Drawing up tournament grids. Drawing up tournament brackets Create a tournament table

Qualifying and main tournament draws ( Qualifying and Main Draw) are formed immediately after the registration lists are closed.

In the leftmost row, the names of the participants are located on the corresponding lines according to the results (randomly), or according to ratings (in this case, pairs are formed according to the “strong versus weak” principle), or in a combination of the first two options: first, a certain number of participants are seeded with the best ranking, and then a blind draw is held for the remaining participants.

The first seeded occupies the first line (position) of the bracket, the second seed occupies the last line, that is, the competition favorites “seeded” numbers “1” and “2” can only meet in the final, provided, of course, that both have won their matches. For the remaining seeded participants, one of two options can be used. Or they are distributed along clearly defined lines, as shown in the pictures on the “Competition Systems” page, where the line numbers indicated in blue are intended for seeded players. Or by drawing lots in subgroups, based on Table 1.

Table 1

Tournament Bracket Sizes 16 24, 32 48, 64, 128 128

Subgroups in which the draw is carried out

Seeded numbers

in order

If the number of participants is less than the size of the tournament grid (8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 or 128), a tournament grid is used with the presence of conditional participants, indicated by the mathematical symbol " X"("x") ( Author's note – In international practice, an empty number during the draw is designated as " Bye" ), to the nearest tournament bracket size. The participant who gets to meet with “ X", comes out in 2nd circle without playing. For such participants they say: " IN 1m the circle is on the x". The figure shows an example of a completed tournament grid for 13 participants. If available " X-ov" ​​and when arranging participants by rating, exit to 2nd A circle without a game is given to the strongest seeded participants. If there are empty numbers with " X- there are more than the seeded participants, then the distribution of the remaining players who go directly to the 2nd round is carried out by lot.

When the number of participants exceeds the size of the grid, a qualification (preliminary stage) is held, which, as a rule, is divided into sections. The number of sections must correspond to the stipulated number of qualifiers ( Qualifiers, Q) - winners of the qualifying tournament. Qualifiers are placed in the main draw in the places allocated for this category of participants by drawing lots.

In addition to the strongest players, those directly entering the main draw ( Direct Acceptances, DC) and qualifiers, in the event of a vacancy, players may be included in it (if provided for by the rules and regulations of the competition), with the following status:

  • received a discount card ( Wild Cart, W.C.);
  • lucky losers ( Lucky Looser, LL) - players who lost in the finals of the qualifying sections;
  • not included in the preliminary lists of qualification or the main tournament - alternative ( Alternates, Alt);
  • those who came to register the tournament (“at your own peril and risk”) without a prior application ( On-site Alternates, On-s Alt);
  • who are unable to attend a qualifying tournament due to the fact that they finish playing in another tournament included in the same Competition Calendar are a special player ( Special Exempt, S.E.). Notification of such a player is given by the head referee of the previous tournament. Such a player can receive an exemption from the qualifying game from the chief judge and take a place in the main draw, if so provided by the organizers (usually there are two such places). If there are no special players notified, the spots reserved for them in the main draw will be given to qualified players (selected based on the order of the shortlists).

Table 2 shows the allowed number of players with one or another status based on the size of the main tournament draw.

table 2

Free places resulting from the withdrawal of seeded players are filled by participants who have priority in the ranking.

Other empty spots in the main tournament draw are filled by players from the preliminary qualifying list, but only before the qualifying begins. Once qualifying has begun, the empty spots in the main draw must be filled by lucky losers only ( LL). If more than one lucky loser is included in the main draw, their positions are determined by lot. In order for a lucky loser to be eligible to be included in the main draw, he must inform the main referee, sign up for the “Lucky Loser Registration List” and be ready to immediately begin playing the match. If he is not ready to play, then he is transferred to the last position of the sheet.

The player who received the discount card ( W.C.), must be named and may be seeded before the main draw is formed. If he withdraws from the competition after being included in the main draw, he cannot be replaced by a new beneficiary ( W.C.). His position must be taken by a player from the alternative list. If qualification starts, this place may be taken by a lucky loser. A player taking part in qualifying is not entitled to receive W.C..

When registering the tournament draw, the player who is last in the list of participants entering directly into the main draw is marked as “ LD» ( Last Direct Acceptance). This is done so that it is possible to assess the level of the tournament based on the rating of the first and last participant admitted directly to the “basis”. That is, how strong or weak the tournament composition is. In addition, players planning their performance schedule for the next year receive approximate information on what they need to be in the ranking in order to immediately get into the main draw.

There is another symbol that is used to mark some players - this is “ S.R.» ( Special Rating), i.e. “special rating”, which is given to players who have received a serious injury and are out of the tour for at least 6 months and up to 2 years (from the date of injury). In this case, their rating is “frozen” while the injury is being treated, and then after returning, they have the right to enter several tournaments (determined by the tour regulations) in order to get into tournaments of their level, but this status does not give the right to “seed”. The special rating takes place only in professional tennis and is not used in children's and youth competitions.

When filling out the results in tournament brackets, it is recommended:

  • enter the number of games won and lost in the set using a forward slash (/);
  • the score in the sets should not be separated by any punctuation marks;
  • use the following designations: “n/a” – failure to appear; "open" (“* Retired‒ refusal (including due to illness or injury); "default" (" Default") - disqualification.

For a real fan, it is not always enough to look at tournament tables on Internet sites. It’s always more interesting to keep statistics of matches played yourself, conduct analytics, build graphs of team performance and predict the results of matches based on the calculations performed.

The table “created in Excel” will help you with this. Based on the table data, you can not only track the timing of games, but also analyze the results of games and plan the results of future games.

How to make a leaderboard in Excel.

First you need to draw the “table header”. The header contains the dates of the games, the venues of the matches, the names of the teams, the results of the matches played: the number of goals scored and missed, the number of victories, defeats and games played in a draw.

In the column “Days left before the match.” a formula is entered to calculate how many days are left before the match: “ =IF((C2-TODAY())>0;C2-TODAY(); “Passed”).”

In the “Number of games” column there is a formula that automatically calculates the number of games played by a team: "=COUNTIF($F$2:F2,F2)"

On the sheet with the graph - the tournament table, a summary table is displayed, which, when updated, calculates goals scored and conceded, as well as the number of victories.

Let's now figure out how to create beautiful, complex tables, for example, a tournament table.

First, let's look at how to make a complex hat. The easiest way is to draw it. Moreover, you can draw the entire table using the command Insert - Table - Draw Entire Table , or you can first create a table in the usual way, specifying the number of columns and rows, and then add a header to it.

Let's look at the second option. You create a regular table, place the cursor anywhere inside the table, and two additional tabs appear in the open one: Constructor And Layout .

Click on the tab Constructor . In this tab on the right you will see two commands: Draw a table And Eraser. Using them, you can add new columns and rows, separate cells, and merge them, erasing the boundaries between them.

You can even draw an oblique line by drawing it from the corner to the opposite corner of the cell. And using the Fill command, you can fill the cell with any color.

A table in Word 2007 can be designed very beautifully by selecting its style in the tab Constructor - Styles . And after that you can also edit the style using the command Fill .

Sometimes you need to rotate text in a cell by 90 degrees. In Word 2007, this is done like this: place the cursor in the cell whose text you want to rotate, right-click, and select the command in the context menu Text direction . After that, choose one option from the proposed ones.

Now let's go to the tab Layout. This tab has commands for merging and splitting cells. To merge, select several cells and select the appropriate command.

Also in the tab Layout you can show and hide the grid. Going to Properties, you can define table alignment, cell content alignment to cell height, and row heights and column widths. The last function is very useful if simple dragging fails to make the width of the columns the same.

Using the command Delete You can delete various table elements, or the entire table.

In a team group Cell size you can specify the exact width and height for cells, just as you can do with the command Properties .

In a team group Alignment you can specify the alignment of the contents of cells in height and width, and using the command Text direction Rotate the text 90 degrees. Using the command Cell margins you can make space between cells, select margins between the contents and cell borders, and select, if necessary, the option Auto-fit width to content .

Video on how to make a league table in Word 2007

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Tournament tables, detailed statistics, accepting applications
and other opportunities for sports organizers

  • Calculation of team and individual statistics
    You just need to enter the result of the game, and SportFort will determine the position of the teams, count individual indicators, and determine the most productive players.
  • Reception and processing of applications
    You will be able to accept and process applications for participation in the tournament online. This feature will save a lot of time for both the league and all teams.
  • Storing the history of all competitions
    A separate section will be created for each of your tournaments, which will be available many years after the end of the tournament.
  • Generating advertising revenue
    You will be able to place advertisements for your sponsors on the league website and earn additional income.
  • A reliable platform for your league
    Thousands of websites operate on the SportFort platform. We can provide a high level of reliability and fault tolerance thanks to Microsoft Azure technology.

The screenshot shows the main page of the league website. The most relevant information is displayed - the latest news and game results. The screenshot shows the "All tournaments" page. You can create tournaments with any layout.
The screenshot shows the "Tables" page. You can create any number of tournaments and stages within a tournament.

Thousands of sports teams
create their websites on our platform

Users of the SportFort platform include professional teams from the MHL, children's teams from various sports schools, organizers of amateur competitions from many countries, and participating teams.
for all of them it becomes a faithful, indispensable assistant.

When developing new features, we always rely on the opinions of our users and think through everything to the smallest detail.

We know that in volleyball there are no draws, and in rugby there are bonus points, that in football there are 2 halves, and in hockey there are 3 periods.

On our platform you can run any tournament with any scoring scheme, and when you enter game results, you automatically receive detailed statistics.