Fallout shelter how to find power armor. Weapons in Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter is a game that has become a kind of calling card for the fourth part of Fallout on PC. Very little time passed after the presentation of the mobile version, and the toy became the most popular among smartphone users.

Game process

Since this is a mobile version, you shouldn’t expect incredible things from it. storylines and any adventures. the main task gamer - build a shelter. In addition, it is necessary to look after the inhabitants who arrive here, the resources that support life, and the raids that destroy everything around.

The game does not require an Internet connection and is almost free. What we mean here is that you can download and play without investing, but if you want to build and upgrade faster, you can invest money.

To get all the necessary resources, you need to lead people. For this purpose, each resident has his own characteristics in character. They can be developed by sending the little man to this or that room, which will improve a certain skill. For example, it is better for “strong people” to work in a room to generate electricity. Therefore, to work there, choose residents with a high strength indicator. It will also help develop their skills.

If suddenly some skills are not enough, over time they will be available GYM's, improving one or another ability.

There is strength - no need for intelligence

Once you've settled down a bit, you need to send a villager to the Wasteland of Fallout Shelter. For this you will need the most powerful weapon, it is also better to stock up on anti-radins and stimulants. How better hero will be equipped, the more useful things he will bring to the bunker.

In general, over time you realize that Fallout game Shelter weapons are the most important. Therefore, when a sufficient number of machine guns and pistols are collected in the warehouse, you need to equip each resident with them.

In general, it is necessary to use the most powerful weapons in Fallout Shelter because you often have to fight off attacks from cockroaches, raiders, rats and other villains. If at the initial stage even pistols with an attack of 1-2 are useful, then later machine guns with a strength of 10 or more will become necessary.


There are many weapons available in the game. Most of them are not original, but have already been encountered in different parts of Fallout. Each of them does not have any special abilities or damage type. It, like residents, can be identified by parameters - SPECIAL. But there is another category by which weapons in Fallout Shelter can be divided. It is a rarity. So, the quality level can be common, rare or legendary.

But it is worth remembering that if you take an improved legendary air gun, it may be inferior in strength to a regular plasma rifle. With each level you will find more and more powerful weapons.

Dragon to the rescue

To avoid beating around the bush, Fallout Shelter best weapon- This is the “Maw of the Darkon”. This legendary plasma thrower can destroy anyone and turn them into a pile of ash. This weapon is the dream of everyone who is tired of the constant attacks of terrible monsters. Therefore, we will now find out where to get this power.

So, in Fallout Shelter, few people have any idea how to create a weapon. This is because at the initial stage of the game there is no crafting we're talking about and at all. But you will understand everything when one day a resident, coming from the Wasteland, brings you a drawing of the “Maw of the Dragon”.

The manufacturing itself takes place in a weapons workshop, the level of which must be at least three. Additionally, you will need 22,500 caps to complete. Among other things, you need to collect and necessary materials to make a legendary weapon. We collect three military electrical circuits, globes and chemist kits.

By the way, the fact that weapons cannot be obtained anywhere except by assembling them yourself is very fair. If it could be purchased at game store or it fell out of the lunchboxes, it wouldn’t be interesting.

Where to find?

By the way, in the game Fallout Shelter, weapons of almost any type can be created in the workshop. To do this, you need workers with a high level of strength, a bunch of junk that a resident from the Wasteland will definitely bring, lids and, of course, a recipe. Weapons drop from lunchboxes, are brought from campaigns, and are also collected from the corpses of raiders.

It is best for each resident to have an extra pistol with them. At first, cockroaches appear in one of the rooms; if workers do not cope with them, they begin to spread throughout all other rooms. You can kill with your fists, but only at first.

One of the key points of the game is selecting the right equipment and weapons for your residents. After all, even a character with high levels of strength and endurance, without good armor and weapons, will not be able to hold out for long in the wasteland. Weapons in Fallout Shelter are the core of the game. Without using weapons, it is impossible to complete missions or defend against raider attacks. And the very first attack will undoubtedly lead to the complete destruction of all the inhabitants of the bunker.


There are types and types of weapons in the game. The types include light, heavy and energetic. And the types include the probability of getting this or that gun. Those. These are common, rare or legendary weapons. Of course, legendary guns do the most damage. But they are also the hardest to get.

Where to begin

You will most likely find your first weapon in your lunchbox. Choose the most damage-worthy option and equip it with the strongest and most durable resident. Choose suitable armor for this character and send him into the wasteland for reconnaissance. If you are lucky and there is a pet in the bunker, send the animal along with the scout.

At first, it is not recommended to make long forays, since your character may simply not survive until the end of the reconnaissance. Send a resident into the wasteland for no more than 12 hours. Later, when you learn how to make stimulants and antiradins, equipping a resident with them, you can send him on a trip for longer.

Remember, the longer a resident is in the wasteland, the more useful things he will bring. And of course, he will be in greater danger on his journey.

By obtaining uniforms in this way, you will need to equip all your residents with decent guns and armor. select it in such a way that it is most useful for the resident’s work. The best weapons in Fallout Shelter should be given to guards and first-level workers to protect against raider attacks. Distribute the leftovers among other residents so that they can repel rats and cockroaches.

Types of weapons

Weapons in Fallout Shelter, like many other things, were borrowed by the developers from other parts of Fallout. True, in Shelter the developers have somewhat simplified the gameplay. There are no special skills in the game that are worth leveling up in other parts. All weapons actually only affect the S.P.E.C.I.A.L parameters. and, sometimes, requires the presence of any of the parameters.
Like armor, weapons can be common, rare, or, the most desirable - legendary. The rarity of items is distinguished by their colors. The game also provides the ability to craft weapons.
By type of weapons they are divided into:

  • Light (shotgun, rifle, pistol);
  • Heavy (grenade launcher, flamethrower);
  • Energy (all kinds of blasters).

As soon as a person enters the bunker, he is given a “fist” weapon along with his overalls. In this case, the damage of all fists is the same and equal to one unit. Which, in general, is not so bad, considering that some pistols have damage of 0-1 or 0-2. Such a small joint.

Now let's look at each type in a little more detail.

Light weapons

In all games, pistols are an indispensable representative of light weapons. In Fallout Shelter, they are presented in huge quantities, and at the beginning of the game you will have to choose from them. On initial stages In the game, all light weapons that you manage to find will have damage of about 2-5 units.

  • The most desirable representative of pistols is the Blackhawk revolver. This “gun” has an optical sight and shoots 44 caliber bullets. In one shot you can inflict 3 to 8 units of damage on an enemy. You can find this gun by opening lunchboxes.
  • Shotguns are in second place in terms of damage. These “toys” are very effective at short distances and inflict decent damage on the enemy. The legendary representative of this weapon is the Charon shotgun. This “baby” is capable of inflicting from 13 to 18 units of damage to the enemy at a time.
  • The third representative of light weapons are all kinds of rifles and sawn-off shotguns. Their damage differs from pistols by about 2 times. The most desirable representative of this type of weapon is the Nailgun nail gun. This “gun” is classified as legendary, which means you can only get it in lunchboxes. The Nailgun has damage of 14-19 units, and is the leader in this indicator among light weapons.

Energy weapons

There are quite a lot of all kinds of fictional weapons that will be built in the future in the game. It is quite easy to recognize such trunks. They have unusual shape and, most often, bright colors. And representatives of energy guns are blasters, plasma rifles and other things that are not clear on what they work on.

The damage of energy weapons is roughly similar to that of rifles and shotguns. But still somewhat different in a big way. Well, this is a weapon of the future, how could it be otherwise?

The most interesting representatives of this type of weapon are:

  1. A destabilizer that deals 18-23 units of damage to the enemy at a time.
  2. Rifle "Green Death" with damage 17-23 units per shot.

Both weapons are legendary, which means they will be extremely difficult to obtain.

Heavy weapons

The rarest and most powerful weapon in Fallout Shelter, which has enormous damage. It’s worth noting right away that there are no conventional weapons in this branch. This can only mean one thing - getting hold of heavy weapons will be incredibly difficult. Any representative of heavy weapons can compete in damage with both light and energy weapons. And the most desirable representative, the Fat Man grenade launcher, has damage of 22-27 units.

Where to get

At first, every player has a reasonable question about where to get weapons in Fallout Shelter, and whether it is possible to buy them. Let's go in order.

You cannot buy weapons in Fallout Shelter using caps. You can only sell unnecessary junk. But you can buy it for real money. To do this, you should purchase lunchboxes, from which very “tasty guns” can fall out.

Common and rare weapons can be obtained in game and wasteland missions. The better the luck of the resident you send on reconnaissance, and the longer he stays there, the better weapons, armor and items he will bring home.

The likelihood of finding rare weapons and armor is affected by the luck of the character who is sent on reconnaissance.

Upgrade your scouts first, and also equip them with the best armor and weapons.

Another option for obtaining weapons is looting. The raiders who break into your camp are quite well armed. Search corpses, collect armor, caps and weapons of dead enemies.

Like any self-respecting game, Fallout Shelter has some things designed to make it easier for the user to complete the game. In the case of Fallout Shelter, these are all kinds of armor and weapons to protect the inhabitants of the shelter. The best armor adds a large number of advantages to the characteristics of a resident. However, it is also the rarest.

The main types of armor in Fallout Shelter:

  • armored shelter suit;
  • combat armor;
  • military armor;
  • leather armor;
  • raider armor;
  • power armor;
  • ranger armor.

It makes no sense to dwell in detail on all types of armor. It is quite enough to disassemble the “coolest” and rare types of armor. They are generally very difficult to find or obtain. However, the matter is worth the candle.

Combat armor

As you may have guessed, combat armor serves for the safety of the character during combat operations. For example, a raider raid or reconnaissance of the wasteland. If you dress a character in such a “suit,” his strength and survivability will increase somewhat. Combat armor in the game is divided into several types. The coolest is the heavy legendary armor. It adds plus 4 to the character's strength and plus 3 to stamina. Many people wonder how to obtain such protection. Just like all the equipment in the game. Through wasteland exploration or in lunchboxes. But do not forget that this is legendary armor and it comes across very, very rarely. And regular combat armor can be obtained at the very beginning of the game from the very first lunchbox. It will give the character +2 to strength and +1 to endurance.

Military armor

Military armor is almost the same as regular combat armor. Only unlike the latter, it adds advantages to strength and agility. As usual, military armor is divided into three types: common, rare and legendary. It goes without saying that the most “tasty” advantages are provided by the legendary military armor. If you put a couple of characters in such armor and place them near the door to the shelter, then raids by raiders and all kinds of mutants will not be scary for you. You don’t have to think long about how to find such armor. The same as all other armor and clothing. Through expeditions into the wasteland or from lunchboxes.

Leather armor

This type of armor exists in many games of this genre. Leather armor in Fallout Shelter is not particularly rare or particularly valuable. The impact on the character's characteristics is minimal. As befits armor, it adds strength and endurance to the character. But its parameters cannot be compared with the parameters of military armor.

Power armor

So we got to the “coolest” type of armor in Fallout Shelter. All power armor is unique and legendary. It is almost impossible to get it. But if it did work out, then consider yourself very lucky. Power armor also has an alternative name - enclave armor. Probably, the developers initially planned to make another subtype of armor, but combined it all into one power armor.

The list of subtypes of power protection is quite long. We will not go into detail about each type. It just needs to be noted that the coolest types of this armor add as many as three character parameters. Strength, endurance and perception. If you managed to get such armor for at least a couple of characters, then consider that you have already completed the “fallout shelter”. It is very difficult to find such armor in the wastelands. You can only rely on lunchboxes. With a certain amount of luck, the next “suitcase” can bring you this cool reservation.


In general, all types of protection in Fallout Shelter make it very easy to complete the game. If you are lucky and you find power armor somewhere, then consider that the matter is in the bag. In the meantime, use the regular one and repel the attacks of raiders and mutants.

In any modern game that is based on donation, there are methods, things and weapons that can give you superiority over other players. Fallout was no exception. To feel good in this game you need to either invest money or time. Today we’ll talk about what kind of armor there is in Fallout Shelter, how to choose it correctly and where to get it.

A little about the characters' characteristics

Each resident in the game Fallout Shelter has a certain set of characteristics. These characteristics are designated in the game as SPECIAL. Capitalize each quality.

At the beginning, every resident of Falaut has a certain set of these qualities. As the level increases or as the resident trains, his parameters may increase.

The easiest way to increase the characteristics of your heroes is to dress them in armor and give them weapons. Any clothing in a fallout shelter raises some characteristic of the resident. Clothes don't always mean armor. For example, the game has sexy clothes that increase the charisma of the owner. By putting such clothes on two residents and sending them to the same room, you won’t have to wait long for an addition to the bunker.

When a resident is wearing something other than the standard blue vault suit, his characteristics complement the clothing parameters. Additional options are displayed in blue.

Note! Any clothing can be transferred to any character who is in the bunker at any time. Use this during raider attacks, strengthening those residents who are in this moment fight the attackers.

Types of armor

The developers have diversified the world of Fallout by adding more than a hundred types of different clothes. All clothing has different characteristics and is divided into categories and prevalence.

Regular costumes can be found in the wasteland. They come across quite often on the path of your scouts. Just equip the strongest, most successful and hardiest resident with the best armor and weapons and send them on reconnaissance. The longer a resident spends exploring, the more he will bring.

Common Items usually found in the wasteland. The chance of finding such an item is not very high, but it exists.

Unique or legendary clothes are worn by unique characters that can be obtained by opening lunchboxes. Such clothes cannot be found or made; they become available only with a resident.

Power armor- This is the rarest and most powerful clothing in the game. It cannot be found or made. Found exclusively in lunchboxes. Increases the character's basic combat characteristics. Therefore, it should be used either for bunker defense or as equipment for those residents whom you send on reconnaissance.

For the holidays, the developers are introducing into the game special types suits. Such clothes correspond to the spirit of the holiday and appear once a year. You can get such equipment by opening a lunchbox, or completing various tasks.

It is noteworthy that most of the armor images in fallout shelter are taken from other games in the series.

Asylum jumpsuit

The clothes that all new arrivals or newborn residents wear. Doesn't add any parameters. These clothes cannot be sold after you dress a villager in something better.

Combat armor

Adds several points of strength and endurance to the resident. Used during attacks on a bunker or for exploring the wasteland. In some cases, it can be worn by residents who work at the reactor to increase their strength indicators.

You can get it by exploring the wasteland, from lanceboxes, or by creating it in the workshop.

Unlike the previous one, it adds strength and agility parameters to the character. These types of uniforms are better suited for protecting a bunker than for reconnaissance of the wasteland, because... do not have the endurance characteristic. If you come across such armor, dress several residents in it and send them to guard the doors of the shelter.

Leather armor

The most common outfit in any game. It somewhat improves the owner’s performance, but you can’t count on anything worthwhile. Of course, such clothes will be better than overalls, but they also need to be changed at the first opportunity.

Power armor

The most desirable and best armor in Fallout Shelter. You can get it only by spending a lot of time in the game, or by spending a decent amount of money. Finding such equipment in the wasteland is almost impossible. The only real way to get your hands on the gear is through lunchboxes or promotions. Several copies of such uniforms will allow you to feel comfortable and confident in the game.

How to choose

  • Clothing and armor in Fallout Shelter play not only a protective role. When dressing residents in this or that clothing, first of all, you need to take into account their place of work. For example, for generator workers, you need to select clothes that increase strength indicators. And for the couple you send to a secluded room, the best attire will be the one that increases charisma.
  • Select the strongest, most resilient and dexterous inhabitants to guard the shelter. Send them to the doors and equip them with the best military armor. If you have power armor in the vault, put it on the guards, and forget about invading the bunker.
  • For the residents you send into the wasteland, not only strength and endurance, but also luck play an important role. After all, luck affects not only the quantitative indicators of what is found, but also allows you to find rare weapons or armor. Therefore, it is worth making a compromise between these three indicators for researchers.


The weapons and armor in Fallout Shelter are unusual, and add a unique atmosphere and flavor to the game. Explore the wasteland, destroy the bunker, find and create new equipment, and enjoy the game.

IN Fallout Shelter best armor and clothing not at all the one that costs more, but the one that suits your character. You can get things in several ways - found in the wasteland or found in lunch boxes (you will learn more about how to get a lot of free lunch boxes), and more recently from raiders attacking a shelter after their death. When choosing equipment inFallout Shelter Several factors need to be taken into account:

1. For workers, it is best to select clothes based on the place of their work, that is, for Power Generator workers, it is necessary to take clothes with the best strength indicator. More details about the characteristics.

2. For the shelter guards standing at the entrance, there should be the coolest clothes, preferably power armor, which gives a bonus to strength and endurance.

3. For wasteland explorers, in addition to strength and endurance, a very important characteristic is luck, thanks to which you can get a much larger jackpot. You will find everything you need to know about the wasteland.

In addition, you can get rid of unnecessary equipment by simply selling it. You may ask how to sell things inFallout Shelter and the answer is very banal - you just open the warehouse menu, click on the Outfits tab, click on the item you need, or rather not, and click the icon with the image of a yellow cap.

Stands apart power armorFallout Shelter and many are interested how to get And where to get such cool equipment. Most likely to get it from lunch packs, less likely to get it from your radioactive wasteland explorers.

Complete list of Fallout Shelter items



Unique character clothing

Power armor

Festive costumes

Have a good game!