Clinking of coins in a dream. Why do you dream about a lot of coins?

The dream in which you dreamed of coins is good sign, which speaks for itself, is a sign of prosperity and wealth. But it is worth considering the fact that not every dream can be interpreted in a positive way, and coins do not always mean financial well-being, since in a dream you can perform a lot of manipulations with them. Depending on their type and actions with them, the dream takes on a special color and meaning, which can be found in the dream book.

  • Why do you dream about coins? Such dreams may be a sign of changes in family life. These changes are directly related to finances; your family’s income will increase and relationships between household members will improve. , coins can mean your spiritual connection with old friends with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
  • Receive an old coin in a dream - problems of the past will fall upon you; in order to solve them, you will have to contact people with whom you have not kept in touch for a long time.
  • Why do you dream of money in coins? Such a dream is a harbinger of a number of unforeseen events that will greatly surprise you and bring new colors to your life.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins? Bright and unexpected events await you that will dilute your routine. After them you will feel rested and inspired. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about collecting coins? A series of minor problems and troubles in family matters awaits you. You think that your household demands too much from you, but this is not so.
  • , coins? Basically, such a dream warns that you are too focused on the financial side of your life. You should think less about it and prioritize correctly. Change your attitude towards money.
  • Dream Interpretation: counting change, coins is a good sign, large cash receipts await you. This is a reward for living by the principle “a penny saves a ruble.”
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting coins from the floor is a bad sign. This dream symbolizes that the efforts you are putting into achieving your goals are not working.
  • Why do we dream about commemorative coins? Such a dream indicates that you should change the climate and environment, get out of your comfort zone. Try to figure out where it would be better for you to relax, since you need a change of place to improve your general condition.
  • Why do you dream about old coins? You will probably receive an inheritance or an old debt will be returned to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding coins in the ground - you have to find a serious job that will give you a good salary, but the search will be long.
  • Dream Interpretation: large coins – bad feeling and failure in business.
  • Why do you dream of small coins? Such a dream is an unpleasant sign that warns that your dreams will remain dreams and cannot yet be realized.
  • A deceased husband giving coins in a dream is a very serious sign, because the offer that came to you is aimed at deceiving you and does not have good intentions.
  • Dream interpretation online “coins” is a good sign of wealth and prosperity.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of coins? Such a dream marks the appearance of a large number of successes and pleasant changes in life.
  • Why do you dream of silver coins? The dream warns that you will have to face minor troubles and, conversely, minor changes that will ultimately lead you to your goal. Your life will be transformed by these small events. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of iron coins? This is a bad sign that foretells that decline and failure await you at work. You may even have to change jobs.
  • If you dreamed of a lot of gold coins, this is a harbinger that unexpected trips await you.
  • Why do you dream of small money and coins? Such a dream means that minor changes await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a 5 ruble coin is a sign that your plans will change due to the weather, so you need to think through everything in advance.
  • Stealing coins in a dream is a symbol of loss. These can be both material and spiritual losses.
  • Why do you dream of money in 10 ruble coins? The dream suggests that your finances are under mismanagement, and therefore you believe that there are always few of them.
  • Raising coins in a dream means you will need to solve the problems of others, but in the end you will be rewarded for your help.
  • Why do you dream of large coins? They are waiting for you Good times, which will be successful for your endeavors.
  • Why do you dream of a chest with gold coins? This dream contains two symbols that are intertwined. The chest is a symbol of untouchability and secrecy, and gold coins are a symbol of money and wealth. Your savings will accumulate until you have an urgent need to spend them. Also, this dream can be interpreted not from the point of view of material wealth: your accumulated knowledge and experience will be useful in important matters.
  • Why do you dream of coins in water? IN this moment your financial situation is in a difficult situation, and you will have to work hard to improve it. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about ancient silver coins? You should reconsider your attitude towards men.
  • Why do you dream about big gold coins? Such a dream indicates that you will be lucky to receive a large amount of money.
  • Why do you dream of rare coins? This may be a sign that you will soon receive an inheritance or a large monetary reward.
  • Why do you dream about coins and money in your wallet? Such a dream suggests that you have hidden talents or abilities that need to be developed. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: change, coins - give away. Such a dream speaks for itself - you will have to repay a large debt.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a lot of gold coins” - a big increase in finances.
  • Dream Interpretation: throwing coins - expect big waste.
  • Why do you dream about ten-ruble coins? A conflict or minor quarrel awaits you at the everyday level.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting change, coins - to tears.
  • Dream Interpretation: rusty coins are a sign that dirty, unpleasant, hard work awaits you, which will make you live in anticipation of more, but in the near future you will not have the opportunity to change it.
  • Why do you dream of metal coins? Be careful in your words and thoughts, as there is a risk of minor problems and gossip.
  • Why do you dream of finding a treasure with coins? This is a symbol of the discovery of something new and very valuable for you: you will discover in yourself new talent, you will find favorite hobby, you may even discover a new character trait in yourself.
  • Why do you dream of a foreign coin? This dream indicates that your life will soon be full of travel.
  • Finding a treasure with gold coins in a dream means all your desired dreams will come true.
  • The dream of “looking for coins” means in reality you will find answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time.
  • If you find a lot of coins in a dream, this is a sign that good luck will come to you.
  • Seeing commemorative coins in a dream means hitting the jackpot (not only monetary, but also in terms of good luck).
  • Seeing iron coins in a dream means expecting problems at work or school.
  • Coins in water - a dream promises you that it will be difficult to earn money, but it will be temporary.
  • coin - you will marry (or take as a wife) a stingy but very rich man.
  • Why do you dream about a big coin? A pleasant event awaits you in the form of wealth.
  • Why do you dream about 10 ruble coins? This dream is interpreted differently, depending on the day you dreamed about it. If on Monday night, then you will have to make a bold decision, the outcome of which is unknown; on Tuesday night - your financial situation will worsen due to large expenses; on Wednesday night - unpleasant news may await you; on Thursday night - an argument with someone awaits you; on Friday night - the weather will change dramatically and this may affect your plans; on Saturday night - your finances will increase; on Sunday night - you will lose something valuable, be careful and careful.
  • Why do you dream about ancient coins? In the near future, you will have to hear a truth that you did not even suspect. Perhaps it will even be the revelation of old family secrets.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of coins, this may mean that entertainment and fun moments await you.
  • The dream “iron coins” promises disappointment and sadness.
  • Why do you dream of finding coins? This is a sign that you will have to spend a considerable amount of money on relaxation and entertainment, but this will benefit you.
  • Why do you dream of coins in your hands? This dream indicates that you will be lucky enough to find benefits in some event in which you will take part.
  • Why do you dream about 10 ruble coins? This dream suggests that an activity will appear in your life that will bring you pleasure and benefit.
  • Why do you dream about expensive coins? Such coins are a sign that you do not notice all the values ​​in your life, and therefore you need to think about them and appreciate them while you have them, reconsider your attitude towards everything that surrounds you.

Modern combined dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: finding silver coins means your destiny will be haunted by good luck and pleasant acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding old coins means that you will reveal old secrets and secrets of people close to you.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins? The dream book interprets this as a very good sign. This is a harbinger of wealth and prosperity not only in material terms, but also in terms of gaining spiritual peace and balance.
  • Why dream of coins in the ground - you will be able to earn money without much difficulty.
  • Why dream of giving away change, coins? Such a dream tells you that you will have to share your joy or sorrow with someone.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • Dream Interpretation: a handful of coins - troubles and problems await you.
  • Coins in your pocket - the dream book interprets such a dream as an attempt by your loved one to hide their finances.
  • Collecting ancient coins in a dream means that somewhere nearby is exactly what you need.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding a coin in a dream means finding your happiness.
  • Dream of “giving coins” - you will be given a gift. Which will be very valuable to you and will give you a lot of valuable knowledge.
  • Seeing small change or coins in a dream - such a dream promises melancholy and disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • Dream Interpretation: dream interpretation of “coins” - a symbol of sexual relations.
  • Seeing and collecting coins in a dream means your desire to experiment in your intimate life and improve its quality.
  • Seeing “money, a lot of coins” in a dream means your desire to improve your skills in bed is very strong. This dream can also be interpreted as your ability to support a good relationship simultaneously with several sexual partners.

Vanga's Dream Book
The dream “many gold coins” warns you that you have ill-wishers among your friends.
Numerological dream book
Why do you dream about French coins? Such a dream promises you prosperity and mutual understanding in your family, possibly joint trips abroad.
Slavic dream book

  • If you dream of coins, you will be offended or conflicted, be careful in your words and actions.
  • Why do you dream of finding gold coins? Waiting for you in reality big success and good luck in business, you can safely begin to implement any plans.
  • Why do you dream of finding an old coin? You will be exposed to old family secrets that will change your impression of your relatives.
  • Seeing gold coins in a dream means you want to get rich at someone else’s expense.
  • The dream of “collecting coins from the ground” promises you good prosperity; you will not need to make efforts to earn money.
  • Why do you dream about iron money and coins? This is a sign that you need to be patient and wait, because now your dreams and goals will not come true.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Why dream of finding money, coins? This dream means that you have bad thoughts that are ruining your life. You should work on yourself and try to find yourself, live in the present, not in the past.
Why dream of finding gold coins? You are in for a serious profit, which will significantly improve your financial situation.
Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • Coins in a dream promise you happiness and prosperity in your family.
  • The dream of “finding coins” promises you to spend money on various entertainments.
  • The dream of “receiving coins” means that you will soon need financial help.
  • Collecting gold coins in a dream means that you will have to endure financial difficulties in reality.

Lunar dream book

  • Seeing coins in a dream is a bad sign, according to the dream book. Expects poverty and deterioration of financial situation, large waste.
  • Finding coins in a dream means that in reality you will find happiness and success in your endeavors and deeds.
  • The dream “rare coin” symbolizes that you have a strong emotional and spiritual connection with your chosen one.

General dream book

  • The dream of “gold coins” is a bad sign, which foretells that you will be deceived.
  • Two coins - a dream of this kind means that you have either already found your soulmate or are still looking.
  • Finding a treasure in a dream “coins” is a symbol of memories that are very dear to you, but you should not think about them too much, you need to live in the present and not return to the past.
  • The dream “coin in hand” means that there is a person in your life who can help you out at any moment.

French dream book

  • Collecting coins in a dream means you will face big losses, not only financially.
  • Finding silver coins in a dream means that there is a high probability that you will quarrel with a friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: “found a treasure, coins” - a good sign, promises good luck and prosperity.

Home dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “coins” such dreams promise wealth and prosperity.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins? The dream book interprets such a dream as meaning that you think very stereotypically, and you should reconsider your attitude towards life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of small change, coins - such a dream symbolizes that you will be overtaken by minor troubles that will prevent you from achieving your goals and implementing your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding a coin in a dream means gaining great knowledge and experience.
  • Dream Interpretation: coins in your hands - people will appear in your life who can help you financially, or you will have to lend money to someone or repay a debt.

Islamic dream book
Islamic dream book: coins are interpreted as misfortune and failure that will haunt you.
Dream Interpretation: finding money, coins - sudden profits await you.
Jewish dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: dreaming about unusual coins means that you may be deceived. Be extremely careful!
  • Dream Interpretation: foreign coins are a sign that travel and short trips await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: coins in water are a sign that you will have to make efforts to earn big money.

Star dream book
Dream Interpretation: to see coins in a dream - in your life there will be an opportunity to benefit from some business in which you participated.
Dream Interpretation: collecting coins from the ground - money will flow to you like a river, and you don’t need to put any effort into it.
Magic dream book
If you dream of coins, you will suddenly become rich. An old debt may be returned to you, or you can find money and borrow it.
The dream “ancient coins” is interpreted as unexpected wealth, a sharp improvement in one’s financial situation for a long time.
Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn
The dream “money, coins” means that the time has come for the changes and changes that you have been waiting for for a long time.
The dream of “many coins” foretells you trips or even long journeys.
Chinese dream book

  • Silver coins in a dream are harbingers of an improvement in the financial situation, or a promotion up the career ladder awaits you. Try to work well to achieve the desired result.
  • The dream of “giving away coins” means that soon your friend or acquaintance will need your help.
  • Large coins in a dream - the larger the coins, the greater the problem.

Autumn dream book

  • Counting coins in a dream is a bad sign; it foretells misfortunes and minor troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of “coin” a rich but very greedy person will appear in your life. You will have to come to terms with his character, as the feelings will be strong.
  • The dream of “finding money, coins” means that you are about to get rich.
  • Seeing old coins in a dream means that you are about to receive a special and unusual gift that will be very valuable to you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • A dream about coins is a symbol of troubles and problems that will darken your daily life.
  • Finding money or coins in a dream means in reality finding profit and additional ways to earn money.
  • The dream of “finding old coins” means that you will soon gain wisdom and experience.
  • Dream Interpretation: treasure, coins - a favorable sign. It promises an improvement in financial situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving away coins means that you will have to lend someone a large amount of money.
  • Dream Interpretation: small coins – failures and troubles.

Dream Book of David Loff

  • The dream “found gold coins” promises you good mood and joy.
  • Finding ancient coins in a dream means that you will have to use your savings.
  • Why do you dream of gold coins in your hands? Such a dream promises you good luck and success in all your endeavors, which you have long planned but did not dare to implement. Now is the time for this.
  • The meaning of the dream “coins”: you did not miss the opportunities that fate presented to you.
  • Seeing a silver coin in a dream means expecting a quarrel and misunderstanding.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Dream “small coins” - problems and troubles await you in the service; your relationships with people (both in the family and in society) will begin to deteriorate and lose mutual understanding.
  • Seeing a lot of coins in a dream means that in order to earn money you will have to put in a lot of effort.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of coins? This is a sign that you have great potential to earn more, and life gives you such opportunities. Miller’s dream book also interprets coins as the appearance of minor problems in your life.
  • Why do you dream of ancient coins? Miller’s dream book says that secrets and secrets will be revealed to you.
  • Why do you dream of a chest of coins? This is a good sign, which means that your wishes will soon come true. But for this to happen, you need to put in the effort and work hard.

Eastern dream book

  • Seeing coins in a dream means expecting well-being, development and prosperity both in the family and in one’s personality.
  • If you were given a coin in a dream, it means a person will appear in your life who will help you financially in difficult times.
  • In a dream, giving coins means waste.
  • Dream interpretation: finding ancient coins promises you that in real life you will have the opportunity to get rich.
  • Why do you dream about unusual coins? This dream means that very good news awaits you in the near future, after which you will be inspired and happy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of coins means that your finances urgently need to be sorted, you need to properly distribute expenses.

Gypsy dream book

  • Why do you dream about copper coins? This dream is a harbinger of great happiness and good luck.
  • Why do you dream about money in a lot of coins? This means that you will have financial difficulties.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving a coin means that you will need help, which you will receive from loved ones.
  • Why dream of collecting coins from the ground? This dream means that minor troubles and problems await you in life.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: copper coin - you will have to work a lot and physically hard, but such work will be well paid.
  • Dream Interpretation: rare coins are a symbol that you will be given the opportunity to earn money with almost no effort.
  • Dream Interpretation: collecting gold coins promises you hard work.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of coins? In reality, you will find an addition to the total family budget on an ongoing basis and a significant improvement in your financial condition.
  • Seeing old coins in a dream means that you will have to experience an unusual event in life that will change your attitude towards your family.
  • The dream “commemorative coins” means that you need to change the situation and atmosphere. Perhaps take a vacation.

American dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a trifle, coins mean that you have unlimited opportunities in life, and you have the power to achieve your desires yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: gold coins - your inner world is very rich, you constantly strive for self-improvement.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding coins means that you need to pay attention to your financial situation.

Newest dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: coins symbolize that there are unresolved matters in your life that you are worried about. In order for the alarm to go away, they must be completed.
  • The dream “big coin” promises a deterioration in health. The larger the coin and the more significant it is, the more serious the disease.
  • Finding gold coins in a dream means that you will soon go on a trip to a place you have long dreamed of.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • The dream “old coins” promises you minor problems and unpleasant chores that will interfere with your daily life.
  • Interpretation of dreams “coins” - this dream is a sign that an unexpected increase in money will come into your life.
  • Why do you dream about gold and silver coins? Such dreams promise poverty and lack of happiness.
  • Why do you dream of collecting a lot of coins? Luck will turn to you in small matters.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding coins is interpreted as a sign that your wallet will soon receive a big increase.
  • Seeing gold coins in a dream promises adversity and lack of joy.

Dream book of health

  • Dream Interpretation: money, coins - this dream means that you will soon be rewarded for your work.
  • Why do you dream about paper money and coins? Such a dream means that you have pure and good thoughts.
  • Dream Interpretation: commemorative coins are a sign that you will be very lucky in some matter.

Combined dream book

  • Why do you dream of finding coins? Such a dream may be a sign that your relative will interfere with your work, and because of this, your business may go downhill.
  • Why do you dream about collectible coins? At work, your colleagues do not appreciate you, there is envy.
  • Why do you dream of finding ancient coins? Such a dream foreshadows that you will meet with your old friend or acquaintance.
  • The dream of “copper coins” means that you will have to work for a small salary, this activity will probably bring you pleasure, and the financial side will not bother you.
  • Silver coins - the dream book interprets such a dream as meaning that at the moment it is a very good time for your plans and undertakings; good luck will accompany you.
  • Dream Interpretation: “counting coins” foretells you strength and inspiration to implement your plans and intentions.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding gold coins means you will have the opportunity to easily earn big money.

Dream interpretation horoscope

  • What do coins mean in a dream? Unexpected profits await you.
  • The dream “money, collecting coins” means that circumstances will force you to work very hard to earn money.
  • The dream “collectible coins” means that your relationship with your chosen one is very good and open, you both sincerely love each other and have no secrets.
  • Dream Interpretation: collect coins - expect a lack of financial resources.
  • Dream Interpretation: ancient coins are a sign that inspiration will soon come to you and your moral strength will rise.

Dream book for a bitch
Finding ancient coins in a dream means that an inheritance or sudden profit will befall you.
Seeing money or coins in a dream means money that will solve your problem.
Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing coins in a dream is interpreted as your desire to reconsider your life and values, and set priorities.
  • Why do you dream of finding money and coins? A joyful event that you have long guessed about will soon happen in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: old coins - such a dream suggests that you need to delve into yourself, in your past, most likely there you will find answers to the questions that interested you; Meetings with old friends or acquaintances are possible, after which you will resume communication.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large coin is a symbol of a promising future; your plans will come true, but not immediately. If you put in enough effort, all your plans will come true.
  • Why do you dream about many small coins? Such a dream promises you tears and sadness, but these disorders will be temporary.
  • Why do you dream of yellow coins? Some of your loved ones or friends think that you are a greedy person. You probably need to think about your attitude towards money.

A dream in which you see coins does not require much effort in interpretation, as this is a good sign of wealth and prosperity. Such dreams can occur if you think too much about money or complain about its lack. You should reconsider your attitude towards them and focus less on material things, pay more attention to the spiritual, or get ready for a good increase in salary.

There is an opinion among people that seeing small things in a dream is bad, because such a dream symbolizes tears. In fact, a dream associated with coins can be interpreted in different ways. The interpretation of a dream depends on various small details associated with it.

The question often arises: why do you dream about a lot of little things? Usually such a dream symbolizes changes that should happen in life soon. If a person sees a lot of change or coins in a dream, this means that very soon he will become rich or will become famous. In addition, seeing coins in a dream is a sign of fun. A dream in which a person finds coins means that he will soon have to spend money on entertainment. If a person, on the contrary, loses coins in a dream, then this indicates that small incomes await him soon.

It is very important, when you see coins in a dream, to remember what they looked like: the material from which they were minted, appearance etc. These features will help in the interpretation of sleep. For example, good dream the one in which a person sees gold coins means prosperity.

Gold coins in a dream are a good sign. The person who saw them in a dream will not only experience prosperity, but also be recognized by other people as an individual. If a person dreams of silver coins, then this indicates approaching family troubles. For example, a dream in which a guy gives silver coins to a girl warns her that she should be prepared for the guy to act dishonestly towards her. The only good sign is shiny silver coins, which symbolize the favor of fate.

Copper coins seen in a dream symbolize hard work and despair. If a person dreams of a bag of change, it means that soon someone will trust him with some important secret. Seeing in a dream how you receive wages in small change can symbolize that management does not value you. If a person dreams of scattered change, then this may be a symbol of some troubles that will happen soon. A dream in which a person has lost a coin indicates that his child will bring him a lot of trouble.

A dream in which a person dreams of light coins is good. Dark coins in a dream mean conflicts and enmity, and the more clearly visible the patterns on the coins are, the stronger the confrontation in the struggle. Seeing small coins in a dream means the birth of a child.

A dream in which a person sees a lot of little things has different interpretations. It can be either a good sign or a bad sign. A dreamed little thing can symbolize troubles, wealth, prosperity, income, fun, expenses, family problems, etc.

I dreamed about a Coin, what is it for, what does a Coin mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Coin:

You dreamed of a Coin, what is it for - shiny - to problems, small gains are possible. Old coins mean an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream about a Coin.

Jewish dream book What does a Coin mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Coin, what is it for - a dream that you had on Monday night says that someone will repay your debt or fulfill their promise. A dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will have the opportunity to receive money. A dream you had on Saturday or Sunday night means peaceful life. Golden coins. For a woman - Seeing gold coins on Monday night means vain hopes; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - good luck; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means good health. For a man - Seeing gold coins on Monday night - you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, a warning: you must beware of provocations; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night promises a tempting offer that must be approached with great caution. A perforated coin means there is a risk of damage. Coin unusual shape- to deception.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about a Coin?

What does it mean to see in a dream What does it mean in a dream Coins - copper - to tears, silver - profit through some troubles, gold - the appearance of grief. Ancient coins are random wealth or treasure.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Coin mean in a dream:

You dreamed of a Coin, what is it for - Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hiding silver coins. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Coin mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream? What do Coins mean in a dream? - You see copper coins in a dream - work awaits you, which will take a lot of energy. You dream of silver coins - you will have many reasons to quarrel with loved ones. You saw gold coins in a dream - the business you are now busy with will end in success.

Dream interpretation of coins to collect

Why do you dream of collecting coins in a dream?

If you dream that you have found coins and are collecting them, such a dream promises you an improvement in your financial situation. But if you scattered coins and began to collect them, then the dream can bring financial losses. The more coins scattered, the greater the loss.

If in a dream you collect coins in your hat, then one of your ideas will be successfully realized and you will receive a reward. If the hat is someone else’s, then you will make a profit by using someone else’s ideas. But if you have collected only a few coins in a hat, and this has ruined your mood, the dream calls for caution and warns that your ideas may lead you to financial losses.

If you collect coins by the handful, then in reality you will receive a well-deserved reward. If you weren't able to collect many coins, then perhaps you didn't put in enough effort. Also, a dream in which you collect coins can bring in reality a little anxiety in connection with your plans, which will soon give way to a period of great luck.

Dream interpretation of gold coins in a dream

Why do you dream about gold coins? Dream interpretation

Gold coins in dreams promise wealth and prosperity. They also bring well-deserved respect to the person who saw them in a dream. The meaning is the shade of gold. If the coin is light, then good events await you in reality. The darker the gold, the more obstacles there are on the path to success, and the fiercer the struggle ahead. If the gold coin in your dream is scratched or bent, then your reputation is at risk of damage. If you dream of a lot of gold coins, trips and travel await you in reality. Nothing will threaten your well-being. If you find a treasure with gold coins, then you will have expenses for pleasure and entertainment. If you lost them, then expect small but pleasant income. Small gold coins dream that you will be dissatisfied with your income.

Dream Interpretation: What do you dream about coins for?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Coins

Seeing gold or antique coins in a dream predicts an engagement and a small quarrel for the dreamer, which will not last long and everything will end successfully.

Finding gold coins in a dream means that a certain person will offer you to work for him and earn a lot of money.

Collecting coins in a dream foreshadows the imminent purchase of new clothes.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about coins, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see coins in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Do you dream about Coins? Tell me your dream!

Jubilee coin

Dream Interpretation Commemorative coin dreamed of why the Jubilee coin is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Jubilee coin in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing is resistance; mint - make wasted efforts; having gold or silver is a misfortune; copper - great happiness

Money in coins

Dream Interpretation Money in coins dreamed of why you dream about money in coins? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Money in coins in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Money, salary, earnings, coins, letter of credit

Money is the subject and concern of many people. It follows from this that very often dreams about money can mean absolutely nothing, but are only an understanding of the worries that occupy you every day. At the same time, dreams in which we see money and enjoy the fact that we have it, make purchases and, in general, are satisfied with our well-being, may mean that this will happen in reality, unless the dream contains routine elements with which you encounter every day (visiting a nearby store, a familiar road, etc.). Making an important money deal in a dream means profit or adding to your family. Receiving an advance in a dream is a sign of future success. However, the dark elements of such a dream may indicate that you have ill-wishers who are trying to settle scores with you. Losing money in a dream is bad. Such a dream predicts failures, difficulties, collapse of plans and warns that soon you will have to think about how to live on. The same thing is predicted by a dream in which your money was taken away or they were defrauded out of it. If at the same time a dark person, a foreigner or just gypsies were present in your dream, then you should be careful and take the necessary precautions, because they will want to rob you. See interpretation: wallet, bag, gypsies. Finding money in a dream means large expenses that will significantly exceed your income. Such a dream is a warning that you should be frugal and think about your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving news about money, which can be good or bad. However, if someone owes you a lot of money and does not pay it back, then the dream predicts that it is unlikely that he will do this in the near future. Finding a lot of money in a secluded place and feeling remorse in a dream is a harbinger of large financial losses for which you will be to blame. You will be ashamed to remember this later. Saving money in a dream is a harbinger of an improvement in your financial situation. Giving out money in a dream means unexpected benefits and wealth, which will fall into your hands. Such a dream indicates that you should not miss the opportunity provided by fate. Ask for money! in a dream - to receive money soon. If you dream that someone is asking you for money, and you refuse him, then in reality you will give him money, but he is unlikely to return it to you. After such a dream, you should not lend money. Seeing a lot of money in a dream or counting a lot of it means that you will have a chance to make decent money if only you calculate everything correctly. Seeing new coins in a dream means obstacles in business. Seeing, finding, receiving ancient coins in a dream is a sign of imminent, accidental enrichment. Strange money in a dream is a sign of an unexpected incident that will upset you. Counting money means immediate material losses and regret about your rash actions. Counting coppers in a dream literally means that in life you will have to count pennies. Such a dream warns you that you should be careful with money. Counting a lot of coins in a dream is a sign of stinginess. Such a dream warns you that through your stinginess you may lose loved ones or friends. At the same time, this dream suggests that your wishes can come true. A dream in which you saw that someone is laying claim to the money you found warns you that this person or someone will interfere with your plans. Picking up coins in a dream means tears, worries and grief. Counting the treasury in a dream is a sign that you will soon face big troubles due to large material losses. If in a dream you find a shortage when counting money, expect financial troubles due to the deception of partners or relatives. Sometimes such a dream indicates a lack of funds to implement a project. Spending other people's money in a dream means that you will deceive the expectations of your friends or partners. Giving coins to beggars means that you will soon find loyal friends or partners who will help you achieve your plans. In general, seeing copper money in a dream means troubles and disappointments, silver money means wasted trouble, and gold money means worries that your enterprise or plan will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon have to experience grief in your family. Receiving or finding gold chervonets in a dream is a sign of good hopes and good news. Giving out a salary in a dream is a sign that you will find a way to settle accounts with your enemies, and receiving a salary means that your enemies will not miss the opportunity to take revenge on you for the damage they have caused. If you dream that your salary was reduced, then expect good news about the failures of your enemies. And vice versa, if in a dream your salary was increased, then your business will go worse, and spiteful critics will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this. Finding income means that with your rash actions you will get yourself into trouble, which you will subsequently not know how to get rid of. Losing your income and falling into despair means victory over your enemies, big changes and a career take-off. Stealing money is a sign of danger. Be careful and don't do anything rash. If in a dream you managed to escape with someone else’s money, then losses await you, from which, however, you will soon recover. If in a dream someone wanted to steal your money, then a loved one will betray you. See interpretation: thief. Deformed coins in a dream are a sign that your plans will soon be disrupted, which will bring you a lot of disappointment. Sometimes such a dream predicts troubles at work or loss of a job. A bag of ancient coins in a dream means receiving an inheritance, an unexpected and significant acquisition of property, or an unexpected joyful event. However, hearing the clink of coins in a dream is a harbinger of imminent wealth or the conclusion of a profitable deal. Lending money in a dream means worries and worries, which, however, will be in vain. Your enterprise will generate income. In general, such a dream warns you that you are prone to rash actions. Not having money to pay debts in a dream means worries related to money and failure in business. Sometimes such a dream warns that soon you may actually become one of the debtors. Not lending money to a person who owes you money in life in a dream means that your debtor will return a small part of the money to you. Borrowing money is a sign of possible distress or humiliation due to the cramped circumstances in which you may find yourself. See interpretation: debt, debtors, count. Seeing a lot of money in a dream means profit and a lot of trouble associated with it (especially if you see a lot of paper money scattered in disorder). The latter may also mean that your venture will not pay off and your whole life will go awry. Paying money (in a store) means losses due to excessive gullibility or your inability to refuse other people when they urgently ask you for something. Paying in gold chervonets in a dream is a harbinger that you will pay dearly for some of your actions or mistakes. In this case we're talking about not about material losses, but rather about great mental anguish. Receiving money in a dream means profit or big changes in life. Sometimes such a dream predicts a lot of worries and responsibilities that will be burdensome for you. Having money in a dream is a sign that you need to look for sources of livelihood or a new job. Swallowing money is a warning that you will act in selfish interests and nothing will be able to hold you back. The dream indicates to you that in pursuit of profit or your other interests, you should not forget about your duties or responsibility for the fate of people close to you. Living beyond your means in a dream warns that in reality you should not have your head in the clouds: you need to think about tomorrow. Sometimes such a dream predicts some incredible adventures. Asking to borrow money in a dream means new problems. Paying debts in a dream is good and promises good luck in business or the fulfillment of any obligations that are unpleasant to you. Having counterfeit money in a dream means losses and disappointments. The dream warns you: do not believe beautiful words and do not deceive yourself with empty dreams. Receiving counterfeit money in a dream means deception. This dream warns you that you should not trust people, both unfamiliar and close. Making counterfeit money in a dream is a harbinger of danger that threatens you if you are up to something bad. Minting coins in a dream foretells unnecessary troubles and sorrows resulting from this. Receiving money under a letter of credit in a dream is a sign of receiving news. If you dream that someone gave you paper money of an unusual type in a dream, then you will receive money completely unexpectedly. A deposit to receive or give portends success in any business. See interpretation: pay.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can achieve your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency. A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true. A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings. Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man. Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity. Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work. Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude. Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income. Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Gold – prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver – failure, squabbles, family discord; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do work of a rather low quality; You have miles of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hiding silver coins. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If you dreamed of a shiny coin, it means problems, small gains are possible. Old coins mean an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Ancient coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins mean a lot of troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Coins - Seeing means fun. Finding it means spending on entertainment. Lose - small income awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Coins - new - accidental wealth - old - troubles - minting - making wasted efforts - having gold or silver - misfortune - copper - great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

To illness - the larger and more significant the coin in terms of monetary value, the more dangerous and serious the illness.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If money appears to you in the form of coins or small change, it means it’s time for a change. If you find money: this means that your financial situation should improve. This sign may be a warning to pay more attention to your financial affairs, at least for a while.

Large gold coin

Dream Interpretation Large gold coin dreamed of why you dream about a large gold coin? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a large gold coin in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Seeing small coins in a dream foreshadows pleasant family chores, large coins of ancient mintage - to receiving unexpected wealth. Making or counterfeiting coins means wasted effort. Melting coins into metal is a sign of money-grubbing and greed. A dream about a one-ruble coin foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears. Seeing a piggy bank full of coins in a dream means that excellent prospects will open up for you to improve your financial situation. Coins scattered from a broken piggy bank promise little return with a lot of effort. Counting coins means that you can achieve your intention if you are practical and thrifty. If your wallet or purse full of valuable coins is stolen, this is a sign that you are in danger, so you should be especially attentive and careful in crowded places, and even more so avoid deserted ones. Finding coins of insignificant denomination in a dream means you are in danger of losing business due to the intervention of a person close to your affairs. Discovering a treasure of ancient coins of enormous value - such a dream foreshadows an increase in mental strength and efficiency. A chest filled to the brim with gold coins foretells that your wishes will come true. A monisto of gold coins means that your strengths will allow you to achieve a lot if you also overcome your shortcomings. Receive gold coins as a gift - you will marry a rich but stingy man. Seeing gold chervonets of royal coinage in a dream means you will gain honor and respect thanks to your successes in the business field. Hearing the ringing of chervonets means wealth and prosperity. Handing over the treasure with them to the state means that in reality you will lose the trust of people who know you from your work. Sell ​​gold coins - you will reach a ripe old age in complete solitude. Seeing silver coins in a dream foretells happy times if the coins are large. Small silver coins indicate that your dreams will not come true. Melted in fire, they portend losses. Copper coins are a sign that you will be forced to engage in work that brings little income. Seeing a whole bag of copper coins in a dream means that you will quickly achieve success in business, not being afraid to take risks and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Dream Interpretation - Gold coins

Seduction, harm, passions; grief; poverty. For women additional Prostitution or deception in love (idiom: “worship of the golden calf”).

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Gold – prosperity, pleasure, new travels; silver – failure, squabbles, family discord; for a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will undeservedly offend you; copper - to hard physical labor; nickel - you have to do work of a rather low quality; You have miles of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign. Also see Gold, Copper, Silver, Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Seeing gold in a dream means falsehood and delusion in any form. Holding gold in your hands means success and luck in everything. If you dream that you have discovered a gold mine, it means that in reality you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. Finding a gold bar in a dream means achieving complete success in your business in reality. Finding gold things means that your merits will allow you to easily advance on the path to honors and wealth. Losing gold in a dream means you risk losing it in life, perhaps. your happiest occasion. Seeing golden sand in a dream means that in reality you will have the idea of ​​acting dishonestly towards people you do not know. Gold in coins or jewelry foreshadows a young girl’s marriage to a rich but dishonest man. A gold chain means that you will spend your time with benefit. free time, gold medallion - you will receive a round sum for your services, a gold necklace - you will find happiness with your loved one. To see golden chervonets of royal coinage in a dream - you will gain honor. Receive them in payment for your work - your hopes will come true. Pay in gold chervonets - you will live to a ripe old age. If you find a treasure with them, you will be happy. If in a dream you melt them, this means a loss of trust with your superiors. Hearing the ringing of falling gold pieces is a sign of wealth. A golden thread in a dream means that in reality you will receive good and timely advice. If in a dream you embroider with gold thread, in reality your work will bring great income after some time. If you see golden spiders in a dream, then in life you will find friends who will help you get money. Seeing a chest full of gold in a dream foretells that if you do not pay attention to rumors addressed to you and continue to stick to your line, this can lead to a bad end. Seeing gold dishes in a dream and eating from them portends a promotion at work; changing them to silver dishes means a headache from many troubles and worries. Swallowing gold in a dream means success in science or art. Seeing fake gold means succumbing to flattery and deception. Buy gold - you will be left with nothing, sell - big changes await you. Receiving gold as a gift - beware of losing your head in a love frenzy.

Dream Interpretation - Coins

Silver - for profit, copper (pennies) - for gossip. Imagine that copper coins were hiding silver coins. You have a lot of silver coins.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

If you dreamed of a shiny coin, it means problems, small gains are possible. Old coins mean an unexpected find. There is a danger of negative subtle influence.

Dream Interpretation - Coin

Ancient coins - unexpected rich profit, inheritance. New coins mean a lot of troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

(See interpretation: money) Seeing gold dishes in a dream, eating or drinking from it means honors and wealth. The same thing means a dream where you will see a richly decorated table and many expensive gold objects. However, if you dream of jewelry made of gold, then see the interpretation: jewelry and objects by name. To see a dream about gold chains, icons, and headdresses is a harbinger of deception, flattery, a warning about possible betrayal or betrayal that will plunge you into poverty and deprive you of peace of mind. For a woman to receive gold trinkets as a gift in a dream, it means that her life will be comfortable and prosperous. If objects made of gold are lost or broken in a dream, then you will experience a break in relationships, loss, humiliation, and poverty. If you dream that some parts of your body are made of pure gold, then do not build castles in the air. It's better to have a bird in a cage than a pie in the sky. Losing gold is a sign that you have missed a brilliant opportunity to improve your situation. Sometimes such a dream predicts a break in your relationship with a loved one. Finding gold in a dream is a warning that you should not miss your chance. Exchange gold for something else - you may miss out on benefits. See interpretation: statue, jewelry, dishes. Holding gold in your hands is a sign of prosperity and prosperity. Finding a gold mine in a dream - to great opportunities and hard work. Working with gold in a dream yourself or seeing others doing such work is a sign of danger due to your excessive desire to easily get rich. This dream also warns you that you should be more careful to avoid shame. Seeing a golden crown on your head in a dream is a sign of poverty and ruin. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. See interpretation: crown. Carrying gold on your hump or back is a sign of a heavy burden. Goldfish catching or holding in your hands in a dream means extraordinary changes in life. If the fish dies or jumps out (if you don’t hold it), then you will miss your chance. See interpretation: fairy tale. Buying gold in a dream means trouble. Seeing a lot of gold metal in a dream means poverty and lack in the family. Gilding in a dream is a sign of deception, falsehood, treason, betrayal. See interpretation: money, buy.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

The appearance of gold in your dream may be associated with the well-known phrases: “All that glitters is not gold” (external impressions can be deceptive), “Small is the spool, but dear,” “The word is silver, silence is gold.” There are also quite common words: “Golden hands”, “Golden heart”, “Golden character”, “Golden hair”. If you dreamed that you lost a gold piece of jewelry, then this warns you that an unpleasant event will soon happen; if you lost a wedding ring, then this is especially unpleasant because it may foreshadow illness or separation from a loved one. Seeing gold coins in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not necessarily be material. If you dreamed that you were a gold digger, then this means that you are trying to find profit in some business, but because of your outright selfish desire, you will lose the respect of those around you, who will stop providing you with the help that they previously offered. Finding a golden thing in a dream - such a dream predicts that you will have false hopes; you are hoping in vain for chance; you need to act actively.

Dream Interpretation - Gold

Success in all matters. In the form of utensils, dishes - lofty hopes will become reality. In the form of money, jewelry - you will be able to prevent deception. You are melting gold - gossip cannot ruin your reputation. Embroider with gold - receive news that will help you achieve what you want. Carrying gold in handfuls is a profitable business. Buying gold is a new acquaintance that will relieve you of sadness and loneliness. Find gold - you will become the keeper of a secret that will change your life. There is gold - a promotion. Meet with a goldsmith - avoid fraud. Golden shower - receive an inheritance. Carrying gold on yourself - avoid dangerous disease. Give - you will be invited to a wedding. A gold mine has been discovered - the search for a new job will end with a lucrative offer. Wash golden sand - your diligence and hard work will bring tangible success. You work in a gold mine - fame and honor will fall on you. Imagine gold as brightly and as much as possible. This gold is everywhere: in your home, on yourself, on your family and friends.

dreamed of finding coins

Miller considered money and coins found in a dream to be a bright symbol, a symbol of happy, good changes. Losing money means trouble.

Finding coins in Vanga's interpretation is a bad sign. She believed that damage could be caused through things left unattended, and therefore you should not take them, either in a dream or in life. A large number of coins in a dream indicates that there are ill-wishers in your environment.

what does it mean if you find coins in a dream

In Tsvetkov’s interpretation, the coins found mean only misfortune and grief. Coins made of copper mean only unfavorable events, coins made of silver - a symbol of tears, gold coins - grief.

find coins from a dream book

The discovery of coins in the interpretation of the Islamic dream book suggests that sudden profit awaits you.

dreamed of finding coins

Freud equated money and coins with sexual desires. That is, spending money in a dream means that you are filled with energy and are ready for sexual intimacy. Finding money in a dream indicates that you need sexual release, love, care and affection.

what does it mean if you find coins in a dream

In the interpretation of a home dream book, finding coins means gaining knowledge and life experience.

Why do you dream of finding coins?

According to this dream book, seeing coins in a dream is a very bad sign. However, finding coins indicates that in life, in your endeavors, you will find success.

dreamed of finding coins

Finding a treasure in a dream consisting of coins will bring great luck. Copper coins bring troubles, gold coins symbolize the completion of important matters for you, and silver coins symbolize empty chores. If you received coins from someone - to a possible addition to the family, and if you gave them away - to success.

Why do you dream about collecting coins? The dream book states: there are losses, worries, small changes, family troubles ahead. But such a sign in a dream also foreshadows financial success, a favorable course of affairs, and a good reward.

Improving financial condition

Did you dream of finding money and picking it up? In reality there will be improvements in material terms.

Seeing yourself picking up money and putting it in your hat means: you will successfully implement your idea and receive a good reward.

Did you collect coins in a dream and pile up a large pile of money? Riches and fame await you soon.

Be more careful with others, take minor concerns more easily

Why do you dream of picking up small items you find? In reality, you should be careful when communicating with others: they can cause harm.

Did you dream of collecting handfuls of coins found on the street? The dream book explains: there will be good luck, a good reward.

Scattering and collecting them is a waste of energy on minor worries. The dreamer strains too much where much less effort can be exerted.

Did you happen to scatter them and look for them in a dream? Financial losses are possible - the more significant the more little things are scattered.

Miller's Dream Book: Excitement Ahead

Why do you dream about collecting coins? The dream warns of upcoming unrest - at work or because of relatives.

Gift, success in business

Were they old in the dream? It's time to stop living with memories of the past. We need to keep up with the times.

Did you dream of collecting not modern coins, but ancient ones? The dream book tells you: receive an original, interesting gift.

If the old coins were large, expect improvements in business and good profits. And rare, valuable ones foreshadow a valuable acquisition, and not only in material terms.

Minor changes, troubles

Did you pick up ten-ruble coins in a dream? The dream book says: you manage your financial affairs ineptly and therefore believe that there are always few of them.

Why do you dream about small ones? The vision indicates: the dreams of the sleeper cannot come true, so for now they will remain only dreams.

Did you dream about small coins? According to the dream book, changes in business are coming, but they will turn out to be insignificant.

Collecting silver coins in a dream means: quarrels and troubles with household members will begin. You should try to resolve them.

What were they like?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what they were like:

  • gold - prosperity awaits you ahead;
  • silver - quarrels with friends;
  • copper - hard physical labor;
  • nickel - the result of a certain undertaking will not be worth the effort spent on it.

Don't put money first

Why do you dream of finding gold coins? The dream book indicates: you attach primary importance to material wealth. Life can disappoint, proving otherwise.

Seeing and picking up gold from the ground in a dream means: the sleeper will not stop at any steps to get rich. He can resort not only to humiliation, but also to betrayal. You shouldn’t extol money so much, because you can’t buy a reputation - once you ruin it, you’ll have to live with it forever.

Soon you'll get lucky

Collecting coins from the ground is a harbinger of a little excitement, concern about the planned enterprise. But after the worries, a period of great luck will begin.

Did you dream of picking them up from the ground? The dream book says: to achieve some goal, you don’t need to overwork yourself.

Tears, a lot of work

Did you pick it up from the floor? The dream promises tears. One of your relatives gets sick or injured, and very serious consequences are possible. You need to be patient and support your loved one.

A dream in which you hold gold coins in your hands, and not simple ones, in real life will change your well-being for the better. Planned transactions will go smoothly, additional bonuses are possible.

The dream book believes that a dream in which you happened to find coins, and even more so collect one after another, honestly warns the dreamer about upcoming unrest. At the same time, the dream promises that everything will end well and even with benefit for you.

Why do you dream about a rare coin? Although they say that happiness cannot be found in money, nevertheless, the dream means that you will be able to get exactly the amount that you lack to bring your plan to life.

As the dream book notes, money and coins are most often dreamed of by those who mistakenly put their financial situation at the forefront. The dream is trying to remind simple truths: money does not solve absolutely all human problems, and too much desire for something leads to blocking its fulfillment.

A dream in which you see ancient coins promises you original gift, and so unusual that its cost will not matter to you. The dream book suggests that this may be a talisman that brings good luck or a book that will give you amazing knowledge.

To guess what you dream about, how you collect coins, trifles, the dream book advises you to be more careful. If your “catch” consisted of very small and inconspicuous coins, then they are nothing but trouble. If you come across larger coins, the dream does not promise super-profits, however, something will happen.

When you dream of a lot of coins, the dream means that you will have to make no less effort to earn income. The dream book knows in advance that you will most likely spend the proceeds on entertainment.

If you dreamed of silver coins, the dream book promises that you will not be bored. The dream means unplanned trips, serious clarification of relationships with others, which will lead to clean water some of them, adventures and adventures. As the dream promises, future events will make you joyfully exclaim: “This is life!”

To understand why an old coin is dreamed of, pay attention to whether it is in use. If the coin has already fallen out of use, the dream wants to say that it is time to stop living in the past. The dream book warns that non-convertible money often means deception.

A dream in which you were lucky enough to find gold coins is interpreted unambiguously by the dream book. The dream promises serious profit, an unexpected valuable gift or a large inheritance. Sleep means a significant improvement in your financial situation.

Why else do you dream of coins in a dream?

When interpreting what coins mean in dreams, one should take into account external factors. Quite often, a small thing symbolizes monotonous and thankless work, routine. Your dissatisfaction with the quality of life is reflected in such dreams.

If you happen to see coins in a dream, without being able to get them, the dream hints at your tendency to waste yourself on trifles. The dream in this way encourages you to stop moving in all directions at once, and choose the most promising one.

As Miller’s dream book suggests, small coins seen in a dream will bring you a lot of trouble in reality. Nevertheless, you will be pleased with the result - the dream promises. Moreover, you will be able to properly manage the proceeds - this is what copper wealth means in dreams.

Dreaming of large coins symbolizes big plans and prospects. The dream foretells a sudden career or starting your own business. A favorable period for financial success, multiplied by your own positive attitude, will be your best helpers.

If you dreamed of foreign or commemorative coins, the dream means that it is time to change the situation. The dream book promises you a pleasant trip, and not necessarily to distant countries.

When asked why a copper coin is dreamed of, the dream book answers with a paraphrased saying: if you are unlucky in finances, you will be lucky in love. The dream means that at the moment you are unlikely to be able to make money, but on the personal front everything is going as well as possible.

It is not often possible to find ancient coins even in a dream, so this dream is luck in itself. In addition, this is a hint where to look for what you are missing most right now. The dream advises delving into the past, no matter how distant and irrelevant it may seem.

A dream in which you were lucky enough to find money, coins or large bills- it doesn’t matter, in any case it means that luck itself comes into your hands, whether you want it or not. A hopeless business will end in success, a dubious dispute will be resolved in your favor, whatever you undertake will bear fruit - the dream promises.

If you dreamed of iron coins, the dream book advises to be patient. Now is not the period when you will be able to get everything at once. The dream foretells an insignificant, but constant and guaranteed income.

Since you continue to throw coins even in a dream, the dream book concludes that making a decision is not easy for you. The dream emphasizes that no matter what choice you make, you will have to sacrifice something in any case. The dream book advises focusing on main goal, then it will become clear which of the two evils is the lesser.

According to the dream book, a lot of worries are exactly what you mean in a dream in which you received solid small coins. And at the same time, the dream reminds that even the most plump chicken does not neglect the crumbs, and as a result, gains even more weight.

The dream book believes that giving away coins in a dream is a very promising act. This is your chance to buy the fulfillment of a desire that cannot be purchased with money in reality.

A dream in which you happened to count coins suggests that you know how to value every penny. The dream reminds us that even small coins love counting, and at the same time those who know how to count them. The dream book is encouraging that financial luck will continue to be on your side.

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️


    23-Feb-2020 Tanya:

    I had a strange dream. I’m on the beach, but my friends have gone somewhere, I went to look for them, but in the place where our things were there is nothing and there are musician guys standing. I asked where our things were, they pointed me to someone who had taken them. I go looking and suddenly I feel that something is in the way in my swim trunks, I try to fix it and take out a coin, then another whole mountain of moments 🙂 sincerely not understanding where they came from.

    I dreamed that I found a rare silver coin, but this coin was fragile. And I exchanged this coin for paper money.

    I dreamed that at home, under the mirror, I took a large USSR coin of 5 kopecks, it was all covered in blue corrosion. I brought it to my mother, and she said I needed to get rid of it, take it to the neighbors’ door or into the next yard. To which I replied that she was lying in the church. She said she needed to get rid of it anyway.

    I dreamed that I met an unfamiliar girl who offered to buy me commemorative coins: a couple of small ones, a pair of medium size and one huge one, all made of silver metal, new. I looked at them, asked how much they cost, to which she replied that based on the face value (the coins were 100 hryvnia, 125 hryvnia), I doubted and went to consult with the guy whether to take them or not? I don’t remember how it all ended, but these coins are bright, clear, new, with a shimmer still before my eyes.

    I dreamed that a man unfamiliar to me in Java, but familiar in the dream, gave me an old cuff and said that it was for good luck. Why is this dream?

    I dreamed that strangers and I were playing on slot machines and won a bunch of coins, and I took a big coin and started playing myself and won. Then I dreamed about African girls and we beamed together, and then we started fighting and the dream ended. Thanks for the answer!

    In a dream, I dropped coins and when I was picking them up, I found a bunch more coins and began to collect them. The weather was damp and all this was taken out from under the mud, and after the coins I found the car keys.

    5-Mar-2018 Olga:

    I dreamed of a river with clear water, at the bottom of which there were a lot of ancient, rare and various coins. The river was not deep and I happily collected these coins one by one to complete the entire collection. I also sorted through so that I could come across some pretty ones. What does it mean?

    I dreamed that I was walking with a friend at night. And I see 5 kopecks on the right, then we walked a few steps, and I see another 5 kopecks on the left, in the same place I see 1, 2 kopecks and there was a bush, I lifted it (its branches) and there were a lot of coins and 2 rubles already and a ruble , and these coins are our Belarusian ones, i.e. gold-colored coating, but not gold. And my friend says, don’t take them, leave them. All.

    I dreamed that I was walking with some girls, and we found coins on the ground, they were lying and no one took them and no one saw them, we each took them, the coins were the same 5 rubles and there were gold ones too. What does it mean?

    Good morning, interpret your dream. Behind his multi-storey building I found coins under car tires, some very old and some modern. Modern ones I considered were 1,2,5 rubles, after that some boy appeared and started saying something, and I quickly started collecting money, got on my bike and drove away from him.

    Please tell me. I had a dream that he exchanged money with very rare commemorative coins at the bank. I've never seen anything like this. As if a little later, when an employee came up to me and gave me the same box with anniversary coins, they don’t even exist in real life. I would like to know what this is for? Thanks in advance.

    I dreamed of small change on the ground or in the sand, and I collected it. Collected 12 rubles. And I bought a ticket for some bus for 5 rubles. What is the meaning of sleep?

    I dreamed that I was collecting Soviet and Russian coins that were lying on the floor in the corner. And my relatives and work colleagues looked at them in amazement.

    I dreamed that I found on the side of the road (in my city) a large coin, 7-8 cm in diameter, gold in color and with a denomination of 20 units. The girl standing nearby (unfamiliar, but in the dream she was described as a friend) said that these were Ducats. Then I gave this coin to a man I didn’t know sitting at the table.

    I dreamed that they bought some jars or boxes of something from me, change (tens and dimes) was placed near the threshold on the inside, the dream was from Wednesday to Thursday!

    I dreamed that I took three coins out of my pocket, they were white, and there were red coats of arms on them, like a man on a horse with a spear and an eagle, but I was so happy with this find, and yes, the coins looked like they had just been taken off the assembly line, brand new, clean, and in my dream I thought they were Chinese or Japanese coins.

    I dreamed that I was buying pies for my son for school, and they gave me coins for change, first ruble, five ruble, and then three anniversary ones, one was square, on it were four of our rulers, one of them was Tsar Romanov, the rest were presidents, the second in the shape of an Olympic bear, and the third with the moon and four stars. And then the seller notices that she gave them to me and begins to take them away from me! I’m not giving it away, I’m saying they’re already mine. I woke up from the alarm clock. Why such a dream?

    This is the third dream about coins. Per month. In the first dream, I collected strange coins from a puddle. And they're brand new. In the second dream, somewhere in Paris, under an old church, I picked up ancient coins. And today I had an incomprehensible dream - a bunch of empty wallets in an incomprehensible place, and I go around collecting a bunch of small coins.

    I dreamed that I was going into some kind of gaming center, there were slot machines in a row, one of them was not working, and for some reason I decided to approach him, I approached, he was white and very old, I pressed one a lot of coins fell out of the buttons and just like a river, there were a lot of 25 kopecks, they were golden in color. Next, I decided to press the bottom button, and after that toys fell out of the machine, they were large and colorful. What could this mean?

    I dreamed that when I went to the store, I started collecting coins and found them on the floor. I picked up the coin one after another and so I got about 8 rubles. There were different coins, but most were 2 rubles.

    29-Mar-2017 Denis:

    I dreamed that I found 2 coins. I even remember the year 1695 on one coin, the other is even older, more like a coin from ancient Rus', on a rune, not round.

    20-Mar-2017 Vitaly:

    I had a dream in which I walked to different places and found rare ancient coins, sometimes large and gold, and collected them. The dream is adventurous and a little adventurous. What is this for?! Thank you in advance!

    16-Mar-2017 Lisa:

    I dreamed that I was Ivan Guy, I was taking pictures with a guy who doesn’t know me, he just went for a swim in the river. I walked along the river and started collecting coins. I tried to collect large coins, but I simply did not collect small and old coins. I was worried that I couldn’t take coins from here, but I collected them anyway. I left the coins on the shore and went after my mother to ask if I could take these coins. And then the dream is not about coins.

    10-Mar-2017 Nina:

    I dreamed that I turned over a bench and saw coins in the ground. I started digging and looking at them. I found 2 old kopecks and looked at what year they were, another 50 kopecks they were very shiny, there were relatives near me, but some woman came up and I was afraid that she would see that I was looking for an old coin and would recognize the place where to look, I had to stop digging. It was not my grandson, there were many newborn, still blind puppies near him, and he stroked them. A fire truck immediately appeared in the dream, why did you have the dream?

    26-Feb-2017 Misha:

    I dreamed about how I was walking to my home along the road, I haven’t been there for a very long time, and so I walk and pay attention to a snowdrift on which lay several coins, which I laid out as it seemed to me, and so I begin to pick them up one by one one and picked out a little snow, there were also coins, nearby there was some kind of hatch covered in bars, I broke a couple of rods so that my hand could get through and began to pick out coins from there, it seems 5-10 steering ones were there and smaller ones, but I didn’t touch them I saw that people were passing nearby, I didn’t pay anyone any attention to them and continued to collect and fill my pockets until my hand began to reach the bottom, I saw that there were still coins there, but I stood up, put the bars in place and went further where I was going. What would that mean?

    2-Feb-2017 Masha:

    I dreamed that I bought new jeans, and from under their fastener a large shiny silver coin fell, with an eagle and 4 skulls on one side, and the head of a Gorgon Medusa on the other. I was scared. I see a coin in a dream for the second time.

    I dreamed that my family and I (mother, sister, brother) were collecting a lot of coins, the coins seemed to be different. What could this mean?

    I dreamed that I and my friends ended up in the house of evil spirits who took on the appearance of people. Entering the room where we were, the evil spirits begin to threaten us, but seeing that I had anniversary, gold, ancient coins in my hand, one of the large coins, I kept my hand with the coins in my pocket, one of the faces demanded to give all the coins, which I did, after which all the images dissolved.

    I dreamed that among the many scattered small coins I choose only 10 ruble coins, I leave the change untouched, in the process of collecting coins I reach a man lying near the coins, he asks to show how much I collected, I willingly show him, he tries to take the seven-kopek coin from me (they didn’t let out such people) coin, after much punctuation the coin remains with me.

    I dreamed that I found coins on the ground in the dark. I asked my friends to shine the light, but the lantern barely produced light. So I didn't see the denomination. We decided that they were valuable, the coins were heavy and there were several of them.

    I dreamed that I found a lot of coins, the kind they sell in banks, I also collected gold jewelry, and then everyone saw that I had full pockets and wanted to take them, ran away to my grandmother, with whom we had not communicated for a long time, and hardly closed the door! What could this mean?

    Please tell me what does it mean in a dream in which I open my wallet, there is a lot of money there, I give one paper bill, and in return they give me a gold coin?

    I dreamed that I was collecting different coins. And they were considered somehow rare. Some were even big. In some episodes of the same dream, some enemy threw these coins at me instead of stones. This really puzzled me.

    I dreamed of a girl throwing 2p coins. under the door and some man came and took them away, but no one knew about it, she just oh, again a coin and kicked it under the door, and if we didn’t pay him he would have killed us, and then he somehow arrived, and I personally gave him money (coin) 5 rubles. or 10.

    Hello. I dreamed about coins, very interesting, I find coins in my friend's jeans and these coins caught my attention because they were in the shape of a heart. I am surprised to start collecting them. What is it for? Thank you in advance.

    16-Sep-2016 Irina:

    I dreamed that I found two huge coins of twenty thousand euros each and was checking the year to see if they were valid or not. It turned out to be payment. But these don't really exist. They were very large and beautiful, sparkling. What does it mean?

    6-Sep-2016 Christina:

    Today I dreamed that my friend and I were in a store and they gave us change in big chocolate coins, there were a lot of them, she took one, but for some reason I didn’t take it at all, what could this mean, and I also dreamed that the person I like slipped and fell, and sat and did not get up.

    1-Sep-2016 Nura:

    Hello, in a dream I found 2 silver coins in my pocket, I was happy, but they were foreign, I exchanged them for ours and spent them in a restaurant and in a hotel. I rested briefly.

    I’m sitting in a chair, alone in my grandmother’s house. I look at the closet, and there are coins laid out in a beautiful folder, but not old ones. Regular 5 rubles, 2 rubles. Everything is silver.

    In a dream, I put coins on my ears like earrings, there were ten ruble and five ruble coins, a large five ruble coin was of blue color, and its size was larger than in reality.

    I had a dream where I exchanged anniversary 10 ruble coins from a seller, paying for them with chocolate. What is it for? P.S. I myself am a numismatist.

    I dreamed of small gold coins, they were scattered in the forest. And somehow, magically, I began to pull them towards me with my hand and pulled them a little, but when I clenched and unclenched my fist, the crown fell out, what is it?

    I dreamed that my director put coins in my box. The coins were gold, large and small, there were not many of them. What does this mean?

    I saw in a dream that they were making an offer to me and giving me an old coin and there were 2 holes on it not far from each other. Why did I see this?

    I dreamed that I was collecting gold coins in the university hall, and a gold bracelet with a diamond, the coins were very flexible and changed shape in my hands, and someone wanted to take the bracelet, the rector, in my opinion, but I got it back, even though he torn into pieces.

    I dreamed that I found a large old coin with the inscription Kazan in my house, and they tried to take it from me by force, but it didn’t work.

    24-Mar-2016 Natalya:

    In a jewelry store, everyone steals silver jewelry, but for some reason I grabbed a whole soap dish of kopeck and ten-kopeck coins, put it in my left pocket, looked in the right, and there was a little silver jewelry (earrings, a ring that was slightly crushed), what’s that for?

    18-Mar-2016 Ksenia:

    I dreamed that I found coins from the sand near my yard and, as it were, cleared them of debris and collected them in my palm, when I was collecting them, some woman came up and asked me to let her look at 1 coin, I gave it, and she was very happy... and then what - a man came and asked if I had money, I showed him a handful of coins. And he says: “No, not like that, but big ones!” I say no. Well, he says further: “Okay, wait. I’ll bring it now, and you make the moonshine!”, and I woke up :)

    4-Mar-2016 Evgenia:

    I dreamed that a lot of coins were falling in a stream, I don’t remember where, but when I woke up, I immediately thought it was like in Ford Boyard. The coins were beautiful, new and small in size and large, I don’t know what the money was in value, maybe not Russian. I quickly collected handfuls of them into my T-shirt. And I was very happy. What is it for?

    25-Feb-2016 Nadezhda:

    Allegedly, my daughter is arguing with another girl and takes off her pendant (from a rope) and gives it in her hand supposedly to my daughter. Having given the pendant back, two pieces of 50 kopecks each fell.

    14-Feb-2016 Anonymous:

    I dreamed that I was counting very old coins in a crypt in order to give them to a deceased woman, while in the crypt on the ground instead of this deceased woman my child was lying, he was dead, and someone was telling me to take him in my arms, but I was afraid, then I took it and he came to life, when I was about to leave the crypt, they told me to leave the child, I put him back, then I woke up in horror, some kind of nonsense, what could this mean?

    13-Feb-2016 Anton:

    Today I dreamed of a ruble coin from 1992. I have one of these. I looked at it, but I didn’t take it. And I really wanted to do it. Who can tell what this dream is for?

    9-Feb-2016 Katya:

    Tell me, I dreamed that I was helping an old man collect coins (rubles in denominations of 5,2,1) and saying them out loud, since he couldn’t see. Then two old coins remain (very old and beautiful), he offers to take them to me and says maybe they will bring happiness, but I refuse and don’t take them, because they made me wary. What is this for? Thank you in advance!

    3-Feb-2016 Mila:

    I dreamed that a friend, getting ready for a trip, poured a lot of small change into my hands, and I held it until I got tired of it. And she returned all this change to her. Tell me, what does this mean?

    I dreamed that I was collecting scrap metal and noticed coins on the ground. Looking around, I realize that there are a lot of coins. Having started collecting coins, I discovered that the predominant number of coins were in denominations of two rubles, but there were also ruble coins, and all five-ruble coins, of which there were the fewest, were turned upside down.

    I found a bunch of old coins... copper, gold, and silver, collected them all... brought them home and began to evaluate.... What is this for?

    I was holding a new ruble in my hands, and then I saw someone with a coin of the same shape, well, the place of the number on the coin was a ruble sign, I wanted this coin and seemed to understand that it was a rare coin, and then the coin was divided, that it could to mean???

    2-Sep-2015 pirate:

    I dreamed that I was traveling in a minibus, traveling with a girl, it was time to pay the fare, I opened the pocket in my bag and began to count the required amount, while the coins looked like large shiny disks with a rainbow hologram, and the denomination could only be felt by touch and lay in the same pocket a pack of 5000 bills, but I didn’t touch them. At the stop, the girl got off, and I stayed to count, having found the required amount, I already drove away from the stop and only got off at the next one. What does it mean. I woke up exhausted, squeezed like a lemon!

    I climbed into the old cabinet that I got from my grandfather and opened it. On the top shelf there was either a book or a rag. I pulled it towards myself, and old antique coins fell from it on me. What does this mean???

    I found new commemorative coins, they had not been used yet, sealed. And the coins say 1812 on them, they are unrealistically large, probably about the size of a palm. But in the dream I thought that these were just anniversary ones. I took them all for myself. What does sleep mean?

    A friend called me and told me to come to the house. He was supposed to bring me some money. I stood near the house and waited, but he had difficulties. While I was waiting, I noticed a coin in the hole. He walked over and picked her up. It turned out there was not one, but several. All these coins were anniversary coins. Mostly 10-3 rubles, but valuable, as I myself thought in a dream. Then I paid attention to this hole again, it became larger, and I saw something like an old wallet. I dug it up and it was just a bunch of coins. At one point, a girl with a spatula appeared in the hole and showed me a tubercle, dug it out and said take it. There were also about 30 coins there. I took everything, the girl went home, and so did I. What does all of this mean?

    My ex defeated some boss in a dream, and as a reward we were given three huge piles of gold 50 kopeck coins, they were good currency, I just heard the clink of coins as they poured from above, and then I laid them out in piles :)

    The stream was about a meter wide, clear, clean, slowly flowing water, I stood knee-deep in the water, it was warm and pleasant, and my friends and sisters and I collected money, the coins were from a ruble to ten, they were all in use, but I I found a couple of strange coins and hid them in my pocket, then they took the children and went shopping. When I was at home, I showed them to my husband, and he told me not to even talk about the find out loud, otherwise they would kill us all for them, and they were worth a whole lot condition, this is where they woke me up.

    I dreamed that I tried for a very long time to give the woman change for 78 rubles. And, although there were both 5 and 10 ruble coins in the cash register, I counted exactly 2 ruble coins, but there were also euros there, and it’s not clear what, I couldn’t give change.

    I dreamed that I was riding on a bus and an unfamiliar woman gave me commemorative coins; at first I didn’t take them, but then I still took them, since they were very rare.

    I dreamed that I seemed to be in a room that my girlfriend and I for some reason called the mint, where we exchanged coins for banknotes. We have almost 5 thousand. Then I got distracted - a Caucasian man came up to me and I gave him 10 rubles. When I left the room and approached the car, I saw that my brother was putting a wreath of fruit in the back seat, I touched one fruit - it burst and turned out to be empty, I decided that it was artificial, there were white flowers and all sorts of greenery on the wreath, I asked My brother’s where my girlfriend is, he said that she went home to change clothes or get ready. In my dream it seemed to me that we were going to a wake. Please tell me what does this mean??? The dream was very vivid and memorable.

    4-May-2015 Sergey:

    I dreamed that I was collecting our Russian anniversary coins under some kind of board (or something like a table), and I collected 1 ruble, and 2 rubles, and 5 rubles and 10 rubles of the old model and the new model, there were also other foreign ones. Moreover, there were commemorative coins, it is not clear whether they were coins or not, but they were very large. I lay there and collected, collected, collected, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly, and managed to look at some more…. But I didn’t have time to collect everything, because they told me that it was time to go home and the dream was over...

    15-Mar-2015 Anna:

    I had a wonderful dream: I speak mentally with God..., I ask for help, I see a man in white standing somewhere above, he picks up a container with something and dumps the contents on me... and heavy gold coins fall on me like rain, and I hear them ringing... And it resets again... and then lastly it throws another one - I woke up from this ringing...

    5-Feb-2015 Zarina:

    I dreamed that I was collecting coins under a bridge. It was as if the river had receded and all the deposits had opened up. Among the coins were gold items.

    • I understand... You dream of receiving something valuable as a gift, so you dream of riches under a bridge.

      I dreamed that they gave change in coins, and a lot of it, they gave it to the guests, I was even surprised why not in paper, but I forgot how much.

      I dreamed that they gave me two heavy boxes of coins to pass on. They are of different sizes, arranged in cells and are somehow not simple. Someone ordered them, and I have to deliver them. One drawer was open, and I dropped some small coins from it. I started collecting them, but I didn’t find everything, I didn’t have time to do 2-3, and I woke up. While I was collecting, I was very worried that I wouldn’t find it and wouldn’t have time to send it. They will scold you. What does it mean? The coins were gray and small, like Soviet kopecks.

    • Twice during the week I had dreams in which I quickly collected ten-ruble anniversary notes from cracks and potholes in the stairs on the street (1st) and from the sand in a cave (2nd), both dreams were generally disturbing, gloomy, and difficult.