When to go to the UAE. UAE: best places and times to travel

April 09, 2013 Today the United Arab Emirates, also known as, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Middle East.

Over the past decade, this country has managed to develop its tourism infrastructure so much that it is comfortable to relax here all year round tourists of different ages, income levels, needs and interests.

In this article, we will consider the important topic for many tourists of climate-friendly holiday seasons in this country, and we will try to understand when is the best time to go to the UAE?

First of all, it is worth noting that holidays in the United Arab Emirates are now popular all year round, at least that’s what many guidebooks say, and the rich tourist infrastructure of the country is directly interested in this, which, by the way, last years a huge amount of money was invested.

But there are still months in which a holiday here for an unprepared tourist can turn into a real test, since the climate in the country is tropical desert, very hot and dry (the air temperature in the shade can reach +50...+55°C).

Now let's take a closer look at the positive and negative points that will help us answer the question: when is the best time to go to the UAE?

The worst time to rest- June July August. At this time, the heat is incredible, and even the presence of a huge number of air conditioners will not be able to save tourists from the stuffiness and heat, since 45-50 degrees above zero in the shade is, of course, harsh. It is best to avoid traveling to the Emirates at this time, especially if you are traveling with small children or are in poor health.

The month of September can also be considered an unfavorable season, although the air temperature at this time gradually drops to 40-45 degrees. And the water temperature in the sea reaches 30-35 degrees.

The most favorable months to travel to the UAE– this is October and November. The air temperature remains at +30…+35°C. And, perhaps, the only disadvantage of vacationing at this time is the steep prices for tours.

Then come December, January, February and March, with average temperatures ranging from +25 to + 28°C. During these months, the water in the Persian Gulf is not as warm as we would like.

In April and May, the average temperature is +30...+35°C, that is, the peak of the heat is already approaching, but it is still comfortable to relax.

(3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

Today we will begin to get acquainted, or rather, find out some details of a holiday in such a young, but already well-known country, the United Arab Emirates or UAE.

The country was formed only in 1971, then it included only 6 emirates (these are like states in America) and in 1972 the seventh emirate joined the UAE. On this moment The UAE consists of seven emirates: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah and Sharjah.

The rapid development of the young country's economy occurred due to a sharp jump in prices for oil and petroleum products. At that time, it was the UAE that was the legislator in global oil pricing policy.

The UAE is a federal state. Each of the emirates is a self-sufficient state with an absolute monarchy. The head of the country's government is the emir of the largest emirate - Abu Dhabi.

Almost 70% of the country's population are migrant workers from South Asian countries.

The state is located in the east of the Arabian Peninsula. The country's neighbors are: Saudi Arabia - west and south; Oman – southeast and northeast; Persian Gulf - north.

For some time now, oil profits began to account for only 40% of GDP. The Emirates are intensively developing the tourism industry in their country, despite the unfavorable climate.

And the climate here is tropical desert (most of the country's territory is occupied by the Rub al-Khali desert). That is, there may be no rainfall in the country for several years. In summer, the average temperature fluctuates around +35 degrees, and in winter it does not fall below +23 degrees.

In the Emirates, even transport stops are equipped with air conditioning; in the summer there is nothing to breathe on the street! The thermometer calmly rises above +45 degrees.

Some northern coastal areas of the UAE are covered with salt. Mountains are found only in the north of the country.

In general, the natural world here is quite sparse, there is no diversity of flora and fauna. By order of the government of the country, the territory of the UAE is artificially planted with vegetation.

And with all these negative natural factors, the United Emirates is now one of the most tempting places to relax. And that's why:

  • Quite close to home. The flight is not as long as in or.
  • Simplified visa regime. For example, for Russian citizens, from February 1, 2017, a tourist trip to the UAE does not require a visa in advance. It can be issued at the airport for a period of 30 days, free of charge.

For citizens from other CIS countries, a visa is also issued upon arrival. But it will cost $85 if you book a hotel for at least three days. If children are registered in their parents' passport, then a visa is issued for them free of charge.

When is the best time to vacation in the UAE?

Summer in the UAE.

Since the country is located close to the equator, the warm (in our understanding) period of the year here passes at critically high temperatures. There are periods in the summer when the thermometer is calmly located at +50 degrees in the shade! It is simply impossible to be outside while the sun is shining.

In summer, the Emirates experiences a low tourist season. Although, at the same time, prices for tours to this country are falling.

In the summer in the Emirates, even water cannot cool you down. The water temperature off the coast reaches +38 degrees!

On a summer day, the only thing you can do for entertainment is to lie in your room under the air conditioning until the evening, when the temperature outside drops a little.

Alternatively, you can go to the largest. Well, or to the water park.

Summer also marks the celebration of the largest Muslim holiday, Ramadan. Residents of the United Emirates are already quite conservative in religious matters, and during the holiday they try to observe strictness in everything. They want to see the same from visitors. Accordingly, Ramadan is not best time for holidays in the United Arab Emirates.

Autumn in the UAE.

Autumn is a blessed time for a comfortable holiday in the Emirates. Only you need to go there not from September, but closer to October. The wild heat gradually goes away, the sea continues to delight with its warm embrace. During the day you can explore the surrounding attractions or local bazaars. And what’s good is that prices for tours here in October have not yet reached their maximum (as in the High Season).

At the end of September and beginning of October, the country, or rather its coastal part, may be covered with sandstorms. The only quiet place is the resort of Fujairah. It is surrounded on all sides by mountains, which saves it from the ubiquitous sand.

Another “unusual” thing about autumn is the November rains. Precipitation can occur several times a month.

Starting in November, vacationers gradually begin to flock to the country en masse. The high tourist season begins.

Winter in the UAE.

In winter, our people experience quite comfortable temperatures: within +24 degrees. True, the water can be cool in the morning, about +22 degrees.

In general, the winter months are more suitable for various excursions. Because the average water temperature (in February) drops to +17 degrees. Not the most comfortable temperatures for sunbathing on the beach.

By the way, the regular rains of February only add to the negativity.

But December and January can please you with comfortable water temperatures and a pleasant holiday on the beach. Although many tourists prefer to splash in hotel pools or huge entertainment water complexes.

December still attracts the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays. The country turns into a colorful exotic picture with lots of Christmas entertainment and fairs. By the way, by the end of December, huge Christmas sales begin to open in UAE stores. What attracts a huge number of avid shoppers to the country.

Spring in the UAE.

In March it is still quite cool (you can’t swim), and rain is quite common. But by mid-season the weather improves significantly. Already in April, the thermometer does not drop below +30 degrees, the water warms up to +24 degrees. Temperatures in May
rise another couple of degrees.

But still, in the second half of spring you can freely sunbathe on the beach almost the entire daylight hours without fear of getting sunburned.

In spring it is good to come on holiday to the Emirates with children or elderly people.

Even in the spring, diving enthusiasts fly to the Emirates. During this period, the coastal waters are surprisingly clear, which is perfect for good diving.

The United Arab Emirates attracts tourists all year round. You just need to understand that this country is southern and most of it is occupied by desert. And therefore in the summer it will be really hot here.

But the Emirates attracts tourists not only with its ideal nature and gentle sea, as they do. People come to the Emirates for high-quality entertainment, for technical innovations (as strange as this may sound), for shopping centers that are unreal in scale and their discounts.

And just coming to see a Muslim country that was closed in the past is also very interesting.

When planning a trip to the UAE, you should know when, at what time of year and where it is best to spend your holiday. After all, you can experience the full flavor of these places only if you choose the optimal time for yourself and your needs.

Choosing a time to travel

It’s worth saying right away that in the UAE the sun shines approximately 255 days a year, which immediately eliminates the risk of getting wet in the rain, regardless of what time you choose to travel.
The United Arab Emirates has an arid subtropical climate, the temperature here does not fall below 20 degrees plus, and this applies even to the coldest period of the year - winter.

If we consider the climate of the UAE, it can be noted that it is very similar to the climate. From May to September, the average air temperature here is from 38 to 40 degrees, but in July and August the temperature can rise as much as 50 degrees plus. Therefore, for those who do not tolerate heat well, it is not worth going to the UAE during these summer months, because neither the shade from the trees, nor even swimming in the water can save you from such heat, since its temperature is like fresh milk. On summer days, everyone is used to escaping the heat in shopping centers that are equipped with air conditioning, but such a sudden change in temperature can lead to... colds, and this is not what you want to get on vacation.

The real tourist season here begins from and lasts until April, since the weather is most comfortable during this period of time. But, I would like to separately talk about all the pros and cons of staying in the UAE during this period.

In spring, March, April and May, the air temperature is most comfortable, rising no higher than 32 degrees, but in autumn the average maximum temperature during the day is 35 degrees Celsius. It should be understood that the closer summer is, the higher the temperature will be, for example, at the beginning of April it will be cooler than at the end of the month. And the situation is the same with the autumn months; October, since it is closer to summer, will be hotter than November, which is already closer to winter.

Winter is the coolest place in the country, but it doesn’t stop you from warming up your bones in the sun and swimming. The daytime temperature on winter days reaches an average of 26 degrees, but the nights are cool - the temperature can drop to 14 degrees. The coldest month here is January, the coldest low temperatures(not lower than 21 degrees) is recorded precisely in the first month of the new year.
The water in the UAE does not have time to cool down much, meaning you can swim in it all year round. But it is worth considering that swimming in winter will be somewhat invigorating, and swimming in summer will turn into thermal baths. In winter, the water temperature is 19 degrees, in summer it jumps to 32 degrees.

Therefore, it is impossible to say which time of year is better, because it is always warm here, you can sunbathe and swim. But then you should pay attention to the prices, during the tourist season from October to April the prices for tours in the UAE will be the highest, in the summer - the lowest, since the heat of 50 degrees does not appeal to everyone, and you can relax in the UAE in winter at average prices prices.

Where is the best place to go in the UAE?

The UAE includes 7 emirates, therefore, even the most sophisticated coward will be surprised and will be able to satisfy his needs. Consider the most popular places for tourists, as this is where all the best things to see, feel and learn are concentrated.

Dubai is considered the most progressive area of ​​the UAE, both in terms of development, tourism and economically. There are 11 districts in Dubai, but... best holiday only two of them are suitable, although this does not exclude the fact that the remaining areas are not at all interesting.

Important! When going to Dubai in the near future, it is important to take into account that new shopping centers, entertainment centers and new hotels are now being built in the city center, so staying there may not seem entirely comfortable, especially if you plan to walk around the city.


It is to this area of ​​Dubai that tourists go to enjoy a beach holiday. Here are the best hotels, both middle class and luxury. Adjacent to this area is the Palm Jumeirah archipelago, yes, that same island, which is built in the shape of a palm tree, one might say, the calling card of the UAE. On 17 palm leaves there are the most luxurious villas of millionaires all over the world, the trunk of the palm tree is full of shopping centers with expensive boutiques and gourmet restaurants, and the crescent of the island, which protects it from the waves, is an abundance of international class hotels.

Four kilometers from Dubai there is another amazing project - The World. It is an artificial archipelago of 300 islands that, when viewed from the sky, represent a map of the world. This is where another popular attraction of the UAE is located - a hotel in the shape of a huge sail.

Downtown Dubai

This area is one of the most prestigious in Dubai, and is famous for the tallest building in the world - Burj Khalifa. From the roof of the building you can see an incredible panorama of the city, as well as the desert that surrounds it. And at the foot of the skyscraper there is a dancing fountain, another “celebrity” of the city.

Those who like to combine relaxation with shopping will love the Dubai Mall, the largest shopping center in the world. And opposite this huge shopping center there is a shopping complex that resembles an Arab market, where you can buy national goods.

Abu Dhabi

This is the capital of the UAE, the richest city on earth (by the way, have you noticed that in the UAE everything is only the very best?!). Those who want to see the whole city and all its advantages can be recommended to take a bus tour.

Also in Abu Dhabi is the same majestic snow-white mosque. The Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Mosque, surprisingly, is not the largest in the world, but occupies only the sixth position, but 82 domes and 1000 columns still attract the attention of tourists from all over the world. It is worth considering that entrance to the mosque is strictly according to the dress code, which especially applies to women.

Abu Dhabi ideal for families with children, because there are two amusement parks for them, however, they will not leave even adults indifferent.

It is important to note that the UAE is a Muslim nation, which means that the laws of their religion must be respected. So, for example, you can come across places where it is absolutely forbidden to not only drink alcohol, nor even buy it, but in such places it is not sold, and women should also make sure that their clothes are not too revealing. Residents of the UAE are very loyal and polite to tourists, so tourists should also show some qualities and respect the traditions and laws of the country.

During the holiday season, a flow of tourists from Russia rushes to warm countries. The United Arab Emirates is just such a country, but even here there are periods that are not very comfortable for relaxation.

General characteristics of the climate in the UAE

  • winter is warm and short;
  • summer is hot and long;
  • low air humidity in winter and high in summer;
  • precipitation is minimal.

The weather in the UAE is stable, there are no sudden temperature changes, and the transition from season to season is leisurely and smooth.

For most of the year, the weather at the resorts is quite suitable for swimming, sunbathing, and active entertainment. High season begins in the second half of September, when the sweltering heat subsides, and lasts almost the whole year, making small breaks for January-February and July-August. In the winter months, the sea temperature drops to 17 degrees, and if you want to take a walk in the evening, you will have to dress warmly. In July and August, the thermometer inexorably creeps towards 45-50 and even for local residents this is a test. In addition, sandstorms are common in the summer months, a rather unpleasant natural phenomenon for humans.

Which month is better to go on vacation?

The best months for a beach holiday are March, April, May and October, November, December. If you are traveling with a child, these months are also suitable - at this time the sun is moderate and the sea is warm, like fresh milk.

If the main purpose of your vacation is sightseeing and good shopping, then it is better to fly in January or February. Discounts in stores during these winter months reach 80%, and the need for swimming can be satisfied in the heated pools that are available in almost every hotel.


December The weather in the UAE is one of the most pleasant for any type of holiday. Winter is approaching, and the air temperature is set at +25-26 degrees, just right for a person from our latitudes. At the beginning of December, the water in the Persian Gulf remains at +23-24 degrees, and only towards the end of the month does it begin to lose ground. Reviews from tourists indicate that December is best for traveling with children.

In January The northern winds are already blowing in full force, cooling the air to +23 degrees. It seems to be warm, but taking into account the cool breezes it feels like +15-17. The water temperature in the sea is completely cold - +17, suitable only for extreme sports enthusiasts. You can freeze in the evening, so it’s better to warm yourself when going outside. There is an influx of tourists in New Year and Christmas, these days you can make the best purchases - discount season!

In February The air temperature remains at January values, but by the end of the month it begins to rise steadily. The sea is also getting warmer, +17 at the beginning of the month and +22 at the end. There are more people swimming, but overall there are few tourists - it’s a little cold for a beach holiday, and discounts in stores have already ended.

In winter it is better to choose resorts, located on the coast of the Persian Gulf, since the water here is much warmer than in Oman - all emirates except Fujairah and Sharjah. The latter has hotels on the shores of both bays. For shopping, it is better to go to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, this is where the largest shopping centers, entire streets of boutiques and shops and the famous gold markets are concentrated.


In March real warmth is established and high season begins. The thermometer shows +27 degrees, and the water warms up to +24. March, along with December, is considered the most suitable time for a holiday with a child - there is no sweltering heat, and the streets are not so crowded yet.

In April The peak of the tourist season is coming. Sea temperature +25-27 degrees. Combined with a warm, but still refreshing wind, almost ideal conditions are created for relaxing on the many beaches. Daytime air temperatures stop at +33, evening temperatures +25 are also good for walking.

In May The real sunshine begins. The daytime heat of 35 degrees only subsides slightly at night. The sea is warmer than +29 and this attracts vacationers, the number of whom is not getting smaller.

Reviews indicate that spring in the Emirates is the most favorite time of year for travelers. Whatever resort you choose, everywhere you will be greeted by the cleanest beaches, gentle sea and hospitable Arabs. If you are traveling with small children, it is better to choose quieter resorts - Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah or Ajman. During the peak tourist season, prices are moderate and it is not so noisy. And you can get to the Dubai children's entertainment center in half an hour or an hour.

A week before your intended travel date, check the weather forecasts to be sure what temperature the UAE will greet you with. In April-May and in summer you should be careful on the beaches - this is jellyfish season. Alone or in groups, they swim to the shore and can sting. The consequences, although not fatal, are quite unpleasant, so look around often while splashing in the sea.


In June The thermometer continues to stubbornly creep up the scale, although it seems to be enough. The beginning of June is close to May in terms of temperature indicators, so it is still quite suitable for a beach holiday. Further the air temperature becomes + 39, water +32. The night brings no relief. On top of that, at the end of June, winds from the desert begin to blow, bringing sand with them.

In July Even for local residents accustomed to the heat, nature creates almost unbearable conditions. The thermometer is scary to look at - it often shows the number 50, located above the zero mark. The water in the sea is almost hot +34, and there is absolutely nowhere to cool off except under the air conditioning. Add sandstorms to this, and it becomes clear why even locals try to leave the country at this time of year.

In August the weather is very similar to July, the day starts at 43 degrees and ends with the same. Increased humidity creates a feeling of a sticky film on the body. Air conditioners work at full blast everywhere, but this is what’s dangerous – it’s easy for a sweaty tourist to catch a sore throat! Vacationers are unanimous in their reviews - It’s not worth going to the UAE in summer!

But if you still decide to go to the Emirates in the summer months, then choose Fujairah. This resort is located on the shores of the Gulf of Oman, whose waters are always several degrees colder than the Persian Gulf, which means the air temperature will be lower. In addition, with Indian Ocean a cool wind blows, which is especially valuable on hot days.


In September the heat decides to take pity on people and slowly retreats. But the air and water temperature, which can be called comfortable, is established only in the second half of the month. Average monthly readings are +38 degrees for air and +32 for water. At the end of September, hotels gradually fill with guests, and swimmers appear on the beaches.

In October the coolness gains a few more degrees in its favor - +33 during the day, +29 at night. The water is already capable of bringing pleasure with its warm 27 degrees. Returns lost rights during high season. October, especially in the first half, is good for family holidays.

It rains occasionally in November. The thermometer stops at +30, and at night it drops another 5 degrees. The sea cools down to +24-25 – perfect for swimming!

Covered by deserts, this country is especially popular among tourists, since the rest of its territory is ideal for a beach holiday. In this country you will find not only beautiful beaches and developed infrastructure, but also profitable shopping, historical attractions and many others. interesting places. Knowing information about when is the best time to vacation in the UAE, you can always plan the best option for your vacation.

Types of tourist seasons

Traditionally, the UAE has several seasons, which are not very different from each other. Weather conditions allow you to travel around the country all year round, but there is still a slight difference between holiday periods.

Beach season

Of course, tourists come to the Emirates to enjoy beach treatments. The most suitable time for this is considered to be autumn and spring. Starting in October, the beaches of the UAE are filled with holidaymakers wanting to swim in the warm waters of the Red Sea. Moreover, the water temperature rarely drops below +20 degrees throughout the year. This fact explains the significant number of people who want to come to the country. In October and November, as well as in March and April, the flow of tourists increases sharply, however, the cost of travel packages also increases significantly.

It is worth noting that the so-called velvet season does not exist in the country due to the fact that the temperature regime remains at approximately the same level all year round.

As for the winter months, there are also quite a few vacationers at this time. The only disadvantage of traveling to the UAE in winter is the periodic occurrence of winds that often blow in the coastal area. In summer, vacationing in the Emirates is very problematic due to the intense heat.

Low season

The first month of summer marks the beginning of the season of reduced tourist activity. Few people can spend several hours under the scorching sun, warming the air to +40-44 degrees. Such a holiday is categorically not recommended for those who have difficulty withstanding prolonged exposure to the open sun.

Tourists who decide to go to the Emirates in the summer, as a rule, choose, which is located in close proximity to the ocean and the Gulf of Oman. In such conditions, hot weather is not as noticeable as in other regions of the country. If you are comfortable with high air temperatures, then it is better to purchase a tour to hotels equipped with powerful air conditioners and a beach area that is maximally protected from the sun. Also, do not forget that you should not appear on the streets during the daytime without protective cream.

On the other hand, by purchasing a ticket in the summer, you will have a great chance to save on its cost. Already at the beginning of June most of companies reduce prices for tours.

Excursion season

Excursion tourism is not developed at the highest level in the country, but major cities There are a lot of attractions that you can see. Among the most visited are:

  • artificial Palm Islands;
  • musical fountain;
  • an aquarium in a shopping center in Dubai;
  • Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque;
  • Jumeirah Mosque;
  • Al Jahili fortress.

The best time for excursions is autumn or spring. During these seasons, you will have a great opportunity to combine a beach holiday with studying the architecture and cultural heritage of the UAE. In addition, for an additional fee, any travel agency will organize for you an exciting program, including jeep riding on the dunes, dinner in the desert, night fishing or hunting.

Sale season

In January and February, tourists from all over the world tend to come to the UAE, as it is during these months that a grandiose sales festival is held. The center of this action is, however, in other cities, posters are hung in all stores indicating the discount percentage. Most often, the cost is reduced by 50-70 percent, which allows you to save a good amount of money on purchases. Moreover, discounts apply to all types of goods and even real estate.

Shoppers come to the UAE to purchase the following types of goods:

  • jewelry made of precious metals;
  • fur;
  • high-quality textiles for home use;
  • perfumes;
  • electronic equipment;
  • clothes in ethnic style.

In the showrooms, which cover several hundred square meters, you will meet polite salespeople, some of whom speak Russian. Do not forget to purchase a ticket and book a hotel in advance, as during the sales season the number of people wishing to buy discounted goods increases sharply.

UAE climate

The entire territory of the Emirates is dominated by a tropical climate, which is characterized by dry and hot weather. The temperature regime changes periodically throughout the year, depending on the time of year. Maximum heat air is observed in July and August, and the minimum – in January and February. Humidity levels may also change.

Spring in the Emirates

March is considered a wonderful month for both beach and other types of recreation. The air warms up to +23-25 ​​degrees and the water temperature reaches +25 degrees. Such conditions are very favorable for swimming and taking air baths.

In April, the air temperature gradually increases by 3-5 degrees. In Fujairah and Ras Al Khaimah, the air warms up to +30-32 degrees. In the northern regions of the country, hot weather is also observed, with temperatures of +29-30 degrees.

In May, the sea warms up to +29 degrees, and locals call this water “fresh milk.” Swimming and sunbathing in the last month of spring is quite comfortable, given the fact that there is no sweltering heat yet, and a light breeze blows from the shore.

Summer in the Emirates

Summer is not the best time to travel to the UAE. Firstly, there is prolonged and sweltering heat, secondly, temperature indicators reach their maximum at +40-48 degrees and, thirdly, the water temperature is about +33 degrees. Under such weather conditions, a normal beach holiday becomes unlikely.

In June, the thermometer rises to +38-40 degrees. In July, the hot weather intensifies and in August, dry summer sets in throughout the country. If you come to the Emirates during this period, then it is better not to go out at noon, and postpone beach procedures to the evening.

Holidays on the sea coast can be replaced with trips to a water park or to a famous ski resort with artificial snow. In this case, you will be able to fully experience the flavor of this amazing country.

Autumn in the Emirates

September to weather conditions reminds me a lot of August. The air temperature drops only a couple of degrees, as many tourists know. Therefore, it is not advisable to purchase a tour in September, since the water in the sea is still hot and it is hot during the day.

October and November are cooler than September, but the weather is strikingly different from the usual Russian autumn. The air temperature is still hovering around +35-30 degrees, and in November short rains begin to fall. The last autumn months are characterized by high humidity.

The amount of precipitation in November is not so great, but for local residents it is a kind of relief from the intense heat. The sea remains as warm as in summer throughout the fall.

Winter in the Emirates

Average temperatures in the winter months range from +20 to +26 degrees. Sometimes the weather can change and be accompanied by gusty winds. Not everyone dares to swim in the UAE in January or February due to the fact that the water cools down to +20-24 degrees. At the same time, at night the air temperature drops to +15 degrees, which entails a rapid decrease in water temperature.

If you prefer a very warm sea, then you should avoid traveling to the Emirates in winter. On the other hand, in January and February the heat subsides, and being outdoors during the day becomes more comfortable than in summer or autumn.

Do not forget that the holy month of Ramodan falls in winter, during which any entertainment is prohibited and it is customary to lead a modest lifestyle. These rules also apply to tourists to some extent, but not to the same extent as to local residents. The maximum that you can expect is the temporary closure of restaurants, shopping centers and other places of public entertainment.

As a result, we note that a holiday in the Emirates at any time of the year will bring you many new impressions and positive emotions. The country is truly a wonderful place for a beach holiday and educational tourism.