What kind of gas is in gas pipes? Household use of gas: types and dangerous properties

Gas stoves in new buildings must be replaced with electric ones, and in old houses a system must be installed that automatically shuts off the gas in the event of a leak. The leader is sure of this Federal service for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision (Rostechnadzor) Alexey Aleshin.

In an interview" Rossiyskaya newspaper“He also talked about how the control system for elevators in high-rise buildings will change.

The year began with several tragedies in houses connected to gas. Three people died in Podolsk from a gas leak, a woman suffocated in a house in the west of Moscow, and in Saratov, as a result of a gas explosion, 9 people were hospitalized. Recently, Rostechnadzor proposed limiting the use of domestic gas in residential buildings. Tell us in more detail what the essence of this initiative is?

Alexey Aleshin: I would like to immediately clarify that Rostechnadzor itself has never made such a proposal anywhere. We received a request from a State Duma deputy about the state of common gas equipment in the house and what possible ways to reduce the accident rate. We sent a response in which we explained that such initiatives are already being discussed at various platforms. We are talking about the possibility of replacing gas equipment with electric equipment. Such discussions have been going on for a long time, at all kinds of meetings, especially after some tragedies. From time to time the idea of ​​such a replacement arises, but this cannot in any way be called an initiative of our department. There was an impression that Rostekhnadzor proposed this idea, but this is not so. We simply made it clear that such initiatives exist. In addition, I would like to note that we do not deal with in-house gas services. This is not within our competence. But we deal with gas, in particular main gas, and therefore we can give a professional expert assessment.

If all this already exists, then why isn’t it used?

Alexey Aleshin: There is a common belief that it is too expensive. I agree, the financial side of the issue is extremely important, it really isn’t cheap. But when it comes to price, how much is a human life worth? I think it’s unlikely that anyone will take it upon themselves to say that replacing equipment is more expensive than human life.

We should not discount the deterioration of equipment and the human factor; explosions more often occur in houses that are not “newly” built, which are many, many years old. All the equipment used there is far from modern. Very often grandmothers live in such houses, who, if something breaks, turn not to a specialized organization, but to their sons and grandchildren. They come, they tie up something with a wire, the equipment continues to work - the situation is approaching an emergency.

But we can start not with radical measures, but by limiting, for example, the use of gas in new houses.

Alexey Aleshin: I absolutely agree with you, this issue cannot be resolved radically. Regarding new houses, especially when we're talking about about apartment buildings, you can actually use electric stoves there. It’s safer, and besides, these devices are now quite high-tech.

What to do with old houses?

Alexey Aleshin: Use compensating measures: install, for example, gas analyzers, provide the ability to shut off the gas in the event of a leak. Automation should work so that there is no need to turn off the gas manually.

In small populated areas bottled gas is still used. How safe is it?

Alexey Aleshin: Where there is gas, especially under pressure, there is always danger. In addition, the legislation does not regulate the requirements for organizations servicing gas cylinders. But it doesn’t take much to explode such a cylinder. Now, as for main gas, and this is the area of ​​our authority, there are problems here too. Before gas appeared in the apartment, pipelines were laid throughout the city - high, medium, low pressure. And all these are highways along which we walk, drive, and there are construction projects nearby. Although all necessary safety measures are taken, during construction work the line may be damaged. In the Krasnodar Territory, recently, as a result of damage to the main line, gas entered the basement of a house that was not gasified at all, and there it exploded.

Residents of old houses will have to use gas stoves in a new way. Photo: Sergey Mikheev/ RG

What is the reason for the large number of accidents, explosions and even gas poisonings that have been occurring lately?

Alexey Aleshin: At one time there was a well-functioning system. Inspectors came constantly, looked at how the slabs stood, how the meters worked, and whether there were any violations. During the Soviet era, gas supply organizations monitored the use of gas in homes. There is no such system now, unfortunately.

Now you can do this work under a contract. That is, the management company or homeowners’ association enters into an agreement with the organization for the maintenance of intra-household facilities. But there are no requirements for these organizations, whether their employees have qualifications or equipment.

How to fix this situation?

Alexey Aleshin: In December 2016, the Ministry of Construction prepared changes to the legislation, and Rostechnadzor made its proposals. The document states what the requirements for specialized organizations should be. We are confident that our proposals will be considered and accepted in the near future.

And what are these requirements?

Alexey Aleshin: A specialized organization must be accredited somewhere, certified, or it must obtain a license - this is still an open question. It is important that the people who come to carry out inspections are professionals and understand their business.

A year ago there was an accident in residential complex“Scarlet Sails”, when a woman died when an elevator car fell. There was a lot of talk then about the need to change the control system. Has anything actually changed over the year?

Alexey Aleshin: Rostechnadzor has prepared changes in legislation in this area that will be adopted in the near future. First of all, we are talking about the fact that all organizations that service elevators must confirm their qualifications through certification, accreditation or a license. Documents on this topic are at the highest level of readiness.

Much has been said about the fact that the deterioration of the condition of elevators resulted from their exclusion from the list of dangerous objects. After that they left your supervision. When will they be returned to the list of hazardous objects?

Alexey Aleshin: The issue of including elevators in the list of hazardous production facilities has not yet been considered.

How many accidents happen with elevators today?

Alexey Aleshin: Based on the statistics we have, we can say that there was no sharp increase in accidents in 2016: 14 people were injured, 6 people died. For comparison: in 2014, 14 people died in similar accidents. Despite the reduction in accident rates, inaction today is unforgivable. It is necessary to restore order in this area.

In western Germany, where local rather than central heating is common, many houses have gas boilers. Some houses still have gas stoves. Gas is also used to heat water. Experts monitor the correctness of the basic functions of the devices, the presence of harmful emissions, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, as well as the operation of the chimney.

The inspection must be paid for by the home owner and costs about 100 euros. IN multi-storey buildings payment is calculated according to the share coefficient. If deficiencies are discovered, the user - the management company or the owner - must carry out repairs at his own expense. If they do not do this within the specified time frame, departmental authorities will be able to turn off the boilers.

In Israel, most homes use bottled gas. The homeowner enters into an agreement with one of the companies on the market, whose representatives monitor the fullness of the cylinders and periodically change them. Moreover, the cylinders painted for apartments are, of course, not in residential premises, but in special ones, usually on the first floors. Any work related to disconnecting or connecting gas can only be carried out by specialists with the permission of the supplier company.

In Austria, home heating is widely used with gas, which is considered the most economical fuel. Mostly older housing stock is connected to gas networks. Some new buildings already have central heating. Companies check gas meters once a year and issue invoices to customers based on this.

Gas / Gas tariffs

Gas can be piped, or in cylinders or gas tanks. The first one is cheaper, but it is expensive to carry out. The second one is much easier to buy, but it costs a higher price. What are the differences between these two types of fuel and how is the price determined? We publish clarifications from the Regional Energy Commission Omsk region about this question.

What is the difference between liquefied and natural gas?

Natural gas is a mineral; it is a mixture of different gases of natural origin. Most of it is methane. Natural gas is odorless, so odorants - unpleasant-smelling substances - are necessarily introduced into it in order to quickly detect a leak. The specific heat of combustion of such a mixture ranges from 7,600 to 8,500 kcal, the exact figure depends on the composition of the natural gas.

Natural gas is extracted from the depths of the earth, pumped into special gas storage facilities and delivered through gas pipes to consumers.

Liquefied petroleum gas is a product of processing associated petroleum gas and gases from oil refineries, which are hydrocarbons.

In the production of liquefied gas, a liquefied propane-butane mixture is used. In this state, the gas density increases hundreds of times, which increases the efficiency and convenience of transportation, storage and consumption of the mixture. Liquefied gas is filled into special cylinders or pumped into gas tanks. The specific heat capacity of such a mixture is slightly higher and averages 9,500 kcal.

In accordance with the legislation, LPG is distinguished for municipal consumption and industrial purposes and LPG for road transport. Odorants are also added to LPG.

The characteristics of LPG for household needs and for refueling cars differ; therefore, the use of LPG for domestic consumption as fuel for cars is not recommended.

Difference between natural and liquefied gas by sales methods

The methods of selling natural gas and LPG are different: natural gas is supplied to consumers via pipeline, LPG for the population is supplied to consumers by road in containers of various sizes, including individual cylinders, or by tanks for pumping into group tank units (GRU), which are located in the immediate vicinity proximity to residential buildings.

In this regard, liquefied gas cannot be universally replaced with natural gas, since this requires the construction of an extensive network of pipelines.

LPG cylinders for household needs of the population are filled at gas filling stations or at gas filling points.

LPG cylinders for cars are filled at car gas filling stations. The sale of liquefied gas at car gas stations is not subject to state tariff regulation.

Who sets prices for natural and liquefied gas?

Prices for both natural and liquefied gas for domestic needs are subject to government regulation, however, this also has its own specifics.

In the case of natural gas, FAS Russia first sets the wholesale price for gas, tariffs for gas transportation services and fees for supply and distribution services of the gas supplier.

Then, based on these components, the Regional Energy Commission of the Omsk Region forms and approves the retail price of natural gas for the population.

Prices for liquefied gas sold to the population for domestic needs are set at the level of constituent entities and consist mainly of regional components. Federal component - wholesale price for liquefied gas (installed FAS Russia).

The price structure for liquefied and natural gas, which causes differences in tariffs.

Differences in the technology of supplying liquefied and natural gas to consumers largely determine the difference in the price structure for natural and liquefied gas sold to the population for domestic needs.

The itemized structure of the retail price for natural gas in the Omsk region is as follows:

— 80.01% - purchase of gas;

— 16.63% - gas transportation through gas distribution networks;

— 3.36% - cost of supply and sales services.

The Regional Energy Commission of the Omsk Region approves retail prices for natural gas in the summer, since only by this time all the components for these prices appear.

The itemized structure of the retail price for liquefied gas resembles the structure of other tariffs for public utilities, which are established at the level of federal subjects. Thus, in the city of Omsk, the retail price structure for liquefied gas is as follows:

— 35.13% - purchase of gas;

— 26.09% - wages;

— 3.2% - depreciation;

— 35.58% - other expenses, including personnel safety, diagnostic services, examination, inspection of gas equipment, motor transport services, gas transportation services, maintenance of gas filling stations.

The retail price for liquefied gas for the next year is set in December of the current year.

Cost of natural and liquefied gas

Natural gas is much cheaper due to the fact that it is a ready-made product that only needs to be delivered to the consumer.

The cost of natural gas also varies by area of ​​use. If you use gas for cooking, heating, and heating water for hot water supply, then the cost per cubic meter will be much cheaper than, for example, for food preparation without using it for other purposes.

The specifics of the production and delivery of liquefied gas for domestic needs determine its higher price. Liquefied gas also has its own uses, which differ in cost: gas can be supplied through gas distribution devices (gas tanks) (mainly for apartment buildings) or in cylinders (mainly for private houses) with delivery directly to the consumer or with delivery to intermediate places storage Picking up a gas cylinder from an intermediate storage location is cheaper than delivering it to the consumer’s door.

6.29. The installation of gas stoves in residential buildings should be provided in kitchens with a height of at least 2.2 m, having a window with a window (transom), an exhaust ventilation duct and natural lighting.

In this case, the internal volume of kitchen premises must be, m3, not less than:

for gas stove with 2 burners.... 8

" " " " 3 " ....................................... 12

" " " " 4 " ....................................... 15

6.30. In existing residential buildings it is allowed to install gas stoves:

in kitchen premises with a height of at least 2.2 m and a volume of at least specified in clause 6.29 in the absence of a ventilation duct and it is impossible to use chimneys as such a duct, but if there is a window in the room with a window or transom in the upper part of the window;

in private corridors, if there is a window in the corridor with a window or transom in the upper part of the window, the passage between the slab and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m wide, the walls and ceilings of the corridors made of flammable materials must be plastered, and the living quarters must be separated from corridor with dense partitions and a door;

in kitchens with sloping ceilings with a height in the middle part of at least 2 m, the installation of gas equipment should be provided in that part of the kitchen where the height is at least 2.2 m.

6.31.* In existing residential buildings owned by citizens as personal property, it is allowed to install gas stoves in premises that meet the requirements paragraph 6.29 or 6.30 , but having a height of less than 2.2 m up to 2 m inclusive, if these premises have a volume of at least 1.25 times the standard. Moreover, in houses that do not have a dedicated kitchen, the volume of the room where the gas stove is installed should be twice as large as specified in clause 6.29.

If it is impossible to meet these requirements, the installation of gas stoves in such premises may be allowed on a case-by-case basis with the approval of the local sanitary inspection authority.

6.32.* The possibility of installing gas stoves, heating and other devices in buildings located outside a residential building is decided by the design organization and operational organization of the gas industry, taking into account specific local conditions, including the availability of gas for these purposes. At the same time, the premises in which the installation of gas appliances is planned must comply with the requirements for the premises of residential buildings where the placement of such appliances is allowed.

6.33. Wooden unplastered walls and walls made of other combustible materials in places where the slabs are installed should be insulated with non-combustible materials: plaster, roofing steel on an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, etc. The insulation should protrude beyond the dimensions of the slab by 10 cm on each side and at least 80 cm above.

The distance from the stove to the walls of the room insulated with non-combustible materials must be at least 7 cm; the distance between the slab and the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

6.34. For hot water supply, instantaneous or capacitive gas water heaters should be provided, and for heating - capacitive gas water heaters, small-sized heating boilers or other heating devices designed to operate on gas fuel.

The number of floors of residential buildings in which the installation of the specified gas appliances and apparatus is permitted should be taken in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89.

According to the letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2001 N LB-7115/12, the requirements of this paragraph do not apply to apartment heating systems with individual heat heaters with a closed combustion chamber in terms of limiting the number of floors

6.35. It is allowed to convert small-sized (small-sized) factory-made heating boilers intended for solid or liquid fuels to gas fuel.

Heating installations converted to gas fuel must be equipped with gas burner devices with automatic safety in accordance with the requirements stipulated Section 11.

In one room it is not allowed to install more than two capacitive water heaters or two small heating boilers or two other heating devices.

6.36. The installation of chimneys must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91* as for heating stoves. When deciding on the possibility of connecting gas appliances to chimneys, it is allowed to be guided by the data given in the reference Appendix 6.

According to the letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2001 N LB-7115/12, the requirements of this paragraph do not apply to apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems with individual heat heaters with a closed combustion chamber in terms of the size of rooms and chimney devices for heat generators of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems

6.37.* Installation of water heaters, heating boilers and heating devices should be provided in kitchens and non-residential premises intended for their placement and meeting the requirements paragraph 6.42* And 6.43. Installation of these devices in bathrooms is not permitted. The issue of the need to move gas water heaters from bathrooms, in which they were placed in accordance with previously existing standards, to kitchens or other non-residential premises of a residential building during the reconstruction of a house or gas supply system, should be decided on a case-by-case basis by the design organization in agreement with local operating organizations gas industry.

In existing residential buildings, it is allowed to provide for the installation of gas heating appliances and heating appliances in corridors for individual use that meet the requirements paragraph 6.42* And 6.43.

The distance from the protruding parts of gas burners or fittings to the opposite wall must be at least 1 m.

6.38. Installation of gas instantaneous water heaters should be provided on walls made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 2 cm from the wall (including from the side wall).

If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to install an instantaneous water heater on plastered, as well as on walls lined with non-combustible or low-combustible materials at a distance of at least 3 cm from the wall.

The surface of fire-resistant walls should be insulated with roofing steel over an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The insulation should protrude 10 cm beyond the dimensions of the water heater body.

6.39. The installation of gas heating boilers, heating devices and capacitive gas water heaters should be provided near walls made of non-combustible materials at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall.

If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials in the room, it is allowed to install the above heating devices near walls protected in accordance with the instructions clause 6.38, at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall.

6.40. The horizontal clear distance between the protruding parts of the instantaneous water heater and the gas stove should be at least 10 cm.

6.41.* When installing a gas stove and instantaneous water heater in the kitchen, the volume of the kitchen should be taken according to clause 6.29.

When installing a gas stove and a cylinder water heater, a gas stove and a heating boiler or heating device in the kitchen, as well as a gas stove with built-in devices for heating water (heating, hot water supply), the volume of the kitchen must be 6 cubic meters larger than the volume provided clause 6.29.

6.42.* The room intended to accommodate a gas water heater, as well as a heating boiler or heating apparatus, the combustion products of which are discharged into the chimney, must have a height of at least 2 m. The volume of the room must be at least 7.5 m3 when installing one device and not less than 13.5 m3 when installing two heating devices.

6.43. The kitchen or room where boilers, appliances and gas water heaters are installed must have a ventilation duct. For air flow, a grille or gap between the door and the floor with a clear cross-section of at least 0.02 m2 should be provided at the bottom of the door or wall opening into the adjacent room.

According to the letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2001 N LB-7115/12, the requirements of paragraphs 6.41. - 6.43. do not apply to apartment heat supply systems with individual heat heaters with a closed combustion chamber in terms of the size of rooms and chimney devices for heat generators of apartment heat supply systems

6.44.* It is not allowed to place all gas appliances in the basement floors (basements), and for LPG gas supply - in the basement and ground floors of buildings for any purpose.

Note. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to residential buildings owned by citizens as personal property if the basements of these houses have natural light and their gas supply is from natural gas.

6.45. It is allowed to convert heating and heating-cooking furnaces to gas fuel, provided that:

stoves, smoke and ventilation ducts meet the requirements of departmental standards for the construction of heating stoves converted to gas fuel, approved in the prescribed manner;

gas burners installed in the furnaces of heating and heating-cooking furnaces are equipped with automatic safety systems in accordance with the requirements of GOST 16569-86.

6.46. The fireboxes of gasified stoves should be provided, as a rule, on the side of the corridor or other non-residential (non-office) premises.

If it is impossible to meet the specified requirement, it is allowed to provide fireboxes for gasified stoves on the side of residential (office) premises. In this case, the gas supply to the furnaces should be provided by independent branches, on which, at the point of connection to the gas pipeline, a shut-off device should be installed outside the above premises.

The rooms into which the fireboxes of gasified heating and heating-cooking stoves open must have an exhaust ventilation duct or a window with a window or a door opening into non-residential premises or vestibule. A passage at least 1 m wide must be provided in front of the furnace.

6.47. For space heating, it is allowed to install gas fireplaces, air heaters and other factory-made appliances with combustion products discharged into the chimney. The gas burner devices of these devices must be equipped with automatic safety devices in accordance with the requirements stipulated Section 11.

The room in which a gas fireplace or heater is to be installed must have a window with a window or an exhaust ventilation duct.

When installing these devices, it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated clause 6.39.

6.48. The possibility of using and placement conditions for household gas appliances not specified in this section should be determined taking into account the purpose of the appliances, their thermal load, the need to remove combustion products and other parameters regulated by this section.

Natural gas is indispensable in everyday life, but if handled incorrectly, it is a source of increased danger in the apartment. Underestimating the threat can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is very important to carry out scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of gas equipment in residential buildings and know the rules for using gas.

  • When installing new indoor gas equipment, it is necessary to undergo introductory training on how to operate the device in residential premises.
  • Before using gas equipment, it is necessary to ventilate the rooms of the living space and keep the window open while cooking.
  • If the gas supply suddenly stops, immediately turn off all gas appliances and shut off the gas supply to the pipes.
  • At the slightest smell of gas, ventilate the house, close the valves and call the emergency gas service at 04
  • The use of gas equipment by children of primary and preschool age is prohibited.
  • It is contraindicated to sleep in living areas of a house with gas appliances.
  • Independent connection and repair of gas equipment is prohibited.
  • Improper operation of a gas stove, water heating boiler and other gas supply devices for residential buildings is prohibited.
  • It is prohibited to use faulty automatic equipment on a gas water heater in residential premises.

These rules are mandatory for everyone. Failure to comply with safety may lead to irreversible consequences.

Gas supply to apartment buildings

There are two types of gas equipment: intra-house and intra-apartment. The first includes gas pipelines, gas meters for apartment buildings, and the second includes water heating equipment for apartments. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner is responsible for all gas equipment in the apartment. The management company or housing and communal services are responsible for the gas networks located inside residential buildings and for their maintenance.

The company servicing a specific house is obliged to enter into an agreement with the gas distribution organization, but in-house servicing of an apartment building. During the installation of new equipment in apartments, specialists from a gas distribution organization are required to provide detailed instructions on the need to conclude a contract for the maintenance of this device. During the visit of a company employee, residents of houses are offered to enter into an agreement to check the stove or water heater.

Agreement, on Maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment can be concluded by calling a specialist from a gas company to your home or contacting the office yourself with documents for the equipment.

Old, outdated equipment must be replaced, as it can cause gas leaks. According to the operating law, supply of gas fuel is possible only to serviceable equipment.

Emergency technical services are involved in checking the gas equipment of multi-apartment residential buildings. Scheduled checks must be carried out according to schedule, having previously notified the residents of the apartment and house about this in a certain time.

Frequency of checking gas equipment:

  • Gas water heating boilers must be inspected every year.
  • Gas stoves - once every three years

Each gas company has data on the standard operating life of equipment. But you should check your own stoves and AGV at the slightest smell of gas or an unstable supply of blue fuel to the burners.

When specialists perform maintenance work, the following set of actions is carried out:

  • Visual inspection for leaks at gas pipeline connections and gas shutoffs.
  • Checking the tight fastening of parts at all joints on the equipment.
  • Inspection of exhaust pipes and chimneys of residential buildings
  • Stable operation of gas supply to stoves and water heating devices.
  • Setting the gas supply intensity in the equipment
  • Checking automatic and electronic work devices.
  • General shutdown of gas in all apartments of a residential building and performance of work according to regulations.
  • Checking for leaks with a liquid pressure gauge.

If a leak is detected, gas company specialists are required to check the integrity of the gas supply to each apartment. If for any reason it is not possible to visit every resident, the gas will be left shut off for an indefinite period of time until the problem is resolved.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, all responsibility for servicing gas equipment lies with the owners, and not with the management company. Gas poisoning is a real fact that can occur due to the negligence of residents. The law requires the mandatory conclusion of a gas service agreement with each owner. One house must be serviced by one organization and the work must be completed 100%.

Gas supply may be interrupted in cases of gas leakage, equipment failure or due to a threat emergency situation in the apartment. In this case, gas suspension must be carried out immediately, without notifying the tenant.

The threat may be:

  • Insufficient gas concentration in pipes when supplied to gas-using equipment.
  • Lack of stable exhaust in chimneys and ventilation
  • Detection of illegal access to gas supply networks
  • Unauthorized installation of gas equipment, without the participation of professionals
  • Using faulty water heating gas equipment
  • Lack of a mandatory contract with the gas company for maintenance

According to the operation law, gas supply to apartments may be suspended with prior notice in special cases.

Reasons for stopping gas supply with notification:

  • Residents repeatedly refuse to enter into an agreement for in-house gas service
  • reluctance of owners to inspect gas equipment.
  • Expiration of the warranty period or detection of a malfunction of indoor gas equipment

Installation of meters

The question is how to save cash and not overpaying for gas is a concern for every resident. One of the ways is to install gas meters. The Energy Saving Law requires the mandatory installation of these devices in every apartment. Control over gas supply will allow for a fair calculation of gas costs for the needs of residents. They will pay only for the gas received, and not overpay for extra cubic meters.

Features of the use of gas in apartment buildings

Gas consumption in private houses is much higher than in apartment buildings. This is due to the number of gas consuming equipment. Also, in high-rise buildings, the installation of gas cylinders is prohibited for fire safety reasons.

Fines for violating the integrity of gas equipment

When installing a new meter on gas equipment, the device was required to be sealed with a protective sensor. Citizens who try to remove the seal or violate its integrity will be forced to pay a fine of 1–2 thousand rubles. For officials and legal entities, the amount of the fine will increase several times. But a fine can be avoided if you immediately contact the gas service. Specialists will conduct an examination, and if they prove that this is an accident, then you will only need to pay for the replacement of the seal.

Gasification of apartments

Gas connection to apartment house? The question worries many owners. Many moved into new buildings, many bought apartments that do not have a gas connection. But the result is the same - you need to carry out the gas. Connection is carried out in the following order:

  • First of all, it is required to hold a meeting of homeowners on the topic “Gasification and connection of each residential apartment” and record the meeting notes in the minutes. This document should contain lists of those present, issues that were raised at the meeting and their resolution, and the results of voting by residents.
  • secondly, you need to contact Management company or housing and communal services with an application to connect the apartment. If the company does not have designers, then any design organization can help with this. But first it is necessary to obtain permission from the administration to draw up a new reconstruction project.
  • After drawing up the project, they calculate the estimate and submit the documents to the City Gas Service. There, an application for connection is considered for up to 15 days. If the issue is resolved positively, the project is transferred to the housing and communal services to carry out the work.
  • The housing office hires installers who weld missing communications into apartments. After all the work, the technical indicators will be checked for leaks.
  • Gas services will seal the meters, check the system and begin gasification of the apartment building.

What gas is used in apartments - natural or liquefied? Cooking stoves and space heating systems are powered by fossil fuels, which are extracted from the depths of the earth. Naturally, before it ends up in the pipes that lead to our homes, the gas is first processed, substances are added to it that make its composition optimal for use for domestic purposes. Let's find out what kind of gas is in the apartment?


What kind of gas is in apartments - propane or methane? In fact, the fuel that is supplied to homes is a mixture of not only these substances, but also a whole host of additional substances. In fact, its basis is methane. The content of this substance in natural fuel can range from 70 to 98%.

And answering the question what kind of gas is in the apartment, we can say that in addition to methane, it contains the following substances:

  • propane;
  • butane;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • water vapor.

In order to protect such fuel and make it of higher quality, optimal for use in domestic purposes, suppliers purify the natural fossil, remove excess impurities from it, and only then sell it to consumers.

What is the gas pressure in the apartment?

How to protect yourself when using gas appliances

In order for natural fuel to bring only benefits, you need to follow the generally established rules for using gas appliances:

  1. It is recommended to call specialists annually to check the draft in the premises.
  2. It is not necessary to completely insulate ventilation grilles, as well as windows and doors in winter.
  3. Before leaving home for a long time, you should turn off all gas taps and valves, and also turn off electrical devices.
  4. Do not leave functioning gas appliances unattended.
  5. If you smell gas, you should avoid turning on lights and using open flames.

What does this or that color of fire in the burner indicate?

The shade of the flame in a gas burner can tell you about the combustion characteristics of natural fuel. If the fire has a rich blue color of a homogeneous structure, it means that the gas is completely burned. At the same time, the maximum possible amount of heat is released into the space.

What happens when the flame in the burner turns reddish or bright yellow? If the combustion gas is any color other than blue, this may indicate that the burner is receiving limited air or the gas is of poor quality. In this case, fossil fuels do not provide heating efficiently enough. To eliminate this drawback, it is enough to call a qualified specialist by contacting the gas industry.

As you can see, the color of the gas during combustion can give useful information. A yellowish or reddish tint of the fuel when ignited indicates that low-density gas is being supplied to the house. And since heating boilers are designed to consume fuel of a certain quality, when the gas density decreases, the equipment will need more substances to create a comfortable temperature.

In fact, yellow or red flames on the igniter indicate that the devices are using more fuel. Management companies may be to blame for such an omission. Some of them deliberately reduce the carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon content in the gas. Therefore, if the color of the flame on a gas burner changes, users have the right to contact the supplier for clarification.


So we figured out what kind of gas is in the apartment, and answered a number of other questions. Finally, it is worth noting that the use of high-quality natural fuel is extremely important point, which affects the stable operation and efficiency of the equipment. Unfortunately, consumers do not have the opportunity to independently determine how high-quality fuel is supplied to their home. Therefore, it is important to periodically involve specialists to check gas equipment.