The influence of training on the physique of women and girls. Body types in women: ideal options

Many women are faced with the fact that they have been on diets for years, working out in the gym, but the annoying centimeters do not go away in the right places. The editors of Woman's Day and Elena Sanzharovskaya, a popular fitness trainer and nutrition consultant, as part of the Oriflame Wellness Pumping program, found out how to determine your body type and select workouts for it.

Before you start serious work on your body, you need to determine your body type. This test should appeal to all girls: it is simple and requires you to take three selfies, you need to pick up your phone, place it at navel level and take three photos (front, back and side) in tight clothes/swimsuit. After the photo shoot, you must carefully analyze the photos according to the following graphics.

It is necessary to identify from the photo the places that need to be corrected. To do this, you need to draw straight lines from the shoulders to the hips. The side view and its lines will tell you what to do with the stomach, chest and buttocks (if they are full). Such three-view photographs will help you quickly determine problem areas and understand what needs to be adjusted and what needs to be worked on first.

So, follow these steps: measure your waist circumference and height in cm (1 inch = 2.54 cm); for example, measurements were obtained: waist = 30 inches, height = 64 inches; divide your waist by your height: 30/64 = 0.47.

This means that: less than 0.4 - you are too thin, you need to increase weight;

4−0.5 – “correct” pear;

0.51−0.6 – moderate apple. Store excess fat around the midsection;

above 0.61 – enlarged apple;

triangle – hips are more than 5% wider than shoulders. For example, shoulder circumference is 80 cm, waist circumference is 85 cm or more;

inverted triangle - the opposite of a triangle, shoulders/chest wider than hips by more than 5%. For example, with a shoulder circumference of 85 cm, the hip circumference is 80 cm;

rectangle - shoulders, chest and hips have similar anthropometry, there is no waist. For example, shoulders 85 cm, chest 85, hips 89 cm (differences up to 5%), waist 70 cm and above;

hourglass - shoulders, chest and hips have similar anthropometry, the waist is clearly defined (60−65 cm).

Please be aware that this is very common mixed types!

And now more about the most common types

PEAR– differences in this body type: narrow shoulders, wide hips, small breasts, and most often a flat stomach. Perhaps the most feminine body type. But few people are pleased with powerful thighs, which are also very often decorated with cellulite, since the main accumulation of fat is in this area.

How to train

Your main attention should be paid to the top - back, shoulders, arms, chest. Don’t be afraid to pump up these muscles; it’s unlikely that you will succeed; on the contrary, by improving your proportions, you will hide your heavy bottom. We work on these zones at least 2 times a week, in the mode of 10-12 repetitions, 3 approaches. We select the weight wisely. You need to “dry” your feet as much as possible. Avoid heavy weights, work only in multi-repetition mode (25-30 times). Focus not on basic exercises, but on isolating exercises (swings, abductions, etc.). The advantage of your physique is that your abs quickly acquire athletic shape.

As for cardio, absolutely exclude the stepper and regular bike (cycling is fine, but don’t use resistance). Only high-intensity cardio with minimal resistance (ellipse, treadmill) in interval mode for 40 minutes or more, after strength training or on days free from strength training. Don't expect very quick results, but if you show consistency, perseverance and don't forget about proper nutrition, your very feminine figure will become toned and harmonious.

In body type HOURGLASS your problem areas: triceps, outer/inner thighs, lower abdomen. Do circuit training for the whole body 3-4 times a week. Use your body as a weight, CrossFit and plyometric exercises are great. Work your legs with multi-repetition basic exercises: squats, jump squats, lunges, stepping onto a bench. For abdominal exercises, use cross crunches (bicycle), plank, side plank. Stick to a high number of repetitions - from 15 to 30. For cardio, use a jump rope, running on a treadmill without an incline, jogging for 30-35 minutes 2-3 times a week. Do not use a stepper, bicycle, or running on an inclined track, this will add volume to your legs.

How to train

EXAMPLE OF TRAINING (for a home gym): type – circular, number of exercises performed in 1 circle – 5, number of circles – 4-5, number of repetitions – as many as you can do in 40 seconds, rest between exercises – no; rest between circles – 1 minute.


Jump Squats

Push-ups from the floor/knees/feet

Squats with a weight plate in your hands and hold for 2-3 seconds at the bottom point

Side plank

Standing row of a rubber shock absorber (dumbbells) to the belt

INVERTED TRIANGLE- This is a body type that is typical for men, but is also found among women, especially among athletes involved in rowing or swimming. Characteristic features: broad shoulders, a developed chest, smoothly turning into a waist and narrow hips. Despite the fact that the structure of the skeletal system in the android body type is similar to the male body type, nature often gives them large breasts, which, when used skillfully, allows you to create very attractive feminine images. Excessive volume of the upper body can be balanced by visually widening the hips with the help of clothing, while the waist will look much narrower.

Slender long legs are the second undoubted plus; their high stature makes them stand out from the crowd. More often they have a slender figure, but there are also overweight ones among them. Fat is deposited in the shoulder girdle, upper arms and chest, making the figure even more masculine.

With obvious obesity, the stomach begins to enlarge, and then the figure begins to resemble an apple in shape. Regardless of weight, women's thighs and legs remain slim.

How to train

The main goal of training is to balance the lower and upper body. Therefore, when doing cardio, it is best to use a stepper. It gives a good load on the hips and legs, increases their volume a little, but burns calories. You can also use a treadmill with a strong incline uphill. But it’s better to avoid the ellipsoid. Its main goal is to rid the legs of volume, and women with massive tops need the opposite result. About strength training you need to add volume to your legs. First, you should perform complex exercises for large muscle groups: squats, presses, and then do all kinds of lunges, flexions, extensions, abductions of the legs. Pre-exert your upper body to burn fat and avoid building muscle mass. The training should be exclusively high-repetition: 20-30 repetitions in 4-5 approaches.

Body types in women are variants of the normal human constitution. This means that the constitution determines the features appearance and the health status of its owner. Basically, the structural features of the female body are hereditary in nature, but initially knowing your body type, you can make timely adjustments from an early age.

Variations of the female figure

There are several systems for grading the appearance of the female body. The most common is a very simple and understandable way to determine body shape:

  • asthenic (or hyposthenic);
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

If you think that knowing your body type is not particularly important, bet. Certain body types have different problem areas, which you can “sweat” in the gym, change your diet, rhythm of life and choose the best clothes.

Wrist size is an indicator of body type

Sometimes you don’t want to bother or it’s difficult to decide on your own silhouette, but there is an easy way to determine a woman’s body type by just measuring her wrist. The Solovyov index is a parameter that will help you decide on the type. It is equal to the circumference of the wrist in centimeters.

Calculation of the indicator:

  • Less than 15 - asthenic;
  • In zone 15-17 - normosthenic;
  • More than 17 is hypersthenic.

Asthenic body type in ectomorph women

  • According to generally accepted opinion, these are the very happy owners of slender and thin figures. According to other ladies, these women are witches who eat a lot and practically do not gain weight. Note that there are two sides of the same coin. In their youth, asthenic ladies are slender, but with age, fat is still deposited in the most unattractive places: on the back and waist, which forms an untidy and disproportionate image.
  • It is easier for such women to maintain good physical shape, because their lipids accumulate slowly. Of the minuses, we note that although these girls are wiry, thin and energetic, untrained young ladies have the lowest level of endurance and strength indicators.

  • Muscle development turns into pure torture for ectomorphs. Since growth processes are slowed down not only in fat, but also in muscles. That is why it is very difficult to give a sporty, pumped-up look to the silhouette.
  • The appearance of such ladies is not particularly popular among men, because they are angular, lack pleasant roundness and look like teenagers. Any model on the show is a prime example of this body type.
  • The shortened “upper” part of the body and long limbs create the illusion of “legs from ears”. Poorly developed lipid tissue often affects the size of the bust, and sometimes causes its absence.
  • Narrow shoulders and chest, narrow feet and hands and a narrow waist! The Solovyov index, which helps determine your body type based on your wrist, is less than 15.
  • As for training, it is easier for such ladies, since they almost never have to struggle with excess weight. An ectomorph woman can immediately begin strength training in the form of a split, avoiding aerobic counterparts.
  • After achieving the desired results, you should definitely undergo an unpleasant but effective “drying” procedure.
  • With possible weight loss, these young ladies first begin to “lose” their muscles, so calorie restriction will not help with figure correction. The panacea is a special diet and strength training.

Normosthenic body type - mesomorphs

  • No matter how fickle youth fashion dictates the demand for skinny young ladies, the figure of a mesomorphic (normosthenic) woman is considered the classic ideal of beauty. They don't appear emaciated or compass women. Their body is proportional, with well-developed muscle tissue and a minimum of fat. Such girls are naturally athletic and sculpted.
  • Mesomorph instantly loses fat reserves if desired and gains muscle mass at lightning speed. By nature, their metabolic rate is high, but with age, in the absence of adequate physical activity, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and weight rapidly creeps up.

  • The part of the body at the top is slightly smaller than the one at the bottom, i.e. the legs are not too big, but they are not short either. At the same time, the sizes of the chest, hands and feet are average.
  • Solovyov index for wrist size 15-17.
  • Often the figure resembles the notorious hourglass, and if you are overweight, it resembles a pear or an apple.
  • Young ladies with similar parameters can achieve records in sports in the shortest possible time.
  • The problem of a “wasp waist” is quite acute in this case, because curvy ladies will have to sweat in the gym to achieve the desired shape. Among sports disciplines, it is worth paying attention to game types: basketball, volleyball, aerobics and tennis.

Hypersthenic body constitution - endomorphs

  • Endomorphs (people with the hypersthenic type) are precisely those individuals whom sculptors and artists lovingly praised in their works. “Venus de Milo” by Botticelli, “Danae” by Titian, modern beauty icons Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyoncé and other ladies “in the body” are a vivid personification of this type of “body structure”. Curvy young ladies are famous for their femininity and sensuality.

  • Such girls justify their excess weight by heredity, by the fact that there should be a lot of good people and by the fact that men do not throw dice, but there is a fundamental difference. From birth, endomorphs have more adipose tissue than muscle tissue, but this does not mean that such ladies are doomed to eternal obesity. This variation of the fair sex should only be given more time and effort to bring the figure back to normal. Only laziness prevents such girls from being pumped up and elastic.
  • Transverse dimensions predominate over longitudinal ones (legs and arms are short). The chest is wide, the waist is the same, massive hips, large joints, feet and hands.
  • The Solovyov index is more than 17 positions.

  • Fat mass predominates over muscle mass.
  • The combination of feminine curves and good muscle tone will give trained endomorph ladies a seductive and exciting image.
  • But if such a young lady suddenly decides to lose weight and turn into a withered roach, she will have to make titanic efforts, which are unlikely to be crowned with success.
  • Even if losing weight is successful, the girl’s appearance will turn out to be painful and disproportionate. In such individuals, muscles grow beautifully, but they are difficult to see under a dense layer of fat, which must first be burned. The latter is problematic, since metabolic processes in this form are significantly inferior in speed to the previous two.
  • Stored fat is difficult to lose, and for training we advise you to choose intense cardio workouts with moderate load and change your diet to low-carbohydrate. Remember that breakdowns and relaxations will lead to an immediate return of lost kilos.

You have learned the main female body types, we have described their features, advantages and disadvantages. As you may have noticed, there is no “bad” or “good” physique, each has its own flavor. But note that there is general feature for everyone - beauty and women Health directly depends on the regularity of her visits to the gym.

Remember, no matter what type of silhouette you have, only proper nutrition and increased physical activity will help maintain female attractiveness for a long time.

Video: Typology of female physique

Why do girls come to Gym? Let us highlight 3 main groups of tasks:

  • loss of excess fat deposits;
  • toning the muscle system without weight correction;
  • weight gain and overall body shape improvement.

All individualization of a training program should begin with the identification of these problems. But you cannot remove excess fat from the buttocks, leaving it in the chest area. You can't remove fat from just your waist and leave it in your hips. Fat deposits, if you work to get rid of their excess, leave evenly from all parts of the body. First of all, it will be reflected on your face. It will begin to lose its roundness. But this shouldn't scare you.

Having noticed changes in your appearance, you need to congratulate yourself on starting an important task - shedding excess deposits. Give it a month and you will notice a clear decrease in the circumference of your waist and pelvis, and subsequently your hips. Remember that even the most intense abdominal exercises will not make your waist slimmer while maintaining the same circumference. Everything will decrease evenly and in proportion to the supply that is already available. Consequently, fat will be removed from those areas where it is most abundant.

At the same time, there is a clear connection between the load on a certain part of the body and the degree of increase in its circumference.

If you are underweight, you need to primarily target those areas that need to be rounded (of course, through the muscles, not the fat layer).

In this regard, the main formative elements of your figure are the skeleton, the muscles attached to it and the layer of subcutaneous fat covering them.

The most flexible and correctable elements are muscles. But not all muscles, unfortunately (or rather, not all muscle fibers). Only white (fast-twitch) muscle fibers grow in thickness and change the overall shape of the entire muscle, and therefore a certain part of the body. But these fibers only respond to power loads (bodybuilding). No “steps”, “slides”, “aqua aerobics” and other exotic training systems “in the crowd” are able to change the shape of your muscles, because in this case the muscle fibers that are able to change shape under the influence of load are not working. The conclusion suggests itself without difficulty: conditioning bodybuilding.

The layer of fat is another form-building (or rather, “shape-distorting”) element. If there is not much of it, and it lies under the skin in the right places, it pleasantly smoothes out the shape of your figure, giving you femininity. If there is a lot of it, it will disgrace your figure. It’s hard to disagree with this, and the myth that most men like fat women was invented and allowed to roam around the world by fat women themselves. Fat can only be lost through aerobic exercise and an appropriate diet. Only aerobic work can mobilize fatty acids and burn them in specific, slow-twitch fibers. These fibers practically do not work under power loads. So one gym will not solve this problem. An integrated approach will solve your problems!

The most “hard” and unchangeable is the backbone. All our lives we will have to live with what our ancestors endowed us with in this sense. Analyzing the bone structure is the most difficult part in developing an individual training program.

If possible, abstract as much as possible from your layer of fat, regardless of its thickness, as well as from muscle masses, regardless of their shape. Try to imagine your bone structure as if it were on an x-ray. For a person not at least familiar with the basics of anatomy, such abstraction can be difficult.

But you must try to strain all your imagination, since the content of subsequent training will depend on the accuracy of what you can imagine. It's best to stand naked in front of a large mirror and try to get rid of blind adoration of your body. Be critical of yourself. Remember that an uncritical person is almost never constructive. And to eliminate your shortcomings in addition, you need a constructive approach!

To make the task easier, we will not operate with complex anatomical concepts, but will determine the structure of the skeleton by the extent to which its outlines resemble the pattern of the printed letters “A”, “T”, “X” and “H” and in the future we will designate the types of skeleton exactly like this: “ A”, “T”, “X” and “H”. To make things even easier, let's analyze all these types.

Type “A” frame characterized by narrow shoulders and a wide pelvis. The difference in the width of the shoulders and pelvis can be either quite significant or not very pronounced. But in any case, the figure looks like the letter “A”. It seems to expand downwards, and this expansion is determined not only by the amount of fat accumulated in different parts of the body, but, to a greater extent, by the structure of the skeleton. This type of bone structure is characterized by a predominant accumulation of fat on the lower part of the body - in the pelvic region, lower abdomen and hips. Even extremes are possible: the upper part of the body (to the waist) can be thin, and the lower part – plump. Women and girls with this type of bone structure usually have difficulty losing fat from the lower torso, and their training patterns should reflect this feature.

Typically women with an “A” figure differ thin waist and small in stature, and many men like such features of their build - they find them very feminine. However, often the fat deposits on the lower part of the body increase to an ugly size, which, of course, spoils the figure, because it turns into some kind of giant pear.

If you have discovered that you have an “A” build type, your the main task will be to lose fat in the lower body, give it elasticity, and also gain some muscle mass on the upper body. First of all, in the area of ​​the shoulders, chest and back (so that the decreased difference between the circumferences of the chest and pelvis smooths out some of your disproportion).

An approximate set of exercises for women and girls with addition type "A"(hire a personal trainer to practice movement techniques)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. V-shaped crunches while sitting on the edge of a bench (raising the knees to the chest) – 3×20-25.
  3. Torso raises on an inclined board (legs must be bent and the back must be rounded) – 3×15-25.
  4. Bench press lying on an incline bench – 1×12, 1×10, 1×8, 1×6.
  5. Lying dumbbell raises – 3×8-10.
  6. Head pull on a high block – 1×12, 1×10, 1×8, 1×6.
  7. Bent-over dumbbell raises 3x8.
  8. Raising the knees to the chest while hanging on the bar – 2xMax.
  9. Squats with a barbell or a light barbell in a wide stance – 3x20-25.
  10. Lying leg curls on a 3x12 machine.
  11. Pelvic lifts lying on your back with back arching – 3×35-50.
  12. Lunges forward on one leg - 3×15-25.
  13. work on the simulator for oblique abdominal muscles 2×30-50.
  14. cardio – 15-25 min.

Recording the dosage of exercises 15-25, 50-70 means that you need to start with 15 repetitions, and gradually, over several weeks, get to the upper limit. Exercises 4 and 6 should be performed using the “pyramid” technique, i.e., increase the weight from the second to the last approach in each of them. The word “Max” means that you should strive for the maximum number of repetitions in this exercise.

“T” type frame characterized by wider shoulders compared to the pelvis and a pronounced conical shape of the torso. This is the same sporty figure style that many are trying to get closer to through shoulder pads. Type “T” is characterized by a predominance of excess fat accumulation in the upper part of the body - from the navel and above. At the same time, a fairly voluminous chest can sit on a narrow pelvis and elongated thin legs. The waist with this type of build may become unexpressed; sometimes it is hidden by excess layers of fat.

With tall stature, such imbalances can be slightly smoothed out, but with short stature, they greatly spoil the impression of the figure. Your task, if you have discovered that you have type “T” bones, is to maximize the removal of fat deposits from the upper body and build the muscles of the gluteal and thigh areas (so that their increased circumferences smooth out the existing disproportion).

A set of exercises for women and girls with addition "T" type could be, for example, like this:

(to hone your exercise technique, contact a personal trainer)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.

work on the simulator for the oblique abdominal muscles – 2×30-50.

  1. Squats with a barbell in a wide stance or leg presses in a 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 machine. 5.
  2. Lying leg curl on the machine – 4×10.
  3. Hyperextension (lifting the torso from a position lying prone with your thighs across a high bench with your feet fixed) 3×15-20.
  4. Bench press, lying – 3×12-15.
  5. Bringing your elbows forward on a dec-dec machine – 2×12.
  6. Rows to the chest with a medium grip on a high block - 3x12-15.
  7. Torso raises with turns on an inclined board – 2×15-25.
  8. Leg raises while hanging on the bar – 2xMax.

The methodological instructions for this complex are the same as for the previous one.

“X” type backbone characterized by the same width of the shoulders and pelvis, pronounced waist and overall proportionality. This is, of course, the most feminine type of build, but if you are careless about yourself, it often takes on forms when excess fat deposits on the buttocks, hips, chest and shoulders turn the body into something like a huge guitar.

The task of women and girls with this type of build is to maintain the tone of all muscle groups and prevent excess fat deposits.

type “X”:

(a personal trainer will teach you how to perform the exercises correctly)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. Torso raises on an inclined board – 3×15-25.
  3. Barbell press – 2×10-12.
  4. Lying dumbbell raises – 2×10-12.
  5. “Pullover” lying across the bench (abduction of straight arms with a dumbbell back and down) 2 × 12-15.
  6. Chest rows with a parallel grip on a high block – 2×12-15.
  7. Low block abdominal row – 2×12-15.
  8. V-crunches, sitting on the edge of a bench – 2×25-30.
  9. Bench leg press – 2×15-20.
  10. Leg bending while lying on the machine – 2×10-12.
  11. Pelvic hyperextension – 2×15-20.
  12. Leg abduction (right or left) on a low block – 2×15-20.
  13. Calf raises, standing – 2×12-15.
  14. Leg raises on an inclined board – 2×12-15

“H” type frame completes our anatomical and methodological excursion. This type of build is characterized by approximately equal width of the shoulders and pelvis, and an undefined (and more often than not wide) waist. However, if you suffer from excess body fat, your waist circumference may even exceed the circumference of your pelvis (in extreme cases, giving you a barrel-shaped figure).

The main tasks of women and girls with a similar type of build are to get rid of excess fat as much as possible and to build up some muscle mass shoulders, chest, pelvis and hips (so that their increased circumferences emphasize the waistline and give the figure a more feminine look).

An approximate set of exercises for addition type “H”:

(to learn the exercises, contact a specialist)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. Raising the knees while hanging on the bar – 3 x Max.
  3. Raising the torso (arms behind the head) to the knees while lying on a bench, feet placed, for example, on a bar located on the racks of a barbell - 3xMax.
  4. Barbell bench press – 2×8-10.
  5. Raises with dumbbells on an incline bench – 2×8-10.
  6. Crossing arms on blocks while standing at a 2x8-10 incline.
  7. Head pull on a high block – 3×10-12.
  8. Low block abdominal row – 2×8-10.
  9. V-crunches while sitting on the edge of a bench – 2×25-30.
  10. Bench leg press or squats with a barbell in a wide stance - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6.
  11. Lying leg curls on the machine – 4×8-10.
  12. Calf raises while standing on the machine – 3×12.
  13. Pelvic lifts lying on your back with a dumbbell or barbell disc on your stomach – 3×12-15.
  14. Hyperextension with a dumbbell at the chest 3x12-15.
  15. Rotation on the simulator for oblique abdominal muscles – 2×50-100.

Of course, the programs described here are by no means individualized for you. They can be adjusted by your personal trainer in a direction that more closely matches your individual characteristics. But if you train on your own, then the proposed programs will begin to correct your build within 1.5-2 months. These programs really work!

It is very important to understand that the types of skeleton that we analyzed are not very common in their pure form. Most likely, you will find some combination of two types of symptoms. Don’t let this bother you: after carefully reading the article, you will understand the logic of building complexes and will be able to choose those exercises that will solve your specific problems.

Remember also that there is no clear ideal female body type that suits the tastes of all people without exception. Your task is not at all to please everyone, but to make yourself worthy of the admiration and love of the person whose affection you are trying to win. Believe me, if you not only use what nature has given you, but improve your physique to the limit, your self-respect will increase immeasurably. You are quite capable of making yourself even more attractive than you imagine. And the main means of achieving this is an individualized training program.

Based on materials from the book “Fitness Training”

Regardless of what high-waisted skinny jeans companies want girls to believe, we are all very different (we're talking about body shapes now). But fear not, WH won't leave you alone with this “news,” at least as far as fitness is concerned. Instead of the usual “one size fits all” approach, we invite you to experience all the delights of individual tailoring - that is, training. The one that Targets your body type and characteristic muscle-building abilities. What to expect? Actually, a lot. This training will help balance the proportions, optimizing burning (of what is unnecessary) and pumping (of what is useful). The last argument is that you won’t have to go to an elite personal tailor (that is, a fitness instructor). We have already cut everything out for you and him.

Especially for WH, two top trainers - the author of the book Fit & Female, physical therapy instructor Geralyn Coopersmith and strength training specialist Mike Mejia developed quick way calculate your body type. And then they told me how to transform this invaluable knowledge into personal training.

Determine your body type

The first thing you need to do is figure out whether you are an apple or a pear. And of sound mind and sober memory. First, physiologists use these fruit terms to describe body contours based on the location of fat deposits. Secondly, you will have to make precise mathematical calculations. So, divide the circumference of the narrowest part of your waist by the circumference of your hips at the widest part. If you get 0.8 or more, you're an apple. Smaller is a pear.

The second stage of self-identification is no less serious reflection on who you are: ecto-, meso- or endomorph (in science, this is what body types are called, or - in simple terms - somatotypes). To do this, look at the pictures above (blue-blue if you are an apple, or yellow-red if you are a pear). And decide which one is more like you. Then feel free to read the descriptions of the pictures. If at least two characteristics match - hurray, you have found your somatotype. If you are unlucky right away, check the next similar drawing.

Once you have made your choice, get to work. All you need to do is follow the plans recommended to you and almost only you. Get ready to make the most of your potential. And everything accumulated over the summer vacation, of course.

You are an ectoapple if...

  • You can boast of a very fast metabolism.
  • You have thin, “model” arms and legs.
  • Having a hard time building muscle mass. But, fortunately, so does fat.

Your perspective

  • Become like Gisele Bündchen, adding a little muscle here and there.

Your plan

  1. Bends
    Strength training, focusing primarily on the upper and middle back, will help straighten your shoulders. Plus it affects the buttocks and thighs, so as not to deprive them of relief. Do three sets of each exercise, resting 1–1.5 minutes between the last ones. Then move on to the next movement. The maximum effect is guaranteed if you practice meticulously three times a week.
  2. Cardio quick
    Your somatotype “loses” muscles with unpleasant ease. If you burn too many calories during a cardio workout, it will be difficult to maintain the amount you have gained through hard work. So your maximum for cardio is training three times a week for 30 minutes at an average pace to train your heart. Or opt for cardio, which also creates curves and targets the midsection. For example, pole dancing lessons are seemingly energetic pole dancing, but in fact they are a mixture of cardio and strength training, which is perfect for toning the core and forming slender, sculpted muscles of all four limbs. Bikram yoga is also suitable and will improve your posture.

Standing bodybar lift

  • (a) Hold a 4-6 kg implement in front of you so that it is level with your hips, but not touching them. Grip is shoulder-width apart, feet are hip-width apart. Bend your knees and lean forward, as if folding in half at the hip joint.
  • (b) Lower the bodybar, keeping it close to your legs and extending your arms, until the bar is approximately at knee level (hip angle is about 90 degrees).
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades and pull the weight to your lower abdomen. Try to move your shoulders back as far as possible and do not raise your elbows high above your back. Without straightening up, lower the bodybar back down.
  • This is one repetition. Do 10. Remember to maintain an arch in your lower back throughout the exercise.


  • (a) Take a bodybar weighing 4–6 kg wide grip(hands shoulder-width apart), palms facing you.
  • (b) Slowly lower your pelvis back until your thighs are parallel to the floor. At the same time, keep the projectile close to the body and keep your arms straight.
  • Get up to the start and repeat seven more times.

Bent-over dumbbell flyes

  • (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg and hold them in front of you - so that your palms are facing each other. The knees and elbows should be slightly bent (the latter should be turned outward). Having arched your lower back, bend forward almost to a horizontal level with the floor.
  • (b) Keeping your shoulder blades together, slowly raise the dumbbells out to the sides until you reach shoulder level (without changing the direction of your elbows). Lower the weights back down (this is one repetition) and do this 10 times.

Walking with leg lift

  • (a) Stand facing a bench or step just below your knees. Place your right foot on a raised platform and rise up without pushing off the floor with your left (to do this, tighten your gluteal muscles and the thigh of your right leg). Keep your back straight.
  • (b) Extend your left leg up behind you. Then place it next to the right one. Smoothly go down (right foot, then left) and perform the next step with your left foot. Do 10 times on each side, alternating limbs through repetition.

You are a mesoapple if...

  • You are strong, muscular, and athletic.
  • At the same time, it is a little soft (or, if roughly speaking, flabby and loose) in the middle part of the body.
  • But you have dancer’s legs – slender and strong.

Your perspective

  • Decorate your toned, athletic figure with a strong middle.

Your plan

  1. Abdominal muscle training
    These exercises tighten your core while you work other parts of your body. Leg movements with added weight and low repetitions create a rounded and, frankly, sassy rear view. And arm exercises with many repetitions and light weights increase the tone of the limbs without adding bulk to them. Perform three sets (resting 40–60 seconds between each set) of each exercise. Allow yourself to relax for a minute and move on to the next movement. Do this three times a week.
  2. Cardio for belly fat
    Three 30-minute interval workouts per week will help your body cope with this vital task. Choose your own cardio, such as running, the StairMaster stepper, or an exercise bike. And act like it. Warm up for 5 minutes, then alternate 100-meter sprint sessions with 200-meter recovery sessions. After 20 minutes, slow down to cool down for the last five minutes.

Lunge with twist and medicine ball

  • (a) Take a 3-5 kg ​​ball and stand with your arms extended in front of you. Step forward with your right foot, lower into a lunge and turn your body to the right (don't bend your arms).
  • (b) Return to the start while standing up and turning the ball back toward the center. And start all over again by lunging with your left leg. This is one repetition. Make it four.

Plank row

  • (a) Stand in a prone position, holding a two-kilogram dumbbell in each hand (palms facing inward).
  • (b) Lean on the left weight and pull your right elbow upward, bringing your shoulder blade toward your spine until it (the elbow) rises above the line of your torso. Lower the dumbbell and do the same with your other hand.
  • This is one repetition. Your goal is eight. If it's too hard, do the exercise on your knees.

Squat with raised arms

  • (a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift your lightest bodybar (2–4 kg) directly above your head.
  • (b) Squat down, pushing your pelvis back until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure that your knees are directly above your feet and do not extend forward beyond your toes. And engage your core throughout the movement to maintain balance. Do eight reps.

You are an endoapple if...

  • You have well-defined legs and a flat butt.
  • But the chest is definitely not flat. But the hands are loose, they lack sharpness of contours.
  • When putting on a skirt or trousers, you can clearly see the fold above the waistband, which you can pinch yourself at if you wish.

Your perspective

  • The curves of a sex bomb.

Your plan

  1. Circuit training for arms and buttocks
    It will balance the proportions: it will tone the arms and add “definition” to the lower body. Do three circuits (each repeating one exercise after another without stopping or, if difficult, with a short break of 10 seconds), resting for a minute between them. Do the workout three times a week before or alternating days with cardio.
  2. Hot cardio
    To melt belly and upper body fat, aim for three to five sessions per week, 40-60 minutes each. To enhance the effect, try to maintain an average pace (theoretically you can speak, but only blurt out one sentence at a time). Zumba and salsa are good options. Any “twist” in the waist will be pleasant to the core. Or try boxing to train your arms.

Bent-over dumbbell row

  • (a) Place your left palm and shin on the exercise bench. Take a 3-5 kg ​​dumbbell in your right hand, which let it hang straight. Lift the weight up toward your lower abdomen, pulling your shoulder blade toward your spine.
  • (b) Lower the dumbbell slightly until your elbow is in line with your torso. Then raise your hand back and lower it again - but this time completely. This is one repetition. Do six in a row on each side.

One-arm dumbbell press

  • (a) Take a pair of 1-3 kg weights and lift them up to shoulder level (elbows bent, palms facing forward).
  • (b) Press the left dumbbell upward until your hand is close to your ear. Then slowly lower and switch sides. Do 14 on each hand.

Push-up + side plank

  • (a) Start in the bottom push-up position, with your elbows bent.
  • (b) Stand up while lying down. Then simultaneously extend your left arm up and turn to the side of your feet so that your body is straightened in one line. Hold this for 1 second.
  • And then return to the lying position, do a push-up and turn to your left side, stretching your right arm up. You should be able to do six push-ups plus three planks on each side.


  • (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and step back with your left foot, diagonally.
  • (b) Without changing the position of your hips, lower yourself into a lunge until the angle is knee joint the supporting leg will not reach 90 degrees. Important: don't make the lunge too big. This can lead to injury because the knee position of the supporting limb is unstable.
  • Make sure that it (the knee) is in projection towards the middle of the foot. Return to the top, placing your left foot over your right, and do nine more repetitions on the same side. And then 10 - to the other.

You are an ectopear if...

  • You can eat anything at the buffet (twice) without gaining a kilogram.
  • Not completely devoid of curves in the hips and buttocks.
  • It seems to you that building up muscles in your arms is an impossible dream.

Your perspective

  • Design an uplifting rear view.

Your plan

  1. Movements with weights to raise the heel
    The exercises focus on the glutes and upper body, the largest muscle groups. Do three sets of each movement (with a 30-60 second rest period) before moving on to the next one. Do this three times a week: before cardio or alternating with it every day.
  2. Cardio quick
    When you engage in long aerobic sessions (60 minutes or more), you risk losing the last of your muscles. So just exercise enough to keep your heart healthy (30 minutes at least three times a week). And pay special attention to swimming: it forms beautiful, unpumped muscles in the upper body, straightening the silhouettes of people like you.

Squats with press

  • (a) Stand with 3-5 kg ​​dumbbells in your hands at shoulder height, palms facing forward. Without lowering your chest and maintaining a arch in your lower back, squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • (b) Stand up by pushing the dumbbells overhead (this is one repetition). And then sit back into a squat, simultaneously lowering your arms to shoulder level. There should be 8 repetitions in total.

Romanian deadlift

  • (a) Hold the same dumbbells in front of you (overhand grip), knees slightly bent.
  • (b) Bend over at the waist and lower the weights (keeping them close to your feet) as low as you can. Repeat this eight times.

Transition through step

  • (a) Take a supine position with your hands on a 15–30 cm platform. Shift your body weight to your right limb and place your left one on the floor.
  • (b) Move your right palm to the floor (on the other side of the step). And return to the step with your left and then your right. Repeat starting from the opposite side. Do eight times for each.

Reverse Lunge from Elevation

  • (a) Stand on the step with your feet hip-width apart.
  • (b) Take a very large step back with your right foot and lower into a lunge until your left knee bends to 90 degrees. Squeeze your buttocks to lift yourself up, supporting yourself on your left leg. Do four repetitions: first on one side, then on the other.

You're a mesogear if...

  • You have athletic, muscular thighs.
  • You are thin at the top, with a clearly defined waist.
  • You can easily build muscle, you just need to shake out the fat a little.

Your perspective

  • The slender, fit form of an Olympic athlete.

Your plan

  1. Multi-level training
    Use weights to balance the proportions. Exercises for the lower body with a large number of repetitions will tone it, without making the contours heavier, but making them more elongated. While an upper body exercise with low reps will add missing fullness to your curves. Do three sets of each exercise, perform the complex three times a week, alternating days with cardio.
  2. Cardio vs. Hips
    Exercise for 40-60 minutes twice a week to keep fat in check. Running and dancing are the best things you can think of, they slim your bottom.

Plie squat

  • (a) Place your feet wider than your hips, with your toes pointed outward about 45 degrees. Take a three-kilogram dumbbell.
  • (b) Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause briefly, then push off with your feet to return to the start. Do 16 reps. If it's difficult, don't use weights in the first week of classes.

Fell out while pacing

  • (a) Take 1-2 kg dumbbells and stand a meter from the step (just below your knees).
  • (b) Step up with your left foot, lowering into a deep lunge.
  • (c) Rise up using your left limb and plant your right foot. Return to the floor on your right foot to complete the rep. Do it all over again, this time stepping onto the step with your right foot and stepping down with your left. Do a total of 16 repetitions on each side.

Incline Bench Press

  • (a) Take a pair of 3-5 kg ​​dumbbells and lie down on a bench set at a 45-degree incline. Starting position: weights at chest level, in projection to its middle. Next, squeeze the shells up about 20 cm.
  • (b) Return to the start. Then extend your arms all the way up. And lower to the starting position to complete the repetition. Do six (two movements each). Don't rush anywhere.

You're an endopear if...

  • Naturally curvy (curvy).
  • It's easy to gain weight in your lower body.
  • It is difficult for you to tighten the upper part, which is small in proportion to the lower part.

Your perspective

  • Show the world an hourglass figure hidden under fat (like Marilyn Monroe).

Your plan

  1. Circuit training
    She'll work your arms, back, chest, and shoulders to add some muscle up top. And in the lower part it will burn fat without increasing your volume: due to light weight and a large number of repetitions. Do three circles (no rest between movements). Do the workout three times a week, just not for days on end.
  2. Cardio vs Fat
    Do little (40 minutes each) but often (three to five times a week) measured cardio (at an average or slightly above average pace). This will help you say goodbye to extra calories and get to know your muscle tone. Alternatively, try step aerobics to tone up the fat in your lower body.

Squat + Lunge

  • (a) Place your feet hip-width apart and perform a squat (to a right angle at the knee joint). Stand up, take a big step forward with your right foot and lower down until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • (b) Stand and lift your left heel towards your buttock. Return to the start and do the squat again. Perform the lunge again (on the left leg) and the “heel” (on the right). Do 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Shoulder abduction to the side

  • (a) Grasp the rubber shock absorber with your left hand and step on the other end with your right foot. The limb is along the body, the elbow is slightly bent.
  • (b) Raise your arm along your body until it is in line with your left shoulder. Then lower it slowly. Do 10 repetitions and switch sides.

Pullover lying down

  • (a) Lie down on the step, holding 1-3 kg dumbbells by your sides at your sides. Knees bent, elbows slightly bent, feet on the floor.
  • (b) Raise the dumbbells up toward the ceiling and lower them behind your head (without touching the floor). Squeeze your shoulder blades and, without straightening your elbows, return the dumbbells back to your hips. Do 15 reps.

We were advised by multiple Russian champion and two-time European champion in fitness Lidiya Ershova.