Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to a son. Ksenia Sobchak announced the expected date of birth. When is Sobchak's due date

Today is definitely the main news - Ksenia Sobchak has finally given birth. Boy. Itself, in the Lapino maternity hospital near Moscow and not in any Spain - America.

As sources told us, the birth went well, and now both mother and son feel well.

There was so much fuss with this pregnancy! Such a wild excitement was caused only by the birth of the children of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin.

Andrei Malakhov kissed pregnant Sobchak on the stomach

In the city on the Neva, the Sobaka.ru award ceremony took place - “Top 50: the most famous people of St. Petersburg.” Nika Belotserkovskaya could not remain silent and wrote on her Instagram a lengthy “yooooo Barabaka uh, well, you already know.” And then she said quite loudly into the audience during the start of the hosts’ conference - “Sobchak is pregnant!”: Confounding her friend

Now there is something to brag about: pregnant Sobchak took a candid photo in a swimsuit

Recently, Ksenia Sobchak has radically revised her wardrobe and, like many expectant mothers, switched to loose dresses, cozy oversized jackets and flared sundresses. In a word, all those things that help women in position to disguise their tummy

Italian paparazzi filmed pregnant Sobchak in Portofino

On June 25, Ksenia cheerfully celebrated the birthday of Belotserkovsky’s wife Nika, a famous culinary blogger and her close friend. Belonika (the millionaire is known under this nickname on social networks) threw a fun bachelorette party in Portofino

Pregnant Sobchak has fun with Western elite in Paris

The journalist's Parisian vacation added to her collection of selfies with world stars

Pregnant Sobchak spends millions on a new wardrobe

Ksenia is a famous fashionista: pictures of luxurious outfits appear on her Instagram every day. It is clear that stars most often present new items from Russian designers on their blogs for free. More precisely, by barter: for the TV presenter - a dress, for the brand - advertising. But when it comes to clothes and accessories from Chanel or Valentino, you have to fork out for yourself

Pregnant Sobchak no longer hides her situation

On her Instagram, Ksenia tried not to post photos in which her belly was visible. But at the New Wave competition, where Ksenia Sobchak arrived as one of the main guest stars, it was no longer possible to hide the obvious

Ksenia Sobchak about pregnancy: I already caught my Pokemon!

A brave act - without confirming the pregnancy to the press, to come to the major music competition "New Wave". We have already shown Komsomolskaya Pravda readers what Ksenia Sobchak looks like outside of her Instagram, where there is not a hint of a belly. Now let’s tell you how sometimes the presenter starts joking about her interesting position

Pregnant Sobchak escaped from a drill into a royal suite worth 236 thousand rubles per day

In preparation for the appearance of an heir, the couple decided to refurbish their home. The future parents have already decorated and furnished the nursery, and now they are doing some light renovations. While the ceilings are being painted and the walls are being drilled in her house, Ksenia chose to escape the construction chaos and temporarily settled in a hotel

Svetlana Bondarchuk hinted that Ksenia Sobchak is expecting twins

Mom Sobchak: “I want Ksyusha to give birth to twins!”

While the whole country is discussing the gender of the unborn child of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan, it turned out that the same question concerns the future grandmother Lyudmila Narusova

Pregnant Sobchak protects her unborn child with a talisman

Despite the decent stage of pregnancy, the 34-year-old TV presenter does not sit at home. She lives almost the same way as before pregnancy. The other day, for example, Sobchak held a party to celebrate the opening of a new boutique

Ksenia Sobchak posed naked in the last months of pregnancy

It has long been fashionable to appear naked during pregnancy. Demi Moore set the trend in this year back in 1991, appearing pregnant on the cover of Vanity Fair. Cindy Crawford, Monica Bellucci, Britney Spears and many others decided not to hide their happy situation, but proudly declare it from glossy covers. 35-year-old Ksenia Sobchak also couldn’t resist

Ksenia Sobchak about the “naked photo shoot”: “I needed an incentive not to get fat”

Tatler magazine posted new photos of Ksenia Sobchak from a “naked pregnant photo shoot” on its website. We can enjoy three new shots

Ksenia Sobchak: “It sounds vulgar, but I want my child to be born in Russia”

The presenter gave a frank interview to Tatler magazine. We present some excerpts from the material


What will Ksenia Sobchak's first child look like?

We allowed ourselves to fantasize: what the first-born of a celebrity couple might look like

Ksenia Sobchak's pregnancy became one of the main show business news in 2016. Having previously openly stated that she would never have a child, Sobchak changed her attitude towards children after her wedding to Maxim Vitorgan. Now the star couple is raising a boy, born on November 18, 2016.

Pregnancy of Ksenia Sobchak: photo of a star

Sobchak is a famous workaholic. Ksenia acts in films, hosts private parties and events at the MUZ-TV award level, is the editor of the magazine "L"officiel Russia", a radio presenter, writes articles and books.

Supermom has repeatedly said that for many women, an “interesting situation” is akin to an illness, but this does not apply to her. Being in her last month, Ksenia did not refuse to hold a gala event or go to fashion exhibitions.

Journalists and fans agreed that Ksenia Sobchak’s pregnancy suits her - the presenter “walks” the most beautiful couture dresses with chic and gloss Hollywood star. Fashionable images with a rounded belly prove that expecting a baby is a beauty for any woman.

At 35 it’s time to give birth!

The excitement around the star did not fade until November 2016, when Ksenia first posted a touching photo of her first walk with her baby.

But the presence of a stroller, a family and loved ones did not convince the haters that the Vitorgan-Sobchak couple decided to have offspring. IN in social networks haters and provocateurs openly accused the star of falsification: wearing an artificial belly, Photoshop and black PR.

The presenter's husband, Maxim Vitorgan, courageously defended Ksenia Sobchak's pregnancy and rejected attacks from ill-wishers. The actor posted a malicious message addressed to those who make negative statements towards his beloved.

Sobchak steadfastly responded to criticism, once ridiculing pathetic attempts to call her “mother cuckoo.” She stated that raising a baby is a personal matter between her and her husband, and “star” life in no way affects the love and care of the newborn.

But even negative PR has its advantages. Despite the long pregnancy, Ksenia Sobchak received offers to conduct events right up to a trip to the maternity hospital.

How did Ksenia Sobchak give birth?

Star mother and one of the most talked about women in Russia, Ksenia Sobchak, on November 18, 2016, published a message on social networks about the birth of a child. Ksenia did not hide her joy that she became a mother.

Maxim also left a joyful post about becoming a dad again.

Ksenia Anatolyevna decided to give birth in the star center of Russian celebrities, the village of Lapino (the Galkin-Pugacheva twins, as well as the daughters of Kharlamov and Urgant, were born within the walls of this medical institution). Most domestic stars prefer to give birth abroad: in America, Great Britain, France. For example, Zavorotnyuk gave birth to her youngest son in the USA, Orbakaite gave birth to two of her three children also abroad (in London and Miami).

To questions from journalists about why the child should be born in Russia, Sobchak answered simply: “I want him to be tied to his homeland.”

In the maternity ward, the star mother was supported by those closest to her: husband Maxim Vitorgan and mother Lyudmila Narusova.

Ksenia voluntarily refused anesthesia during childbirth, arguing that she wanted to experience the severe pain that all women endure when they become happy mothers.

How Sobchak is raising his son

Neither she, nor her husband, nor Lyudmila Narusova talk about how Ksenia’s birth went. In the Lapino private center, medical care, technology and professionalism are at the highest level. Ksenia Sobchak's pregnancy and childbirth cost the family 1.5 million rubles.

Now the happy parents Vitorgan and Sobchak have settled in country house, located 15 min. drive from the medical center in Lapino. Fresh air, minimum fuss, nature and tranquility - the ideal environment for a young mother with a stroller.

Although it’s difficult to classify Ksenia as a homebody: the star’s performance is off the charts. Journalists and gossips vied with each other to argue about how pregnant Ksenia Sobchak was, looking at her photos from events. The presenter herself did not hide the fact that she continued to work “until the last.”

The super-famous mother had already chosen a nanny and managed to mention it to everyone: “I always laughed at the stories of my friends who were looking for a nanny for their children. But as soon as I was lucky enough to be in their place, I realized that choosing a nanny is a real nightmare.”

She admitted that she wants to raise her grandson “the old fashioned way”: “Knowing Ksyusha and her desire to work 24 hours a day, I hope that I will meet with my grandson more often.”

Now found on ninth month of pregnancy, but continues to lead an active lifestyle and participate in various filming. Not long ago she and her husband Maxim Vitorgan was the presenter at a popular competition for young performers. A little later, at the Snob magazine awards, Ksenia started dancing right on stage with the lead singer of the Leningrad group. After the speech, Sergei Shnurov decided to take a short interview with Sobchak and asked what she could tell his subscribers, as a woman and future mom. Quite unexpectedly, Ksenia responded by simply sending three letters to the musician’s fans. Needless to say, this video, published by Sergei on Instagram, collected more than a million views and almost as many indignant comments.

It recently became known that the TV presenter is going to experience the joys of motherhood not in October, as previously reported in various sources, but right on the eve of her birthday. Let us remind you that on November 5 Sobchak will celebrate his 35th birthday. By the way, she reported this information herself when she spoke with singer Valeria and Joseph Prigogine at one of the social events. In addition, it became known that she plans to give birth at the elite Lapino clinic, as previously reported.

Despite her long pregnancy, Ksenia continues to lead her usual lifestyle and even enjoys attending yoga classes. This helps her control her weight, because she even had to limit herself a little in food and give preference to more dietary products.

Numerous netizens continue to persistently guess who will be born to Ksenia: boy or girl? Sobchak recently published a photo in a rather tight dress, in which her belly was clearly visible. Fans immediately began to speculate, based on their experience and noting the shape of the tummy. So, according to the majority, Ksenia is still expecting a boy.

Another wave of rumors and discussions was caused by the usual comment of Ksenia’s friend Svetlana Bondarchuk. She accompanied the published photo with an intriguing caption that you can tell by looking that someone is expecting babies. Moreover, she wrote the last word with two emoticons. This all gave rise to further rumors that Ksenia will have twins. Only a few have come to the conclusion that the third girl in the picture, Dina Khabirova, is also expecting a child. Be that as it may, fans of the TV presenter are sure that pregnancy only made her look better. So, according to them, Ksenia noticeably became prettier and more feminine.

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