Annual Czech language courses. Language courses in the Czech Republic Accredited Czech language courses in Prague

Study can be combined with relaxation. Here you can wander through the medieval castles of Bohemia, admire the picturesque vineyards of South Moravia, enjoy aromatic knuckles with fragrant beer in Brno or heal in Karlovy Vary.

The low cost of language courses in the Czech Republic is one of the most important advantages for Russian students.

Local residents will be happy to talk to you in both Czech and English. You will have enough language practice.

The educational institutions where you will study have official accreditation, so there will be no difficulties in obtaining a visa.

Who should study Czech in the Czech Republic?

For applicants. If you are planning to enroll in a university in this country, language courses in the Czech Republic will help you pass entrance exams and study for free in the future.

For students. Are you an international student and want to improve your knowledge? Czech language courses in the Czech Republic during the holidays will help you improve your skills and attract attention in your university classes in the new year.

For businessmen. If you cooperate with this country in business, studying at language schools in the Czech Republic will help you establish contact with partners and clients and learn professional terminology.

For emigrants. For those who are planning to move or have already moved, without knowing the language they will not be able to get a job or meet friends. Language courses in the Czech Republic at a competitive price from STAR Academy will help fill this gap and start life from scratch in a new place.

Types of courses

The Czech Republic is one of the most popular destinations for higher education. It is also popular among those who want to study the Czech language in depth.

The Czech Republic is a developed European country that attracts thousands of tourists every year. It was her landscapes that inspired W. Shakespeare when writing The Winter's Tale. The Czech Republic is the birthplace of such outstanding personalities as Franz Kafka, Johann Mendel, Emil Skoda, Milan Kundera.

The most popular cities among tourists are Prague, Kutna Hora, Karlovy Vary. Prague is called the most beautiful city in Europe; 6-7 million tourists visit it every year! Prague is loved for its Old Town, narrow streets, wide variety of architectural styles, affordable prices and delicious cuisine. The Czech Republic is famous throughout the world for its castles (Litomysl, Karlstejn), beer products and Skoda cars.


Student life is vibrant in the Czech Republic. There are about 29 state universities financed from the budget and 45-50 commercial universities in the country. In total, about 400 thousand students chose the Czech Republic to study, because it provides a unique chance for foreigners to study for free! You only need to study in Czech at a state university. And also pass exams (for knowledge of Czech at least B-2 and special entrance exams).

Studying the Czech language in the Czech Republic has many advantages: firstly, it is an irreplaceable experience of communicating with native speakers. Secondly, Czech schools have a good reputation and extensive experience in teaching. Thirdly, the Czech Republic is attractive for its affordable prices and rich culture and history.

The Czech Republic is located in the heart of Europe, so it is easy to combine study and travel. According to the global peace index, the Czech Republic ranks 6th in the list of safest countries. The climate is comfortable and moderate. The average temperature in winter is 0°C, in summer - +27°C.


Czech language courses in the Czech Republic are suitable for everyone: adults and children with any level of training.

You can choose courses of any intensity: from a short two-month course to a full year course. You can take a course not only in Czech, but also in English. There are also preparation courses for entering Czech universities.

Czech schools also provide training in narrow areas: economics, technical, humanitarian or medical.

There are summer programs for children aimed at improving their language level and exploring new cities. Along with interesting lessons, the children will enjoy exciting trips, walking and bus excursions, and shopping tours. Czech schools provide the opportunity to learn English and develop basic language skills: reading, listening comprehension, speaking and writing.

A school in the Czech Republic such as the International Youth Union (IYU) has been offering English language courses and Czech language courses in Prague for many years, and also organizes cultural, sports and adaptation programs during studies.

For example, Association, UniSchool schools or the language center at the Czech College University in the Czech Republic offer courses to prepare for entering the university, learn the Czech language, and also prepare for admission at the proper level. The courses are designed for people with both beginner and advanced levels of language proficiency.

Everyone will find a program that suits their goals. The cost of Czech language courses in the Czech Republic varies from 3500-4500 euros for an annual course.


Language schools often offer Czech language training in the Czech Republic with accommodation in a student residence, apartment or hotel. Usually these are double or triple rooms with a shared bathroom and kitchen. You can also arrange meals on a half board basis. Such programs are suitable for more independent teenagers or adults.


To travel to the Czech Republic, a long-term tourist visa to the Czech Republic or a visa for study purposes is suitable. It is best to worry about this in advance, because the review process can take up to 60 days. We are happy to help you collect the necessary documents and fill out an application for a visa to the Czech Republic. BookYourStudy provides comprehensive support with filling out documents, choosing courses, accommodation and even transfers.

Choose your ideal place to study Czech in the Czech Republic quickly and conveniently. Book online and receive bonuses for your next trip from BookYourStudy!

The value of the higher education received is determined by the degree of demand for university graduates at leading enterprises in the world and the practical skills that young people were able to acquire while studying at the university. Every year the number of Russian-speaking applicants applying to European universities is rapidly growing. But the language barrier for Russian-speaking students often becomes an insurmountable obstacle to successfully passing entrance exams and enrolling in the chosen university.

Annual courses in Prague– an excellent opportunity for Russian-speaking applicants to prepare for successfully passing entrance exams to higher educational institutions in the Czech Republic and Europe. We, together with the management and teaching staff of leading universities in the Czech Republic, have developed a number of effective annual educational programs that allow students to:

1) quickly fill gaps in knowledge of a foreign language (Czech and English);

2) morally adapt to living and studying abroad;

3) prepare a complete package of documents for admission to entrance exams at a foreign university.

Why do our compatriots choose the Czech Republic?

A significant number of applicants from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine choose Czech universities to receive higher education. There are at least 4 reasons for this:

1) the opportunity to receive education for free (provided that the training takes place at a state university in the Czech language);

2) the education sector in the Czech Republic is generously funded by the state, which has a positive effect on the quality of education and its accessibility even for foreign applicants;

3) diplomas from Czech universities are recognized in European countries, and young graduates of CTU, CZU and other universities quite quickly find work in their specialty in leading European organizations;

4) Czech legislation allows graduates of state universities to find work and stay in the country to obtain citizenship.

Annual courses in Prague to remove the language barrier

Annual courses in Prague will not only help you significantly improve your knowledge of Czech and English, but will also prepare you for studying highly specialized first-year subjects.

One-year Czech language course at CTU. The course is designed for 1 year, during which time students learn to speak fluently on everyday and academic topics in Czech and understand native speakers without problems, easily carry on a conversation and express their thoughts clearly.

One-year Czech language course at ChZU. Language courses are intended for further successful admission not only to the Czech Agricultural University in Prague, but also for admission to the Higher School of Economics in Prague, the Anglo-American University in Prague, New York University, Charles University, the State Chemical University and other state and private educational institutions in the Czech Republic.

Annual courses in Prague to prepare for admission to medical universities. The courses are intended for applicants who plan to study medical specialties in the Czech Republic in Czech and English. In addition to language training, the program includes training in specialized subjects - physics, biology, chemistry and mathematics.

After completing the training, students are given a certificate stating that the student has successfully mastered the established program.

Obtaining higher education in the Czech Republic is an excellent opportunity for each applicant to lay a solid foundation for the subsequent realization of oneself as a successful and sought-after specialist. Let the language barrier and fear of studying in an unfamiliar country no longer frighten you - we will help you make your dream come true, improve your knowledge of a foreign language and comfortably adapt to the conditions of studying abroad.

Language requirements in the Czech Republic

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference) - a system of levels of foreign language proficiency used inEuropean Union.

The main purpose of the CEFR system is to provide an assessment and teaching method applicable to all European languages.

The CEFR system divides student knowledge and skills into three broad categories, which are further divided into six levels:

AElementary possession

A1Survival level

A2Pre-threshold level

BSelf-sufficient ownership

B1Threshold level

B2Threshold advanced level


C1Proficiency level

C2Mastery level

The levels of Czech and English languages ​​are divided into 3 main ones ( A,B,C) and 6 sublevels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).

For each level, the knowledge and skills that a student must have in reading, listening comprehension, speaking and writing are described:



% ratio of vocabulary to a higher level

% ratio of vocabulary to level C2

I understand and can use familiar phrases and expressions necessary to perform specific tasks. I can introduce myself and introduce others, ask and answer questions about my place of residence, acquaintances, and property. I can participate in a simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

I understand individual sentences and frequently used expressions related to basic areas of life (for example, basic information about myself and my family members, purchases, getting a job, etc.). I can perform tasks related to simple exchange of information on familiar or everyday topics. In simple terms I can tell about myself, my family and friends, and describe the main aspects of everyday life.

I understand the main ideas of clear messages made in a standard language on various topics that typically arise at work, study, leisure, etc. I can communicate in most situations that may arise during a stay in the country of the language being studied. I can compose a coherent message on topics that are known or of particular interest to me. I can describe impressions, events, hopes, aspirations, express and justify my opinions and plans for the future.

I understand the general content of complex texts on abstract and concrete topics, including highly specialized texts. I speak quickly and spontaneously enough to constantly communicate with native speakers without too much difficulty for either party. I am able to give clear, detailed messages on various topics and present my view on the main issue, showing the advantages and disadvantages of different opinions.

I understand voluminous, complex texts on various topics and recognize hidden meanings. I speak spontaneously at a fast pace, without having difficulty finding words and expressions. I use language flexibly and effectively to communicate in scientific and professional activities. I can create accurate, detailed, well-structured messages on complex topics, demonstrating mastery of text organization patterns, communication tools, and integration of text elements.

I understand almost any oral or written message, I can compose a coherent text based on several oral and written sources. I speak spontaneously with a high tempo and a high degree of precision, emphasizing nuances of meaning even in the most difficult cases.

The language school of the Czech-Russian educational complex "Věda" regularly conducts courses at all international levels of knowledge of the Czech, English and Russian languages.

My name is Maya. I am a specialist in educational programs in the Czech Republic of the Czech educational agency BEAUTY VOYAGE.

To study for free at a university in the Czech Republic, you need to learn the Czech language. There are Czech language courses for this. To master the Czech language well, 9-10 months of being in the country on language courses is enough.

Our educational agency offers you a choice of Czech courses in 3 major cities - Prague, Brno and Pilsen.

Each of these courses has its own characteristics!

This is how my comments are highlighted in black bold italics, which distinguishes this course from all others!

First, the periphery - the cities of Brno and Pilsen. Courses in these cities are cheaper than in Prague, and life and expenses in these cities are much less than in the capital of the Czech Republic.

Option 1:

Czech courses - BRNO (southern Czech Republic, right on the border with Austria).

Perhaps the best course in terms of price-quality ratio!

98% of receipts according to 2017 statistics

Preparation program for admission to the Czech state. University = price 109 thousand crowns (approximately 4192 euros at the current exchange rate)

The price includes:
— annual Czech language courses (September 2018 – June 2019) 720 hours (25 hours of Czech per week);

— preparation for entrance exams to the chosen university in special subjects (including medicine)

— preparation for exams on nostrification in the amount of 100-160 ac. hours (depending on the number of scheduled exams);

— nostrification of the certificate/diploma, including all translations and certifications of documents and state fees;

— assistance in choosing a university and submitting applications to universities

— visa documents and preparation for an interview at the consulate

— assistance with visa extension in the Czech Republic

- meeting, transfer to the hostel, check-in and - registration with the police

— supervisory services throughout the year, assistance in emergencies 24/7 (for example, if you get sick, we’ll take you to the hospital in a company car at any time of the day)

— prepayment 1300 euros

— balance after arrival (within 3 days)

After completing these courses and entering a university, documents for a student visa are submitted directly in the Czech Republic, without leaving your homeland!

Option 2:

Czech courses - Pilsen (west of the Czech Republic, on the border with Germany).

Preparation program for admission to the Czech state. University = 3655 euros

This course in Pilsen is the only one offered that can be paid MONTHLY, without any interest or fees. The average monthly payment is 260-350 euros, depending on the duration of the course.

There are 2 course options:

Cost 3800 euros

Cost 3655 euros

Included in the price:

– Czech classes 20 hours a week

- transfer to courses

— visa service: consultations on visas, Skype training for interviews at the consulate

– registration with the police, assistance in visa extensions, insurance

— translations of documents with certification – 10 standard pages

– preparation and delivery of visa documents by DHL

Nostrification of a certificate (preparation for nostrification exams) or diploma, including fees

- selection of specialty (bachelor's, master's, doctorate), application submission, fees for 4 applications - - work with the university until passing the exam

Practical Czech language lessons

Russian-speaking curator

Preparation for entrance exams in special subjects is not included in these courses and is paid separately!

Payment scheme after conclusion of the contract:

— prepayment 1200 euros

- balance upon arrival (if desired - monthly)

95% of receipts according to 2017 statistics

After completing these courses and entering a university, you need to go home to apply for a study visa!

Option 3:

Czech courses - PRAGUE. Everything here is traditionally more expensive - courses, accommodation, food and other expenses.

But who needs the prestige and drive of a metropolis, then Prague is a great option!

In Prague there are 3 courses to choose from:

1) Czech language course at the Agricultural University of Prague

2) Czech language course at the Technical University of Prague

3) Czech course for admission to medical specialties

The course price includes: See the course description for the links.

In general - a standard set of services.

Guarantees of admission - Statistics for 2016 -2017: more than 85% enter state universities, more than 10% enter private universities.

Payment scheme after conclusion of the contract:

— prepayment 1500 euros

— the remaining amount can be divided into 2 more payments, but no later than 2 weeks before arrival.

After completing these courses, documents for a study visa are submitted in the Czech Republic without leaving your home country!

For ALL COURSES, applications are submitted to several universities at once to increase the chances of admission. At the end of the courses, all students take the Czech language certificate at level B1 or B2 (sufficient for admission to a university). The Czech language exam fee is not included in the course price!



Consular fee for a long-term visa (110 euros)

— cost of living in a hostel:

in Prague - 220-250 euros/month

in Pilsen and Brno - 120-160 euros/month

Czech health insurance for the embassy

— transportation costs, mobile communications, food, entertainment

THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL CZECH COURSES IS APRIL 2018, since a long-term visa for the purpose of study is considered by the embassy for up to 4 months!!!

A very good option is to come for the summer to take Czech courses and get to know the country where you will study!

Czech summer courses can be viewed here:

Pilsen - in any summer month lasting 1,2 or 3 months

I will be very glad if you have any questions and you are already in a hurry to ask me!