must be cut off in a thin layer using a knife. Inside the fruit there is a rather large, flat stone, from which the pulp also does not come out, and it must be separated from the stone with a knife, or simply eaten.

The color of Mango, depending on the degree of ripeness, varies from green to yellow (sometimes to yellow-orange or red). For local consumption, it is better to buy the ripest yellow or orange fruits. Without a refrigerator, such fruits can be stored for up to 5 days, in the refrigerator for up to 30 days, unless, of course, they were previously stored somewhere else.

If you want to bring several fruits home, you can buy fruits of medium maturity, greenish in color. They keep well and ripen on the road or at home.

Noina (Sugar apple, Annona scaly, sugar-apple, sweetsop, noi-na).

Another unusual fruit, which has no analogues and is not similar to any of the fruits we are familiar with. Noina's fruits are the size of a large apple, green in color, and lumpy.

Inside the fruit there is a very pleasant taste, sweet aromatic pulp and many hard seeds the size of beans. The unripe fruit is hard in texture and not at all tasty, it looks like a pumpkin. Therefore, having bought an unripe fruit at the market and tried it, many tourists refuse to eat it further, immediately disliking it. But if you let it sit for a day or two, it ripens and becomes very tasty.

The peel is inedible and very inconvenient to peel due to the lumpy skin. If the fruit is ripe, then the pulp can be eaten with a spoon, after cutting the fruit in half. The most ripe or slightly overripe fruits literally fall apart in your hands.

To choose a ripe, tasty noina, you need, first of all, to focus on its softness (soft fruits are more ripe), but you need to be careful, because if you press a little harder on a ripe fruit, it will simply fall apart in your hands while still on the counter.

The fruit is rich in vitamin C, amino acids and calcium.

Season: June to September.

Sweet Tamarind (Indian date).

Tamarind is considered a spice of the legume family, but is also consumed as an ordinary fruit. The fruits are up to 15 centimeters long and have an irregular curved shape. There is also a variety of Tamarind - green Tamarind.

Under the hard brown peel, resembling a shell, there is brown pulp that is sweet and sour with a tart taste. Be careful - there are large hard seeds inside the Tamarind.

By soaking tamarind in water and grinding it through a sieve, the juice is obtained. Ripe dried tamarind is used to make sweets. You can buy in the store and bring home wonderful tamarind sauce for meat and sweet tamarind syrup (for making cocktails.

This fruit is rich in vitamin A, organic acids and complex sugars. Tamarind is also used as a laxative.

Season – from October to February.

Mammea americana.

Also known as American apricot and Antillean apricot, this fruit is native to South America, although it can now be found in almost all tropical countries.

This fruit, which is actually a berry, is quite large, growing up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Inside there is one large or several (up to four) smaller seeds. The pulp is very tasty and aromatic, and, in accordance with its second name, tastes and smells like apricot and mango.

The ripening season varies depending on the region, but mainly from May to August.

Cherimoya (Annona cherimola).

Cherimoya is also known as Cream Apple and Ice Cream Tree. In some countries, the fruit is known under completely different names: in Brazil - Graviola, in Mexico - Poox, in Guatemala - Pac or Tzumux, in El Salvador - Anona poshte, in Belize - Tukib, in Haiti - Cachiman la Chine, in the Philippines - Atis , on Cook Island – Sasalapa. The fruit is native to South America, but it can be found in countries that are warm all year round in Asia and South Africa, also in Australia, Spain, Israel, Portugal, Italy, Egypt, Libya and Algeria. However, the fruit is rare in these countries. It is still most common on the American continent.

It is quite difficult to clearly recognize the Cherimoya fruit at the first inexperienced glance, since it exists in several species with different surface(lumpy, smooth or mixed). One of the tuberculate varieties, among others, is Noina (see above), which is widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia. The size of the fruit is 10-20 centimeters in diameter and the shape of the cut fruit resembles a heart. The consistency of the pulp resembles an orange and is usually eaten with a spoon, it is very tasty and tastes immediately like banana and passion fruit, papaya and pineapple, and strawberries with cream. The pulp contains very hard pea-sized seeds, so be careful, otherwise you may lose a tooth. It is usually sold slightly unripe and hard and must sit for 2-3 days before acquiring its true amazing taste and texture.

The ripening season is usually from February to April.

Noni (Noni, Morinda citrifolia).

This fruit is also known as Big Moringa, Indian Mulberry, Healthy Tree, Cheese Fruit, Nonu, Nono. The fruit is native to Southeast Asia, but now it grows in all tropical countries.

The Noni fruit resembles a large potato in shape and size. Noni cannot be called very tasty and aromatic, and, apparently, that’s why tourists very rarely encounter it. Ripe fruits have an unpleasant odor (reminiscent of moldy cheese) and a bitter taste, but are considered very healthy. In some regions, Noni is a staple food for poor people. It is usually consumed with salt. Noni juice is also popular.

Noni bears fruit all year round. But you can’t find it in every fruit market, but, as a rule, in markets for local residents.

Marula (Marula, Sclerocarya birrea).

This fruit grows exclusively on the African continent. And it’s not easy to find it for sale fresh in other regions. The thing is that after ripening, the fruits almost immediately begin to ferment inside, turning into a low-alcohol drink. This property of marula is happily used not only by the inhabitants of Africa, but also by animals. After eating marula fruits that have fallen to the ground, they often become “tipsy.”

Ripe Marula fruits are yellow in color. The size of the fruit is about 4 cm in diameter, and inside there is white pulp and a hard stone. Marula does not have an outstanding taste, but its pulp is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma until it begins to ferment. The pulp also contains a huge amount of vitamin C.

The Marula harvest season takes place in March-April.

Platonia wonderful (Platonia insignis)

Platonia grows only in South America. It is impossible to find it in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Platonia fruits are up to 12 centimeters in size, with a large thick skin. Under the skin there is white tender pulp with a sweet and sour taste and several large seeds.


Kumquat is also known as Fortunella, Kinkan, Japanese oranges. This is a citrus plant. It grows in southern China, but is also widespread in other tropical countries. Kumquat fruits can also be found on the shelves of our stores, but the taste is not at all what you can taste at home in its freshest form.

Kumquat fruits are small (from 2 to 4 centimeters), similar to small oblong oranges or tangerines. The outside is covered with a very thin edible peel, the inside and structure and taste are almost the same as an orange, except that it is a little sour and bitter. Eaten whole (except for the seeds).

The ripening season is from May to June, you can buy all year round.


Guava (Guajava), Guiava or Guava is found in almost all tropical and subtropical countries. Despite the fact that the fruit is considered exotic, you should not expect an exotic taste from it: a rather mediocre, slightly sweet taste, reminiscent of a pear. It may be worth trying once, but you are unlikely to become a fan. Another thing is the aroma: it is quite pleasant and very strong. In addition, the fruit is very healthy, rich in vitamin C and perfectly improves the overall tone of the body and improves health.

The fruits come in various sizes (from 4 to 15 centimeters), round, oblong and pear-shaped. The skin, seeds and pulp are all edible.

In Asia, they like to ripen green, slightly unripe Guava by dipping pieces of the fruit in a mixture of salt and pepper. From the outside it may seem unusual, but if you try it, the taste turns out to be quite interesting and tonic.

Passion Fruit/Passion Fruit

This exotic fruit is also called Passion Fruit, Passiflora, Edible Passion Flower, Granadilla. It is native to South America, but can be found in most tropical countries, including Southeast Asia. “Passion Fruit” received its second name because it is credited with the properties of a strong aphrodisiac.

Passion fruits have a smooth, slightly elongated, rounded shape and reach 8 centimeters in diameter. Ripe fruits have a very bright juicy color and are yellow, purple, pink or red. The yellow fruits are less sweet than others. The pulp also comes in a variety of colors. Under the inedible peel there is a jelly-like sweet and sour pulp with seeds. You can’t call it particularly tasty; juices, jellies, etc. made from it are much tastier.

When eating, it is most convenient to cut the fruit in half and eat the pulp with a spoon. The seeds in the pulp are also edible, but they cause drowsiness, so it is better not to overuse them. Passion fruit juice, by the way, also has a calming effect and causes drowsiness. The most ripe and delicious fruits are those whose peel is not perfectly smooth, but is covered with “wrinkles” or small “dents” (these are the ripest fruits).

The ripening season is from May to August. Passion fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for one week.


Avocado is also called American Perseus and Alligator pear. It is generally accepted that Avocado is a fruit. This may be true from a scientific point of view, but in taste it is more of a vegetable.

Avocado fruits are pear-shaped, up to 20 centimeters long. Covered with tasteless and inedible peel. Inside there is dense pear-like flesh and one large seed. The pulp tastes like an unripe pear or pumpkin and is nothing special. But if an avocado is well-ripened, its flesh becomes softer, oilier, and more pleasant to taste.

Avocados are more often used for cooking than for eating raw. So you shouldn’t rush to try this fruit. But dishes prepared with Avocado can be very diverse. festive table. On the Internet you can find many recipes for avocado dishes, including salads, soups, main courses, but on vacation you are unlikely to need all this, so you don’t have to look too much at Avocado.

Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis, breadfruit, pana)

Breadfruit should not be confused with Jackfruit. Jackfruit, although known as Indian breadfruit, is actually a completely different fruit.

Breadfruit can be found in all tropical regions, but mainly in the countries of Southeast Asia and Oceania. Due to the very high yield of Breadfruit, its fruits in some countries are the main product of kicking, like potatoes in our country, for example.

Breadfruit fruits are round in shape, very large, can reach 30 centimeters in diameter and four kilograms in weight. Ripe fruits are consumed raw, like fruits, and unripe ones are used as vegetables in cooking. It is better to buy ripe fruits on vacation, or even better, already cut into portions, because... You are unlikely to be able to cut up and eat the whole fruit. When the fruit is ripe, the pulp becomes soft and slightly sweet, reminiscent of banana and potato in taste. This is not to say that the taste is outstanding, and therefore breadfruit is not often found in tourist fruit markets. The taste of bread can only be felt when the unripe fruit is cooked.

Breadfruit ripening season, 9 months of the year. You can buy fresh fruits all year round.


Jaboticaba (Jaboticaba) is also known as the Brazilian grape tree. It can be found mainly in the countries of South America, but sometimes it is also found in the countries of Southeast Asia.

This is a very interesting, tasty and rarely found exotic fruit. If you can find it and try it, consider yourself lucky. The fact is that the Jaboticaba tree grows very slowly, which is why it is practically not cultivated.

The way the fruits grow is also interesting: they grow directly on the trunk, and not on the branches of the tree. The fruits are small (up to 4 cm in diameter), dark purple in color. Under the thin, dense peel (inedible) there is a soft, jelly-like and very tasty pulp with several seeds.

The tree bears fruit almost all year round.

Kiwano/Horned Melon

Kiwano Melon is also known as Horned Melon, African Cucumber, Antillean Cucumber, Horned Cucumber, Anguria. Kiwano really looks like a large cucumber when cut. Although whether it is a fruit is still a question. The fact is that Kiwano fruits grow on a vine. It is cultivated mainly in Africa, New Zealand, and the American continent.

Kiwano fruits are oblong, up to 12 centimeters in length. The color varies from yellow, orange and red depending on the degree of ripening. Under the thick skin, the flesh is green and tastes somewhat reminiscent of cucumber, banana and melon. The fruit is not peeled, but cut into slices or in half (like a regular melon), and then the pulp is eaten. Both unripe and unripe fruits are consumed raw. Unripe fruits can be eaten with seeds as they are soft. Also used with salt.

Miracle fruit

The magic fruit grows in West Africa. It does not have an outstanding exotic taste, but it is famous and interesting because after you eat it, all foods will seem sweet to you for about an hour. The fact is that the Magic Fruit contains a certain protein that temporarily blocks the taste buds on the tongue that are responsible for sour taste. Therefore, you can eat lemon and it will taste sweet to you. True, only freshly picked fruits have this property, and during storage they quickly lose it. So don’t be surprised if the “trick” doesn’t work on the fruit you bought.

The fruit grows on small trees or shrubs, has a rounded oblong shape, 2-3 centimeters long, red in color, with a hard seed inside.

The magical fruit bears fruit almost all year round.

Bael (Wood apple)

Also known by other names: Aegle marmelos, stone apple, limonia acidissima, feronia elephantum, feronia limonia, hesperethusa crenulata, elephant apple, monkey fruit, curd fruit. Very widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand).

This fruit grows on a tree and reaches 5-20 cm in diameter. The fruit is gray-green (unripe) to yellow or brown (ripe) with a very dense, rough skin that resembles a nut shell. The pulp of the unripe fruit is orange, divided into segments with white seeds. The ripe fruit has a mushy brown pulp, sticky, and can taste sour or sweet.

Bail fruits are not so easy to find in fruit markets in their entirety. And even if you meet him, you yourself will not be able to cope with him. The fact is that its peel is hard as a stone, and it is impossible to get to the pulp without a hammer or hatchet.

If you can’t try it fresh (which, in general, you shouldn’t worry about), you can buy tea from the fruits of Bail, called Matoom tea. It consists of dried orange-brown circles, divided into several segments. It is believed to be very effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal, colds, bronchial and asthmatic diseases. It is also used in cooking (tea, drinks, jams, salads) and cosmetology (soap, aromatic oil).

The ripening season is from November to December.

Buddha's hand

Buddha Hand is a variety of Citron. It is also called Buddha Fingers and Finger Citron.

We decided to mention this very exotic fruit so that you don’t try it during your vacation in a tropical paradise. This is not a fruit that you will enjoy the taste of. Undoubtedly, the fruit is very interesting and healthy, and when you see it, you will most likely have a desire to try it. But don't rush. It is widely used in cooking, but you are unlikely to eat it. The Buddha's Hand fruit consists almost entirely of peel (the pulp is inedible), which is similar to lemon peel in taste (sour-bitter taste) and violet in smell.

The shape of the fruit is very interesting and looks like a palm with big amount fingers reaching a length of 40 centimeters. You can buy it only to bring it home with you as a souvenir, and at home to prepare various dishes with citrus flavor (compote, jelly, candied fruits) from it.

Banana (Banana, Musa)

Well, in general, everyone already knows about bananas. We randomly mentioned banana so you can vote for them if they are your favorite. By the way, it is worth mentioning that bananas in exotic countries taste much better than those sold at home, so be sure to try bananas on vacation, maybe you will like them even more than before.

Papaya (Papaya, Melon, Breadfruit)

Papaya is native to South America, but now it is found in almost all tropical countries. Papaya fruits grow on trees and have a cylindrical oblong shape up to 20 centimeters in length.

Many who have tried Papaya say that it is more of a vegetable than a fruit. But this is because they ate unripe Papaya. Unripe Papaya is indeed very widely used in cooking; salads are made from it (be sure to try the spicy Thai Papaya salad called Som Tam), meat is stewed with it and simply fried.

But ripe Papaya in its raw form is really very tasty and sweet. Its texture resembles a dense melon, and its taste is something between pumpkin and melon. On sale you can find both whole green fruits (not yet ripe, for cooking) and yellow-orange ones (ripe, ready to eat raw). It is not worth buying the whole fruit; it is better to buy ready-to-eat, peeled and cut into slices Papaya.

You can meet Papaya in tropical countries all year round.

Coconut (coconut, cocos, coco)

coconut and coconut quite often used as identical words. However, the name “coconut” in this case is not correct, because Coconut, by its structure, is classified as a stone fruit crop, such as apricot or plum.

Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm tree, growing throughout tropical countries. Belongs to the category of fruits.

It is a large round (up to 30 cm in diameter) fruit, weighing up to 3 kg. Koros has conditionally two degrees of maturation. A young coconut has a smooth, light green or green-yellow outer layer, underneath which is a hard pit, which in turn has a clear (coconut water) or white emulsion ( coconut milk), with a small jelly-like layer of coconut pulp on the walls of the shell. The liquid inside with a slightly sweet taste quenches thirst well; the pulp can also be eaten by scraping it from the walls with a spoon.

Another degree of ripening (or over-ripening) that we see in our stores is the following: on the outside there is a fibrous and rough layer, under which there is a hard brown shell, and under it a thick layer of white pulp and a slightly cloudy liquid. This liquid, as a rule, is not tasty, and the pulp is dry and tasteless.

When opening a coconut, you need to be careful; you won’t be able to do this with just a universal kitchen knife; you’ll need more “heavy artillery.” But fortunately, if you buy a coconut in tourist areas, you don’t have to worry about opening it: they will open it in front of you, and, most likely, they will also give you a straw for drinking and a spoon for “scraping out” the pulp. Cooled coconut tastes best.

Tourists really like a special coconut cocktail: you need to drink a little coconut juice and add 30-100 grams of cognac, rum or whiskey.

Coconut contains vitamins A, B, C, proteins, sugar, carbohydrates, organic acids; minerals - sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus.

The ripening season is all year round.

Sapodilla or sapota tree or tree potato (Manilkara achras, M. zapota, or Achras zapota), sapodilla, prang khaa, la-mut, naseberry, chiku)

Sapodilla is an oval or round fruit up to 10 cm and weighing 100-150 g. It looks very much like a plum. The skin is matte and thin, ranging in color from light to dark brown.

The ripe fruit has a sweet taste with a slightly caramel flavor. The structure of the pulp resembles a persimmon - soft and juicy, and just like a persimmon, it can “knit” a little, only much less. Inside are several large black seeds with a hook at the end (you need to be careful when eating). As a rule, it is not recommended to store fruit for more than 3 days, because... it quickly deteriorates and turns sour. Therefore, Sapodilla is practically never found on the shelves of our stores. It is also not recommended to consume unripe fruit, because... it tastes very bad. You should choose ripe fruits based on their color (those that are yellower or brown are more ripe; green ones should not be chosen at all) and softness. Hard fruits are completely unripe, a ripe fruit gives in to pressure a little, and an overripe fruit is squeezed very easily.

Sapodilla grows in countries with a tropical climate, in particular in America, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines.

Sapodilla is most often used in desserts, salads and drinks. Unripe fruits are used for diarrhea, burns, and also in cosmetology.

Contains vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, carbohydrates.

The ripening season is from September to December.


Pomelo or pomelo or pamela (Pomelo pummelo, pumelo, som-o, pompelmus, sheddock, Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis, Chinese grapefruit, jabong, jeruk, limo, lusho, djembura, sai-seh, banten, zebon, robeb ​​tenga)

Pomelo is a citrus fruit and is considered the largest among this family. Very often it is compared to grapefruit. As a rule, the fruit has a round shape, can reach up to 20 cm in diameter and weigh up to 10 kg!!! The color, depending on the variety, can range from green to yellow-green. The peel is very thick, inside there is light flesh: from white to pale yellow or pink. The pulp is divided into segments separated by film partitions. Each lobe has large fibers and may contain small white seeds. Pomelo tastes sweet with sourness, but may be slightly bitter. Compared, for example, with the same grapefruit, the pulp of Pomelo is drier.

Pomelo grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, China, Japan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia), on the island. Tahiti, Israel, USA. In Russia it can be purchased in any supermarket, so it is not so exotic for Russian residents.

You should choose Pomelo based, first of all, on the pronounced aromatic citrus smell and soft peel. Before use, you need to peel it from the thick peel, making several cuts (to make it more convenient and easier to clean), then divide it into separate slices, which are also freed from the partitions (they are very hard). Store at room temperature for up to a month, peeled - in the refrigerator, no more than 3 days.

This fruit is used in cooking and cosmetology. In some countries, it is consumed with salt, chili pepper and sugar, dipping peeled slices into this mixture.

Pomelo contains vitamins A, B, C, microelements, fiber, and essential oils.

Ripening season: all year round.

Figs (fig, fig, fig, wineberry, Smyrna berry, Ficus carica)

Fig fruits can be round, pear-shaped or flattened with one “eye”. On average, a ripe fruit weighs about 80 g, with a diameter of up to 8 cm. The top is covered with a thin, smooth peel from yellow-green to dark blue or purple. Under the skin there is a layer of white crust. Inside, the pulp is very sweet and juicy with small seeds, jelly-like consistency, reminiscent of strawberries in taste. By color - the pulp ranges from pink to bright red. Unripe fruits are inedible and contain milky juice.

Grows in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Crimea, and Mediterranean countries.

You need to choose ripe figs with thick skin, without spots, and slightly soft. It is recommended to store it for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator, because... it quickly deteriorates and is not transportable. You can eat it with the peel, cut into slices or in half, scraping out the pulp with a spoon. Most often, figs can be found on store shelves only in dried form. Dried fruits are pre-soaked in water before use; the water after this “soaking” can be drunk (the beneficial substances pass there).

Figs are dried, pickled, and jam is made. In dried form, it is more nutritious and high in calories than fresh.

Figs contain a lot of potassium, iron, vitamins B, PP, C, carotene, minerals and organic acids.

Ripening season: August to November.

Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa, Actinidia chinensis, Kiwi, Chinese gooseberry, Chinese grape)

The Kiwi fruit is a berry. It has small round or oval fruits, covered on the outside with a fleecy thin brown skin. The weight of the fruit can reach up to 80 g, diameter - up to 7 cm. Under the skin there is juicy pulp, depending on the variety, it can be from green to yellow. In the very middle of the fruit the pulp is white, surrounded by many small black seeds. The seeds are edible, but taste sour. Kiwi pulp is generally sweet with a slight sourness, reminiscent of a mixture of gooseberries, apples, and pineapples.

Kiwi is grown in countries with a subtropical climate (Italy, New Zealand, Chile, Greece). There are also small plantations in Russia (Krasnodar Territory). You can buy it everywhere at any time of the year.

You need to choose smooth fruits, without dents or other damage to the skin; their ripeness is determined by the softness of the fruit. If the fruits are hard and hard, then they will ripen at home without any problems, for which they need to be placed in a bag with apples for one or two days. You can store Kiwi at room temperature for up to 5 days, in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, first putting it in a bag or plastic container.

You can eat Kiwi in two ways: peel and cut into slices or cut in half and eat the pulp with a spoon.

Kiwi contains large quantities of vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Various desserts, fruit salads are made from it, served with meat, fish, seafood, and drinks are prepared (syrups, liqueurs, wine, cocktails). Used in cosmetology.

Chrysophyllum or Star Apple (Chrysophyllum cainito), star apple, cainito, caimito, (caimito, star apple), milky fruit

The fruits of the Star Apple are round or oval up to 10 cm in diameter. The peel is thin, smooth, green to purple or brown, depending on the variety. Under the peel is a layer of rind the same color as the rind itself. The pulp is white to purple, juicy, sweet, sticky, jelly-like, with an apple flavor. Inside there are up to 10 hard brown seeds, up to 2 cm long. In cross section, the flesh resembles a star. Unripe fruits are sticky and inedible. The milky juice, which remains even in ripe fruits, is very sticky, as a result, when eating the fruit your lips may stick together a little.

It grows in countries with a tropical climate: South America, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and West Africa.

You should choose ripe fruits based on their slightly wrinkled skin, softness when pressed, and absence of damage. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 weeks. The fruits tolerate transportation well. Before use, the fruit must be cooled and peeled (they are bitter). You can eat it either by cutting it in half and scooping out the pulp with a spoon, or by cutting it into slices, like a watermelon; the seeds are inedible.

Used in the preparation of desserts.

Star apple is rich in vitamin C and microelements. Very nutritious.

Ripening season: February to March.

Guanabana (guanabana, annana muricata, soursop, annona prickly, graviola, sousap, sauasep)

Guanabana is a close relative of Noina and Cherimoya, and to the untrained eye they can indeed be confused in appearance and even in taste. Their main difference is in the peel: in Guanabana, the surface of the peel clearly looks like rare low spines or villi, although in fact these processes are soft and not prickly at all. The fruit is round, irregularly elongated, quite large, can reach a weight of 12 kilograms, although fruits weighing no more than 3 kilograms are usually found on sale.

Guanabana is native to tropical America, but today it can be found in almost all tropical regions, including the countries of Southeast Asia. You can’t find this fruit at every fruit market, but if you find it, be sure to try it.

The pulp of the fruit is white, soft, creamy in texture and slightly fibrous. The taste is sweet and slightly sour, unlike any other fruit. Inside there are a large number of hard seeds the size and shape of a large bean.

When unripe, the flesh is hard and tasteless, like pumpkin. Moreover, the fruits are often sold unripe (ripen within a few days), which is why tourists, having bought it and tried it, do not immediately fall in love with it. But just let it sit for a couple of days and it will acquire its unique taste. To select a ripe fruit, you need to press a little on it, the peel should bend slightly. Hard, dense fruits are unripe.

You can eat Guanabana by cutting the fruit in half and scraping out the pulp with a spoon, or by cutting it into slices and eating it like watermelon. It is impossible to peel a ripe fruit.

Guanabana is a perishable product and should be stored in the refrigerator. If you want to bring it home, choose hard, unripe fruits; they ripen quite well within 2-3 days, but then they spoil.

The ripening season for Guanabana is all year round.

Tamarillo (Tomato tree, Cyphomandra betacea)

Tamarillo is an oval-shaped berry, reaching a length of 5 to 10 cm, with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The color of the fruit varies from yellow to dark red and even purple. It looks and tastes very much like tomatoes, which is why its second name is Tomato Tree, but it is still a fruit. Its peel is hard, smooth and bitter. Very reminiscent of a tomato with a currant flavor, but has a slightly pronounced fruity smell. The pulp may be yellow or orange. As a rule, it has two sections inside with light or dark small seeds (depending on the color of the peel of the fruit itself, the lighter the color, the lighter the seeds).

It grows in the countries of South America (Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil, etc.), some countries of Central America, Jamaica, Haiti, and New Zealand.

You need to choose even and smooth fruits, without external damage, slightly soft. You should know that yellow and orange fruits are sweeter, while darker colored fruits become sour as they ripen. Ripe fruits are stored for a short time (in the cold for no longer than 7 days), unripe ones can ripen at room temperature. They do not tolerate transportation well.

Tamarillo is eaten by first peeling it (it is inedible), and grabbing a little layer of pulp, or cutting it in half and scooping out the pulp with a spoon.

It is widely used in cooking, using it in dishes both as a vegetable and as a fruit.

Tamarillo is rich in a large amount of vitamins (A, group B, C, E) and microelements.

The ripening season is all year round.

Feijoa (Feijoa, Pineapple Guava, Acca sellowiana)

Feijoa is a small oval berry, 3 to 5 cm long, up to 4 cm in diameter. The weight of the average fruit ranges from 15 to 50 g. The feijoa fruit is light to dark green in color, sometimes with a whitish coating, dried on one top "tail". The skin is thin, dense, and can be smooth or slightly bumpy and wrinkled. The pulp under the skin, depending on the degree of ripeness, ranges from white or cream to brownish (in the latter case, the berry is said to be spoiled). Inside, the pulp is divided into sections, in the center of which there are several light-colored edible seeds. The consistency of ripe feijoa is light and jelly-like. The berry tastes juicy, sweet and sour, reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries and pineapple or strawberries and kiwi (people have different tastes).

It grows in countries with a subtropical climate: in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay) in the Caucasus and southern Russia (Krasnodar Territory), Abkhazia, Georgia, Crimea and Central Asia.

You can eat the whole fruit together with the peel, however, this is not for everybody, because... Feijoa skin tastes sour and astringent. In most cases, feijoas are cut in half and the pulp is scraped out with a spoon, or you can peel the skin with a knife and eat the peeled fruit.

For immediate consumption, you need to choose soft (ripe) fruits. If you have to transport it, then hard (unripe) feijoa fruits are perfect for this and will ripen on the road. Ripe berries should be stored for no more than 3-4 days.

Feijoa contains a large amount of iodine, acids, and vitamin C.

It is used in cooking: jam and jellies, salads and drinks are prepared.

The ripening season is October-November.

Pepino (Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber (Solanum muricatum)

This rather large berry grows weighing up to 700 g. The shape of the fruit can be different: oblong, pear-shaped, or round. The color is generally pale to bright yellow, sometimes with purple patches or stripes. Ripe fruit is very juicy and sweet, reminiscent of melon in taste, but unripe fruit can be slightly sour. The peel is thin, dense, smooth. The pulp is yellow, inside there are axils with small light-colored seeds (edible). Before eating, it is customary to peel the fruit (it is edible, but tastes unpleasant)

Cultivated in large quantities in South America (Peru, Chile), New Zealand.

You need to choose ripe fruits for their rich yellow color with a slightly pronounced fruity aroma and a little soft. A special feature of Pepino is that ripe fruits can be stored for several months in the refrigerator, while unripe ones can ripen and be stored for a long time.

Contains vitamins (A, B, C, PP), keratin, iron, potassium, pectin.

Used in cooking, along with vegetables, especially unripe Pepino fruits.

The ripening season is all year round.

Santol or Katon (Sandoricum koetjape, santol, kraton, krathon, graton, tong, donka, wild mangosteen, false mangosteen)

Santol grows in the countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines).

The Santol fruit has a round shape from 8 to 15 cm in diameter with a long stalk. Depending on the variety, it can be yellowish to brown in color, with a slightly velvety rind on top. The color of the fruit is usually uneven with pigmentation over the entire surface. Under a rather thick peel lies a whitish, opaque pulp similar to “garlic” cloves, up to 5 pieces. Inside each lobe there is a large brownish bone (it is not recommended to eat it unless necessary, as it has a laxative effect). The pulp is juicy in taste, ranging from sour to sweet and sour, somewhat reminiscent of mangosteen. As a rule, the fruits of yellowish varieties are sweeter.

Before eating, you need to peel the fruit (it is inedible), after cutting it crosswise into two halves, using a knife or peeling it with your hands, and then remove the slices of pulp and free them from the seeds. The pulp is difficult to separate from the stone, so it is customary to suck it. Sometimes Santol is eaten with salt and pepper.

Santol fruits contain large amounts of iron, magnesium, and fluorine.

Used in cooking (desserts, alcohol) and cosmetology (masks, scrubs).

The ripening season is from May to June.

Jujube or jujube (Zizyphus jujuba) (unabi, Chinese date, breast berry, jujube, jujube)

The fruit of the shrub is ovoid or round in shape, ranging from 2 to 6 cm in length, depending on the variety. Outside, the fruit is smooth, shiny, from green or yellowish to dark red, even brown. Sometimes the color of jujube may be uneven over the entire surface, as if spotted. The skin is thin and almost inseparable from the fruit. Inside, the flesh is white, dense, very juicy and sweet, reminiscent of an apple. In the middle there is, as a rule, one oblong bone. Jujube has a faintly fruity aroma.

It grows in countries with temperate to subtropical climates, in particular Thailand, China, India, Japan, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, southern Russia, and the Caucasus.

You need to choose fruits that are firm, but not very hard (they can be unsweetened), dark red or brown in color. Eat with the peel. Fresh fruits do not store well, so it is recommended to dry them.

Jujube is a useful and even medicinal product. It is consumed both fresh and dried. Rich in vitamins A, B, especially vitamin C, sugars, acids, microelements.

Widely used in cooking (drinks, wine, jams, canning, etc.), medicine (has a calming, anesthetic, tonic effect), and cosmetology.

The ripening season is from August to October.

Burmese grape or Mafai (Mafai, Baccaurea ramiflora, Baccaurea sapida)

Mafai fruits are very similar in taste and appearance to Longan fruits. They range from yellow to red in color with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The peel is thin, soft, smooth. Inside there are from 2 to 4 cloves, externally resembling garlic cloves. The pulp is juicy, white, sweet and sour with a refreshing effect. Inside each slice there is a bone that is not separated from the pulp; the stone tastes bitter. Because of this, it is not very convenient to eat the fruit, since almost all the pulp remains “stuck” to the seed, and it is impossible to separate it in any way. This fruit does not have a characteristic aroma. In general, it cannot be said that this fruit is worth “hunting” for and definitely trying.

The peel of Mafai is easy to peel (the pulp is mentioned above), and it is best stored in the refrigerator.

You can find this fruit in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, China, and Cambodia. Very rare.

The ripening season is from May to August.

It is believed that a person needs to eat those vegetables and fruits that grow in his habitat; northern peoples have no need to feast on overseas pineapples; such an experiment will not bring any benefit, but it can do harm. However, few people are able, when in an exotic country, to resist the temptation to try an unusual fruit, or not to taste the forbidden fruit from the hands of someone who has just returned “from the south.” Numerous types of tropical fruits excite the minds and gastronomic sensations of travelers when going to new country, you can’t help but try exotic fruits, photos of which you could previously only see in a picture. Some have an incredibly alluring appearance, others repel and even frighten with their non-standard beauty of bizarre forms.

In this article we will look at exotic fruits, the list of which is very long. Perhaps, after looking at the description and photo, you will understand that you will never put THIS in your mouth, but you are ready to go overseas for another exotic fruit. The easiest way to understand the name of the exotic fruit is from the photo and description. Get ready, the list is really long.


The most famous exotic fruit from Thailand that travelers try and bring back is lychee. Lychee has a strange appearance, an original taste, reminiscent of a mixture of very sweet grapes and gooseberries and, by the way, also grows in China and Indonesia. This is a small red fruit, about 4 cm in diameter, with a hard skin that is easy to remove only after getting used to it and eating a lot of pieces. The pulp is white-transparent, slightly jelly-like, very sweet, but with a slight sourness. There is a large bone inside. The fruit has a rich vitamin and microelement composition: pectins, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, PP. In addition, lychee is rich in proteins.


This yellow exotic fruit also comes from Thailand and resembles lychee in taste and appearance, but the name of this tropical fruit is different - longan or, as it is also called, Dragon's Eye.

Some compare the appearance of this fruit to small potatoes, but it is similar only to the size and color of the peel. The skin of longan is also very tough, although thin. The yellow color of the longan peel hides the tender pulp, like that of lychee, white, translucent. This tropical fruit has a sweet taste. The texture is also jelly-like, elastic, the bone is large and hard. The fruits contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, and sugars. The fruit also grows in China, Vietnam, and Cambodia.


Some from tropical countries are brought local fruits as a souvenir; not everyone decides to immediately try an overseas miracle, but wants to find out what it is, because photos of exotic fruits with names fascinate with their beauty and play of colors. For example, many are interested in the question of what kind of exotic fruit this is - white with black seeds. White tender pulp, generously strewn with small black pitahaya seeds.

The appearance of the pitahaya, otherwise known as the Dragon Fruit, is also memorable: an oval palm-sized fruit with a red or pink skin. The fruit is very juicy and soft inside, it is most convenient to eat with a spoon. The fruit is very interesting in appearance, but has no remarkable taste. It is mainly added when preparing various desserts, but as an independent product it is tried more out of curiosity. Grows in Southeast Asia, Vietnam, China, Thailand.

By the way, pitahaya is the fruit of a cactus, as you can guess judging by its appearance.


Kiwano is an exotic fruit similar to a cucumber. The transparent green flesh of kiwano resembles the pulp of a well-known vegetable. The fruit has other names, which are translated into our language as “Horned Melon”, “African Cucumber”, “Horned Cucumber”. The skin of the fruit is yellow-orange with spines. Before consumption, the fruit is not peeled, but cut, like a watermelon. The fruit tastes like a cross between banana, melon, cucumber and kiwi. In Africa, New Zealand, Chile, Guatemala, Israel and the USA, kiwano is added to both desserts and main dishes. Unripe fruits are also edible.


Many people have fallen in love with the exotic fruit of a bright yellow color, which has a funny shape and edible peel - carambola. In cross section, this exotic fruit looks like a star; it is eaten whole, along with the skin and seeds. It has a pleasant smell and juicy pulp with a sweet and sour taste. Some claim that the taste of carambola is vaguely reminiscent of an apple. Carambola fruits will decorate a holiday table, cocktail or dessert. Grows in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia.

Buddha's hand

Other yellow tropical fruits that stand out appearance, but not amazing in taste - citrons, or “Hand of Buddha”. The shape of the fruit resembles a human hand with long fingers and does not look very appetizing. The peel here occupies more than 70% of the entire fruit, and the pulp tastes bitter. It is not recommended to try fresh citron; you will not get pleasure from such a snack. You can bring it home as a souvenir, and then add it instead of lemon when preparing sweet dishes. For these purposes, they are used in their homeland - in India, Japan, Vietnam, and China.


Considering the most exotic fruits, let's consider another one of them - pepino. This yellow tropical fruit, native to South America and New Zealand, is actually a berry. True, the weight of such a berry can be more than 700 grams. We call it Melon Pear or Sweet Cucumber. The taste is reminiscent of a good ripe melon; the peel, like the seeds, is edible, but unpleasant to the taste. Mainly grown in


Maphai, or Burmese grape, is similar in appearance and taste to longan. The pulp is yellow, translucent, jelly-like. Inside, the fruit is juicy, sweet and sour, refreshing. Inside, the fruit consists of several cloves, like garlic. And in each slice there is a bitter seed, which is difficult to separate from the pulp. These tropical fruits can be bought in Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, and Cambodia.


Medlar, or Loqua, is another rather unusual “sunny” yellow-orange exotic fruit. Externally, the fruits resemble an apple or persimmon, but the texture of the pulp is like a plum. The taste is reminiscent of sweet and sour blueberries, apples, persimmons and pears combined. This is a “multi-fruit”. You can buy it not only in overseas countries, but also here, in Russia: in Crimea and in the Krasnodar Territory.


Guanabana is a green tropical fruit with a bright appearance and original taste. The appearance of this fruit is deceptive: the prickly-looking thorns on the peel are actually soft shoots that do not cause unpleasant tactile sensations. The fruits are large - on average, from 3 to 14 kilograms, and it is not surprising that its seeds are the size of large beans.

The pulp of guanabana is oily and fibrous, sweet and sour with a unique taste reminiscent of Citro soda. An unripe fruit is absolutely tasteless, which is why many tourists, having bought guanabana that is “green” in every sense, do not find anything good in it. Ripe fruit should be elastic and bend when pressed. If the fruit is hard, it means it is not ripe. Let it sit for a few days and you will be able to enjoy the original taste. To eat guanabana, cut it in half and scrape out the pulp with a spoon. You can cut it into slices and eat it like a watermelon or melon. You can buy this magnificence in South America.


A green tropical fruit that has practically ceased to be exotic for Russians is the avocado. Yes, in fact the fruit is a fruit, although the taste is more like a vegetable. The pulp has an oily, fatty texture, something between a fresh pumpkin and a nut.

The seed inside the fruit is very large, inedible, but it is also there. You can read more in a separate article on our website.

Like many other unusual overseas fruits, avocados are very healthy fruit, which is best bought in Vietnam, India, Cuba.

Spanish lime

Another green exotic fruit is the Spanish lime. Its taste properties are far from the qualities of limes known to us. Spanish limes have sweet, not bitter flesh, but the peel is also inedible. You can try it in Ecuador and Colombia.


Ambarella is an oval-shaped fruit with a yellow-green color. The skin is tough, inedible, the bone is prickly and hard, but the flesh is very juicy, soft, slightly reminiscent in taste of a mixture of mango and pineapple. Grows in India, Indonesia,


Bail is an exotic fruit similar to a pear or apple; it also has a second name, which is translated as Tree Apple. The skin is dense and rustling, like a nut, the flesh is fluffy, sweet or sour, and irritates the throat when eaten. The peel of the bail is so tough that you can only cut the fruit in half with a hammer. For this reason, it is mainly sold already cut. Grows in India, Pakistan, Indonesia.


The fruit called bam-balan has an original taste. Tourists claim that the taste of the fruit resembles the taste of borscht seasoned with sour cream. It grows on the island of Barneo, on the Malaysian side.

Pink banana

Banana is a pink exotic fruit that grows in many warm countries and is practically no different in taste from its yellow counterpart.


Mangosteen is an exotic fruit of a dark purple hue. About the size of an apple, it has a thin but inedible skin. Elastic, sweet and sour pulp, practically seedless. If there are bones, they can be eaten. Thanks to its composition, mangosteen is able to reduce inflammatory processes in the body: swelling, pain, redness.


Marula is a greenish fruit with juicy, unsweetened and tasteless pulp that can ferment. The fruits begin to ferment immediately after ripening, so finding fresh fruit is problematic. However, this does not upset either the inhabitants of Africa or the animals: both of them love to feast on the “alcoholic” fruit.


Guava is a pink tropical fruit on the inside and green on the outside. Grows in most tropical and subtropical countries. The original appearance, unfortunately, does not match the taste: you can’t expect anything great from the guava pulp. The taste is reminiscent of an ordinary unsweetened pear, but the aroma and beneficial properties of guava are excellent. It’s worth purchasing such a fruit, if only to satisfy your curiosity.

passion fruit

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit known in our country rather by name, but not by taste. It is called the “Fruit of Passion” and is considered a natural aphrodisiac. The oval-shaped fruits are yellow, purple, pink or red. The skin is inedible, and the flesh has a jelly-like texture. The taste is not particularly attractive; passion fruit juices and desserts have much richer notes. To eat the fruit, you need to cut it in half and pick it off the skin with a spoon. The most delicious fruits are the ripe ones; you can identify them by the wrinkles and dents on the peel. The birthplace of the fruit is South America.


Coconut is one of the few exotic fruits that is ubiquitous in our supermarkets and grocery stores. However, overripe, tasteless fruits usually end up on our shelves. A ripe, but not overripe coconut has a smooth green shell, and not the “hairy” one that we usually see. “Green” coconut has jelly-like flesh and sweetish milk, which quenches thirst well. As a rule, coconuts are specially opened for tourists and tubes are inserted so that the milk can be easily drunk.


Mammeya is an exotic fruit similar to apricot in appearance and taste. The second name of the fruit is known - “American apricot”. The berry is large, up to 20 centimeters in diameter, the pulp is sweet, similar in taste and aroma to apricot and mango. You can buy it in almost all tropical countries.


Rambutan is an exotic fruit that looks like a hedgehog, which is also called “Hairy Fruit”. The fruits are red, round, covered with long spine-like shoots. The pulp is transparent white, elastic, jelly-like. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, and the seed is edible. The brighter the color of the peel, the riper the fruit. Grows in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Philippines.


Sapodilla is an oval-shaped fruit up to 10 cm in diameter. The fruit is also called tree potato. The color of the peel really resembles potato skins. The pulp is soft and juicy, slightly astringent, like persimmon, but has a caramel flavor. The seeds have a pointed shape, so when consuming you need to be careful not to get them into your throat. It grows in countries with a tropical climate - America, Indonesia, Thailand, India.


Noina, or Sugar Apple, is an exotic fruit that looks like a cone. It has not only an original appearance, but also taste. The fruits are lumpy, which makes them look like cones. The pulp of a ripe fruit is very tasty, sweet. The unripe fruit tastes like pumpkin. The fruit grows in Thailand. Due to the uneven, hard peel, but very tender pulp, the fruit can be difficult to cut.

A pineapple

Pineapples are also tropical fruits that look like cones. Of course, most of us have tried pineapples, even if we didn’t go to exotic countries. But the taste of “our” pineapples, which we see every day on supermarket shelves, cannot be compared with real tropical representatives. They are very juicy, meaty, and have an incredibly rich taste. This fruit can be found in Brazil, China and the Philippines.


Ackee is a yellow or red exotic fruit, slightly reminiscent of a pear in shape. But the content does not look like anything else; just look at the photo to be convinced of this. Large black “eyes” are the seeds of the fruit that protrude out along with the pulp when the fruit ripens. The ripe fruit bursts, and its pulp tastes like walnuts. The fruit grows in Brazil, Jamaica and Hawaii.

Now you can easily determine the name of exotic fruits from photos and descriptions if you are lucky enough to visit distant countries. Before you dare try any fruit, look at the picture and name so as not to be disappointed with an unripe or overripe tropical fruit.

Of course, we did not provide the entire list of exotic fruits, but tried to talk about the most popular and interesting representatives of overseas juicy wonders.


Description of the exotic plant Kuruba. What taste and aroma characteristics do the fruits have? Chemical composition, benefit and harm. Why you should control the inclusion of the product in your diet. How to eat banana granadilla. Culinary recipes.

The content of the article:

Kuruba is a tree-like vine of the family Passionaceae and the order Malpighiaceae that produces edible fruits. It is also called taho, banana granadilla, tender passionflower and soft passion flower. The plant's homeland is considered to be the highlands of Colombia, Uruguay and Bolivia. Actively cultivated in India, Venezuela, Australia, Iraq, Peru, New Zealand and Hawaii. The liana grows on desert plateaus, cool and shady areas. Can withstand down to -2°C. Externally, the fruits resemble something between a cucumber and a banana. They grow up to 10-15 cm in length and 5-6 cm in width. They have thick orange skin with a green tint. Weight is about 100-150 grams. If you cut the fruit, you can see a lot of seeds inside, reminiscent of pomegranates. The liana itself reaches 7-8 meters in height. The surface of the leaves is covered with small yellow villi, and small teeth are located along the edges. The flowers are large, have no scent, but have a soft pink tint. The aroma of the fruit is pleasant, unobtrusive, and the taste is sweet and sour. Kuruba is used in folk medicine, used in the manufacture cosmetics skin care.

Composition and calorie content of kuruba fruits

The beneficial effect on the body is determined by the harmonious combination of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The fruit is juicy, because it contains a large amount of water - up to 92%. The specific aroma of Taho is due to the presence of 140 volatile compounds, which are represented by hexenyl and hexyl ethers.

The calorie content of kuruba is 25 kcal per 100 grams of edible part, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.6 g;
  • Fats - 0.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 6.3 g;
  • Water - 92 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 30 mcg;
  • Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - 70 mg;
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 0.25 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Calcium - 4 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 20 mg.
Of the microelements in banana granadilla, only iron is present in the amount of 400 mcg per 100 g.

Kuruba contains micro- and macroelements that stimulate oxygen metabolism, accelerate metabolism, promote the absorption of biologically active compounds, normalize acid-base balance and control fermentation.

The multivitamin content of the fruit increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, has a positive effect on the digestion process, regulates absorption, controls the percentage of cholesterol, relieves symptoms of fatigue, and enhances brain activity.

Maltose included in the composition has a positive effect on the neurons of the central and autonomic nervous system, improves mood, increases productivity, stabilizes carbohydrate metabolism, and improves immunity.

Methionine removes lactic acid from muscle fibers, relieves swelling, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes the skin soft, elastic, whitens age spots, has a lipotropic property, and protects against radiation exposure.

Proline helps with joint pain, strengthens the hair structure, enhances vision, takes part in the formation of collagen, restores normal blood flow, and accelerates the healing process of wounded areas of the epidermis.

Trimethylglycine stimulates food digestion, normalizes peristalsis and stool, protects cell membranes, accelerates bile, improves water-salt metabolism, helps in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia, and stabilizes blood pressure.

Useful properties of Tacho

Moderate addition of kuruba fruits to the diet can increase the tone of the body and improve metabolic processes. This will have a positive effect on peristalsis and improve the removal of toxins, waste and heavy metal salts from the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of banana granadilla are as follows:

  1. Normalization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. The components of the plant stimulate the elimination of toxic substances and radionuclides, and prevent sudden weight loss or gain. They also improve performance of cardio-vascular system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the percentage of cholesterol in the blood, knock out stagnant plaques.
  2. Beneficial effect on functionality gastrointestinal tract . Kuruba increases appetite, improves digestion and absorption of essential minerals, and normalizes intestinal microflora. In addition, stools are stabilized, alcohols and fats are oxidized, and the mucous membrane is strengthened.
  3. Strengthening the body's protective function. The plant promotes the production of antibodies, prevents the development of hemoglobinopathy, and tones the functioning of internal organs. The immune system resists the harmful effects of viral, infectious and bacterial agents.
  4. Improving the functioning of the reproductive system. The vitamins contained in the fruits stimulate the production of hormones. They cleanse the blood, reduce pain during menstruation, regulate the cycle, and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane. In addition, kuruba is a good aphrodisiac.
  5. Acceleration of skin regeneration. Thanks to the active components of the fruit, blood clotting improves, inflammation is relieved and signs of intoxication are stopped.
  6. Stabilization of collagen synthesis. The amino acids included in kuruba take part in the breakdown of proteins, control the percentage of blood sugar, restore muscle tissue, dull the feeling of hunger and regulate the absorption of calcium in the body. In addition, they prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis, improve emotional state and form creatine.
  7. Skin cleansing. The components of the plant neutralize acne lesions, relieve inflammation, remove congestion, and eliminate dandruff. The acid-base balance is stabilized, age spots are whitened and the epidermis is smoothed.
  8. Acceleration of metabolic processes. Kuruba has a high percentage of water, which helps burn excess calories faster, the blood is saturated with oxygen, and sleep is normalized. The body's energy expenditure is activated, insulin levels are maintained, cellular metabolism and the release of fatty acids from tissues are stimulated.
In addition, the components of banana granadilla have a beneficial effect on the condition of gums and teeth. The fruits also have a general strengthening and tonic effect on the body. After intense physical activity muscle fibers recover faster.

Contraindications and harm to kuruba fruits

Although the exotic fruit has mass useful properties, but if excessively included in the diet, it can provoke stomach upsets and cause pain. There is a danger of significantly undermining metabolic processes in the body and worsening overall well-being.

Consequences of banana granadilla abuse:

  • Individual intolerance to certain components. The multivitamin content of fruits can stimulate digestion, impair the absorption of minerals, and cause anaphylactic shock and swelling of the mucous membrane. In addition, body temperature may increase, heart rate may increase, and hypersensitivity may occur.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. There is diarrhea, excessive gas formation, constipation, nausea accompanied by vomiting, pancreatic adenoma, irritation occurs on the mucous membrane, and peristalsis worsens. There is a risk of developing gastritis and duodenal ulcers, and the normal functionality of the liver and kidneys is disrupted.
  • Cognitive decline. Less oxygen enters the brain, thought processes become difficult, a feeling of constant fatigue, apathy, inattention is felt, and intracranial pressure occurs. The activity of the central and autonomic nervous system is disrupted.
  • Allergic reaction. Redness, pimples, peeling occur on the skin, aches in the muscles, vision deteriorates, the conjunctiva dries, the eyes hurt, a runny nose and frequent bouts of nausea appear. In addition, toxic shock occurs, and the body weakens in the fight against infectious and viral agents.
Before adding kuruba to your food, you should consult your doctor and make sure that the components of the fruit will not cause individual intolerance. The poisoned person will experience increased sweating and blood pressure.

Absolute contraindications to Tacho:

  1. Ulcer and gastritis. The digestion process and the synthesis of blood proteins worsen, the body does not receive the necessary micro- and macroelements, pathogenic microflora arises, and the activity of the pancreas is suppressed. In addition, immunity decreases, fiber and electrolytes are not absorbed.
  2. Diabetes. The fruit increases the percentage of sugar in the blood, the mouth feels dry, weight is rapidly gained, swelling and a tingling sensation in the limbs are observed. Excessive irritability and unmotivated aggression occur, and the neurons of the central nervous system are affected.
  3. Epilepsy. Components of the fruit can provoke an attack, damage to parts of the brain, dizziness, loss of consciousness, stupor, drowsiness, and uncontrolled muscle contraction. Disturbances in cardiovascular activity also occur.
  4. Increased acidity. Putrid belching, erosive and ulcerative lesions, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, constipation, diarrhea appear, the antibacterial processing of food worsens, and the alkaline balance is not regulated. There is a constant feeling of discomfort and irritability.
In case of poisoning, all the harm of banana granadilla appears, so you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is important to put the patient on the bed, give him salted water and give him a laxative. This way you can flush your stomach and remove harmful toxins.

How to eat banana granadilla

Taho has delicious orange tart-sweet pulp, which has a sour taste and pleasant aroma. Usually the fruits are consumed fresh, after peeling them - they are an excellent help to cope with thirst in hot weather.

In Bolivia, they prepare a mixture of banana granadilla juice, sugar and alcoholic drink Aguardiente, which is usually drunk before dinner or used to prepare other desserts.

In Ecuador, curuba fruit is an ingredient in ice cream.

In New Zealand, taho is used in the production of confectionery and bakery products, fruit salads and puddings.

Only ripe banana granadilla is eaten, so it is important to choose it correctly. To select ripe fruits, you should pay attention to the color of the peel; it should be light yellow or dark green.

Store Taho at low humidity and temperature not exceeding 0°C.

Recipes with banana granadilla

Jams, preserves, syrups, refreshing drinks, juices, jellies and salads are prepared from the pulp of kuruba. The fruit goes well with legumes, pomegranates, pineapples, apples, nuts, grapes, grapefruit, tangerines and kiwi.

Recipes with banana granadilla:

  • Pancakes with kuruba. 90 grams of wheat flour are combined with 4 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and a pinch of soda. Kuruba is removed from the skin and grains. Beat it with a blender along with egg yolk, a glass of milk and 20 grams of melted butter. All ingredients are combined and thoroughly mixed with a whisk. Beat 2 egg whites and pour into the dough. Pancakes are fried in a dry non-stick frying pan over low heat until golden brown.
  • Nutritional cocktail. 3 kuruba fruits are peeled and cut into small pieces. A liter of low-fat milk and a tablespoon of sugar are poured into them. If desired, you can add a pinch of ground cinnamon. Beat the cocktail with a mixer for about 3-5 minutes. The drink can be garnished with a mint leaf.
  • Soufflé with taho. 4 fruits are peeled and chopped. The frying pan is generously greased with butter and the fruit is fried in it. Then separate 5 yolks and combine them with a glass of low-fat milk, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Whisk the remaining egg whites and pour into the milk mixture. Cover the mold with baking paper and lay out the egg-milk mixture and chopped kuruba on top. The oven is heated to 180 degrees and the dessert is placed there for 20-25 minutes.
  • Chocolate cheesecake. 150 grams of milk chocolate and 80 grams of butter are melted in a water bath. Add a tablespoon of cocoa and 3 tablespoons of wheat flour to them. Then beat in 2 chicken eggs and 3 tablespoons of sugar. In another container, beat peeled kuruba, 100 grams of cottage cheese, 1 egg and a teaspoon of sugar with a blender. First pour the chocolate mixture into the baking dish, and then the curd mixture. You can use a fork to create chaotic patterns on dessert. The cheesecake is placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
  • Kuruba muffins. 100 grams of soft butter are combined with 3 tablespoons of cane sugar and a glass of white sugar, 3 cups of wheat flour and 3 tablespoons of baking powder. Drive 2 chicken eggs on top. 3 kuruba fruits are peeled, chopped and added to the rest of the ingredients. The dough is poured into a baking dish and placed in the oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees.
Banana granadilla is included traditional dishes Colombian, New Zealand, Venezuelan and Uruguayan cuisine.

ABOUT healing properties The fruits were already known to the Indians who lived in South America. They were the first to try to cultivate this plant.

In Ecuador the plant is called tasco, in Venezuela it is called brocade, and in Peru it is called tin-tin. Locals value kuruba for its ability to quench thirst. For this reason, the fruit is often taken with you on long hikes.

In 1964, at the Colombian University of Narruo, developments were made on methods of cultivating fruits. This was explained by the state’s desire to bring the product to the international market.

The tree-like vine bears fruit throughout the year in Colombia, but in New Zealand this period is shortened, and the fruits are harvested from the beginning of spring to the end of October. The plant begins to bear fruit in the second year of life.

If the soil is drained poorly using trenches and pipes, Kuruba plantations are exposed to negative impact root-knot nematodes.

Watch a video about banana granadilla: