Cutting black bread in a dream. Interpretation of dream actions

The first bread was baked by the Egyptians before our era. Wheat was grown in the ancient state. Her grains were pounded. Flatbreads were made from the resulting flour. Actually, since then bread has become a figure in dreams.

Why do you dream about bread? A positive image of bread is not always the same in dreams. It all depends on the details of what you see and the condition of the flour itself, which can be dried, hot, dirty... Below is a list of the most authoritative dream books that answer the question: “Why dream of bread?”

Why do you dream about bread - Miller's dream book

Gusta Hindman Miller worked as a psychologist. An American compiled a dream book at the end of the 19th century. The work is recognized as comprehensive for its time, reliable, and included in the collection of classics.

For simplicity, we will divide Miller’s interpretation of the image of bread into positive and negative.

Positive values:

  • Sharing bread with other people. This predicts a comfortable life and a firm position in it.
  • Try rye bread. In a dream, this promises a friendly family, a home where they will love to welcome guests.
  • Want to take good bread or stretch out your hands to it. Miller interprets a dream with such a plot as positive. However, the author does not provide a specific decoding.

Negative values:

  • Lots of dried crusts. Seeing them promises the sleeper troubles, suffering, and financial difficulties.
  • To eat bread. This image reads grief, but only for women. Men who eat flour in a dream have nothing to fear.
  • Bread crust in your hand. A sign of the inevitability of poverty, and through your fault. A person who has such a dream is not conscientious in his duties, which is why difficulties await him, explains Miller.

Vanga's dream book - why do you dream about bread?

Blind Vangelia Pandeva saw much more than many sighted people, say those who knew the woman. This is also confirmed by time, which brought to life many of the predictions of the soothsayer who lived in one of the villages in Bulgaria.

Vanga made her first prophecies after having dreams that turned out to be prophetic. Therefore, to this day, thousands of people trust the dream book compiled by the fortuneteller. Vanga also believed that bread in a dream can promise both positive and negative things.

Positive values:

  • Eating bread means it’s easy to benefit from any business.
  • Bread promises luxury, a “sweet” life without problems

Negative values:

  • To cut bread. This is the only image associated with bread that has a negative meaning. It portends difficulties in business, inconvenience, obstacles in all endeavors. However, Vanga points out that the bad luck will be temporary. In the end, prosperity and peace of mind will come.

Freud's Dream Book - I dreamed about bread, what does it mean?

The dream book was not written by the famous psychoanalyst himself. Sigmund Freud spent his entire life interpreting dreams, but the doctor’s students collected his notes and published them after his death. If Miller's publication won the hearts of millions in the 19th century, then Freud's dream book marks the 20th century.

It is no secret that the scientist considered dreams to be a reflection of aspirations and fantasies hidden in the subconscious, mainly sexual ones. It is difficult to divide them into positive and negative. The emotional sphere is subjective, so let’s combine the interpretations into one list.

Dream Interpretation of Juno - why do you dream about bread?

Juno is not the author of the book. The name of the Greek goddess became the title of the collection, which included interpretations by 70 authors recognized as the most truthful and authoritative. Among them are the “titans” of past centuries and modern scientists.

This is the most voluminous and complete dream book on the RuNet. Its name was chosen for a reason. In mythology, Juno patronizes the feminine principle, has the gift of divination, and knows what mere mortals do not know. Bread seen in a dream can mean both good and bad, the publication says.

Positive values:

  • Prepare bread. If you baked in a dream, this is a sign that the ties in your family will become stronger, everything will be fine in the house.

Negative values:

  • Eating bread, on the contrary, predicts the collapse of the family. But the dream book also reveals the secret of how to avoid a night prophecy. You should bake a loaf of white bread. You need to add a drop of saliva from each relative to the dough. The whole family should also eat what is cooked.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Hasse was a medium who lived on the border between the 19th and 20th centuries. Miss Hasse's dream book is a synthesis of observations of the people, esoteric records of different eras, scientific knowledge. The author of the work pointed out that not all dreams are worth deciphering.

A dream is not necessarily prophetic, or “tells” something to a person. The day of the week, the date on which the dream is seen, and even the phase of the moon are of great importance. Therefore, Hasse’s book will be more useful to people who have certain esoteric knowledge.

Only they will be able to bring together all the factors and correctly interpret dream images. Why do you dream of bread according to Hasse’s dream book? If we talk about the general meanings associated with the image of bread, here they are:

Positive values:

  • Blessed bread. Those who see or eat it in a dream will have their dreams come true.
  • Eating white bread promises prosperity and achievement of goals.

Negative values:

  • Eating black bread means financial difficulties. If the loaf is warm, illness is coming. If you are callous, they will refuse to help you.
  • Moldy bread warns of the presence of enemies and ill-wishers who are plotting against you.
  • To cut bread. This action in a dream suggests that you may be cheated on.
  • Buying bread. Paying for flour in a dream means spending money on family needs in reality.
  • To spoil the bread means to soon lose your happiness.

Tsvetkov's dream book - why do you dream about bread?

Evgeny Tsvetkov distinguished himself both in writing and in physics, medicine, astrology, was an artist and, of course, interpreted dreams. The author of the dream book is our contemporary. Therefore, the collection contains symbols that are absent in the works of past eras, such as, for example, a computer, cellular communications and more.

Tsvetkov has been studying dreams for 30 years. The scientist is confident that a person is free to control his dreams, order certain plots, and therefore change real life. The scientist describes the mechanism in his works. Here are some dreams related to bread that you should order and which ones you shouldn’t:

Positive values:

  • Eating bread in a dream means you will be delighted.
  • Seeing bread in a dream means receiving good news in reality.
  • Observe a field of wheat, or ready-made bread on a field in the hands of people. This plot reads profit, prosperity.

Negative values:

  • Cook flour. Oddly enough, this is a symbol of misfortune. Failures and troubles await those who bake bread in a dream.

Why do you dream of bread - dream book of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima

This married couple is another of our contemporaries. They devoted themselves to studying the works of the May tribe, Nostradamus and compiling their own dream book. It is written in simple language, without an abundance of ornate phrases. The sentences are short and filled with specifics. This also applies to explanations of what bread means in a dream.

Positive values:

  • Seeing or eating freshly baked bread is a sign of joy, good news, and wealth.
  • Watching how flour is prepared is a sign of the organization of important matters.

Negative values:

  • Baking bread is a disappointment.
  • Seeing or eating spoiled, old bread promises scandals in the house.

Why do you dream of bread in a dream according to the dream book of Sri Swami Sivananda

This Hindu was born at the end of the 19th century. Sri Swami's family was famous in India even before his birth. So, for example, the family glorified Appaya Dikshit, who was known as a sage of the 16th century. The descendant of Appaya became a healer, yogi and interpreter of dreams. The Indian did not lose sight of dreams in which bread appears.

Positive values:

  • Eating bread without any visible flaws means physical strength and wealth.
  • Bread in almost all its forms promises good luck in business.

Negative values:

  • Burnt bread. This is the only sad image. It indicates the imminent death of someone close. Although, it is worth noting that in India, death and funerals are a holiday. Leaving for another world means the end of earthly suffering. So, for Indians this value is positive.

Dream Interpretation of Mineghetti

The Italian philosopher Antonio Mineghetti wrote ornately, using a lot of images, terminology, and philosophical digressions. Therefore, it is no easier to understand his dream book than in “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy, who was also a great fan of abstract reasoning.

However, a thoughtful reader who has some experience in dream interpretation may find Mineghetti’s dream book very useful, broadening his horizons. The author of the dream book was a practicing psychiatrist. More than a dozen patients visited him daily. Observing them helped the Italian reveal many of the secrets of dreams.

What does bread mean in dreams according to the teachings of Mineghetti? The scientist interpreted the image of bread as purely positive. It symbolizes the truth and purity of aspirations, fullness of vitality, and financial well-being.

Bread - Azar's dream book

One of the oldest works. In it, for the first time, the interpretation of dreams about flour appeared. The book was written in Egypt, where, as already indicated, bread was invented. Ancient treatises indicate that Azar deciphered the dreams of the pharaoh, and he was very pleased with the servant. In Azar’s dream book, only good omens are attributed to bread. This is a symbol of a “full cup”, the goodwill of others, and good deeds.

Dream Interpretation Maya - why do you dream about bread?

The legends of the ancient people say that the gods who descended from heaven taught the Mayans to interpret dreams. Historical manuscripts indicate that Mayan priests predicted the fate of unborn children, the outcome of important battles, and prevented epidemics.

And all this, according to the writings, the sages did by analyzing the dreams of their subjects. So, we are interested in the Mayan interpretation of dreams associated with bread.

Positive values:

  • They hand you a loaf of bread. This is how the gods give a sign: you will soon have a child.
  • You smell the aroma of bread. In a dream, this predicts the possibility of earning money.
  • There is fresh flour. You are surrounded by loyal friends who are preparing a surprise for you.

Negative values.

Most often, sleeping people dream about their worries or joys. But what does the appearance in a dream of a traditional food product - bread - promise to the sleeper?

Dream Interpretations: dreams of bread

  • First, let's turn to grandfather Freud, who saw a sexual motive in everything.

In his dream books, bread is an excited male organ. Therefore, if a representative of no matter what gender dreams about it, then this symbolizes a continuous desire to have sex.

For a sleeping woman, seeing bread means feeling a longing for normal, healthy intimate relationships; you are not satisfied with fleeting meetings and dates thrown by fate, so you are in search of an ideal sexual partner. You are even ready to start experimenting with strangers to find the one.

According to Freud's dream book, round bread symbolizes a naked female body. Anyone who dreams of this type of bread wants affection from the female side.

If in a dream you cut slices, then they represent the quality and intensity of the desired sexual pleasures, because according to Freud, cutting bread is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you cut the pieces too slowly, even with caution, then this symbolizes the fear of intimate connection, the fear of receiving pleasure. The doctor advises that you need to throw away all fears and complexes and, finally, surrender to your emotions in order to get a crazy orgasm. Moreover, Sigmund Freud assumed that for such a thing there should already be someone in mind.

According to Freud, stale bread means a relationship that does not bring joy to either you or your partner. True, preserved warm memories do not let you leave the relationship, but they also do not guarantee new positive emotions.

Anyone who sees freshly baked bread in a dream causes envy, because soon sexual problems will seem like a terrible memory, since a partner will appear who can examine your soul and deliver true pleasure.

  • There are only positive associations with the word “bread” in Vanga’s dream book.

For example, if in a dream you eat fresh bread, then good luck has come to your street. Any undertaking will be successful, serious issues will be resolved with ease. If difficulties are already hanging over you, then you will find the necessary strength, skills and abilities to solve the problem. In addition, the stars themselves will take your side and take away bad looks from you.

If you see baked goods at a factory in a dream, then this is a sign of long-standing and long-awaited guests.
According to Vanga’s dream book, freshly baked bread promises wealth, the gentleness of a partner and the love of family and friends.
But to see stale bread means to become a hostage to unforeseen circumstances, the insensitivity and cruelty of the boss and senior colleagues.

Serving a wedding towel with bread and salt in a dream promises prosperity and cordiality from others in life.

In Vanga’s dream book, types of bread bring different fates:

zhanik - to a friendly, prosperous family;
white - to a successful personal life and success in your endeavors;
black - to unexpected difficulties at work.

Baking yourself in a dream will bring comfort to the family nest and portends great happiness.
If you dream that you are choosing a form for baking bread, it is time to change your occupation and find something to do for your soul.

The interpretation of a dream in which you are waiting in line to buy a brick also speaks of fatigue from everyday worries and the need to find your dream job.

Cutting bread in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing trials, troubles at work, obstacles in the wheels and humiliation, but by enduring them you can achieve positive changes in life and achieve your desired goal.

  • Miller's dream book brought out many meanings when dreaming about bread.

If a woman eats a crust of bread in a dream, life leads her to unforeseen sorrows and trials.

Sharing a piece with someone means lifelong material well-being.

But to see hard, spoiled or dry bread according to Miller’s dream book is a sign of misfortune, trials, and unwanted changes in life.

If you are reaching for a good piece, then this is good luck and a way out of a difficult situation.

For a woman, eating moldy bread means unexpected loneliness. If the bread is burnt, the woman will have to pay for the constant feeling of falling in love with different men and lose the person dear to her through frivolity.

Holding a crust of bread in your hand - Miller’s dream book says that professional difficulties will arise and there will be a threat of dismissal due to neglect of official obligations.

Seeing homemade bread on the table is a sign that the sleeper will soon become the main breadwinner in the family and the burden of worries about the family’s material well-being will fall entirely on his shoulders.

Distributing bread or feeding those in need is a favorable sign, symbolizing material wealth.

Feeding birds or other animals crumbs is good news from relatives.

Buying bread means facing family difficulties, disagreements between loved ones.

Asking for bread yourself means facing poverty or unsustainable debts.

Blessing bread is a favorable omen, a sign of fate to start a new business with attendant success.

Sacred bread in a dream is a sign of rapid changes that should happen based on the previous point.

Interpretations of dreams depending on the type, shape and color of bread

People's beliefs also need to be taken into account when deciphering the meaning of a dream.

Since bread has been a sacred product for our people for about two thousand years, its appearance in any form in a dream is considered a good sign. And spoiling, ridiculing or cutting baked goods is a bad omen. Dream interpreters paid great attention to the shape, color and actions carried out by people with a loaf.

White bread is a symbol of health, and the dream foretells abundance and good luck.

A fresh brick in a dream portends incredible material growth.

Dreaming of turning bread in your hands is a sign of unexpected material reward or pleasant news.

Hot or scalding bread is bad news.

A man or woman who distributes white bread will bring a lot of happiness.

If you see black bread on your table in a dream, get ready for financial difficulties, delays in salary payments and wasteful expenses.

Fresh black money means financial difficulties.

Seeing black bread in a dream means overwork.

Eating black bread in a dream means increasing your health.

Rye bread is interpreted as a symbol of poverty, but there are exceptions, for example, taking it out of the oven means prosperity.

Serving rye baked goods on the table means a friendly and rich family life.

Freshly baked bread is associated with warmth, comfort and prosperity.

Breaking a fresh loaf means new financial benefits or the opportunity to earn extra money.

If a fresh loaf is smoking, this is a bad omen, possibly a false accusation or slander.

A fresh loaf is a symbol of the hearth; you should visit relatives and establish relationships with old enemies.

Fresh flour pastries are a symbol of wealth. Your income will grow like yeast dough.

With fresh bread, you don't have to worry about what you do with the loaf. For example, in a dream you saw a freshly cut loaf. Cutting bread is a bad omen, but here it takes on a positive meaning, since the main characteristic is freshness. Therefore, this dream means “pleasant financial news.”

Picking up fresh bread means waiting for the solution to an old family problem and the onset of a happy period in the family.

Hot bread is a symbol of hypocrisy and rejection of religious prohibitions. The interpretation of such dreams will depend on whether it causes you pain.

If the loaf is fresh from the oven, hot, and burns your hands, then you need to expect bad news about loved ones.

Decoding dreams depending on actions with bread in a dream

Eating hot bread in a dream means a false accusation; if a person chokes on it, it means dismissal or a reprimand from his superiors.

For a sleeper to see a huge amount of grain products - to conflicts.

If there is more bread on the table than is usually eaten, then this promises a long and healthy life, directly proportional to the time spent at the table.

Admiring a large loaf means feeling regret about a lost childhood, fighting for the traditions of your ancestors.

Sliced ​​bread or cutting it - in some dream books this is a bad sign, promising difficulties in business, inconvenience, long unwanted trips.

Cutting baked goods with a knife means infidelity.

Cutting off a crust of black bread means a long, unpleasant business trip.

Breaking off a piece means paying off debts, and if in a dream you use a knife after an unsuccessful attempt to break off a piece, then it means an unpleasant financial situation.

But according to the gypsy dream book, cutting bread and then sharing it means sharing good luck with a friend.

Dreaming of bread being sliced ​​by someone means minor difficulties, but if you do it yourself, you will take control of your affairs and engage in self-control.

In the Wanderer’s dream book it is noted that if you are engaged in cutting in a dream, then you are also in charge of your life. But if in a dream you trust cutting, then in life you occupy secondary roles.

Stale bread symbolizes failure.

There is a stale cracker - trying to take possession of someone else's property.

Buying a stale Easter cake in a dream means financial difficulties and unforeseen financial expenses, and if the dream is constant, then it means hard physical labor and poverty.

If you take a bite of a stale cake, you should prepare for a funeral.

In a dream, sharing an obdurate piece with your spouse means a sudden scandal between loved ones and the accumulation of irreconcilable differences.

Dreaming of moldy bread means enemies and procrastination in matters, without solving which you can end up in a debt hole.

If you dreamed of a crock of butter, it means discovering wealthy friends with whom communication was severed. Delicious food promises a number of entertainments and dividends, after which life will become much brighter.

Spreading the top with butter means your wishes will come true.

Treating others with a similar sandwich is a sign of bright and unforgettable sex.

Dropping a piece of bread butter side down means difficult unforeseen trials.

Throwing away such bread means solving long-term matters.

For a woman to see such bread in a dream means disappointment in her spouse, the discovery of his infidelities and his financial entertainment.

Why dream of buying bakery products - a favorable atmosphere in the house and good financial condition.

If, even after waking up, you can describe the feeling of fresh bread in the store, then this is good news.

Why do men, women, and girls dream about bread?

You should also take into account who dreams of bread, because men and women have different attitudes and worldviews.

Since it has long been believed that only a woman should feed her family, and bread is an integral part of a regular feast, for her, dreams about bread are more often associated with a description of her housekeeping skills.
If a woman dreams that the bread is rich, fluffy, and tasty, then it was believed that success in her family business, the health of her children and her husband would await her.

If she dreamed that the bread was burnt or spoiled, then this promised her troubles and health problems. This trend has continued to our time.

For a man, seeing bread in a dream almost always means pleasant changes in life, interesting trips and career advancement.

For a young girl to see bread in a dream means an imminent wedding.

Dream Interpretation Bread BREAD - seeing bread in a dream is a dream promising big profits. If you dreamed of hot bread, you will soon be unfairly accused. Sharing your bread with the poor is a dream that foretells good health. Ancient French dream book

Meaning of sleep Bread Baked, beautiful bread is joy and wealth. Black bread is sadness, white bread is joy. Baked bread - unkind, sadness. Seeing bread or rolls is a great grief, but eating bread is even worse. If you dream about rolls, then it’s a good dream, a beautiful omen. Baked wheat bread - sadness, unhappy family life." Baked bread as you dream about means sadness. Ukrainian dream book

Dream Bread In general, bread in a dream symbolizes wealth, profit, comfortable existence, luxury. If you eat bread in a dream, it means that you will benefit from some business without much effort. For a woman, such a dream can portend grief. Rye bread predicts a friendly and hospitable home. If in a dream you hold a crust of bread in your hand, it will be difficult for you to cope with the impending disaster due to your neglect of responsibilities. If the bread is good and you want to take it, this is a favorable dream. On the contrary, seeing dried, stale bread in a dream means poverty and suffering. If in a dream you shared bread with others, a prosperous, comfortable life awaits you. Cutting bread is not a very good sign, foreshadowing difficulties in business, obstacles and temporary inconveniences, after enduring which you will still find peace and prosperity. Modern dream book

Dream Bread For a woman to dream that she is eating bread: a sign that she will be upset by the stubbornness of the children to whom she devoted a lot of time and effort. If you dream that you are baking bread with other people, in reality you will be blessed with prosperity for the rest of your days. Seeing soiled bread in a dream: predicts that need and poverty will haunt the dreamer. If the bread is fresh and you can take it: this is a favorable dream. Seeing bread crust in a dream: predicting failures in business. You are threatened with poverty due to a dishonest attitude towards your official duties. Modern dream book

Interpretation of the dream Bread According to popular belief, bread is living. It is believed that bread should not be pinched off, because it hurts, you just need to cut it off carefully. When housewives put out the dough, they talk to it and under no circumstances swear at this time, otherwise the bread will not turn out. Bread is considered a treasure that requires honor and respect. Bread symbolizes the continuation of life, abundance of food. To dream that you are being treated to a meal, and when you take another piece of bread, you come across a menacing gaze - this dream warns you not to give free rein to your desires and not to exceed your authority; think more about others. To see a dream in which you admire a large, beautiful, ruddy loaf standing at the head of the table means that you intend to uphold the traditions of your ancestors to the end; you are gnawed by nostalgia for childhood, for a cozy family life. To dream that before going to a concert you are standing in a long line to buy bread means that you are unable to organize your life, so get ready for another surprise; you have to make a responsible choice; you will find yourself in a difficult situation. In a dream, you go to your neighbors to ask them for a loan of bread - this dream foreshadows the fear of hunger and lack of money; shyness will make you suffer; you will have to remind debtors of their obligations to you. Seeing a child picking up bread crusts on the street in a dream means worrying about children; to separation; to the inability to give the child the gift he asks for. Aesop's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Bread Bread is a symbol of prosperity, cordiality and unification. Seeing that you are being treated to a meal, and when you take a piece, you notice an unkind look, suggests that the ideas of others about life and your ideas are very different. Seeing that you are admiring a large and beautiful loaf on the table speaks of your commitment to traditional values ​​and you are tormented by “nostalgia” for childhood and a cozy family life. Standing in a long line to buy bread means that you are unable to organize your life. Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread White bread indicates a pleasant destiny from Allah and a life of abundance. Cleaned bread without any admixture is a sign of a sinless and happy life and knowledge acquired in the name of Allah. And if someone sees that he is dividing bread between people or the poor, then he will acquire the knowledge he needs and his well-being will increase, and if he is a preacher, then these are his instructions and sermons. Also, whoever sees that someone who has already passed away hands him bread, then this is money or livelihood that will go to him. Eating flatbread is for an unmarried person to get married, and large, round bread is a great provision from Allah. Bread is also a sign of the disappearance of sadness and anxiety. Hot bread is hypocrisy, a means of livelihood and earnings, the honesty of which is doubtful, because a trace of fire is still smoldering in it, and fire is a symbol of Shaitan. And bread covered with mold is a decline in faith and morals or a vicious and bad state of a wife. Eating too soft bread in a dream means little profit through a lot of trouble. Baking bread in a dream is a sign of a constant desire to improve your life. Seeing bread growing in the fields is a sign of abundance and prosperity. Eating fresh bread in a dream means meeting your brothers soon. Eating stale and dry bread means skimping and saving too much on yourself. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Cooking bread in a dream: means that the dreamer is making diligence in an effort to ensure his existence for a long time. If he begins to rush, fearing that the heat will come out of the oven: he will have power and wealth depending on the amount of bread baked in the oven. If he sees black bread in a dream, he will be content with average income and his faith will be mediocre. If the bread is made from barley: the dreamer will experience poverty and lead an ascetic lifestyle. If he dreams of stale bread, his life will get worse day by day. If someone offers him a piece of bread, he will know that his end is near, but some argue that such a dream portends a good life. If the dreamer bites off bread only once, it will become known that he is a stingy person. For an Arab, seeing bread in a dream usually means a life partner. If the bread is white and well baked: this indicates the justice of a person in power, for a merchant. Hot bread: is a sign of hypocrisy and violation of religious prohibitions. If the dreamer sees bread on his forehead, he will become poor. Moldy bread: a symbol of great wealth, from which the person seeing the dream will not derive any benefit and will not allocate zakat in favor of those in need. Bread baked on hot ashes: symbolizes a hard life, since people resort to this method of baking when in need. If a sleeper sees bread spread all over the table in a dream, this means that he will come into conflict with someone. If at the table to which he was invited the dreamer eats much more bread than usual: he will live a long time, depending on the time he spends at this table. If he sees the table being cleared, he will know about his imminent death. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Seeing black rye bread in a dream foreshadows a decline in business and temporary disappointment. White wheat bread is a sign of success and rapid progress on the path to well-being and happiness. A loaf of bread portends misfortune in the family, a brick loaf - to love and wealth. Blessed bread - weak hopes for a positive result. Seeing rolls - you will achieve prosperity through frugality, bagels - the danger of being robbed, a pretzel - you will get into exorbitant debt, rolls - useless chores and a waste of time. Cutting bread in a dream means luck will come unexpectedly; eating a humpback in a dream - show strength of character; breaking bread - discord between lovers. To see in a dream how bread is baked or to bake it yourself - you will be glad to have guests from afar. Dried bread is a sign of exorbitant vanity and arrogance, fresh bread is a sign of gentleness and kindness. Bread crust - pettiness and stinginess. Warm bread is a disease, moldy bread is hostility. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Bread BREAD in the fields in abundance - success and wealth; baked, white, fresh bread - food and health; stale, black bread - hard work and poverty.
Rye bread in a dream RYE BREAD - success, victory and profit. Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Dream Interpretation Bread BREAD - wait for guests, profit // boredom, death, grief; fresh - wealth; there is joy, news, profitable work // bad; cut - beware; in the hand - profit in the household, wealth; buy - profit, happiness; to sell - it’s good in the house; baked bread - sadness; taking fresh white bread out of the oven - good, joy, to health, prosperity, profit // trouble; black - to poverty, illness, ill health, crying, sadness; callous - hard work, domestic troubles. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Bread: symbolizes the basis of material life. Food for both body and mind. Eating bread: good luck in everyday affairs. To lose bread: to suffer financial failures, to suffer from slander. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Bread Bread. If a woman eats bread in a dream, it means that grief awaits her. To dream that you are sharing bread with others speaks of your solid security for life. Seeing a lot of dried bread promises need and suffering. Troubles will befall the one who has this dream. If the bread is good and you want to take it, then this is a favorable dream. In a dream, eating rye bread is a dream that promises you a friendly and hospitable home. If you hold a crust of bread in your hand in a dream, the dream warns you of your inability to cope with the impending disaster due to your neglect of responsibilities. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Bread, if you see it growing in abundance: this is for success, wealth if it is baked, fresh and soft: for a well-fed life, prosperity, contentment if it is stale: this dream foreshadows hard work and poverty. Dream book of the future

Dream Interpretation Bread If a woman eats bread in a dream, then grief and disappointment await her. A dream in which you shared bread with someone indicates the sustainability of your well-being. Dried bread seen in a dream foreshadows a lack of material resources and various other troubles. If the bread is fresh and you want to take it, then everything will be fine. In addition, the stale bread you saw in a dream symbolizes some very old connection, which, if it was once interesting, was a very long time ago. Dreaming of rye bread means that you have a friendly and hospitable home. A dream in which you hold a crust of bread in your hand warns you not to neglect your direct responsibilities, otherwise problems may arise that will be difficult for you to cope with. You ate bread in a dream - in real life you are hungry for normal, healthy human relationships. However, you mostly have stormy, but short and non-committal meetings and fleeting hobbies. Cut a loaf of bread into pieces - when making love, you are afraid to spend too much effort. But this is a dubious economy: it makes sex flawed and joyless. Try to completely surrender to your feelings at least once. If you dreamed of fresh, even hot, bread, it means that you will soon meet an energetic and light-hearted person on your way. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said that bread in a dream means wealth, profit, a comfortable existence, luxury. According to her, if you eat bread in a dream, it means that you will benefit from some business without much effort. But slicing bread is not a very good sign, foreshadowing difficulties in business, obstacles and temporary inconveniences, after enduring which you will still find peace and prosperity.
Rye bread in a dream If you ate rye bread in a dream, you will be pleased with something. Cut rye bread into small pieces - your life problems will not be completely resolved. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Joy and good luck await those who see fresh, rosy, warm bread in a dream. Eat it without fear - good health and long life are guaranteed to you. If in a dream you could not resist and took a bite of a stale or burnt loaf, you will be in trouble. Such a dream foreshadows a funeral. Baking bread in a dream is also not good - trouble and grief will not keep you waiting long. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Fresh, fluffy bread - profit: prosperity, prosperity. Cut: your well-being is in danger, there may be economic problems. Break off: pay off debts. Stove: expected profit in the house, increase in wealth. Receive, buy: earnings will increase, valuable gifts and income are possible. Callous, moldy: stable financial situation, do not expect changes in either direction. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Smell the bread: you will get the opportunity to earn a little money. A loaf of bread handed to you means that you will have a child. Cutting bread: sharing good luck with others. Eating fresh bread: enjoying good friendship. Eating stale bread: possible illness. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread “And that’s bread”: to be content with little “bread and salt”: prosperity, cordiality “freeloader”: dependent “to dry crackers”: prison, long journey, plight “cracker”: an insensitive person “will be our bread and butter”: prosperity. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Eating rye bread in a dream: a sign of future contentment; cutting rye bread into small pieces: a sign of insufficient satisfaction of life’s needs. Eating bread in a dream: predicts improved health; just seeing bread means a stable financial situation.
Rye bread in a dream Rye bread. Eating rye bread in a dream is a sign of future contentment; Cutting rye bread into small pieces is a sign of insufficient satisfaction of vital needs. Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread When Christ met with the twelve apostles, he divided bread among them. Bread: Can symbolize unity with others and unity of spirit. Bread can be: a symbol of life. If someone talks about “bread”: he may mean a life of abundance. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Bread Bread: wait for guests, profit / boredom, death, grief fresh: there is wealth: joy, news, profitable work / bad cutting: beware in your hand: profit in the household, wealth to buy: profit, happiness to sell: well-baked bread in the house: sadness taking fresh white bread out of the oven: good, joy, to health, prosperity, profit / trouble black: to poverty, illness, bad, crying, sadness callous: hard work, domestic troubles. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread BREAD - Symbolizes the basis of material life. Food for both the body and the mind. Eating bread and porridge means good luck in everyday affairs. To lose bread means to suffer financial failures and suffer from slander. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Bread Bread that is clean and beautiful in appearance means love, joy, lawful property or a well-ordered city, while bread that is unseemly is the opposite of this. Seeing a lot of bread means an abundance of friends and acquaintances. Muslim dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Eating bread means baking bread means prosperity: you are on the right path and will very soon achieve material well-being. To recovery, if you are otherwise ill: to chagrin, trouble. Newest dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Dream Interpretation Bread - A symbol of prosperity, cordiality and unification. Seeing that you are being treated, and when you take a piece, you notice an unkind look, suggests that the ideas of others about life and your ideas are very different. Seeing that you are admiring a large and beautiful loaf on the table speaks of your commitment to traditional values ​​and you are tormented by nostalgia for childhood and a cozy family life. Standing in a long line to buy bread means that you are unable to organize your life. Russian folk dream book

Dream Interpretation Bread Symbolizes the basis of material life. Food for both body and mind. Eating bread and porridge means good luck in everyday affairs. To lose bread means to suffer financial failures and suffer from slander.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Bread in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Bread?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Bread mean?

Bread signifies wealth, profit, comfortable existence, luxury. If you dreamed that in a dream you were eating white and fresh bread, then the dream, firstly, foretells you a successful day, and secondly, it promises profit and success. If you eat black bread, then this dream indicates modest income, which will be enough for a normal life, but without excesses. Cutting bread in a dream, but not eating it, can speak of difficulties in business, obstacles and temporary inconveniences, after enduring which you will still find peace and prosperity. You dreamed that you were being treated to bread, and when you took a piece, you noticed an unkind look - in fact, the ideas of others about life and your ideas are very different. Admiring a large and beautiful loaf on the table indicates your commitment to traditional values ​​and that you are tormented by “nostalgia” for childhood and a cozy family life. But standing in a long line for bread can be a description of the fact that you are unable to organize your life, this is how this dream in which Bread is dreamed is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Bread in a dream?

Good grain in the field means success and wealth. White, fresh bread - food and health, stale black bread - hard work and poverty. A lot of dried bread - to need, suffering, a streak of bad luck. Sharing bread with others in a dream means increasing capital and prosperity. Eating rye bread in a dream means a friendly family and a hospitable home. Holding a crust of bread in your hands is an inability to cope with trouble due to frivolity and neglect of responsibilities. For a woman, eating bread is a sign of chagrin, this means a dream that you had, for more details on why you dream about Bread, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of Bread for a woman:

Symbolizes the basis of material life. Eating bread means good luck in everyday affairs. To lose bread means to suffer financial failures and suffer from slander. Eating white bread means prosperity and satisfaction. Rye black bread portends a decline in business. The loaf foretells misfortune in the family. Loaf - for love and wealth. Blessed bread - weak hopes for a positive result. Cutting bread - luck will come unexpectedly. Eating a pink potato means showing strength of character. Breaking bread means discord between lovers. Guests from afar see how bread is baked. Dried bread is a sign of exorbitant vanity. Fresh bread - softness and kindness. Bread crust - pettiness and stinginess. Warm bread is a disease. Moldy bread - hostility

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream and what does Bread mean in a dream?

Such a dream suggests that you are tired of the endless change of partners and unusual, but short novels. You want a familiar, reliable relationship in which everything is clear and understandable. You are already fed up with emotional outbursts and dream of stability. If you cut a loaf of bread in a dream, it means that you are having sex half-heartedly, afraid of wasting too much energy. However, this approach makes your intimate life poor and boring. Believe me: it won’t hurt you if you surrender completely to love; on the contrary, it will bring satisfaction and, as a result, peace. Inferior sex, on the contrary, makes a person tense and irritable. If you dreamed of stale bread, it means that in your past there were some relationships that brought you joy, but now they have lost their appeal. Fresh bread, on the contrary, dreams of a new relationship. Your friend is literally expelling sexual energy from himself, and this will be transmitted to you, this is how the dream in which Bread is dreamed is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream of Bread, how to understand the dream?

If you dreamed that in a dream you ate bread, then in real life you are clearly hungry for normal, healthy human relationships, while fortune feeds you with enviable regularity with stormy, but short and non-committal novels and fleeting meetings. All this, of course, adds emotions, but sometimes you want something simpler, including a relationship with one and only partner. If you dreamed that you were cutting a loaf of bread into pieces, then this is a symbol that when making love, you are afraid to spend too much effort. You should remember that you cannot treat sex this way - this “economy” makes it flawed and joyless. Try to fully satisfy your sexual needs at least once - both your own and your partner's. You will never forget the pleasure you received. The stale bread you saw in a dream symbolizes some very old connection, which, if it was once interesting, has now completely faded away. It's time for you to give up this connection. If you dreamed of fresh, even hot bread, then this means that soon you will meet a person on your way who can show you how wonderful life can be

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of Bread in a dream?

A dream foretelling wealth, profit, a comfortable existence. Eating bread is a sign that you will benefit from some business without much effort. Cutting bread is an unfavorable sign that predicts difficulties in business, obstacles and temporary inconveniences, after enduring which you will still find peace and prosperity

Modern dream book

If a woman eats bread in a dream, then grief and disappointment await her. A dream in which you shared bread with someone indicates the stability of your well-being. Dried bread seen in a dream foreshadows a lack of material resources and various other troubles. If the bread is fresh and you want to take it, then everything will be fine. In addition, the stale bread you saw in a dream symbolizes some very old connection, which, if it was once interesting, was a very long time ago. Dreaming of rye bread means that you have a friendly and hospitable home. A dream in which you hold a crust of bread in your hand warns you not to neglect your direct responsibilities, otherwise problems may arise that will be difficult for you to cope with. Eating bread in real life, you are hungry for normal, healthy human relationships. However, you mostly have stormy, but short and non-committal meetings and fleeting hobbies. Cut a loaf of bread into pieces - when making love, you are afraid to spend too much effort. But this is a dubious economy: it makes sex flawed and joyless. Try to completely surrender to your feelings at least once. If you dreamed of fresh, even hot, bread, it means that you will soon meet an energetic and light-hearted person on your way. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga said that bread in a dream means wealth, profit, a comfortable existence, luxury. According to her, if you eat bread in a dream, it means that you will benefit from some business without much effort. But slicing bread is not a very good sign, foreshadowing difficulties in business, obstacles and temporary inconveniences, after enduring which you will still find peace and prosperity.

Slice - If you cut slices from a huge loaf in a dream - you will be an intermediary in the division of property.

Rye bread - If you ate rye bread in a dream, you will be pleased with something. Cut rye bread into small pieces - your life problems will not be completely resolved.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Bread means a good, profitable job.

Pita. Dreaming about Caucasian women baking lavash means peaceful communication.

Cornice of bread - Cutting off the crust of bread in a dream means hospitality.

Moldy bread. Seeing moldy bread means poverty.

Bite the bread - To hunger.

Break bread - You will have a quarrel that will never end peacefully.

Soaking bread - To a broken tooth or dental problems.

Crumb the bread - You are in danger of losing your living expenses; the time will come when you will be forced to treasure a crumb of bread.

Rye bread - Your health has become worse than before, take care of it. until it's not too late.

Bread slicer - To a rival who will try to ruin your life.

A stale piece of bread means an encroachment on someone else’s property.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Holding a loaf of bread in your hand means honor.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Bread (bread). - To see bread being presented to you in a dream is to your fame, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to find out what Bread means in your dreams.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of Bread according to the dream book?

Baked bread - to great work. If you eat bread, you will get satisfaction from something. Cutting bread means you have to work a lot.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Holding bread in your hands means marrying off your children or a blood relative; you will bless someone.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Bread according to the dream book:

If you dreamed of a round stale loaf of bread, this foretells an imminent loss in your family.

If you dreamed of fresh and soft bread at night, this portends you security and stable income.

Cutting bread in a dream means disappointment at work. You will need bread. Your relatives will also suffer, who will need help, tearing away the last of their money.

If you dreamed that in a dream you bought bread, then you will have hope. If in a dream you bought half a loaf, then you will share happiness with your loved one.

Baking the bread yourself will bring you luck with the person you love.

If the bread in a dream turns out unsuccessful, this means tears and worries.

Dream book of E. Ericson

I dreamed about Bread, interpretation:

What does grain bread mean in a dream - sowing - a sure hope of profit in the future, mowing - putting an end to troubles. Ears of grain bread - an abundance of income, in small quantities - to have a sufficient subsistence level, threshed bread - a happy ending to the matter.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed about Bread in a dream, what is it for:

Bread - ripening - good health, wealth. Baked - the same. Calf. Stale bread is a difficult lot. Capricorn.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed about Bread in a dream, interpretation:

Bread is life experience; prosperity. Baking bread - using your experience to achieve a goal; broken and discarded loaves of bread - you neglect your business skills; loaves multiplying before our eyes - you are doing everything right, which will bring great success; rye bread - victory and profit will be insufficient; eating rye bread - hospitality; share bread with others - your knowledge and experience will be useful to others; a lot of dried bread - need and suffering; take good bread - prosperity; holding a crust of bread in your hand - inability to cope with the impending disaster; refusing to take bread means trouble.

Magic dream book

I dreamed about Bread - what does it mean?

You dreamed of Bread - prosperity, a prosperous life, a comfortable existence. Cutting bread is a temporary inconvenience. Black bread – frugality in the family.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Bread - what does the dream mean?

What does Bread mean in a dream - The dream promises security and a solid income. Imagine cutting bread into large slices and eating it with pleasure. Strengthen the positive energy of your dream with another symbol, for example, imagine washing down your bread with milk.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed about Bread, why:

Bread - You see fresh bread in a dream - the dream promises you some kind of goodness, auspiciousness. You dream of stale bread - you will suffer a lot, but you will not get out of need. It’s like you’re eating dried bread - get ready for disappointment. You eat fragrant rye bread - your house will be full of guests, you will be happy to treat them, and they will praise you. You share bread with someone - you will provide for yourself in a material sense for the rest of your life; the coming old age will not bother you.

British dream book

What does the dream Bread mean?

Bread – Bread in all its variety is such an important food that it is difficult to imagine life without it. Every culture has its own version of bread: from pita bread to French bread, the list is almost endless. Bread can be eaten with any dish, fried, toasted, or spread on it. It can even have religious significance: it is an important element of Christian communion, and in ancient Greece bread was baked in the shape of a new moon for Artemis and in the shape of an egg as a symbol of the fertility powers of the goddess Demeter. Bread nourishes not only the body, but also our senses, serving as a simple but sufficient comfort food. Why do you dream: Bread in a dream serves the same purpose as in real life, and can act as a connecting link. If you view it as just ordinary food, then that is exactly what it will mean to you. So if in a dream you are serving crudely made sandwiches at a luxurious party, then your subconscious is probably asking you to pay more attention to the little things that decorate life! Bread can also symbolize money in a dream: accepting it from others or giving it away means the same as changing money. See also Bread and Wine of Communion

What does the bread and wine of communion mean in a dream - The bread and wine of Christian communion symbolize the body and blood of Jesus, eaten in memory of his sacrifice made in the name of saving the world from sins. What the dream is about: Dreams about participating in a religious service may indicate a desire to join a church community or, if you felt out of place, awkwardness about religious rituals.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

I had a dream and what does Bread mean in a dream?

Bread - to security, a solid income, a well-paid prestigious job. Imagine a bread shop that sells many varieties of fresh bread. You approach and from afar smell intoxicating aromas that attract you. You walk into a store and buy fresh, warm, fluffy, fragrant bread. Then bring it home, put it on the table, cut it into large slices, invite all your family or friends and eat the bread with appetite, washing it down with fresh milk.

If you dream that you are buying white bread▼

What does it mean to cut white bread according to the dream book▼

If you had white bread in a dream, it means that a lot of time has been spent on it and will stop. Perhaps these are intrigues or envious people. Ignore them, just continue what you started, no matter what. It won't be long before your well-deserved success will find you.

What kind of bread did you dream about?

Why do you dream about soft white bread▼

Soft white bread in a dream means that everything will work out for you. Your efforts will not be in vain; management will notice your zeal and appreciate it. This will affect your financial condition and will also amuse your pride. The main thing is not to relax too much and not to slow down.

The meaning of a dream where white bread was moldy▼

The dream book interprets white bread covered with mold as being more careful. Now is the period when favorable opportunities will await you at every step. You just need to follow them carefully and not miss them, citing coincidence.

How much bread did you dream about?

What does it mean to dream in which there was a lot of white bread▼

The meaning of a dream in which there was a lot of bread depends on the accompanying signs. So, if you saw a lot of wheat ears in the field, get ready