Lending to small businesses at Sberbank. Business Start loan from Sberbank

Sberbank is among the TOP 3 credit institutions in the Russian Federation that actively support small and medium-sized businesses. A variety of programs, the opportunity to obtain borrowed funds with a minimum package of documents, and affordable tariffs are conducive to long-term cooperation.

Terms of lending at Sberbank

Lending to small businesses and individual entrepreneurs is a priority area of ​​activity largest bank countries. Absolutely transparent conditions and a flexible pricing system attract potential borrowers. However, the lender is not ready to cooperate with every applicant, since it pays special attention to the quality of the loan portfolio.

A potential borrower must meet the minimum requirements, namely:

  • presence of Russian citizenship among the founders;
  • no losses for the reporting period (quarter, year);
  • absence of active enforcement proceedings, claims from tax authorities;
  • period of activity - at least 12 months from the date of registration (for certain products the period may be reduced to 6 months).

All credit products can be divided into 2 large groups: factory and conveyor. (Table 1). The factory is a direction for financing LLCs and individual entrepreneurs with annual revenues of up to 60 million rubles. It is characterized by a minimum package of documents and fast processing times for the application. The conveyor is a technology for providing borrowed funds to clients with revenue from 60 to 400 million rubles per year. In this direction there is a lower interest rate.

The full line of products for individual entrepreneurs, micro and small businesses can be found on the official website of Sberbank.

Table 1. – Main credit line

Product name Minimum amount, thousand rubles. Maximum amount, thousand rubles. Annual percentage, % Purpose of lending Additional terms
Loan Factory Program
"Confidence" 100 3000 (for clients without a credit history - 1000) 17 – 18,5 Any A guarantee is required (for an individual entrepreneur - a close relative, for an LLC - a close relative of the business owner)
Express overdraft 100 3000 15,5 Covering cash gaps The product is available only to borrowers whose annual revenue does not exceed 60 million rubles.
Express bail 300 5000 16 — 19 Any Providing liquid real estate or equipment as collateral
Credit conveyor
Business turnover 150 3000 (over 3 million borrowed funds are provided to pay off financial obligations to other banks) 13,8 – 16,5 Replenishment of working capital A guarantee from the owner of a business or an individual (for individual entrepreneurs) or a pledge of real estate is required
Business overdraft 200 17000 12,73 Eliminating cash gaps For opening a limit, a fee of 1.2% of the borrowed amount is charged, minimum 8.5 thousand rubles, maximum 60 thousand rubles
Business invest 150 11,8 – 15,5 Business expansion, property acquisition, construction, financing of a new direction It is possible to refinance loans from third-party banks and leasing companies, and provide a deferment on the payment of the principal debt
Business real estate 150 limited only by the financial capabilities of the borrower 11,8 – 15,5 Acquisition commercial real estate Possibility of registration on the security of the purchased property
Business trust 100 5000 15,5 – 17,5 Any Guarantee of an individual
Business project 2500 200000 11,8 – 14,5 Business expansion, production modernization, entering a new direction Guarantee of a private or legal entity; providing a deferment on the principal debt until the launch of the project

Good to know! In 2017, Sberbank launched individual pricing conditions allowing borrowers to receive borrowed money on non-market conditions. The program is valid for borrowing in an amount of 5 million rubles or more. When deciding to set an interest rate, the depth of the relationship with the bank is taken into account (the number of available products: business cards, insurance programs, salary project, trade acquiring, etc.). It has become obvious that lending to small businesses in Russia is gaining momentum, and Sberbank remains the leader in this financial sector.

The best small business lending bank!

The growth in Sberbank lending to small businesses in the first six months of 2017 amounted to 6%. The head of Sberbank, German Gref, at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, confirmed “2017 will be better for banks than the previous one, and Sberbank’s share in it will be from 40 to 50%.”

Small business loan - lending purposes

A corporate loan from Sberbank can be provided for various purposes:

  • covering cash gaps;
  • modernization of production;
  • replenishment of current assets;
  • acquisition of commercial real estate;
  • purchase of transport and special equipment and others.

The bank is wary of startups, so it won’t be possible to take out a business loan for the development of an enterprise. However, the lender is quite loyal in financing the opening of new directions by existing profitable enterprises.

In general, small business lending programs at Sberbank in 2017 can be divided into 2 groups: targeted and non-targeted. The first ones are intended for purchasing a specific product or financing a specific direction. The borrower must report to the lender on the advisability of spending the money received within the time frame established by the agreement. Non-purpose loans can be spent at the discretion of the client.

Lending modes

When lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, Sberbank implements various options for providing borrowed funds, which allows each client, depending on the specifics economic activity, find the most optimal option.

For small businesses, Sberbank offers the following lending modes:

  1. Credit. Provides for the transfer of the entire loan amount to the current account of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In this case, interest is charged on the entire loan debt, regardless of whether the client used the borrowed funds or not.
  2. Credit line (ON, NKL, frame). ON has an availability period after which no money will be provided. After the sample is redeemed, the limit is renewed. With NKL, interest is charged on the balance of the loan debt, and the unused limit is subject to a fee. In the framework option, borrowed funds are provided under separately concluded agreements within the established limit.
  3. Overdraft. This is checking account financing. Ideal for commercial businesses. When revenue or other transfers are received into the current account, the overdraft is automatically written off, which allows you to save on interest.

Stages of small business lending

Applicants can apply for a loan directly from the small business sales sector or through the SBBOL system. If, during a call to the client base, operators identify a need for borrowed funds, they will transfer the information to the lending division of the bank and to the manager to whom the client is assigned.

The process of obtaining borrowed money includes the following stages:

  1. Consultation. Selection of a loan product, provision of information on the conditions for obtaining a loan.
  2. Collection of documents. The “Credit Factory” technology requires a minimum package of documents (registration documents, financial statements for the reporting period with a receipt for acceptance by the Federal Tax Service, SRO (if necessary), license (for licensed types of activities), passport of the decision maker). The "Conveyor" technology provides advanced the financial analysis activities of the applicant, so the list of documents is expanding.
  3. Analysis of the information provided, structuring the transaction. Analysts, together with representatives of the security and collateral service, check the legal purity of the transaction and calculate the borrower’s rating. For “factory” products, a full analysis is carried out by the client manager.
  4. Providing transaction information to the underwriting service. Experts assess the riskiness of the transaction, the solvency and reliability of the borrower. Based on the information received, a decision on the application is provided.
  5. Conclusion of an agreement. The loan agreement is signed at the bank office. If the transaction amount is over 5 million rubles, a security specialist must be present when formalizing the contractual relationship.

Good to know! In some cases, approval of the transaction is carried out through the credit committee. It consists of a client manager, to whom the applicant is assigned, the head of the business sales department, an analyst and underwriters. A positive decision is made by a majority vote.

  1. Money transfer. For non-purpose products, money is transferred to the current account after the application is processed by the BEC office. By targeted loans money is provided only by order in a strictly established form.

Increasing lending volumes to small businesses - Video

Connection to the Sberbank Business Online system (SBBOL)

Sberbank is the largest player actively cooperating with small businesses. Its conditions for loan products are recognized as the best in the domestic market (according to banki.ru). The Bank actively supports existing enterprises and individual entrepreneurs, providing them with democratic and loyal conditions. The package of documents for processing borrowings, in comparison with other players, cannot be called minimal, especially using the “Credit Conveyor” technology.

Smart loan Sberbank - introduction of new lending technologies

© Photo — German Gref

Sberbank is constantly introducing new principles and approaches to supporting small and micro businesses in Russia. One of the innovations was the launch of a smart business lending program. So, what is Smart Credit? As part of this program, a client who has funds flowing through a bank account can be pre-approved for a loan. The size, rate and terms of the loan are calculated based on analysis of current account turnover. The advantage of this service is that the application process and loading of funds can be completed in almost one day. The program has already been used by many companies who highly appreciate its quality.

Some bank indicators as of September 1, 2017!

Sberbank's net assets are 23.337 billion rubles (the leader in Russia), the volume of capital (according to the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) is 3.473 billion, the loan portfolio is 15.554. billion, liabilities to the population - 11.429 billion.

The development of small business is a task of national importance. And the country’s largest bank is taking an active part in its implementation. In 2019, Sberbank provides individual entrepreneurs with a large selection of different goals.

Experts understood how it all works.

On what terms are loans issued to individual entrepreneurs?

The terms of the loan depend on the purpose of the borrowing, the financial situation of the borrower, and the collateral provided. Based on their intended purpose, Sberbank loans for entrepreneurs can be divided into several categories.

The multi-purpose product Business-Invest allows you to finance the modernization of production, the purchase of fixed assets, construction, repairs, as well as repay debts to other creditors. Business Asset is provided for the purchase of necessary equipment and transport.

The maximum amount for these products is not limited and is determined based on an assessment of the borrower’s financial situation.

For entrepreneurs involved agriculture, special conditions have been established: the minimum amount has been reduced to 150 thousand rubles, the maximum period is up to 7 years.

The rate is set for each entrepreneur individually. Its size depends on the amount, period, security provided and the results of an assessment of its financial condition.

Business Real Estate, Express Mortgage are issued for the purpose of purchasing commercial real estate. The Business Real Estate product is provided to individual entrepreneurs with an annual income of no more than 400 million rubles. Express Mortgage is intended for businesses with revenues of up to 60 million.

For a certain list of cities, the maximum possible amount for a Business Real Estate loan has been increased to 600 million rubles, and for Express Mortgage to 10 million. The list of cities is listed on the bank's official website.

For the Business Real Estate mortgage, the down payment is set at a minimum of 25%, for Express Mortgage - 30% of the property value.

Name Term Sum % bid Security
Business project 3 months - 10 years 2.5 million – 200 million rubles. from 11% Pledge of own or acquired property,
Business Contract 1 month - 3 years 500 thousand - 200 million rubles. from 11% Pledge of property,
Pledge of rights under a contract,
Business Turnover 1 month - 4 years from 500 thousand rubles. from 11% Pledge of property,
Business Overdraft up to 1 year 300 thousand – 17 million rubles. from 12% Guarantees Express Overdraft up to 360 days 50 thousand – 2.5 million rubles. 14,5% Not required

A business project is issued for business development and the development of new areas of activity. The borrower's own funds must cover at least 10% of the total cost of the loaned project.

Business Contract is a program for financing the implementation of government, export and domestic contracts. Can be provided in the form of a loan or line of credit. Provides the opportunity to receive up to 70-80% of the contract value (depending on the type of contract).
For a certain list of cities, the maximum amount for this product has been increased to 600 million rubles.

Business Turnover is issued to finance current expenses and purchase working capital. It also makes it possible to repay debts to other creditors.
For agricultural producers, the minimum loan amount has been reduced to 150 thousand rubles.

Business Overdraft and Express Overdraft allow you to make urgent payments when there are insufficient funds in your current account.

Express Overdraft is intended for individual entrepreneurs with an annual income of up to 60 million rubles. This loan is issued at a fixed interest rate and without guarantors.

Non-targeted loans

Business Trust is financing for various purposes without confirmation of expenses. The product can be provided either secured by securities or property, or without collateral.

It is possible to obtain a loan secured in the form of real estate within the framework of this product in a limited number of cities. You can borrow against securities as collateral in any locality presence of Sberbank. An unsecured loan option is provided under the guarantee of the business owner.

Trust is an unsecured loan without confirmation of expenses for entrepreneurs with revenue of no more than 60 million rubles per year. Additionally, the borrower can issue credit card with a 50-day interest-free period.

Express secured is another non-targeted loan for individual entrepreneurs with revenues of up to 60 million. Issued against the security of real estate, vehicles or equipment. A guarantee is also required.

What are the requirements for individual entrepreneurs and their business?

In order to qualify for a loan from Sberbank, an entrepreneur must meet basic requirements.

  • Have Russian citizenship
  • Be no older than 70 years of age on the last day of the loan term
  • Conduct commercial activities for at least a certain period: 3, 6, 12 or 18 months. The period is set for each loan product
  • Revenue for Last year should be no more than 400 million rubles for loans in the Business category, no more than 60 million for the Express category

Compliance with these criteria, of course, does not guarantee the entrepreneur will receive a loan. When making a decision on lending, the bank evaluates the client’s financial and economic activities, credit history, and the quality of the collateral provided. If there is no credit history, this is not a reason for refusal.

What documents does the individual entrepreneur need to provide?

In order for the bank to consider a loan application, individual entrepreneurs need to collect an impressive set of documents. The completeness and reliability of the data provided can have a significant impact on the bank's decision.

The main documents that must be attached to the application are given below.

  1. Passport of the borrower, guarantors or pledgors - individuals(in the presence of)
  2. Title documents: OGRN, TIN, licenses
  3. Financial documents: financial statements, tax returns, certificates from third-party banks and other reports in the Sberbank form
  4. Documents for commercial real estate: lease agreements or certificates of ownership
  5. Agreements concluded with main clients and counterparties, agreements with third-party banks
  6. Documents for the security provided: proof of ownership or payment

In addition to the main list, the bank may request any other papers at its discretion.

How to apply for an individual entrepreneur loan?

Sberbank has simplified the procedure for obtaining a loan as much as possible. Now the application and all attached documents can be submitted online. Existing clients can do this through the Sberbank Business Online service, and new clients through a special online platform.

The client will receive a preliminary response to the application by email or SMS.

If the application is approved, the client will be invited to the bank branch to provide original documents and sign contracts. At this stage, the bank may require additional papers or assign expert assessment collateral

After signing the agreements, the loan funds will be transferred to the individual entrepreneur’s account opened with the bank.

Opening your own business is the dream of many people, but any business requires money, and saving it for 10-20 years is not an option; you need to implement a business idea here and now. What to do? Well, of course, look for borrowed money, and for this you can take out a loan for a business from scratch from Sberbank or a loan for an individual entrepreneur.

Why Sberbank?

In fact, it doesn’t matter which bank or from whom you borrow money, the main thing is that it is as cheap as possible. And Sberbank seems to offer more or less acceptable lending conditions. In addition, Sberbank has this moment more than any working capital, the chance of getting a loan from him increases by an order of magnitude.

And, of course, no one has canceled the stereotypical thinking of the population - Sber in the consciousness of the Russian citizen is practically a state bank, it is stable and loyal to the implementation of government programs for the development of small businesses.

But small businesses are dying from year to year, it would be better if no one helped them! But that’s not about that now.

So should I take out a loan for a business from scratch from Sberbank, or at least a loan for individual entrepreneurs?

Sberbank has a loan program - Business Start, which allows young entrepreneurs to get a loan for a business from scratch.

ATTENTION! WITH 2016 Sberbank canceled the Business Start program for young entrepreneurs who want to organize their business from scratch using borrowed funds. There is a terrible economic crisis in the country. Sberbank no longer believes in the profitability of small businesses and doesn’t believe that any business can match their interest rates! Otherwise, instead of the canceled Business Start program, another program would have been offered, but it was not offered. Draw your conclusions!

And indeed, this is a good program, although it has its own “tricks”:

  • you don't have to have an active business
  • you must invest 20% of your own capital in the business being financed
  • The borrower's age must be up to 26 years, not older
  • and the borrower must undergo training entrepreneurship course
  • A business loan from scratch can only be obtained from Sberbank if you provide a business plan and it is approved by Sberbank
  • or if you sign up for a franchise of a well-known brand (thus, you kind of go through a double stage of selection for the seriousness of your intentions, the first stage is with the franchisee, the second with Sberbank)

As you can see, the conditions for lending to a young individual entrepreneur at Sberbank are not easy, and this is not to mention the fact that you need to collect huge piles of documents at each stage of approval of the application, and the process of obtaining a loan stretches out for months.

What do you get if you fulfill all these requirements:

  • loan up to 3 million rubles
  • loan term up to 3 years
  • interest rate from 18.5% per annum, its size depends on the loan amount, term and generally on your candidacy

There is one more “BUT” - Sberbank no longer provides loans under the Business Start program and generally no longer issues loans for businesses from scratch.

So what to do?

Try to get a different type of loan for individual entrepreneurs, on conditions different from Business Start!

Other loan programs for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank

Express loans

Sberbank distributes express loans to entrepreneurs only on the terms of providing real estate collateral, for example, an apartment or commercial real estate. And the purpose of the loan depends entirely on the type of express loan.


  • Express Mortgage
  • Express loan secured

An express mortgage can be issued for the purchase of residential or non-residential real estate, and an “express secured loan” is issued for any purpose.

Loan terms:

  • loan term up to 10 years
  • interest rate from 16.5%
  • amount up to 7 million rubles
  • Loan collateral – real estate
  • guarantee from individuals is required
  • opportunity free

Requirements for borrowers:

  • age from 23 to 60 years
  • experience entrepreneurial activity at least 12 months
  • business turnover up to 60 million rubles
  • It is necessary to have a current account

Loans for any purpose

A loan for individual entrepreneurs from Sberbank can also be obtained in the form of trust loans:

  • credit "Trust"
  • loan "Business Trust"
  • loan "Business Project"

The loan terms are very simple:

  • minimum loan amount 30,000 rubles
  • maximum loan amount up to 3 million rubles
  • loan term up to 48 months
  • annual interest rate from 18.5%
  • no collateral required
  • but required
  • provision of the purpose of lending is not required
  • You can issue security in the form of a Guarantee, which will reduce the interest rate
  • The bank must conduct an assessment of all economic activities of the entrepreneur

Read also

Which banks provide the most favorable loans?

Requirements for an applicant for a business loan from Sberbank:

  • annual turnover up to 60 million rubles
  • the business has been in existence for at least 24 months
  • The age of the borrower is from 23 to 60 years (and where can a young man of 18 get a loan, read here)
  • registration in the Russian Federation

Documents for a small business loan from Sberbank:

  • a completed loan application, according to the rules and regulations of Sberbank
  • Russian passport
  • military ID for men
  • TIN, certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur
  • constituent documents
  • copies of licenses for the right to conduct activities
  • lease or ownership agreements for premises involved in the business
  • tax extract
  • financial statements for the latest period of time
  • tax reports on payment of taxes
  • guarantor documents (passport, 2NDFL certificate, TIN)

All these conditions and requirements for non-targeted loans from Sberbank for the development of small businesses mainly apply to two programs (loan "Trust Standard" and credit "Business Trust"), but the conditions for the “Business Project” program are somewhat different from them.


  • individual lending terms negotiated directly with Sberbank at the stage of making a decision on project financing
  • instead of a simple loan, a line of credit can be opened or an investment portfolio of up to 200 million rubles can be allocated
  • individual loan terms
  • opportunity
  • reduced interest rate, from 14.5% per annum
  • the borrower’s own investments in the project should start from 10%
  • possible collateral must be insured
  • The company's annual turnover should be up to 400 million rubles
  • Borrower's age is up to 70 years
  • 12 months business experience

Loans for financing working capital

In Sberbank, it is also possible to take out a loan for individual entrepreneurs to replenish working capital if your business is growing rapidly and you do not have enough own funds. Of course, you need to use borrowed money!

Loan programs for individual entrepreneurs:

  • Business Turnover
  • Business Overdraft

Lending conditions under the Business Turnover program:

  • amount up to 3 million rubles, but it all depends on the borrower himself
  • company turnover up to 400 million rubles per year
  • 3 months business experience
  • up to 4 years
  • interest rate from 14.5%
  • either a guarantee from individuals or a pledge of inventory items is required
  • the opportunity to repay the loan early (and how to write an application for early repayment)

The Business Overdraft program involves lending
entrepreneurs who have active current accounts with Sberbank, thereby the funds in the accounts are a guarantee of the return of borrowed money.

Lending conditions under the Business Overdraft program:

  • amount up to 17 million rubles
  • up to 12 months
  • interest rate from 13% per annum
  • commission for opening an overdraft 1.2% of the loan amount
  • security in the form of a guarantee from individuals
  • no insurance required
  • business age is at least 12 months

Loans for the purchase of means of production

A loan for a business from scratch can also be obtained from Sberbank in the format of a specialized loan for the purchase of means of production (machines, real estate, land, equipment, cars, etc.).

Loans for the purchase of capital goods from Sberbank are no different in terms of conditions from similar loans from other banks, and are somewhat similar to. Everything is the same - you need to collect a bunch of documents, make a down payment of 20% or more, and immediately pledge the purchased means of production.

Credit programs:

  • Business Asset, term up to 7 years, amount from RUB 150,000, rate from 14.5%
  • Business Auto, term up to 8 years, amount from RUB 150,000, rate from 14.5%
  • Business Real Estate, term up to 10 years, amount from RUB 150,000. , rate from 14%
  • Business-Invest, term up to 10 years, amount from RUB 150,000. , rate from 14.4%

Loans for tender participants

Loans for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank can also be issued for participation in government and other tenders, because this also requires significant funds, not only to implement the won tender, but also to submit an application for participation.


  • Business Contract
  • Business Guarantee

Conditions and requirements for the Business Contact program:

  • the opportunity to obtain a loan for the execution of contracts within the country and for export contracts
  • the opportunity to receive a loan of up to 80% of the contract amount
  • in the form of a loan or in the form of a non-revolving line of credit
  • the ability to adjust the loan repayment period to the schedule of receipt of proceeds from the won tender
  • loan term up to 36 months
  • rate from 14% per annum
  • loan amount from 500,000 rubles to 200 million rubles
  • security is required in the form of a guarantee from individuals, a pledge of property and rights under the contract
  • the fee for servicing loans issued for the implementation of export projects ranges from 1.5% to 70% of the loan amount
  • "Business Contract" issued only to residents of the Russian Federation with at least 3 months of business experience

WITH "Business Guarantees" from Sberbank everything is a little more complicated - this is not a typical loan, it is a symbiosis of insurance against the occurrence of an insured event. Simply put, if you are fulfilling a contract, but are not sure that your own funds may be enough, you are not sure that a cash gap will not appear, in this case, you can contact Sberbank so that it can insure you with borrowed money if a cash gap appears.

A business loan from Sberbank is becoming an increasingly popular tool that allows you to obtain funds to solve your problems. For the convenience of entrepreneurs, several basic lending programs have been developed that have attractive conditions. This allows you to choose the most favorable option, focusing on existing needs and opportunities. You must carefully review all of the options presented.

Loan programs and conditions

A special line of offers is designed for individual entrepreneurs and enterprises that must meet certain requirements.

Non-targeted loans


The loan is available to individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses. The peculiarity of this product is that the program allows you to get cash to solve assigned problems in an extremely short time frame. No collateral is required to apply for a loan.

Business Trust

This offer provides expanded opportunities for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Depending on the field of activity of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur, there are the following possibilities for obtaining funds:

  1. No collateral. Additionally, you do not need to confirm the intended use. This product is provided primarily to borrowers who are part of the limited “Macro-business” segment and are engaged in transport services.
  2. With collateral. To obtain this, a simplified analysis of the enterprise’s economic activity is used. Confirmation of the use of loan funds has a simple procedure, which eliminates many bureaucratic delays.

The types of loans presented require a guarantor, so an individual assessment of the existing conditions is required.

Express bail

The loan is relevant for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses that have annual revenues of up to 60 mln. rubles This proposal allows a business to receive funds for development under a simplified scheme. Real estate or equipment is considered as collateral. One of the advantages of this proposal is that there is no need to confirm the intended use of the funds received.

Replenishment of working capital

This line includes loans to small businesses for current expenses and the implementation of business plans.

Business Contract

This is a special offer for individual entrepreneurs and resident companies of the Russian Federation, which allows them to receive funds from the implementation of concluded government, export and domestic contracts. Depending on the conditions, the loan makes it possible to attract up to 70-80% of the total amount of the existing contract. In addition, this proposal allows you to refinance previously assumed obligations to other banks. The main advantage is that the repayment of the principal amount of the debt is calculated taking into account the receipt of payment from the customer.

Business Turnover

The offer is intended for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses with annual revenues of up to 400 million rubles. You can take out a loan to implement various business tasks. This list includes:

  • Replenishment of inventory.
  • Purchase of raw materials or semi-finished products necessary for uninterrupted production.
  • Carrying out current expenses.
  • Formation of a guarantee fee when participating in tenders on a special trading platform of Sberbank.
  • The funds received can be used to repay loans to other banks.

The wide range of opportunities provided allows you to organize the full-fledged operation of the enterprise, as well as solve many other financial problems.

Express Overdraft

If there is insufficient working capital on the current account, this proposal ensures the execution of urgent payments. The loan is limited to a single interest rate. To obtain a loan you will not need to provide collateral. Loan transactions can be performed through the online system of Internet banking for business.

Business Overdraft

The loan is available to individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises that have annual revenues of up to 400 million rubles. This offer is directly linked to entrepreneurs’ accounts opened with Sberbank. To calculate the amount provided, an analysis of working capital in accounts in different financial and credit organizations is carried out.

Purchase of transport, equipment, real estate

A special line of programs is designed for direct business development.

Business project

The offer represents a wide range of prospects for individual entrepreneurs and resident companies of the Russian Federation - from starting a business from scratch to expanding and modernizing existing production. Significant amounts of financing, a long lending period, and the possibility of deferment at a certain stage (investment) of the project development ensure the implementation of many business plans.

Express Mortgage

This loan is provided to enterprises with different legal forms for the purpose of purchasing residential and commercial real estate. The main advantages of the program are a small package of documents and the absence of additional collateral.

Business Asset

The offer is suitable for individual entrepreneurs, peasant farms and legal entities that have annual revenues of up to 400 million rubles. The funds received must be used for the active development of business activities, including the purchase of new or used equipment. The advantage of the program is that the requested amount can include commissioning work.

Business Auto

The program is aimed at direct business development. Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to use borrowed funds to purchase passenger cars or commercial vehicles, special equipment and trailers. The offer can also be used to purchase the necessary components and pay for insurance for the first year.

Business Real Estate

Sberbank of Russia provides financing that can be used for the purchase of commercial real estate. Extended conditions ensure the acquisition of not only finished, but also objects under construction. In addition, as part of this offer, repayment of loans that were received from other companies and banks is available.


The loan is suitable for rapid expansion and development. The requested funds can be used for the construction, repair or acquisition of a facility under construction, which will be used for business development. There is an opportunity to refinance existing debts.

How to apply for a loan online

To obtain a loan, you must take into account the requirements that Sberbank imposes within each program. This will allow you to immediately identify the most relevant and accessible offers that are relevant to your business.

You can submit your application as follows:

  1. You must select the main purpose of the loan. This could be opening a new direction, developing an existing company, receiving cash to pay for current expenses, etc. The required amount and period are calculated.
  2. Based on the analysis, a suitable line of credit programs is selected.
  3. An application is generated through the online platform and the requested documents are uploaded.
  4. After sending, you must wait for a response from the bank.

Step-by-step instructions in pictures:

This simplified procedure does not take much time if you study all the requirements correctly, comply with the conditions and prepare all the documents.

Government-supported lending incentive program

To implement this program, Sberbank PJSC has accreditation from JSC SME Corporation. As part of the ongoing development strategy, preferential loans for small and medium-sized businesses are being issued from the state in 2018.

You can receive funds for core activities, modernization of production facilities, and development of new directions. The program also operates when it is necessary to replenish working capital of various industries related to the following types of activities:

  • agriculture;
  • processing and processing of agricultural and food products;
  • distribution and production of basic utility resources;
  • communication;
  • construction and transport.

The possible loan amount varies from 10 million to 1 billion rubles. The interest rate varies depending on the subject of activity. An interest rate of 10.6% is available to small businesses, and 9.6% to medium-sized businesses with a preferential loan period of up to three years. The immediate period of the loan itself and the required collateral depend on the conditions chosen.

Do you urgently need funds to replenish your turnover or purchase new fixed assets? In this case, you need to pay attention to loans to small businesses from Sberbank and loans to medium-sized businesses from this bank. Now you can take them quickly and profitably.

Conditions for obtaining business loans at Sberbank

Business loans from Sberbank have the following processing conditions:

  • loan term - from 2 to 10 years;
  • loan rates - from 11.00% (depending on the lending program);
  • the opportunity to receive money to start a business, increase turnover, and purchase fixed assets.

The loan amount for individual entrepreneurs is selected by the bank on an individual basis. Depending on the program in different Russian banks, it can range from 1 to 150 million rubles.

In total, the bank operates 1,223 different customer lending programs. To get a loan for a business from scratch at Sberbank, be it funds for development or for working capital, you need to select a suitable program, submit an application for a loan and wait for it to be reviewed. If a business loan from Sberbank is approved for you, all you need to do is come to the bank and sign a loan agreement.